So You've Been Transmogrified: Vix

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#12 of So You've Been Transmogrified

Vix is visited in her dreams by strange and sexy beings from a place beyond our world, what do they what with our fare latex Vixen.

As an aside for anyone that bothers to read this, I kinda have a problem with writing things when I cant justify it in a narrative. Just a stupid little detail that I cant rationalize often derails an entire story that I've put a lot of time into. So no tf stuff in this one cause, hey I what to set some stuff up and I couldn't figure a way to get a transformation in this one. So yeah, thanks to anyone that cares enough to read this, and anyone that likes my stuff. Expect some more actual tf stuff before the end of the month

So You've Been Transmogrified: Vix

Vix was content. She looked out over the East river and smiled. This really was the life wasn't it, good views of the city could be found in every direction for this penthouse. The place was Masons of course, her apartment was not anywhere near this, in height from the ground, in size or in luxury. But at the moment she was alone, Mason was gone and she was her for the first time really by herself. She actually missed him, it was a foreign feeling to Vix who had spent the majority of her life self obsessing over work and school. Her fling with Mason had been her first real sexual encounter since college a good five years in the past. More relevant was the fact that this was her first real relationship with somebody, there had been casual drinks and fucking in the past but now she was sleeping in this man's bed when he wasn't there, she was contemplating moving in with him. He had put the idea out there a few days ago and she had been enticed by it, but she also wanted to retain some of her own independence. Hence why she still had her smaller, lower and less expensive place.

She thought she would take him up on the offer. She ran a hand through her newly grown hair, a fire engine shade of red. She hadn't missed her hair that much in the interim of her transformation. Till now at least, and looking in the mirror she felt something had been missing. Mason seemed to like it as well. Its synthetic fibers felt good against her own slender synthetic fingers. Being a Vixen lovingly crafted from latex had taken some getting used to. In the strictest terms she was not really biologically speaking human anymore, that didn't really bother her though. She was still her mind and personality. But her body was not really that of a carbon based life form. The nanits coursing through her body had largely replaced her red blood cells, and really all her cells were now just tiny factories pumping out nantis that regulated her body. She still needed to eat of course but her diet she found also needed some different supplementation to work correctly. More metals and less vitamins.

Thinking about it some more she wasn't even really biological anymore she was synthetic through and through. It was distantly sad that she wasn't really human but the feeling passed as she looked over her bright and shiny orange and white body glinting in the fading sunlight. She liked the look, she liked it more than she liked herself when she was human. She directed her attention back outward at the city. She looked down at it naked from the window, she had largely accepted the fact that she wanted the world to see her body in all its glory, the windows here were tinted however, she could see out, but nobody else in. There were limits after all, and law about public decency. But she could walk around her own home flaunting her synthetic

body and latex sexuality whenever and however she wanted.

Her home, she had just thought of this place as her home. That kinda decided it she thought, once Mason came home she would tell him that she would take him up on his offer. She yawned stretching her arms up. Latex and rubber body or not she still needed sleep, her brain after all still ran on electrical impulses and chemicals, which at the moment told her she should go to sleep. It was early, but she had no plan for the evening, She drew the shade and darkened the room. The large bed her and Mason shared often seemed noticeably empty without him. Laying down she wished for his strong but gentle touch. She wondered if her attraction to him was genuine or was it just the rampant fucking and hormones that had accompanied there initial transformations. If it was then the effects had never completely faded from her. But that had been a while ago and she thought that any effects from that incident should have faded long ago. She yawned again. She didn't really get why she was so tired, it hadn't been a particularly long day. In fact everything was going well.

Hanna the speaker of the house turned sexy horse lady was trying to help them cut some of the red tape in Washington on the down low of course as she didn't really want people knowing her new dirty little secret. That Larson character who she had at first thought was going to be sleazy as hell had turned out to be reasonable. The deal was all complete but for the money and signature. She now had an ample supply of reference material from his archive, and a lot of new test cases for there bots. Every transformation they had on record was a little different than the other and having it cataloged helped to make the bots more efficient. Plus having the biometric data of the transformed helped as well. She yawned one last time and finally nodded off the sun minutes away from dipping below the horizon.

Vix opened her eyes, the bed gone. She was someplace else, different in place, feel and time. She looked down and saw she was laid out on a rocky floor, a fire was a few feet away and illuminated what she assumed to be a cave. She saw movement in the darkness in front of her and scrambled back away form it more on instinct than coherent thought. She felt something behind her as her body collided with another. She felt it arms wrap around her. Vix stopped looking down at her captors hands, they were like hers.

"What" she thought out loud.

She felt panic rising again at seeing the two foren latex arms made of black white and orange.

"Shhhhh, everything is fine, you are fine, breath mortal" a voice whispered into her ear. It was smooth and soft. A breeze of a voice emanating from right next to her ear. Vix slowly craned her head to one side trying to see the source. A head came into view, that of a fox almost a mirror of herself, smooth and shiny the light glinting from its rubbery skin. Vix felt the rubber fox pull her closer, she felt a pair of breasts against her back. The fox leaned back and rested against the cave wall, she slid Vix down her body resting her head against her breasts allowing Vix to use them like cushions. Her hands came around Vix below her breasts no longer holding her in place but merely resting. Vix could not explain but the voice of the fox had evaporated her worries. She felt safe in this cave in the arms of this fox she did not know. She saw more movement in front of her, another fox walked out from the darkness. Naked and in full shining glory, the light from the fire shimmered off of her shiny latex body.

Vix was entranced upon the sight, her mouth hung open, she felt a desire building up inside her, Vix had never really liked women, she had found more than a few of her own gender sexy who didn't. But now this feminine fox right in front of her looked at her in ways that made her lustful. Vix gulped feeling hot all of a sudden. The standing fox came to knel first and then got on all fours crawling over to Vix. She came over Vix and looked at her, dissecting her with her eyes.

"Vixal, such an interesting name" the vixen above her said in a voice deep and sultery.

"How do you..." Vix asked but was cut off by the other Vixens response.

"My sisters and I know much of the waking world, its wants, its, desires", she reached out one of her hand with that last word and ran it down Vixs chest to one of her breasts. Were she flicked her nipple upon reaching it, Vix felt a chill run down her body.

"What do you want" Vix asked feeling the lustful energy building.

"Vixal, you prefer just Vix corect" The fox over her asked, Vix nodded, "We would like to bestow upon you are blessing. It is an honor we have not been able to give a mortal in a long while." she leaned close into Vix before continuing, her muzzle right at the tip of Vix's. "It is thanks to you in large part we are able to commune with your reality once more, we would give you this blessing for that alone. However you are also a member of our discipline and as such we shall give you an honor few mortals have held." the vixen behind her chimed in with her soft and breezy voice. "We shall be your muse, and you our instrument".

"Me, your instrument, in what"? Vix asked her curiosity only marginally overpowering her growing haze of lust.

"We shall be the paint, you the brush, and the willing flesh will be our canvas" The vixen above her spoke now, "You show considerable skill as a sculptor of the flesh, you have the talent, the desire, the flesh of the willing and lack only the inspiration of the diven", the one behind her spoke again, "In our apsense you have done well, studied our work, seen to it that our converts are well adjusted".

Vix was all but overcome by the two women around her, she felt her lust for them burning as hot as she had for Mason in the office so long ago. She could only listen now, no questions, she felt as though she was putty in the hands of a skilled artist.

"Now then, our blessing, are you ready to take it Vix" the one above her asked. Vix could only nod.

"Good, for as long as you may exist, you shall be our vessel in the mortal realm, the waking world. We shall deliver onto you the flesh of the willing, and inspiration of the divine in sculpting them." the vixen leaned into Vix and kissed her. Vix reciprocated the twos tongues meeting and dancing with one another. The vixen broke off from Vix leaving her disappointed. The one behind pulled her up abit raising Vix head off her breasts. She began to kiss Vix just as passionately as the other had. The other came to level with Vixs wet and dripping sex. She licked her lips, the dripping and sensitive organ looked so inviting to her. She had not had the opportunity to indulge in this for so long.

She began by running a finger over the lips of the organ just to tese it a little. Vix and the other Vixen were still locked in there embrace. Seeing the body of their vessel twitch ever so slightly at the stimulation made this Vixen lick her lips in anticipation before leaning in. She began delicately enough, runnig her tonge over the lips of vixels driping sex. Muffled moaning escaped from her as the vixen did so. She placed her mouth over the top of the needy organ and ran her tongue inside of Vix flicking it around and then going to work stimulating the sensitive pussy. She ran one of her fingers into the bottom of Vixs sex and started sucking and running the finger back and forth in and out of the dripping organ. It was seeming to have the desired effect as VIx began to twitch mon louder and louder. The vixen she was locked in an embrace with did her best to keep the over stimulated Vix still enough for the two to do there work.

Vix over stimulated by the events could take no more. She broke from the embrace of the Vixen she had been leaning on and cocked her head upward screaming out in pleasure. Her legs tightened around the Vixen eating her out head locking her with her thighs trapping her face on the top of Vix's sex. The orgasm ran up and down her body like nothing she had felt before. This was pure and unadulterated pleasure. She relaxed after a few seconds releasing her other muse from her grip. She came up from Vix's dripping sex and looked at Vix with a lust full smile.

"You are, hmmm, I like you miss Vix, your body, your mind, your, taste. You will serve us well in are return." The smiling Vixen said coming closer and closer to Vix.

"Your, return" Vix asked her facultes slowly returning to her.

"I suppose we can answer a few question before you return" The vixen told her resting her head on Vix breasts and begin to toy with one her nipples, "ask away" she said looking up at there new vessel.

"What are you" Vix asked, gritting her teeth to keep focused.

"What we are is not important" the one toying with her nipple said.

"What do you want with me, what is this blessing" Vix asked feeling it harder to keep her mind focused.

"Our blessing is our guidance, we are linked through the void, from our world to yours" the one behind her said now. This one was now running her slender finger through Vix's hair, rubbing her scalp, the feeling was nice.

"Ok, are there more of you" she asked almost fully aware now, but still unable to focus in, the dull stimulation from them still enough to keep her mind from fully processing the situation.

"Yes, my sister's number 3 including myself, we have other sisters, and brothers, however we have the most influence, the most talent, the most" the one behind Vix was cut off by the the one in front of her.

"My sister takes pride in us, too much perhaps, but hubris is nothing to be ashamed of if the talent is not lacking. Our other siblings lack our abilities to commune with your world, that will change soon. We will try to keep them in check, once we have all had our fun with your world that is." the Vixen above her finished realizing that she said to much.

"What" Vix asked alarmed at the last few words the Vixen had said.

The Vixen above her sighed before speaking, "We have been cut off from your world for so long, we have not felt the flesh of mortals, of the corporeal realms that we all come from. All we desire is to feel the touch of your world in our grasp, we wish you no harm, but mischief and other unsavory things are bound to leak through as well. Not all our siblings remain as scrupulous as us, as I am sure you now to be true about other you now. You need not worry we will keep them mostly in check, your world will be as it was, as it is, and as it will be, however for a time it may for lack of a better term, become much more interesting."

Vix jolted up from her sleep. She looked left and then right, it was still dark, she felt herself breathing heavily. She felt as though she had witnessed something important, and been told something of importance. But it was all in a dream distance but at the same time close just behind a veil. She fell back into her bed and looked at the ceiling. Her bed she thought, she was still thinking like she lived here full time.

Else were in the world a man got picked up his phone.

"The funds just cleared, do you have everything you need" the voice asked.

"Yeah, got everything from the fed, you can expect results from you investment within the month. Just be aware this is not exactly stable tech, this is gonna be bleeding edge..." he was cut off.

"I know the risks, just get it done. Time is not a concern, also just to be clear, you are working alone on this correct." the voice asked.

"Yeah, for the time being. If I bring anyone else into it i'll let you now. Also just to be clear this stuff i'm developing, it's not purely for you private use. I reserve the right to do what I see fit with it." he said reminding this source of capital who the real brains of this black market deal were.

"I know that, so long as I am the first to receive it, you are free to do what you want." the voice said a slight air of annoyance in it.

"Good" he hung up. The phone was untraceable, as was the one on the other end. So far so good, money in the bag really. He had aces the nano machines capable of reconstructing flesh and genetics at the celor level on the fly and was being paid a stupid amount of money to reverse engineer them. Sure he had had to effective steal them to get going, but that fed had prove a good unwitting crony. He even had the common defense to not get caught. He did not like feds but he did like not having to worry about a loose end like that. Now on the project at hand, and a few other dealings on the side. These things were about to make him rich, and unbeknownst to him were about to do a lot of other things as well.