Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 39

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#39 of Care Bear Magi Life

Flash Heart relates the story of his past, and what happened at No-Heart's castle.

Chapter 39: Where it all Went Wrong

A yellow bear cub stumbled down the street in the pouring rain, trying to ignore the ache in his empty stomach. Finally, he slipped and fell into an alleyway where he pulled himself into a sitting position. He was too thirsty to cry and he opened to the sky to drink whatever he could from the rain water before he fell sideways. "Help me, please," he begged, knowing he wouldn't receive an answer.

He felt a hand on his side and a kind voice, "Don't worry, I'll help you."

He looked up into the gentle yellow eyes of a purple bear. She lowered her hand to his face with a small pool of water in her hand. "Please, drink."

The cub eagerly drank from the bear's hand and the water flowed endlessly until the cub's thirst abated. The older bear smiled and picked him up. The yellow cub snuggled into the bear's arms and against her chest. She looked up to the still raining sky, then levitated up towards the clouds.


Despite being in extreme pain and unable to move, Flash Heart smiled, "That was the first kindness anyone every showed me. Less than a month later, I was calling her mom. And our little family kept growing, living on an island where we kept away from all human contact. She was able to give us our chest symbols then trained us in kinetics from the moment each of us came to live with her. Then, a little over a year ago, she gathered us together and brought us here..."


Soul Heart lifted the sphere of darkness up to the front gate of No-Heart's castle, where is dissolved and deposited the group at the entrance.

The orange and silver wolverine growled, "Alright, let's tear in!" He was about to charge the gate until Soul Heart held out a hand to stop him.

"Not yet, we need to wait," she said.

"Wait for what? An invitation?" The irritated voice came from a blue otter, who tapped his foot on the clouds.

"For my time to run its course." Soul Heart turned to see the confused looks on the faces of her family, then smiled, "I'll explain some other time. Now as for you, Tarot Heart," she crouched down in front of a ten-year-old black bear cub with a hand of tarot cards for his chest symbol.

The black cub pumped his fists in front of him, "I'm ready to fight, mom."

Soul Heart shook her head, "No, I'm sorry but I have a more important job for you."

Tarot Heart folded his arms and glared at Soul Heart, "No you don't, you just don't want me to fight in there."

Flash Heart couldn't help but chuckle, "He's got you there, mom."

"Tell her Flash!" Tarot Heart grinned.

Soul Heart couldn't help but roll her eyes then turned back to Tarot Heart, "That's right, I don't want you in there because you're not as strong as everyone else and I don't want you hurt, but I do have an important job for you." Tarot Heart perked up as Soul Heart continued, "I need you to stand guard right here outside the door. If you see anyone that looks like us then tell them to wait here until I come out, but if you see anyone else then come in and get one of us. I don't want anyone interfering in this important mission. Do you understand?"

Tarot Heart screwed up his face for a moment then sighed, "OK, I'll do it."

Soul Heart smiled and patted him on the head, "Good." She stood up and stared at the door. Time seemed to pass at a crawl until they heard an explosion from inside.

Soul Heart's face hardened as dark energy formed over her hands, "Now!"

No-Heart was cleaning up the lab in his entrance hall when his front doors burst open and a feminine voice shouted.

"No-Heart! We've come to destroy you!"

No-Heart rounded on the entrance to his lab, and saw a purple care bear in a black bodysuit and cloak with half-a-dozen other care bears he did not recognize: a yellow male bear with blue eyes and long hair wearing a black long coat, black pants and a white shirt that was low cut enough to show off his chest symbol, a flash of yellow light; an unclothed pink female bear with blue eyes and a heart-shaped forest on her chest; an unclothed blue male otter with blue eyes and a crashing wave on his chest; an orange male wolverine with silver fur highlights, mustard yellow eyes who was wearing a black two-tailed coat, a silver shirt cut low to show the heart shaped bloodstone symbol on his chest and green pants; a brown female lynx with green eyes wearing a long and loose sleeved green shirt that was low cut to show her symbol of a heart shaped lake on her chest and brown pants; and a white male fox with blue eyes wearing a brown shirt and pants both with stitching up the sides, soft shoes, tassels hanging off the arms and cut low to show his symbol that was a cloud snowing heart shaped snowflakes and carrying a short bow loosely in his left hand.

"What is the meaning of this, Care Bears! Who are you?!" No-Heart demanded as he mustered up his strength to blast them away.

"I'm not surprised you don't recognize me," the purple bear smirked at No-Heart. "Why would you remember me? Just your slave meant to carry out your evil ambitions, but no more!"

"WHAT?!" No-Heart stared at her, and in her eyes he saw something he had only seen in one other being. "You! I destroyed you!"

"Remember me now?" Soul Heart snarled, "I will never forget the years of pain and suffering you inflicted on me, even if my mind was hollow husk! But now I have my own family and I have never treated them the way you treated me!" She raised both her hands, a black orb forming on the left and a sphere of solid ice forming over the right.

As she did this, the six behind her all readied for battle: Flash Heart created a sword out of light in his left hand, the pink bear conjured an aura of petals around her body, orbs of water forms around the otter's hands, the wolverine threw off his coat and a glow from beneath his shirt conjure a two-handed axe in his right hand, a mace appeared in the lynx's hand and the fox drew back his bow, an arrow made of frost forming on the string.

"I've come back here, now that I won't destroy my own past," Soul Heart said.

"So you have. But you are still a failure. One that I intend to correct!" No-Heart fired off a blast of lightning at Soul Heart, only for her to hurl the ice orb forwards where it grew into a wall of ice that blocked the lightning bolts and shattered in the process.

Soul Heart's face was a mask of fury as the barrier shattered and it shouted. "My name is Soul Heart Bear, and I'm going to kill you!" Soul Heart hurled the black orb towards No-Heart, the air and space surrounding the orb appearing to be sucked into it as it flew before it struck No-Heart dead on, sending him flying backwards and into the wall.

No-Heart's eyes blazed as he stood, "You will not defeat me! I am No-Heart!"

"You're also alone." No-Heart turned to see that Flash Heart Bear had appeared behind him. He struck at No-Heart with his light sword barely missing as No-Heart jumped backwards. A beam of light shot from Flash Heart's right fingertip and pierced through the wizard's chest. No-Heart retaliated with a bolt of lightning, only to be struck from behind by a small tsunami that bowled him over. The otter charged towards No-Heart, his hands spread and claws facing towards the wizard.

"Got you!" he shouted, striking at No-Heart, only to miss as the wizard rolled aside and fired a blast of lightning, striking the otter point blank. The otter cried out as he was blasted backwards and skidded across a pile of soggy books.

"Marine Heart!" No-Heart barely had time to register the high-pitched cry before a torrent of vines plowed through him, shooting him across the floor as the pink bear thrust her hands towards him. No-Heart recovered and turned into a rhino, charging towards her. The bear barely managed to jump out of the way then ran over to Marine Heart Otter's side.

"Are you OK?" she asked, carefully lifting up his head.

"I'll live," Marine Heart looked over her shoulder. "Flora! Behind you!" he shouted as No-Heart rounded on them and charged right at them.

A loud growl sounded overhead as the wolverine jumped over and skidded to a halt between the charging rhino and the pair on the ground. He swung his axe at the rhino's head, striking the horns and managing to push it to a halt. He gritted his teeth as he turned the axe sideways, sending No-Heart charging through one of the laboratory walls.

Marine Heart sat up and smiled at the panting wolverine, "Thanks for the save, Passion Heart."

"No problem," Passion Heart grinned over his shoulder at the two.

"Be thankful later, we can't let him get away," the arctic fox landed nearby and fired off a frosty arrow where No-Heart had burst through the wall. A moment later he was rewarded with the sound of No-Heart crying out in pain.

"OK, Snowy Heart, just a moment," Marine Heart stumbled to is feet.

"Let me see." Soul Heart was at Marine Heart's side, checking the scorch mark on his chest. Soul Heart shook her head, "You need to go."

"What?! But I came all this way to-" Marine Heart's protest was cut off by Soul Heart's hand on his mouth.

"I don't want to lose you, go sit with Tarot Heart and rest. We'll be back when we finish the job."

Marine Heart sighed and stood up, "If you insist. Give him hell."

A cry from Passion Heart in the next room drew their attention. "Sounds like Passion Heart already is." The Lynx stepped over the rubble in the direction of the sounds.

"I know he is, Calm Heart," Marine grinned at the lynx then limped towards the entrance.

Snowy Heart nodded then jumped towards the sound, followed by Calm Heart and Flash Heart, the latter jumping over their heads and charging forwards.

"Be safe," Flora Bear gave Marine Heart a quick kiss before she followed the group after No-Heart. Soul Heart stayed a moment longer, making sure Marine Heart headed towards the entrance before she charged into the fray again.

No-Heart had assumed the form of a large dragon and had Passion Heart under one of his front legs, the wolverine's axe pressed in-between two of his claws. Flash Heart leapt up over No-Heart and sliced into his side with his light sword. No-Heart roared and swatted Flash Heart away with his other hand. Flash Heart reeled and skidded to a stop across the floor on his back. Flash Heart pulled himself to his feet and fired off three yellow lasers from his right index finger, piercing through the scaly hide of No-Heart's dragon form.

"Annoying pest!" No-Heart turned his head and took a deep breath as flames appeared inside his mouth.

No-Heart's distraction caused him to let up the pressure in the leg trying to crush Passion Heart. The wolverine roared, a field of darkness springing up around him as he twisted his axe sideways and swung with the blade still in-between his claws. No-Heart stumbled as his foot was forced off the ground and flung sideways, dragged by a wave of gravity that clung to his claw until it smashed into a wall and No-Heart fell to the ground with a roar. Passion Heart leapt at No-Heart, ready to bring his axe down on his neck only to be swatted to the ground by No-Heart's tail, his axe flying from his grip and vanishing in a puff when it hit the wall.

No-Heart changed back to his true form and stood over where Passion Heart lay and raised a hand over him. "No one humiliates me!" An arrow of cold energy struck him, coating his back in ice. He rounded on Snowy Heart, still holding his bow outstretched, just in time for a solid chunk of stone to strike No-Heart square in the face. Calm Heart took a deep breath and hung her mace from her belt, she raised both hands in front of her this time and stared intently as several shards of metal formed. With a yowl she sent the shards flying at No-Heart, piercing through his robes and forcing him to retreat.

Snowy Heart ran over to Passion Heart and knelt down. "Please, tell me you're alive."

"Ha, like that could kill me!" Passion Heart tried to sit up but winced as his left leg lay motionless below him.

"It looks broken," Snowy Heart said. "I'll stay here and splint it then get you out of here. Can you manage?" he looked over at Calm Heart.

The lynx smiled, "We'll be fine."

"Damnit!" Passion Heart swore as Calm Heart and Flash Heart took off after No-Heart. A moment later, Flora darted by until Snowy called to her.

"Flora, can you give me some wood to splint this?" he asked.

Flora stopped and stared at the wolverine, then smirked, "I'd say break a leg but it looks like you already did." She flicked her wrist and created two pieces of wood for Snowy to use.

"Ha ha," Passion laughed bitterly as Flora ran after Calm and Flash Heart.

Snowy had Passion Heart up on his good foot, letting the wolverine use him for support as they walked back the way they had come in. Soul Heart flew past and gave an approving nod to the two before flying back into the fray.

No-Heart had shifted again, taking the form of a five-headed hydra. Each of his heads lashed at the ground, venom dripping from his fangs. One of the heads nearly striking Flora Bear before she raised her hands and thick tree branches erupted from the floor, catching No-Heart's mouth before he could strike and holding his head in place.

"He's getting weaker." Soul Heart landed next to Flora as she drew a dozen vines from the floor and tried to wrap them around the necks she hadn't stopped with the branches.

"How can you tell?" Flora asked, panting as she only managed to snare two of the remaining four heads, pulling them to the ground and pinning the hydra in place.

"Trust me and keep it up!" Soul Heart took off to join Flash Heart who stood on a high window ledge as he fired off a barrage of lasers at No-Heart's unprotect back. Another head hurtled upwards to try and snap Flash Heart up in his jaws only for Soul Heart to strike it with a long blade of ice that sent it reeling. A shower of metal shards, fired by Calm Heart, pierced into the last undamaged head which made it roar in pain. Calm Heart took up her mace in both hands and charge forwards, smashing it into one of No-Heart's feet.

No-Heart was forced to shift back to his natural form and he turned to face Calm Heart, who swung her mace at his chest. No-Heart stumbled from the impact then hurled a ball of purple lightning at Calm Heart, blasting her backwards into Flora Bear and knocking the wind out of both of them.

Soul Heart landed between the two of them and No-Heart. "Run! I'll finish this!" she shouted, a massive snowstorm barrier springing up in front of her and blocking further lightning blasts from No-Heart.

"We can still fight," Flora protested as she tried to lift the unconscious Calm Heart off her.

"I don't want you to die, now go!" Soul Heart shouted as she condensed the snowstorm barrier into a solid wall of ice that she hurled at No-Heart, striking him dead on as he turned into a tornado to flee.

Flora sighed as she pulled herself out from under Calm Heart then hoisted Calm Heart onto her shoulders, using some vines to keep her attached, then trudged out towards the door.

Flash Heart vanished from his perch on the window and reappeared next to Soul Heart. "Want me to stick around, mom?" he asked.

"I don't want you to get hurt but I won't force you to leave yet," Soul Heart replied, watching as No-Heart landed and changed back into his true form.

Flash Heart smirked and formed a ball of light in his left hand. "I'd at least like to show him an aurora."

Soul Heart cracked a smile and laughed for a moment. "If you insist." A collection of ice crystals formed in her right hand.

As No-Heart turned to face the two, Soul Heart and Flash Heart fired off a blast of cold and light that merged into a stream of luminescent green and purple light waves that plowed into No-Heart and forced him to his knees. As soon as the stream cut off No-Heart fired off a bolt of lightning at Flash Heart, striking him the chest.

Flash Heart stumbled and held his chest but stayed standing. "Ouch," he grimaced and kept his eyes on the still staggered No-Heart, whose robe was full of tears.

"You should go. I can finish this." Soul Heart sidestepped so she was in-between No-Heart and Flash Heart and glanced over her shoulder at the bear.

"If you say so. I'll be waiting outside, mom." Flash Heart vanished, teleporting out of the room.


Flash Heart reappeared in front of his family as Flora worked on healing them. The castle shook then he turned to Tarot Heart, who was looking out past the clouds. "Any sign of anyone, Tarot Heart?"

Tarot Heart shook his head, "Nope, just all of you." He turned back to Flash to see the small scorch on his chest, "He hurt you!"

Flash Heart smirked then winced, "A little. Mom said she could finish No-Heart on her own."

"I'll take a look at it later, I still need to work on Passion Heart's leg," Flora Bear knelt at Passion Heart's side, a pale green glow encompassing his leg as she ran her hands over it.

Flash Heart looked up towards the castle as it shook again, "We really did a number on this place, think it'll stay standing?"

"We could always knock it over before we leave," Passion Heart suggested.

"Hush and let me work," Flora's hands glowed pale green as she carefully ran them over Passion Heart's broken leg. After a minute she stood up, "Can you move it?" she asked.

Passion Heart winced but managed to move his formerly broken leg, "I'm good, thanks Flora."

"Don't overexert yourself, you still need to rest," Flora said as she swiped her forehead.

"Lovely work as always," Marine Heart otter gave Flora a quick kiss and she flushed slightly.

"Soul Heart's been in there too long," Snowy Heart said. He held the still unconscious Calm Heart over his shoulder. "One of us should go in and look for her."

Flash Heart held out an arm, as if to stop someone who might be trying to walk past him, "No. Mom said she could handle it so we'll let her." His ears perked up and he smiled, "See, here she comes."

Soul Heart stumbled out of the castle, her left arm dangling limply at her side. Flash Heart and Tarot Heart rushed forwards, trying to help her stand up straight. "Mom, are you OK?"

"Did you get him?" Tarot Heart asked, beaming up at her.

"I'm fine!" Soul Heart snapped, pushing them away. She gritted her teeth and relaxed for a moment, "Just very tired and sore. Let's go home."

Flash Heart watched her nervously, then nodded, "Alright, let's go."

"Is No-Heart dead?" Passion Heart asked.

"Yes!" Soul Heart snapped again, making the others who were still awake jump slightly, "I'm sure of it, it's just, ugg," Soul Heart held her head, "I need to rest, let's go." Soul Heart held out a hand and encased them all in a dark sphere that floated over and down, away from No-Heart's castle.


Flash Heart sighed then stared up at Love Heart and Sweet Heart who both stood over him with their arms folded. "After that, everything just started going wrong. Mom wouldn't come out of her house for days and when she did she was always aggressive and irritable, like looking after us was a chore instead of a joy like before. Then they showed up."

"Who?" Love Heart raised an eyebrow.

Flash Heart bared his teeth, "Shatter Heart and Blade Star. They just appeared one day at Soul Heart's side and she said that they were her new personal bodyguards. They do whatever she asks and they're always looking for an excuse to get rid of us. They push us around, threaten us and I'm the only one strong enough to stand up to them. Then mom started telling us to find and recruit you, by force if necessary."

"And that's why you've been attacking us," Sweet Heart said.

Flash nodded, "Yes, but it's gotten worse in the last three months. Mom started experimenting on us, forced us to fight each other and the loser would have this green energy shoved into their body which makes them stronger but more animalistic, more feral. I had to get strong and stay strong, pushing myself to the absolute limit in order to avoid that fate. I'm the only member of my family left who hasn't been corrupted, and maybe Tarot Heart..."

"Maybe?" Love Heart looked at Sweet Heart then back to Flash Heart, "He's like a brother to you, isn't he?"

"He is, but he's gone. He disappeared right before the experiments started and I have no idea where he is," Flash Heart did his best to hold back tears, "I came here, hoping I'd find out what made mom change, and instead I found you two."

"I still need to search the place. Sweet Heart, keep an eye on him until I get back." Love Heart turned and started to search the room.

Sweet Heart grinned, "No problem." She turned back to Flash Heart.

Love Heart didn't have to search long, he stumbled over a large hole in the wall and found a mound of purple robes. He conjured a sword and probed the pile of clothing, finding something solid inside. He pulled the robes away and shouted in fright. The body inside was frozen solid and compacted, like it had been crushed by immense force from all sides.

"I guess you used to be No-Heart," Love Heart said, "So Soul Heart did kill you." He squinted at the body, "You look more human than I thought. Guess that's all I need to know." He stepped away from the body and back to the others.

Sweet Heart's wings were spread and her eyes wide as her brother approached, "What happened? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, and I found what's left of No-Heart," Love Heart looked back over his shoulder.

"So now what do we do?" Sweet Heart turned back to Flash Heart.

"We take Flash Heart home and see if we can learn anything else." Love Heart conjured a cloud car out of his chest symbol, "Help me move him."

Flash Heart groaned as Love Heart and Sweet Heart lifted him up and dropped in the back seat, then buckled him in. "So now what happens to me?"

"That depends on you." Love Heart took the driver's seat, "If you're that concerned about your family then you should join us to stop Soul Heart."

Flash Heart said nothing as the car took off and flew towards the Kingdom of Caring.

The rest of the flight passed in silence, until the Kingdom came into view. Sweet Heart smiled, "Welcome to our home, Flash." She squinted, then her eyes widened. "Love Heart! Look! The Hall!"

Love Heart saw it too, the top of the Hall of Hearts had collapsed in on itself. "What the hell! Sweet Heart!"

Sweet Heart had unbuckled and jumped out of her seat, spreading her wings as she shot forwards, "I'm coming!" she overtook the car easily even as Love Heart stepped on the gas.