Roommates With Benefits: Chapter 5 (Platinum Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#5 of Roommates With Benefits (Platinum Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Chapter 5 of Roommates With Benefits, a story that is apart of my Platinum content of my Patreon. Premium content is plot driven with recurring characters and are significantly longer than other uploads and are uploaded every Friday

Awesome art by:

Lu is doing some homework and minding his own business, but a horny husky who is missin his roommate wants some attention.

Read the full chapter here:

Lu was settled in for the night after a long day of meeting with study groups and general preparation for the end of the semester. It was still three weeks off but it always came quick when you're not prepared.

It was getting late in the evening and the rabbit had just gotten done eating his supper. Nearby there sat a bowl of lettuce chips that he was nibbling on while he went over his notes and read out from his Physics 102 Book. Splayed on his belly with his elbows propped beneath him, he was lost in the content of his class when there came a light knock at his door.

Lu's ear perked up and he turned to glance back over his shoulder. He could see a shadow beneath his door. "Come in," he called out and turned again to his notebook. The door handle turned and the panel creaked open.

"Am I interrupting you?" came the familiar voice of Noah as he entered and closed the door behind him.

"Oh, I suppose not," Lu replied pleasantly as his spade shaped tail flicked slightly from side to side. "What's up?"

"Oh, just looking for someone to talk to," the husky mumbled and came over to the bed and set his paws on the ledge. He peered over Lu's shoulder and tilted his head. "What are you doing?"

"Just some studying. I should probably take a break here soon," the rabbit sighed and grabbed another lettuce chip to nibble on.

There came a sudden weight against Lu's back that made him startled a little. He looked up to see the looming figure of the husky looking down between the rabbit's ears at the work splayed out on the bed. Noah had managed to hop up on the bed and his chest was pressed against the femboy's back, his knees and paws set on the outside of Lu's own.

"Physics, eh?" he said, his hot breath coming at the back of Lu's neck. "Sounds boring." Noah leaned his muzzle down and began to lightly nudge against the side of the rabbit's neck. It was a sensitive spot, and so Lu shivered and let out a light squeak.

"I-it is boring...what are you doing?" Lu asked and tried to look back at the husky but he only managed to expose more of his neck to the dog. The motion encouraged Noah to begin licking and lightly nibbling the same spot that he had been nudging at.

"I'm just being nosy, why?" Noah mumbled and closed his eyes. There was a distinct heated stroking against the rabbit's backside. It was accompanied by the firmness of an erect cock that Lu was more than familiar with.

"I think you're a bit more than nosy," Lu huffed as a blush started to form across his cheeks.

"What do you think I am?" Noah asked with a grin. The nudging against his petite butt was unmistakable, the throbbing dog dick was wet with precum and throbbing. The husky was bottomless, much like the rabbit, and so Lu could feel everything. Noah's member rested between Lu's cheeks and gently rubbed there.

Lu shivered and bit his bottom lip as he felt himself getting excited as well. While the dog rubbed against him, he couldn't help but push back. "It's Thursday, you know the rules," the rabbit pleaded softly.

"I know, but I've been so horny lately. Liam's gone for the next few days, my balls are starting to hurt," Noah replied with a soft whimper, putting on a show by splaying his ears back against his head.

"But Liam only left an hour ago, why didn't you two have sex then?" The rabbit said and then moaned as he felt his tailhole get prodded. The hardened tip of the dog's cock was starting to really break down the femboy's defenses. He was growing to really want to get fucked. It wouldn't have been an entire lie that he didn't want this to happen, but he remembered what unconstrained sexual fun had on his grades.

"We did have sex," the husky said and pushed his nose against the back of the other's neck.

Lu sighed and shook his head. "You darn huskies and your sex drive. I can't get any work done with you around like this," he moaned and felt his tailhole slowly spread around Noah's thick member. The inches began to slowly creep inside.

"I'm sorry, Lu, but you did say you needed a break. I can be quick," Noah offered with an apologetic smile. The femboy was hardly in any position to say no, not that he wanted to.

"O-okay, fine. But you have to promise to be quick," The rabbit grumbled, trying to act like he was the one in charge and certainly not being controlled by his own horny mind.

"I promise," Noah declared just as his thick base pressed between the other's cheeks. Now balls deep in the tight bunny's ass, the husky began to saw his hips back and forth. Lu's own small cock had become erect but it dangled uselessly between his thighs. He arched his back and pressed against the dog's advances which only deepened the thrusts.

Noah was known to go fast right away, but this one instance he was starting off slowly and picking up speed. Despite the obvious size difference between them, the dog never had a problem with dominating the significantly more submissive rabbit. But that didn't mean he didn't like to savor his conquests. With the two together and alone, a surprisingly rare event, Noah just wanted to really take in what Lu had to offer.

The rabbit wiggled his backside against the rutting cock, his muscular ring tightening around that thick piece of meat as he would do all he could to milk it. At this angle, Noah's tip would grind against Lu's prostate and it would send an impressive jolt of pleasure to carry along the femboy's insides.

The creak of Lu's bed began to meet the volume and consistency of his moans. There was also the gruff panting from over head. Noah was towering above the rabbit and he wore a wide grin while his tongue lolled from his mouth. It was a cute expression that Lu had grown to love, since it was such a goofy sight.

As the rutting hips began to sway faster and harder, the femboy began to push himself back just as hard and quick. He loved the sensation of being filled out, that despite the dog not being near the size of Liam's horse dick, it was still perfectly adequate at getting him off. Especially now that his prostate was being hammered.

Lu wanted to reach beneath himself to rub at his own meager cock but he was already in a four point stance. Not to mention that with Noah's weight bearing down on him, he'd lose his balance and topple over. It wasn't like he needed to touch himself, the pounding canine cock was doing wonders for his body.

Almost as if he was reading the rabbit's mind, Noah's right paw lifted from its placement on the bed and stroked down along Lu's side before slipping underneath. Those soft fingers trailed against the femboy's flat belly before grabbing his small cock. It was just as slippery from his own precum and so it was easy to hold and even easier to stroke. Another heightened moan of bliss escaped the bunny as he was toyed with and now he worked his hips with the purpose of bucking against the dog's paw while grinding back on his shaft.

The loud, wet smacking sound of Noah's cock pulling back and forth within the other's ass was becoming prominent within the room. Precum dribbled from his own cock and was making the thrusting motion so much easier. Lu was loosening up and taking his place as a proper cock sleeve like he was known to do. The dog's moans were growing in volume and with them his jerking motion over Lu's member was getting faster.

Read the full chapter here: