The Barfly, Part One

Story by WolfieJester on SoFurry

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This is part one of one of my most popular stories, the Barfly. Hope you enjoy!

I stand outside the run down building for a minute just listening to the loud voices inside. I take a deep breath and adjust my black skirt, which barely covers my lack of panties. I pull down my slightly sparkly violet tank top a little, but even still it covers none of the pentagram tattooed around my belly button. I didn't bring a purse; I won't be paying tonight. The only other thing I have on me besides my argent fur is a tungsten stud in my right ear halfway between the base and pointed tip.

I mumble a soft prayer to myself, and head inside. My eyes scan over friend groups drunkenly laughing at tables and booths, suave sons of bitches playing pool, and lonely drinkers seated at the bar.

Where to start? I spy plenty of suitable males at a glance, but I decide on one in particular playing darts with a friend.

I saunter over to the depressed german shepherd as his buddy lands three in the dead center of the board. "Hey there. Booze got your throwin' arm, handsome?"

"Haven't had a drop. Felix, on the other hand, has had five shots," he grumbles enviously. "They say felans have better vision than us. I'm starting to think it wasn't as bullshit as I thought."

A slow grin spreads over my face as an idea comes to me. "Tell ya what. If I can score higher than both of you combined, you have to do whatever I say for the night. If you beat me, I'm yours to share. Sound good?"

The shep looks me up and down, then nods slowly, and shakes my hand. His tail gives a little wag and I notice his jeans bulging a bit farther outwards. "What do you say, Felix?" he asks as his buddy collects his darts from the board.

The cat gives me the same eye fucking and shrugs. "I like free pussy. Even if it is from a--"

"Felix! Don't be a fucking racist, she'll leave..." He shoots me an apologetic look. "He's not usually like this I swear."

I shrug it off. After all, I didn't come here to be treated like a queen.

Felix goes first. Bull's eye. Bull's eye. I grab his ass just as he throws the last one, and it sticks into the wall next to the board. "Cheating bitch..." he mumbles as I step up to plate.

Using all of my skill and coordination, I deliberately score just a few points higher than the cat. "Your turn, handsome."

As the dog steps up to throw, I stand next to the board. I stretch my arms up over my head.

"Fuck!" he grumbles as he completely misses.

I push my shoulders together in the front and throw my head back.

"God dammit stop that!"

I slowly lift up my skirt enough for him to see the panties I'm not wearing.

"Yes!" he shouts as his last dart hits the board. It isn't dead center, but it's enough.

"Well well looks like you boys just earned yourselves a cheatin' bitch." I triumphantly strut up to them and put an arm around each of their shoulders. "So what'll you do with your prize?"

"My apartment's closest!" the dog yips. "Let's go!"

His eagerness and shit eating grin are infectious. I follow him outside and down the sidewalk as I feel up his buddy's groin. For someone with an aversion to fox pussy, he sure is hard.

The dog--Duke, as it turns out--drags me up the stairs, shoving his tongue into my mouth whenever we come to a landing. When we finally come to his apartment door, Felix rubs me where it counts while we wait, holding me from behind and kissing my neck.

Finally, the door opens and I'm thrown onto a threadbare couch. I pull my skirt up and my tank top down, exposing my black nipples and vulva to their hungry eyes. "Do you have protection?" I ask in a silky smooth tone, biting my index finger

Duke's smile melts and he slaps his face hard. "No! Fuck, I wasn't expecting--"

"Good." I spread my legs for him. "I like it raw."

Both males' eyes bulge, and they strip off their pants as fast as possible. Duke is faster, however, and he aligns the tip of his red rocket with my soaking entrance. His hands pin my wrists as his hips slide forwards inch by inch, feeding me his thick canine cock just a bit at a time.

"Don't be gentle," I whisper.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He begins to thrust as if he hasn't been laid in months, heavy balls slapping wetly against my ass with every insertion.

"Fuuuck me..." I moan as I eye Felix, standing next to my head. He pokes my cheek with his tip, connecting us with a dribble of pre.

Duke snaps out of the zone for just long enough to roll me onto my hands and knees, giving his buddy access to my mouth (from which my tongue greedily lols).

He climbs up on the couch not a moment later and slides deep into my throat, stroking my ears when I don't gag. "There's a good foxy slut... take all of my cock."

I swallow around him and begin to bob my head as much as I can with the shepherd holding my wrists. My toned abs burn with the exertion, but I manage to suck him till his eyes roll back in his head and his hips unconsciously piston my face.

Too soon they both pull out. "Switch?" Duke pants, and Felix nods.

I bite back a word of protest. I am, after all, theirs.

Felix sits up and pats his lap. "C'mere, dirty fox."

I obediently sit on his cock, suppressing a moan as his soft barbs rub against my inner walls. I have just enough time to whisper "pull out, okay?" before Duke stands on the couch in front of me, dangling his juicy bone right at mouth height. Who am I to refuse a treat?

Felix isn't nearly as thick or as strong as his buddy, but he makes up for it with his spines and his stamina. It isn't long before I'm moaning and drooling around duke's cock, right on the verge of orgasm and barely holding it in.

My hands go up to cradle the dog's balls, which are full to the point of bursting. My mouth waters just thinking about it. While I'm distracted dreaming of his sweet cream, I accidentally squeeze his nuts just a little too hard. He lets out a yelp and pulls out of my mouth, nearly losing his balance.

Just then I decide to stop resisting, and I clamp down on Felix's cock inside me. I wring it for all it's worth, feeling him shake under me. I get up just in time; when I sit back down and rub myself over his shaft's top, he groans and lets out three long, sticky jets of white which I collect in my palm.

"Messy messy kitty," I tut, and wipe it on his cheek. I lick a little of it off, then kiss his lips.

He tries a little too hard to look repulsed, and I know he'll be bathing himself later. I hop off his lap and he stands and stretches so far I find it hard to believe he hasn't downed at least one of his own loads, then excuses himself to go to the bathroom.

"I'm all yours now handsome," I say coyly. I move myself to the very edge of the couch, and push the coffee table back. "How long can you last?"

His balls seem to have recovered just fine, I observe as he swiftly gets into position. He grabs my hips and thrusts in deep, his eyes closing in concentration. He begins to pant soon, and every thrust gets sloppier and sloppier. His hands begin to shake, and I feel him start to pull out.

"I didn't let Felix cum in me because he was a jerk. You're a nice guy. You're finishing last. You can cum wherever you want." I look at him with such naked lust and desire, as if he's a demigod and it's a pleasure just to be his pleasure toy.

Another orgasm tears through my mind and body as an unmistakable warmth spreads through my lower abdomen. My muscles contract, pulling his semen deep inside me and squeezing out any more that lingers in his shaft. I moan loudly, my hands grabbing his meaty biceps as he unloads into me. "Th-thank... you..." I whimper when my orgasm dies down at last. I uncurl my fingers from his arms with difficulty, certain that he'll have bruises there in the morning.

"Any time," Duke gasps. "I've never been allowed to do that before."

"Well I hope you'll get to do it again soon. Just don't be a dick; ask first okay?"

He nods, making his limp tongue flop around.

"Are you done?" I ask gently, pushing on his rock solid belly.

"Yeah, uh... sorry." He gives me a quick peck on the lips and pulls out. A thin coat of his and my fluids still clings to his flesh, so I sit forward and lick him off, looking him in the eyes all the while. "Fuck babe..." he mutters.

I lick my lips and stand, fixing my clothes so they barely cover me again. When I look up, Duke hands me a sharpie and a piece of paper. "Can I uh... have your number?" he asks, trying not to look me in the eyes.

I roll my eyes and take the sharpie, uncapping it with my teeth. I hold it to my left wrist and look at him expectantly.

"Oh! Um, that works too." He proceeds to rattle off a string of numbers, then I cap the marker and tuck it into my skirt's waistband. "Hey, do you want Felix's too?" he adds.

"Nope. I'll text you, handsome." I wink, and kiss his cheek, then exit the way I entered. I wait by the door for long enough to hear "Dude, are you good?" followed by a hasty "Yeah yeah I'm fine. Wanna play Halo?", then head back down she stairs and out into the night.