Zootopia: First Salvo part 9

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#47 of Zootopia fictions

Part 9 of First Salvo

FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan

Rated M+

(c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and Alex Gray, Sheath and Knife by Harmarist (Artist ownership) Anubis and the buried bone by Harmarist (Artist ownership) The K'zin by Lary Niven. (Artist ownership) Don Carnage Disney's TAIL SPIN

Chapter 9 Leave and School: Part 1

Downtown Zootopia 4:30am November 4, 2039

Fourty push-ups, fourty sit-ups, a few stretches and a clap run for a mile and a half. A month before high school graduation...Jackson would have thought this was insane. That was before boot...now he was clapping in his boot camp physical fitness uniform and having a ball before the crack of dawn...

"Hey! Slow down!" Came a voice from behind and a fox came running up behind Jackson dressed....yeah.....in Navy PT Gear....

"What company were you?" Jackson asked the fox.

"Two Five Seven." The fox answered. "You were Two Five Nine."

"Hoo!" Jackson yelped.

"EEEEEEYEAH!" The fox answered back. "I'm Kerdle by the way."

Jackson shook Kerdle's hand "Where you going after leave?" Jackson asked Kerdle.

"Tron school." Kerdle said.

"No snit?" Jackson asked as they rounded a corner at a steady running pace. "Hey...a friend and mine are going to get an apartment out in Savanna? Interested?"

"Oh fluck yeah I am!" Kerdle replied. "Count me in! Here's my cell number."

Jackson took the number and smirked. "We are so sick to be doing this early in the morning."

"We're not lazy that's for sure." Kerdle said. "I got an older brother? He's still a sleeping slug looking for a job."

"What did he think of you joining the Navy?" Jackson asked.

"Didn't impress him one bit." Kerdle said. "I tried to get him to run with me? Called me an ate up little zombie snit."

"Rather be a snit than a lazy zit." Jackson replied...."Roll...... Roll..... Roll me ready...." He sang.

"Roll....Roll.....Roll me ready...." Kerdle replied.

"Gonna Rock, Rock! all night long! Gonna Roll, Roll! to the break of dawn!" Jackson yelled out loud enough to get a few early risers screaming out their apartment windows...a few insults and one old Marine Wolf who bounded out his door wearing his pajama bottoms....

"Look at you "stringy squidlies" trying to be Marines!" The wolf growled.

Kerdle snickered back. "Oh my goddess...someone let their dog out without a leash again. Morning Mister Krisko." Kerdle said with a hand wave. "Mister Krisko was a mortar dawg in the corps."

"Come on you pussy squids! Get some air from your nuts and boom out!" The old Marine wolf growled...

"Hang em, hang em, hang em high!high!" The Wolf yelled.

"Hang em, hang em, hang em high!high" Kerdle and Jackson yelled back.

"Drop, Drop....right on the cock! (cock=Mortar shooting pin) " The Wolf yelled.

"Drop, Drop....right on the cock!" Kerdle and Jackson yelled back.

"Soar, Soar......over your heads!" The Wolf yelled.

"Soar, Soar......over your heads!" Kerdle and Jackson yelled back.

"Drop, Drop......on those Zintis' heads!" The Wolf yelled.

"Drop, Drop......on those Zintis' heads!" Kerdle and Jackson yelled back.

"Bang, Bang.....those Kzinti are dead!" The Wolf yelled.

"Bang, Bang......those Kzinti are dead!" Kerdle and Jackson yelled back.

The three of them ran singing cadences until the Wolf went back into his house and Jackson and Kerdle walked in front of Kerdle's place to get out the cramps in the calves....

"Hey? Come over today when you can?" Kerdle said. "We'll go slink around and see if we can find anyone else from boot to hang with."

"Cool!" Jackson said as he gave Kerdle a punch. "You can come over tonight for dinner and meet my folks. Then we'll go for a spin in my new car and check out downtown Savanna."

"Sweet." Kerdle said. "See you later Wilde."

Jackson waved and then took off at a light jog back to the house.


The smell of fresh muffins wafted into Judy's nostrils and she woke to see Jackson setting a serving tray over her lap...

"Morning Mom." Jackson said as he gave her a kiss on the head.

"Jackie?.....what?" Judy said surprised..."I was...."

"You were going too Mom? But....you slept late. You lost." Jackson said as he smiled at Nick..."Morning Dad. I got yours too."

Nick smiled at Judy..."Our son has turned rather industrious hasn't he?"

"Was that? Singing I heard outside the window?" Judy asked.

"Oh yeah." Jackson replied. "I was running with a friend from boot and this old Marine wolf...umm....I hope we weren't singing the bunny song? At least I don't think we were singing that one?"

Judy smirked and crossed her arms..."You are supposed to be on leave mister? You know? Boot camp is done, take a break, de-compress a little?"

"I am Mom." Jackson replied. "At least I didn't call you "Mam" or Dad "Sir", kicked you both out of your "rack" and called "cleaning stations?"

Nick got out of his bed....naked with a morning fox hard-on...and Judy yelped at him...."NICK! GET SOME UNDERWEAR ON!"

Jackson laughed as he reached for his Dad's shorts and threw them at him. "Yeah...what the hell Dad?!"

"Sheesh..." Nick snorted. "He was cooped up with a hundred or more flopping mammals in boot camp and you'd think his old man's "snozzle" wouldn't bother him?" Nick gestured. "So? What's on the duty roster for you today Jackie?"

"Well....." Jackson replied thinking. "I have to see god-father today, that's a must. Then I have to run to Savanna Central to reserve an apartment because me, my friend Gilly from boot, another fox from boot, Kerdle, I just met and another one we haven't met yet are going to go in on a "batch'r pad" instead of doing the barracks thing. After that I'm going with my friend Kerdle for a drive around...oh yeah...Mom? Can Kerdle come over for dinner?"

"Of course." Judy replied. "But why don't you go see Darla?"

"I have time." Jackson replied. "I want her to have time with her family first. Me showing up would be a little....delicate right now. You two enjoy your breakfast, let me clean things up in the kitchen and make you both a pot of coffee before I go up to Tundra Town."

Jackson walked out, leaving Judy a little stunned. "He's....really changed since he left for boot....hasn't he?"

"Yeah." Nick snickered. "He's an adult. That's what usually happens to your child when they leave home and go into the military. And yeah....I do long for the days of the Olympic Pampers run again. Wow he grew up so fast."

Judy smiled..."My mother was wrong again. My being bizaro as a child did not hamper my skills as a parent." She said. "I'm going to call her and demand a life time supply of carrot juice as reparations."

Nick chuckled in reply. "You go bunny girl. Give that old biddy the business or....now just entertaining?....magic tongue."

Judy leaped from the bed with a stomp..."I am going to "magic" your snoot right up your tail hole Mister Fox!"

"Hey Mom? Did you? Oh snit!" Jackson turned his head and threw up his paw to block the vision of his naked mother out...."Sheesh Mom! Damn!"

"Glory, Glory....bunny tail." Nick snickered as his wife covered herself with a big pillow!

"Oh.....Fluck you Mister Fox! And you young man! Knock before you come into your parents room! What the hell did they teach you in boot camp?!"

"Better run son!" Nick yelped. "She's.....hopping maaaaaaad!"

"Um?....how not to always walk around with my dork flopping as I please?" Jackson said as he backed out of the room. "I'm done with the kitchen so I'm going to put on my uniform and go see my god-father. I'll be back around noon or thirteen hundred you two."

"One oh clock there Jackson." Judy said snickering. "This is a civilian run house?"

"Could have fooled me." Nick said giggling.

"And now that he's gone....come here you sick minded vulpine snit." Judy snorted as she dropped the pillow and stomped into the bathroom...

"Please.....don't hurt me?" Nick's timid voice wafted through the room.

"Hurting you isn't on my mind right now." Judy replied.

"Help? Rape?" Nick yelped sounding cowardly.

Tundra Town 8am Home of "Mister Big" Don Lanzoni

Jackson drove up to the gate of the house and watched as Raymond came out of the guard shack and walked up to the driver side window...

"Hey! Come out of there you walking dollar store puzzle!" Raymond said with his large arms out.

"Still good with the snippy insults Raymond?" Jackson said as he stepped out and got a tight bear hug from the huge Polar bruin...

"Look at you with this uniform." Raymond said smiling. "Fits you nice Jackie. The Don's gonna be so happy to see you. So? Did you like what we did for you with that flag and all?"

"Well? You and Kevin kinda over did the theatrics you know? I didn't think you'd trash the whole Company bay?" Jackson said as he shrugged.

"How else you gonna distract the watch and all the lookie loos?" Raymond replied. "Go right to the house. We'll dispense with the usual stuff in your case."

"What?" Jackson said looking disappointed. "No paw rape? Snit I am so disappointed."

Jackson drove up to the house and followed Tall Pauley inside and up a flight of stairs to the door of the Don's bedroom where Pauley gestured to the table in the center of the room. Like everything with Don Lanzoni (Mister Big) the size of things didn't go beyond the exaggerated nick name. Atop the decorative oak table was every bedroom article reduced to fit a Shrew...

Jackson placed his paws on the table and bowed his head slightly in salutation...."Dio Padre..." He said as he leaned forwards and gave the old shrew the most gentle of nose touches...

Mister Big wiped a paw on the tip of Jackson's nose and his face became buoyant with happiness...

"Jackson....my god son. Stand at attention for me my dear boy?" Mister Big asked.

Jackson popped tall with his chest out and Mister Big waved a paw in gentle approval. "Good....you look good...you have taken my teaching to your heart. I wish my own Son would be so easy to teach..."

Jackson touched a paw to Mister Big's side..."You look so tired my God Father..."

"Ah....mourn not my child. It is the way of things is it not? The old can not live forever and the young these days are so full of piss and vinegar that their brains are wet. Not so you Jackie...you are so good. Accepting the request of your father was the best thing in my life. In you I have bequeathed my teaching, my wisdom and my legacy no?"

Jackson tried not to sob..."God Father...I...."

"I don't wish you to become involved in my family business my son." Mister Big replied. "I wish you to use what I have taught you to be happy and prosperous. Do well...find a female you will love with all your heart...and fear not...Tall Pauley will be here if you call. When you are done with your service? If you need a job? Call him. If you need a house? Call him. If you need anything at all? Call him."

Mister Big gestured to Tall Pauley. "Pauley? That is my will.....capeesh?"

Pauley nodded. "Yes my Don."

Mister Big gestured to Jackson. "Is there anything you need right now? Anything at all?"

Jackson shook his head.

"Jackie?" Mister Big said sternly. "I may be an old mobster? But I am first a patriot. You defend the herd from those bastardio perverted Zinti freaks. My family looks after our soldiers, anything you ask for will be granted, any service you need will never big big enough to bankrupt my family. Now name what you need and it will be done my buon piccolo amico. Consider it the last parting gift of your dear God Father."

Jackson looked at Paulie then at Don Lanzoni as he folded his hands together. "There is a small favor my God Father? I was going to go to Savanna to look for an apartment to stay in during school..."

"Hmph...." The old Shrew sounded. "Temporary my small foot. Pauley? Provide Jackie his own apartment in Savanna with everything he needs. It will be paid for so long as you wish to live there. I know a few of those slum lords who owe me a service."

Jackson almost started to cry as he sniffled and bent down to give his God Father a kiss on the head...

"Go with God my son. Go and be good. Protect the herd and do not disgrace your parents....or me...." Don Lanzoni said with his paw raised.

Jackson walked out of the room, waited for Tall Pauley to close the door and sobbed with the big Polar bears paw on his shoulder as he walked to leave the house...

A week later.....Don Inazio "Mister Big" Lanzoni, last of a generation of old time mobster shrews, died at the ripe old age of 35...which, for a shrew, is a long life.

Downtown Zootopia 9am November 4, 2039

Judy was pressing out one of her uniforms on an ironing board when her cell phone chimed..."Chief Hopps?" She answered as she plugged a pair of head phones into her ears..."Say again Watlett?" She answered her SWAT commander. "Tell me we don't have an all out brawl yet? Son of a snickers bar....yeah, yeah I'll be down there in a bit, I have to get dressed."

Nick heard the commotion and came out of his study..."What's up?"

"I have to go to the Mayor's residence. We might have a riot on our hands." Judy replied as she pulled out her tactical vest, knee and elbow pads and riot belt from a closet.

"Who's rioting?" nick asked her.

"The fisherman's union." Judy replied. "Apparently the Mayor, the City counsel and the Defense Department put out new protocols for our fishing fleets and the fish monger's league blew a gasket! Now a whole mess of fishermen are in front of the Mayor's house chucking bottles and threatening to put a torch to it....stupid morons."

Nick followed his wife around the house..."Please be careful ok?"

"What are they going to do Nick? Assault me with a Salmon?" Judy joked.

"Just.....just don't risk yourself." Nick begged. "What do I tell Jackson when he comes home?"

"Nothing." Judy replied. "I just had to go in and supervise some training. Tell him that but make sure he stays put."

"Judy?" Nick replied..

"I don't care if he's 18...23....or 30 Nick. He needs to keep his nose clean. I got this covered. I know? Tell him to give your tail a love session, that will keep him here."

Nick bent down and kissed Judy on the head. "You just be careful...please?"

Downtown Zootopia 9:45am November 4, 2039 Kerdle O'Corn's house

Kerdle (who is a gray black and white forest fox) opened the door and was surprised Jackson came back so soon...

"Hey! Wasn't expecting you till like noon or something!" Kerdle said.

"Am I too early?" Jackson asked.

"Oh hell no, not at all...come on in. Hey Ma? This is that Mammal from boot camp I was tellin you about." Kerdle said as he and Jackson walked into the living room...

"Up in the morning before the rising sun too huh?" Kerdle's mother said as she shook Jackson's paw. "Were you in the same company?"

"I was a few numbers up Mam." Jackson replied. "Sorry.....uh?"

"Mitsu-nay...I bet your mother was about as surprised as I was by the changes. You know? Before my Son signed up, I swear his room was a daily auto wreck."

"Ma!" Kerdle replied embarrassed. "She's only half right dude. It was a quasi disaster. Now she's board with nothing to do."

"Morning spit snit...." A sound of someone being a little crass came from behind and Jackson turned to see a fox....obviously older than a teenager... standing with his shirt un-tucked. "Picked up one of your fellow zombies?"

"Love you too Devin." Kerdle snorted back. "Jackson? This is my brother Devin."

Jackson put his paw out but the older brother gave him only a curt snort in reply before walking off...

"What's up his tail hole?" Jackson snorted.

"I think it's jealously and part "dork face"." Kerdle replied. "So you went to Saharra that fast already?" He asked Jackson as they sat on the couch in the living room.

"We should have an apartment set for us when we get to school. Don't even have to worry about going to Elk-key-yah for beds and dressers." Jackson replied. In fact? We don't have to worry about any rent."

Kerdle smiled. "How did you pull this off? You have a rich family or was it your Mom pulling strings?"

"Actually? My God Father...and I'd rather not say how to respect his silence." Jackson said waving a paw. "So the day's young, got any ideas?"

"We could trip over to Sandy Cove and go swimming at the beach?" Kerdle replied. "Or cruise around Savanna and get used to places around the school?"

Jackson reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin..."Heads, beach...tails, Savanna...."pling"....rattle, rattle, rat.....plunk. Savanna."

"Cool!" Kerdle yelped. "Lemme get my ball cap."

Kerdle walked off and up to his room while Devin made another appearance. "So? You just as "ate up" as my little brother is?"

Jackson gave a little frown in reply. "What do you mean by "ate up"?"

"I mean....do you get up and run, piss and snit "Navy" now like he does?" Devin said with a sarcastic look on his face.

"You think that's a problem?" Jackson snorted.

"Well yeah....I do." Devin replied. "You all think your the hot snit now just because you put on a little uniform and got a big and bad streak over the rest of us."

Jackson replied. "Look....I don't want any trouble with you Devin but we don't think we're "hot snits" over every one else. Obviously you're just a little annoyed that your little brother decided to do something out of High School instead of sitting around play paw hockey with his junk. Why don't you give him a little praise..."

Devin closed in on Jackson's face. "Why don't you keep your self out of my family business you little fluck stick swabbie know it all?"

Mitsu-nay stomped into the living room. "Devin O'Corn! You leave him alone right now!"

"Sheesh Mom...I thought these Sailors were supposed to be tough. Like this stupid bunny could do anything..."

Devin gave Jackson's head a push and in an instant he was on the floor with his teeth kissing the living room carpet! But not by Jackson's paws....

"Don't you EVER put your DAMN paws on any of my shipmates you lazy, stupid, arrogant tail hole!" Kerdle snarled as he twisted and locked up his big brother's arm. He looked at Jackson with a slight smile..."I was top in the Company with combatives."

"Sigh.....let him go Kerdle." Jackson asked.

"Not until he apologizes for putting his filthy paws on my shipmate. Sing you dumb bastard!" Kerdle snarled....until Jackson rubbed him on the shoulder and pointed to his frightened mother...

"Let him go..." Jackson said warmly. Devin got up and thundered out of the house as Kerdle went to hug his mother. After a few minutes, Jackson and Kerdle were in Jackson's car heading for Savanna Central...

"Hey? You ok?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah..." Kerdle replied. "Sorry for all that...it's never been easy between me and my brother. Snit....hasn't been easy for anyone...specially my mom. That's what happens when you get knocked up twice when you're young and the males go on to sew oats someplace else."

Jackson sighed..."Dude....I'm so sorry."

"It's ok...I finally did something that had to be done." Kerdle replied. "Devin's always had anger issues. His father wasn't mine. Usually my Mom gets the verbal part and I'd get the bites, scratches or punches. I never fought back against my brother until just then. I sometimes think that leaving home would actually make everything worse for my Mom but at least with the Navy, I can send her back some money to help her out you know? At least show her one of her kits wasn't a born slug."

Jackson smiled and shook Kerdle by his shoulder...."Will you accept a little help?"

"What kind of help?" Kerdle asked.

"School work....studying....just feel able to talk anything you need to? Be a friend?" Jackson said as he gave Kerdle a shoulder punch.

"Dude?" Kerdle replied. "That would mean so much right now....really." The fox took a moment to breath back a cry and grit his teeth...."Hey....you like FM 200?"

"Yeah." Jackson replied. "Let me turn the radio on."

"Click"....."Friends....this is Dale Dorse, we've broken from our regular fun to continue covering this little fracas going on at the Mayor's residence. Some of our police officers are there, there's been some bottles chucked at the mansion but so far things haven't gotten crazy..."

"Protesting at the Mayor's house?" Kerdle said. "Didn't think Mayor Leo could get anyone angry."

"Always something." Jackson replied as he turned the car off the highway and onto Acacia Drive. "Let's go check out the base and the school house? Maybe some of the other Mammals from boot got the same idea?"

"Good idea." Kerdle replied. "We can probably get lunch at the chow hall while we're at it too."

Downtown Zootopia 10:59am November 4, 2039 Mayor Cesar Leo's residence

Judy arrived to a rash of screaming "piss n salad dressing" as a crowd of various Mammals chanted, snarled, growled and cursed up a storm before the line of officers already assembled to stand between the angry herd and the main gate. She walked up to the on scene leader, a big bull Rhino officer named Rockus...

"What's got these mammals all upset Rock?" Judy asked as she stood by Rockus as he stood firm with a large trunchion stick in his large hands...

"They're from the fishing industry Chief!" Rockus replied. "Guess the Mayor and City Counsel got them super cat box pissed! The lead rowdy piper is Jimmy Hoof-ah from the Teamsters Union! They've chucked rocks and bottles over the wall and we've been waiting for you before we do anything drastic! Trust me? No one wants to go that far Chief...can you reason with Jimmy?!"

Judy held out a paw..."Some one gimme a bull horn?"

A black Angus bull cop close by dipped his head down and smiled.

"Wise tail." Judy snorted at the bull officer. "Now's not the time for comedy Dentine?" She said as she gestured for Rockus to pick her up and hold the bull horn for her as she stood on his broad shoulder....


Juddy watched as a large pig came walking through the crowd of protesters getting paw slaps and paw shakes from the other mammals...

"Tell her Jimmy!"

"We're not putting up with this crap!"

"Give her the sermon of truth Jimmy!" Came the yells from his fellow Teamsters as Jimmy Hoof-ah walked out of the crowd adjusting his gray business suit. The old porker didn't get his position as the leader of the most powerful trade union in the city lightly as the blemishes and scratches on his face from many fist and knife fights bore out his ruthless tenacity.

Rockus put Judy down as the big pig came up and stopped before her..."Good morning Chief." Jimmy said as he raised his cloven hand and silenced the angry crowd behind him."

Judy nodded. "James? What's up? What's got everyone so upset?"

Hoof-ah pulled a piece of paper from his suit coat and gestured to the nearest police car where he laid the sheet on the hood, respectfully picked up Judy and set her before the document....

"This is a one page summary Chief. They want to limit where we can fish. They want us to stick to specific locations covered by the Navy. It's a crock of garbage Chief! We can't be tied down like that! How can we be productive being barred from everywhere else? Fish aren't stupid creatures Chief. And they're telling us that there will be no negotiation on this! It's absolute bull pucks!"

Judy sighed...."Jimmy....I understand your position, believe me. But they're not doing this without good reason..."

"What good reason?" Jimmy asked. "Chief...locking our fleets into these little conclaves will do us no good! We'll suffer poor returns.....what good is this so called "Protection" if the protection is going to end up harming everyone? What about our fellow mammals who've already lost their lives because of those maniac bastards across the sea? Do you know what they did to the crew of the Provider? They shot the captain in the head. They chopped the heads and tails off foxes. They fillet a pair of otters.....alive....and cooked them! And what's our response? Tuck our tails and be little bitch fodder?!....It's BULL SNIT!" Hoof-ah screamed as he slammed his fist on the cruiser hood!

The crowd were whipped into a screaming rage.

Judy put her paws up..."Jimmy....please! This isn't the solution! What do you want to do? Invade them? Rush our sons and daughters into a war?"

"At least we won't be sitting around any more waiting to be roasted on fricken bayonets or worse?! Damn it! Why the fluck do we have a Navy and Marine Corps if we won't use them to kill those tiger freaks! The only thing those monsters will understand is brutal force! How long are we going to wait while those Sailors and Marines collect paychecks and sit on their lazy rumps?!"

Judy gnashed her teeth. Her left foot began to thump on the car roof...."You better watch your mouth James! My son is a Sailor! And your fat waddling hide won't be the one going into the combat you so think will be the answer to your DAMNED PROBLEMS!"

"Great speech! Coming from a cog in the idiot machine!" Hoof-ah snarled. "We need to stop screwing around and put our military to work! It will sure give your brat something to do! You DUMB LONG EARED BITCH!" Hoof-ah snapped back!

Officer Akaila, a white wolf, was quick enough to stretch his arms out and catch the flying enraged bunny as she was all claws and teeth in an airborne leap! "NO! CHIEF! CALM DOWN!" Akaila screamed as he wrestled to hold Judy's madly thrashing body....

"YOU FAT FLUCK! YOU FLUCKING MEAT SUCKING MOTHER FLUCKER!" Judy screamed as she fought against the White Wolf officer fighting to restrain her rage...."LET GO OF ME! I'M GOING TO TEAR THAT PIGS GAWD DAMNED NOSE OFF!"

"NO! CHIEF! CUT IT OUT! OW! DAMN IT CHIEF! STOP BITING ME!" Akaila pleaded until Judy went limp and patted him on the arm....

"He's trying to get in your tail hole Chief." Akaila said softly..."Calm down." Akaila repeated as he kept facing Hoof-ah while he backed up past a pair of Rhinos who closed ranks in front of him.

Rockus took action! Forming up elephants and Rhinos in the advance line while putting wolves, tigers and lions in the back up line....

"ON ME! DROP FACE SHIELDS! RAISE BATONS! PREPARE TO MARCH!" Rockus snapped as he snatched up the bull horn....


The front ranks of big officers brought their batons forward for the charge. Someone was going to get their head bashed in or their arms or legs broken. Once unleashed....elephants and Rhinos were not known to practice restraint. It was enough to make Hoof-ah back down and soon so did the rest of the protesters...

Akaila sat Judy in the seat of her car and held her paw as she visibly shook....

"Chief? You alright?" Akaila asked softly. "Come on Chief....look here...look at my eyes....

Judy shook her head. She was on the verge of losing it as Akaila squeezed her paw then slipped into the driver's side of the cruiser and waved to Rockus...

"Sarge? I'm taking the Chief back home." Akaila said as the Rhino leaned into the car and petted Judy on the head as she sat sobbing..."

"It's ok Chief." Rockus said. "My son's in the Marines. Don't give place to that fat bastard. I got things here in hand so go home."

Rockus gestured to Akaila and the White Wolf drove the police cruiser from the scene.

Savanna Central 11:48am November 4, 2039 Naval Education Center, Savanna Sands Naval Base.

Kerdle put the two handed tray of "fox fix-ins" on the table. "Tell me where you can get this much food for three bucks? You sure you can eat this? I made sure to get more greens and carrots than meat."

Jackson replied. "Fish is ok. I don't eat a lot of carrots though but you got cukes and tomatoes? I love cukes."

"Pretty cool base." Kerdle said. "I like the gym. You up for still doing combatives after class?"

"Why not?" Jackson replied. "It's a work out."

Kerdle looked around and spotted a weasel sitting alone at another table... "Wait here...."

"No." Jackson replied smirking. "I'm gonna shove the food down my shirt and haul tail." He watched Kerdle walk over to the weasel, say a few words and then she followed him back to where Jackson sat...

"Jackie? This is Whitney, she was our company's academics lead. Whitney? This is Jackson Wilde from Two Five Nine." Kerdle said with a paw gesture.

"You guys stole the Goat from two sixty." Whitney said with a sly look. "That was so brilliant how you pulled that off. So you're going to Tron school too?"

"Yup." Jackson replied.

"And here is room mate number four." Kerdle said with a pointing paw finger.

"Ummm....that could be a stretch." Jackson said. "Nothing against you Whitney...if Kerdle vouches for you? I'm all for it...except...the Navy might take a little issue with....a female with three males."

Whitney snickered. "I would let him mount me with a ten foot pole." That got Kerdle to blow his soda from his nose!

"Pffffft!.....aw snit! Thanks a lot Whit! Ugh....fluck." Kerdle said as he winced.

"I don't think the regulations apply to off base housing." Whitney said. "And really...I'm sure we can all mind P's and Q's, I mean we're all adults right? Except Kerdle."

"She thinks highly of you." Jackson said smiling as he picked through the food tray.

"I'm not a bad fox." Kerdle said. "Let's let Whitney stay with us? We'll all sit down and lay the house rules."

"Ok...." Jackson replied waving a paw. "We'll let her stay with us so long as it doesn't cause a big deal." Jackson leaned over to look at Kerdle's tail..."Kerd? Do you take care of your tail?"

"I try." Kerd replied. "I suck at it. It brought me so many demerits during inspections."

"Probably because no one took the time to teach you." Jackson said smiling. "Lemme do it? I did my Father's tail for years and I'll teach you how to take good care of it."

"Thanks Jackie." Kerdle replied.

"Do you have a name for it?" Whitney asked. "Every fox I've met have a name for their tails."

Jackson nodded. "My dad calls his Chantelle. When he sleeps? He usually hugs it more than my mom."

"When I was smaller?" Kerdle said. "Sometimes all I had was my tail. I so want to take better care of it."

"Foxes are so vane." Whitney said as she rested her head on her hand. "I'm spending time with my family for the rest of the day but tomorrow, why don't we all hit that new movie Wolf's Rain? Dale Dorse says it's a hoof pisser of a scary movie."

Jackson nodded. "Ok. We'll make it a three some dinner date and a movie night. Don't take that differently?" He said pointing at Whitney.

"Sweet! Let's try to find some other mammals from boot and load the place Navy blue. I don't know bout you mammals? I can't hang with my High School friends. Just feels so out of place you know? Whitney said as she got up from the table. "Great to meet you Jackson! Catch you guys tomorrow. My cell is...284-368-1218."

"Got it." Jackson said with a wave as he tapped on his phone.

"See you tomorrow Whitney!" Kerdle said with a smile. "So what now Jackson?"

"Almost 1pm." Jackson replied as he chewed the last bits of the food tray. "Why don't you come with me and meet my parents? Then we'll think of something else to do?"

"Awesome." Kerdle replied. "Thanks for being so cool Jackie. Really...I appreciate it a lot."

"What are shipmates for huh?" Jackson replied as he walked with an arm drapped over Kerdle's shoulder.

Downtown Zootopia 1pm November 4, 2039 Center of Naval Intelligence (CNI) aka "The Brick"

Rheana Lundgrin (Honey Badger) The Chief of Intelligence walked aside her lead communications monitoring officer Sancho Ricardo (Yeah....it's Rick from Rick and Morty and he's a gray wolf)

"So you're telling me that from only a limited number of words given to us by Jamie Rook that you were able to decipher some of the Kzinti radio traffic?" Rheana asked.

"Please tell me you are not downgrading my abilities with subtle word ninjutsu Miss Lundgrin? Any dork with a high school degree in "home eck" would have figured this stuff out. I'm surprised I even got the phone call to come in and do this? You know...it's like asking a white mouse to slow trot through a maze. I am not your typical higher order mammal." Sancho huffed. "Any how, from the few words we were able to obtain, we extrapolated the vowels, slaughtered the endless consonants, conjugated some verbs and "boom!"......music!"

Rheana smirked. "You always have a way with the words Sancho."

"So do the sloths. Why do you think it took so long? I asked for the best and brightest minds in the city to help me, I didn't say "step on the brake, apply the lock bar to the steering column and.....swallow the key so it can't be stolen or lost...you get the visual here sweet honey bee? I do and.....it's disgusting. But...though slow? Sloths are amazingly meticulous and methodical so we have enough in hand now to decipher ten percent of "their" radio traffic."

"Ten percent?" Rheana asked. "That's quite small."

"We don't get complete pictures sweat heart. We take a glitter here and a glimmer there, toss a 200 piece puzzle in the air and put it all together blind folded..."

"Ugh....Sancho? Could you please speak some cogent phrases?" Rheana huffed. "Don't make me angry?"

"Yeah...I know about you Honey Badgers and anger management. Alright....in plain language....we can collect enough to have a good idea of what the Kzinti are thinking and it's not good for us. Their objectives are as you might suspect? Long term strangulation of us without resorting to war. Their doctrine is called Haiku Ichiru meaning "All under our roof." It's an incremental theology designed to break our will from the inside and when they feel the time is on their side? Boom! Out comes the butcher knives." Sancho said with a paw gesture across his neck. "But? They're hoping we'll get upset enough to attack them, they are salivating for us to attack them because they're going to be betting on us rushing into a buzz saw so they can rip us to pieces."

Rheana pursed her lips and clenched her teeth. "We need to prepare a report for the City Counsel and the Mayor. Keep trying to find out anything about their military structure. Good work Sancho. Is there anything you need?"

"Pizza." Sancho replied. "A lot of pizza and a lot of brews...it's gonna be a long, long, long day trust me."

Downtown Zootopia 3pm November 4, 2039 The Wilde House

"Dad? Mom? I'm back." Jackson said as he and Kerdle came through the front door and Nick came out of his small study...

"Dad? This is Kerdle, one of the mammals from my boot camp. Kerdle? This my father Nicholas." Jackson said as he introduced Nick.

"Sir! Pleasure." Kerdle said with a mechanical military voice.

"At ease there....I'm not an officer." Nick said waving a paw.

"Is Mom here?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah....." Nick replied as he gestured. "Hey Kerdle? Can you wait here a minute?"

"Sure." The young fox replied as Jackson and Nick walked into the kitchen.

"Sigh...." Nick leaned against the stove. "You're Mom's upset right now. She couldn't drive home, she had to be driven home. She's been in our bed room ever since..."

Jackson clenched his paws. "She was at that protest....wasn't she?"

Nick nodded back..."I tried to go in to see her? She told me....she told me to stay out...."

Jackson walked back into the foyer of the house to Kerdle..."I wanted you to stay for dinner...but...."

"I heard." Kerdle replied as he put a paw on Jackson's shoulder. "Is our movie night still on?"

"Yes." Jackson replied nodding. "Let's do it. I'll text you later. You want a ride home?"

"I'm only down the street." Kerdle replied. "Take care of your Mom." The fox said as he patted Jackson's chest. "See you tomorrow ship mate."

Jackson watched Kerdle walk out then looked at the stairs behind him...

Moments later....

"Knock, knock"......"Mom?" Jackson asked softly. When she didn't answer... Jackson slowly slipped his head into the bedroom to see Judy sitting on the bed looking at a photo book in her lap. He smiled at her and watched her sigh before walking up to the bed and resting his paws on the top..."Looking at pictures?"

Jackson didn't wait for an invite. He climbed onto the bed, sat behind Judy and slowly rested his paws on her shoulders and snuggled his cheek against hers. "There's a lot of pictures in here I haven't seen." Jackson said as he looked at Judy's face and gave her a peck kiss...

"We hid this one because you had a way with markers, pens and anything you got your mits on." She said smiling.

Jackson pointed to one picture..."When was that taken?"

"That was the day you were born." Judy said..."My you were so cute."

"I was so tiny." Jackson remarked.

"You were NOT tiny." Judy snickered. "I carried you for 45 days, you were NOT tiny."

Jackson looked at another one..."Is that me in a laundry basket?"

Judy giggled...."You think we were kidding about the diaper Olympics? Every time your father changed you? VOOM! Off your naked tush would go!" Judy yelped. "One day....you were around....13 months old. You did your famous sprint and the front door was open. You always had a habit of picking the right spot to vanish and we freaked out! We thought you'd gone out of the house. I called your grandmother, I was so upset. Your father's running around the house threatening to make your bottom glow and trying to explain to you how wrong it was for you to torment me....like at 13 months you're going to understand anything he's saying. And where were you? In that stupid basket of dirty clothes...."

Judy pinched Jackson's nose..."You little snit."

Jackson wrapped his Mom up in his arms and pulled her onto his lap..."You're so light Mom? How did you manage to put down a Rhino?"

"You really want to find out?" Judy snickered as Jackson picked up the photo album and spread it out. One picture caused him to gasp and almost have a coughing fit.....

"OH MY GAWD! Am I.....am I?" He exclaimed as he pointed.

"Yup." Judy replied almost giggling...."You pissed on your father's back and I caught you just in time coming out of the kitchen with my cell phone in my hand. You dad was taking a nap, you climbed on the couch, whipped down your diaper and away you went. He was so mad! I think more at me because I couldn't stop laughing my tail off at it!"

Jackson laughed himself into tears and took a moment to wipe his eyes before he gave Judy a soft hug....

"What happened today Mom? What got you so upset that you kept Dad out of the room?" Jackson asked.

Judy sobbed..."I'm so sorry Jackson."

"Mom? Sorry for what?" Jackson asked as he gave Judy a kiss on her cheek.

"I thought....I would be so ready for when you left the house. I put up such a brave front but.....but today....when that fat bastard Hoof-ah shot off his mouth... I thought.....I thought....you're my only child Jackie, my only child....and I lost it, I just lost it....."

Jackson snarled, gently pushed his mother off and she grabbed him as he tried to get off the bed....

"Let me go Mom!" Jackson yelped.

"Don't you get all stupid Jackson Wilde!" Judy urged as she gripped a paw. "You get back here!"


Nick suddenly stood at the bedroom doorway...."You're not going to screw your life up over some stupid mud crawler." Nick snarled as he blocked the door. "Maybe it's my turn now to pay you back for pissing on me?"

Jackson looked at his father, then his mother.....and laughed himself silly again..."Well maybe Dad? You should have given me my cookie?"

Nick walked in and wrapped an arm around his Son. "Is there room in here for this little cry fest you two are having?" Nick asked. "Judy? Are you alright?"

Judy sighed and groaned. "That big mouth pig...as if I wouldn't understand their dilemma. But does he or anyone else who thinks they should just throw our children at these....these.....whatever they are? I mean...I've never seen anyone about these things and that scares me to death!"

Jackson sighed...."It probably scares a lot of parents to death Mom. What do you want me to do? Stay in the kitchen case with the China collection? I'm not the only "one child" in the room in uniform Mom."

"But Jackie....you're unique....you're special to me....I'm just....I'm just having a hard time dealing with....you not being here." Judy said as Jackson once again hugged her....

"Dad? Not enough magic tongue." Jackie snickered.

"OH YOU LITTLE SNIT!" Judy yelped as she stood up looking like she'd take Jackson over her knee...then she relaxed...."Bah!....Your too big to spank, Nick? Beat your son's tail."

Nick stood with his arms crossed. "Promise me you won't make any detours during your time off to go visit "De Porko el Big Mouth." and don't you DARE call Kevin or Raymond!"

"You never know Dad." Jackson replied. "The ice pit can be pretty persuasive?"

"Jackson?" Nick warned.

"Ok....ok.....I will not have him dangled over the ice pit of death. But can I kick him into the bottomless pit of death?" Jackson snickered.

Nick shook a warning finger...."You may piss on him. That's your specialty. And Judy? You never stopped the little snit!"

"He was too cute." Judy replied. Then her cell phone chimed and she pulled it off the nearby night stand...."Chief Wilde." She said..."Evening James" She said as she raised a paw finger; obviously it was who else but Jimmy Hoof-ah. "Yes James, I sympathize with you, it's going to completely suck but I'm not in the decision chain.....yes......we got emotional and pissy....No.....I'm fine Jimmy, honest.....yes, I will tell him.....you too.......bye."

Judy looked at Nick and Jackson...."That was Jimmy Hoof-ah. He apologized for today, we were both passionate to excess and he especially wants to meet with Jackson to personally apologize for what happened. He would like to take you and some Sailors out to dinner while you're on leave."

Jackson looked at Nick then at Judy and snorted. "Pit of flucking death."

"JACKIE!" Judy warned.

"Well Dad said I could piss on him. Didn't you Dad?" Jackson asked.

"Yes....but only Kevin or Raymond to hold him down and I highly recommend you drink lots of "Fox-in-us" beer before you do. It makes the urine highly rancid." Nick replied with a paw finger up.

Judy snarled. "I'm going to kill both of you. I'm going to forget all my worries and beat the snot bee hive cheese wiz out of both of you."

Nick growled..."Grrrawwww....savage wife."

Jackson giggled...."More magic tongue."

Judy leaped at them both...

End of Chapter 9

Zootopia: First Salvo Part 10

FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan Rated M+ (c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti\_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and...

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Chapter 8: First Salvo

FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan Rated M+ (c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti\_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and...

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Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 7

FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan Rated M+ (c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti\_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and...

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