From the North

Story by Lucien Cipher on SoFurry

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#1 of One Shot Stories

A spoiled noble girl learns her leson from a barbarian warrior, short and sweet for a little writing practice I hope you enjoy.

This is my first story I hope you all enjoy, its got some pretty rough scenes, I kept it short just to get some practice in. The characters are all original, as are the names, don't read this if you like something soft and touching you've been warned.

She awoke to the chill in the air, seeping right through the fine thick blankets of her plush bed. She missed home, the pleasant warmth, and the bright sunrise. She was young, the only daughter of one of the greatest generals the Empire had known, and he had been chosen to take the fight to the wild wolf men of the far northern reaches. A place of ice and snow where only strength and savagery ruled anyone, much different from the warm green home she had in the south, where rulers and nobility were chosen based on wealth and entitlement. The young leopard resented her farther for making her come, telling her that it was time she saw some of the real world to get a more level head on her shoulders. She had no taste for any of it though, the endless politics, and the fighting that seemed to be on all fronts of the ever expanding Empire.

Her real concerns were of the quickly coming mating rights back home, far away from some dreary ancient castle on the shockingly cold waters of some supposedly strategic river in this gods forsaken land. She hadn't even seen the "oh so fierce" north men, the huge dire wolves that had been spoken of with almost blasphemous fear and fervor by the few that survived to see them, it seemed that the harsh cold of this place was even their master. So here Talana sat thinking on all these things while the fading winds of winter whistled through the poor little fort they were now living in, that her father had deemed his castle, even lacking in all but one tower at the corner of the slightly crumbling walls.

At the same time in a small seaside village far from this castle, a young dire wolf was preparing for a meeting of the men in his village, winter was for the most part over and the thaw was coming, it was time for them to decide the summer raids and what they would do about the invaders from the south. They had first encountered them on one of his very first raids, men that wore strange armor and fought in ways he had never seen before. They were skilled he must give them that, but once their odd tactical decisions began to fail the soldiers were no match for the sheer ferocity the northern warriors could muster. He had lost a few of his brothers during that first skirmish, but the village chieftain had taken more than their measure in blood back before the last summer was even out. Now Achron hoped to go meet them again, he had trained hard throughout the winter keeping his body sharp and ready, trying to impress the gods themselves with his physical prowess, and he was eager to impress them with blood.

When the council of elders and the chieftain called for the meeting to discuss the coming summer's raids the small seaside town of Valastor was usually a rather busy and bustling place, but this was the busiest Achron had ever seen it. Wolves from all over the province had gathered, eager to hear which directions they would be sent off in with their clansmen, and even more eager to test their mettle against this new foe. Their culture was one of pleasure and violence, indulgence whenever it could be afforded, and when it could not they simply took what was needed from those to weak to continue possessing it. They didn't build high walls around their villages and towns, or hide away in stone forts, they believed in nothing stronger than themselves and offered that the world should try and prove them wrong with open arms. Now here they wait, bloodthirsty and hungry for all the pleasures of the flesh and Achron's heart leapt when he was one of warriors chosen to bring a river boat to the south, three of the long swift ships would go and see how well the southern soldiers could defend their little fort.

Another day of waking to the uncomfortable cold and trying to get warm in her southern attire, thin silks making for bad protection against the snow and bitter winds. Apparently this was considered summer in this horrid place, Talana could only sigh and wish for home again. This was the first time she was of age to participate in the mating rituals, wild parties, and decadent feasts of her home, and her father had drug her to this wretched place. She was tired of it, used to her spoiled life of luxury and didn't feel like she deserved to be treated in such an awful manner, but as a true lady must she went to hear her father talk with his advisors, debating over boring things like what crops might grow in such a place and what profit could be found there, She listened a bit more intently when the topic turned to defense of their temporary home, it seeming to be of little concern to her ever victorious father, who had no fear of "ignorant and godless savages", and soon the debating voices trailed off into more topics she had little to no interest in. However it wasn't long before a sound cut over the droning voices, a sound followed by immediate action as defenders rushed to stations and the less battle hardened of the nobles turned pale from something other than cold, a sound that was hauntingly beautiful and deeply terrifying, the sound of a war horn from somewhere up the northern river. Then the prow of a long boat carved elegantly into shape of a snarling wolf rose from the mist.

Achron smiled wide as the castle came into view, ordering the horns to be blown then grabbing the huge axe he has long loved for battle, slamming the deck of the boat. "Are you ready to earn honor, to show the gods your ferocity and prove you are their true sons!" He was met with the roar of his warriors and the slamming of weapons on shields. "Are you ready to enjoy what is yours through right of strength!" Again the cries of his men and the beating of their weapons met him. "Then come my brothers, let us feast on all that they have, PLEASURE OR THE GRAVE!" The final outcry was the loudest as the warriors echoed the last phrase of their commander, the first of the defenders arrows thudding against the prow of their ship as they came close to the shoreline.

Talana watched for as long as she could from her high window before the walls of the fort obstructed her view, the massive warriors that seemed underdressed for such weather bellowing in their strange language at each other on their little water craft. Two similar boats following behind it and carrying out much the same ritual as they made landfall, her father in the courtyard shouting orders at his officers, trying to organize a quick effective defense as the officer on the wall ordered the first volley of arrows to be shot. She couldn't see if any of the northern men had been struck, but she imagined hearing cries of pain rise from the other side of the wall. Her breath caught as she saw an archer picked clean off his post by a well placed arrow from the invaders. followed by others, the back and forth volleys breaking down into chaotic fights of the deadly arrows. Then the thunk of axes could be heard on the front gate echoing through the courtyard over the chaos, Many, many. axes, one landing with blows that nearly shook the gate itself. The defending forces rained down on the attackers with all they could trying to drive them back while the wolves worked to overcome the gate, her fathers forces readying in the courtyard to make a stand against them.

Achron had never been more alive than now in the heat of battle, arrows whizzed overhead as they ran for the heavy gates that guarded the strange little village the southern people had erected here, the archers having contests against the men on the walls all the way, seeing who could honor the gods more. Achron found the southern armies odd, the men were smaller even the wolfkind among them not nearly the size of he or his brothers, and there were no women among there ranks, even the frailest women among his people could at least use a sword, and he even ranked some of the women higher than the men in terms of combat. Now was not the time for idle musing though, some of his brothers had reached the gate raising their shields high to fend off the attacks of the defenders, while others charged under the raised shields to hack at the gate, he quickly made the gap and began helping them his long hafted axe striking the gate with a sound like thunder.

It wasn't much longer before the gate cracked and rent, ripped through and through by the mighty wolves, charging the gap recklessly like wild beasts. A few were cut down by arrows fired by the defenders in the courtyard, but there was no time for another volley as the wolves leapt against the shield wall. From there all became carnage and chaos, sights from some special part of hell that had risen up in that very spot before Talana's eyes. This was not the sport of the arena, even though at times that could be as gruesome a sight. This was carnage and slaughter made real, and to her dismay she could only watch as even her own father was felled.

Achron reveled in the bloodlust, some of his brothers fell, one of the boats would not be coming home with them, but that didn't matter his fallen friends had earned their place in paradise today. He was wounded by an arrow initially but it was only minor, a cut across his ribs from a grazing shot. He didn't even feel it as he battered down any that stood before him, leading his warriors to victory was all that mattered, showing his gods he is worthy of their grace. When his axe fell on their leader the few remaining fled, they were too weak to chase so they were simply ignored, there is no joy in hunting the weak. "We have finished the battle, we have slain the enemy and sent those few cowardly souls free to tell of our deed, let us now enjoy our conquest, go and indulge yourselves." Victory shouts echoed in the courtyard then and the northerners scattered about to pillage the place, Achron himself heading to the largest of the buildings to see what pleasures he might find inside.

Talana knew only fear as she saw the huge wolves separate to ravage what was left of the little fort, then sheer terror gripped her heart as she saw their commander approaching her own home, she quickly pulled a maid over and made her switch clothing, hoping that the savages will make a mistake and recognize wealth. "Do not worry dear woman the gods will reward you greatly for serving one of their chosen nobles so." The woman spoke in a panicky voice to reply, "Please do not do this, I fear what they will do, please show mercy to your servant." Talana's heart was set though assuring the woman that it was her solemn duty. This did not help Talana though, when Achron burst through the door with a mighty kick his eyes were instantly drawn to the beautiful noble woman, her figure one of perfection that only one of her class could truly afford, large round breasts with pert nipples from the cold, a thin middle giving to a thick waist in a perfect hourglass shape, with a generous back side. All of it covered by her glorious fur, lush and beautiful with dark spots for markings unlike any Achron had seen among his people. Her breath caught as he rushed towards her, the male in a state of god-like physical fitness, his hulking body marred by the occasional scars from battle, his normally pristine white fur matted and stained with blood. As his hand clasped around her wrist and he spoke roughly to her in his native tongue and she screamed, her servant ran from the room. She fought against him begging to be spared, "Please, do not hurt me . . my family is very rich they will pay a kings ransom for me, my father's only daughter." Her pleas were doomed to fall on deaf ears, Achron not understanding a word of her foreign tongue as he pushed her to the wall, ripping her clothing away all at once, the back of his heavy hand crashing against her cheek, "Be silent, you will do as I please, you are nothing more than something for me to enjoy, a gift from my gods."

From there Talana realized there was nothing more she could say, no way to understand him nor he her, all she could understand was when he suddenly yanked up her struggling legs forcing her to straddle him as he ground her back painfully against the wall, shoving the heavy budge in his loin cloth between her thighs and grinding the growing cock beneath against her thighs. Finally yanking it away to reveal his monstrous canine shaft. Achron giving a mighty howl to match her pained scream as he drove the tip into her tight entrance, robbing her of her maidenhead. He was not gentle with her, thrusting his overlarge shaft into her tight canal with the fervor of a rutting beast, the pain almost robbing her of consciousness at first but then steadily she began to cry, as it started turning to pleasure. Talana clutching onto him despite herself while this warrior took her, whimpering and occasionally giving a moan when his shaft brushed an unforeseen spot of pleasure in her silken vice. When her orgasm finally struck she cried out in pleasure despite herself, her body forcing her sex to squeeze tight around the shaft buried in her most sacred of places despite herself, milking it like an eager slut for the large volume this virile male must have. Achron had done this many times though and even with her squeezing him he wouldn't give it so easily, watching her large breasts bounce as he ravaged her, he only thrust harder when he felt her climax around him, driving her deeper into the mixed realms of pain and pleasure she resided in. Keeping up the brutal fuck until her third or forth climax, stretching her well and bouncing her against his massive knot before finally driving it home with an earsplitting howl, his hot seed flooding into her womb as fast as his large balls could pump it out. Talana shouted as he filled her, "No, no, please you cannot, I am a nobles daughter . . ." but her cries were on death ears, and could only turn to sobs as her after glow ended, and she felt the male pump her full of his warm seed, filling the once proud woman to the brim with it.

Her perky ears drooped and big eyes sparkled no longer as he held her, knot keeping them firmly bonded, Achron the exact opposite, all wicked grins and pants as he enjoyed filling the feline, but all good things must end. He pulled his knot free roughly and a little early nearly tearing her abused hole on the way out, cum spilling from her and dripping from his shaft when he lets her slide to the floor. Ignoring the state of her, the tears in her eyes, he pressed his shaft right against her muzzle with a growl, forcing her to smell his and her musk as he ground it there. "Clean up your mess bitch." Talana still couldn't understand the massive warrior, but she could guess well enough what he wanted, groaning a bit as she opened her maw and began to lick the mess from his still pulsing shaft. The warrior only deepening her humiliation by occasionally slapping her muzzle with the huge thing. Achron was enjoying the strange new sensation of her soft but oddly textured tongue immensely, giving her stray drops of his precum to add to the mess, but he would have to have more from all this teasing. Suddenly he gripped her maw holding her jaw open painfully before sliding his length in, releasing her jaw with one hand then gripping the back of her head with the other, making sure to hold her in place as soon as he made the entry. Talana could only wince the gag as the huge thing wedged her mouth open, then slid partially down her throat making her gag hard, then when the thrusting began it became a fight for air, knowing she could not bite because of the unforeseen horrors the warrior might visit on her, all she could do was suck him hard and try not to suffocate as he pummeled his length down her throat, bouncing his knot against her nose ever time, lettting his large balls slap her chin. She sucked eagerly on his cock if only to hasten his climax, still gaging rather violently at times but doing her best to placate the beast, finally beginning to massage his shaft with her tongue, then slip it out to lick his knot each time he forces himself completely down her throat. For awhile this was all she knew, the warrior staring down at her cute little face while he abused it, her tail curled behind her in submission and fear, while her mouth worked eagerly to please him, her hand slipping up to massage the breasts he so often stares at, then another howl finally came. his shaft buried in her throat till her lips were ground painfully against his pulsing knot, with his balls rested on her chin. She couldn't breath not like this, and when his seed came she swallowed all she could but still there was more, it just kept coming out thick and salty, she hated to admit it but the flavor wasn't all together too bad. She panicked and tried to push away as she felt it start to overflow her muzzle,the burning in her lungs beginning to become too intense, but he held her fast against him. Achron held her spurting his cream down her throat until she finally passed out, then he pulled free of her muzzle and sprayed the last of his climax over her face and beautiful breasts, wiping himself clean on her soft fur when he was done. Then he took her, outside first for his men to use, then all the way back to the village, where she would live as his slave, pleasing him and any he saw fit however he saw fit.