The Club, The lust, The Wolf... Chapter 5

Story by DrakeTheDragon on SoFurry

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#5 of The Wolf and Club Lust

Well, After something like 11 years I am back? I stumbled onto my old account and got to reading my old stories... Well I thought maybe I could add a little to it for you guys. No promises on more, but I thought this could be a nice addition. Hope you guys enjoy!


Jason opened his eyes slowly, his mind weak and finding it hard to grasp that he was in fact awake. Trying to move his body was hard, almost impossible as his muscles burned from days of not being used. His mind so weary that he just starred at the bars to the cell he lay in for long, never ending minutes. Suddenly his mind snapped into focus. He could see! He mumbled, trying to take note of his surroundings, but his muzzle was still gagged by the horrendous inflated gag. He was clearly still wearing the hood, but it must have had an attached blindfold that had been removed. He tried to think back to what happened, then he remembered the pain. His cock and balls felt fine though, no pain to be felt there at least.

His arms weakly moved, freed of the arm binder that held them before, almost feeling dead as the muscles tried to wake up. His body was no longer covered in latex, nor was his cock hidden under metal, only the hood remained on. Slowly looking around Jason could see that there was nothing in the cell. It was a longer, slightly more narrow box with cinder blocks stacked up to form the sides of the wall, and the back. The front was made of steel, steel bars with a door in the center also made of steel bars. The back of the room had a small square exit it looked like, but it was currently blocked by a thick wooden block that was indented into the wall. 'Maybe it slides away from it's current position?' Jason thought to himself as he rolled and sat with his back against the wall.

Time passed and Jason was starting to grow hungry. His stomach growled angrily at him though he had no way of getting food. The walls, the bars, they were so bland, so dull to look at. The fact that he had his sight back and nothing to see was maddening in and of itself. After what would feel like days stuck in the insufferable cage he could hear something in the distance. Foot steps... Thud thud thud slowly getting closer.

Jason looked up as a wolf stepped into view. This wolf was taller than him, standing a little over six foot. He was muscular, but didn't seem to spend every day in the gym, but certainly multiple times a week. He was wearing a leather vest over a black t-shirt, and leather chaps over dark blue jeans. The fur that showed was grey-white, a timber wolf perhaps? Jason shook his head softly, ears lowering as he feared what would come next.

The leather clad wolf just gave a little grin seeing the new attitude of his captive. "Good puppy." He mused aloud. "You had a taste of one of our punishments last night, did you enjoy it?" he asked, now crouching down so he was more at his captives level.

Jason quickly shook his head no, not having enjoyed the burning pain that seared his cock and balls. The timber wolf chuckled and shook his head. "Believe it or not, I don't much like giving out punishments as much as you don't like getting them. But believe me, I will give them out as I need to, just as you will suffer through them as you need to. Next time you wont be allowed to sleep through the worst of it. That being said, remember what I said, that was a punishment. Only bad dogs get punished, do you understand puppy?" he asked, though he kept calling Jason 'puppy' which Jason couldn't help but blush under the hood in response.

With a nod of his head he realized that his fate would very much be both in his hands, and out at the same time. If he was good, maybe he would have a good life? Though as if reading Jason's mind the timber spoke again. "Good puppy's have very good lives here. Some parts of their life some puppies will never enjoy, but other parts of their lives they have come to realize they wouldn't want to live without. In time you will come to understand that. Make no mistake, you have no way of leaving or escaping. This is your new life, well, will be your new life. Let's set down some ground rules and then I will get you some breakfast. As you have no doubt realized, I am calling you puppy. You are a puppy now, not an intelligent anthro wolf, but an intelligent little puppy. The sooner you understand and start acting like a good puppy, the sooner we can move on from the training life, and into your real life. Puppies do not speak, ever. You will not always be gagged, we don't want that of you, BUT if you ever utter a single word that gag in your muzzle will be super glued in place. You will only ever be fed liquids through the feeding tube and you will have a much more miserable life. Do you understand puppy?" He asked.

Jason had begun to tremble as everything was laid out, nodding his head just a little but it was clear the fear had gripped him to his very soul. "Good puppy. Now, I am known as Master Grant. You only need to know that in case someone else should tell you to go see Master, or Grant, things of that nature. You will never utter my name for those are words which are as of now a no no. After breakfast you will be fitted with a leather suit. It will keep you on hands and knees, your feet will become useless. You will look much more like a puppy then. You will be taken out of the suit every couple or so of days to be washed. Even though you are removed from the suit you will not move in any way that isn't that of a puppy. If you are bad and move like anything other than a dog while out of the suit you will be left in the suit for weeks. You will itch, rash and stink something fierce before we take you out to clean you again. When you are given food, any food of any kind, you will eat it eagerly. Every dog has their own personality of course, I wont say you need to attack it, or that you must finish it all right away, but I will say that you must eat it all before the next meal is served or you will go days without eating until we are sure you have a proper appetite. Now, when that hood comes off you will be allowed to bark and make other dog noises. The first thing you need to learn is yes and no. One bark for yes, two barks for no. Finally, emergencies happen. If you see anyone in danger, if you need to alert myself or any of the other staff that something bad is happening, You will bark three times, then yip three times followed by three more barks. We will practice this once you are in your new hood. I will warn you, should you ever use the emergency bark without it being an emergency, your cock and balls will be removed, your tongue will be cut out, your eyes will permanently be sealed shut and your hands will rendered useless. You will be turned into nothing more than a living fuck hole. Your throat will be used without consideration, your ass will be used without mercy..." the threat was only half way real, the timber wolf trying to scare the pup more than actually ever intending that fate for him.

As Jason listened to what his new life would be, about how he would be punished for certain crimes, how he would be made into a dog for their amusement... and how he would be tortured if he made one wrong move... He trembled as a tear rand down the side of the hood, passing over the opening of the eye hole. His bladder finally let go as the fear struck him deep down. A puddle started to form under his ass and feet while he sat against the wall with Master Grant starring down at him. As he finished letting his bladder go his ears perked when the wolfs voice returned. "Ohh puppy, don't be scared. Be a good boy and I promise you a good life. Common, crawl over here and I will get you cleaned up. We can start potty training later..." The wolf had stood back up, the cell door being opened as Jason was being ushered out by the soft smiling wolf. Something about his smile, the way he looked... He didn't look cruel, but he did look strict.

With baited breaths Jason slowly got to his hands and knees, carefully trying to clear the puddle of urine without much luck. His hands and knees were soaked which left messy little paw prints as he crawled to the door of the cell. He paused as he looked up to the bigger wolf, his tail tucked between his naked legs. "Don't worry boy, you are a good boy right? Nothing to fear, you have already begun to take your first steps into your new life..." he encouraged with that now warm smile. To emphisize his more caring demenor Master Grant leaned down to firmly stroke at the new pups head. "Common puppy, lets get you a bath." he said starting to walk away down the hall.

Jason moved to follow, only to pause in his tracks when he crawled out of the cell. It wasn't a cell really. He could see a long row of the cages, and he was at the end of them. There must have been twenty all together. As he started to crawl forward he would look to his side, all the cages on one side, side by side by side. The first four didn't have anything in them, but as he reached the rest he could see naked furs inside, held in tight bondage and all looking like different kinds of dogs. Mostly male, but two females as well. His heart fluttered as he looked back to the waitting wolf at the end door. "Welcome to the kennels, this is where you will stay if you are in neutral territory. Bad dogs stay in punishments rooms, some of the best dogs stay with their owners always. You don't have an owner yet, you may never have one. If I were in your position, I would strive to be the best dog I could be to find the best owner I could that would treat me like a king. Yes some pup's get adopted and are treated better than most Masters ever hope to be treated. Just something for you to think about puppy. Come along..." Grant held the door for the crawling Jason, leading him into his new life as a leather dog...