A good end to a bad movie

Story by jaded mouse on SoFurry

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a quick one shot

Sabrina step gently and passed Ron his mug of coco with a " here you go" before returning to her place upon the couch so that they could watch... When she couldn't remember the movie her boyfriend had brought over she leaned forward and snatched up its case, turning on the light behind her so that she could read it without straining her eyes against the living rooms gloom. She frowned at its title and cover art, but nodded in appreciation at seeing the Studio Ghibli, Totoro, on the back cover. She shrugged and tossed the case back onto the coffee table dismissively, she'd give this Tales from Earthsea a shot, if not for her boyfriend then at least for the studio that brought her Princess Mononoke and Kiki's Delivery Service.

A peek to her boyfriend shaped lounging/snuggling pillow an hour later however proved the movie to be a silently, mutually agreed upon borefest as he had nodded off some time before. She settle back against him but ultimately decided to get up and do something else as one of the characters started singing. After going pee and then the kitchen to put another coco pod in the Keurig she leaned against the counter and looked to the living room, to her slumbering boyfriend and the tv beyond with a frown, if only they had skipped the movie and had simply went to bed. She took a sip of too hot coco as images of previous bedroom shenanigans and woos played in her head and she looked down to her lower belly and groin.

She returned her cup to the counter and placed a black "socked" hand down to the cream colored fur just below her navel, biting her lip as she rested it there upon the expanse of flesh resting just above her womb before sliding it down beneath her loose sweats and to her rapidly warming sex. She murred huffily to herself as she probed herself, running her fingers against and through her labia and curling them along the small expanse of flesh between her pussy proper and clithood. After a few quick, needy passes that left her legs locked together and her groin feeling hot and tight she brought her hand back to the light and examined her glistening paw, watching as strands of her feminine lubricant stretch and web thinly between several of her fingers as she splayed them out. Whelp she was definitely hot and revving to go...

She looked to the living room once more, more perscisely the male sleeping within, a naughty smile coming to her muzzle as she got an idea on how to wake her boyfriend. With a fevered flourish she pulled her grey tank top off, not caring one which counter the garment landed on, and wincing as it knocked something glass or porcelain over s it landed by the fridge. After making sure that nothing had broken, she looked towards Ron's still slumbering silhouette, making sure that he hadn't woken up, or maybe had so they could just get right down to a good old rutting, but he hadn't been woken up by the soft tinging of the pasta keeper. In fact it looked like he had slipped further down upon the couch and she could now hear soft snoring over the movies background noise... good, good. She quickly wiggled out of her baggy sweats, stretching her lithe body and tail as she stepped out of them, tripping slightly and forced to finish kicking out of them as they tried to remain attached to her ankles.

She was really starting to think the whole affair wasn't worth this amount of trouble when she at last freed herself, she could've just woke his ass up and got to the fucking after all, fuck this foreplay bullshit. But, no, she was free now and her "plan" of attack for her little trick was still sound, well mostly anyway. Once more she reached down between her legs and played with herself, a hand joining in quickly in on her gentle masturbation, stroking both her pussy and the flames of her arousal. She knew she was ready to go again after she had to fight back a lewd moan by biting her finger and feeling her tail shoot out straight behind her. She fought and failed to keep her thighs from rubbing against one another as she felt her tail fluff and bristle before relaxing, pulsing and kinking in time with her weakly contracting abdominal muscles. Her body had fully woken up to her needs, her pussy winking as it tried to gulp her fingers deeper into her wanton body and passage.

With her hand once again covered in her hormone enriched lubricant the vixen quietly tiptoed to kneel before her boyfriend, a sly smile coming to her muzzle as she saw that he had indeed slid down the seat of the couch. Better yet his legs are skewed open as he slid, making him even more vulnerable to her attack. With that in mind the vixen leaned forward, balancing herself by lightly placing a paw on the todd's upper thigh, near his groin, as she busied herself with thoroughly smearing her sodden paw across his sensitive nose pad and muzzle, giggling and laughing as he stuttered and coughed himself awake with a startled " What the hell?"

Ron stopped his mild "What the fuck just woke me" struggles, looking down as he felt a dead weight in his lap... between his legs... he scented his girlfriend as her giggles died down and she began to play with his belt. Actually, all he could do was smell her, strongly, what the fuck...? He reached a paw to his muzzle and felt the dampness there not really understanding what was going on, his minds gears clicking as he woke up more, noting the sexual twinge in scent and her nakedness now that he was truly looking at her. " What..." was the only questioning word he had gotten out before she had freed his cock from his pants and passed her tongue along his furry sheath. He gasped and clutched at the fabric of the couches arm as he bucked forward into Sabrina's coaxing tongue, becoming rock hard after only a few short passes.

He opened his eyes when the warmth of her mouth left his shaft, suddenly finding himself huffing in need as she stood up. He watched her questioningly, wondering what was going to happen next or if she had paused for him to take over, quickly deciding to take over as his need for her escalated from rock hard to throbbing with the additional feeling of his knot starting to swell as well. He more or less found himself catching her however, guiding her as she moved to sit on his lap only to trap his cock between them as she crushed her soft mounds against his chest. She only straddled him like that for a few moments though, rutting her tits and groin against him as she kissed him deeply, longingly. Again Ron though to take control of the situation, going so far as to move his hands further along her hips till he had full handfuls of her ass, digging his claws into her sensitive skin as he pulled her harder into his groin, grunting as she felt his shaft work along her slick taint.

Sabrina however had other ideas and quickly dismounted from her lover and rolled over to kneel on the soft couch cushions before rising up on all fours and presenting herself fully to her mate. A position he quickly filled, filling and knotting her with one vigorous, unending thrust. Ron mounted her like a dog in heat and fucked her hard. She could feel him trapped within her unyielding folds, striving to go ever deeper, whining as he clawed and pulled at her hips frantically, stimulating her to thrust back in time with his own eager hip thrust. She couldn't remember the last time she had been so thoroughly fucked, nor so deeply and quickly lost herself to the rough rutting only coming around as she felt him hike up, freezing as he spent himself into her.

She quickly took stock of her situation, laying chest down and ass up like some feral bitch with her boyfriend relaxed against her prone form, his cock deep within her and knotted tight as it continued to occasionally spew a weak trickle of semen into her own hungry passage that was helping milk him dry. She looked over her shoulder to his panting form, realizing that she was too considering how sweaty she felt, before getting his attention enough to get him to acknowledge her enough so that she could guide them down to a more comfortable position on their sides until they released each other genitals. She noted that as they shifted and got comfortable and began to cuddle in their usual post coital intimacy that the movie had seemingly reached its climax as well and for some reason the girl had turned into a dragon and killed some dead guy before flying off. She quickly grabbed the remote and turned the dumb thing off and returned to the warm embrace of her lover.