He Who Plays With the Devil's Toys...

Story by Corran Orreaux on SoFurry

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Just a really really really short thing I cooked up about a poor damned soul's punishment in the afterlife, an eternity of Orgasm denial and ballbusting!

Erin had long considered being jerked off by a demon to be a wonderful fantasy and in many ways it still was. But the difference between what he would often imagine while masturbating himself to sleep every night and the very real situation that he was in was that he would have cum at some point. He didn't cum here, not yet at least and in full honesty, it didn't seem like he would any time soon. He never was a religious man, not that he didn't believe in some type of higher power, he just never really thought about it, which even to himself he realized all too late after his death was a little strange. He was a more in the moment type of guy, and since spiritual stuff rarely came knocking at his door, he just didn't bother with pondering his existence. Did he regret that now that his soul was sentenced to hell? Eh, he wasn't sure. One one end, his punishment was really nice, on the other it was really not.

The brown wolf's mind was clouded with ecstasy, it was rarely allowed a moment of clarity anymore and the ones he found were spent upset due to yet another denied release.

He was so close! Just a hair away from cumming! But that demon - his torturer - was a master of this. He knew all the signs, the increase in moans and panting, the rapid humps growing even faster, the desperate whines, the demonic lion knew just exactly when to stop and when to start it all over again.

"Dammit!" Erin screamed in frustration as the lion's paw let go of his cock once again. He pulled against the chains that kept him attached to the small bench situated against a volcanic wall, no good.

The red-furred lion just chuckled at this. Wiping the pre-cum that naturally collected on his paw onto his loincloth.

"Let me cum dammit, let me cum!"

The lion's chuckle turned into a full-on laugh.

"Beg, demand, cry, whatever, it makes no difference," The lion placed a finger at the tip of the red and pulsing member, gently poking, rubbing, flicking, and sometimes even leaning in to lick a bit of pre-cum off of it. It all was too much, Erin made another frustrated whine, trying to push his legs together so maybe he could jerk off his cock between his thighs. But those chains covered his body, they made sure to keep his legs still and apart just as much as the rest of him.

"Well, maybe I could let you cum, just once," The demon fully wrapped his paw back around the cock, slowly and steadily pumping it, making Erin once again pump in tandem with the lion's paw in desperate hope of release.

"Y-yes, yes, please!" Erin cried, switching from anger to begging in the blink of an eye.

"If..." The lion smirked, purposely drawing his words out as his pumping increased in speed.

"What, what? Please tell me please, I just wanna cum!"

"Eh, I'll tell you later"

"You fucking monster!"

"Well, that hurt my feelings pup," The lion stopped once again, leaving Erin's erection rock hard and needy.

"You know what happens when you hurt my feelings?"

Erin's eyes shot wide. He knew well what would happen. He slightly panicked, babbling for a second before finally forming coherent words. "No, no please, I-I'm sorry, don't!"

The lion balled up his fist and punched the wolf's balls as hard as he could. Erin squalled, failing around as much as he could in his binds. The lion didn't remove his fist however, he kept it there, digging it into Erin's balls and crushing them between his paw and Erin's body.

"Please, oh God please stop, it hurts!"

"Invoke a name that means nothing here if you want, you still got an eternity of mashed balls and no cum. How long have you been here in mortal time? I'd say about a year!"