Pokémon MD: Mystic Remnants - Chapter Six

Story by Liki Wolfspirit on SoFurry

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#7 of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystic Remnants

Chapter 6

Returning to the surface took some time, with the elevator broken beyond repair. Rook had to angle and twist his tunnel to avoid hitting water several times while they made their way back up, dredging up through the steep incline of the tunnel to break free in the middle of one of the cities streets.

The city was in shambles. Rook's early quake had shaken and crumbled a large number of buildings. The Lycanroc felt shameful, but there was not much he could do to help the residents of the island at the moment. It at least seemed that, thanks to their new forms, the humans all survived the buildings falling on top of them with only minor scratches and bruises. With their new forms, they would heal before anyone even cared to think about what caused the quake.

Pokémon from the mainland were already on the beaches, with the ghost barrier now gone the Espeon had been quick to send reinforcements. When the trio rose up from the earth onto the streets of the city, Epa shortly teleported right in front of them, her gaze stern as she quickly demanded an explanation on what had happened that caused the quake.

Enzlo jumped in and explained that it had been Jack that caused the quake with a machine, and continued to detail what had happened down below while Rook looked away with his eyes closed. Shame and sadness burned through him. He had no doubt that the Espeon could feel his emotions and knew that he was actually the cause of the quake, but the elder didn't press them for more. The Mega Lucario Ruli rejoined them shortly into the story, alongside an Umbreon who Enzlo told Rook was named Axel, and Ruli's mate.

When the subject of Vane and Jack came up however, the elder's sternness only doubled. Her fur bristled at the mention of him being on the island.

"The devil himself..." the old Espeon growled.

Rook found it amusing that Jack was considered so evil. He truly had given himself the reputation he deserved in this future it seemed.

"He knows what the Mirrors are for." Enzlo continued. "The barrier had been keeping Vane from reaching him, and when we lowered it we inadvertently allowed him to reach Jack. Jack now knows about the past and future history of this world and his own, and with the knowledge that the future of mankind is dying, he'll stop at nothing to see those Mirrors destroyed."

"Then we find them first, stop Jack in his tracks, finish him off." Rook growled next to Enzlo.

"Easier said than done." Ruli said, rubbing one of his long tendrils. "We don't know where the Mirrors are, but neither does Vane, they'll be searching just like we are. The only thing we know is that they are in some mountains somewhere."

"We've searched every ridge on this continent though, as thoroughly as we possibly can." Axel sighed next to the Mega.

"Then they're not here on this continent." Enzlo concluded. "How big is this world anyway?"

Epa and Axel gave each other a brief glance before the Espeon answered. "It's immeasurable..."

Riley, who by this point had remained silent, finally spoke. "Immeasurable? You mean you've spent thousands of years on this world and never bothered to measure it?"

"I never really understood that myself." Ruli shook his head and Epa sighed.

"It was never something that needed to be known. This is the continent where the Gate had brought us. The Eeveelutions were charged with the protection of the mirrors by Arceus himself. With that responsibility my ancestors never expanded our own species out beyond this land. We stuck where we were, constructed the Towers, and kept the Mirrors safe." Epa paused, dipping her head. "This world is filled with nature, there is no technology. Pokémon kept to themselves in their own tribes. Sure, there are some communities like the coast town where several different species live together, but there's never been reason to reach out to the other continents. Even if we did, they are beyond our ability to contact without assistance from water types to even find those lands."

There was a moment of silence, before Riley grinned, his eyes giving a bright glow as he crossed his arms. "I have an idea."


"You want me to what?" Rook asked, eyes wide, a few hours later.

After some assistance from Ruli, Riley had managed to bring up through the tunnel a large dish like object of some form from the labs below.

"Will this even work?" Ruli followed up, crossing his arms under the spike on his chest before Riley could repeat himself. "How do you even know how to use this thing? It's ancient!"

Riley clicked his tongue, holding a control panel in his hand. "To you maybe, mister future man. I'm sure that with all the technological strengths Jack gave your generation, you had entire space stations floating in outer space." The ghost type clicked a few switches up on the panel, and the dish next to him seemed to flare to life, giving a small sputter.

The Marshadow grinned while patting his own chest. "To me though, this little satellite is like science fiction made real, and I've spent the last ten years watching them put hundreds together, and a few times sabotaging them. I'm no scientist, but I know how this thing works inside and out!"

"And again." Rook started. "You want me to what?"

"Use your power to lift this thing up into the atmosphere, then give it a nice shove into outer space." Riley said while pointing up at the sky. "Once it's up there, I can get a scan of the planet and maybe even pinpoint the source of power for the Mirrors."

"You...want me to create a pillar...miles into the sky, to launch this thing." Rook gawked, but then chuckled. "You're crazy, I can't possibly make a pillar that long!"

"Why not?" Riley asked, and motioned off to the side. In the distance along the water, the pillars of earth that Rook had raised connecting the city isle to his own were visible like little dots on the surface, stretching out into the distance. "You put all those pillars there together, you'd have one far long enough to get this thing up in the air easily."

Rook growled. "That's different. The further down I have to reach and pull up the earth, the harder it becomes. I can't make something that long."

"Can't some flying pokemon lift it up into the air?" Ruli asked, but Riley shook his head.

"This thing is delicate. Too much jostling and it'll break. They used to use rockets to take these things up and then just opened the door and let them fall out into zero gravity. It needs to stay as still as possible, which I why I need Rook to just make a pillar and lift it up there."

"You're not listening to me!" Rook growled again. "I can't do it! You'll have to find some other way!"

With this, the Lycanroc turned around and stomped away, leaving Riley blinking in confusion. Ruli ran to keep up and reached out to take hold of Rook's shoulder. "Hey wait-"

Rook brushed the Mega Lucario's arm away, snarling and his eyes glowing brightly. For a small moment, Rook glared at the Mega, before rethinking what he was doing. His ears pinned back, and the glow of his eyes dimmed a bit. "I'm sorry...but I can't do it. I just can't." And he turned and continued to walk away.


Rook continued to retreat and managed to find privacy in a vacant, nearly collapsed building on the edge of the city. Its walls were crumbling and chipping from the force of his earlier quake.

The vision of Oscar pinned to the wall flashed in front of him and Rook fell to his knees, his body shaking. He hugged himself, eyes wide, while he battled the sadness and rage in his heart. The ground around him shook slightly, a few small pieces of rubble floating up into the air around him.

"You must relax Rook."

The rubble that had been floating fell around him and the ground stopped rattling, but his body continued to shake as he looked over to the approaching, familiar voice. It was Enzlo.

The Abra carefully walked towards the Lycanroc, paws reaching out. "Your emotions control your power. But you're not controlling your emotions."

Rook scowled as he shook and he rubbed his own arms, in front of him he could still see Oscar pinned to the wall, the vision haunting him. "I killed him...I killed him Enzlo...I didn't want to...I didn't mean to." He'd been holding in the emotions for so long. With the anger towards Jack faded, the sadness of having killed Oscar returned in full force. That pain in his heart...now that he was aware of them, even the one from losing Lilian was just as painful.

The rocks around them both began to float again as Rook closed his eyes, tears streaming from them again. Enzlo cooed softly as he stood beside him, reaching out and rubbing the tears away. "I know. It's not your fault, no one would think it was."

Rook shook his head rapidly. "My power...it's too dangerous...I can't possibly use it again." He looked around at the rocks currently floating around them. "Look at me! I can't even control it anymore."

Enzlo's own ears folded back and he tried to think of what he could say. "Please Rook, no one would blame you for what happened..."

"It's too much...too much..." Rook mumbled, seeming to ignore the Abra's attempts. "You should get back Enzlo."

He shook his head. "Never, you wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it on purpose Rook."

"This power does nothing but hurt..." Rook snarled, staring at his shaking paws then. "I was made to do nothing but hurt..."

"That's not true and you know it." Enzlo returned sternly, finally managing to get the Lycanroc's eyes to flick over at him. Enzlo took a breath and continued softly. "I know things seemed really bad for you Rook...but those first two years, you weren't some monster. You were loved by both Lilian and Oscar."

Enzlo smiled a bit. "You know now that even Oscar still loved you. Oscar didn't want what had happened to you, but he choose to believe Jack's lies, and after seeing what was being planned for you...That first day when he told you to kill the Houndoom? He was trying to protect you, he knew if you didn't do what Jack wanted, Jack would hurt you, possibly label you a failure and kill you. It wasn't just Lilian who had helped us in the facility that day though, believe it or not."

Enzlo kept one of his hands on the side of Rook's face and Rook felt his mind get tugged into the memories of the Abra just like he had done before back in the labs to calm Rook down.

Rook saw through Enzlo's eyes, he was sitting on the shoulder of the sandy blonde boy, Tod, as they ran through the hallways of the lab, alarms blaring around them and throughout the facility.

Suddenly, Oscar's large form stood in front of them in the middle of a hall after they turned the corner. "Stop right there." The large bellied man harrumphed.

Tod skipped to a stop, grimacing alongside with Enzlo at the man barring their way. Tod swung his arm. "Move!"

"Not a chance." Oscar grunted while producing a pokéball and clicking it opening, releasing a flash of light which formed into a midday form Lycanroc, which snarled beside her master. "I won't let you destroy anything more than you already have."

Tod grit his teeth, and Enzlo teleported from his human's shoulders to stand on the ground in front of him.

But before anything more could happen, a small light appeared on the collar of Oscar's coat, and a voice shouted out from the microphone there. "Sir! Rook's room has been broken into! He's gone!"

Oscar's eyes widened and he seemed to forget Tod was even there as he grabbed the microphone and scowled. "He's what?! Find him! Don't let any harm come to him damn it!"

"Don't need to worry about that." Tod sneered from across him, and Oscar's eyes fixed on him fiercely.

"You meddling brat! If you...you better not have hurt him or I swear I'll make sure you and your Abra never see the light of day again!"

Tod shrugged. "As far as I could tell, he was fine when I saw him. Probably long gone by now."

"What do you mean?" Oscar growled, eyes narrowing.

Tod grinned. "Lilian escaped with him just minutes ago. They're gone. You've lost your prime subject for your sick experiments."

For some reason, instead of going on the rant Tod seemed to expect, Oscar's eyes softened, and after a few moments he whispered something that Tod or Enzlo couldn't hear. The midday Lycanroc turned her head back over her shoulder and whimpered, seeming to sense something. From his point of view inside Enzlo's memory, Rook wished dearly to have the ability to read minds so he could know what Oscar was thinking. Enzlo suddenly teleported back up onto Tod's shoulders, surprising his trainer.

But Enzlo had known what Oscar was about to do, as the big man suddenly stepped aside, and motioned to his Lycanroc to do the same. The wolf pokémon whimpered sadly and did so. Suddenly, Oscar pulled the red colored tag he had hanging from the waist of his pants and threw it towards Tod.

"Here. Take it and do what you will..." He said gruffly, face impassive and unreadable to the boy.

Tod was obviously severely confused, standing there and staring at the old man, but Enzlo must have sent him some kind of mental assurance as he then nodded. Giving Oscar a small gesture of some kind with his hand and a smile, Tod ran once more past him.

From Enzlo's memory, the Abra looked back over his shoulder behind himself at Oscar and the midday Lycanroc. Oscar was now kneeling and had one hand rubbing through the fur of the Lycanroc, while smiling happily.

At this point, the vision faded, and Rook was brought back to the crumbling building with Enzlo standing in front of him. The floating rocks had fallen and the ground no longer shook, as Rook stared at Enzlo, the obvious questions on his face and in his mind made the Abra chuckle.

"I know you couldn't hear my own thoughts or anything in that, so I'll explain what I felt from him." Enzlo smiled. "In short, he felt relief. Ever since Oscar had discovered that Jack's final step in harnessing the inner life force of pokémon involved killing them, he had been trying to plan a rescue of his own for you, but Lilian had been doing that too and beat him to the punch, so to speak."

"Hearing that she had freed you set him free as well." Enzlo chuckled. "I can't speak for him as I never saw him again after that day, but I like to think that he spent the next ten years secretly undermining Jack's efforts."

"That Lycanroc with him?" Rook asked, and Enzlo understood the full question.

"The very same you had been forced to mate with in the labs." He confirmed with a short nod. "I could tell you how many pups you had if you'd like? Oscar took care of them all, and they ended up with trainers of their own-"

"No." Rook interrupted him. He was tempted to know, but he shook his head slowly. "I don't want to know." He sighed, feeling much calmer for some reason after getting to see that memory.

"Thank you, Enzlo. I feel... a little better." He said and sighed. He sat down and stared up at the ceiling. "Doesn't change the fact that I killed him..." Rook grimaced and looked at one of his paws. "And that this power shouldn't-"

"Stop...please." Enzlo said and reached out, taking hold of Rook's paw with both of his own. "Listen to me. Any pokémon's power can kill. Whenever I go into someone's mind, I could take over their motor functions and make them jump to their death, force them to drown themselves, anything. Epa could do the same thing, Ruli could slash someone in half with a single Metal Claw."

"But you don't!" Rook snarled. "I merely reacted on instinct and I ended up killing someone!" The Lycanroc shook his paw free from Enzlo's grips and growled. "This power was created in me as a means to kill...they spent years trying to get me to so in those labs."

"But they failed." Enzlo pressed. "You never did and they ended up giving up on trying to get you to. Rook, please stop blaming yourself. You reacted on instinct, but if you hadn't Oscar would have killed you. He wasn't himself...you were just defending yourself. If Oscar would've survived, he would've hated himself."

Rook closed his eyes but shook his head again. Slowly, he stood up and as he walked by the Abra he rubbed his head gently. "Sorry Enzlo...but I won't use this power...never again."


With Rook refusing to use his power to lift the satellite up into the air, or even to use any of his power at all again, Riley was forced to try and work with flying types to get the object into the sky. Instead of trying to get it up right away, they decided to create some form of rig so that they could get it up into the air without moving the old device as much as possible.

Rook assisted where he could, but Riley continued to pester him about using his power to lift it into the sky instead and eventually, Rook just left. With the mainland pokémon now flowing back and forth on the island, Ruli and Enzlo where busy trying to keep those humans turned pokémon safe from any unfair prosecution.

In the meantime, Rook was told he could get a teleport to the mainland and was welcome to stay in Ruli's home at the coast town for his assistance.

He accepted that offer, feeling incredibly drained emotionally from what he had gone through that day and spent the rest of it just silently sitting inside the small hut like home that belonged to Ruli and Axel.

He sat between two close piles of straw, both of which were covered with the strong scent of the Mega Lucario and Umbreon being...intimate.

The scent was incredibly distracting. Bred as he was, Rook was very virile. He was a prime male, bred for the purpose of siring pups. As such, his body constantly was tortured with having no way of release besides his own paw. Even with this, Rook's libedo and sex drive were shot, nearly nothing. The time he'd spent being forced into breeding in the labs had given the Lycanroc a strong dislike of being intimate with female partners and caused him to become very passive sexually.

Rook knew Enzlo had been right, back on his island when the Abra had made the comment that Rook was gay. Perhaps bisexual, he thought. If he met and got to know a female well enough he might be willing. On his island however, the other pokémon were much too small, or simply not compatible with Rook, to be able to experiment on that. His own paw was his only experience, unable to remember the times he'd had sex in the labs due to the drug Jack injected him with each time, which he was absolutely fine with. He didn't want to remember those times. Not one bit.

. When living alone, Rook often went weeks to over a month without even feeling a single spark of arousal, and when he would, it was because his body simply produced more than what was used and couldn't hold it back anymore; he'd have a few wet dreams here and there even. But here, in a den filled with the scent of two sexually active males, the underlying smell of sex between them, had Rook grimacing during his meditation, the tip of his wolfhood poking from his sheath and wrestling with holding the arousal back.

He could have easily just left the hut and instead stayed outside and explored the area around the coast town, but he was tired and annoyed from the days events and didn't want to go back out there and to be left alone.

It wasn't until much later that day that Rook heard someone enter the den. He shifted his legs to hide the still peeking tip of his cock, and then smelled the familiar scent of Enzlo in front of him. Without opening his eyes, he asked "So, what's been everyone's plans?"

The Abra sat down in front of the Lycanroc. "Well, Riley asked me to try and convince you to help with his plan."

"No." Rook simply answered without any hesitation.

"I figured." Enzlo chuckled softly, and then continued. "The humans me and Epa determined are innocent based on their thoughts have been given asylum at the Leafeon's tower, though they're still under heavy watch and are incredibly confused and nervous. They'll be fine once the Eeveelutions start realizing none of them have any more connections to Jack, which I'm sure with Ruli helping won't take them long. Ones we believed may be dangerous are being held on the island still and being watched by Ruli, Axel, and a team of other Eeveelutions, but even then none of them are connected directly to Jack except that they were scientists."

"Faster Jack is found and stopped, and the technology on the island destroyed, the faster they can all be trusted."

"We could find him faster if you helped Riley with-" Enzlo began trying again, but the Lycanroc again sternly repeated himself.

"No." He growled softly, opening his eyes, a slight glow in them. "I will not ever use my power again..."

Enzlo sighed, dipping his head and after a short moment of silence looked back up. "Then let me help you with the other issue you're currently having."

Rook tilted his head. "What issue?"

"Your sexual tension." He answered simply, and the Abra stood up and began walking forward towards him. Rook folded his ears back.

"What are you talking about?" He tried to deflect the Abra, making a grimace as well. "I'm not-"

"You know that I know it so don't even." Enzlo interrupted Rook, mocking the same sternness that Rook had given him, but giving a little grin. "Just relax. This is something I've done before."

Rook blushed slightly. "What you mean you've done...it before?"

Enzlo giggled. "No not, directly, but I mean something like this." The psychic type held up his paws and touched them on the sides of Rook's head once more. Rook again felt and allowed his mind to be pulled into a world of Enzlo's making, bringing him into a mental visage of the same hut they were actually inside.

In front of thim, the covered entryway slid open and to Rook's surprise, himself entered and stood in front of him, looking down at him and grinning.

"E-Enzlo?" He asked in confusion, but his clone only continued to grin while kneeling down in front of him. The other Lycanroc's paws rubbed up his arms while Rook sat, frozen in confusion and eyes wide in wonder, before his clone leaned in and kissed him.

"Hmmph?" Rook made a noise in his throat at the kiss, but even as he made the noise, just a few seconds later he was reacting to it, eyes relaxing slightly and reflexively opening his maw to allow the clone's tongue into his mouth, wrapping his own tongue around it.

The copied Lycanroc murred softly at the way Rook returned the kiss. Rook was still confused and unsure though. Besides kissing back, he had no idea what to do. His heart started to beat in his chest and he felt a heat in his body from the sudden bout of nerves that assaulted him. He whined in his confusion, and the other Lycanroc smiled on the edge of his lips and then pulled away from the kiss.

The clone said nothing, but the way he looked at Rook told him to just relax and enjoy himself. Rook folded his ears back, blushing and giving another soft whine.

In reaction to that whine, his clone smiled and kneeled down in front of him, getting onto all fours in front of him and leaning down into his lap. Rook shivered at the contact to his sheath, eyes widening once more as he watched his own self nuzzle at his body, the peeking tip pushing free a little more.

"Uh..." Rook started to say, but words failed him as he felt the warm tongue of the other Lycanroc lick up along the few peeking inches and he gave a soft, muffled groan of restrained pleasure.

He closed his eyes and shivered, as his clone continued to lap its tongue over his cock, which continued to grow from his sheath. His body reacted against his wishes, but the sparks of pleasure felt enticing.

Rook opened his eyes when he felt the clone's paws hold his hips. He looked down, ears pinned back and panting a bit. The look in the other Lycanroc's eyes encouraging him to relax, but he battled with the foreign feeling of arousal and desire. He'd never felt another's touch on his body that he actually wanted, it was so strange...

"Enzlo..." He breathed out softly, eyes half lidded as he watched his clone between his legs, his cock reaching about half his full size, five inches twitching and pre started to leak from the tip. His clone smiled up at him and gave a short wink, dragging its tongue up along the underside of his shaft. As he reached the tip it gently curled that smooth tongue slightly and drew Rook's cock into its maw, sealing its lips around it and began to gently suckly on the first few inches.

Rook again closed his eyes, biting his bottom lip and giving another shuddering whine of pleasure. The clone began to bob its head, giving Rook his first blowjob. It felt amazing. Another's lips around him...pleasure given by another not crazed and drugged, but just simply wanting to give it. He had honestly thought he would never feel it.

Rook's desire's were taking over, and he reached down with his paw and took hold of the back of his clone's head. He started to grind up into that warm muzzle, growling out softly and gritting his teeth. Arousal and lust burned through his body, for once something he wanted. Indulging in it soon had his wolfhood throbbing fully within the muzzle and throat of the clone, who was forced to take Rook's thrusts by the paw on the back of his head.

It allowed itself to be used, giving soft groans that Rook couldn't hear in this illusion but felt around his cock while bobbing its head to match the force of Rook's paw and then pulling back up. Within the Lycanroc's sheath, the bulge of a knot spread the furry sleeve tight around itself. The clone lifted a paw while Rook thrust up into its muzzle, gently squeezing at the Lycanroc's covered knot and then peeling it down the thick bulb.

Rook growled, lips trembling in his snarl of pleasure as he felt his sheath being pulled down his knot, and when the bulb popped free and the furry sleeve slipped behind it tightly he gasped, his cock giving a firm throb as pre spurted from his tip deep within the clone's throat. He felt his balls draw up tight in their sack, tingling as he arched his back and tilted his head towards the ceiling.

Rook's own paw never gave him such feelings. Back in his solitary cave on his island, the other residents never tried to do anything with him, or rather, most of the residents were incapable of such. With his own sexual experience being moments he could not remember thanks to those drugs, being able to actually feel the touch of another on his body was like some kind of grand moment in his life.

"Hmmmff..." He groaned out while pressing his hips up, holding his clone's head down to his groin, grinding his knot against its lips while the shaft throbbed powerfully. His knot swelled rapidly, feeling the clone's tongue cradle the bottom of his length and throat squeezing around the top half. He wasn't going to last much longer, which made Rook feel annoyed. Was he really going to cum so quickly from his first blowjob?

But it seemed Enzlo had more in store, or felt that Rook didn't want to end so quickly, as just a moment after he thought that and Rook felt his balls starting to clench, the clone suddenly pulled up. Rook whined as he lowered his head to look down at his clone with a questioning tilt of his head.

His clone remained silent, giving a grin and short wag of its tail before it wiggled up and soon, Rook had a clone of himself sitting in his lap, his wolfhood wedged down underneath the clone's body, and feeling the firmness of its own cock grind against his belly, the exact same size as his. For some reason, even though it was a duplicate of his own body, he felt comfortable, as he knew that on the other side of all this, it was Enzlo doing it.

Rook blushed softly as he felt the clone lift itself up slightly, bringing the saliva and pre covered member to point up underneath it and lined up with its rim. Rook felt his tip teased by the firm, tight tailhole, and growled, his paws coming to hold the clone's hips and he looked into its eyes.

It nodded, giving a grin and rubbing his shoulders encouragingly, and Rook got the message. He could go as rough as he wanted and sate this feeling he had, and he did just that - giving one single sharp thrust up, he buried almost half of his wolfhood in one quick jap. Soundlessly, the clone threw its head back, while Rook growled deeply and shuddered in pleasure. His cock throbbed within his duplicate, spurting warm precum that allowed his next jap to force another few inches into it.

The clone was as tight as Rook himself was, as such, the tightness was overwhelming. Losing his virginity to a vision of himself and stretching out his own tailhole was something that later Rook would realize he should have felt awkward in, but imagining it was instead Enzlo helped.

His paws began to lift and slide his double up and down his cock while thrusting up into it, his knot swelling further and that tingling once more returning to his balls. He was still so close, but he wanted to feel what it was like...what it was like to knot someone...

He'd spent hours imagining what it might feel like in the labs after those sessions when he was forced to breed. He could feel that soreness in his body when he'd come to, but wanted to know the explosion of pleasure that tying to someone was like.

"En-Enzlo..." Rook growled out once more, his paws gripping the clone's hips as he felt himself getting so close, but his own body was too tight, his knot wasn't able to gain any purchase. He felt the clone's paws stroke through the mane of fur on his neck in response to his growl. It seemed Enzlo knew what he was wanting, as suddenly he felt the clone's rim loosen considerably, and his knot finally started to slowly sink in with each thrust and push of his paws on its hips.

Rook grit his teeth once more, that growl in his throat growing louder even as his knot grew thicker, reaching near its full size and suddenly, instincts took over.

The Lycanroc snarled, his paws holding tight to his double as he leaned forward, bringing himself to his knees, laying the clone underneath him missionary style and he bit down on its neck. His hips pistoned rapidly, pulling back only a few inches before powering forward, battering his knot against the clone's body. The clone's muzzle hung open in a silent yowl that Rook could not hear, but he did feel the sudden clenching around his cock and the wetness of cum matting his belly as the clone started to cum.

Rook lifted his head up to the sky and howled, eyes glowing brightly as he gave a final, powerful jap into his partner and his knot popped in. Rook continued to thrust, burying the knot deep into the spasming tunnel around it as it tied him to the clone and his balls began to release their burdens. His cock throbbed powerfully as nearly a month's worth of backed up seed started to fill the clone under him.

He howled his pleasure to whatever could possibly hear him, mind exploding with the feeling of finally seeding someone of his own accord. He continued to cum for several seconds, eyes closing as he basked in the pleasure given to him. The clone's belly swelled a bit from the shape of the cock inside him and the growing flood of seed being pumped by it.

Rook couldn't hold himself up anymore, legs shaking from his orgasm and he slumped on top of the clone, but felt something much different underneath himself.

Opening his eyes, Rook found himself instead staring down into the grinning face of an Abra, a few ropes of white cum covering his yellow fur and one of his ears. Enzlo chuckled up at him and Rook felt a squeeze around his knot, making him shudder and then look down under himself between them.

Enzlo had Rook's cock securely clasped between his legs, foot paws wrapped around his swollen knot, legs hugged around the bottom of his length and then his paws slowly stroking along the rest, coaxing out more Lycanroc seed which spurted drippled out along Enzlo's chest, as his cock went up nearly his entire midsection. The ground around them was damp with precum and puddles of actual cum around the Abra's body.

"So..." Enzlo started, grinning and giving another giggle. "How did that feel?"

Rook shuddered as he felt Enzlo squeezing around his knot once more, his wolfhood giving a firm throb. He panted and wagged his tail in the air. "You know exactly how that felt..."

"Sure, but it's nice to hear it from the other person." Enzlo stuck out his tongue, licking at a bit of seed on his cheek. .

Rook smiled and took a moment to steady his breathe as he sighed happily. "It felt amazing...thank you. I really needed that."

Enzlo nodded and his smile faded a bit. "You've got a lot of things to work through in that head of yours. Feels like it's full of fluff."

Rook chuckled. "Well ya helped me work through one thing."

"I'll be happy to help you work through others." Enzlo nodded and he nuzzled Rook's cheek as the Lycanroc was hovering over him, smearing some of the cum on his face onto the other male.

Rook blushed a bit and he slowly rose, standing up on his knees and then sitting back. Enzlo unwraped his legs from Rook's cock as he did, sitting up with him in front of him and looking up at him. Rook peered back at him. "I'll remember that...." Rook said, as he then thought. "Why-"

"Aren't I all hard and horny myself now after that?" Enzlo finished, giggling and slapping his thick tail on the ground behind him. "Psychic types can just control those feelings a little better. Believe me though that was hot, especially when you pushed me onto my back and started to hump wildly. And that bite...too bad my illusion made your jaw stop before it clamped fully...might've liked it..."

"Why did you choose a clone of me for that anyway?" Rook asked further, chuckling at the Abra's words.

Enzlo shrugged. "Figured that you'd just feel more comfortable if it seemed like it was yourself doing it, since you've been alone for most of the past ten years."

Rook blushed, as he kept the feelings to himself that he actually was more comfortable knowing it had been Enzlo controlling the illusion, but he said nothing. Probably, Enzlo knew what he really felt anyway.

The Abra stood and he waved a paw, as it glowed purple and the mess that Rook had created was gathered up into a ball of fluid. Even the strings of cum covering Enzlo was pulled free, leaving the Abra completely dry. Rook watched the ball of combined fluid gather in the air and then it popped from existence as the psychic type simply teleported it away somewhere.

"There." Enzlo stated, grinning. "Now at least the main evidence is gone, but hopefully Ruli and Axel just won't be able to smell the scent of us under their own." He chuckled.

Suddenly, Enzlo teleported himself instead to sit beside Rook, startling him just a moment. The Abra gave a yawn and snuggled himself into Rook's fur, back up against his side. "You can go back to meditating now, but if you don't mind, I'm gonna use you as a pillow."

Rook looked over his shoulder down upon the Abra's head. At one point...he might have minded, but after look back down between his legs at his now slowly retreated cock, he figured he could let Enzlo sleep on him. He felt he owed him that at least.

The Lycanroc resumed his meditative pose then, closing his eyes and calming himself into a trance, and even when the Abra beside him started to snore rather loudly, Rook remained undisturbed by his companion's presence beside him, and failed to notice the ground between them was becoming slightly damp once more; as his seed began to leak from where Enzlo had teleported it...