Commission - Workforce Training

Story by Cynnamin on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissions

A story commissioned by Sib of his character and mine engaging in some professional training for her new job.

Cyn took a deep, steadying breath as she looked in the mirror, her three heads turning left and right as she checked that her eyeshadow and blush had been applied just right. Her eleven foot tall figure was imposing, the harsh angles of her wolf-like snouts and golden, bestial body made tender only by the curves that adorned her hips and chest. A small necklace around her central neck applied a bit of class to her overly stretched teeshirt and her blue jeans.

Not that she really needed to look her best for today's job interview. A second, better set of clothes had been tucked away inside her messenger bag for after the conversation. Adjusting her bra one last time, making sure that her nipples wouldn't poke into her shirt and that her pants weren't too tight around her gratuitous butt, she nodded to herself in satisfaction.

A trip out the door, down to the ground level, then out to the bus stop initiated her day, and a slow ride into town taxed her patience as her massive, nearly eleven-foot height forced her to stay on her feet for the entire ride.

Her hands fell onto her lower back as she stepped out onto the busy street, her back popping as she applied some pressure and turned her torso to one side. The stress relieved, she resumed her route, starting her jog across small urban parks and through a series of parking lots. Her destination was a gated aluminum structure roughly the size of a government building, the entire compound something that she assumed was for research and for medical procedures.

Buzzing in through the gate meant that she was forced to give her name and confirm her appointment with one Mr. Borker. The name was ridiculous, but it had been her contact for the interview, and its mention had easily allowed her access, even though the front door was something she was forced to hunch down to get through.

The security guard welcomed her to the building and offered her some water, then quickly marched her to a small interview room. Her belongings nestled behind the door, her form forced to sit on the floor due to the only chair being meant for normal sized individuals, she waited with her arms crossed around her massive breasts, afraid that if she moved them the chilly air might force her nipples to poke through her garments.

She was wondering why the room lacked any windows when her interviewer arrived. A red and white husky, he smiled broadly the moment he saw her, his hand reaching out to grasp hers firmly, "Ah, you must be Miss Cynnamin."

"Mister Borker?" The woman returned, her three heads tilting quizzically. The voice sounded familiar but it never hurt to be sure. And to be sure meant that she allowed her eyes to roam across the man's body, taking in his broad chest and narrower hips, garbed only in a pair of jeans and a button-down shirt. She stifled her surprise at the custom fit of his pants, though her blush burned on all three sets of cheeks as she noticed that the fabric carefully detailed the proportions of the man's massive scrotum and sheathe.

He chuckled as he caught her stare, then again as she turned away. He was gentle as he spoke again, his form slipping behind the table and hiding his distracting girth behind its surface, "Please, call me Sib. You were here for the surrogate job, correct?"

The massive beast nodded her head gently, suddenly feeling flustered as the husky moved back to the more important topic. Her hands busily rummaged through her pack, producing a manilla folder that she handed to her prospective boss, "Yes! I was recommended to you through a friend. I even went to the doctor and got the physical and fertility testing she said I needed."

"You are a very proactive woman, aren't you?" The husky chuckled gently. His fingers leafed through the sheets, his eyebrows raising as he read the information line by line, only lifting his eyes to ask the creature before him a very pointed question, "Are these results accurate? They seem rather unbelievable."

Cynnamin pouted, her three heads growing downcast as she heart his words. She barely knew what the symbols and statistics meant, and even with doctor being there she was at a loss during the explanation, "As far as I know, they are. I mean, the doctor is the one at the hospital, so I assume their equipment works."

A moment passed, an eternity of nervous waiting for the massive beast. When Sib spoke, her heart was hammering inside her chest, "Well, if this is accurate we'd love to have you with the Impregnatti. We can get you started immediately as one of our surrogate mothers, if you have no other things to do today."

The name of the company had always made Cyn chuckle. Suppressing the roll of her eyes, she smiled and stood. All she had to do was carry someone's child, have it transplanted into her, and do paperwork for the company, an easy job for the out-of-work woman, "I'd love to start. Are our cubicles outside in the main building?"

She hardly expected the husky to unbutton his pants, dropping the denim to the floor and exposing a pair of massive gonads to the room's cold air. Her face turned a deep, dark red, her black fur stained quickly with the heat that flowed up her neck. His hands were tender and gentle as he stroked her cheeks, expertly teasing her flesh through her cheeks, little teases and strokes working her up onto the table, easing her onto her back.

Before she knew what was happening she felt that dick against her cloth-covered mound that thick and heavy meat prodding at her folds through her own denim as that husky's head slipped between her breasts. His lips worked over her chest, biting and tugging at her shirt until, at last it was lifted and her heavy, milky mammaries were exposed to the world. His lips found a nipple and began to suckle, easing away any sense of inhibition, her body squirming slowly as fingers slipped down to her own lower garments and roughly tugged them away.

There was a pressure that built against her body in that instant, that fat puppycock slapping between her thighs, the husky's growing erection swelling to fruition before her eyes. At first she thought it would only be six inches in length, but she watched in fascination as the bestial prick swelled even further, growing to a foot before its medial ring caught on its sheathe, then was forced out with a spurt of messy precum that landed upon her stomach.

Every twitch of that bestial prick threatened to drown the woman in his fluids, the flow growing greater and greater as Sib's body continued to molest her breasts, continued to hold her down and tease her with his swelling beasthood. Eight inches quickly became eighteen, and at the side of that thick, turgid length the massive werebeast released a low whimper of fear, her damp pussy trickling in a mixture of need and insecurity.

A slide backwards of his hips let her feel that thick meat slip along the thin fur of her belly, that phallic head drooling its slimy, tingling fluids over her skin. Then his hips slid forward, his cockhead spread her folds and introduced her to his girth, every inch of her body becoming alight with pleasure as that soda can thickness forced her pussy to accommodate.

Cyn squirmed like a puppy, begging for more with every thrust, her three heads starting to pant as the male increased his speed. Her ass welcomed the impact of his heavy gonads, wobbling with every strike as her hands found his shoulders and drew him close. She hadn't expected the sudden breeding, but her body craved it, yearned for more. Her thighs welcomed every thrust, her legs closing around that sudden, but incredible lover, her body giving joyous spasm after spasm as he forced his medial ring in and out of her body.

Then suddenly he was inside her, pressing in even deeper, tickling the depths of her core in no way any male had done before. She squirmed, crying out as he started to hammer her with harder and harder thrusts, pounding inside her with more and more force. His cock throbbed, every time coating her insides with warm and wet preseed, forcing the mess out in thick and messy gouts as his cockhead kissed the harder muscle of her cervix. His knot bounced against her sex, gracing her fertile form with lewd, sloppy slurps as he drew away from her breast and smiled down at her, savoring the mind-wracking pleasure that he imposed upon her.

She was smiling, tongue flopped from the corner of her open mouth. Any protests that once filled her head had long since disappeared under that wonderful, rough breeding that the male was giving her. She responded to his touch with ease and need, slowly sliding over onto the floor with the gentlest of suggestion, slowly turning around as she descended, shuddering and whimpering as her tight muscles constricted around that beautiful beastcock and milked more of those wonderful juices.

Her pillowy tits kept her from fully being able to rest upon the floor, her hands and knees supporting her weight as she lowered herself down into the proper position. Sib was all too happy to take his place behind her, to sink his arms into her marshmallowy mammaries as he held her close and lowered over her back. Like an animal, he rutted her from behind, slapping his testicles against her clitoris, smashing his raging spire in an attempt to fill her womb.

She was too tight to bear, and the previous moments on the table had left him close to exhaustion. He needed her, he needed to fill her, and her moans of pleasure shared that sentiment. Her moans of need were quick to escalate into howls, and her pussy squeezed like a vice as she dragged her impromptu lover close.

All too eager to please the massive woman, Sib shoved his way inside her sex, his cock twitching as he forced her child-bearing hips to relax and her thighs to part for his sac. Buried to the hilt, the wet expulsion of his preseed and the sudden distension of that werebitch's belly were only vestigial hints that he had knotted inside her. The sensation that wracked his brain made him howl in lust, her own voice joining his as bliss flowed up and down her spine.

She was barely conscious as she felt his cumvein distend and his ballsack tense against her clit, keeping her thighs spread with the girth of his testes. A string of squirming beads felt like it was being forced into her, her belly rippling as the massive dog's molten load squirmed through his meat and into her womb, pouring from his fat cockhead directly into that most sacred chamber, his fattened glans having long since breached her barrier and allowed him inside.

Cyn twitched as she felt the squirming inside her, as she felt her ovaries cramp and flood her body with hormones. Eggs filled her womb with every weak convulsion of her orgasm, and in a few short moments the world faded to a blissful white.

Cyn came to with a strange mixture of headache and bliss, her body aching wonderfully in her exhaustion. Wet, wonderful sounds filled her ears, and slowly she came to recognize the cries of other women lost in the throes of bliss, the sound of girls screaming out in pleasure moments before a wet, sticky deluge of virility was planted within their bellies.

The werebeast shuddered every time she heard those sounds, savoring them for an eternity before allowing her eyes to open. Her belly teased the edge of her vision, urging her to lift her head and rest on her elbows, to peer over her softly domed tummy and groan as she gently stroked the dimpled surface.

Shivering at the blissful sensations that filled her mind, she squirmed as she recognized the weight and pressure of one egg already floating deep within the sea of sperm that filled her womb. A sudden pop, like a kernel of popcorn bursting in the ocean inside her, made her toes curl in delight, her tail wiggling as a heavenly bloating joined the already firm pressure so deep within her stomach, a second egg blossoming into existence and aging rapidly, the leathery shell hardening and closing inside her, clacking against the one that already existed.

As she whimpered, clutching her belly in joy, she began to realize the heaviness of her stomach was slowly swirling around in a circle, that the thousands of swimmers inside her that stirred the current inside her womb were tickling her insides like tadpoles, large enough to be felt stroking and massaging the innermost walls of her body with every slow rotation inside her.

She physically felt the connection of another oversized sperm against an ovum and gasped as it blossomed into a hardened, melon-sized egg ready to be laid even as it stretched her belly even further, as the pressure began to grow unbearable.

Panting like a beast, the massive woman pushed herself to her feet. Naked and along, she huffed in joyful bliss as every step forced her attention on her stuffed womb, on the fluids that started to dribbled from her sex. She quivered and clenched as the thick fluids trickled down her thighs, as the semen splattered on the floor with the consistency of tapioca pudding, the smell of raw and carnal sex assaulting her mind.

By the time she reached the door, she was panting like an animal. Her belly, having lost much of the fluids within it, was tight around the three eggs that had been so quickly formed within it, her stomach forming a somewhat lumpy, tender dome that ached with the need for more filling.

Quivering, feeling her drool slip from her lips, she heard a woman's orgasmic scream and the lewd, wet expulsion of fluids. The smell of virile male tortured her nose and made her whimper with lust, begging for more as her body tensed and shivered against the room's wall. She looked back towards the bed where she had awoken, then turned towards the door in time to see Mr. Borker round the corner, nude as the day he was born, his cock messy, but still thick and heavy between his legs.

Snarling, she ripped him from his feet and spun around on her heels. He yelped, surprised at her presence and her strength, and then by the sudden pressure of her body atop his own, her snarls interrupted by whimpers and licks that worked across his cheeks and snout.

Cyn needed him, needed to feel that throbbing cock in her core, and with a growl of bliss, she dropped her hips upon his turgid meat, squelching the scent of so many other females with her own juices. Her butt, big and heavy, sank into the overgrown melons that were his testicles, making the husky whimper with pleasure as her hands pressed to his chest.

Pinning her lover down, the beast groaned in bliss. She felt full, the needy ache deep within her sex finally becoming sated with the act of penetration, yet still that cock's presence stoked the flames of her need. Her hips slammed down upon the male's body, drawing a yelp from his chest.

The pressure of his phallic head squirmed so deep inside her tunnel. His fat tip kissed her cervix, grinding against it as she took him to the hilt, as she forced him to lift his body against her and grind his swelling knot into her insides.

Huffing, moaning against that ruddy red body, the massive golden woman rose over his body, sitting upright and at attention, focusing her weight on his hips as she rose and fell, as she forced her massive breasts to wobble and sway. The pinned pup shuddered as he watched them roll in broad circles, her nipples dancing upon her flesh with every rise and fall, torturing him with her perky mammaries until, at last, his fingers slipped up and sank into those massive melons.

Kneading her tits, squeezing them and pulling the woman down upon him made Sib groan in purest carnal pleasure. His whimpers flowed from his chest, as he worked those massive tits like dough, kneading her flesh until she finally pressed them against his face, burying him in the softness of her curves and threatening to smother him with the weight that she pressed upon his snout. His only saving grace was the continued bouncing that she gave against his body, every rise allowing him to draw a new breath while every connection of her body threatened to crush his bones into powder.

Insatiable, demanding, her claws raked the medical bed on either side of Sib's head, the expanse of her swipe ending less than an inch from the husky's ears. She snarled as she slammed herself down again, as she made his knot enter her once more, popping in with a wet and slimy slurp that locked him full inside her form, that distended her abdomen with a lewd and throbbing bulge that radiated his heat.

The other girls had been timid around Mr. Borker, had been needy and subdued in their requests, only to scream as he filled them, as he gave each one of them the thick, powerful tool that they had become addicted to.

The woman that rode him was a completely different animal, her scent overpowering him, cutting through the residual taint of other women and burning into his core. It was enough to intoxicate him, to made his heart pound in his head, threatening to leap free of his chest if he didn't pull her down and mate her the way that a proper male should. But her body was too big, rippling with a feral strength engrained from her toes to her fingertips, every inch of hre mating, rutting body meant to pin a male down and milk them of their seed.

Sib shuddered as she lifted up again, taking in another deep breath, only to lose it as her internal muscles squeezed and twisted. The volcanic heat that made up her insides forced him to cry out in bliss, forced him to bite and nibble at the curves that threatened to smother him with every passing moment. Her own joyous cries only made her tighter, every inch of her tunnel suddenly convulsing as she pulled on his malehood in a constant, endless coreward tug.

Cyn's drool fell upon his cheek, all three heads closing their eyes as they forced her lungs to fill with deep breaths. She was needy, but she was in control, she told herself again and again, urging her claws to relent, urging herself to relax atop her lover and take a slower pace.

The sudden press of the male's loins against her own was mindblowing, wrenching her from that moment of calm and forcing her into a sexual stupor. In that moment of weakness she felt his dick tip press within her innermost chamber, her cervix sealing behind his head just as her pussy had around his knot. Tied in two parts, she squirmed her hips in desperation as a fit of breeding madness overtook her.

Every inch of her body focused on that spire, squeezing and kneading it with her rippling insides, her hands lowering to her lover's fat, aching nuts. Her fingers squeezed him until he panted beneath her like a breeding beast, until the lewd whimpers that flowed from his throat told her that he was finally ready. His tapioca tadpoles writhed deep within his ballsack as she lifted up, as her muscles strained against the floor, then suddenly released herself to gravity's whims. The massive woman's ass slapped those fat testes flat against the medical bed, the thin pad saving them from being ruptured, her body gyrating as she forced the husky between her legs to join her howls of bliss.

His thick puppy pudding poured into her womb, that heady spunk mixing with the diminished remains inside her, her pitiable ovum being crammed full of his genes, eggs popping into existence like popcorn within her belly, visibly surging as the audible cues of her pregnancy made Cyn scream in joy. The healthy, frothing nut that spilled out around that bestial prick and that throbbing knot formed rives and sticky pools over the dog's nutsack, the deluge of feminine juices that followed them marking him as her own personal toy.

She shivered in satisfaction at that, and leaned low to kiss the Husky's snout. She may have come for a job, may have only expected to get knocked up and raise someone else's child, but the slow, obedient thrusts of that canine's hips told her that she had very well bent her would-be boss to her will.

Or perhaps he had bent hers.

She shuddered at those conflicting thoughts as another surge of seed within her prompted another pop of fertility within her womb. Seven eggs, fully formed and heavy, stretched her belly out before her. If she was required to carry them to term, she would have ruptured, but thankfully her fertility cycle only left her with a taut tummy that made her toes curl whenever her lover's hands rubbed over its surface.

She barely noticed the sweet little moans that escaped her lips as she slowly curled against the male beneath her, her body suddenly weary in the embrace of her orgasm. She was barely awake and aware when her breeder pulled his aching meat from her folds, or as she was chained and harnessed.

The act of laying her eggs would prove blissfully sweet, while subsequent breedings would prove time and time again that her sexual rampage could barely be contained.

Mr. Borker soon became a regular at the hospital for exhaustion, dehydration, and, on one occasion, a cracked pelvis.