Bottoms Up!

Story by OnyxClaw on SoFurry

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#3 of Smut

Set myself a challenge, that's all. Never written anal before, so it was interesting.

Characters (c) OnyxClaw/-Blackout-

He had been flirting with her all night, the tang of alcohol on his breath, a gleam of unfettered lust in his chocolate eyes. The lioness listened intently, letting the wolf do his thing, his small group of friends watching on in amused fascination as she seemingly fell for his drunken charms. She purred at him in dulcet tones as he exaggerated his prowess in zero-g rugby, feigning interest in a sport she cared little for. She sipped her drink, fluttering her eyelashes at him over the rim of her wine glass. He shifted a little closer, his tone shifting to one more suited for conspiracy as he shifted the subject away from sports to something far different.

'You know,' He said, his voice barely audible over the noise in the bar, 'I've always loved women who aren't ashamed of having a more masculine physique.' His words were a little slurred, his tone taking on an edge of desperation.

She suppressed a smile, turning it into feigned shyness. She knew what he meant, even if his brain couldn't articulate it correctly. And no, she had never been ashamed of her more 'masculine physique'. In fact, she was damn proud of it. In her Pride, she was high ranking, her position allowing her the pick of equally high ranking men in other Prides in her society. To be ashamed herself... That kind of thought had never crossed her mind once, even after she became a mech pilot instead of following in her mother's, aunts' and sisters' footsteps, and joining the Marines.

She listened to him intently, but he seemed to have run out of words, his gaze sliding to her cleavage.

'You know, I never got your name.' She said.

He blinked, as if given a light shock. Then his expression cleared and the confident smile returned to his grey and white furred face.

'My name's Andrew. Andrew Trenton.' He said smoothly, his name obviously being a source of great pride to him. He looked at her, his expression and more upright posture telling her that he fully expected her to know who he was.

She accessed her wetware and ran his name through a search along with his mugshot that she hastily snapped of him. The results of her hasty query returned in an instant - and she sent out a quite prayer of thanks to the inventor of the military spec wetware. The grey wolf who was sitting before her, leaning against the polished bar top, was none other than Andrew Trenton of the Jaxon Jets, a premiere league zero-g rugby team who had a list of wins almost as long as she was tall.

She put on her best excited smile and introduced herself, leaving out her rank and occupation. She was interested to see if he would continue to flirt - and maybe go further - with someone who was otherwise a nobody. Her I.D wouldn't come up in any databases, save for the one attached to the military.

'Ria Wilson.' She replied, offering him her hand out of reflex.

Andrew took her proffered hand gently and kissed her knuckles, all the while keeping eye contact with her. She read up on him a bit more on the sly, half listening to his rambles about himself and how pleased he was to meet such a fascinating woman in a backwater country. Ria felt the bar tender's gaze go sour as he passed them a round of fresh drinks. Ria smiled apologetically, paid for her drink and tipped him handsomely. She went back to her wetware. Andrew was still drunkenly going on about the last Jets match and how she should have been there in person to witness it. Something about it being the sham of the century. Then her attention was caught by some juicy gossip. It was one of the few things she had a weakness for. She read it, going over the listed articles with a swift professionalism born of years of military work and sharpened by her rise to the rank of Mech-Captain.

It turned out that Andrew liked women. Of all kinds, shapes and sizes. If they could be fucked, then he would woo them, using his reputation to get them into bed. Or into an alley. The back of his limo. An orbital shuttle. Swimming pools, tents, changing rooms... There was a word for people like him: Womanizer. An idea bloomed in the back of her mind, her thoughts about how to bail out of the situation vanishing in a puff smoke. She was interested in a ride after such a long dry spell, true, but she wasn't interested in someone who was so... easy. A genuine smile tugged at her lips. He liked women. Of all kinds. She wondered how he felt about a woman who was a little more than that. Her smile grew and she cast him a coquettish glance. She played with her wine glass, making sure he knew she had suddenly gone shy, when in fact, she was far from it.

'I would very much like to hear more about your exploits. But er, maybe we should take it to somewhere a little more private?' She chewed her bottom lip, looking at him expectantly.

He sat a little more upright, his ears perked. 'I thought I'd lost your interest for a moment there.'

She shook her head, 'No, no. I love to hear what kind of tactics people like to use in the field.' It was a truth. Except her field involved heavy weapons instead of a rugby ball.

He smiled warmly, smugness and victory sparkling in his eye. His hand found hers again and took it, gently stroking it. His gentle touch stoked the fire deep inside her, sending sparks radiating out though her body. She felt her nipples stiffen, pressing against the thin silk of her shirt. She felt something else stirring too, and she quashed it, clamping down on her needs before she gave herself a away. Not yet, Ria. It's a surprise, after all. She grinned. He stood up, offering her his arm. She took it, looping her arm through his. Behind them, his friends all gave him a thumbs up as he escorted her outside into the warm evening.

They hailed a cab, climbed in, told the automated driver the destination and she leaned over to him once they were moving and purred seductively at him, 'Tell me, Andrew - may I call you Andrew? Tell me. Do you like anal?'

He froze a moment and she though she had blown it. Then relief washed through her in a tidal wave as his face split into a grin, his eyes glittering with mischief. He slid across the bench seat to her, wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

'I do, actually. And if that's what you want, then that's what you shall get.' He said once he had resurfaced for air, stroking stray strands of her dark hair from her face.

She smiled at him, joy and excitement filling her breast. They spent the rest of the journey to her hotel kissing and fondling, stoking each other's fires.

Ria took advantage of Andrew excusing himself to the bathroom and retreated to the bedroom, changing quickly, dumping her shirt and formal trousers into a duffel and pulled out a lingerie set from another. She pulled on the black stockings, fastening them to her lacy garter belt. She debated the matching bra, shrugged and pulled it on, a small satisfied smile playing her lips as she ran her fingers gently over the silken lace that now enshrouded her heavy breasts. She let out a soft sigh as she circled her nipples with her index fingers. She forced her mind back on track, tucking the thong back into the duffel of clean clothes. She wouldn't need it. She would, however, need her dressing gown. It was a fluffy thing, pale grey and reached down to her ankles. It concealed her nicely as she sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for Andrew.

He stepped out of the bathroom at long last after what she assumed to be a hardcore preening session. He had discarded all clothes save for his boxers and his grey and white fur was perfectly groomed. She looked him up and down. He was a fine figure of a man and it was no wonder women fell into bed with him so easily. He stopped in the doorway, turned off the bedroom lights and studied her as she luxuriated in the warm glow of the bedside lamps. She smiled at him and pulled two items out of her robe's pockets: a silken blindfold and a soft rope of crimson velvet. She smiled at him and beckoned him over to the bed. He grinned and obeyed, crawling up beside her, kissing his way from her mouth, down her jaw and her neck, to nuzzle his way into her robe. The material slid down her shoulder and he noticed the dark strap. Another grin.

'I wonder what that could be.' He mused softly. He sounded a lot more sober now and there was a minty edge to his breath, his fur holding the scent of coconut and honey.

He slipped his hand inside her robe. She crossed her legs tightly as he explored, running his fingers over her abs, feeling her hips and stroking her lace covered breasts and no more. The heat between them built to an unbearable level and she soon found herself on her knees, his boxers on the floor and her lips wrapped around his cock. He moaned, his hand finding the back of her head to encourage her as she ran her rough tongue up and down his rigid shaft. His taught skin was smooth, rippled in places with veins and he was thick and hard, throbbing in her mouth. She cupped his balls gently, squeezing, massaging him, enjoying the feel of the soft, downy fur that covered his scrotum. He groaned and she tasted his pre, lapping up the beads of salty warmth.

She eased up on him, moving her hand from his balls to gently caress his aching shaft as she moved her other hand down between her thighs to see to her own ache. A soft, barely audible sigh parted her lips as she started pleasuring herself. Andrew mimicked her sigh, his eyes lidded as she went back to sucking him with a power he had not expected. She carried on until he gasped, his ragged breath catching in his throat as he came.

There was a surprising amount of cum and Ria swallowed as much as she could, the rest seeping from the corners of her mouth, dribbling down her chin to slide into her cleavage. She let go of herself, pulled away from him and pulled her robe tight around her. She licked her lips in satisfaction, wondering what his recovery time was. His grin was gone and he was looking at her with some shock and something verging on embarrassment.

'I'm sorry, I just... I've never cum so fast before.' He stuttered apologetically.

She hid her triumph and smiled up at him. 'I'm going to go get cleaned up and then, once you've recovered, you can call me some more filthy names.' She winked at him and made for the bathroom.

He watched her rear sway as she left the room. His grin returned and a short chuckle made it past his lips. He shuffled back on the bed, picked up the soft rope and studied it thoughtfully. His gaze strayed to the bottle of lube that was sitting on the bedside table to his left.

Anal. Now that's something no one had agreed to for a long time. He relaxed into the pillows, enjoying his afterglow and fantasizing about Ria's breasts and the things he wanted to do to her until she padded back into the room and joined him on the bed again. She lay down next to him and murmured filth into his ears. His expression turned shocked, then he laughed, pulling her closer. They kissed, long and slow. His hands slid down her side, travelling over the curve of her hip to grab at her ass. He squeezed her buttock and she moaned, pressing herself hard against him. He was so enthralled by her breasts pressing up against him, lost in the feel of her tongue on his, how her hand had strayed to his groin and coaxing him to attention, that he faltered when she abruptly pulled away.

She moved so quick, he didn't have a chance to react. One second she had the rope, the next it was wrapped expertly around his wrists, holding them loosely but firm. He had been tied to the bed, his hands held fast above his head. She knelt up next to him, watching with interest as he tugged experimentally, trailing the tip of her index finger down his abs.

'How did you move so fast...?' He asked in bewilderment. He trailed off, going silent, watching as she slowly parted her robes.

He swallowed a lump as she revealed her breasts, the nipples straining against the black lace, her areolas just visible. His gaze travelled down, following her hands as they glided across her toned stomach, over her hips, flicking her robe wide to reveal the rest. A black, lacy garter holding a pair of black stockings in place. He froze, his gaze snapping back to her groin. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again when nothing was forthcoming. Ria continued watch him struggling to form words, to find an appropriate reaction for what he was seeind, and a small amused smile played her lips. She always enjoyed peoples' reactions to her, no matter what that reaction was. His eyes were wide, shock writ plainly across his face. She did note, however, that no matter how much he tugged at the restraints, how shocked he looked, his erection never wavered.

She leaned across his writhing form, grabbed the lube and settle back into her kneel beside him. He was still staring at her cock. Staring at the erection that thrust out proudly from between her muscular thighs. She cocked her head curiously. She had always found the best way to get a good measure of someone's personality was to see how they reacted in tight situations that they wouldn't necessarily find themselves in. And right now, Andrew seemed stuck between frightened, disgusted and curious.

'When you said anal...' He started. His words failed him again and he tried sitting more upright.

'I never specified who was going to be on the receiving end.' Ria replied innocently. He gaped at her, stupified. She traced a finger up the length of his cock and he bit his lip in response. 'Of course, if you don't want anal, I do have a vagina, too.'

'This is definitely not what I had in mind at all.' He said, sounding somewhat panicked 'I'm usually the one giving, not receiving...' His gaze slid back down to her cock. He frowned. She knew exactly what he was looking at.

'Oh, no need to be worried about these.' She said, tickling around the edges of her swollen head, giving each soft barb a gentle poke. 'These are nice and firm, with enough give in them to make the experience more pleasurable. A common mistake to think they're for pain.'

He looked thoughtful again. He was still staring and he was still hard. She waited another moment. He was obviously deep in thought, his fear quite possibly warring with a sudden surge of curiosity.

'I've never been on the receiving end before...' He murmured. He looked back up at her. There was no hostility in her expression, nor smugness or anything like that. Just curiosity, lust and infinite patience. 'Do we need a safe word, or anything like that?' He finally ventured. He had made up his mind. He found her far too hot to simply pass up a night with her just because she had something that he wasn't expecting her to have.

'The word Stop will be sufficient.' She replied.

He nodded mutely, obeyed her order to roll onto his stomach and kneel so that he presented his backside to her and let her apply the blindfold. The blindfold was his request. There was something about the idea of going in blind, so-to-speak, that eased his tension.

He felt her hands exploring, roving over the curves of his tight ass, fingers tracing down between his spread buttocks to stroke his cock from behind. With her other hand, Ria let the cool lube drip down between his cheeks, pooling in his puckered anus. Andrew shuddered, suddenly chilled. Then something solid pressed against him.

'What the hell is that?' He said sharply as he tensed.

'Just a vibrator. Don't worry. It's about as thick as your thumb. We need this to get you started.' She replied soothingly. He grumbled something into the pillows. She smiled, 'What, you thought I was just going to raid your virgin ass and be done? Perish the thought! I value each virginity I claim and cherish them with fondness.'

He barked a laugh that quickly seized in his throat as he felt his anus widening just a fraction. It was an odd sensation. Weird, chilly, but pleasant. It was something he had never felt before. She pressed it all way in, slowly, bit by bit, letting him get accustomed to the vibrator he had found himself the host of.

'Now for the really interesting bit. Are you ready?' She purred.

He gasped as she switched the vibrator to its lowest setting. She waited for him to become accustomed to the feel of its gentle pulses, smiling when she heard a satisfied sigh drift up from the pillows. The next setting made him twitch in response and the next had his toes curling, his fingers clutching at the pillows spasmodically. The strong pulses became a constant, powerful buzz in his rear and he found himself groaning, an ache building in his groin as his cock throbbed in response to the sudden, unexpected surge of pleasure he felt. Pre-cum dripped thickly onto the bed. Ria rolled her eyes, silently chastising herself.

'Hang on. I'll be back in a second.' She said and hurried into the bathroom.

'Wait-' He started in sudden horror, looking around blindly.

'I'm back! Just had to fetch a towel.' She said, spreading the towel out beneath him. 'I didn't realise you'd enjoy it so much.'

She ran her hand across his left cheek, admiring the silken fur and hardness of the muscle beneath. She traced the lines of muscle down his inner thigh, listening to his gasps and soft moans, watching as he clenched and flexed around the vibrator. She gently pulled it out, lubed up her fingers and inserted two of them inside him, continuing to get him worked up. Three fingers arched his back, his tail held high as he pressed against her knuckles with a sharp gasp. She grinned, took hold of her own cock and positioned herself behind him.

'I do believe you're ready for the main event.' She said, rubbing lube onto her erection. She shuddered, stroking herself for a moment as her fingers explored Andrew's rear.

Then she pressed the tip of her barbed cock against him, ready to spread him further.

'Hang on, please!' He gasped, a hint of terror creeping into his voice. She paused, her tip held against him, waiting patiently for him to make what was, quite possibly, one of the biggest decisions of his life thus far. He finally nodded, his grip tightening on the pillows. 'Okay, I'm ready.'

'This won't be as terrible as you think. Just do your best to relax and let me do all the hard work.' She said and started slowly pressing into him.

She heard him gasp again in shock, a sharp intake of breath as he tightened around her. She groaned in response. His grip was astonishing and she had only just sank the tip in. He forced himself to relax again and she slid in another inch. Then another and another, pressing deeper each time he relaxed, until he had taken her 8 inches to the hilt. He gasped loudly. He felt almost flayed from the ass up. And then the pain he had felt turned into something else. An excitement he hadn't felt in a long, long time welled up inside him and all of a sudden he wanted to experience what it was like to have someone cum inside him. He worried his lip. He had no idea what to make of his sexuality now. Especially now a smoking hot woman was gently, slowly fucking him with her own cock, displaying a tenderness he hadn't experienced in years. She didn't have a strap-on. It was a real, flesh and blood penis. And she felt massive inside him. It was breathtaking.

She continued to thrust slowly, murmering softly to him, her hands stroking through his fur, her nails gently raking over the curve of his buttocks. He found himself pressing back against her as she pressed into him, his enjoyment building with each movement. And then she did something that made him pause. She leaned forward, her breasts almost touching his back as she wrapped the fingers of her right hand around his cock and started stroking in sync with each thrust. His mouth sprung open and a loud moan escaped as the pressure mounted. He panted for her to go a little faster, maybe a little harder, too, and she complied, sending him spiralling to heights of ecstasy he didn't know he could reach.

Ria was deep inside him, the throbbing of her cock mind-blowing and the barbs driving him mad as they stimulated him further, driving him to the brink of climax quicker than he had anticipated. He felt her hot breath gusting against the back of his neck, her moans gradually getting louder, her pace gaining in tempo and pressure. He thrust back against her and she greeted him with force and he let out a cry as he came, his whole body tensing as she rubbed his cock in a firm grip, soaking the towel with thick strands of cum. Two more thrusts and she, too, came with a long, drawn out moan. He buried his face in the pillows, feeling the liquid heat pouring into him as her cock pulsed.

Then, it was over, and he was untied, the silk blindfold removed and the towel in the laundry basket after suffering the clean-up. They lay side-by-side on the bed, Andrew staring at the ceiling, expression glazed. Ria prodded him gently, getting his attention.

'How do you feel?' She asked softly, a hint of concern seeping into her voice.

Andrew turned his head slightly to look at her, his expression unreadable. Then a small, shy smile played his lips and his ears went pink.

'Well, for a start, never in my life have I ever sobered up so quick.' He said. Ria laughed lightly and he added, 'And to be honest, I had no idea I'd enjoy it. Always been low-key curious about it, just never expected it to happen. And I certainly wasn't expecting someone like you to turn up. Um...'

She kissed his nose and he grinned, 'I will treasure our time together, as I said earlier.' She turned her bedside lamp off and wriggled beneath the covers, 'Care to spend the night? I must warn you, that I have a six AM start tomorrow. Lots to do before work starts up again.' She added with a yawn.

Andrew watched her as she stretched, watched the way her now bare breasts moved. They were fantastic, even in the dim lighting. He switched his bedside lamp off, tucked himself under the blankets and hesitantly wrapped an arm around her. To his eternal relief, she took his hand, kissed it and wriggled back against him until she was comfortable.

'Thank you.' He said softly.

'For what?' Came the sleepy reply.

'For the experience. And quite possibly the new kink. Although I'm not sure about whether I'll be able to walk right in the morning...'

She laughed and patted his hand reassuringly, 'You're more robust than you realise, darling.'

'I certainly hope so.' He chuckled. He nosed the back of her neck and kissed her shoulder. 'Say, I never asked you about what you did for a living, did I?'

'No, I don't believe you did.' She said.

'Well? You suffered an hour or more of my inane, self-centered rambling. It's your turn to do your best to bore me to death.'

Another laugh. Her fingers traced slow circles on the back of his hand.

'I'm a pilot.' She said, 'I'm a captain in the Hundred-Sixth Heavy Mech Division.'

'Really? When do you ship out next?'

'Next week. Got a six month stint on border patrol, I believe. Until then, though, I'm living here.' There was thoughtful Hmmmm and she smiled, 'Any particular reason you wanted to know?'

'I was thinking that I should really romance you properly and get to know you that way.' He murmered sleepily.

'I'm quite partial to steak. Red wine. The beach.' She prompted lightly.

There was another thoughtful 'Hmmmm' that descended into a soft snore. She stifled a laugh. As much as she wanted to hold on to how she had initially felt about him earlier, she just couldn't bring herself to dislike him. In fact, she decided to remind him of his proposition tomorrow, to see if he would still feel up to it.