Day 2 (morning): Masturbation, Magic, Beauty and Me

Story by ResistanceISFutileWeAreTheBorg on SoFurry

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Day 2 (Morning). There's yiff in this one, so I wish to warn any viewers who are not yet 18 to leave this site (and this page, or go to a "no-yiff" or "clean" story (like day one^_^)). For those of you who are 18 or over, I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you are only here for the yiff, just read the first section and then move on to another story. But I encourage you to stay and read and maybe even take a look at the clean first chapter.

As always, please rate and comment....I love comments!...and enjoy of course!


"Brrrrrrriiii-" came the sound of my prematurely interrupted alarm clock. "Damn you!" I shouted at the noisy nuisance after hitting it to shut it up, "always such a party pooper!"

All that was left of my deliciously sensual dream were a few fading memories of intertwined bodies and lustful desire. Well, those and the erection tenting my sheets, where a small dot of dampness marked the spot where my pre was leaking through the sheets.

"Well at least you and I can have some fun," I said in mock fraternity, sighing that I couldn't remember who my new found love was that I had just been extremely romantically involved with over the course of my explicit dream. I was pretty sure it was Dalia though, for I remember having the feeling that whoever I had shared my bed of dreams with spoke in a slightly lower, yet richer, vocal range than the majority of the girls I knew.

I untangled myself from my sheets, sitting on the side of my bed, staring down at my throbbing meat trying to grasp at the last few strands of the vanishing dream. I shook my head and sighed, it was definitely gone, and there was nothing I could do about it... or maybe there was, I chuckled to myself. So I gathered up my towel and some underwear all the while grinning in anticipation of the cathartic shower I would soon be having. I was lucky Jason was so punctual with his daily routines, it meant I could assure myself an hour of peace in the shower to attend my needs before my bathroom-mate decided to make an appearance at 8:00am like always.

The nuns who ran the orphanage separated the pubescent boys from the rest and sent them to these quarters, a set of four two-person rooms which shared a common bathroom. Lucky for me, there was only me and Jason this year, and since Jason was the physical embodiment of punctuality, I was safe to do whatever the hell I liked.

And that is exactly what I had planned, I thought to myself as I turned on the warm shower. As the water flowed around me, I could feel my arousal calling to me, asking me to finish what it had started in my dreams.

What man could possibly refuse the call of his manhood? I asked myself as I reached down to pull along the length of my throbbing member; my soft, wetted paw fur feeling like gentile silk on the sensitive pink skin.

I started jerking off in earnest, letting my hand glide up and down my erection, the water from the shower flowing over my entire body, giving me the almost erotic feeling of being wrapped in a blanket of warmth: the sensation echoing the pleasures my hand was stimulating through its rhythmic masturbation.

My other hand roamed my body, rubbing, pinching, and pressuring my most sensitive areas. In my head, I tried to picture the intercourse with Dalia that I believed had been the object of my dreams. However, my eyes didn't want to close, nor project into my imagination, for the pleasures of the moment were too intense to ignore.

I felt myself lose control to my desires, to the rhythm that was driving me to my orgasm. I varied the pace of the back and forth motion, letting the acceleration of the movement race my heart into a fever pitch of passion and pleasure, then decelerating slowly to an excruciatingly slow pace that transformed my urges into bliss. It was all I could do to restrain the convulsions my body so urgently desired. It caused me to moan in ecstasy.

"Human/Red Fox hybrid masturbation, typical of all human hybrid masturbation techniques." Came a cold voice from behind me.

"Holy shit" I shouted, opening my eyes and letting go of my erection, anger and embarrassment surging in unison to turn my face as red as my fur.

"Profanity is not an acceptable form of communication Justin," he answered coolly. He stared at me a moment longer, before turning to undress under the other shower head. He paused, I was still to dumbstruck to do anything: "You have ceased your activities, why?"

My eyes almost popped out of my head. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself, soap suds or not! However, I was further embarrassed to note that I had delved too deeply into pleasure before, and my penis refused to lose its state of arousal. I took the towel off, there was no point anyway: anyone with two eyes and half a brain could see exactly what had been going. My red hot desire got the better of my embarrassment, and I decided that I couldn't care less about Jason, he could watch all he wanted; I was not going to be denied my release.

It was unbelievably uncomfortable, jerking off in front of someone else. To make things worse, he wouldn't stop staring. He had not completely undressed, and was just watching as if analyzing something. I couldn't help it, the situation was too awkward: "Look kid, I don't care what you're into, but it's starting to tick me off that you're staring like that!"

"I am simply collecting data for my culture indexes," he answered, without turning his gaze.

"Kid! Its rude! Now go fuck yourself instead of watching me do it!" I was getting a bit irritated now, I couldn't leave without giving myself the release my body craved for, and yet the freshman's disturbing gaze put me in a state of intense anxiety.

"I will not comply. But I will compromise." With that, he turned away and the space between us was immediately filled with a large black curtain. "It is a force-field that blocks light, this way you may masturbate in full privacy."

I shivered: his nonchalant way of speaking of jerking off was as inhuman as the metal plate on his shoulder. But after a few seconds I was already forgetting him, I had drawn out this orgasm for so long that I could tell the after-glow bliss would most likely wipe out my memories of the past week.

With some species masturbation was a ritual of passage, with others it was a group game, yet others forbid it completely, but no species had as complex a relationship with its self-relieving techniques as humans, especially male humans. This was the first time I had been able to examine the behavior, and it was exactly as predicted in my books, embarrassment yet layered with bravado and anger at an apparent violation of privacy.

As I continued to ponder the strangeness of human behavior, I finished up my typically efficient shower, leaving the barrier in case Justin had not finished, and proceeded to dress myself for the day.

"Morning routine steps 1-5 completed" I said to myself.

I initiated step six by going down to the kitchen to prepare lunches for the rest of the orphans. I had volunteered to perform this service after seeing the blatant inefficiency with which the orphans had previously made their sandwiches, spending half their time and energy talking or throwing food at each other.

I concentrated and shaped my neural-energy matrix to perform the task at hand. To an observer entering the kitchen, the sight must have appeared singularly bizarre. For I simply stood in the center of the room, eyes closed, while bread left its packages, butter and jam spread itself on the bread. Fruits and juice cartons flew around the room in a complex pattern, placing themselves in the perfectly aligned brown paper bags that had lined themselves up on the counter. The sandwiches wrapped themselves in paper towels and then the warm ones in tin foil. Each sandwich then carefully placed itself into the right bag and the name of the orphan it was destined for appeared on the side. I smiled; it had taken them only about two days to start making requests for individual sandwiches. I still do not know how they can be so attached to their nutrition; after all it is just sustenance.

I froze. I had involuntarily smiled. I shook my head; it had felt so natural at the moment, yet now felt so awkward and strange. Was it possible that my human psychological physiognomy was asserting itself so soon? I had been assured it would take at least a year.

My thoughts were interrupted by dry clapping from the doorway: "Can you make me one of those too?" It was Helen, "usually I am the only one down in the kitchen this early, I always try to avoid the rush of the kids getting their lunches. Well....I guess that is no longer an issue. Instead, I have to avoid flying ham and jam and..." she reached out and grabbed a fruit on its way to join Kimberly's sandwich, she took a bite, "apples." She added through a mouthful of the fruit.

"Good morning Helen. I will comply to your request, what would you like?"

"Seriously? I can ask for whatever I want," had I paid attention I would have noted the mischievous grin in her eyes. Instead I nodded. "Okay! Let's have a... sandwich rustique à la paysanne."

I was unfamiliar with those terms, I started to search my database, "I am unfamiliar with tha - ah! vous étiez en train de parler en français. Bien sure, je vous le fait tout de suite."

Now it was her turn to look confused, "Uh...when did you learn to speak French?"

"All human known languages and dialects that could be found on electronic databases were uploaded into my cultural database file."

"Hmm that could be quite useful... but mind you, that sandwich better be made on baguette or else I'm telling the nuns how your making their darlings' sandwiches!"

I browsed till I got to the file I had downloaded from the replicator in the mess hall on the ship that had salvaged me. I proceeded to reform my neural energy matrix to the specifications of the French specialty. Had I opened my eyes, I would have seen a very curious look on Helen's face; it was a combination of fear, amazement, curiosity and something I would not have recognized: ambition.

I returned my attention the orphans' lunches as it was 7:45 already. Leaving enough residue energy to spread the butter, place the ham and grate and distribute the Swiss cheese.

Helen left silently. She came back after 4minutes56seconds, just after I had finished my own lunch; hence completing task 7.

"Ok Jason, thanks a bunch for the sandwich, I've been craving one of those for years! Uh....which one is mine?" she asked, looking at the perfectly arranged set of brown paper bags.

"Your name is written on the other side. I must go finish preparing my school materials."

"Have a nice day," she said as she waved goodbye from the front door.

I proceeded to complete step 8, with only 7minutes remaining I was only slightly behind schedule. I entered my room, picked up my bag, sat down on the bed and made an internal list of all the materials I would need for the day. As each item appeared on my mental list, it left its place and came floating over to the bag which it descended into. After I closed the bag, I set it on the bed and transported it to my locker at school.

7:58 I noted on my internal clock, morning tasks completed. Transport in progress.


I got you babe, I got you ba- Crash

"Jeez alarm, why haven't I made you play a different song yet?" I yawned and sighed comfortably, the bed was so warm and cozy and snug and I yawned again, feeling myself overcome with drowsy peacefulness.

"Darling! Darling get up! You don't want to be late." Came my mother's voice from downstairs.

"Yes Mother" I shouted back downstairs, jumping out of my bed, into the shivering cold morning air that had filled my room during the night.

I gave a little yelp, grabbed my clothes and rushed for the shower, narrowly beating Jules down the hallway.

"No fair! Your room is closer, you always get to go first!" she stuck her tongue out at me, "too bad Jason doesn't get a chance to see you now: ruffled up, shivering, messy hair and....In your UNDIES!" she half shouted half giggled as she ran away from my half-hearted swipe.

I mock growled: "Try that again when I'm awake and I won't miss, sis!" I shut the door smiling. It was then that it hit me. Up until that moment, that one comment from Jules, this had been a perfectly normal morning. And yet I had come out, albeit not on purpose, to my family. I had always expected this morning to be somehow different than the others. Hadn't things changed? How come there was no awkwardness, no tension, no nothing. Everything was perfectly normal and alright.

I smiled broadly as I turned on the shower. 'I love my family' I cried out silently to myself. It almost brought me to tears thinking about how lucky I was that all of them, especially mom, were not even fazed at all. They were cool, totally, totally cool about it, and I could not have hoped for more from them.

My thoughts wandered around a bit, only to be interrupted by a pounding on the door and Jules' small voice: "Aren't you going to practice! What is the point of listening at the keyhole if there is nothing to listen to!"

I giggle, "Okay Jules, thanks for the reminder." I still had to pick what to sing though. I was tired of the choir piece; I had stayed up late practicing it, and it really wasn't much fun without the bass accompaniment from Justin. Besides, I had enough of the male voices anyway, it was time for something soprano.

My mind had just wandered off to the point where it arrived at Jason, an area of thought I was trying to avoid, and that is when it hit me.

"When I am down and oh my soul so weary;

When troubles come, and my heart burdened be;

Then I am still and wait here in the silence,

Until you come and sit a while with me..."

For the second time this morning I had tears in my eyes, as I started on the chorus: "You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains / You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas..." I finished getting dressed while I sang, not wanting to stop the song for anything.

I continued singing as I swept down the stairs to grab breakfast, pausing at the table "I am strong when I am on your shoulders; you raise me up, to more than I can be!"

I wasn't exactly too clear on the lyrics of the second verse, so I just hummed and twirled around as I got out my cereal and milk for breakfast this morning. Jules joined me while I was eating, and Mom said goodbye as she rushed out for work.

It was 7:55 by the time I finished, and I started humming again, this time adding in the orchestral accompaniment, as I put away the dishes; Jules was swaying back and forth while she munched on her cereal, a sloppy grin once again making a home on her face.

I appeared just inside the main gate, checking the surroundings before decloaking. As I approached the house I could hear sounds from inside. On instinct, I changed the amplitude setting on my audio implant.

What I heard I am unable to accurately describe. My ears were filled with sounds so beautiful, so perfect and so harmonious that they seemed to take control of me. For a few moments, I was music; it filled my lungs, shone in my eyes, wrapped me in itself, and yet only entered through my ears. I had never encountered this phenomenon before. The music I listened to in the cultural indexes was imperfect; there were subsonic gaps in the sound that could not be noticed by human ears but were translated into cacophonic noise by my audio implants. But this was perfect.

That is when the signing started. It flowed upon its orchestral bed, beyond beautiful, beyond graceful. For the first time I could understand why humans placed so much attachment on music. And the song, it was so pure, so emotional and meaningful that I could feel it change me as I listened. The psychological sensation was that of having my whole mind shift states of being. Was this experience what humans call emotions? Is music the key to unlocking my dormant human psyche? These novel questions were appearing along with extraordinary sensations I had never encountered before.

Suddenly the world around me seemed beautiful. I had never noticed beauty before. The irrelevance I had assigned it was melting away. It almost felt to my new self as if I was coming alive.

That is when I noticed the words of the song, I knew it must be Max, his Psycho Vocalist talent had to be the source of such perfect music: "You raise me up, so I can stand on Mountains..." and it continued. Tears, actual tears were forming despite my ocular implants. I couldn't move, these feelings had me paralyzed.

But then the singing stopped, and the accompaniment receded with its floating diminuendo. And the paralysis was lifted, but so was the spell.

I could feel that new understanding recede rapidly, my eyes dried up and the world returned to being ignorable and irrelevant. But I could sense the memory inside me, and as the tingling sensation of beauty sunk back into its slumber.

I cleared my thoughts, turned down the volume on my audio implant, walked up to the front door and knocked.

Max opened the door. His eyes dilated slightly and the skin on his face turned pinkish. I attributed these effects to sudden exposure to sunlight.

"Oh, hi Jason," he greeted me.

"Hi Max," I greeted back, and as an afterthought I added a smile.