dinner under the table

Story by simbalover1 on SoFurry

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i just wrote this when the movie first came out

Stu was siting at the Head of the table. as Judy and Nick were siting on the sides of the table. and Bonnie was underneath the table giving her husband some work. the other 247 kids of theirs were out playing. or watching a movie. you see this was dinner only for the four of them.

and of course as you guessed it their were eating carrots. with . and some red wine so all of them our over the age of 17. in there house if you can become a cope then you can handle some here we are."judy asked her dad 'hey wheres mom? Her dad said will dear Judy she's working on my Carrot. with Judy went bight red under her fur knowing what her dad meant. "Judy thought back to at the time where she was working on Nick. but of course she didn't do that. while she was having dinner.

Nick just blushed and at the sight of judy blushing while her dad said her mom was working on him just made nick a little hard. "ok nick stu asked so what is it like being a cop in zootopia and dating my girl? "Nick's mouth just hang open and cant barely speak but when he could. he asked WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT US? Stu said to Nick i know you two are dating i knew ever since you two firsted came here i saw a speckle in both of you guys.

Judy just handplamed her face while saying dad really? why bring this up? Stu just siting there with his eyes rolled back. arms under the table. as he tried to seem ok. but both of them knew Stu was unloading in his wife. so none of them said anything until he seemed to be done.

Bonnie coming back to sit in her seat. with a little stuff on the side of her mouth she didn't know that was there. "she asked Judy so what bought both of you here? Judy just looked at her mom and said while "while" me and "nick" "pregnant" WHAT stu and Bonnie both said. as Judy and Nick were eating their steak. Judy just said with a mouthful of steak saying while mom dad we did want kits.

"ok Stu said alright everyone were at the table right now lets eat. then we can talk about this . as everyone went back to eating in slice. Until judy broke it wide open. asking daddy pass the salt. both Nick and Stu reached out and Stu was yelling/laughing WHAT? "judy saying come on dad you think i would call my boyfriend/future of my kits daddy?

with that said all of the table broke in a laugh. while Nick then looked down and he saw he was hard as hell thanks to judy of course. so looking over at judy eyeing her. she knew this look he was horny at the dinner.