A Special Delivery

Story by DarkCousin on SoFurry

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Be careful of strange packages in the mail.

David... David, I'm already home, okay?" Ashley rolled her eyes as she pulled into her suburban home's driveway, "I know you're eager to see this project finished, I am too, really, but it can wait until Monday. Right now, I just want to put on some sweat pants and have a glass of wine."

The blonde 35-year-old business woman listened to Jim's argument as she put her Audi's transmission into park and shut it off. She pinned her iPhone to her ear with her shoulder as she gathered her purse and the loose stack of files from work. She was eager to go inside her home, kick off her shoes, and just relax. Her coworker David was putting a serious damper on those plans.

"No, David, don't come over! How do you even know where I live? Look, see me first thing on Monday and we'll wrap this Sorenson account up, alright? I will see you on Monday! Monday, okay? Bye!"

Ashley hurriedly hung up before David could continue his argument, "Gah! What a dick! But finally, this week is over!"

She half expected her phone to start ringing just to prove her wrong but to her relief, it remained silent. With a tired sigh, Ashley opened the car door and made a beeline to her home's front door. It had been a rough week and all she really wanted was that glass(or maybe a bottle) of decent wine and a nice hot bath.

Ashley's quick scurry was interrupted by the discovery of a brown cardboard box sitting annoyingly in the middle of her doorstep, nearly tripping her. She frowned, trying to remember if she had ordered anything but nothing came to mind. It wasn't a small box, roughly 30 inches long, 8 wide and 8 deep. She figured she would remember ordering something that large and cumbersome.

"Great," she grumbled under her breath, "Probably something to do with work, knowing my luck. Something that can't be ignored."

A quick look at the shipping label revealed only a name, or really a single word, for a return address. A name more mysterious than if space had been left blank:


_"_Farmhand? What the hell?" She had no idea who that could possibly be. None of her clients at work had anything at all to do with agriculture. Ashley was a suburbanite, born and raised, she certainly did not have anything to do with farming in her private life and never had.

With a confused sigh, Ashley placed her thick stack of work files on top of the inexplicable box and unlocked her front door before picking up the whole ungainly stack and bringing it inside.

Inside the house, everything was just as Ashley expected it: quiet, empty and lonely, products of her hectic work schedule and the ambition of others heaped upon her. As always, Ashley did her best to ignore that aspect of her life and bringing box and folders inside, unceremoniously dropping the pile on the kitchen table.

She selected her favorite Merlot from her small wine collection, not even bothering with fancy stemware and poured herself a tumbler full. Sitting down, she took a long sip before pushing aside the folders from work and picking up the unexpected box.

It was certainly very strange, but there really was only one way to find out what was inside. Ashley pulled the tape off the box and pulled open the flaps. Crumpled up brown paper came out next until Ashley gasped in shock.

"Oh my, god! Is-is that..."

The object inside was indeed a two-foot long, silicone dildo. A very realistic color-pattern of black and fleshy pink, with intricate details and texture. There was even a scent emanating from the box, very faint, but musky, earthy... yet oddly pleasant and even sexy in some intangible way. Somebody had clearly put a lot of work into the sex toy. It must have been extremely expensive.

"Holy fuck it is! What kind of freak would send me this?" Ashley said, unable to look away from the massive member. She then noticed a large greeting card in the box. It had nearly fallen out with the crumpled paper. On the front, there was a picture of a beautiful red and white paint stallion in an idyllic green field. His penis, though flaccid, hung mightily beneath his belly, dripping semen. It appeared he had just dismounted from a mare. Her lifted tail and a small portion of her glossy black rump could be seen in the far right of the picture.

She found herself gazing at the photo. Even if it was lewd, he was a magnificent animal. Inside the card, she found a note, written in a firm, careful hand.

My dear Ashley,

While quite unexpected, I'm sure this gift will bring you immense pleasure and full, stress-free life. Please accept this offer for a life-changing experience. Accept this rare opportunity and join my herd. This fine instrument is molded after the erect penis my finest stallion, Paladin, seen on the front of this invitation. Only a select few are taken into his elite harem. I hope to see you very soon.

With love and best wishes,

The Farmhand

"Ha ha ha!" Ashley laughed so hard she nearly spilled her wine. Just who does this guy think he is? Clearly insane, "Join his herd? Haha! Harem? What a loser! Gotta be some kind of joke."

Once again Ashley looked at the stallion-sized dildo, this time with a smile. She had to admit she had a growing sense of curiosity. What harm could there be, after it had been properly cleaned, of course? Ashley, like many people, already had few toys in her bedroom, another one wouldn't hurt, even if it was only good for a laugh now and then. And this "Farmhand" fellow's ego was certainly worth a laugh or two.

What could it hurt?

* * *

By the time Ashley had her third glass of wine and watching a video or two featuring giant horse dildos on PornHub, using her new toy seemed like a capital way to end her stressful, frustrating week. She toasted the enigmatic Mr. Farmhand before giving the dildo a thorough scrubbing in the kitchen sink.

While doing so, Ashley marveled at the level of detail in the toy. The texture was incredibly realistic, or at least she thought so, as she had never seen a real horse penis in person before, let alone touched one. Just the feel of it in her hands was pleasurable and bringing it up the stairs, she became impressed by its sheer size and weight. The more she held it and handled it, the more she wanted to try it. The thought of the thing inside her, even just the little way it would fit, was incredibly arousing.

She tossed Paladin's phallus onto her bed, where it landed with a soft, yet satisfying _thud._Ashley quickly stripped, happy to be rid of the stifling pants-suit for the entire weekend. After tossing aside her bra, she was wearing only her pair of pink socks as she dug through the cluttered drawers of her nightstand. She kept a tube of lubricant there but it had long been unused. She was certain she would need it for the behemoth, even to get the two inches she expected to get inside her average size vagina.

Once she found it she hopped on the bed and began lubing herself and the dildo. Ashley needed little stimulation, as her imagination had done a great deal already. She was well moistened and her clitoris and large, butterfly-shaped labia were puffy and sensitive.

Ashley picked up the hefty shaft and looked at its incredibly detailed head, "Alright, show me what you've got Mr. Paladin!"

Ashley spread her vulva her left hand and holding the dildo with the right, she rubbed the head against her moist opening, "Oh! Oh, fuck! Wasn't-wasn't expecting that! Uh! Oh yeah..."

From the moment the silicone touched Ashley's thick labial lips, pleasure coursed through her body like a shock wave, tingling her scalp and popping her toes. With a determined jerk, Ashley forced the wide, blunt tip inside her wet vagina. As she expected, there was some pain, but the pleasure far outweighed it. In fact, the pain only intensified her ecstasy.

"Ohhh fuck!" Ashley closed her eyes and fell back into her bed and pillows, letting Paladin's head to soak inside her as she rubbed her breasts, "_Mmmmm!!!_You are definitely my favorite, Paladin! Wow!"

With a playful moan, she slid her hand to her groin and pushed more of the dildo in nearly three-and-half inches of the thick horse phallus before it wedged itself against her pink, moist vulva. Ashley began drawing that small amount in and out of her now very wet vagina, eliciting more of her pleasure filled groans.

"Yes!Mmmm, yeah..."

Every thrust brought the shaft deeper inside her hungry cunt than the last, much to Ashley's glee. Laying back, her eyes closed, Ashley couldn't see the changes beginning to accelerate with each wave of pleasure.

The skin of her gripping vulva quickly darkened while her auburn pubic hair fell away and vanished. Her thick, protruding human labia began to recede against the thick shaft of the dildo before disappearing inside her vagina. Her clitoris swelled and bulged beneath her teasing fingers as her genitals took on the smooth, black appearance of a young mare.

These changes, of course, were not just in appearance or only skin deep. The dildo plunged deeper and deeper, increasing Ashley's already intense pleasure and accelerating further changes to her body. This cycle continued, her vagina growing, soon she was beginning to take in the stallion's medial ring.

Smooth gray fur quickly replaced her lost pubic hair and then spread beyond her groin, spreading up her belly, across her thighs and buttocks. Her thighs themselves began to swell, quivering with new muscle. Below that smooth black vulva and puckering ebony anus, a sinewy, bony tail pushed out against the bedspread, its skin a smooth black as well. It became thicker as it grew longer and at ten inches long, shining blonde hair began covering it.

"Yes! Fuck! Yes!" She gasped before resorting to simple bestial grunts as she neared orgasm, "Uh! Uh! Uhhhhh!!!"

Ashley fell back into her bed, her chest heaving, and the massive phallus still inside her, the huge silicone balls pressed against the slick black skin of her vulva. She hadn't quite come yet she needed to catch her breath despite a burning desire to continue. The transformation continued even as Ashley soaked the huge member, her nostrils flaring widely as she drew in much-needed oxygen. The beautiful silvery gray fur advanced down her thighs and up her back and belly, darkening to a black stripe in the center of her tummy.

"Mmm, yeah..." Ashley moaned and gripped the bedspread and ground her growing ass into the mattress. Even without her active manipulation, the dildo provided incredible pleasure. She didn't even notice the fur, now featuring many sooty spots, advanced past her knees. Nor did she notice her ears quickly lengthening and almost as quickly growing their own layer of soft gray fur.

The thickening of her middle fingers didn't slow her down as Ashley tightly gripped her rumpled bedspread. She was now rubbing her increasingly musclebound, fuzzy thighs together, twisting the shaft inside her through the large silicone scrotum. The sensations it elicited were nothing short of bliss. She twisted her enlarging rump right and left, the bed creaking loudly with her passion and growing weight. The only other sound, of course, was her heavy breathing.

Ashley finally worked up the courage to take the dildo with her transforming right hand and began to work in and out of her pussy once more.

"Ohhh, fuck! Yes!"

Ashley's legs were greatly changed now, her lengthening until her now dark fur covered heels were now outside her socks. Those socks didn't appear to cover anything human anymore, with a shape much more like that of hooves. Her tail which lay between her legs was now fully grown and the blonde fur shined as it sprawled across the bedspread.

"Fuck!" Ashley gasped as her tunnel clenched the shaft, "Why-why won't I cum?!"

Sweat beaded across her body as the unnoticed changes accelerated the more she became overwhelmed with lust. A pleasant pressure began to build first at the base of her neck and worked its way upward. The pressure built in her head and face, which began to bulge outward into a muzzle. The pressure was intense, on the absolute edge of painful, yet the sensation only added to the bliss.

When she opened her eyes, however, the completeness of her nirvana was ended.

_"Whhhiiiihheee!!!_What-what is happening!" She blurted out when she saw that her vision had changed. A muzzle was now jutting from her face, she could even make out the darkening skin around her nostrils the growth of soft, velvety fur.

Instinctively, she raised her hand from her oversexed loins to touch her changed face, only to find another alteration to her body.

"Fuck!" She snapped when she saw what had happened to her right hand. The grotesquely huge middle finger had a large golden-colored nail. The other fingers, however, had regressed to the point they no longer even had nails.

"_Wheeee!!!_What is _HEE_is happening to me?!?!" Ashley squealed as her face continued to grow even as she spoke. She felt the top of her head tap into the headboard as her neck and torso increased in size. Her long neck made it easier to look at her changing body. Ashley shocked at what saw.

While she was lost in her lust filled daze her body had grown greatly. Her chest had grown deeper and even now as she watched it continued to barrel outward to contain her much larger internal organs. Her breasts, once a prized asset of her body, were no longer identifiable.

With her right, front hand, now almost entirely a hoof, complete with dark gray fur advancing both up and down her arm, she felt where her breasts had once been. There was just bare skin now. Instead, just visible below her powerful, barreled chest and between her strong legs, were a pair of teats.

"Uhhh!! I'm- Uhh, becoming an animal! _Snort!_How?! Uh! Why?!" Ashley gasped with every wave of pleasure that erupts from her dripping loins. The dildo was still working incredibly well, despite the fact that she had stopped manipulating it.

_"Whinnnny!!!"_She cried out when a particularly strong wave overcame her and made her shiver. With the sound her new body made, Ashley's hormone-addled mind was finally able to put two and two together.

_"Gehhheeeee!!!"_Ashley squealed again, her ability to form words was slipping away.

The dildo! The fucking dildo is doing this to me!!! Get it out! Get it out of you, you stupid bitch!

Unfortunately for Ashley, however, her hands were almost entirely hooves now and totally incapable of extracting Paladin's shaft from her tunnel. Her hooves slipped and slid against the slick silicone. Several times they slid into her swollen, bright pink clitoris, only to stimulate herself further.

_"WHHIIIINNNYYY!"_Ashley cried out loudly as she balanced on the very edge of orgasm, the intense pleasure making her shiver.

She kicked her rear hooves in the air in frustration. Ashley could feel her body was changing at an even faster pace now. All over, neck, head, and torso were growing, growing fur, muscle, and bone. There was very little of her body that was recognizable as being once human.

Ashley could even feel it in her mind, changing her perspective of her environment. Her vision had changed, exchanging vividness of color for a much wider field of view, yet her mind was adapting extracting much more information from her other senses. Her ears, swiveling with a will seeming to be their own, caught the softest squeak of her mattress and the passing of cars on the street outside.

It was her nose though, that told her the most. The room (it was getting harder to think of it as _her_room) reeked of a human. The human was herself, of course... and now it wasn't...

NO!!! Can't think like that! I am... human? Aren't I?

She tried to force the thought through her mind but her nose and every other part of her body said differently. She was a horse, or very soon be. Ashley began to understand, she hadn't always been a mare, but she was now. Perhaps it was meant to be this way.

Why exactly did she want to remain human? She no longer knew. So far, being a mare had been _very_pleasurable. Visions of what the stallion Paladin, the model for her dildo, may have actually looked like danced through her head.

Ashley, now almost entirely a beautiful gray mare, ended her struggling and allowed the ecstasy wash over her. The long withheld orgasm came at last.

_"Whhinnyyy!!"_Ashley whinnied loudly as she came and her fluids squirted from around Paladin's shaft, soaking the bedspread. Huffing and puffing, trying to catch her breath she slowly rolled over to her belly.

_"Huff..."_She sighed softly as the silicone member slowly slid from her dripping vagina. Even in the hazy afterglow, the pleasure Paladin's shaft elicited during his exit was incredible. He slid free and Ashley looked back over her body as it rolled sluggishly on the bedspread.

Even as she began to accept it, Ashley was shocked by what saw, what she knew was _her_body. A beautiful dark gray mare, with distinctive, small black spot and in rather shocking contrast, blonde mane, and tail, both the same shining blonde that her human locks had been. That and her favorite pair of pink socks that contained her rear hooves were all that bore evidence of what she had been. She sighed loudly once more and let her now much larger head fall heavily on the pillows. Ashley was completely exhausted.

She had not rested long when her keen equine ears detected the loud rumble of a diesel pickup outside. Ashley paid no notice when the engine stopped just out front but when the front door open. With a concerned snort, she lifted her head unsure what to do next. Her ears flicked forward as she heard footsteps in the hallway. With mixed feelings of fear and curiosity, she watched as the bedroom door slowly open.

"Well, aren't you the prettiest thing?" A tall, lean man, wearing a cowboy hat looked inside, "The boss said you were something special. I see he's right."

Ashley watched as he stepped inside. Oddly (at least to her remaining human logic) she felt no fear of him. His scent, slowly wafting to her nose, confirmed that he seemed to have no ill intentions. At the very least he didn't smell like a predator.

"Easy, easy there pretty girl," He spoke softly as he came closer. He was carrying something but Ashley paid it no mind. Another moment and he held out his hand for Ashley to sniff. She did and before long he was stroking her shapely muzzle. For less than a split second, Ashley found this demeaning, but quickly found she enjoyed it.

"So far, so good," The man said with a smile, "Ready to go to your new home? Here try this, made by the boss himself."

The man pulled a small cookie from his pocket and held it in the palm of his hand. Ashley gave it a quick sniff and eagerly gobbled it up.

"Yeah, that seems to be everyone's reaction," he said with a chuckle, "Tell you what, let me put this on and you can have another."

The object in his hand was a beautifully made leather halter and he carefully placed it on the mare's head. Ashley resisted for a moment but allowed the halter to buckled. The man gave the lead a gentle tug and Ashley awkwardly got off the bed, which groaned and creaked under her much larger weight.

"Good girl, here's your cookie," Ashley eagerly took the cookie and chewed as she obediently followed the man out of her old bedroom and into her new life.