Good intentions

Story by Keebmouse on SoFurry

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Kesis and Johan enlist the help of Christoff, the youth that Kesis met the day before, to try to cure Kesis of the curse.

They both awoke a few hours later. Kesis had been sweating heavily next to Johan. Kesis cracked his eyes open. Something felt urgent within him. "Johan," Kesis started, "I have to get back to the library. I think you're right something is wrong with me since I touched that glyph. I was scared, confused and disturbed, and I rushed out of the library without even tending to the tome that that strange glyph was in.

Johan nodded. "I should be back tending to the forge, but I want to see this through with you. I want to help. I'm quite taken with you."

"Right then," Kesis started, "let's not waste time. I'm sure the book is still there. No one seems to go down to the dank depths of that section of the library." They both gathered their things and took a moment to make themselves look presentable.

Kesis lead the way. He strode quickly through the inn and out the front door and made his way to the library with Johan following briskly behind him. He found himself taken with nearly every man they passed on the way over. The solid curves of their bodies made him unintentionally salivate. He shook his head trying to focus and trotted to the library's door. Once they were though the front door of the library Kesis turned and trotted towards the stairs that lead down. Johan followed behind him all the way down. Kesis' heart started to rush in his chest. He turned and ran down aside the shelves and stopped at the desk where the book had been. "It's gone." He said aloud.

Johan bumped into him from behind. "How can you see down here without a torch?

Kesis cocked his head to one side confused. "I don't know. I just can. Yesterday I needed a torch I assure you.

Somewhere nearby they heard a shuffling of feet, and a dim light shined its way around a shelf corner. It was Christoff. "You!" he called out to them. "You're Kesis from yesterday. What did you do with that book yesterday. We found it open on the floor. It's very old, and fragile. You need to take better care of books such as that. I'm telling you shouldn't even be messing around with books like that. Slater picked it up after you ditched it. He said it was warm to the touch. I don't know what kind of foul magic you could be messing with. Slater is out sick today. All after handling that book.

"Where is it?" Kesis asked frantically. I need to find out what that book did to me. It left me unconscious, and since then I feel this urgency. My energy wains making me tired. And, I find myself hungry for warm bodies.

"We made love," Johan started "and he collapsed convulsing with light shining out of his eyes."

"I'm not too familiar with things like this but the light is usually a good thing." Christoff replied. It's the purity of your soul negating the magic. I think. I'm not sure.'

"KESIS!" Johan shook his partner.

Kesis' head craned toward Johan. "I'm sorry I can't focus. All I can see are your bodies.

"Maybe your body is telling you that you need to couple with other men to cleanse the curse from that book?" Johan asked, his head tilted quizzically to one side." Kesis' eyes were wide staring at Christoff's waist. Johan noticed that his penis was erect straining against his wrapping. "KES! Are you listening?"

Kessis' thumb was tucked under the side of his fundoshi. He pulled his other hand up to his waist and tugged his loincloth down. His erection was straining against the pouch, and flinched free as Kesis pulled his garment off.

"What's going on?" Christoff added. "Put your clothes back on man!" Christoff stopped for a second observing Kesis as he strated stroking his penis in the damp library air. Christoff turned to Johan. "Maybe he needs sex to purify his soul." The beast men of the North practice sexual magic, and channel energy sexually.

They both turned back to Kesis who was now sitting on the floor naked masturbating feverishly. "I'll start." Johan said. "I'm kind of his partner I guess." Johan dropped his loincloth and began stroking his thick member.

"I have to admit this is hot." Christoff added. He disrobed dropping his trousers to the floor. They both teased their dicks until they were erect.

They both turned toward Kesis who moaned as he came spraying some semen into the air. To their astonishment Kesis kept going. He was grunting audibly. Johan turned him around forcing Kesis face down onto the floor. He spat on his hand and greased his cock with the saliva and moved into position. He found his mark in his partner's backside and began prodding his thick penis at Kesis' hole. He pushed as hard as he could and Kesis' as gave and Johan's dick glided slowly into him.

"Yes! Finally!" Kesis cried out as he pushed himself up on his palms and slammed his ass backwards in time with Johan's thrusting. "Grom!"

"What? What did he say?" Christoff asked.

Johan pointed around to Kesis' front and made a motion as if shoving something into his mouth.

"Oh right." Christoff said as he placed the torch on a mount and positioned himself in front of Kesis. He had been stroking himself watching Johan work on Kesis. He grabbed ahold of Kesis's chin.

"Grom!" Kesis blurted out as he saw Christoff's erection hanging in front of him. Kesis frantically clutched Christoff's dick and swallowed it beginning to bob on it quickly.

"Ah yeah." Johan said as he found a good rhythm clapping his waist against Kesis' back side.

Kesis was grunting and moaning extremely loud. Whatever the other two men were doing it seemed to be working. Kesis swirled his tongue around Christoff lapping up and swallowing the trickle of semen that was oozing from Christoff.

"Sir!" He exclaimed int Johan's direction. "I'm close! What do I do?" he asked.

"Give him your seed man! It's the only way to save him, right?"

Christoff nodded. He gripped the side of Kesis' head and gave one final thrust deep into Kesis' throat and spewed many throbs of semen into Kesis' mouth.

"GROM!" Kesis bellowed in the darkness a he sat up as far as he could arching his back. He came spraying even more semen onto the cold library floor.

"What's he saying?" Johan asked. He stopped short as his body seized, and his erection began to tingle.

Kesis huffed and bucked violently as he was being taken He clenched his ass pushing Johan over the edge.

"Oooohhh..." Johan moaned as he pushed his thick cock into Kesis' ass coming deep inside him.

Just like before Kesis' back arched upward and light, this time red shot from his eyes. He dropped down to all fours again and collapsed onto the floor convulsing with deep red light flowing from his eyes.

"That's not good" Christoff said.

"What's not good?" Johan asked

"That light. It's not the good kind of light." It's a demonic possession and I fear we may have just done more harm than good.

Kesis stopped convulsing suddenly and fell unconscious. The other two men dressed him and carried him out of the library. People stared at them, but they didn't care.

"Help me carry him to his room, won't you?" Johan said.

"Aye. Christoff said nodding. "This is most interesting. I've heard of this kind of thing, but I've never seen it firsthand. If you don't mind I want to study this situation and provide any help that I can.

"Aye." Johan said. "In fact, I insist. I can't handle this all by myself. They made there way to Kesis' room and all three collapsed dropping Kesis onto his cot. "What the hell have we gotten ourselves into" He asked.

"I don't know. Christoff added. "Whatever it is we can't just leave him to suffer with it.

"We won't.' Johan replied. "We won't."