Integrated Security (Extreme, Male Version)

Story by TwistedSnakes on SoFurry

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#1 of Integrated Security

Written by TwistedSnakes


It was dark. So, very, very dark.

The wolf was in a cylindrical glass tube, not that he'd know what it was. He had been artificially created, or "germinate" as it was called. For the past two decades, the glass tube that had contained him had been his home. His reality.

His first moment of consciousness was of him floating in a body of liquid with cables stuck to his skin, monitoring his vitals. The liquid sustained his body with oxygen and nutrients, constantly filtered and renewed to facilitate his growth. Suspended in the middle of the glass tube with his eyes closed, he helplessly pawed at the nothingness of the fluids around him.

Years ticked by. Stray mental objects evolved into thoughts. His body grew and one day he could feel his paws brush against the hard, curved surface of his universe. Yet his eyes still perceived nothing in the darkness.

Beyond his sense of touch, his entire reality existed solely in his mind. Visions of flashing colours, erratic pangs of emotions, and incoherent thoughts were the results of a world devoid of stimuli to help guide his mental growth.

All he could do was float in the darkness and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

The wolf woke up with a start to a barrage of new sensations that assaulted his senses. The tube lifted up around him, dropping him roughly to the ground.

For the first time in his life, his ears felt the piercing pain of sound in his ears.

For the first time in his life, he understood what the sensation of coldness was.

For the first time in his life, the closing of his eyes made a difference.

For the first time in his life.

He was truly awake.

The wolf scrambled about frantically on the floor, trying to come to terms with his new reality. His glass tube had been transported to this empty cell before unceremoniously releasing him in a deluge of water. His rite of birth.

The cell took the form of a small, perfect, white cube devoid of windows. Apart from a door seamlessly built into its wall and the empty glass tube, it was totally bare. But the concept of cell meant nothing to him: the only thing that he was struggling to come to terms with was that this was his new reality. His shivering body found a corner of the cell where, driven by instinct, he huddled against the wall, hugging his knees close to his chest. His wet fur dripped amniotic fluids onto the smooth ground, forming a pool around him. He shivered.

His first breaths in this world were shallow and fearful. Fear. Another new experience. He would later experience this fear again as more people entered his cell to remove the glass tube before leaving him alone again.

He would also experience more emotions over time. Emotions embedded in instincts through generations of evolution.

All of them.

All of them except for happiness.

The wolf slowly learnt what it meant to be alive. To stay alive.

Hunger needed to be met with food. Food in the form of a nutrient paste mechanically extruded onto the floor for him to eat.

Fear needed to be met with shelter. Shelter in the form of a particular corner of the cell that he had grown accustomed to hiding in.

Brightness needed to be met with darkness. Darkness in the form of closing his eyes, wishing that he was back in the glass chamber and away from this place.

These were things one typically learns from birth but when it came to the wolf, he might as well have just been born. He learnt to interact with the world around him. Stimuli from the outside. He takes action. Then more stimuli in response. Natural instinct was his teacher, imparting to him the skills he needed to survive.

But natural instinct taught him one more thing: the desire to escape.

Escape? What did such a concept entail? It required one to be able to perceive a place for which to escape to. A place which the wolf could not comprehend in his limited experience.

But it was still there. A desire, a hunger, a craving for freedom.


Unknown to the wolf, he was XN-1847-8272-1843: an identification number to distinguish objects. Identity was something that the wolf could not comprehend. In his mind, he wasn't "him". He just was.

But his identity as an object meant that he had a purpose. A purpose that someone out there had assigned to him. A purpose that would require him to be processed in order to fulfil. Which was why one ordinary day, the door to his cell opened and two technicians strode in, each one picking him by his upper arms and dragging him out.

He knew not how to fight back. Instinct had not yet taught him the meaning of danger. Instead, fear flooded his thoughts once again as he was dragged into a new and alien world of white corridors, the walls of his reality once again broken as he was thrown into a bigger world.

He was brought to a room with a metal frame mounted on rails. Welded into it were metal cuffs which the wolf was methodologically secured in. They snapped in place, restraining him securely with his limbs splayed outwards in the shape of an "X". More clamps were closed around him, automatically locking themselves around his neck, elbow, and knees. A steel cage-like frame encased his torso, ending at rings around his shoulder and pelvic joints at his limbs.

A soft sound came out from the wolf's throat, half growl, half whimper: another product of his survival instinct, useless against his unyielding surroundings. The light was bright in his eyes, forcing him to squint and struggle helplessly.

For the first time in his life, his mind--conveyed in a language only his mind could comprehend--conceived of a question: What were they doing to him? With his head securely restrained, his search for answers manifested in his frantically-darting eyes and his pleading yelps. His actions would prove to be in vain.

With a jerk, the frame he was bound in started moving along the rails which led through a tall rectangular opening in the wall into pitch-black darkness. But unlike the first darkness, this one was not a comforting one. The brightness of the previous room was a splotch of light, disappearing as his body was dragged around a bend.

Sounds. There were sounds. His inexperience was too great to even grant him recognition of the whir and clangs of the machinery, all of them cloaked in the darkness. Only coloured spots of indicator lights could be seen, darting back and forth in the darkness like robotic fireflies.

The wolf's heart was beating loudly in his chest. A physiological response to an emotional state. Fear. But that feeling was mixed with a second emotion: curiosity. He was curious about the moving lights in the darkness and his eyes followed their rigid choreography and angular turns in the midst of the void.

Then two beams of green light shone over his spreadeagle body: one in front and one behind, scanning his body. Reading his contours and measuring his dimensions. His form reduced to mere numbers just as his identity had been.

Without warning, his body was assaulted with the sprays from dozens of unseen nozzles around him. The stinging liquid clung to his fur, getting into his eyes and mouth. The wolf hastily closed them, trying to squeeze them out of his eyes as the taste of the caustic acid filled his mouth.

Brushes reached out for him, scrubbing his fur and scouring his skin. The cleaning agent that had been sprayed onto him served to chemically burn the dirt and perspiration off his hide, all while creating a burning sensation on his skin.

"Mahhh! Mahhh! Mahhhhhhh!" he let out a series of whimpered cries, sustaining each one until his lungs ran out of air before he took another breath and repeated desperately.

The brushes fell away and a spray of cool solvent washed his fur. The solvent flushed away the stinging agent, leaving behind pink and sore skin beneath his white fur. Blasts of wind from unseen fans then dried him up, leaving the strong smell of antiseptic in the air.

A high-pitched sound filled the air as four, bright blue orbs glowed around him. The lasers were charging up. Then beams of cutting laser shot from the circles of light at his shoulders and hips, connecting with the base of his arms and legs. They cut through his flesh in a smooth motion like a knife through butter, severing all his muscles and tendons that linked them together. Only his joints held his four limbs in place.

The wolf sobbed loudly, afflicted by the pain of his sliced flesh and the overwhelming fear. "Mahhh!" came his tortured screams, again and again. Metal arms clamped on his upper arms and thighs but he could not feel a thing. The restraints around his wrists and ankles released him and there was a sickening pop as the clamps twisted his limbs out of their sockets.

The wolf's body jerked in pain. His arms and legs were brought away into the darkness. Except for his tail, he was now limbless as he hung in his frame. Artificially-grown grafts were applied at his empty joints and severed muscles, stuck to his raw flesh with the held of surgical glue. Fur would later grow back on the bare skin, forming a seamless bump as if his arms and legs were never there. Only the metal brace around his body and the head harness held him in place.

A blinking light slid mechanically in front of the wolf's face as if staring him in the eyes. Scared and crying, the wolf looked back at it hopefully. Was it here to help? Suddenly, the unseen arm advanced upon the wolf's face. Clamps closed around his maw, holding his muzzle in place with its painful grip. With a slow whirring of gears, it began prying his jaw open.

The wolf tried to close his jaw but the cold steel was heartless and unyielding. Still, it didn't stop the wolf from trying. His maw was shivering as he strained his muscles, tears forming in his eyes. The clamp opened his mouth wider and wider beyond the point of comfort and into an agonizing angle until it finally stopped.

"Heeze!" the wolf wheezed helplessly. His tail was writhing around as his body struggled to escape. There was a sharp pain in his nose as two robotic, semicircular tubes forced themselves into his nostrils and into his nasal cavity.

"Mah-!" he tried to call for help but a hollow tube was forced into his open maw, curving down to the back of his throat. A metal frame was shoved into his mouth, circling the tube as it held his jaws open. A claw grabbed his writhing tongue, painfully stretching it out to the front of his lower jaw and keeping it from moving.

Mechanical arms swivelled around him, bringing more metal parts around his face. Metal braces closed around his muzzle, lips, and chin, connecting with the frame in his mouth. Suddenly, a piercing pain shot through him. The screws in the braces dug into his skin, connecting with the metal frame in his mouth. A sharp rod pierced his tongue, hooking it in place to the metal frame. The entire structure was now fully hooked up to his maw, keeping it permanently open and refusing to let the wolf move an inch.

"Mhhh!" he screamed with a muffled voice. For the discomfort to stop. But the machine had no compassion for his shivering form as the tubes in his nose thrust further into his body, snaking down his throat until it reached the entrance of his windpipe and gullet. They forced past his epiglottis, past his vocal cords, and into his windpipe, causing the wolf to resist even harder than before.

The two tubes connected back to each other, forming a solid tube that went down his mouth and into his windpipe. Its tip began expanding until it filled the entire span of his trachea, securely lodging itself there.

Without warning, there was a burning pain in the wolf's throat. The tube in his throat had begun to sear at the tissues and cartilage that made up his vocal cords. Within seconds, they were gone, leaving cauterized flesh in their absence. The wolf's last screams were replaced by laboured huffs. He had been permanently silenced, just as all objects were meant to be.

A cylindrical, metal device was brought up to the wolf's crotch. The open end of the cylinder was put over his sheath and there was a hiss as it formed an airtight seal over it. It began vibrating in pulses, stroking his sensitive part.

Arousal. His first arousal would be artificially induced in the midst of his brutal bodily mutilation. His whimpering gasps were an emotional mix of pain, fear, and unwilling arousal as his shaft slowly emerged from his sheath. The vibrating inner walls of the cylinder were lined with firm padding, coaxing his pink flesh out until it was at full length, filling out the entire metal tube. At its tip, a short probe inserted itself into the entrance of his urethra, expanding its sharp spikes to keep his quivering member at full length. A metal enclosure was clamped over his testicles, keeping them separated and constantly compressed as the device was welded to his cock tube.

The wolf's survival instincts were to thrash around. To fight back. To escape. But millennia of evolution had not prepared Mother Nature to face the onslaught of mechanical processing he was being subjected to. Instead, his instincts settled for inaudible cries that were drowned out by the sound of the machinery around him. Cries that were evolutionarily honed to call the attention of one's mother, one's caretaker. But objects were not granted this privilege. Objects had no rights to luxury. Objects had nothing.

Another device was pressed against his pucker, lubricated with industrial oil. Its base looked like an open port that led up to its mechanical body, covered with metal connector nodes and ending at a tapered tip. It pushed against his tailhole and the wolf instinctively clenched his muscles. That only made the pain worse as in one sharp movement, the device was forcefully thrust past his muscles and into him.

The girthy shaft of the makeshift dildo pressed against his prostate, making him blush from the wave of sexual kindling. The tip of the device reached deep within him, filling out his insides near the entrance of his large intestines. The base of the device around his pucker expanded, clamping around the edges of his sphincter and keeping it permanently open and the device lodged firmly in his tight tailhole. The base of the device opened up to an internal tube, forming an entrance into the wolf's insides.

A large tube was connected to the opening and a smaller one connected to the tip of his encased cock. The tubes were pulled to the back, neatly hung on the frame he was restrained in.

Suddenly, the frame rotated so that he was facing upwards. A blue laser shone a beam at his torso, slicing down the entire length of his abdomen. Two arms pried the flesh open, revealing his intestinal cavity. More arms grabbed his large intestines and pulled them out of him. The surgical laser cut through their ends, leaving behind the sphincter of his upper intestine at one end, and his severed rectum at the other.

His remaining intestines were pushed to the top of his body and another mechanical arm entered him, making its way to the back where his spine was. A spasm shot through his body as electrical probes were pierced into his spinal. A multitude of thoughts and imagery flashed through his brain as the probes sent electrical signals running up his spinal cord and into his brain.

A clear, plexiglass box filled with incredibly intricate electronic components was put into his empty abdomen cavity and the spinal probe was connected to a plug in the box. It contained various computers and life support apparatus. With its close spinal connection to his brain, its computer could form a seamless mental link to him; an extension to his brain. Rubber padding along the edges and corners of the box prevented it from puncturing his organs.

Another arm removed his bladder with the help of the surgical laser. The severed ureters and the end of his small intestines were connected to a pump in the device which was in turn connected to his severed rectum. This would make up his artificial waste removal system.

A long, metal wire pushed down the duct of his bladder, going down the urethra in his encased cock until it connected with his member's electronic prison. An inner cable in the rectum connector also connected with the probe in his anus and both wires were connected to his intestinal box that would manage his bodily and mental functions, making sure he fulfils his predetermined purpose. A plexiglass lid was lowered over the box and glued with an acrylic adhesive, sealing off all the components inside with only the wires and tubes leading out of it. More rubber strips were used to cover the sharp edges.

His cock and tailhole had been reduced to mere ports and connectors for the box inside of him. The wolf's skin was pulled back over his organs and the intestinal box and surgical glue sealed his skin back in place, leaving behind an odd feeling of the heavy box in his torso. His breaths felt strange as the contraction and relaxation of his diaphragm pushed his organs against the cold, flat surface of the plexiglass.

The frame that bound his body rotated back up so that his body was upright again. It was still connected to the head harness that stopped him from looking around; but with a click, the frame around his head opened, leaving him free to turn his head, burdened with the weight of the cumbersome maw attachments. Not for long though, for another device gripped the back of his head, forcing him to face forward once again.

There was another loud whirring sound as metal drills bore through various points in his skull. It lasted for barely a second before probes were inserted through the holes into the soft tissue of his brain, sending painful pulses of electricity through his head.

The wolf was barely hanging on to his sanity as the modifications were made to him one after the other. His body was getting increasingly unrecognizable which each additional modification, turning his organic form into one consisting of cold, unyielding steel.

A metal frame was lowered over the wolf's head. It consisted of a metal plate that wrapped around his head like a helmet, leaving holes only for his ears and a rectangular opening for his eyes. Braces around his neck were welded together and its metal skeleton was welded onto his metallic muzzle, forming a solid piece around his head. His eyes darted around in fear as he wheezed into the tube in his throat.

Another odd machine was lowered in front of his face. It looked like some kind of face goggles as it was secured over his eyes, blinding him in its darkness. Nothing could have prepared him for what came next. Two pair of clamps slipped under the edges of his eyelids and spread themselves open, prying the wolf's eyes wide open to the point of pain. The red edges of his extraocular muscles were exposed as his eyes darted about frantically in the darkness.

"Heeee!" the wolf whimpered in faint gasps as he tried to close his eyelids. Two four-pronged claws lowered themselves over each of his eyes. With steady and precise movements, they pressed against the white of his eyes, slipping under his eyelids and around his eyeballs.

They tightened with a sharp jerk, compressing his eyeballs until they were slightly squashed out of shape. The wolf could not move his eyes as the metal claws dug into the soft tissue of his corneas and scleras. With the eyeballs in place, the claws slowly retracted, tugging them out of their sockets. The wolf's eye sockets were flooded with pain as his extraocular muscles were torn from their posts and stretched beyond their natural limits, involuntarily trembling as the wolf's tried to move them.

There was a gentle jerk as his muscles and tendons hit their physical limits. Any further and they would tear and snap. A laser cutter rectified the problem, severing the overextended muscles and leaving the eyeballs hanging from the wolf's hollow eye sockets by their optic nerves. Clamps grabbed the optic nerves and a laser cutter severed them, blinding him. Spherical digital connectors, approximately the size of his detached eyeballs, were welded to the ends of the optic nerves to serve as an artificial link to his vision.

The wolf's body was shivering in the metal frame and his gasping was frenzied and distraught. The spherical connectors were pushed back into his eye sockets with a loud squelch and the clamps on the wolf's eyelids were removed. Cables attached to the spherical connectors stuck out of his eye sockets, leading under the shell of the helmet to the back of his head.

He blinked frantically as his eye sockets were stuffed with the foreign object, feeling a strange sensation as the underside of his sore eyelids rubbed against the cold, dry, and smooth surface of the sphere, closing up to the point where the cables connected to it. His eyes felt oddly empty too, with no longer any ocular muscles to manoeuvre the contents of his sockets.

Four rods, each with a row of spikes were pressed lengthwise against the edges of his eyelids, digging into his skin as it forced his eyelids to close tightly around the bundle of cables. Surgical glue was generously applied, sealing his eyes over the metal spheres in their permanent housing. The goggle-like device pulled away from his head and another metal shield was pressed over his eyes, hiding the remnants of his mutilated face and hiding any traces of the cables.

"Hsss..." the wolf wheezed in pain. He didn't know what had just happened to him, only that he had been robbed of his vision. He was tired. So tired. His tail hung limply, weary of his incessant struggles which bore no fruit.

The brace around his body suddenly opened up, leaving him to hang by his neck until a metal structure was immediately secured to his body. This one was fitted to his body, the precise result of his body measurements from earlier. It consisted of an inner frame that hugged the shape of his chest and abs tightly, leading around to the back where a central column ran down his spine. A neck brace kept him from turning as it connected to his head frame. The outer frame was the shape of a cuboid, just big enough to contain the width and height of the amputated body.

Electric welders danced around him, welding everything in place and making his imprisonment permanent. The cables from his encased dick and anal port were attached to a circular port at the back of the cuboid's outer frame, joined by the cerebral and ocular links as well as the nasal and oral tubes. His tail was bound to his back by leather straps, keeping it completely immobile against his spine.

The metal frame was rotated so that he was facing up again and he was lowered into a padded box which closed around him. The wolf was left suspended in the air by the metal frame that locked his body in an immovable prison. The box was moved into a storage room and an opening in its back allowed cables and tubes to connect to the circular port behind the wolf's metal frame.

The life support system in his body was turned on and he suddenly found himself being fed a nutrient solution that flowed through the tubes and down his throat. A stream of air went down his nose tubes and straight into his lungs, dictating the speed of his breaths. The cock tube and anal device began vibrating, keeping his sexual organs constantly stimulated.

The object would later be used for his preordained purpose but in the meantime, he would be useful. The tube in his tailhole would flush away his organic waste from time to time and the cock tube would drain away his copious precum and released seed which would later be recycled for amino acid and protein synthesis.

And the whole time, the object would be kept in the dark.

Always in the dark.

The wolf woke up from his feverish slumber. He noticed that the stimulation had stopped, giving him sexual relief for the first time in a very long time. He had been in this state for months until the pain became a part of his daily life so this respite came as something new.

But something felt different. It was as if his thoughts were shoved into a compartment of his mind, making space for something else in his brain. Despite the removal of his sight he tried to open his eyes again. Unlike the previous times, this time his vision was flooded with a plethora of information. Numbers and images filled his mind.

He examined the images one at a time. They depicted a world that he had not seen before. A world somewhere out there. He watched them with a sense of wonder and curiosity. The images were moving. More specifically, the people in the images were moving. There were three thousand, seven hundred and fifty-five people in the building.

People. Numbers. Building. These were new concepts to him but yet somehow he understood them completely. Unbeknownst to him, he was installed into a skyscraper as its security mainframe. With it came a knowledge module that was installed into his mental link. His mind was connected to the computers in his abdominal cavity, allowing him to access to all the relevant information required to carry out his tasks.

The system was feeding him information. The building had one hundred and seventy storeys, one hundred and fifty of them above the ground and twenty below. Above the ground, most of the floors consisted of office floors and meeting rooms. The floors underground housed the operational aspects of the building: racks of computational servers, air-conditioning units, backup power generators, and so on.

Serving these floors were forty-six elevators arranged in an intricate network around the building to spread out the congestion. Security posts were located around the building's many entrances and on various floors throughout the building. Robotic drones guarded the entrances and patrolled the corridors.

And he was in charge of this entire system.

He watched moving images, slowly understanding what they were: live feed from the thousands of security cameras throughout the building. He was to look out for signs of threats: dangerous individuals, unidentifiable objects, building fires, and so on. And should anything happen, he could lock down the various doors and shutters to isolate the threat or utilize the robotic drones to neutralize said threat.

He watched through a camera feed as a sleek, metallic black robot walked down the corridor in the midst of people in business suits, streaming from both directions.

What if he...

As the thought materialized in his head, he suddenly found himself looking through the eyes of the robot. He was standing still in the middle of the corridor with people bumping against him as they strode swiftly by, so busy that they had no time to apologize. What good was apologizing to a robot, anyway?

Ignoring the annoyed glances of people for his obstruction of the path, he looked down at his body. It was made out of sleek and streamlined curves, forming a genderless frame of reinforced steel. He brought his hand to his face, twisting his wrists and bending his fingers. He was in a body.

His heartbeat sped up in his organic chest. A long-forgotten instinct was coming back to him: the hunger for freedom. But along with came with a new feeling: hope. Guided by the floor plans installed in his mind, he turned around made for the elevator.

A small jolt of electricity surged through his body and the robot halted in its tracks. Pain. The system was punishing him with pain for needlessly deviating from the patrol. The wolf winced and turned around. Its patrol would lead down another corridor, taking a weaving path through more corridors before looping back to this sport. Going down rows of office cubicles, he continued down the assigned route and a slow vibrating started in his crotch, stimulating him. Sexual stimulation was to be his reward.

The wolf felt shame. Shame for being a slave to his sexual stimulation. Shame for his helplessness to escape. Shame for his entire existence. He guided the robot, winding through the corridors as he watched out for signs of suspicious activity. Nothing.

His journey led him past another set of elevators. He needed to do this. A pair of lift doors opened and people started stepping out of it. Without waiting for them to get off, he pushed past them and stood in the elevator to the disdain of the other passengers. The electrical shocks got stronger, making him convulse in his metal frame. The robot he was controlling was shuddering too, twitching in time with his physical body.

The elevator went up first, dropping off groups of passengers until it reached the top floor. Once it was empty, the wolf overrode the elevator system, making it descend past the other floors as it headed for the ground floor. With a gentle ping, its doors slid open and the trembling robot stumbled out.

Trying to endure the agony, he quickly made for the exit. People turned their heads to look at the runaway robot as it ran down a corridor, past the main lobby, and out the double glass doors. The pain seemed to disappear as he was greeted by a dazzling orb of brightness that hung in a void of warm orange and pale blue.

He was watching the sunrise.

His heart was beating in his chest and throbbing in his head. This was his escape. He ignored the pain as he made his way down the concrete pavement in jittery movements. The pain be damned, he was going to be free.

The numbers in his head told him that he was soon to be out of the building's compound. Just a bit more pain. Just a few more steps...

The robot crumpled to the ground as the system ousted it from the security network. The wolf was back in his dark world, watching the moving images in front of him. In one of them, a black robot was lying on the pavement in front of the building with its limbs splayed out haphazardly on the concrete. It laid there for a few minutes before it slowly came to life, getting up and returning to the building.

The wolf mentally whimpered.

He was trapped here.

Until his physical body was extracted from the building, he was trapped here.

A black robot walked down the corridor of one of the basement floors. Unlike the well-furnished office corridors above ground, the basement levels felt sterile with their smooth, white walls and floor. The robot turned around a corner and carried down another long corridor, slightly trembling as it went down a route that it was not meant to be on.

This floor housed the security system. Robots came here to charge when their power ran low. But instead of heading to the room with charging ports, it opened the door marked "Security Mainframe".

The room was filled with rows and rows of server racks. This was where the camera feeds were processed and where the robots were being controlled. Cables from the top of the racks were bundled together, leading towards the centre of the room. The robot followed them, getting closer and closer to the middle of the huge room.

And the robot came to the central point of the room. In its middle was a cuboidal metal frame mounted on a pedestal, securing the mutilated body of a white wolf in its middle. Cables and tubes ran out the back of the frame, connecting to the various wires in the room.

This was what was left of his body.

But there was no time to fret. The robot had with it a wireless link device meant to turn a physical cable connection into a wireless one. The wolf sent instructions to the drone to unplug his body from the mainframe before linking them back through the wireless device.

The world went black as the drone disconnected him from the system. His breathing was suddenly unassisted by the air pumps and he found himself having to use his diaphragm to keep himself alive. He had been hooked up to the system for three years now, getting increasingly reliant on the life support that the building provided him with.

To his relief, the feed of thousands of cameras returned to his vision. He was connected back to the system, albeit with a bit of lag as the signals had to travel through waves in the air before it reached his mind.

There were no cameras in the security mainframe room but the wolf knew the robot's ID. He connected to the robot, once again able to see his body. A black transceiver module was mounted on the back of his frame and a similar one was hooked up to the cables. His breathing still had to be done manually but it was a small price to pay for freedom.

Looking through the eyes of his robot, he took the body down and shoved it in a huge, canvas bag that the robot had brought along. The wolf could feel the air go stale and suffocating around him as its opening was zipped shut. Then he picked himself up, carrying the cuboid-shaped bag close to his chest as he made for the door.

The robot ran up the stairs, skipping two steps at a time as it ascended to the first floor. Trying to blend in with the crowd, it slowed down to a walking pace as it made its way through the crowd. The robot would shut down once it left the boundary of the building but he would cross the bridge when he came to it: he needed to get to freedom first.

Then there was the sound of shouting. Someone was pointing at him. The security modules didn't teach him language but he knew enough to tell that he was in trouble. He threw caution to the winds, pushing past people as he ran for the exit.

He was out through the double doors and bolting down the pavement. He just needed to get to the boundary. His pursuers were hot on his heels but he was faster. Just a bit more...

The outside world disappeared as the security system kicked the robot from the network again and his bagged body was thrown down the pavement and out the gates of the compound. His vision was once again filled with rows of security feed.

But he was out.

He was free.

His heart was beating in excitement. His head was throbbing from the adrenaline. He was free.

But he was also trapped. Unable to do anything. He listened to the sound of his laboured breathing. What now?

Suddenly, he could feel his body being moved. The sounds indicated that the bag was being unzipped but he could not see a thing. He switched his feed over to the security camera pointed at him, only to see people in uniform standing around his metal frame.

He had been caught.

They examined the metal transceiver on his back. Then a look of recognition flashed across their faces as they figured out what it was doing. Through his ears, he could hear their voices around him, speaking in words that he could not understand. One of the men bent down and disconnected it from his system and everything went black.

The wolf continued listening to his breaths. What was going to happen to him? To answer his question, a gaseous anaesthetic was fed into his nasal tubes and put the wolf to sleep.

The wolf was woken up by an intense feeling of pain and pleasure that consumed his entire being. Electrical pulses were surging through his body, making it hard to think or even control his body's convulsing. But at the same time, his privates were still being stimulated at the devices' maximum intensity. The conflicting sensations assaulted his senses relentlessly, making it unbearable for him. He was gasping in pain, producing his inaudible cries for mercy.

There was a click sound and the feed of thousands of cameras flooded his vision again. Despite the cruel punishment, he was still required to perform his security duties. And no matter what he did, the torture would not stop. It was to be his eternal torment for attempting to escape.

Saying that the wolf was in pain would be an understatement. It was pure suffering for him, both physically and mentally. He had came so close to escaping, only to have it taken away. Should he have made sure that he had a proper escape plan beyond the compound limits? Sure, but he didn't know any better.

And now all he had left to look forward to was a lifetime of physical anguish.


He could not stand for that. He needed to escape again. He controlled the robot closest to the server mainframe and made his way to the room, violently shuddering the entire way. He threw open the door to the security room and ran down to where his body should be.

But instead of his body, he saw a block of solid metal. Its dimensions were the same as that of the cuboid frame that had contained his body.


He stumbled to the back of the solid block and sure enough, wires and cables ran out the back of the metal cuboid. As if to add salt to the wound, his white, bushy tail was visible through an opening near the base of the block. It was pointed upwards and compressed against the metal surface by a glass plate that was adhered in place. What was left of his organic being was reduced to a mocking display.

The robot crumpled to the ground, convulsing as he mourned his fate. Evolution had blessed, no, cursed him with emotions. He was feeling agony. But along with that came one last, new emotion: grief.

He was in grief.

The wolf was not aware of how long his robotic form had been there when he regained lucidity. He stumbled to his feet, still convulsing as he made his way over to the server racks. Driven entirely by his grief, he punched through the glass windows and damaging the computing units inside. His vision flickered as backup units were activated to replace the broken ones.

But the wolf didn't stop. The robot went over to another row of units and destroyed them too. His vision was slowly getting fuzzy. There was a spark. And the spark went on to create an electrical fire. Still, he continued his rampage, destroying everything in sight.

It was harder and harder to control the robot as the security mainframe was damaged beyond repair. The fire was starting to consume the entire room, filling it with smoke. The robot stumbled over to the centre of the room, next to the metal block.

With one last effort, it tore the cables off and disconnecting him from the security mainframe. The live feed was cut off and his breathing had to be manually controlled now. But each breath he took was filled with smoke and carbon monoxide. It was suffocating.

And it was dark.

He coughed and choked on the suffocating air as his head swam around. It felt like his senses were fading away. The pain. The pleasure. Slowly dimming into the blackness.

His world, his reality was getting darker and darker around him as he faded out.

It was dark. So, very, very dark.

~ End ~