School of Mystic Arts

Story by Inqu on SoFurry

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So after talking with my mate about my first really really long series and stuff i got really in the mood for this and i think i'll write a bit here and there, and try not to forget about it. i dont know how long this will be or much more then im going to have fun writing this story instead of worry about views, faves, feedback etc. This is a re-written version of the re-written school of magic...goodness thats a mind fuck hahaha X3

I hope you enjoy i know like 90% wont because not micro but hey oh well hahaha X3

I wrote this in 70 minutes its, 5 pages and 2664 words long, enjoy~

I stretch and yawn as my alarm clock goes off, I lazily pat my night stand for a few minutes before finally pushing the off button. I sigh in relief and scratch my ear as I sit up. "Gah that was a strange dream..." I say sliding out of bed and standing up fully. I was a rather tall girl. 6'3 to be exact, it was strange seeing people shorter then me just look up in awe, I also wasn't fat or skinny I was well toned with out really even trying either. It was strange I'd love to run and hike, and chase after things, im not even sure why either. Its just always been what I liked and I got a lot of exercise doing it. Guess I just lucked out really, I mean I shutter at the thought of what I'd look like with how I ate. I giggle to myself as I step in front of the mirror. My eyes a nice dark red, long hair and a fair face if I do say so myself. Doctors said my eye colour was strange but explained it in a way I don't really understand. They ended up just saying it's a rare thing. I giggle again as I begin to brush my teeth. I'd been having a dream of chasing a dear lately, but it was strange, I was running far faster then I'd ever ran and on all fours no less.

It was very fulfilling when I finally caught the dear but each time I woke up shortly after and in a bit of a sweat and panting, even aching sometimes, like I had actually ran. I spit the toothpaste out and out of curiosity I check my teeth before noticing they're normal. I shake my head. For those of you who don't know im a human, 23 and an accountant for some big company I really forget the name off all to easily. I go and begin to make breakfast still in my bra and panties humming as I pull the pots and pants out from under the stove. Once ii have everything set up and begin to cook a steak, and some meat balls with marinara before reheating some left over pizza. I begin to dance a bit in excitement as the smell hits my nose. The scent bringing me back to my childhood when my mother used to cook for me. Back then I used to have strange dreams too, and most of the time to get me to wonder off if I was bothering my mom to much she'd just throw a tennis ball and I'd chase after it. She always joked I was more dog them human.

Sometimes I wonder how true that statement actually is. I smile to myself remembering my childhood before I eep and begin to flip all the meats. Steaks are particularly tricky to cook given what you need to do to make them actually taste good, butter, herbs, oils, heat, etc. Some times I wondered if it was truly worth it, then the smell hits me again and I always come to the same conclusion as before.

Yes, yes, it is. Once everything is done I toast some buns and cheese and begin to make meatball sandwiches as I eat my steak. "Goodness how am I not fat?" I ask myself a loud mouth still full of meat. I begin to eat my sub before I hear my get ready for work alarm. "Jeez..." I sigh and begin to get ready as I eat and walk around getting into business attire. Luckily I was able to spare my clothes getting meat sauce on them as I grab my keys and suitcase. I grab my steaks plate and begin to eat it on the way to my car. I smile and wave to one of my neighbors who just looks at me weird and waves back. I should probably also mention I live rather well given my job and the only house that accommodated my needs was in a super snotty gated community.

I didn't mind the looks but holy hell were they snobs, anything and everything you did they nitpicked you about, I got constant HOA letters that I'd just tear up because it wasn't there right to tell me how to live on my property that I fully paid for and insured they can sick my proverbial dick. Now its not like I went out of my way to make the HOA think I was just being lazy, I cut my grass kept things nice and neat but if they found my grass like a micro meter taller then it should they'd tell me to cut it. Fuck you, I'll do what I want. I huff as I start my car, which was a 1972 mustang fast back that I fixed up myself in my spare time on vacation, luckily Youtube was a major help in finding out how to do that. I giggle to myself as I finish my steak as I pull up to a red light. I stretch and sigh before with out even thinking about it I pick up the little bone from the steak and begin to chew on it.

I hum lightly as I put the car back in gear and begin to drive to the bank. It doesn't take me long to get to my bank to which I pull my visor down and notice the bone in my mouth. I turn a shade of red and quickly pull it out and wipe my face. "Goodness I'm glad I didn't walk in with that in my face...' I sigh and double check I have everything I need. Personally, even if I don't work at the bank I'd prefer to take all my important work stuff in so in case my care is stolen I don't get fired and arrested for losing a customers info. I walk into the bank and as usual on a Monday morning there is a decent amount of people there and I get into the line and wait patiently. I can feel my ears twitch a bit as I hear a car's tires in the distance screech, and soon to my annoyance, its not all that far off and soon a van comes screeching to a halt in front of the bank. "Oh, fuck me." I sigh thinking to myself as I know what's about to happen. Soon several men hop out of the back and rush inside with guns and masks on.

"Alright everyone down on the ground now!" One of the men scream, and soon everyone but me is on the ground in fear as they wave their guns around. I take the opportunity to grab one of the bank slips and begin to fill it out. I've been in more banks then you'd think when they were robbed and nothing usually came out of it and I had more things to worry about then some punk waving a gun around. "Didn't you hear me bitch I said on the ground!" I hear one of them walk over to me as the others begin to point at the tellers to begin to fill the bags. "I heard you I just don't care.' I say turning around to face him I stood a fair couple inches taller then him once I wasn't leaning over the counter. He sticks his gun in my face. "I said on the ground!!" I almost barks as he sticks the gun directly in my face. "Look, I don't mind what you're doing, and im not going to stop you but I have work to get to and I'm not being fired over this..." I say before time seems to slow down to almost a halt.

I can see his finger slowly pressing the trigger. I look around at what I feel is normal speed in confusion wondering if this is what its like to have life flash before your eyes. I look back at the gun and soon there is a flash coming out of the barrel as well as a bullet. My heart feels like it stops as the bullet begins to travel much quicker then I'd except with the state of things and out of compulsion I open my maw and as it enters my mouth I bite down on the bullet. I feel is stop in Its tracks, when suddenly time speeds up back to normal and my head flies back from the force of the bullet. I hear several screams from kids and other women in the bank before I bring my head back down to look at him and spit the bullet out in half shock and half anger. "Don't do that." I say sternly as the man just stares at me in fear. "Dude what the fuck are..." One of the others turns around to see I'm okay and the man visibly shaking.

He quickly puts the gun back in my face and I shove him as hard as I can out of a split second impulse and he stumbles and trips a good 4-5 meters from me. The anger is quickly replaced with a bit of shock and a smirk to my inner self in pride. I soon see him pointing his gun at me again and the sound of his gun going off, he's able to get a few shots off before time slows down again. This time even a bit slower it feels as the bullets get near I begin to grab the bullets one by one, soon my hands are full and his gun is empty. Time resumes as it normally does and I quickly spin from the kinetic force and fall down losing my balance. "H-Ha take that you freak!" I hear the man say triumphantly as he gets up. I decide to stay down on the floor as he walks over to me and begins to reload his gun.

As soon as he gets close enough I push up and kick him square in the stomach he coughs and drops his gun which is half loaded at this point. He falls to his knees as I drop the bullets and stand, the other men and customers of the bank stare at me in a mix of fear, awe, and as if I was their savoir from heaven. I pick up the mans gun and quickly disassemble it, luckily my dad was a gun nut and constantly showed me how. "Stop right there or I'll kill this bitch!" One of the men quickly begins to regain his composer and point his gun at one of the tellers. "Seriously? Come on that's a low blow, what did she ever do to you?" I ask taking a step forwards, to call his bluff and get a bit closer just in case he was serious and to my sadness he was. Though, it seems the ability to slow down time to an almost stand still didn't just kick in when I was in danger. I quickly bolt towards the teller as he pulls the trigger and time slows.

As I get in front of the bullet time quickly speeds back up and I get hit in the chest and knocked back into the wooden counter. I gasp a bit as the wind is knocked out of me and I fall to the floor. The man who pulled the trigger back peddles in shock and screams a bit. The worry for the teller who was really cute by the way is very quickly replaced with one of the most intense cases of rage I've ever felt in my life. I get up and my lips curl like a dogs. Suddenly I can see his face go from shock to shear horror. I feel my clothes to tighten at an alarming rate as he seems to shrink a bit but in reality, I was growing. I soon let out the most seral snarl roar I've ever made. The man soon begins to scream and he as well begins to unload his gun into my chest which by this point hardly hurts if not at all and is soon out of ammo pulling the trigger as his hand shakes. I reach out and grab his gun and hand and begin to squeeze, he begins to scream in pain as the gun, being of modern make is made of a polymer quickly cracks and breaks.

The other quickly rushes over and tries to jump on me and tackle me but in my rage I seemed to have a heightened sense of my surroundings and quickly grab him by his neck and lift him up. "If the bullets didn't work what made you think in your hilariously dim mind you could hurt me you pathetic waste of space!?" I snarl as I bring his face closer to mine. He then proceeds to piss himself before passing out in fear. I soon drop him and hit the other guy in the face knocking him out cold as well. I let them both go and go to turn around to ask the teller if she's okay but mid turn I catch a look at myself in a mirror and I freeze. The reflection looking back at me isn't at all what im used to or expecting. What I see if a bipedal wolfman, with almost glowing red eyes long fur and longer arms then normal on such a creature.

I slowly walk over to it careful of the other people in the bank to my amazement and what I'd think an out of body experience would feel like the wolfman moves exactly how I do as I make my way closer to the mirror, I soon begin to touch my face and look down at my hands, arms, torso, legs and notice all my clothes have shredded around me scraps of it still hanging on to my body. "Wolf~!" I hear a little kid say in happiness. My ears perk and I quickly look back to see the kid right behind me. I eep and step back into the mirror breaking it. "Wolf!" The kid says happily. "N-No no sweetie stay away from that thing!" The mother begins to get up and rush over to their child. "I wanna pet the wolf mama!" The kid says as they're picked up. "I-Its not safe to pet wild animals sweetie...' She says trying to stay quiet. "I can hear you, you know, and im not gonna hurt you." I say feeling a little hurt by her worlds. The female gasps and looks at me.

"She can talk!" The kid says super happily. I warmly smile at the kid. "Yes I can~" I giggle and I can feel my tail wag. My ears suddenly perk as I feel I have a tail. "H-holy moly I have a tail?!" I say in awe and carefully turn around to try and see it. "T-this stupid thing is so elusive!" I say getting a bit frustrated and dizzy, suddenly I can hear a few chuckles and giggles and remember im still, not only in public but still in the bank that was being rubbed. "Oh! Im so sorry is everyone okay?" I say looking around as they seem to get up and begin to make sure the would be thieves are tied up for police. "Yes, we're fine miss thanks to you're heroics." One of the other customers smiles happily. "O-oh, I didn't even know I could do any of this, I thought when the first guy shot at me I was watching the end of my life." I say giggling and rubbing the back of my head. "Can you turn back into a human?" One of them asks as they begin to be a bit more comfortable with my new look and see im not going to hurt them.

"I would try but I kinda don't have any clothes anymore...Kids are about and I don't really want to be arrested for nudity in public and all the headaches that come with that." I say as I stretch and several of my joints pop. "ow!" I say in a half yelp before sitting down. "I don't feel so good actually..." I say beginning to feel light headed and a bit nauseous. I begin to pant and the room begins to spin. Soon some one rushes over with a blanket and wraps me up as I pass out.