What to do with a high class whore

Story by Cold-One on SoFurry

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Jessica Fireheart was the hybrid child of a dragon father and a salamander mother. It wasn't an odd paring as far as genetics were concerned. Dragons are a strange species, fully capable of breeding with mammal and reptile alike. Griffon and cockatrice had this same impossible quality with their genes that science could not fully explain. The theory was that these hybrid species were the end result of eons of breeding between usually incompatible species. The religious explanation was that these species were blessed by the gods themselves, to never know extinction like so many anthropomorphic species had.

Because of this, Jessica's physical appearance was more like her mother with a splash of her father. Her body was sleek and slender, even for a female. Her maw was wide and mid length, more like her mother's face rather than her father's narrow and long maw. The soft scales all over her body were a royal blue, bright orange spots dotted along her back, rear, tail and shoulders. Like her father, she possessed a crest of spines along the top of her and down the back of her neck. They swept backward and ranged from eight inches to an inch as they traveled down her neck. They looked mean, but they were quite soft, resembling a sort of "punk rocker" spiked hair style more than defensive spines.

The most obvious thing that stood out with Jessica was her small build. Her lithe body lacked noticeable mammary glands, a trait giving to her by her mother: a species that lacks them completely. She had breasts, they were just small, making her resemble a young girl despite being in her early twenties. Oddly enough, she was hatched from an egg, again the genetics of her mother. She was never breast fed, hatching from her egg with a full set of teeth and ready to eat soft food.

Whenever Jessica smiled, she would show her menacing fangs without ever meaning to. The look of her teeth set many off, not to mention the notoriety of her mother's species. Incidentally, making out in high school was a little awkward for her. She had lips, it's just her teeth weren't very inviting. If it wasn't for her long, flexible lizard tongue, Jessica would not have had a very active social life while growing up.

Jessica never felt like she was blessed at all while growing up. Her dragon heritage had little meaning to herself or anyone, the species had no specific lineage unto itself. Her mother, on the other had, did have such a lineage for her species, but it was hardly a noble one. Salamanders had there own home world, there own culture. They called their species Fire Lizard, identifying themselves strictly with Basilisk, the Mad God. There culture was one of war and brutality, although Jessica never took to that way of thinking. Her mother did, and many times growing up she wondered exactly what her father found so appealing about her mother.

Not that her parents weren't loving and understanding, it's just what one might consider normal gender roles were reversed in her home. Jessica's mother was a cop, Special Weapons and Tactics division to be precise, while her father was a "stay at home dad". Her mother made enough money to support them both, Jessica spending much more of her time with her father while she was home from school as a child. Her dad and mother were both kind to her, but she took more to her dad's outlook on life than her mother. When she was sixteen, her mother was killed in the line of duty. Although that happened many years ago, Jessica never really got over her mother's death. Agency

It might seem strange that this girl ended up working for an escort service, although her father was supportive in her career decision. Jessica worked for no "half-ass" prostitution racket, she work for an agency known as Stefanie and Anthony. The agency was a well respected service for catering, entertainment functions and even security. Escorts was also a service provided to clients.

Jessica (and other other escorts with the agency) were usually paid to simply be seen with clients and to just look good. The money was excellent, a thousand credits just to walk arm in arm with someone, usually at some high class social gathering. Stefanie and Anthony also had an active prostitution service at five thousand credits an hour. The service was legitimate, but mostly exclusive. It was a service taken just as seriously as everything else the agency did.

Clients for this service were screened in advance, as well as requiring their employees to have quarterly physical and STD tests. Clients were also expected to "stay clean" and while not a requirement, employees also took classes (paid by Stefanie and Anthony) on the more seductive arts. It's easy to see that Jessica was a very high class prostitute, it's just her other qualities didn't lend too well to her.

She didn't like girls, and some men were instantly turned off by her sharp teeth, and how she looked under age. The ones that weren't love her body for those reasons specifically. She didn't have many clients a week, or even a month, but when she did they nearly always had some kind of kink about her. Some of the strange things she was paid to do involved biting, licking in odd places, or sometimes just acting like she was a sixteen-year-old girl. She didn't take too much to the kinks, but then all she had to do was make the clients happy and her job was done. She never hated herself, although the job paid on commission. Twenty percent of five grand was still good money, even for one or two clients a week.

Being paid to be seen pleased her more. She didn't have to smell of cum afterwards, and she had all her other expenses paid. Fine dining and client parties were always a blast, if not a little uptight for her personal tastes. On top of that, two-hundred 'creds wasn't bad to eat out, even if the clients were usually other scalies, or older men wanting to be seen with a younger girl. On that note, her clients were regulars, as it is with most escorts. She got to know a few of her clients well, and some of them she even enjoyed being around.

Her other return clients were another matter. Just as typical for any of the other escorts of Stefanie and Anthony, Jessica had a small following of men who wanted nothing more than to bone her stupid. Those clients she never cared for personally, although they never broke the rules set down by the agency. A hand-job here, a fling in the back of some rich kids limo there, the job paid the bills. What Jessica didn't like was how some of them looked at her, or acting out their creepy fantasies for that matter.

You might think that would be enough to scare this girl away from prostitution... it wasn't. Twelve-hundred and fifty credits just to suck a cock for an hour can change the opinion of some. Jessica was hardly all good and pure when it came to this corruption, and she was well aware of that. Still, she never told her father this, she only wanted him to know she was being seen, not that she was having sex with clients for money.

This day was no exception for the fem dragon. The sun had gone down behind the towering structures that dotted the city where she lived and worked. She had been given a agency limo for the day, some high class fund raiser had just ended with her at the arm of some diplomat from somewhere. Lets be fair to the fem, she didn't need to know who it was she was with or why, all she need to do was smile, keep her client happy and look damn fine. Either at the end of party, or arranged before it, she was paid her commission from Stefanie and Anthony via electronic transaction, and it was off to the next client.

She had been contacted by the time her last job was over. Another regular client had heard of her and had requested her by name for her services once the sun had set. She knew what this meant and she wasn't looking forward to it, another commission for an hour of a man's pleasure. Though Krystine, the Assistant Director (and official Madame) of Stefanie and Anthony had already messaged her the details on her next client, she never really cared to know about it.

The man was a wealthy business tycoon (or something like that), who made his fortune in the business of cybernetics and prosthetic body replacements. This meant he had a good deal of influence with Stefanie and Anthony and there overall interest. All that meant to Jessica was that she was going to service a middle-aged man. It didn't help at all knowing in advance he was currently married, not even knowing it was his third marriage changed Jessica's opinion on the subject. Legitimate business practice of not, Stefanie and Anthony never took any responsibility for their clients cheating on their spouses.

On the limo ride to her clients location, Krystine filled Jessica in on the information she needed about her next client. What he looked like, what to expect, and what he expected from her. Having a backseat ride in a limo was good for the fem, it meant she had time to change out of her formal clothing into something low-key, as well as put on whatever outfit the client wanted her in underneath. The client wanted her bare, all that meant is she didn't dress in any undergarments. A plain white button-up shirt and a pair of slacks was all the client wanted to see her in, as well as insisting she brought a spare set of cloths.

The fem had no problem coming prepared, preparedness was a trait she took from both of her parents. She always took a black duffel bag with her to work, carrying in it extra cloths, a towel, and of course condoms for her more lustful clients. This was something she did on her own that Stefanie and Anthony didn't require of their employees, but at the same time awarded her any kudos for thinking ahead. Even so, she always kept it nearby while on the job, a quick change of clothes or a expedient clean-up was great in between clients.

Jessica balanced her cellphone precariously on her right shoulder as she pulled herself into her jeans, listening to Krystal's valuable information on the client she was about to meet. Jessica never paid that much attention to what Krystal said, it never got her in trouble and her clients never complained. She didn't like Krystal for that matter, neither did a few other employee's of the agency. The fem fox known as Krystal was also know as the "Super Whore" by many clients, as well as some of the employees of Stefanie and Anthony. All the same, Jessica listened to her, faking her interest and responding to her voice with a skill she had learned quite well in her line of work.

"Just keep a low profile when you arrive. The driver will take you to his office and will leave you from there. Just remember, if his wife is there, your there on behalf of the interest Stefanie and Anthony." Krystal told her.

"Yes, yes. I get it. Don't let the wife know her hubby is fucking me." Jessica answered, trying to hide the disapproval in her voice.

"The security posted at the client's office are from our own agency, so they'll point you to him. You're clients name his Herbert Solomon, but just call him Mister Solomon." Jessica continued.

"Yeah okay. So he likes being formally addressed." Said Jessica, shifting her legs and zipping her pants up.

"Just remember. The man is really... well... eccentric... but he'll treat you good. And whatever you do, don't piss him off, he's one of Stefanie and Anthony's best clients. Got it?"

"When have I ever pissed off a client?" Jessica asked, turning her gaze to distract herself with the scenery moving outside the limo.

The party she left was just outside the city limits, held in some fancy park some place she had never been to. The clean cut grass and softly rolling hills dotted with ponds was probably a golf course, which might explain why she'd never been there before. It didn't matter, by now she was missing Ambassador what-was-his-name. She would have rather had another round of being on the town with him, rather than going where she was going now.

The limo wasn't taking her back into the city, but away from it. The softly winding road traveled off into the industrial zones where various manufacturing facilities were located. Jessica sighed as the beautiful scene of local wetlands turned into concealed gravel pits and silo's. She had hoped the location of her client was back in the city, but she never stopped to see where she was going until right then. If she had been paying attention, she would have guessed that a tycoon of manufacturing anything at all would probably have an office out here, far away from city noise ordinances.

"Jessy?" Krystal's voice said, awakening the fem dragon from her living slide show.

"I'm still here," answered She, adverting her attention to put on some shoes.

"I'm telling you now, just between us, make him happy. I guarantee he'll make it worth your time." Krystal said just before hanging up.

Through the industrial zone the limo drove until the paved road ended and loose gravel roads began. Jessica became increasingly suspicious of where the driver was taking her. Out of all the clients she had been taken to, this was one of the most remote locations she had ever been. She was so used to meeting clients in less rustic locations than what was now the outdoors. But then it really didn't matter, she would be paid all the same, and the scenery was worth the drive alone.

Further the limo drove until the industrial zones ended, and the wetlands of the surround countryside returned. It was a welcome sight to the fem, who had no idea where she was. The warm, shallow waters and tall grasses reminded her of her mother, whose reptilian species loved the warm climate and wet marshes. It might seem strange, but her mother loved to swim in the deeper waters, growing up she spent a lot of time outdoors on the weekends with her parents. Climate acceptable to her mother's coldblooded physiology is why she grew up in the Southern Territories, and looking out at the wetlands was just another reminder of how much she missed her mother.

Eventually the gravel road merged into the driveway of several large warehouses seemingly hidden from view by the untouched beauty of the surrounding wetlands and suspiciously placed trees. Unlike the many industrial facilities she had long sense passed, this one was quite low key by comparison. No silo's, no pits, just a series of enormous, one-floor warehouses concealed by the artificially positioned tree's atop artificially positioned hills. The area had a good sense of concealment and noninterference with the natural beauty of the surrounding area, despite its massive size.

"Well this is where I drop you off." The canine driver of the limo told the fem as he parked his car.

"Wait, how am I supposed to get home from here?" Jessica asked, looking at the warehouse from out a window.

"You know, I'm not sure. I've dropped off a few 'morphs here before, and they always made it back. They never had any complaints either." The driver told her.

Well here she was, where she was needed to be, but not necessarily where she wanted to be. She took up her duffel bag and stepped out of the limo, watching the car drive back down the rode they had come. She sighed, adjusting the duffel bag's strap on her shoulder for better carrying comfort. She turned and noticed that a pair of huge reptilian men were coming towards her from the nearest warehouse. By the way they were dressed, they were part of the security team Krystal had mentioned, it was too dark to tell who they were exactly, but their casual stride said they were friendly.

The men were the same relative size, but where from two different species. One was a green draconian, a fairly typical thing to see in his line of work. His large body was at least nine feet high, an average build for his size, although he probably weighed five-hundred pounds easily. Jessica felt the draconian's face looked familiar, although she couldn't tell from where. She had probably seen him as a bouncer at him party, but there the lights would be bright, and he would be wearing a suit. Here it was dark and he wore a tan and black security outfit. His wings he also kept low to the shoulder's, a position for a run. A bouncer would keep his wings up, proudly displaying them to make himself look mean.

The lumbering, heavy set saurian was another matter. Jessica hadn't seen one of him sense the last time she went off world. The reptile was as tall as the green draconian, and he dressed the same, but his slower stride was attributed to his heavier build. The saurian probably weighted seven-hundred pounds, making him the biggest male Jessica had seen in a long time. She figured he was new to the agency, maybe a few weeks, otherwise she would certainly have met him before. Being a reptile herself, others like her working for Stefanie and Anthony tended to make their way around her, for one reason or another.

"Mister Solomon is expecting you." The green draconian said once he had reached the the dragon fem. "He's in his office, in Building A. follow us."

Jessica nodded, and followed the pair up to the entrance doors of what was the closest of the warehouses. The saurian stayed outside, while the green draconian stooped down to fit though the double doors, holding them open with an arm and his tail perspectively to let Jessica in. Jessica nodded politely and followed, stepping over the tree-trunk that was the male's tail and followed him down the wide corridor inside. The corridor was wide enough the big male didn't have to stoop to walk, in fact the corridor was so wide that the fem could walk right next to the huge male as he lead her through the building.

"Have I seen you around before?" Jessica asked, trying to make small talk with the big male.

"Maybe. I attend all of Mister Solomon's actives. The man pays well, but he has these really bizarre tendencies." The draconian told her as they walked.

"I know, Krystal was telling me about about that, but she wasn't very specific." Jessica added.

"The Super Whore?" The draconian asked, suddenly stopping to look at the fem. "I heard she was Mister Solomon's favorite prostitute, back when she was working."

"How long ago was that?" Jessica asked, curious to the age of her boss.

"I dunno'. Like twenty years, or something?"

"So the Krystal's like forty, fifty years old?"

"Around that, yeah."

"Wow! I didn't even know she was that old." Jessica exclaimed

"How long have you been working with the agency?" The draconian asked, trying to hide a snicker in his voice.

"A year or two," Jessica answered with honesty.

"Honey, you have no idea some of the things that have been going on around here." The draconian began, "I've been working this place for five years now, and even I don't know all the shit. Well sure, I work security, but the things I've seen... make me wonder how the agency stays in business."

There was a brief pause between the two as they gossiped about the agency they both worked for. Jessica wasn't a stranger to any of the rumor's but mostly they were from clients, not from the other employees. This was one of the few moments where she got an honest answer of the things going on around her on a day to day basis. Maybe this guy had something to tell her, or maybe everyone else was just so damn scared of her smile they didn't like being in biting distance. All the same, the brief conversation had passed, and the two were about to go there separate ways.

"Well anyway, I still have my patrols to do. Go down that hall on the left. Mister Solomon's office is down there. Look for the room marked "office"... it's pretty straightforward." The dragon said as he walked away, leaving the fem in the middle of two adjoining halls.

Jessica was far from lost, and knowing there were guards all around her put any fear she might have had being alone in an unknown place to rest. Not like she was lost, she could still see the draconian as he walked to the doors that were back down the hall from were she stood. She took his direction and made a left turn into the adjoining hall, finding that the draconian's directions just as straightforward as he said they were.

Jessica made her way down the hall the male had told her to go, the wide corridors echoing back to her the sounds of her shoes as she walked. She saw many office doors, mostly unlabeled ones she assumed were either storage rooms or maybe other offices in of themselves. At the end of the hall Jessica found a conveniently located fire exit, to her right, another unmarked door, to her left was the door marked "office."

She checked the knob on the door just to make sure it was unlocked, normally she would knock just before letting herself in, but then this was one of those rare days when she just forgot to do that. The door was unlocked all the same, and so she let herself inside. She was expecting to find Mister Solomon: a stocky, middle aged man of a wolf species with deep silver and brown coat kept well trimmed. She did find that, but what she wasn't expecting to find was a horrid face glaring at her when she went inside.

The wolf known as Mister Solomon was sitting at the opposite end of a large mahogany desk at the back of the well cleaned office. He was looking at a monitor on his desk, doing something that looked important to the fem. He didn't even notice that someone had entered his office until the fem shut the door. The cold stare he gave the fem was only enhanced by the pale blue eyes Krystal forgot to mention the man possessed. Those eyes were a terrible color for the man's face to have, the color only made his mean look worse. They made Jessica not only feel uncomfortable, but that he was looking through her.

"Yes?" The wolf said, his voice a different pitch than his angry looked suggested.

"Mister Solomon?" Jessica said, hiding the fear in her voice very well. "I'm Jessica Fireheart, from Stefanie and Anthony. You requested my presence?"

"Oh? Oh yes, welcome to my office." The wolf said, his tone of voice was soft, although the look in his eyes was not.

"Did I interrupt something important?" Jessica asked as she walked over to the large wooden desk he remained seated behind.

"Oh my no, just double-checking some invoices for tomorrows shipments." The wolf said, smiling at her although the evil look in his eyes remained. "But for you, I'd take pleasure over business any time.

Jessica faked a smile. Knowing what the wolf meant didn't help her relax, although pleasuring him is was what she was there to do. Her gaze was fixated on his pale blue eyes that never seemed to move the closer she came to him, and the desk he sat behind. Jessica's attention span drifted from a moment, lost in his gaze, like she had become lost in the roadside scenery during the limo ride. Suddenly it dawned on the fem that the wolf wasn't glaring at her, she had somehow become mesmerized while looking into his eyes.

"Is something the matter, baby?" The wolf asked, snapping her back to reality.

"Oh nothing. It's just... you're eyes." Jessica began to say, thinking of the most shamelessly flattering thing she could say. "I've never seen eyes so captivating like yours before."

"Oh don't lie." The wolf frowned as he rocked back in his chair. "Well I know my eye's are gorgeous, my wife tells me that all the time. But you look like you're scared of them."

"No sir, of course not." Jessica lied as she sat down in a chair on her side of his desk.

She daintily slid her tail out the back of the chair, crossing her legs as she sat down before setting her duffel bag down on her lap. She was good at hiding her true feelings for her clients. It was something she had a natural talent of doing, but also from the skills she had learned from the agency that employed her. She didn't like the fact the wolf called her out on her fear, even though he was right. It didn't shake her all that much, it wasn't all that surprising when she though about it. From the moment she came in, her eyes had locked with his. Any of her other clients would have said the same thing.

"Well I wouldn't be surprised if you were. There are many ancient beliefs surrounding wolves with pale blue eyes. They say we're demons, that we can look directly into your soul and see you for what you really are." The wolf explained to her.

"That's quite fascinating, Mister Solomon. But I'm not here for a lecture on ancient beliefs, now am I?" Jessica responded in kind.

She shot the wolf her unintentionally evil reptile smile to counteract her fear, as well as the things the wolf had said about his own eyes. He opened her duffel bag and rooted around for the agency issued PDA she kept inside. She turned the device on, insuring that a connection was established to Stefanie and Anthony's financial department, before placing it on top of the wolf's desk. She slid it over to him with a little too much force, accidentally off the end of his desk and onto his unseen lap.

The wolf only smiled, fishing the device from off his lap and producing his own PDA to transfer the five thousand credits needed by the fem before she would do anything else with him. They both knew this drill, "payment before pleasure" was essentially the unofficial slogan among clients and employees alike. The transfer took a moment to clear, some time for the fem to let her mind wander around the wolf's clean office.

There wasn't much in the way of books and paperwork that she had seen in another client's office. But then that man was an attorney, so having books and credentials all over his office was part of the air of professionalism he had to portray. This wolf was an industrialist, a manufacturer of cybernetic hardware and bionic limbs. Around his office she saw nothing, his walls were bare and the top of his desk was clean, except for his computer monitor and a suspiciously placed leather riding crop.

The crop held Jessica's attention while the wolf paid her fee. She held back her worry as she looked at the tool, wondering why it was here but fooling herself with the obvious answer. The man liked rough sex, that would be the only reason he had it. It would also explain what she had heard, about Krystal being an old favorite of this man. The Super Whore was a trained dominatrix, she loved beating men and women, so long as it was what they got off on.

Stefanie and Anthony was no stranger to clients wanting bondage and sadomasochistic play, but they were very strict on which employee's were allowed to engage in that kind of thing. Employee's requesting it would receive advanced training in such acts, legitimate certifications and a longer lists of rules then went into play overseeing both clients and employees alike. The rules were in place for everyone's safety, but that didn't apply to the fem, who had no interest at all in that sort of thing. She just hoped the wolf already knew that.

"There you go, baby." The wolf said, sliding the PDA back across his desk to her. "Five thousand credits paid in full. Now tell me, what's you're last name?"

"Why do you want to know that?" Jessica asked, a little confused. "Did you just pay me to sit and talk about myself?"

"For now, I did." The wolf answered, his smiling turning lustful as he licked his teeth. "Well what I'd really like from you, I know you won't do. agency policies and all that, of course."

"Of course." Jessica agreed, knowing where he was going with that. "My name is Jessica Fireheart."

"You're father's last name?" The wolf asked, seeing her genetic heritage and prying for the details.

"No, my mother's. My father joined her clan when they were married."

"How interesting. Looks like you're dad took you're mother's last name then." The wolf pointed out. "From what clan is your mother?"

"The same clan. Fireheart is a ruling family, if you can believe that." The fem told the wolf as she shifted around on her chair.

The duffel bag she was holding on her lap was a little awkward now, she she it next to the chair she was seating on and shifted her ass in the chair again. She found it quite odd that all this man wanted to do was talk, but at the same time it was sort of a relief. If all he wanted was a conversation, then it meant he was lonely... or impotent. In any case it didn't mean she was going to have to suck him off or anything. On that note she started to relax, doing her job of being polite and keeping the wolf happy for the next hour.

"Please, baby. Don't set you're bag next to my desk, it ruins my feng shui." The wolf told her with a serious look on his face. "Place it over there, on the chair by the wall."

Jessica nodded to the wolf. She took her bag, standing up from her chair to do just as he asked. It occurred to her right away that the man was a bit of a control freak... probably what Krystal was politely referring to as "eccentric". Either that, or the man wanted a casual look at her backside as she walked away. All the same, she did as he asked, swaying her hips and tail as she walked to where he pointed, giving him a little show to make the most of his money.

"So tell me, baby. If your mother was from a ruling family, would that make you royalty?" The wolf asked the fem, always remaining seated behind his desk.

"I wouldn't know. I've never been interested in off-world politics." The fem answered.

She set the bag on the chair by the wall, the only other piece of furniture she could see in the wolfs office. Four chairs, a computer and a desk were the only things there. Counting the wood grained walls and light brown carpet as object in of themselves, there was still very little to be seen. Jessica wondered why that might be, but all her explanations were wild guesses at best. Perhaps he was an obsessive compulsive and his office never felt clean with objects inside. Or maybe he never used his office except for work, or he strictly cheated on his wife here.

"So you're not actually from your mother's home world?" The wolf asked, sounding confused.

"No, I'm Terran. Right here is where I was born and raised." Jessica Answered as she made her way back to the wolf's desk.

"But you've been to her home world?" The wolf pried.

"Yes, I've been there several times." Answered the fem, once she had sat back down the in chair on her side of the wolf's desk.

"So you speak Cyrillic then?"

The fem began to wonder exactly where the wolf was going with his incredibly mundane questions about her. Her mother and her planet, her father taking on the name of her mother's clan... even whether or not she knew her mother's native language. It was incredibly strange where he was going with all this, it wasn't any stranger than if he wanted her bare ass to smother his face for an hour... something another client wanted from her once. His questions were harmless, and if it made him happy then she would gladly indulge his curiosity.

"Not really. I understand some Cyrillic, but not enough to speak it." The fem explained. "My mother spoke English perfectly, so it was never something my parent's insisted I learn."

"I see," the wolf said with a disapproving tone. "That's quite a shame. That big saurian I have posted outside is new to this planet. His name is Jordan, he's from the planet Vogsoth. His native language is the same variation of Cyrillic the salamander's speak. I was hoping you might be able to make him feel more at home here."

"Well I'm sure there are other member's of your staff that can speak Cyrillic better than I do. Otherwise, why would he be working here?" the fem pointed out to the wolf.

"Well, he works here because he's a big mother-fucker." The wolf answered. "But you're right, Daniel speaks Cyrillic."

"Oh right, Daniel." The fem said, finally picturing a name for the face of the green draconian that escorted her into the warehouse.

"Yes, Daniel. But I'm pretty sure Jordan would much rather someone like you make him feel more at home." Said the wolf, licking his teeth and smiling again.

"Well I'm not so sure about that, Mister Solomon. Jordan looked too big a man than what I can handle." Jessica said, getting the wolf's hint.

It's wasn't as if Jessica hadn't been through this situation before. One client of hers had been a draconian, a species of equal size to the massive saurian species. But that was a one time thing, and even then she hadn't actually taken his cock. All the client wanted was to cum all over her tail and backside. What felt odd to her was that the wolf seemed to suggest she fuck another man, presumably while he watched. Odd, but not within her capabilities as a prostitute. Although it seemed more and more likely that Mister Solomon was, in fact, impotent.

"Really?" The wolf asked, licking his teeth some more. "What's been the biggest male you've fucked?"

"Never bigger than you, Mister Solomon." The fem lied, while being blatantly flattering at the same time.

"Bullshit!" The wolf suddenly yelled, his lustful grin becoming angry very suddenly.

Jessica jumped from the sudden shock of this man becoming so very angry without any warning at all. Her nerves were gone with the sudden jump of adrenaline that told her to run for her life. There were only two things that kept her glued to the chair she sat on: one being her own sense of professionalism, the other being that the wolf hadn't jumped out of his seat to attack her. He remained seated just as he was, the angry look on his face vanished just as fast as it had come. His angry scowl replaced with one of genuine remorse.

"I'm so sorry, baby. Sometimes I'll want to say something, without really thinking about it first. When that happens, I just yell out whatever it is I'm thinking. Don't take it personally." the wolf explained.

"No, I understand." The fem said, still feeling jumpy after his sudden outburst.

"Well, anyway..." began the wolf, diverting back to his last topic. "Stefanie and Anthony keeps records on all their clients, even one's requiring more... shall we say, 'recreational' services?"

"Yes, mister Solomon, I am aware of that." Jessica answered, although she knew where he was going.

It's not as if the records were sealed, or really all that confidential. Stefanie and Anthony wasn't a law firm, they were an entertainment and security service. The only aspects of the agency that were considered confidential were their security and surveillance contracts. Every other aspect of the agency was neither private or confidential. Although clients were not usually privy to the companies inner workings, unless they were just that important for the agency.

Jessica had an brand new unnerving feeling about this man that paled in comparison to that sudden burst of rage he showed her. She wondered if the agency was lending him information on other clients, or even personnel. Was this wolf some kind of secret investor of Stefanie and Anthony? Was he blackmailing the agency somehow? Maybe the "head honchos" just love this man so much, they let him read agency paperwork as bedtime stories. The fem really didn't know, bureaucratic bullshit always made her head hurt when she thought about it.

"Then you must also know, that I know, the biggest man you've fucked was a draconian." The wolf told her , his lustful grin returning.

"How did you-" the fem began to ask before the wolf came out and told her.

"Krystal told me. She's the Madame, after all. Her and I go way back."

"Oh," said the fem. Gossip from her boss was far less insidious than what she was imagining.

"Then yes, Mister Solomon, I have been with a draconian." The fem admitted.

The wolf seemed quite skilled at catching Jessica in a lie. Each time he did so, he seemed upset with her... more so the second time, when it became a burst of rage. Conversely, each time she told the truth, he licked at his teeth in a manner one could only describe as a lustful expression. The man seemed to enjoy listening to her speak, more than she expected anyone to enjoy. Then it occurred to the fem that she hadn't seen his hands sense he slid her PDA back across his desk. The whole time his hands were hidden under his desk, his shoulder's faintly vibrating from rapid movement.

He was masturbating to her talking about herself this whole time and she hadn't noticed. Impotent he was not, creepy he definitely was. Now that it became apparent to her that he was pleasuring himself to the sound of her voice, it occurred to the fem that she hadn't seen him stand sense she came in either. For all she knew the man had on only the striped, button-up shirt she could see he was wearing and nothing else. She took a quick glance around the right side of his desk. She couldn't see any garments laying around, but then she couldn't see the left side of his desk from where she sat.

"Good," the wolf began. "So did he wreck your cunt, or what? Krystal didn't actually tell me what he did with you."

"No, no he didn't want me fuck me." The fem said, still willing to indulge the wolf's bizarre kink. "He just wanted to stroke himself with my tail, cum all over my back 'doggy style'."

"How hot is that!" The wolf exclaimed. "Did he tell you why? Was he worried about tearing you on his massive prick?"

"Well he wasn't super huge or anything... for a draconian anyway." Jessica explained. "He didn't actually say why he wanted to do that. But after he came all over my thighs and back he... well... he licked me clean."

"Yum," the wolf commented. "Well, I'm none too fond of the taste of jizz myself, but that's still hot. Did you have a camera running?"

"No, Mister Solomon."

"Really? Are you sure Stefanie and Anthony didn't?"

Jessica was stunned when the wolf asked her that question, but then, she never stopped to wonder something so obvious before. The agency was one part entertainment, one part security. Was it so much of a stretch to imagine they merged somewhere? It made Jessica a little uneasy to think about it, being a prostitute was one thing, but an exhibitionist she wasn't. A whore with standards might seem inconceivable, but Stefanie and Anthony was essentially a agency ran by pimps with business degrees. Jessica didn't actually answer the wolf, he just kept talking, jacking off to the sound of his own voice now.

"Krystal and I shot our own movie's, back when she was my personal whore. But when she was promoted to Madame, we decided it would be fun to give clients the option to record there play... for an additional fee."

"So there's porn of me circulating without my consent?" Jessica asked, a little bit hurt.

"Well yes and no," the wolf explained. "It's only available for the client in question, and only if requested in advance. Plus, your paid an extra ten percent for the inconvenience. Don't you check your pay stubs?"

"Wait, so I'm paid extra to be video recorded... having sex... without my knowledge?" said the fem, a bit angry herself now.

"Yup. You're a corporate whore, baby... literally and metaphorically... it's how the game is played."

To say the fem was angry would be an understatement. She was outraged and a little humiliated. But then she only had herself to blame. she was willingly working for an agency that paid her to have sex with clients, she just thought it more discreet than it really was. She held back a disapproving sigh, trying to retain a professional look for the wolf before her. It was just a shock to know that, but then it occurred to her that it might not be all that terrible. Video taping yourself having sex might be a double-edged sword, so to speak, especially among the upper class types she serviced.

"So you enjoy though thought of big men fucking small women?" Jessica asked, willing to change the conversation if it meant distracting herself from her own thoughts.

"No, baby. I enjoy the though of you, fucking Jordan and Daniel... at once." The wolf said, his shoulder's vibrating faster. "On your back, doggy style, one at your ass, the other at your lips. I bet that would make Jordan feel more at home."

"Maybe," agreed the fem, shifting in her seat uncomfortably. "But I don't think you can pay them for an exhibition."

"And I can't pay you to let me hang you from my ceiling and whip the shit out of you!" the wolf suddenly yelled.

Jessica didn't jump this time, the man's latest outburst was identical to the last. She was beginning to see a bit of mental instability in this man... if it wasn't already apparent. Being a high-class whore didn't qualify her as a psychoanalyst, but being a whore did give her a lot of insight into the male mind. She couldn't think of what the disease was called... manic-something, bipolar... this man definitely had it. Not that she was going to walk out on him now, he paid her money and he hadn't hurt her, although he definitely wanted to. She knew his lust wasn't out of spite, it was just a kink, but it made her wonder why he requested her by name.

"Sorry baby, it happened again." the wolf said, being less apologetic this time.

"It's not a matter of money, Mister Solomon. It's that I am neither trained, nor have any interest, in sadomasochistic play." The fem said, being professional.

"Well I think it is," said the wolf as he stood up from his chair.

The man was completely nude from the waist down, just as the fem suspected. He proudly displayed his erect cock for her, holding it by the base of its knot while wagging to around for a moment. She noticed it's length: seven inches, maybe a little bit longer. Ample girth for any man his size, but not the biggest the fem had seen. He was just as stocky at the waist as he was at the shoulders, his abdominal fur evenly trimmed as the rest of his fur was. His gut was round, undefined, but not at all fat from what she could tell.

He came around his desk to stand by her, his cock closer her eyes so she could see that he had a piercing at the top of his sheath, though positioned below the knot, considering his cock was erect. For the most part the piercing was subtle, a small ring that wasn't all that noticeable unless one was as close to his cock as she was. She though it a little strange a man his age would have a piercing, but then what could possibly be normal about this man at all.

"I bet if I paid them ten grand each, right now, they'd both fuck you out in the parking lot... no questions asked." the wolf said, stroking his cock by it's knot as he spoke.

"Do you really believe that?" the fem asked, watching him stroke his cock, although the sight didn't please her.

"Baby, you're getting paid twenty percent, of five grand, just to watch me stroke my cock." The wolf pointed out.

"Twenty percent would get you head too." the fem answered, although her words tasted fowl on her tongue.

"Well what would I get for another five grand then?" The wolf asked. "Fetch me you're agency PDA, baby."

Jessica nodded and did as he asked. She back up a bit in her chair before she stood up. She made sure she didn't rub herself up against his cock as she stood, while trying to be secretive about it. She turned her back on him and walked away, swinging her hips just to give him a show that she hoped is all he wanted. Having her back turned on a man who was possibly unstable didn't set well on her. She half expected him to tackle her from behind. Even if he did, the worse he could do was rip off her clothes and fuck her. How bad would that be, when it was why she was there?

He didn't do anything while her back was turned. She retrieved her agency issued PDA without any interference, taking it back with her to the half naked wolf still standing by his desk. He snatched it from her hands once she was within reach. He took the PDA back to his desk, fishing out his own and performing another transfer of funds.

"There, another five grand for you and my favorite agency." The wolf said placing his PDA on his desk. "Do you think ten grand is a lot of money to me? he asked her, handing back the PDA.

"So you have me for another hour then?" The fem asked, a little confused.

"No, baby. That five extra grand is a fucking tip. No fucking joke." The wolf told her. "Krystal told you I'd treat you well, didn't she?"

"Yes she did, Mister Solomon." Said the fem, sitting back down in her chair.

Being head level with the man's cock was intentional this time. It still wasn't that she wanted to, but the man's incredible generosity overrode both his attitude, and her own sense of dignity. If he stuffed that hard cock of his right into her mouth, she would have no problem sucking him off and swallowing the spunk, just for the extra money he paid. Granted she would only see twenty percent of it, but the man just paid her double the rate. By Jessica's own math, that was one less cock she'd have to suck tonight.

"Thank you, sir. You are a very generous client." The fem spoke her flattering words with such convection that even she believed them.

The wolf still stroked his hard cock as she spoke, still getting off on her voice, more so now that she was kissing his ass and looking right at his dick. She made a move she hoped would make him happy, if only that she didn't have to be in his office any longer. She reached out to that hard prick of his, ready to pleasure him on her own accord. It's not as if she was reading his intentions wrong, what other message could she be receiving as he stroked his cock off in her face.

Before she could touch his hard prick for a quick hand-job, the wolf slapped her hand away. He was quick and strong, although he left no mark on her tough scales, nor was the fem physically hurt at all. The wolf's reaction surprised the hell out of the fem whore. She really wasn't expecting him to do that, but then nothing he was doing she was expecting.

"Bad girl!" the wolf scolded her like a child. "I paid you to talk, remember?"

"I'm sorry, Mister Solomon. I just though you'd enjoy an extra hand." The fem said, feeling a little embarrassed that she had tried her move at all.

"Baby, I told you what I'd enjoy. The only one keeping you from doing it is you." The wolf growled.

The wolf bent over, placing his hands on the arms of the chair the fem sat on. One of her arms was still resting where the wolf's hand was going. Intentionally, he placed a strong hand on top of her arm, holding her down while his stocky body blocked her from getting up from the chair. Not as if she'd run from him, but he blocked any possibility of her doing so all the same. His nose touched hers and she stared back into his pale blue eyes. His eye's were so serious, so aggressive, she felt herself being mesmerized by the gaze she had been trying to avoid the whole time.

"How much will it take to loosen you up? Try something you haven't thought of doing before?" The wolf growled.

"Mister Solomon..." the fem tried to say, but she couldn't say anything while she was caught in those pale blue eyes of his.

"You know what it is I love about you, baby?" The wolf began, lowering his voice. "You're so cute and so naive. In a lot of ways your like a little girl. Hell you're tiny little tit's even make you look like one."

"You know, Krystal really speaks highly of you." the wolf continued, letting his grip off the fem as he straightened his back. "No shit, she thinks you'd be a great whore if you just got over yourself."

"I'm sorry?" The fem said once she stopped looking into those damnable wolf eyes.

His idle comment made her both hurt and amazed all at once. She didn't know Krystal thought all that highly of her. Like most everyone, she thought The Super Whore a super cunt, and that she was incapable of being anything remotely likable. Surly everyone has thought the same of a boss from time to time, consider how amazed Jessica was, when her hated boss was telling positive things about her to well respected clients. She wanted to ask where he was going with all this, fooling herself again with the obvious answer.

"You carry your own PDA, baby?" the wolf asked.

"Yes," the fem answered nervously.

"Get it. I want to give you something." the wolf demanded.

The wolf's politeness was gone, his aggressive, controlling attitude was showing, and it made Jessica afraid. The fem nodded and went back to her bag. Afraid though she was, she kept her mind from running away, holding onto her sense of professionalism, although she didn't bother with swaying her hips as she walked this time. If she took no other trait from her mother, it was her sense of smell. The wolf's sexual frustration had been building up in his office for a while, now she could smell it, almost taste it in the air every time she breathed in. He wanted her badly, that was certain, but what he wanted to do to her the fem wanted no part in.

She brought her personal PDA back to the wolf. Who took his own off his desk and held it next to hers. He pushed a few buttons on his PDA, and to Jessica's amazement, she watched the number's transfer. The wolf gave her twenty thousand credits, not in the from of a bank note, but as refundable electronic currency. What that meant: the fem was carrying around untraceable, refundable and perfectly legitimate cash in the some of twenty grad. She almost wet herself when she looked at the numbers.

"This is how much I want you, but this won't be a one time thing. I'll pay you this, on top of the five grand paid to Stefanie and Anthony." The wolf said, his voice low. "I want you as my new little whore, baby. It'll be between you, me and my lovely mahogany desk."

"What about Krystal?" the fem asked, trying not to stutter.

"What about her? She's.. what... Assistant Director or some shit? Her bonus checks come out of my bank account already. She's not going to say anything. Hell, if you make me happy, baby, you make Krystal happy. Get it?"

Jessica was never so conflicted in all her life, never once had she wanted to whore herself out as badly as she was about to. But then twenty grand was a lot of money to her, it almost seemed unreal. If she was lucky, she'd see sixty-thousand in a year and still be paying income tax on that. But twenty grand that she could hide, nobody knowing the value of a single credit wouldn't pass up the chance on tax free money. Hell, even if she paid that tax, she would still make it good. She had so few clients, even if she didn't enjoy the work, but this one angry wolf was going to fuck all of them in the ass with his huge bank account.

"This is a lot of credits for me to be carrying around." the fem pointed out.

"Tell you what baby. I'll give you Jordan too." the wolf began to say. "As protection, I mean. He'll keep you safe whenever you're carrying that credit around. Hell, take him to dinner while you at it, have some fun for yourself."

"Alright, Mister Solomon. I'm all yours." The fem said before she even realized what she had just agreed to.

"That's all I wanted to hear from you." The wolf said, drooling as he took his shirt off. "Don't worry baby, It won't hurt too much. But I am going to teach you how to be a real whore."

Jessica put her personal PDA back in her duffel bag, casually watching the wolf take his shirt off. Watching him toss the garment somewhere on the left side of his desk made her wonder if she should be undressing too. He had answered her one nagging question as to why her at all. So many other girls would have been ready to fuck this man for the 'cred he paid, but in the end he wanted a challenging fuck. Jessica knew she was that challenge, because she suddenly realized she had just agreed to let his man take his aggressive fantasies out on her. She came back to where the naked wolf stood, beginning to take her shirt off slowly.

He smacked her hands away from her own shirt, just as he had smacked her hand away from his cock. The wolf smiled at Jessica's surprised discontent, undressing her himself with less care than she was about to undress herself. He torn her shirt off, popping the buttons until her shirt was open. He jerked the garment to the sides, uncovering her shoulders first before yanking it down her arms. The fem flinched, not because it hurt, but because he was so intentionally aggressive about something so simple.

"Oh gods, baby. You're body reminds me of my own little girl." Said he as he fondled Jessica's sides and kissed her neck. "She's barely eighteen now, but she's as seductive as you are. Sometimes I think about sneaking into her room at night and undressing her. But what kind of father would I be if I did something so horrible as that?"

"Mister Solomon-" The fem started to say, genuinely disturbed by his comment. She couldn't think of a good answer for him, so she stopped herself from saying anything.

The wolf continued to fondle her, kissing the fem down her shoulder, keeling in front of her so he could lewdly lick her small, reptilian tits. His bushy wolf tail wagged, clearly enjoying fondling the fem, although he had other plans for her. His hands made there way around her waist, unbuttoning the back strap on her leans that formed the loop around her tail. He slid his hands under her exposed tail to rub her ass, taking the front zipper on her jeans in his teeth, zipping her pants down.

A fine talent for any sexual creature to know, the wolf had Jessica's pants down around her thighs in seconds. His hand rubbing her ass, his nose in between her legs as his tongue lapped slowly across her lizard folds. The fem spread her legs, placing her hands on his head and faking a moan as he lick her sweet sex. The wolf wasn't going to get her wet, she was still distracted by the incredibly disturbing thing he had said about his own daughter.

"For my daughter's twenty-first birthday, would you lick her cunt as I watched?" the wolf asked while licking the Jessica's cunt.

Jessica didn't answer him, the very idea that he would even ask her such a thing made her want to vomit. Even so, she faked a pleasurable moan, keeping her legs spread and grinding her hips softly against his nose all the same.

"I'm only kidding, baby. I just wanted to see if you'd talk dirty to me." The wolf chuckled, standing back up. "I bet Krystal would've talked dirty, but then who knows if she would be joking."

Jessica didn't know if the wolf had really been kidding, or if he was just covering up some horrible fantasy that she wasn't even willing to lie an answer for. The wolf continued his tradition of being a total creep, including his suggestion that Krystal would have sex with young girls. But then the fem would be fooling herself yet again, thinking that her boss really wouldn't. While she was pondering things about this man, he spun her around to face the far wall and slapped her bare ass.

"The foreplay is over now, baby." The wolf said. "Go get daddy a condom from your bag, then get your clothes off. I'll be sitting in my chair, waiting for you. "

The wolf went back to his chair, just as he said. He sat with his legs spread and his cock up, stroking himself as he watched the fem move across the room. The ass slap he gave her was fairly relaxed, although it was pretty normal compared to the other times her clients had slapped her ass. It never hurt her, and it was innocent in it's own way. She pulled her pants up just a bit so she could walk without them around her thighs, swaying her hips in a seductive manner, if for no other reason than to keep the wolf's mood going.

Just as the wolf had asked, she took of her pants and shoes and fetched a condom from her bag... although not in that specific order. Still facing away from him, she bent at her waist and slipped out of her shoes. She set them aside, slipping put of her pants from the same position. She kept her waist bent and her tail up as she took down her pants, intentionally showing the wolf her backside while she undressed. She was used to doing this with clients, although imagining the wolf touching himself to the sight of her nether regions didn't excite her at all.

Once her pants were off, the fem took a condom from her bag and made her way back to the wolf's desk. She never looked him directly in the eyes as she walked, not wishing to mesmerize herself into his pale blue eyes again. She showed him the condom before taking it out of the wrappings, a strange courtesy that some clients wished and the agency insisted that it's prostitutes do.

The wolf nodded and licked his lips as he touched himself, although the fem guessed it had less to do with the condom, than what she was going to do with it. She came around the wolfs desk and knelt in front of his chair, as he swiveled around to meet her. The fem took the condom from its wrapping, placing it in her mouth and pressing it against her lips with her tongue. She kept her lips tight and breathed in, sucking the condom open, while at the same time holding still with her tongue.

She had gotten condom's caught on her sharp teeth before, more of an embarrassment than damaging the toy, hence why she used her tongue a great deal when performing that little trick. With the condom in her mouth, she placed her head between the wolf's legs, and slid her open mouth around his cock. Her maw was big enough to take him all in, sliding the toy down his knot with her tongue, so as not to scrape her teeth against his flesh. She started sucking him off a little too eager than she knew she should, but all that was going through her mind was getting him off and ending the night.

"Oh hell no!" The wolf exclaimed, holding her head back. "Suck me nice and slow, savor my cock."

The fem did as she was told, whimpering softly to herself as she was made to service him slowly. She couldn't taste the wolfs musk flavor as her tongue dragged over his canine cock, all she could taste was the latex condom. Not that it was a bad flavor, she had the good sense to use cherry flavored toys, which took a bit of the distaste she was feeling away. But that small sense of pride wouldn't last her for long.

The wolf smiled, rubbing her head as she sucked him slowly. But that momentarily nice attitude vanished when he took the riding crop from off the top of his desk. He rubbed the crop across the fem dragons bare thighs. The fem could feel the object rubbing her thigh, though the thought of what he might do with it displeased her, she let him continue as she sucked on him. He struck her softly, too soft for the fem to feel. The wolf then struck her again, harder this time so the fem could feel it.

The fem moaned around his cock, not from pleasure, but stunned surprise. It's not as if the leather toy had injured her, it was just uncomfortable being swatted as she sucked him off. She was swatted again, pausing her sucking to keep from biting the wolf's cock. The wolf swatted her yet again, closer her sensitive sex before she got the message. She closed her eyes to hide her shame, lifting up her ass and her tail in the most submissive of postures.

"Ah yes, there we go. That's the nice dragon cunt I want to see." Said he, licking his lips while rubbing the leather lash softly across Jessica's sex.

The fem sighed with silent disapproval of her sex being rubbed by the leather end of the riding crop. The wolf swatting her ass repeatedly with the leather lash made her want to cry, but she fought back her tears. Jessica knew that the wolf wanted to make her cry, that he would get off on her suffering. She didn't want to give him that satisfaction, it was bad enough that she had agreed to this at all. All the same, she kept her ass and tail upo as he molested her sex, sucking him off slowly as he requested.

The wolf knew she was about to cry, so he swatted her exposed sex again, harder than he had the first time. Jessica gagged on his cock from the stinging pain, pausing her lips to keep her teeth from clenching down on his cock. She didn't want to bite him even though she was being smacked, it wasn't as if the crop was leaving marks on her. Her scales were enough to protect her, it was the act itself that hurt her more than the pain being inflicted.

"What? I didn't say you could stop!" the wolf yelled, swatting the fam at the base of her tail.

The fem jerked and squealed, holding the wolfs cock in her mouth while trying to continue to pleasure him, just to get the day over with. But she couldn't, being struck made her flinch, and each time she almost bit the wolf's erect cock. Her lips were nice and spongy, her tongue flexible as any reptile's would be, though the same could not be said about her teeth. Her dental structure would easily shred his cock if her jaw clamped down on his prick, it was something she didn't want to do. Jessica would rather have a mouth full of this man's cum than a mouth full of his blood. Being smacked with a riding crop or not or not, she didn't want to hurt anyone.

"So what's the problem now?" the wolf asked, pulling his cock out of her mouth. "Don't tell me my crop hurts you?"

"N-no." the fem said, unable to look up at the wolf as she spoke." It's just..."

"Just what?" the wolf asked, not amused with her answer trailing off as it had. "Are you scared of being hit?"

"Yes-" the fem started to say, but remembered who she was talking to. She felt admitting that to this wolf would only make him do something all the more terrible to her. Being hit with a riding crop was the kindest thing he could probably do to her.

"No. It's just... being hit... I almost bite you." she explained, almost wishing she hadn't.

"Is that it?" the wolf laughed, adjusting his seat as he looked down at her with his lustful wolf smile. "Stronger jaws have nibbled me before, but your teeth worry for me too, baby. But I got something to fix that."

The wolf slid his chair back, swiveling around to fiddle with one of the large drawers on the left side of his desk. The draw was a built-in filing cabinet, the first row was filled with boring documents, concealing a small collection of leather toys the wolf kept hidden behind them. The wolf produced from his drawer a elongated ring gag. The typical leather strapped toy had a series of rings bound together by stainless steel strips, forming a gag specifically designed for reptilian maws.

The fem dragon gasped in surprise and slid her naked self away from the wolf when she saw what he was holding. She hadn't a clue what it was, but it didn't look friendly. All the same, she didn't fight the wolf when he pulled her mouth open and slid the device inside, nor did she struggle when he strapped the device around the back of her head to secure it. She grunted and shook her head for a moment, biting down on the rubber rings that held her mouth open. She found them pliable, but firm, growling at the wolf and secretly hating herself for getting in over her head.

"Oh don't be scared, baby." the wolf said, rubbing the sides of her propped open jaws softly. "Think of it like a kinky dentist tool. I could clean the plaque off your fangs or even piss down your throat. But don't worry, I won't do either."

The fem started to cry a little, she was so mad at this wolf for putting this thing in her mouth, but the only thing keeping her from running was that she agreed to this treatment before she stopped to consider it. She couldn't back out now even if she wanted to. The only thing she could do is go forward, and hope the wolf wouldn't be as mean to her as she feared he would. She bit down on the gag hard, it hurt her jaw to gnaw on it, although the wolf's soft massaging of her jaw seemed to help. Even so, she couldn't accept that this wolf was capable of being tender with her, not even while he actually was.

"Relax, or you'll cramp your jaw chewing on that thing." The wolf explained, rubbing her cheeks until her jaws relaxed. "Trust me on that one baby. Besides, I don't want you biting my cock while you're sucking me off, now do I?"

The wolf's tender rubbing of Jessica's cheeks ended after a while, then the rough treatment returned. The wolf readjusted himself for the fem to suck, grabbing her head by her soft spines, pulling on them like they were hair. He tugged on her head until the fem scooted back towards him, allowing him to force her head around, although it was more unpleasant than being whipped. It wasn't as if he was the first client to treat her spine so rough, pulling on them was something her clients seemed to enjoy, although she hated it.

He slid his cock back into her propped open mouth, pulling her head up and down to get the motion he wanted out of her. The fem whined a little from the treatment, her jaw ached from gnawing on the toy, although breathing was a little easier. She didn't have to breath through her nose, smelling his lust grow from his own amusement. Her hot breath on his cock would probably give the wolf more pleasure, Jessica though. Not like she wanted to. She couldn't bite down on his cock with the toy propping her mouth open, nor could she back away from him while he had a firm grip on her spines.

He whipped her ass and thighs with the riding crop every time he slid his cock to the back of her throat. His knot kissed her soft lips and brushed against what teeth of hers were not blocked by the rubber ring keeping her mouth open. He whipped her soft sex even so often as well, eventually the fem adjusted to the pain and held herself together as he fucked her open maw. The flavored condom around his cock still kept his flavor at bay, sparing the fem from having to taste the wolfs salty pre as it leaked into the latex tube.

"What's up, baby?" The wolf asked, stopping from face-raping her after a few minutes of his own enjoyment. "Come one, use your tongue for daddy. I know you can, hell you put the damn condom on me with it."

The fem knew what he meant, she had been intentionally keeping her tongue away from his cock the whole time. She was kind of glad he didn't figure that out, she was still quite worried he would do something really terrible to her if she didn't play along. As he requested, she put her tongue to work. Her long, lizard tongue lapped slowly along the underside of his cock at first. This excited him enough to start fucking her open mouth again.

As his enjoyment returned, she added other stimuli just to keep him amused. She pushed his cock up against the soft roof of her mouth, letting him thrust across the ribbed surface of her mouth. When that didn't seem to amuse him, she coiled her tongue around his cock and stroked him off as he fucked her face. The fem was very good at doing this, she had never encountered a male who didn't instantly love the feel of his cock being stroked and squeezed in such a way. Many "first timers" would cum within minutes of being stimulated like that. She hoped the wolf would be such a male, but she guessed she wouldn't be so lucky.

"Oh yeah, just how I like it." the wolf said, eagerly sliding his cock through and all over her tongue. "See? That's what makes scalies so hot, it's all about the tongue."

He pulled on the spines adorning her head and yanked her head forward into another maw thrust. Sitting in a chair while he fucked Jessica's maw gave him little thrusting room, although that meant little for the fem, who was at the receiving end of his lust. She couldn't do much, all she could do was keep her ass up for him to whip as he liked, and to relax her jaw and neck for him to pull her head around. Really he wasn't all that mean, but to the fem this was mean enough. The only motivation she had to allow him to do this now was not wanting him to employ any more toys.

His thrusts became slower, rhythmic, taking his time to fuck her face without reaching a climax. The fem closed her eyes and gripped the legs of his chair for support. She wished he would hurry up and cum so she could go, but knew he was having too much fun with her to jizz now. She fought back her tears all the while, not wanting to cry lest she find out just how much he'd get off on that. A few minutes of the treatment seemed longer to her, the wolf stopped again, pulling back his cock to address her.

"What's the matter baby? Going to cry?" He laughed.

The fem didn't look up at him as he spoke down to her. It's not like she could say anything with her mouth propped open, she had only herself to blame for agreeing to this in the first place. Still, the wolf seemed to know more things about her than she wished, but in all fairness it didn't take a psychic to realize she was hardly enjoying the treatment. Was crying the least of her worries? Jessica started to wonder. Maybe if she let herself cry he would get what he wanted out of her, cum in her mouth, then let her go. But mild discomfort wasn't enough to make her cry now.

The wolf kicked his chair back, causing the fem to drop sharply, as she had been using it for support for a while. He knelt down in front of his desk, pushing her down by the head just to keep her perspective lower than his. He pushed her head down into the soft brown carpet that covered his office floor, rubbing her face in a small pool of her own saliva that had been dripping from her open mouth.

"See? This is where I want you, down on the floor like the cute little whore you are." the wolf said as he rubbed her nose into the carpet. "I bet you wish I'd cum, but I don't think oral will do it for me. I could fuck your face all night and still I won't cum..." The wolf paused for a second before he finished. "Maybe I need a dragon rim-job, bet you'd love that, eh?"

Still the fem refused to cry, not like it would do her much good. Having her face rubbed into the carpet was making her mad, but maybe that was his point all along. She didn't know anymore, she started to notice a line between her self-respect, and all the money he had paid her as part of her agreement to be used like this. Was the money really worth it? She didn't think so anymore. She struggled to stand, but the wolf was stronger than her. He held her down with the weight of his body until she stopped struggling. She sighed with discontent when she heard the wolf giggle, she knew then that all this was part of his enjoyment after all.

"Struggle all you want, baby. I love a good fight." The wolf commented. "But really, I don't want you to rim my ass. I'm having too much fun tormenting you."

The wolf spread out his legs, placing Jessica's head between his knees to hold her down on the floor. She fought with her arms to stand up from under his crotch, but that only made the wolf produce another toy from out his desk. She couldn't see what it was or even where he got it. Even if she had, all it would've done is make her wonder if all he kept in his office were kinky sex toys. The wolf pulled her arms behind her back, using a pair of soft padded handcuffs to secure her wrists together.

Without any arms to keep her upper body raised, she fell on her chest with her ass high up and a very uncomfortable position to be in. In truth, the only part of this position that was uncomfortable was having her neck strained, something she fixed by placing her head to the side and accepting this forced position as best she could. Her thighs and legs were fine, it wasn't as if the classic "doggy position" was new to her, she could hold that position for a while, even with her mouth gagged and her hands cuffed behind her back.

"Now it's time to have some real fun with you." The wolf said, taking the spit-covered condom off of his cock. "Don't worry, baby, I won't be too long with you.

Lewdly, the wolf flicked the pre filled latex tube across the top of the bound fem. There wasn't much of his fluids inside it, but enough to get a bit of the slick stuff flung across Jessica's back. The smell of his salty spunk was already filling her nostrils, but hearing him pop the condom off the tip of his hard dick worried the fem more than having him flick it's spunk over her back. She whined in protest, hoping he wasn't planning on fucking her without one on, at the very least.

"Stop whining! I'm clean, you're clean, there is no problem with me taking this off." The wolf said, smacking the dragon across the shoulders with the empty condom. "Krystal let me ride her without one, but then she also loved it in the ass."

It didn't help the fem dragon to know this about Krystal. She wasn't Krystal, knowing what Krystal did or didn't do with her clients while she was still a working girl didn't help the fem at all. Being compared to some one she both hated and secretly envied only made the dragon's situation all the more unbearable. But by then she didn't care, it was so obviously part of the wolf's plan to humiliate her for his own sick pleasure.

Content with her silence, the wolf discarded the condom, rubbing his cock lewdly through the soft spines that adorned her head and the back of her neck. The fem could feel her body being jerked around, as well as see the wolf's legs shifting position to better accommodate his latest perverted action on her body. He was practically sitting on her maw now, although he placed none of his weight on her. With the same rhythmic motion he used to fuck her face, he slid his cock back and forth though her spines. All the while his balls intentionally dragging across her face.

He set aside the riding crop for a more tactile assault on Jessica's nether regions. The wolf leaned over the fem and took hold of the base of her thick tail. He pulled on her tail hard, not really with a cruel intention, but Jessica didn't know this. Having her tail pull on was a surprising and painful sensation to the poor fem, who never had this done to her before. Jessica whined and shook from the sudden sensation on her hips. The wolf pulled on her tail a second time. Jessica whined again from the treatment, trying to wiggle out from underneath the wolf again without success.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" The wolf yelled at her. "That fucking hurts you? A firm tail yank is supposed to feel good, and you act like I'm fucking hurting you!"

With an open hand, the wolf smacked Jessica's ass with greater force than he had exerted with the riding crop. The impact hurt the fem and caused her thighs to shake. The terrible sound of his angry voice, along with his new pain she was feeling, finally brought the fem to tears. The wolf's chaotic attitude was a stereotype of his species, but it fit his personality well. All the same, she didn't know why he was doing this or even what he wanted from her any more.

"So that hurts too? Some whore you are." The wolf said in the same angry tone. "Getting you're tail pulled feels good on everyone else but you eh? Crying now won't save you, let me show you what really hurts."

The wolf moved his hand from the base of her tail, to the delicate tip. He took hold of that end of her body and crimped it together in her strong hand. Like many long tail reptiles, the fem had gotten the tip of her tail caught in a moving object once or twice in her life, but that was a pain few ever become use to. She howled into the gag in her mouth as he squeezed on her tail like that, writhing in agony from an act so simple one might not even consider how much it hurt. Consider (if you will) your finger getting slammed in a car door, that best describes the pain Jessica felt as it shot up her spine.

"See? That's what pain is. A tail tug feels good by comparison, doesn't it?" the wolf asked the fem.

The fem moaned her response, agreeing with him although she had no idea why she did that. She was too heart broken to protest to his treatment. Just as she feared, he would be far more cruel to her of she fought him. Like most that have never been treated like this before, she was now willing to indulge him in any manner he wished, so long as he didn't cause her pain like that again. The wolf took her tail by the base again and gave her the same tug he had before. Just as he said, that sensation felt good to Jessica, especially when compared to having the tip of her tail broken.

The wolf continued on his torment of the fem dragon, stroking his cock through her soft head spines for a while longer, tugging on her tail until the sharp pain she felt only caused her rump to relax in a type of unwilling, euphoric pleasure. Even then she still cried, unable to keep her composure any longer. Her tears blurred her vision until she couldn't see, not even when the wolf lifted up her head, rubbing his hard cock all over her face and lips.

He slid his cock back into her mouth, and immediately the fem began to slurp and squeeze his cock with her reptilian tongue. It wasn't that she suddenly wanted to, quite the opposite. Her pride was gone, and all the remained was a twisted sense of duty. She remembered that she was a whore, nothing more, she had taken money from this wolf with the agreement that he could do whatever he wished to her. All she had left of her was to just do her job, get it over with, and hope that the wolf was going to be quick with her now that he got her to submit completely.

The taste of his salty pre wasn't as bad as her mind had first imagined it. It was his cold, aggressive attitude that made her not want to taste him before. The taste of the wolf's salty pre was indistinguishable from the flavor of Jessica's own tears, which had long sense been the salty flavor she was tasting on her tongue. She worked his cock with her seductive skills for as long as he slid his cock in and out of her mouth. The knot at the base of his cock kissing her lips, always teasing her with a push down her throat she knew he couldn't reach.

After a while of face fucking the poor, broken dragon whore. The wolf pulled his cock out of her mouth. He roughly held her head up by gripping her spines, fishing a fresh condom out of a drawer on his desk. He took the rubber tube out of it's wrappings and placed it around the outer ring of the gag in Jessica's mouth. The condom fit perfectly, and the wolf slid his cock effortlessly into the fresh latex tube.

"There, all suited up again." The wolf said, adjusting the condom around the base of his cock, carefully holding Jessica's head up with his other hand. "I'm almost done with you. But now I'm going to fuck your sweet dragon cunt."

The fem didn't fight the wolf any longer. He pulled on her shoulders softly, and she stood without hesitation. The wolf removed the handcuffs keeping Jessica's arms back, he even took the ring gag from out of her mouth to let her jaw relax. She stood there obediently, as he rubbed and licked her neck. The sensation relaxed her tense muscles, although the fem took little pleasure in how the wolf touched her. She knew his tender touch would only last a moment before his lust returned.

For the most part the fem was correct, although the wolf took his time with the tender touch of her neck and jaw. Once satisfied with that, the wolf turned the fem to face his desk, clearing his monitor off the top with a callous shove. The fem watched, but wasn't all that surprised, what did surprise her was noticing a small hook was just behind his monitor. The wolf was using that hook to hold his monitor's power cable in place, as such the fem never noticed it until then.

The wolf leaned the fem over his desk, stretching her arm's out towards the hook and handcuffing her again to keep her back arched over his desk. He then kicked out her legs to spread her ass wide, although the fem didn't protest the treatment at all. Once she was were he wanted her, the wolf leaned his stocky frame over her back. He rubbed from her sides up to her front, his large wolf hands coming to rest on what little cleavage the fem possessed. He fondled her small tits and pulled on her nipples, although none of this excited the fem.

Having her nipples played with and tugged on was not new to the fem, but then nor was anything else after what the wolf had done to her thus far. She knew he was planning to give her a nice hard screw, all the better than he put a fresh condom on before hand. The fem was glad she didn't have to look at the wolf any more, or at least not to stare into his crotch any longer. He pushed out her ass and tried to lift her tail out of the way of the wolf bulk, welcoming him to fuck her cunt raw. She knew the wolf would be done with her shortly, then she was free to go.

After his brief moment of fondling Jessica's small breasts, the wolf took her by the hips and stuffed his fat wolf cock into her cunt. The rough latex tube around his cock only reminded both of them just how wet she wasn't. Her sex didn't hurt that bad from a dry fuck, but even if did it, it wasn't going to stop the wolf from having his way now.

"Oh gods, just like I want you." The wolf whispered to her as he leaned closer her ear. "I bet you stretch your cunt every day on some sexy toy, just to make sure all your clients fit, right?" added the wolf as he fucked her hard and slow.

She didn't answer him, she just wanted him to finish. She kept her head down and her eyes closed, pulling on the chains her wrists were strapped to. Her clawed feet dug into his soft office carpet for support as he fucked away at her soft dragon cunt. The more time passed, the harder and faster the wolf fucked the fem. He pushed her hips hard against his desk in time with his thrusts, rubbing and squeezing her ass with his large hands. The more time went by, the more the fem expected him to finish. Soon she could feel his knot popping in and out of her sex, knowing that once he was stuck in her, he would cum.

"This is no fun." the wolf growled as he gave her a hard slam. "You know what I want from you."

The fem hoped his cruel fetish was over now that he was fucking her, but it she knew she was wrong when he spoke his words. Clearly the wolf kept more toys in his desk than paper and pens, because he took out of the closest drawer a new toy to fulfill his dark lust on the poor fem. She didn't see what it was, but she sure felt it as the toy lashed across her back. The wolf whipped her with a cat-o-nine-tails, he lashed her across the back while he held his thrusts in deep, pulling back out only once he had a hold on the base of her tail with his other hand.

The fem faintly cried, mostly to appease the wolf, but also because she had none of her self respect left. If tears is what he wanted, she had no trouble faking them for his sake. Not as if she could truly fake them while she was legitimately being lashed with a leather whip. The wolf struck her as he pulled on her tail, fucking her harder now that he was getting the dark pleasure out of her that he wanted. He would thrust into her cunt and pull on her tail, lashing her randomly whenever her sobbing stopped or he had a moment in between thrusts.

The lash left no marks on Jessica's scales, they were too strong for that. The only marks the wolf was leaving on her were emotional ones that hurt more than the pain he was inflicting on her. Harder he struck her, harder he pulled on her tail, but soon he stopped slamming her soft reptile folds once his knot swelled too wide for him to pull out. Just as the fem expected, he jerked on her sex a few times and then began to cum. He stopped whipping her back, but continued to pull on her tail. The wolf leaned over of her, and in one more lustful act, bit her on the shoulder, holding her there as he came.

Within seconds it was over, the wolf had cum and Jessica's duty as his paid prostitute was over. Though it took the wolf a few seconds to fill the condom around his cock with spunk, it took a few minutes for his cock to soften enough for his to pull out. All the while he tugged on her sex and her tail, biting down on her shoulder as he growled with wolfish pleasure. He set the lash aside and slowly pulled out of her once his erection had soften, unlocking the cuffs that kept the fem chained to his desk to let her go.

"There, was that so bad?" the wolf laughed, kissing her shoulder while he was still positioned behind her.

The fem didn't answer him, she just pushed him aside to remove herself from between his desk and his own large body. She didn't look at him she turned away, going to where she left the duffel bag she had brought with her to retrieve the towel and clean cloths from within.

She used the towel to wipe the tears from her eyes and then the cum and pre from off her body. The wolf watched her do this with a silent amusement, although that didn't bother the fem. She didn't have a problem with a client watching her clean herself off before she left, although she would have rather taken a shower before she dressed herself again.

She didn't have that luxury, instead she dealt with the smell of the wolfs spunk on her head, back, and between her thighs to dress herself as fast as she could. Once she was dressed, she hurried for the door, ready to leave now that she had finished with what the wolf paid her for,

"Wait, hold on baby," the wolf said, stopping her at the door. "Don't leave just yet."

Despite her better judgment, she stopped, turned and forced herself to look at the wolf now that they were at opposite ends of the room. Just as she expected, the wolf was dressing himself, putting his shirt back on, although he didn't seem to have any pants to wear. His evil looking expression was still present, although it had changed to the look of a man that was quite pleased with himself. It didn't help the fem at all, who had trouble looking at him, just as she had when she first walked in.

"A promise is a promise." The wolf said as he buttoned up his shirt. "You don't have to leave alone, not with all that 'cred you're carrying. Go see Jordan outside. Let him know my new whore needs her escort. Make him feel at home, baby."