Fox Family 4: The Rebellion Begins

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#3 of Fox Family

Fox Family 4: The Rebellion Begins

Felix got up earlier than his brother Greg. Felix usually never woke up before Greg. Felix looked over to his guitar and as he lifted up his bag and just sighed. He just walked upstairs so unsatisfied that he couldn't instantly know how to play good. Since Felix woke up early he decided to have a full on meal instead of rushing off to catch the bus. With so much time to spare he we into the television room and watched Buff the Vampire Slayer. He was getting into it but Felix knew he had to leave soon. He got up and saw Greg walk by. Greg stopped abruptly.

Greg asked, "What were you doing up so early?"

Felix said, "I'll tell you later I gotta go."

Greg asked, "Are you sure you don't me to drive you there?"

Felix said, "That car smells like shit. The bus is more tolerable."

Felix slanted down underneath Greg and went to the door. He put his headphones on and left. As he listened to some Children of Bodom he thought of how today was going to be the beginning of something new and exciting. He at least knew that things at school would at least start to change. With him and Dizzy being friends and now, and Dizzy being in love with Andrea the tension of animal separation might just start to crumble. Felix always felt he would begin with himself but he never knew that someone else would want to join that fight. And in this case Dizzy seemed even more determined but Felix knew why, it was because Dizzy has had it way worse. Dizzy was apart of a bigger family and being the youngest didn't help either. Living in the most dangerous place can allow two things to most likely happen. One is that learn to become dangerous or two to start to want to make change because you know this life isn't right. Almost everyday someone dies around there and it isn't even close to being called peaceful.

Felix got of the bus and met up with Dizzy who was with Andrea. Dizzies arm was draped around her neck. Felix came around to the right side of them and actually smiled. Dizzy looked ahead but seemed to be elsewhere in thought. Dizzy made some distance of to the other side taking his hand of Andrea. Then Dizzy turned to them.

Dizzy said, "Today I'm gonna try something real stupid. I thought about it all night and I think it's time we take a stand. I'm going straight to the principle with it, if you want to come you can. I can use the moral support."

Felix said, "I said I was in all the way. Whatever you want to do, do it and make it count."

Andrea said, "You can count me in too. I'm ready of a new age to come."

Dizzy said, "Alright then lets go."

Dizzy lead on and the three of them went right the principles office they sat down until Vincent came out and looked at them. Vincent sat down slowly not taking his eye off them. Dizzy leaned in and stared right back up at Vincent, Vincent drank so coffee still not taking his eyes off. Vincent finished his coffee and settled it down slowly.

Vincent asked, "Can I help you three miscreants with something?"

Dizzy said, "You should be focused on me. I'm calling you out. Now in order for me to do this I would appreciate it if you would let me finish without interrupting. Now that I got that out of the way I think we should have a bet..." Dizzy paused to see Vincent's look change from focused to some what appalled. But he sat there regardless to indeed allow Dizzy to finish.

Dizzy said, "I bet if I was principle for three weeks I can get more than fifty percent of these students to like me and like the change. And here's the part I know you'll like. If I lose you can do whatever you want with us weather it be expelling us or rule us out to go back to our own sides and never speak to each other again. Now if we were to win this bet you would have to quit. I only have a few rules. One is that you can't interfere or tell any of the students about how to win. The second is that you must be one of the students in the school. Since you feel so confident about students not changing you should also feel pretty strongly about winning."

Vincent said, "That is the most incredibly stupidest thing I've heard come out of your mouth. You really think you can make it past a day. These students live the way they live and change isn't something that's going to come out of the blue."

Dizzy said, "Then you got nothing to lose. Let's shake on it." Vincent extended his hand and then Dizzy seemed a bit hesitant.

Dizzy said, "First as last act as Principe for three weeks I want you to call all the students to the cafeteria." Vincent grabbed the speaker and pushed a button.

Vincent announced, "All students are required to come to the cafeteria." After that Dizzy shook his hand and they all went to the cafeteria. Dizzy pulled out a notepad of ideas he had worked out all last night. When they got there the cafeteria it was filled with the students all waiting and all of them looked confused.

Dizzy said, "Alright everyone, due to a special dealing I will official be our principle for the next three weeks..."

The other dogs got his support very quickly. All the other animals were still so confused.

Dizzy continued, "By the end of the three weeks will we will have a voting tally of who was a better principle me or Vincent. Ok then I know most of you are still confused but let me tell you by the end of the day you'll all like the idea."

Dizzy turned to Felix for a second. Felix whispered, "So what is the plan?"

Dizzy whispered, "Win them over the first day and just keep it up.

Vincent said directly to Dizzy, "You have no idea what you're getting into." Dizzy turned back to everyone and looked to his pad of ideas.

Dizzy said, "There are going to be some new rules around here." Now everyone sighed and grunted at this idea. Vincent just snickered and Felix had a look of concern. This was not going the way he was expecting.

Dizzy said, "Well if you would let me read these new rules. The first rule is that there will be no more classes." Everyone at the tables looked at each other and suddenly a wave blast a various cheers roared across the cafeteria.

Dizzy said, "The second rule is that there will be no more test, quizzes or exams." The room went off the walls with now full on support of Dizzy and this all happened within minutes of one day."

Dizzy said, "Rule three is there will be no more teachers." That actually caught some of the students by surprise. So far what Dizzy had proposed was that this school to become nothing like a school.

Dizzy said, "Instead you will be guided by advisors chosen by me of course. And in stead of all students learning the same shit each student will get to learn what he or she wants to learn. This school will now be focused on getting you ready for real jobs or a hopeful career. The students that would like to pursue that career will be able to learn from someone who'll want to mentor students and teach them the real way. For those of you who don't know which career to pick we will have weekly job fairs and other career exploration days here at this school. The new mission over the next three weeks isn't to keep you cooped up in here but to get each of you out into the world." Dizzy went up to the tables in which the foxes sat. He sat down next to one of the students.

Dizzy asked, "For example let's take this young student here. Tell me kid what do image yourself doing?" Now normally a fox would end in up in a job in a police field. Some other foxes sometimes went into modeling as well.

The young fox gulped up his pride and said, "I want to be an artist." Some of the students laughed. It was just what seemed like another inbreed thing where foxes never painted, sculpted or did anything related to art.

Dizzy said, "Alright that sounds cool. Since you got some balls I going to give you the first opportunity to something big time to set your skills. I want you to make a painting on that wall right there." He pointed to a blank white wall the cats were near.

Dizzy said, "Don't worry about equipment. This school's money will cover this one. All I ask is one thing make sure the mural is something respectful and doesn't have anything like guns on it ok." The student gave a slight nod.

Dizzy moved across and sat next to another dog.

Dizzy asked, "What about you. What do you really want to do?"

The dog sat there and looked at that fox that had so much courage and the dog said, "I want to design video games." Some of the other animals clapped to what seemed to be an agreement.

Dizzy said, "Ok that's cool. And it looks like you're not the only one. An ideal project would be for everyone who just cheered on to create the next best video game ever. And that can be accomplished with some training with someone who's in the field, some programs and some more of the school's money. And let me tell you there is a lot of money just sitting there waiting to be spent."

Dizzy stood up and generally asked, "What about construction? Anyone up in here want to builds houses or anything else." A few others students raised there hands.

Dizzy said, "Great. Then we can expect to see a few more houses being built over the next three weeks."

Dizzy asked, "What about the children? Anyone one to take care of kids?" Another seemed of well devoured grouped animals raised there hands.

Dizzy said, "Then well make you a special daycare center and give you that opportunity."

Dizzy asked, "What about music? Any one here want to learn to play instrument and become a music star." Again a select few raised there hands.

Dizzy said, "Alright, maybe you guys want to create various bands. It's our choice."

Dizzy asked, "What about actors, and actresses." That got quite a few animals to raise there hands.

Dizzy said, "Great now we just need a director." Another animal raised his hand.

Dizzy said, "Now were rolling. In this is just the beginning. I promise great things will come from this."

Dizzy went back to Felix and Andrea.

Felix asked, "Are you sure this isn't completely over our heads. How are you going handle that many students?"

Dizzy said, "With your help of course. Take the gamers and put them in the computer room. Then take the builders and take them outside. The music, the acting should all be left in here for now." Dizzy got ready to leave.

Felix asked, "Where are you going?"

Dizzy said, "I'm going to get some art supplies."

Felix asked, "You're going to focus on one student?"

Dizzy said, "That's the plan. I already imaged this whole day out. The rest of it should be pretty chaotic for a while." Dizzy just smirked and left.

Felix said, "Wait..."

Andrea said, "Come on. I have a feeling Dizzy knows what he's doing." Felix went up to Greg and set him aside.

Felix asked, "Can you help us. Where in a bit of a situation."

Greg said, "This is a pretty big mess. Usually I would do it but lately you've been ignoring me."

Felix said, "Look if this is about some fucked up fantasy than you can forget it. You're so useless sometimes." Felix grabbed the mike and the entire group was still unsure of what was supposed to happen next.

Felix said, "Alright I guess all the gamers should come with me then." They all stood up and followed the him.

Andrea said, "All those constructors come outside." They did as well which left a large of students in the cafeteria.

Felix managed to get the students to sit down. One of the dogs said, "Alright clearly I should be the leader here. Because no one else has a clue on what to do."

And just like that there was controversy among animals. The noise grew and it became hard to hear what each of them where saying. Now as unbelievable as some students sharing there careers was it still left with animal segregation in the way. Dogs still sat with dogs. And same went for every other animal. Andrea was having the same exact problem. With no one to watch the students in the cafeteria it broke out with yelling and complaining as well.

Vincent smirked and said, "All that work just to see it go up in smoke in one day. I told him students weren't ready for change." He got up and left.

Meanwhile Dizzy got art supplies. That very art student just sat alone. There was no one else there to argue you with. Dizzy returned to him. Some of the other students came up to him.

One of them said, "We can't do this. This is impossible." Dizzy just smirked and focused on the one student. He sat with him.

Dizzy asked, "What's you're name kid?"

He said, "My name is Quan."

Dizzy said, "I bet you haven't complained yet."

Quan said, "I guess not."

Dizzy said, "Alright all I want you to do is paint a moral up there and we'll see where to go from there."

Quan said, "I'm not sure...I mean I never done something like this before. And the other students look like they need help."

Dizzy said, "My focus is on you right now. I believe in you Quan. Just do what you feel in your heart. I think you'll find a lot easier than it sounds." Quan looked up and looked at the blank wall. He grabbed a pencil and started to sketch.

Dizzy left and smirked, "That's what I'm talking about." For the rest of the day Dizzy sat on the office and just looked threw files trying to find something to do. The rest of the students were so bugged they left early. By the time launch came around the school was almost half empty.

Dizzy just peaked inside the cafeteria to see it was beside Quan who was still working on sketching. Dizzy got out and went to head back. Felix met up with him.

Felix said, "All the students are leaving now. That's how frustrated they are." Andrea came in from the other side.

Andrea said, "All the students out there left to."

Dizzy said, "Just as I thought."

Felix asked, "You wanted this to happen?"

Dizzy said, "Consider it a life lesson. The real best way to change the school is focusing on them one at a time. Not trying to win them all over at once. As soon as one falls in line then they all start to see."

Felix asked, "There's still someone here?" Dizzy pointed in the cafeteria. Dizzy, Felix and Andrea all peaked in. Quan said, "Hey, no peaking. I'm not finished yet." They all went back to the hall.

Dizzy said, "Well my work here is done. See you both tomorrow." Felix and Andrea were left with silence and odd looks. They just went home.

Quan stayed in the school at some food and cleaned up and then began painting. He stayed there until midnight with the lights on and he had a ladder set up. His brush strokes still as focus and determined to get in finished. It was three a clock and Quan made sure the paint was dried. He covered the new painting and just slept there instead.

Later on when it was time Felix met up with Andrea and Dizzy. They all went inside to see the all the students in the cafeteria came back today just to complain and beg for this to end. Dizzy looked up at the sheeted wall. He grabbed the microphone and said, "Well I know some of you are truly upset. After day one things went from great to competently disastrous. And everyone left here except for one student. That one student is name is Quan. He stayed here and he didn't complain. All I told him to do was paint a moral and he just did it. It didn't ask too many questions. After he knew what to do he did it himself. So Quan what did you make?"

Quan stood up and uncovered the sheet. Everyone was surprised. It was the most amazing thing anyone had every seen. It was a white Pegasus with epic large wings and a cool unicorn. Everyone awed and admired it.

Dizzy said, "All I did was hand this kid, a few things and he did this by himself in one day. Now image if I gave you all you're equipment. Would anything different truly have happened. You were so concerned about the different types of animals that none of you could do what you wanted to do. We have a mission the next three weeks and it's not just to get out into the world but it's to work on teamwork. I hope this mural will inspire you all to take our own missions into consideration any maybe instead of budding head you'll work together."

Dizzy took Felix and Andrea aside. Felix asked, "How long you think that mural is gonna last without someone messing with it."

Andrea said, "I'd give it the three weeks Dizzies in charge."

Dizzy said, "Ouch."

Felix said, "I'd give it five weeks. How long do you think it's going to last Dizzy?"

Dizzy smirked, "The rest of the school year...Or maybe forever."
