Dragonkin: Chapter 2; Dominated

Story by Aerissa on SoFurry

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Another chapter, probably a more detailed sex scene and lots of semi-sex-scenes. I'm only just starting to figure out the bigger picture and a storyline for this series, so if it seems a little slow, it probably is ;)

Aerissa let out a long moan. The small white dragoness lay on hir side hir legs tucked up under hir chin, the large anthro dragon above hir pulled out - a sticky surge of seed flowing from hir gaping tailhole. Shi could feel the hot goo inside hir, on hir, oozing from hir - shi could even taste the rich, salty cream on hir lips. Shi smiled weakly as the dark red dragon slumped next to hir, his arm-sized maleness, still slick as it retracted to his sheath. The dragoness had lost track of how many times shi had been used by the beast beside hir. Shi had been mounted in just about every position shi could imagine, hir body ached - small puddles of juices covered the floor, even the walls. Hir stomach gurgled with the hot fluids shi had swallowed or had been forced below hir tail.

It didn't matter to hir anymore, shi lived to please the master shi had been subjected to. Just the nudge of his great horned head, or a push of his claw, even a thought-image he could send hir would send a great rush of lust through hir, often resulting in hir lifting hir tail just in time for another breeding from the large feral. Shi blushed to hirself; it was still hard for hir to get used to it. The once proud warrior now the living, breathing sex toy for a dragon. Then again, hir expensive, prized service robes were now just purple tatters on the floor - shi could see the small stains on them from hir platform. No one would be welcome back as a cleric after such treatment of their robes. Shi sighed. Why would anyone want to go back to service ... when they served the great dragon instead?

Shi sensed the movement of hir master, shi rolled onto hir back, spreading hir legs in preparation for another breeding. It was almost second nature now.

No. Now is time for eating.

Shi blushed, almost scared to have offended him. Before Aerissa could say anything the dragon took off down one of the tunnels, leaving hir to stand in their mating chamber, wondering what to do. Disappointed, she sat back down - already she felt cravings for it. Already she wanted more of his attentions, his physical lusts. Ugh, I can't even believe myself. She walked around, pacing the chamber.

A few more minutes of pacing, and shi found hirself sitting down on a rocky ledge, opening hir journal. Most of hir belongings hadn't escaped the countless torrents of musky dragonseed; hir journal bore a dry, sticky splodge on the front cover - which even stuck some of the pages together. Shi felt hirself blush, without a second thought shi licked at it, the dried essence providing only a hint of its former glory. Shi pouted before picking up hir quill and writing.

Whoever may find this, know that I am no longer a servant of the temple Zionar. I have forsaken my duties... I now serve a much more ... satisfying beast. His calls are the ones I heed; his body is what I serve. It is hard to explain such love and passion that he would force upon my body, like I was made to serve him. I do not fight it. I have no intention of returning this journal, but if you are reading it - I hope you may let my former masters know of my fate. - Aerissa.

Shi looked up, hearing the familiar scritch of those huge claws scraping along the cavern floors. The red dragon could move incredibly fast along the cramped tunnels. It was only a few seconds before he emerged into the large cavern, dumping what looked like half a bloodied cow carcass on the ground, shi balked at it - the steaming flesh suggesting it hadn't long ago been alive. Shi gulped, was shi supposed to eat it like that? Hir questions were soon pushed to the back of the line, something was up. The dragon moved from the carcass in the entry-way, clawing a spot in the ground in front of him. Here. The command was simple, shi knew right away what shi had to do.

The slender white dragoness bowed hir head low, almost sheepishly slinking up to the dragon. Shi bit hir lip as shi knelt before the beast, hir head hung low - shi could hear his breathing change... A large, slick length slid along hir cheek. Shi let out a startled gasp, the large turgid cocktip leaving a smear of slime along hir scales. Shi couldn't even help it if shi tried, shi moaned, hir mouth was watering at his abuse, hir femsex starting to moisten. The dragon above hir let out a soft hiss, his slimy dragonhood prodding around hir face, shi shuddered as it left little smears of wet pre. Shi gave in, kissing the side of his length - bringing a grumbling moan from the feral creature above hir. Shi reached out, grabbing that giant, throbbing shaft - gently massaging it as shi kissed it again. He shifted his weight around a little, his large sack hanging just a foot from hir - shi gently cupped it with a claw. Slowly, shi ran hir tongue along the first half of his dragonhood, a deliciously meaty taste and musk filled hir senses, shi moaned lewdly against hir lover.

Shi savoured the feel of his heavy balls, hir cheek pressed to the tip of his maleness as shi knelt, stroking and fondling the larger creature's cock. Shi got little warning as the shaft pulsed, the testicle shi had been groping moved a little - shi moved hir head back seconds too late. A large spurt of pre splattered against hir eye and forehead. Shi let out a surprised yelp, exasperated as the slick fluid ran down hir cheek and neck.

"You really are a loose cannon..." The dragon groaned at hir remark. Shi meeped as his claw came from seemingly out of nowhere, pushing hir off hir knees and onto the ground. Shi could hear his sharp movements as he lunged towards hir. The monster shi had just been nuzzling jammed into hir cunt - shi let out a cry. While his pheromones had worked hir into a submissive frenzy, it couldn't work miracles. Hir walls protested painfully as his giant dick slowly sunk into hir tunnel, wedging hir apart.

Shi closed hir eyes, trying to concentrate on something else - not the slow adjustment around the slick dragonhood spearing into hir. Shi supposed it was better than the first time he had hit his mark in hir other hole. Shi hadn't been able to sit down for a few hours, lying on hir side while he casually ignored hir. The dragon let out a snort, shi blinked, shi felt so full - hir walls beginning to accommodate him, shi had almost all of his member pulsing with hir now. He almost lifted hir off the ground with it when it pulsed, his first hot jet of pre shooting into hir womb.


It was a primitive sound. A grunt of pure pleasure. If a single sound could sum up the dragons secret prison, it would be that very noise. Shi shuddered, his pre warmed hir in places that shi didn't even know existed, hir tail flagging up to give him all he wanted. Shi was his to take once more...

The dragon thrust forward, there was no politeness to it... He knew shi was his bitch, his plaything. He know shi was his. Again and again, his giant, bulbous dragonhood would impale hir, probing hir as deep as it could - before it would slip back out again, leaving hir feeling empty and needy. Each time he thrust forward, shi moaned - his prick would dribble pre deep inside hir. The little lusty gasps and moans always seemed to egg the dragon on. Faster, faster, sickly wet noises would fill the cavern.

Shlp shlp schup plp shlip plp slap slap schlp flup slap

The noises punctuated by hir moans and gasps and the occasional groan from the beast breeding hir. Suddenly his thrust became a lot harder, like he was trying to break hir as he painfully shoved against hir, grunting and panting... Shi responded with a lewd moan, biting hir lip as shi prepared hirself.


It could be heard echoing through the cavern. Shi could feel his balls contracting behind hir as he unloaded their contents into his fuck-thing. Hir eyes remained shut tight, shi could feel his thick seed burning into hir, filling hir womb. Another spurt, splt flp plop the musky slime was now gushing back out around his shaft and onto the floor. Shi felt hir inner most depths beginning to stretch a little, hir groin stretching visibly. Hir cock exploded with his cum - or so it felt as the dragoness came, hir own fluids puddling on the floor below hir modest cock. Shi felt him pull his rigid staff from hir cunt, slipping it out right before he groaned, another thick blast of hot dragonseed splashed over hir back, the brunt of it hitting the back of hir head with the force to make hir lower it shamefully - he was marking hir. Shi shuddered, as the hot fluid dribbled down hir back and sides, shi felt like shi was melting with it. Shi sunk to the floor of the cave, lying there in a puddle of dragonseed. Shi could never leave now... Not without his permission.


The dragon looked at hir with a placated smile, Aerissa just chewed on the semi grilled hunk of meat. It had taken a while to convince him that shi preferred hir meat cooked - he had argued that it was a weakness bestowed upon hir body by hir degenerated breed. Shi had proven that it was hir choice to prefer hir meat cooked, rather than dripping with blood and his saliva. Shi smiled to hirself, surprisingly the meat wasn't that bad. But then again, shi had carved hir way into the carcass, saving what little of the eye cut that she could. He was fine eating the whole damn cow, bones and all; at least shi could have the best bits right?

One question had been burning into hir the whole time... well, maybe not the whole time, shi did have a huge thing to deal with every now and again. The question was pretty plain and simple...

"Why did you mark me so?" Shi looked at the dragon quizzingly, hir arms folded as shi finished hir food. The dragon grumbled, huffing a large breath out of his nose.

That smell will let any of my kind know you are mine.

Shi sniffed hirself, though it was hard to tell the smell of dragonseed when you likely had some up your nose, shi would admit that the smell of it was engrained into hir scales - shi smelt like a dragon's fuck-thing. Shit, it wouldn't surprise hir if anyone would miss the odour that shi reeked of. Shi turned hir head sideways at him.

"So, why would you be worried, I've been here nearly a week, and haven't seen the outside of the cave... though you've made me swear a million times that I serve you as master."

The dragon seemed to shift, almost uneasily as he lowered his head near hir.

I need you to go to their city.

Aerissa sat up straight, shocked.

"Wh - what... why? I - I can't go there... not ... not as this!" hir exasperation clearly written on hir features. Shi didn't want to go, there was no telling what the potent magic now engulfing hir would do to anyone shi encountered. Sure, it had a specific purpose when training a sex toy... but shi was draconian, designed to handle it. The temple had on record some strange occurrences involving dragon magic poor damsels who had been slaves to a nymphomania that could not be eased, even by the goddess herself. Sure, they had only been human, but the effects were bound to be dramatic for hir too. Leaving his side for but an hour would reduce hir to masturbation; a week of travel would ... would... Shi whimpered.

There was no way shi could disobey him.


Over the next couple of days, between hir regular and passionate bouts of abuse, shi was allowed to explore more of the caves. This was a particular novelty, as it almost felt like a little bit of freedom - perhaps he was certain his magic had a hold over hir by now. Shi had to admit, without regular breeding, shi would begin to find hirself longing for the dragon's mounting. It was almost like an obsession. A few times he had stalked hir as shi wandered around the tunnels, simply appearing whilst shi began hir masturbation, replacing hir fingers with that thick, throbbing dragonhood of his.

This time was no different, shi smiled to hirself as shi wiped hir arms along hir face, trying to rid hir cheeks of some of the sticky fluids splashed over them. Shi had been exploring towards the entrance of the cave - he had found hir, obviously in his need, and with a short and sweet encounter, painted hir with his essence. Shi coughed. Sometimes it was hard to swallow it all; aside from the fact hir stomach couldn't hold it, the thick cream would stick to hir tonsils and the back of hir throat. Shi smirked, despite being covered in hir masters gifts, shi couldn't help but notice the beautiful view.

It was sunset, the pastel blues, pinks and purples were penetrated by a glorious shimmer of orange - the distant hills burned with the fire of the setting sun. Endless forest stretched out from the bottom of the mountains and in the very distance shi could see the outlines of the specks that were towers against the horizon - shi gulped. Shi had to travel tomorrow. Shi would have to leave his cave, which shi had grown quite fond of... Exposure to the viscous streets of the world outside was the last thing shi wanted, especially when shi reeked of dragon. As they headed back inside the cave, shi sighed; it would be a testing time for hir.