Small Talk

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#12 of Writing Prompt

This week's writing prompt was to write something that was mostly dialogue!

I thought this would be really easy, but wow. I got far into it... and realized I only had 500 words. Oops.

Thanks to for letting me use his characters for this one. Also helps me flesh them out a little more.

Anyway, let me know what you think! And please leave a comment below. Or hit me up at

Please check out my gallery for more of my full-length stories!

Also, I started a Writing Group on telegram. Just a place to talk, brainstorm ideas, get opinions and critique. If you wanna join, we're at:


"Ugh, why do I always have to sit in the back?" Nell complained.

"Because you're the shortest one, and you're not driving," Trevor replied, glancing at the rabbit in the rear-view mirror.

"Can I drive?"

"No!" Trevor and Gavin said together.

"I've seen your driving," Trevor added.

"And the road rage," Gavin continued.

"But it's so boring back here! I can't play with the radio, I feel left out of the conversation-"

"No one had talked for like, an hour!" Trevor said.

"Well, if there had been one. And besides, I can't poke or bother either of you as easily from back here," Nell said, reaching around the sides of the seat to poke the dingo's sides.

Gavin yelped. "H-hey! You'll be able to bother us plenty as soon as we get to the beach."

"Exactly. You'll get to embarrass the hell out of Gavin all you want."


"Ooh, you're right about that," Nell mused. "Mm, just think. Making the big ol' doggo horny and hard in a cute pair of tight brief trunks."

"I don't have a pair like that. Mine are just the baggy kind of trunks, so nyeh." Gavin turned his head to eye the bunny and stuck out his tongue.

"Trunks are fine. That just means I can reach up the leg easier and play with your dick," Nell cooed, paws draped over the top of the seat to play with Gavin's ears.

"W-wait, are we going to a nude beach?" the dingo asked.

The ram in the driver's seat snorted. "Do you think that would stop him?"

"Yeah, and that kinda stuff isn't allowed on nude beaches anyway," Nell provided.

"I don't wanna get arrested," Gavin protested.

"Please. How many times have I whipped your dick out in public?"

Trevor snorted. Gavin blushed.

"And how many times have we gotten caught?"

Gavin squirmed in his seat, ears flicking around. "Well, never, but I mean-"

"And you love being teased and tortured where someone could find you any moment," the bunny urged.

"Nell..." Gavin whimpered.

"Trevor, is he hard yet?" Nell asked, ears perking up to their full height, unable to peer over the seat.

"I'm not playing this game. You're the tease, not me," the ram deflected with a chuckle.

"Oh, except for last weekend when you teased him all weekend and blamed it on me..."

Gavin's head snapped towards Trevor. "Wait, that was you? You said he wanted me to be all... you know... forceful."

Trevor coughed sheepishly. "Well, I mean, I'm sure he didn't mind."

"He also came on you and made you think you had a wet dream," Nell interjected."


Gavin's eyes were wide and he stared blankly at the ram. "You did that? I thought it was me! I... had been having such wild dreams... and then there was... all over me when I woke up." The dingo let out a soft chuckle at the thought.

"Sorry, I thought it'd be funny," the ram admitted.

"It's fine. I... I mean, I do enjoy it when you guys..." his voice trailed off into a bashful laugh and the dog looked out the window.

"So... on the ride back will you sit in the back with me?" Nell asked hopefully.

"I'm not having dingo cum all over my seats," Trevor warned.

"Again," Nell muttered.

"Again," the ram amended.

"Oh, come on! We have towels. Let me put a towel down a-"

"No!" the other two said.

Nell huffed and slumped back in his seat. "You two are no fun."

"You are the worst on road-trips." Trevor reached back between the seats and patted the rabbit's knee.

"Am not. I'm just bored. I woke up a few hours before you two. I've been up and waiting to go all day."

"Oh please. It's not even noon. You'll live. Why not just browse online or something? Hunt for dick pics on... Stiffy, or whatever it's called," the ram suggested.

"Stiffy? What? No, it's Rigid. And I can't," Nell grumbled. "I went over my data for the month so it's throttled until it tomorrow."

"What? How?" Gavin turned in his seat to peek back across at the rabbit.

Nell grabbed his ears and tugged them down. "Ugh, because I turned off the stupid Wi-Fi on accident and was watching videos at school and blew through it."

"Hah! Sucks to be you, then." Trevor picked up his own phone and checked it. "But, on the bright side, the others are already there and have the house already, so we just gotta show up."

"How long do we have the house for?" Gavin asked.

"Tonight, tomorrow, and then we leave Sunday night."

"I can't wait to see everyone. Been so busy with school and volleyball. Will be nice just to hang out with friends for a chance." Nell shifted around so he could kick his legs up on the backseat.

"What are we? Chopped liver?" Trevor huffed.

Nell rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. I see you guys all the time."

"I know, I'm teasing. We're only a couple hours away at this point. Then I think the plan is to go get food at that one place-"

"The sushi place?" Gavin asked, his large ears perking up.

"Yar, that one. So, we'll drop things off and then go eat."

"Oh man, I can't wait. I love that place. I'm already starving, too," the dingo beamed and pressed his palms to the roof of the car, stretching.

"Well, you could have eaten if you hadn't gotten distracted," the rabbit mumbled, grinning.

Trevor snickered and patted the dingo's thigh. "Yeah! Why'd you get so distracted, hm?"

Gavin's face flushed pink and he squirmed in his seat. "I-I didn't do anything! You were... uh, I mean, you started it."

Nell leaned against the back of the seat and hugged the dog from behind. "Oh, and just think. All our friends who haven't seen you in a while... you're just gonna turn to putty, aren't ya?"

"Especially when we get him drunk," Trevor noted. "Then he's not nearly as shy about it."

"Oh, he's still shy, just more giggly about it than embarrassed. Kind of like a permanent blush on his face as he whips out his d-"

"Nell!" the dingo whined, fidgeting in his seat as his nipples were tweaked.

"Hey! Bad bun. No working up the dog in the car." Trevor slapped the rabbit's paws away.

Nell harrumphed and slumped back in his seat, crossing his arms over his shoulders. "You guys are no fun sometimes."