The Grinning Lion Inn (Anonymously Commissioned)

Story by The Hopeless Heathen on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

An erotic story about a far-traveling cheetah and a bored lioness who meet under heated circumstances.

Here's a story that I've been allowed to release, which I just might continue if someone takes enough interest. I apologize for not releasing many stories over the past few months, I've been working with a client who's very particular about letting me publish stories or work on my own ideas.

It was another dull night at the Grinning Lion Inn, with Ayana drifting about while doing various chores. The lioness has been left to tend the place on her own while her father was away on business, and so far she'd been doing an excellent job of holding her own. She cooked, she cleaned, she did everything her father had asked of her, including staying up until midnight waiting for guests. "There could always be the odd traveler," he'd said before leaving, "And if someone like that comes knocking in the dead of night, odds are they'll be dead tired enough to pay a few extra coins for a warm bed." But no one had ever shown up past sundown in the week she'd been working solo, and tonight, she was utterly alone in the inn.

Ayana absentmindedly made the last of the rooms up, tucking in the sheets and tiding the vase of wilting desert lilies. She silently thought up a half-hearted prayer to the goddess of travelers, wishing for something to make the night the tiniest bit interesting. The lioness had spent most of her life in the quaint little village, barely going out past the dusty scrub that encircled it and never seeing anything that remotely took her breath away. She'd been ecstatic when her father started letting her wait tables, but her enthusiasm quickly faded once she realized it was mostly lions coming through. Sure, there was the odd jackal or the occasional hyena, but she never got more than a long look and however many words it took them to ask for a meal. Gazing out the room's window made that familiar pang for the exotic rise up, that wish to see the rest of the world she'd clung on to since the days she learned to walk. Maybe someday she'd see the world, she thought, but for now, she was stuck running her family's dusty old inn.

Suddenly, her ears were met with the slight sound of the front door opening below, and she strained her ears to hear who it might be. "Hello?" a male voice called out, "Is anyone here?" Whoever it was, he had a funny accent, and it didn't sound like anyone she'd heard before. Maybe he was some far traveler, like a trader from beyond the red peaks! That'd be exciting... or maybe he was a mercenary from up north, or perhaps he was a traveling troubadour!

"Coming!" she called back, then started down the hall toward the stairs. Whoever the stranger was, she was excited to meet him, and she quickly made her way down to the common area where the mysterious guest awaited.

It was just another night for Khari, another pit stop in some podunk village to get some sleep before continuing on in the morning. The young cheetah had been traveling for quite some time, trekking all around the savanna and several places beyond, seeing wonders both natural and crafted that took one's breath away... but for now, he was looking forward to some mundane relaxation. Khari looked up as someone came down the steps, and saw that it was a lioness dressed in a knee-length skirt and a plain white top that barely reached below her rib cage. She looked to be several years older than him, although when she clapped eyes on his spotted fur, she suddenly seemed a whole lot younger. "Hi," he said while offering a quick wave, "Could I get something to drink?"

The lioness didn't know what to say; she'd hoped for someone exotic to show up, but never expected it to actually happen. And now, not twenty feet from her sat a living, breathing, full-blooded cheetah. She'd heard a few tales about them, of semi-reclusive warriors known for their amazing feats of athleticism, but it didn't really prepare her for the real thing. He just looked so lithe, so lean, so young, entirely unlike the lions she'd seen all her life. He was handsome too, dressed in a pristine blue tunic and tight calf-length breeches that left little to the imagination. No one else was in the inn, they were all alone together... wait, what was she doing? Oh, right, the drink. "What would you like?" she replied after staring blankly for a bit too long, "We've got ale, tea..."

"Just an ale, please." Ayana watched him turn his attention to something pulled from his pocket, a slender dagger that he turned over in one paw. She couldn't get a good look at it passing by, but she did notice a strangely decorated scimitar at his side. The swirling patterns on the blade looked excitingly foreign, especially since the two master blacksmiths in her village could barely shape pig iron. It didn't take her long to grab a single tankard of ale from the cellar, but after a moment, she decided to grab a second one for herself. The lioness had just begun to climb the stairs when she turned back to grab a small plate of crackers, hoping that going the extra mile with hospitality would help things go smoothly with her guest.

Meanwhile, Khari was busy thinking over the next few legs of his journey, which towns to stop at, how much food and water to buy in the morning, things he pretty much had memorized by now. His thoughts gradually slipped away from the dreary repetition, settling instead on the lioness he'd met. The young cheetah knew he had a tendency to draw odd looks, but the way she'd stared at him... it almost seemed like longing. Maybe she had some grand vision of sneaking off with him, going on adventures and making love under the moonlight... Khari slowly tilted into more romantic thoughts, wondering what it'd be like if he decided to just settle down. He'd probably get a nice little house, hopefully somewhere by a river, with his beloved and whatever offspring she gave him... if he ever decided to have cubs...

He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't realize the serving girl had come back until she sat down across from him with a plate of snacks and a drink for herself. "So, do you have a name?" she asked, with gleeful curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "Mine's Ayana."

After freezing a moment, the cheetah took a sip of his ale to find it pleasantly chilled but poorly brewed. "I'm Khari," he replied, not sure what to say next since he wasn't used to talkative waiters.

"That's a nice name." Ayana paused for a moment to munch on a cracker but quickly continued with another question. "So, I take it you're not from around here, right?"

"Yes, I'm not exactly close to home. I guess the spots give it away, don't they?" He slowly realized that cheetahs must be a rare sight in these parts, and judging by the looks Ayana was giving him, the things she'd heard had been on the favorable side.

Khari did his best to signal that he didn't want to talk, but the lioness wouldn't be deterred that easily. "That's a nice sword you got there," she continued, "Bet it's seen a lot of action... got any stories that go with it?"

"Uh, well... there was one time when I fought off some bandits... I managed to gash one of them pretty good before the rest of them ran off."

Ayana's eyes seemed to light up, and the cheetah couldn't tell if she was enjoying the adventure or the violence. "Did you kill him?"

"No, I just... I got him back to town, gave him some money for bandages and medicine, then headed on my way." He could tell the lioness was a tad let down by the pacifistic ending, and he knew he wasn't much of a storyteller. Still, he didn't want to leave her completely disappointed, so he added in a few more details. "It turned out the bandit was just some kid who fell in with the wrong crowd, and when I came back to that town a few months later, I found him working as a Smith's apprentice." Khari pulled the dagger back out from his belt, letting Ayana take a good look at it. "He gave me this as a token of thanks, said he hoped it would help repay for the kindness I'd shown him." The blade showed signs of heavy use, with many a nick sharpened out over the years; it wasn't particularly well made, but she got the feeling the cheetah wouldn't trade it for any other.

"Interesting. How about romance, have your travels been as steamy as the storybooks?" The question caught Khari slightly off guard, making Ayana all the more intrigued. He hesitated for a second, prompting the lioness to prod him some more. "Surely some girl out there would find a handsome cheetah like you irresistible?"

"Well, sure, I've gotten a few... proposals. I wouldn't say I'm irresistible, but I've had my fair share of romantic encounters." The young cheetah was taking another sip when it suddenly occurred to him that he had a chance to flip the flow of the conversation around, and he gladly took it. "How about you? Any guys take an interest?"

Ayana let out a short sigh, tracing a small, melancholy circle on the table with one claw. "A few, here and there. All the ones from around here aren't much to look at, though, and most of them are just so... bland. None of them have any experience, and they're hardly satisfying in bed." She then perched her chin on both hands, leaning forward as her eyes gleamed with playful lust. "I think something more exotic would fit the bill, don't you think? I've heard plenty of tales about cheetahs' stamina..." Thank the gods my father isn't here, Ayana thought, he'd never let her get this close to anyone from outside the village. The old lion didn't seem to realize his little cub was twenty-seven years old, and he didn't seem to care that she'd already had her way with quite a few boys; all that mattered to him was keeping his daughter safe from those filthy foreigners. With him out of the way, she was free to do whatever she wished, and as Khari hesitated, the lioness decided to prod him even more. "When's the last time you mated with someone?" she asked, leaning even further forward and giving him a better view of her cleavage. "Surely someone as cute as you gets all kinds of tail..."

"I... ah..." Khari didn't know what to say, he'd never been asked so many intimate questions by someone he barely knew. Part of him thought that the lioness was trying to get into his pants, but the rest of him worried she was just screwing with him, or that flirting with strangers was just the norm in this village. He really wanted to believe she was into him, but he was too worried about offending her to get really frisky. If she made it clear she wanted to mate, however... "I last mated about three months ago, a young gazelle doe in heat caught me changing and... well..."

"Oh, a leaf-muncher? I'm surprised she went anywhere near you... what was she like?"

Khari did his best to ignore the casual speciesism and tried to give some more details. "She was sweet, but her heat made her a tad needy. I had to do a lot of the heavy lifting since she was rather inexperienced, but we still both managed to have fun." Thinking of that night brought back vivid memories of tenderly kissing her all over her muzzle... and later, her soft ridges and folds running up and down his barbs. Khari could feel himself growing stiff in the crotch, his barbed member gradually sliding out of its sheath in anticipation. He was a tad embarrassed by it, and tried to ignore his primal urges as he finished off his ale, but if this lioness really did want to mate...

"Ever been with a cheetah before?" The question made Khari wonder what exactly the local customs were regarding strangers, and he choked ever so slightly on his drink at Ayana's eager tone.

"Not really," he replied, setting down the tankard and wiping his muzzle with one paw. Part of him wanted to add on something about wanting to mate with a lioness, but he still wasn't sure she was implying what he thought she was implying. The primal urge to breed and misread signals had put him in a sticky situation a few years before, so instead of flirting he decided to be frank: "Actually, I haven't had much experience with any felines." He wasn't looking forward to running from a mob again, and he knew some villages could be very protective of younger females.

"Oh?" He could see Ayana's tail flicking back and forth playfully, adding to the sense that he should just go with it. "Not a fan of firey mates, I take it?"

"Uh, no... I just, ah..." He took a nervous gulp from his tankard, trying to quell the discomfort he felt. "Well... I just didn't want anyone to get pregnant." Ayana raised one eyebrow in response, and Khari took it as a request for clarification. "It's not that I'm afraid of commitment, it's just... with my lifestyle, the way I prefer moving around... I just don't think I'd make a very good father."

"Hmm..." The lioness seemed to look him over once more, eyeing him like a delectable meal. "What a shame, I think you'd make some great cubs."

The cheetah's eyes went wide, and he quickly tried to drown his worries with another long drink. A few seconds in, he finally drained the tankard and realized with a surge of relief that he had an opportunity to halt the conversation. "Hey, could you top me off?" he blurted out, holding out the tankard in an attempt to relieve some of the tension. Part of him silently hoped she would just take it without any more suggestive comments, while another wanted her to knock it out of his hand and rip the crotch of his pants open.

The lioness gave him a pitying stare before taking the tankard from him, her tail swishing in front of his nose as she passed him by. "Sure thing, cutie," she cooed, and Khari thought he could smell just a hint of feminine arousal in the air.

Ayana quickly made her way to the cellar, pondering along the way what was wrong with that dashing young cheetah. Was he gay? No, she'd seen the tent in his pants, he was definitely interested. Maybe a virgin? Probably not, he didn't seem like he was lying when he talked about his sexual history. Just a prude, perhaps? Potentially, but he didn't look like the celibate type. Maybe he was worried she would take it the wrong way... in which case she should make it as obvious as possible what she wanted. She probably wouldn't have to hold up a sign that said "I'M HORNY, FUCK ME," but she could definitely stand to be a bit less subtle. As Ayana filled up Khari's tankard from the tap, she got a sudden idea, and once it was topped off, she pulled up the hem of her skirt and stuck one finger into her snatch. It wasn't hard to find the soft nub of her clit, and with all the indecent fantasies running through her head, it didn't take long to start getting wet between the legs.

Stifling a moan, she slouched back onto a stool up against the wall as she continued to masturbate, furiously rubbing her clit with two digits and getting the darker fur around her groin soaked with feminine fluids. Ayana briefly pondered fingering herself to completion, but quickly decided it'd be better to let her guest finish her off. Without further delays, she smoothed down her skirt without wiping herself clean, then grabbed the full tankard of ale and headed back to the commons. The lioness relished the idea of mating with a male who actually knew what he was doing, and as she locked eyes on her quarry, she decided that by the end of the day he was going to have blown at least one load inside her.

Khari looked behind him to see the serving girl slinking closer, walking with the smooth gait of a lioness on the prowl. She set down the drink in front of him, but instead of returning to her seat, Ayana lingered behind him and began kneading his shoulders with her paws. "Sorry if I've been a bit discrete," she purred, "I just thought you'd take the hint sooner." It was then that the unmistakable smell of vaginal fluid reached his nostrils, and all doubts about the lioness's intentions quickly disappeared. The musky odor ignited the primal part of his brain devoted to chasing down a mate, but before he could say anything clever, Ayana stepped over to his side and pulled up the front of her dress. "You can go ahead and touch it..." she cooed, rubbing her slick vulva with two digits, "...on one condition: I wanna see what you're packing. Judging by that tent in your pants you've got nothing to hide, and I for one think bigger is better."

The cheetah hesitated for a moment, held back by the worry that he might not get a chance to pull out if things got intense, but his inhibitions were quickly shattered by a need to break his three-month dry spell. With a lusty grin, he smoothly rocked forward, pulled his pants down to his knees, then sat back down and kicked them off. Ayana's eyes went wide as they locked onto his long, barbed red member, and she looked about ready to start slobbering all over it when Khari suddenly got to his feet. He slid behind the lioness with the grace of a shadow, wrapping his spotted arms around her waist and gently pulling her against him. "Why don't I show you how we treat our mates up north," he whispered into her ear, "I guarantee it's better than whatever they do down here..."

"Mmmm..." The lioness pushed back against his pelvis, massaging his throbbing cock with her rump and flicking tail. "And how would we go about doing that?" Pin her against the wall? Bend her over and go to town on her clit? Let her ride her heart out on that beautiful dick?

"Well, first of all," Khari replied, "I need you down on the table." Without letting her go, he reached over and moved the plate of untouched crackers to the chair he was sitting on, then gave the lioness a squeeze on one buttcheek to get her going. She gladly lay down so that her torso was held up and her hips dangled off the edge, then pulled up her skirt with one paw to reveal her shapely, furry rump. Ayana made sure to keep her tail curled upward, and she let out an amorous little sigh as his digit gently traced her supple vulva. "Then you just spread your legs, and I'll do the rest." The lioness gladly complied, going so far as to spread her cheeks apart with both paws once Khari got down on his knees behind her.

The young cheetah took a minute to familiarize himself with the lioness's nethers, finding them similar but different than the other species he'd been with. Both her puckered tailhole and slick pussy were darker than the surrounding area, making them stand out against her soft yellow fur. Gently playing with her labia proved she was just as supple as any other creature down there, with that unforgettable squishy feeling that was positively enchanting. He spread her apart to reveal pinker skin inside her vagina that was wet with arousal, as well as a little nub nestled just inside the entrance that he recognized as her clit. Rubbing the little lump sent a small shiver through her abdomen, and as he began steadily fingering it, Ayana let out a short sigh. "That all you're gonna do, stud? I can do this myself if you wanna watch."

He didn't immediately respond, instead choosing to pull his soaked finger out of her and put his nose millimeters from her pussy. Once he was there, the cheetah deeply inhaled, savoring the sweet, inviting scent of a horny female. "Oh, we're just getting started," he said once he'd sniffed his fill; Ayana had just begun to wonder what the main course was when she felt him spread her pussy lips apart with his paws, followed by the warm, wet friction of his tongue across her bare clit. Khari quickly got into it, diligently licking her insides, slurping up her juices, and doing his best to make her squirm, all while playing with her jiggly rump. The taste of arousal, the smell of desire, the feeling of her wonderfully squishy vulva on his muzzle, all of it drove him up the wall, making his dick throb longingly while he continued his work.

Ayana was so used to the feeling of clumsy lions and half-assed cunnilingus that the assault caught her completely off guard, making her let out a long moan of pleasure. "Ohhhhh... right there... gods, don't stop..." In a bid to get more comfortable, the lioness pulled herself forward slightly, putting her breasts over the table's edge and negating the need to hold herself up. In response, Khari got to his feet and hoisted her hips into the air, giving her a strange feeling of being on the edge of falling, held up only by the table and that handsome cheetah's arms. Ayana was knocked further off balance when he switched from licking her snatch to sucking on her clit like a teat, making the sensation go from charmingly pleasant to toe-curlingly wonderful. "Gaaaahhhh... mmm, yeah... keep sucking... ooooooh, just like that..."

Khari mumbled something into her loins without skipping a beat, and she was about to ask him to clarify when she realized he'd have to stop to answer. Instead, Ayana just let herself go limp, and she planned on letting the talented cheetah eat her out to completion when she saw something under the table. That something, as it turned out, was Khari's poor penis, stuck out all the way with no place to go. Even though her senses were dulled by pleasure, she could tell it was begging for release, both from the ultra-tense barbs to the little droplets of precum dripping on the floor. The thought of him being so pent up that he'd cum just from eating her out turned her on immensely, but she quickly realized there were far better alternatives to him just jizzing on the floor. "W-ahhh! Ahh, wait... wait..." She could have almost kicked herself for not thinking of it sooner, and now that it was on her mind, she quickly fixated on making it happen.

"Wait?" The young cheetah gradually lowered her legs back down to the ground, then tenderly helped her get back to her feet. "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, I just thought-"

"You're fine," she cooed, turning to face him and quieting his worries with a finger on his lips. "I just want to try something different, something a bit more... mutually beneficial." Ayana then grabbed the plate of crackers and moved it back to the chair, patting the now empty seat with one paw. "Why don't you take a seat, stud, I'll be ready in just a second." Khari quickly complied, then watched as the lioness turned her back to him and undid the series of knots holding up her skirt. She made sure to give him a nice, long look at her thoroughly soaked pussy, bending all the way down and stepping one leg wide as she tossed the garment to the floor. Once that was done, Ayana smoothy straightened back up, taking off her tunic and cloth strip of a bra in one fluid motion before dropping them as well. The lioness turned to her lover completely naked and slowly sauntered over to where he sat, giving him lots of time to admire her raw, primal beauty. Her curvy, athletic shape got the young cheetah even more turned on than he was before, and when she swung one leg over his knees and sat down on his lap, he started to worry he'd climax right then and there. "You ready for the main event?" Ayana purred, stroking the soft fur on his sternum with one eager paw. "I know I sure am..."

All of a sudden, Khari felt a swell of anxiety as he realized what she was about to do. "A-are you sure about this?" he stammered, "We can always just... you know..."

"Shhhh..." the lioness replied, holding her younger partner's muzzle shut with one paw. "You worry too much." Her other paw brushed through his fur, sending little shivers of anticipation running through his body as she went from his chest, down to his belly, and finally all the way to his groin. The soft pads wrapped around the base of his cock as she lifted her hips up, scooting him the tiniest bit forward to get things properly lined up. Then she just slowly sat down, letting a few fat droplets of her feminine fluids fall before finally pressing her slick, warm vulva to his glans. Both of them tensed as she kept pressing down until her loins finally gave way and he slipped inside. "Gaaah!" she gasped, "Ooohhh, damn that stings..."

He was about halfway inside her, with most of his barbs wrapped up in her wet, tender snatch. It felt amazing to finally penetrate something warm after all this time, and it only got better when her muscles squeezed down on him. Khari came close to cumming right then, but concern and sheer willpower kept his seed in check. "Are you-"

"Fine, fine, I just need to-oooh!" Ayana let out another moan as she lifted herself back up, causing the rubbery barbs to pluck at her clit in the most fantastic way. "Gods... alright, just gimme a second." The lioness experimented with the tip, penetrating herself slightly deeper with each thrust, trying her best to get her pussy adjusted to Khari's size. The cheetah didn't seem like he'd be well endowed at first glance, but now that she was actually trying to mate, she realized he had the girth of someone twice his size. Well, actually it seemed to be his barbs that were making him so big since they seemed to be sticking out a bit more than normal; she could only imagine what kind of havoc they'd wreak on her insides, and the thought of getting fucked silly made her press it in even harder. "Come on, just a bit more... aaahhhh!" With one final push, she slid herself all the way down his shaft with a sweet schlorping sound, and she had just begun to appreciate the feeling of fullness when something hot and sticky spurted into her pussy.

Khari could barely hold back when Ayana was teasing his tip, and now that the full length of his cock was enveloped in warm, wet, pulsating goodness, his body finally decided it had been teased enough. All three months of pent up sexual energy burst forth in the form of a long, ecstatic moan, combined with a blast of semen delivered straight to her womb. Every little motion of her insides was maddening, driving him up the wall with pleasure as Ayana's tight snatch milked him dry. It took him half a minute to finally come to his senses, and when he did, he still felt like he was drifting on some astral plane. "Ahhhhh... mmmmrrrgh..." He let out a few more primal groans of dazed confusion before realizing what he'd done, and when he did, his eyes went wide in a wild panic. "Oh gods, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I should've..." The shame of cumming so quickly filled his conscious mind with guilt, a guilt that was quickly accompanied by worry as he realized she might get pregnant. "I should've... ah..."

The lioness let out a sudden giggle, throwing him into even more confusion. "Oh, there's nothing to be sorry about," she purred, hugging the cheetah in a tender embrace. "That was just fine."

Khari couldn't tell if this was some kind of ruse, maybe a way to punish him for his terrible performance. "Y-you're not mad?"

Ayana pulled back, gave him a quick kiss on the lips, then looked into his eyes with a tender warmth. "Of course not, silly, that tongue work was just what I needed." The lioness shifted her weight a bit, feeling his barbed member and sticky cum squelch around inside of her. "As for this, I can't say I blame you, three months is a long time to go without release. I'm sure you'll last a lot longer next time, and we can skip the foreplay so you don't get too excited."

The cheetah just sat in stunned silence for a moment, unable to believe that she wasn't the slightest bit angry at him. After a few more seconds, she stood up, letting his thick cock slide out with a moist, wet sound that delighted the ears. A little dribble of sticky seed dribbled out from her snatch, but she quickly wiped it away with one finger before popping it in her mouth. She then began putting on her clothes without the slightest attempt to clean herself up, and while she redid the knots on her skirt, Khari thought of another thing to worry about. "What if I get you pregnant? I mean, we're similar enough, right?"

"Yes, well, I'd hardly consider that a negative consequence." The lioness easily pulled her tunic back over her chest, then noticed Khari's bewilderment and decided to elaborate. "I've always liked the idea of having cubs, especially with someone as unique and handsome as you. Don't worry, I won't try and tie you down, I can raise them on my own if your traveling is more important." Once she was dressed again, she walked by the table and grabbed the plate and the tankards, but stopped halfway to the kitchen to say something more. "You can have the room at the far end of the hall on the right, free of charge, and if you want, I can come up and show you a thing or two about how we do things down south." Ayana took his silence for acceptance and broke into a small grin. "I need to do something real quick, so go on and get yourself settled. I'll be up in a few minutes, and then... well, I'm sure you can guess what I want." The lioness then disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Khari alone to mull things over. The young cheetah thought about putting his pants back on, but quickly decided it'd be better to not soil them with the cum and vaginal fluid coating his crotch. Instead, he just carried them with him up to the room Ayana had told him about and tossed them into the corner.

The room wasn't like most inn rooms, he quickly realized, mainly due to the valuable decorations and keepsakes out in the open. There were several portraits around, too, and once he took a closer look at one on the desk, the layout finally made sense: this was Ayana's room. The portrait depicted her standing between what he assumed were her mother and father, both of whom seemed pretty mundane. Most of the other miniature paintings had Ayana in them, always surrounded by family that she didn't seem too excited about. Not wanting to be nosy, Khari stopped poking around and just sat down on the bed, letting the dark clouds of apprehensions gather and stew.

Was he really going be a father to a kid he'd never know? Maybe not... he'd heard that there wasn't as much fertility with interspecies mating, and also that getting pent up made your sperm not work as well. Then again, all that had been from some old shaman who thought the moon had brainwashed several kings... not exactly a trustworthy source...

Dammit... he shouldn't have been that careless, shouldn't have gotten entangled with someone stuck in the mud. He'd either have to break her heart by leaving or stay in this miserable village for the rest of his life, both of which sounded like a living hell. And all he got out of it was a few seconds of release... well, now that he thought about it, it was closer to the best few seconds of his life. Ayana wasn't all that bad either, with a beautiful body and hunger for the exotic... maybe if he got to know her better... "Ready for some more?"

The voice came from over by the doorway, and Khari looked up from his ruminations to see Ayana standing there with a bundle clutched to her chest. She'd taken off her clothes once again, and one look between her legs told him she'd been waiting for this; her loins dripped with arousal, and the way she stared at his half-hard member made his worries melt away. With a new sense of confidence, the cheetah got to his feet and pulled his tunic over his head, then tilted his head slightly in curiosity. "What's in the bundle?" he asked, "Something to make things interesting?"

Ayana let out a slight giggle, setting the package down beside the door. "No, it's just some food for when you have to go. My father always tries to overcharge foreigners, so I figured I ought to pay some of that back. Besides," she said as she walked toward the bed, "I'm sure you'll more than make up for the loss tonight." The lioness walked past him and crawled onto the mattress, rolling onto her back and looking up at her handsome lover. She made sure to spread her legs, letting him get a good look at her wet loins. "Now, where did we leave off?"

Khari's conscience tried to tell him to refuse, to take the moral high ground, but the rest of him easily overruled those high and mighty ideals. He pounced onto the bed, landing on top of her and putting his glans inches from her silky hole. "I think things were just getting interesting," he purred, getting himself lined up before starting to press inward. With both her vaginal fluids and his cum lubing things up, it didn't take much pressure to pop the tip inside, and since his barbs weren't so stiff, it didn't hurt nearly as much as the first time. Both let out slight gasps at the sudden pleasurable sensation, but this time Khari didn't stop until he was balls deep. Now that he wasn't on the verge of exploding, the slimy warmth of being inside an aroused female was far more enjoyable, and this time he could see her cute reaction to getting fucked. "Well, guess you were right about having better stamina," he said after waiting a few seconds for dramatic effect, "I bet I could last a full minute!"

The lioness chuckled, taking a moment to run her paws through his chest fluff as she crossed her legs behind his hips. "Oh, you'll do better than that," she cooed, "Just try and pace yoursel- ooohhhh..." She let out a pleased moan as her lover drew back, massaging her insides with his rubbery barbs and stimulating her clit. Once he began humping, she found the friction to be positively intoxicating, especially since she was so damn slick with both their bodily fluids. She'd only really been half aroused the other times she'd mated, and each time the male just focused entirely on his own pleasure; with Khari, she found herself enjoying every inch of motion, and the lioness did her best to reciprocate by hugging him tightly. "Mmmm..." she purred, "Just a bit faster... aahhh, right there... yes..."

"That good, huh?" Things were pretty pleasant on Khari's end too, although he wasn't as sensitive thanks to his recent orgasm. Ayana's pussy gently squeezed against his member every time he pulled back, and the sensation of her ribbed insides rubbing back on his barbs felt absolutely fantastic. She was so warm inside, so cozily comforting, and even though he wanted to pace himself, he couldn't help but go faster. His lover hardly seemed to mind, however, and as he kept thrusting, he felt her arms wrap around his chest and neck.

"Oooooh... that's perfect..." Ayana could feel herself wind up like a spring, tensing up more and more with each thrust into her body. "Mrrrrrr..." His barbs were wreaking havoc on her clit, and the feeling of getting completely filled only added to her pleasure; if he kept going much longer, she was definitely going to cum, and the building tension felt far more powerful than any she'd had before. She hugged Khari close to her body as she neared the point of no return, flexing her claws into his soft fur without really meaning to. "Gahhh... don't stop..."

Khari could feel the lioness getting close to a climax, both from the way she hugged him tight and the way her snatch squeezed down on him, but he didn't realize how wound up she was until she finally orgasmed. All of a sudden, Ayana let out an ecstatic roar of pure pleasure, arching her back as her arms clamped down like a vice. He could feel her insides begin to pulse and contract around his member, rubbing and squeezing in all the right ways and bringing him over the edge. Right as Khari tried to pull out, his lover's legs locked him in from behind, and the young cheetah quickly found himself lost in ecstasy as her pussy milked him for every drop. It was like she was trying to get pregnant, with the warm, slippery walls pulling him in and coaxing out his seed; he could barely think straight through the beautiful sensation, and all he could do was hold on tight as he rode out his orgasm.

Eventually, he felt Ayana's limbs let go of him, followed by a swift kiss on the lips from below. The lioness was beaming up at him, a warm glow of post-coital satisfaction gleaming in her eyes. "That was... amazing," she happily sighed, "I think you've got every male in the village beat for quality. It's a shame you'll only be staying the one night..."

"Well, yeah," the cheetah replied, "But I'm sure you'll find someone." He gently pulled his seed-dripping member with a soft slurping sound, then rolled off of her and onto his back. "There's a whole world out there, I'm sure someone out there will fit the bill."

Ayana let out a melancholy sigh, cuddling up beside him and resting her head on his chest. "Maybe, but... what's that sound?" Her ears cocked downward toward a strange noise coming from inside Khari's chest, something that sounded like deep, contented growling.

It took the cheetah a second to figure out what she was talking about but realized her confusion when he felt her chest. "Oh, that? That's me purring." She looked up at him for clarification, and he happily explained it with a chuckle. "It's something we cheetahs do when we're happy. We don't really control it, or even know how it works, it just sort of happens."

"Hmm, cute..." Ayana returned to her previous position, clutching Khari's arm and affectionately snuggling close. "It sounds nice... I wonder if our kids will do it too..." The two felines lay there in silence for some time, a silence that Ayana broke by crawling on top of Khari's chest. "So," she asked, "You want to go a few more rounds?"

Her voice dripped with arousal, and the cheetah's desire to rest was quickly overcome by the scent of her juices and the sight of her naked body on top of him. "Sure," he replied in a tone that mirrored her own, "But this time I want to try you on your knees."

The two of them proceeded to mate a few more times before finally growing tired, trying different positions and speeds to see what made the other cum fastest. By the end of it, both the sheets and the lovers were thoroughly soiled with various fluids, and neither feline was willing to get up and clean off. They just lay there, snuggled up in each other's warmth, content to fall asleep and forget the sorrow the morning would bring.

The lioness easily drifted off, but something held Khari back from rest. He couldn't stop thinking about what Ayana had said, about raising the kids alone without any commitment on his part. He couldn't shake the image of her playing with several half-spotted cubs, surrounded by her simple village and accompanied by a proud lion as her mate. At first, he thought it was the imaginary husband that worried him, of having Ayana belonging to someone else, but after an hour of contemplation, he realized it had more to do with him not being able to care for his own family. His relationship with the lioness had started out as pure sexual gratification, but now it seemed like something more... tangible. Maybe it had to do with the seed he'd left in her womb, maybe it was because he saw something in her, but just leaving her behind in this village just felt... wrong. There was the option of staying here, he thought, but he quickly dismissed the notion; he'd tried living a life in one place before, and he'd hated every second of it. The same people, the same sights, the same dreary routine... all of it grated on his nerves like sandpaper. He could never live in a village like hers for long... and neither could she.

Suddenly, an idea blossomed in the young cheetah's mind, a far fetched idea, but an idea nonetheless. What if Ayana would be willing to come with him on his travels, to see the world by his side? The lioness had said plenty of negative things about her home village, and he could tell she had a taste for the exotic... maybe she'd wanted to live on the move her whole life! The thought that she was only acting interested to seduce him bubbled up from the depths of his mind, as well as the idea that she'd immediately get homesick, but Khari brushed those notions aside as he rolled over to face the lioness. He had a good feeling about her, and even if she refused, it'd give him peace of mind that she wanted to stay here. "Hey, Ayana?" Khari gently shook the lioness by the shoulder, trying to wake her up as gently as possible. "Ayana?"

"Mmmrgh... what is it?" Even before opening her eyes, she raised her arms above her head and stretched, her sharp teeth showing as she yawed wide. "You want another go? We should probably clean up first..." Her focus went down to her groin, where one paw was scooping up a bit of half-dried cum.

"No, it's... it's something important... about us..."

"About us?" Ayana took a moment to rub the sleep from her eyes before sitting up, pulling her legs into a cross-legged position. "What do you mean?"

Khari sat up as well, then took both of her paws in his own. "It's about what you said, how you planned on raising the cubs without me. I just... I, ah..." He tried to find the right words, eventually settling on a single important question. "Have you ever wanted to travel the world?"

"Travel?" He could see her still trying to wake herself up, her dazed expression gradually turning into concern. "You mean leaving the village?"

"Yes, and going someplace else, or just traveling around for a while."

"Well, yes, of course I have, but I couldn't just leave the inn. I don't know if my father..." She was about to say "if my father could keep the place running on his own," but she knew from experience that he could handle it. Plus, if the traffic somehow picked up and they really needed the extra paws, they could always ask her older brother to leave his job with the blacksmith. "I couldn't just leave." Could she? "Why do you ask," she continued sarcastically after a brief pause, "Are you planning on taking me with you?"

"Yes, if you're willing."

The shock hit Ayana like a thunderbolt. Here it was, the opportunity she'd been waiting for her whole life, a chance to flee her depressing hovel of a home and explore everything the world had to offer. When she dreamed about her handsome rescuer asking her to come along, she always said yes without the slightest hesitation, but now that the moment was here... "R-really? Are... are you sure?"

Khari darted in to give her a quick kiss on the muzzle, then pulled back with a bright grin on his face. "Of course! I'm not going to leave a girl as fine as you behind, especially since you might be the mother of my cubs someday."

"But... do you think I could make it out there?" Ayana had heard plenty of horror stories, tales of bandits, slavers, and cultists who'd rape you until you bled before cutting your throat.

"Make it?" The cheetah suddenly swung himself on top of her, then buried his muzzle in the fur on her chest. "Honey, I've seen males half as tough as you do just fine out there in the wilds," he purred as he pulled back, "And even if you were as fragile as a butterfly..." He dove in for another kiss, planting it right between her breasts. "...I'd never let anything happen to you."

Despite her worries, despite her fears, despite common sense itself, she believed him... but there was something else chipping away at her fantasies. It took her a moment to force it out of her lips, past the part of her that wanted to go along with this pipe-dream made flesh. "What if it doesn't last? We've barely known each other a day, what if it turns out that we can't stand each other? Are you just going to send me back here, or dump me off at the nearest town with a purse of coins?"

Her words sent a small tremor of doubt through Khari's mind, but he did his best to bury it. "Oh, don't say that, there's no way in the nine hells I'd just drop you like a sack of bricks. If we find some problems along the way, we'll work through them together, and if we have to part ways, I'll make sure you have a decent life before leaving." His paw began slowly sliding down her belly, eventually finding where her fur started to get damp. "Besides," he purred, "No one said we had to be infatuated with each other..." His paw went even lower until it was right on her vulva, and he gently pressed into her slimy pussy until he found her clit. "We can just be traveling companions with benefits..."

"Mmmm..." Ayana closed her eyes as he began to finger her, spreading her legs to give him better access. Her lifelong dream was starting to seem more and more like reality, solidified by her lover's gentle caress; the more he kissed up and down her body, and the more his fingers fondled her loins, the more she wanted to escape into the night with him.

The cheetah suddenly hugged her tight and rolled over, putting her on top of his lithe body with her paws on his shoulders. "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't intend to find someone to share my travels with, or even to have a one night stand with a beautiful lioness. I just planned to pass on by, but I am so glad I decided to stop and savor the night."

Right then, the right decision became suddenly clear, and the lioness's nervous demeanor melted into playfulness. As she sat up and started rubbing her soft snatch against her lover's sheath, Ayana put her hands on his chest and ran her fingers through his fur, loving both the silky texture and the sensation of him purring. "You know, maybe we could run away together," she said, "Just tour the world until we find somewhere to settle down. I've just got one question before we go: what do you mean by 'companions with benefits'?"

Khari could tell from her amorous smirk she knew just what it meant, but he was more than willing to play along for the sake of mood. "Well, let me give you a demonstration," he replied, lust rising in his voice as he took hold of her hips. "You just lift yourself up, get lined up, aaaaand... gaahhhh..."

"Mrrrrr... like that?" Even after getting fucked three times in the same night, she still found the feeling of a barbed dick sliding into her as intoxicating as ever. Judging by his blissful expression, Khari had the same opinion, and the lioness made sure to tease him by squeezing hard against his girthy member.

"Yeah... perfect."

Ayana spent a little while shifting her weight around, occasionally sliding her cozy snatch up and down to keep her partner entertained. "So, you just want me to do all the work?" she joked, "How very noble of you."

"Hey, I did all the humping the last three times, it's only fair that-oohhhh..." She cut him off by beginning to bounce up and down, going from teasing to jackhammering in a matter of seconds. Throughout their night of intense lovemaking, she'd found she loved cheetah dick best when it came fast and hard, and she made sure to pleasure herself as much as possible. At first, it seemed like Khari was just gonna let her ride him to an orgasm, but after a minute of mating, he sat up and grabbed her around the waist. His muzzle easily found its way to her nipples, and once he got one in his mouth, he started suckling like his life depended on it. His paws reached around and started exploring her backside, groping around her rump and experimentally tugging on her tail; it didn't take the cheetah long to get even more curious, and he let go of her tit to pop two digits into his mouth. Once he'd gotten those lubed up, he pulled Ayana right into a muzzle to muzzle kiss while sneakily reaching around to her tailhole with his free paw. The lioness let out a tiny yelp as he teased the entrance, but when she pulled away, he could see she was grinning mischievously. "You dirty cat!" she playfully chided, right before tackling him to the ground.

Ayana quickly found she liked this new kind of teasing, especially when she was pounding herself with her lover's barbed cock. It gave the whole experience a little tingly boost of forbidden pleasure, especially when he got a few knuckles deep and began full on fingering her. At the other end, Khari was probing around in her mouth with his tongue as she was doing the same to him, exchanging spit and affection in equal measure. The kissing, the fingering, the fucking, all of it was adding up to one amazing experience, and she wasn't sure how much longer she could go without climaxing. "Think I'm gonna... mmmm..." she murmured as her lover shifted to grooming the side of her neck. "Gonna cum soon..."

"Well don't wait on me..." The cheetah seemed to take her growing tension as a sign to go all-out, fingering her tailhole just a bit deeper and kissing her chest a bit more passionately; she could swear his barbs extended more too, rubbing at her clit in just the right way. Part of her wanted to slow down, to either wait for her partner to catch up or tease him at a snail's pace, but the desire for release easily won out. Ayana began moving faster as she neared the point of no return, raking her insides with his stiff, rubbery barbs again and again until she finally reached her limit. She thrust down one last time, completely engulfing Khari's member in warm, pulsating goodness as she rode out her orgasmic high. The feeling of her insides squeezing on his barbs was terrific, but it wasn't enough to send him over the edge, and he didn't want to ruin her orgasm to get at his own.

When she finally regained her senses, Ayana was surprised at not feeling hot, sticky seed inside her, and immediately took it as a sign that something was wrong. "Are you doing okay?" she asked, "Was I going too fast, or-"

"You're fine, I just didn't get off before you is all." Khari lay back onto a pillow, taking the lioness's hips in his hands and squeezing her rump. "Of course, if you want to finish me off..."

"Oh, you're not getting blue balls on my watch." The lioness eagerly began riding his dick once again, this time doing her best to gauge how fast he liked it. Now that she wasn't enraptured by his dick, she was free to watch all his cute little expressions, from the slight grimaces to the sudden gasps as she squeezed him just right.

Khari was having a hell of a time laying back and letting Ayana work her magic, with her warm, ribbed snatch rubbing him all the right ways as she bobbed up and down. He'd been pretty close to a climax when she'd orgasmed, so it wasn't hard for her to bring him back to the brink. After a few slow strokes to ease him into it, the young cheetah finally came with a quiet, blissful groan, shooting his sperm into her womb for the fifth time that night. It was a quick little climax, but once he was finished, he was too tuckered out to try for a fifth round. Ayana flopped back on top of him in a contented, post-coital haze, only moving to look up at her newfound lover.

"So, when do you want to leave?" Khari asked after a brief, cozy silence, "Do you want to just head out at dawn?"

"No, I can't leave the inn unattended for that long. My dad gets back tomorrow afternoon, so we should probably go around midday." The lioness cuddled up to his chest, putting one ear to his sternum to better hear his lovely purring.

"Sure you don't want me to meet him? I've heard a parent's blessing is the first step to healthy mateship..."

Ayana let out a small chuckle at the thought of trying to introduce her lover to her father. "Oh, that'd end in disaster. Even if you weren't an outsider and weren't a cheetah, he'd still be fuming at the thought that you knocked me up out of wedlock; you try and get his blessing now, he's liable to take your head as a trophy."

"Ah. Point taken." The two felines settled into silence once again, and this time they merely snuggled up in each other's warmth instead of continuing the conversation. In their state of post-coital exhaustion, it didn't take long for them to succumb to sleep, and the air was quickly filled with the sound of gentle snoring. Both Khari and Ayana dreamed of what the future might hold, of what sights and wonders they'd get to see, and of what it would be like to raise cubs of their own.

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