
Story by Aren19 on SoFurry

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A gift story for Danza over on FA

Aren has been sacrificed by his local village to appease the dragons that roam nearby in order to be safe for another year.

It's that time of year, the Year of the Dragon! Who among you will bring about a bountiful harvest?

What's that? No willing volunteers? Looks like we're seeking the fire's wisdom again!

I see...I see...! A white tiger! You! Grab him! Use force if you have to. It's time for the feast!

Aren gradually opens his eyes. His vision blurred, but he could make out the brown coloring of the ground and the burned trees surrounding him. Aren opens his eyes wide; this is dragon territory! He moves, but his hands and legs are tied. He winces in pain from the wound to the back of his head. One of the priests must have knocked him out in his attempt to escape being this year's sacrifice.

Every year before the year closes, the village selects one of their own to appease a dragon. This dragon will let others know not to destroy the village in order to survive another year. Of course, not many people are willing and the priests turn to the flame passed down through the centuries. More often than not, these visions are rigged and the priests choose criminals or those suspected of being among them.

Aren's crimes were petty, stealing coffers from the priests to help those in need. He was careful, but there were talks among the priests seeing a striped tail leaving the temple with coins jingling. The white tiger sighs. He lived a good life, but he wasn't going to just give up and become lunch!

In the distance, Aren sees a dragon strolling his way. Panicking, he frantically pulls at the binds. The villagers knew how to tie a good knot it seems. The blue creature sees Aren squirming and makes his way closer and faster towards the white tiger. Aren looks up at the restraints, but he's made no progress in loosening them. The trotting is getting louder and Aren squirms faster. He stops. The footsteps stop too. Aren looks in front of him.

The dragon stands in front of the white tiger, breathing heavily on Aren's naked body. Aren shivers, his nether regions stirring from the warm breath. "Let's get this over with, dragon." Aren looks over the dragon, noting the blue and black pattern and a white underbelly. He looks past the plump belly, his future home, and saw a sheath and balls, confirming this dragon is male. The dragon lowers his head at Aren and the tiger closes his eyes.

"Why you?

Aren opens his eyes and looks into the dragon's yellow eyes. "Beg your pardon?"

"When your village brings a patron to this altar they've usually done something. So tell me, what have you done to end up here?" The dragon sits down. His belly gives out a loud growl.

"I stole from the priests. Those fuckers have more coin than they could possibly do with."

The dragon lifts his paw towards Aren. Aren winces, but feels his hands losen. The dragon cut the binds holding his hands and proceeds to free his legs. The tiger falls on his butt and rubs it. The dragon lowers his head to meet with Aren. "Call me Danza. I can't just let you free, but we can make the most of your remaining time." Danza slithers his tongue out and licks over Aren's body. Aren shivers and tries to move away from the massive tongue, but his body betrays him and he leans into the warm appendage.

Danza opens his mouth and guides Aren into it with his tongue. Aren crawls into the inviting mouth and lays on it. Aren's cock emerges from his sheath and into the warm air of Danza's mouth. Danza snakes his tongue around Aren's nine-inch member, down his balls, and into his hole. Aren moans and purrs, vibrating on the large dragon's tongue as the appendage push Aren towards the throat.

Lost in a state of bliss, Aren pushes against the uvula and rubs his face against it. His cock twitches and drips pre down his shaft. Danza lays on his back, his own cock free, and inches his tongue into the tiger's rump until he finds Aren's prostate. He pushes and rubs against it, pushing Aren over the edge. The tiger moans and shoots his cum over himself and on Danza's tongue. Aren lays down on the tongue completely spent. He rubs the tongue and stares up at the roof of the mouth.

"It's time to go." Danza slowly closes his mouth around Aren, sucking the tender body and getting his taste associated with his tongue. Aren looks towards the closing mouth, waving good-bye to the outside world. He feels his whole world shift as Danza raises his head up high and swallows, plunging Aren's head into the dragon's throat.

Danza swallows again, taking the tigers cum covered chest into his throat. Aren makes a rather plump bulge in the dragon's throat. He moves his paw to his throat and rubs where Aren is. He swallows again and feels his prey move further down his throat. Aren squirmed within the tight throat and pressure from Danza's paw, but this only made the dragon happier.

Another gulp and Aren's privates squeeze against the throat muscles and Danze's paw. He squirms as his dick gets hard again. He moves inside the throat, wiggling further and further towards the dragon stomach. Danza swallows again and Aren's feet slip into the throat. Aren's head pokes into the stomach.

Aren looks around the belly. The walls contract and expand with every breath the dragon takes. He slips further and further inside until he lays completely on the stomach floor. His dick painfully hard, he flips over and grinds his erection into the belly walls.

Feeling his occupant enjoying himself, Danza reaches to his untouched knotted red member and strokes it against his squirming belly. The two are approaching fast and with good reason; Aren is loving the warm, wet feeling all around him and Danza's enjoying the squirming Aren is making from his jerk session and his continuous purring vibrating his belly is helping as well.

Aren buries his face in the stomach floor and moans into it, cumming hard inside the dragon stomach. Danza roars and shoots his load onto the now motionless stomach. The two guys pant heavily and rest their tired bodies as their dicks work their way back into their home. Danza flips over, flipping Aren as well, and walks away from the altar.

"Your village will be safe for another year. I hope they find someone with justified crimes like yours next year. You guys are fun," Danza said.