Subject of testing.

Story by Attano on SoFurry

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#3 of The story of Saythe

Everything felt heavy as I opened my eyes and was swiftly blinded by light. I sat up and looked around the room, it appeared much similar to the room of a psych ward. On instinct I got up and made a break for the door, and was floored immediately. I threw up whatever was in my stomach and felt my very being ache. Evidently whatever they had done didn't agree with my body. Then again what else would you expect with experimental radiation testing?

"Subject 005 is conscious." I heard someone say as I pulled myself back together and stared. Not at anything in particular but because I could, I had regained my eyesight somehow.

"Bring him out and to the den." I heard a magnetic door open and people approaching, I would have wiped the floor with them easily. That is if I hadn't ended up wiping the floor with myself as I collapsed. Once they got close enough they picked me up by the arms and carried me out of the 'Den'. Said den was pleasantly clean with a pair of couches and something that appeared to be a metal ottoman.

"Just set him there. Hmm? No I am not worried, he is in no condition to cause havoc." The grunts placed me onto one of the couchs. I forced my body to remain upright as I stared forward at the man who I imagined to be a doctor of some sort. He was easily disturbed by the fact I was capable of focusing on him even with the ocular damage I had sustained. He briefly wrote something down before speaking.

"Hello Blue, my name is Dr. Shane. I'll be both your psychologist and your physician." 'Blue' a nickname common with vault dwellers. The guy sounded friendly enough, I doubted he was capable of killing anyone, or anything for that matter.

"Blue, sure that works. So Doc where am I?" I leaned forward requesting the location we reside in. My body of course wanted to continue forwards onto the floor but I kept myself upright.

"A psychiatric ward, or at least it was before the war. Amazing how untouched it is yes?" I nodded, only places this clean were vaults, and even they had their fare share of grim.

"What exactly am I doing here? And why exactly can I see again?" I pushed, I still felt nauseous but I needed to know what I was dealing with.

"You are under control of the Enclave, you are something of a rare breed you see." And just like that this guy went from alright dude to villain in need of a bullet to the head.

So I probably have to sit and explain these guys to you folks. The Enclave were created from people placed away and protected while the bombs fell. These people were scientists, military leaders and even the god damn president. So these people came together to form a sort of pseudo government. This didn't last long and they quickly become a militia fighting to take claim of what remains of wasteland America.

"And like magic you are now at the top of my, 'to kill later' list." I growled at the doctor. His reaction was a little surprising, but of course I gave no stock to it. Lying was easily one of the easiest skills for psychopaths like him.

"I apologize if you have had previous trauma with the Enclave but I mean you no harm. Quite the opposite, you are the only test subject to have reacted.. Pleasantly with the tests. As such you are an asset I can not do without." The doctor stood and gave a look to the people behind him. I felt a pang of pain in my neck but it was all quickly overcame with darkness.

"Should we put him on the bed?" One of the grunts asked.

"Nah just toss him in, he's still conscious, he just can't resist. He'll get into bed when he is good and ready.. Not to mention I don't want to go close to it." The other grunt stated as they tossed me to the floor of my cell.

Nearly an hour later I managed to pull myself to my feet. My body had recovered a fair bit from the trauma it had received from my suicide maneuver. I was surprised at the time, but it didn't take me long to learn what they did to me. The only thing I had to do was look in the mirror to see what they had done to me.

A new problem.

Darkness consumed me, whatever light around and within me had been swiftly extinguished. The world only supplied me my own demise, a promise that no matter what, I'll find myself at the end of the story. This particular part of the story, I was so...



The clanging against the suit, the amount of gas filling the chamber, the beeping within the suit telling me that life support was following the power core in my back. All these things and I knew my life was about to come to an end if I did not act. I...

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