The Time of the Season

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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With Arsene in season and his two doms being oddly restrained in their normally frequent 'use' of him, could there be a worse time for the fox's heat stricken twin sister to visit? Or, is this perhaps the perfect time for all four of the furs involved? ^^

This story was written for Arsene Vulpin as part of my Patreon request days for August. It contains M/F and M/M sex involving consenting adults engaged in dom/sub play and incest. :3

The Time of the Season

Arsene whined under his breath as he felt his cock throb hungrily, but did nothing about it. He rested upon the lap of one of his masters, curled up upon the powerful polar bear's lap as Charles gently stroked his head and scratched behind his ears. It was wonderfully warm, a relief considering the chilly winter weather outside, and thus Arsene didn't want to do anything to spoil this moment and find himself lying alone upon the floor in his bed. The weekend had been wonderful, Charles off work and Eric calling in sick so that all three of them could spend several days together, curled up on the couch and watching movie after wintery, Christmassy movie to get them in the spirit. If it hadn't been for Arsene's near constant arousal, the season driving his canid libido through the roof as the whole city was filled with the scent of countless canine women in heat, it might have been one of the most wonderful couple of days of the entire time he had spent as the polar bear and lion's obedient, beloved pet.

Even now though, as it approached noon on the last day of their weekend of relaxation, Arsene was finding it harder to enjoy the weekend for what it was. Charles and Eric had been impossibly modest in their affection not only to him, but to one another over the last twenty four hours. There had been none of the usual casual fucking and pleasure being shared. The two buff men had remained clothed and at times had even been wearing extra layers to keep warm, and while even now they were cuddling up to one another tenderly and stroking Arsene with open, honest affection, it was taking a substantial effort on the fox's part to look up at them and beg for one of their thick cocks in his ass, his mouth, anywhere really so long as he could use it as a reason to get himself off too.

Glancing down at the clock flashing beneath their TV upon its smart-box, Arsene shuddered in silence. It wasn't even noon. They could sit here for hours more. Hours before he'd have any chance at stealing a few minutes alone to masturbate, hoping that even if they caught him and punished him for getting off without their permission, they wouldn't be able to do so until after he had already drained his balls of this desperate, uncontrollable need. Right now he wasn't wanting to jerk off to disobey them. He was wanting to jerk off because of his loyalty to them. Because thanks to his biology and this damnable mating season, every instant of every passing second was filled with his mind screaming at every last cell in his body to do something to try and achieve his ultimate reproductive goal. To find a woman. A needy, eager, desperately horny and heat stricken woman, and breed her until she was heavy with his cum and his cubs.

But, Arsene wouldn't do that. He wouldn't be a slave to his biology, and he wouldn't betray his loyalty to the men he loved, and who loved him so dearly as to take him as their pet.

It was as that thought crossed his mind, reaffirmed in his heart as deeply and meaningfully as the lust-stricken fox could possibly believe, the door to the trio's home opened with a click. Both Charles and Eric turned their heads towards the door that led into the hallway from the living area, and Arsene raised his head nervously, ears tilted back, looking at them for reassurance that everything was going to be okay. Surely they expected a visitor. After all, only two or three people outside of the three of them had a key to the house, or knew where the spare was kept. The handle of the front door creaked as it twisted, and the door itself squeaked upon hinges in need of oiling as it swung open.

It closed again just a few seconds later as the sound of shoes being kicked off within the hallway rang out through the house with a clatter, and after the lock clicked closed once more, Charles and Eric tensing up and ready to move into action if necessary, a voice rang out through the house. A voice which set the polar bear and lion at ease with a smirk of relief, and sent cold, desperate terror surging through Arsene a split-second before it was overwhelmed by a far more intense, utterly unwanted sensation.

"Big brother!"

Arsene heard his twin sister, younger than him by less than an hour, calling out in a gleeful sing-song voice. A voice that filled him with dismay, with shame, and with uncontrollable lust. As she stepped into view through the open living room door, she was already stripping. Already pulling off her thick winter jacket and the sweater beneath it, the t-shirt beneath that and finally her bra. Her plump upper body revealed itself to the helpless vulpine male, trembling and staring up at his masters in fevered desperation as his nostrils flared, catching the scent of her intense, heat-stricken aroma even before she flopped down on a nearby armchair, kicked her legs out into the air and began to pull off her jeans, damp and darkened around the crotch where the obvious arousal that had probably been consuming her for days already was burning at its most furious and intense.


He begged to his masters, shaking his head even as he felt his cock throbbing, aching in its desire to do what it claimed was so natural, so right despite the source currently provoking that instinctive response.

"Please, t-tie me up. Lock my cock away in chastity. Put me in my c-crate and throw the key down the toilet if you have to. I... I want to fuck her so badly. Oh god, I... I want to fucking hump my sister's brains out. I want to give her my pups. I... I can't stop it."

And to Arsene's abject horror, with a giggle from Aurora and a mutually gruff chuckle from his masters, all three of them said the exact same thing.

"Then don't."


Even as Arsene lunged off the couch, scrambling across the floor and pouncing upon the chair that contained his sister's now naked body, Charles and Eric were looking at each other with amused smiles. The polar bear and lion couldn't have possibly planned this, much as they wished that they had. They loved watching their pet squirm. Watching him embarrass and humiliate himself, watching him lose control. They loved it, because they knew that deep down he loved it. And while they hadn't exactly intended to ever use incest as a tool of the immense fun they had together... they weren't going to turn down the option now that it had presented itself.

"Yes! B-brother... fuck me!"

A loud crash rang out through the living room as the armchair toppled over backwards with the force of Arsene's tackle, and in one big fluffy ball of orange, black and white fur the twins were already together as they tumbled free from where it fell. Aurora lay flat on her back, legs stretched up into the air and arms reaching up to grab at her feet, to hold them up and out, exposing herself as shamelessly as she could while her brother shamelessly plunged his rock hard cock straight into her. If they had ever done this before it was a secret that Arsene had kept even from his masters, but to see the ease, the absolute glee with which the fox set to work humping his sister's dripping wet pussy, neither Charles nor Eric could absolutely rule out that possibility. They grinned to each other even as the colour began to rise in their cheeks at the show being put on before them, and with eager, familiar hands began to hurriedly unfasten the belts and zippers of their lover's lower garments.

"Harder! HarderharderharderfasterohhgodyesI'm_cumming_!"

Aurora shrieked in ecstasy as the polar bear wrapped his hand around Eric's cock, and the lion did the same to Charles' own throbbing erection. They licked their lips, leaned tenderly against one another, heads resting against their partner's own, and watched as they masturbated. They watched their pet breeding his twin sister like the needy, desperate slut he was. Like the sluts they both were. They stroked one another's cocks slowly, casually, completely in contrast to the wild fucking going on before them and stoking their passions. For every firm, slow stroke up and down the length of their lover's member, Arsene must have plunged his cock into his twin's soaking, loudly squishy pussy close to a dozen times over. She was clawing at his back, screaming into the fur of his neck as she kissed, moaned into and bit down upon it. In turn, he was howling. Moaning in a frenzy of unleashed excitement, not wanting to love it, not wanting to be so gleefully and overwhelmingly turned on by fucking and breeding his sister, but absolutely that turned on and more.

He howled as he knotted her, locking himself inside of his sibling's tight and fertile depths as the first of many, many loads of cum poured out into her. His face burned crimson, but he couldn't stop no matter how humiliating it was to have just cum inside his sister. He had to fill her. He had to keep on fucking her until she was satisfied. His pheromone driven body would not allow anything else, and nor would Aurora by the sounds of things.

"Again. Again! C-cum in me... don't stop cumming, n-not until my belly bulges, Arsene. Don't stop, b-big brother!"

He came in her again, just as she had asked. And again. Over and over. Not stopping, not wanting to stop after a certain point. After six, maybe seven orgasms Arsene wasn't thinking of the woman beneath him as his sister any more. Not any more than she, more than double that amount of orgasms deep in her lust herself, was thinking of Arsene as her brother any more. Now he was just the man who was scratching the itch she had been fighting with for days. The man filling her belly with fertile seed, seed that would soon take hold and give rise to cubs. And to Arsene, Aurora was just... heaven. The sweet, wonderful repository for him to unload not only as much seed as he wanted, but all that he could. No restraint. No rules. No restrictions. Just her hot pussy milking him over and over again as he humped feverishly against her, knot still locking them tightly together all the while.

By the time Arsene was spent, still knotted inside his sister, still driven wild by her scent but now too fatigued to summon up any further strength to continue breeding her, Aurora's belly was swollen like she was already heavy with his brood. Every time she moved, every time either one of them moved a thick, slurping gush of cum would escape around the small shifts in the knotted cock and tight pussy holding them together, but still far, far more remained locked sloshing around inside.

Close by, panting and grinning in pride at their pet, chests and faces painted with their own and one another's cum in copious streaks of varied ages, Charles and Eric raised an eyebrow as Aurora pulled herself up on her elbows and looked at them over the slumped, fatigued form of her brother.

She giggled, moaned, and rolled her cum-filled body over so that she was lying atop Arsene now, belly resting upon his torso and her plump ass waving before the two far stronger, far more buff and well endowed men. Looking back over her shoulder, she licked her lips greedily, eyes still heavy with the unstoppable lust of her heat.

"I... I know what you do to my brother. How happy it makes him."

She shuddered, wriggling her ass once more and flicking her tail high into the air. The polar bear and lion might not have been affected by the scent of her canid heat, but they couldn't deny the appeal of her body on its own merits.

Thus, as she addressed them once more with her fevered hunger, they were already rising in unison from the couch.

"Do that to me. A-all of it. Do it to us both. Fuck me like you fuck my brother. Fuck him like you want to fuck me. Just... please... do it now, a-and... and don't stop. Don't ever, ever stop."

By Jeeves

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