Kobold Kissing Lessons: An Offering to the Goddess

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#2 of Kobold Kissing Lessons

Couldn't resist revisiting these characters for another story. Hope you enjoy!


The Ruins of Kipemu


Ennrion and Harmond left their camp at dawn. It only took a couple of hours to reach the outskirts of the ruined city, but took another three hours to crack open the first of the buildings, an impressive Orcish style mausoleum. This place was long abandoned, and had been sealed long ago with powerful magic. Ennrion clearly didn't care to find out the reason why before rashly entering it. They were paid to check it out, so the two of them were going to check it out. He stepped into the massive entryway and looked around with a low whistle. The sandstone ceiling was high and arched, giving the pitch black room an almost abyssal feeling. Harmond stepped behind the other male, his tail and ears drooped.

Last night, Zroc made love to him four more times before passing out on top of him. Harmond was sure that Ennrion had heard them, or at least seen them collapsed on top of one another. So far, the older male had let off no indications that he knew anything about what happened last night. The Dragonborn was notoriously one-track minded, most social concerns or intrigue totally flew over his head if there was another task at hand. The Dragonborn ignited his torch with a flint and held it aloft. It didn't do much to stave off the oppressing darkness. He looked back at the Golden Retriever and chuckled.

"We may be here a couple of days," He began, "There's much more here to explore than I had thought."

"I think it may be more wise to hold off on that," The Dog replied, "Those were some serious sealing incantations. They wouldn't have done that if they wanted people to just wander in here."

"Where's your sense of adventure?" Ennrion said as he stepped forward, "Besides, our employer asked for concrete evidence that these ruins were worth a treasure hunting expedition. We can't leave until we've got something to bring back."

Harmond sighed. He knew better than to argue with the Dragonborn. Ennrion could handle his safety and the safety of less than capable Golden Retriever. The Dragonborn moved faster, the door-shaped window of natural light shrinking behind them. While Ennrion continued without a care in the world, the Dog couldn't help but obsess over every detail they passed. Any change in the tile pattern on the floor, the smell of the air, or the deathly quiet within the mausoleum, could be the one clue he needed to prevent a painful death or a horrific curse. Ennrion stopped suddenly and turned to hold onto the Golden Retriever's shoulder.

"There's another room up ahead," The Black scaled male began, "Should we be worried?"

Harmond peered around the bigger male's shoulder. He was able to make out the orcish runes just above the door.

"Should be okay," The Golden Retriever replied, "This is just the main atrium. The tombs within should be sealed. A high priest is buried here."

"And if they're not?" Ennrion asked, "There shouldn't be anything in here a bit of acid breath and some good steel can't kill, right?"

"So now you're worried about what could lie in the dark?" Harmond let out a whine, "Fortunately, unlike the some of the other cultures in this desert, this culture wasn't known to curse their tombs, or animate their dead. Actually, it appears that they held their dead in the highest esteem."

He shrugged.

"But there's also only ever been one of these tombs excavated," The canine continued, "So honestly I've got no idea if that's true. We could run into a horde of skeletons, or worse."

Ennrion chuckled and stepped into the new room.

"Well then," He continued, "As long as there aren't a thousand of the bastards, I'm sure we can handle it."

Harmond scoffed and followed. He was nervous, his few experiences with the undead had left him rattled to the core. Truthfully, he wished he was curled up beside Zroc in his bedroll. Ennrion looked over his shoulder at the Golden Retriever and smiled.

"I bet you wish Zroc was here," He began, "Would you be less nervous?"

The Golden Retriever tensed up. Did Ennrion know after all? He laughed off the question and shrugged his shoulders.

"He'd probably be just as nervous as me," Harmond replied, "After all, aren't most undead beasties bigger and badder than the average Kobold?"

The Dragonborn smirked and continued forward, sidestepping an aged Canine skull as he did so. Truthfully, Harmond desperately wanted the Kobold by his side. Zroc was an accomplished warrior who, even more now than before, had a vested interest in keeping the Golden Retriever alive.

"You know better than most that Zroc isn't like the average Kobold," Ennrion let out a chuckle, "I think he spent the better part of the night showing you."

Harmond turned beet red and looked down at his feet, his ears and tail drawn in tight against his body. The Dragonborn let out a laugh and stopped in his tracks to turn and face the Golden Retriever.

"There's no reason to be embarrassed," The Dragonborn began, "He can be quite charming when he wants to be."

The Dog rubbed his arm.

"So how much did you uh, hear?" Harmond asked, "All of it?"

"All of it," Ennrion smirked, "I think your intentions were quite cute, but Zroc wasn't going to let you get away with just a kiss."

He chuckled and rubbed over the Golden Retriever's arm.

"I could have showed you a thing or two you know," Ennrion continued, "I know I always have business on the mind, but I'm always willing to make some time to bond with my companions."

Harmond looked up at the taller Dragonborn. Zroc was right, Ennrion did look awfully similar. The object of his lewdest dreams and desires was standing here in front of him, practically for the taking, and yet he stopped himself. All he could think of was the Kobold.

"Would Zroc get mad?" He asked, "Or jealous?"

"Only for an instant," The Dragonborn chuckled, "Your reaction goes a bit beyond embarrassment at being caught. Do you have feelings for him?"

Harmond blushed. It seemed crazy that his desire for the Kobold was so strong after one night of passion, but, if he factored in all the time he knew Zroc, it made sense. The grizzled old male wasn't outwardly nice to anyone in the company besides Ennrion, but, he was at least mostly civil towards the Golden Retriever. Was Zroc interested in him for longer than he cared to admit? That was a question for the Kobold's tent tonight.

"I do," Harmond blushed, "And I would love to, "make some time" for you some night. But I think he and I need to figure out what exactly our thing is."

Ennrion chuckled.

"It's open, don't worry," Ennrion replied, "He likes you, but he likes whoring too. He's an insatiable little devil."

Harmond struggled to think up another response. The Dog felt a strong sense of loyalty to the Kobold. By the end of the second go around Zroc had fulfilled all of his desires, and from then on made the night about Harmond and maximizing the Golden Retriever's pleasure. The Kobold had whispered such loving things into the Dog's ears, words that made him feel a whole new kind of tingle within his chest. Ennrion smiled at the Dog and planted a kiss on the Golden Retriever's forehead.

"Of course," He continued, "I'll wait until you get a chance to speak with him."

Ennrion turned around and took one more step forward. The whole tomb shuddered around them. Pebbles and gemstones rained down from the ceiling above, showering the two adventurers in dust and debris. As the shaking stopped, the unlit torches around the walls started to ignite, casting the room in eerie blue light. A figure stood up from a stone chair at the end of the atrium. Its bones almost glowed through the loose and tattered bandages that covered the desiccated corpse. A crown rested on its head, beset with rubies and sapphires. It was a mummy lord.

The undead lord raised its hands and shrieked. One by one, the 3 doors on either side of the atrium burst open. The heavy stone slabs shattered as they hit the ground, scattering rubble and gems across the floor. A chorus of moans and groans echoed throughout the chamber as a multitude of mummies shambled from their tombs into the eerily lit chamber. Ennrion unsheathed his modestly curved scimitar and stood at the ready. Harmond followed suit and removed a small pouch of magical ingredients from his belt. On top of learning the sword, which sat in his tent a couple of hours away, Ennrion also insisted the Dog practice spellwork. It was hard work, but Harmond was finally able to throw some spells. His expertise thus far was fire.

"Tell me you've got some good spells weaseled away Harmond," Ennrion began as he raised his sword, "I think a sword and some acid breath will only take us so far."

Harmond reached into the pouch and pulled out a ball of bat guano and sulfur. He didn't pack much at one time, especially because this spell took a lot out of him. There was one more packet, after that, he would be limited to much weaker spells. The mummies formed ranks, standing six deep and ten across the breadth of the atrium.

"I've got enough to make a dent," Harmond replied, "Once I send these two fireballs off, they're going to have to get closer to me, much too close to me."

"Okay," Ennrion glared over his sword at the enemies, "Back away slowly. They may let us out of here without a fight."

Before they got the chance, the undead lord at the back of the ranks of mummies let out a shriek. His army of mummies charged, shambling towards the two adventurers with vicious intent. Harmond squeezed the ingredients in his paw, while raising the other up and pointing a shaky finger at the advancing horde. He aimed at one in particular who appeared to be leading the charge and closed one eye to aim.


A small ball of fire streaked forth from his outstretched fingertip. It flew, fast and true, and collided with the chest of the leading mummy. It exploded in a burst of orange fire, throwing the center columns of the mummies back and tripping up the ones on the outskirts. Limbs and skulls fell to the floor in a rain of burning bandages and desiccated flesh. Ennrion roared out and charged forward, his sword nimbly cleaving through the dried, brittle corpses before him. Watching the Dragonborn in battle was like watching a master painter at work. Harmond lost himself watching the slender male's blade and body dance through the advancing hordes. He looked up at the mummy lord watching from the back and raised his finger again, crushing up the last set of fireball ingredients he had.


As he let off the spell a mummy's hand grabbed his ankle and pulled down hard. He cried out in shock, falling back and blasting his fireball straight up. It burst against the ceiling, making the whole building shake and groan. He cried out in fear as the mummy's upper half crawled towards his face, it's long unkempt nails digging into him and ripping his clothes. The creature's legs were smouldering in the center of the atrium surrounded by a host of twitching, squirming bodies.

The Golden Retriever reached down for his knife, only for the mummy to slash down the Dog's wrist with a long, jagged talon. The creature's eyes glowed bright, toxic green in its sunken face, its teeth gnashing as it's leering face grew closer and closer. Harmond screamed as he felt his resolve melt away in blazing green fire. The fear consumed him. He was prey.

In a flash, Ennrion was by his side. The Dragonborn's blade whipped out, cutting off the creature's head and flicking it off into the darkness. Harmond cried out in pain, clutching his wounded arm. The ragged edges of the gash were already starting to turn black. The golden retriever's eyes went wide; it was mummy rot. While the disease manifested itself differently in every case, it almost always caused the afflicted to turn into sand. If he wasn't out of here soon, his body could spread to the four winds into the vast desert, his soul doomed to wander this sandy expanse for all eternity.

"We need to get out of here," Ennrion shouted, his gullet starting to glow a noxious yellow color, "I'm going to blast them back with some acid, and then I'm going to get you help. Don't be afraid."

Harmond looked towards the mummy lord with a whine. The creature smirked at him as it moved back to its throne. His grievous error was good for something; the undead commander now seemed to think that he and his companion were no longer a threat. The Dog turned his attention back to his arm and grimaced. It felt like someone had taken a hot coal and jammed it underneath his skin. He could barely move his fingers now, the pain was just so great. He took his good arm and wrapped a tattered piece of cloth from his shirt around his afflicted forearm and tied it off tight, making a makeshift tourniquet. It wouldn't help much, but hopefully would slow the spread just enough to get him to safety.

Ennrion showered a group of four mummies with noxious acid, making them shrivel and melt into squirming piles of bone and dried flesh. He put the sword back into its sheath and hurried to Harmond's side.

"Harmond, thank the gods you're still awake," He began, "Can you walk?"

The Golden Retriever whined and shook his head. The green torches flickering on the walls danced behind his vision now, making his heart tremble with fear. Slowly but surely, he could feel his sanity drifting away, almost as if the atrium was stealing it away from him. Ennrion looked back at the advancing mummies and swore under his breath in Draconic. He took up the Golden Retriever in his strong arms and made a mad dash for the door. Harmond closed his eyes, buried his head into the Dragonborn's chest, and wept in terror.


Harmond was trapped in a nightmare for what felt like an eternity. He vaguely remembered returning to the camp, and the panicked expression on Zroc's face as Ennrion explained what happened. Everything went black after that; all Harmond could remember was the tomb and the ghastly expressions of the mummies. There was nothing before, and nothing after, just horrific creatures eager for his flesh. Night after night they chased him, captured him, and tortured him to the brink of death.

Soon though, his visions started to change. Every so often, searing white light would pierce through the darkened prison his mind was in and vanquish the monsters. As time went on, that white light bathed a champion, Zroc, in angelic light. Slowly but surely, the Kobold finished all of them off. Finally, the golden retriever could sleep, free of nightmares, just like normal. For the first time in what felt like forever he felt hope, hope that he would finally wake up for real.

The first thing the golden retriever saw, besides the faded black geometric pattern on the red canopy above his bed, was Zroc, watching him sleep with concern in his eyes. The Kobold's eyes widened as he realized Harmond was waking up.

"Harmond?" He gasped and smiled from ear to ear, "You're finally awake!"

The Golden Retriever smiled in return and slowly moved himself up into a sitting position. That simple motion left him panting and shaking with exertion. Zroc moved his arms down to steady him, sneaking a quick nuzzle while he did so.

"What happened?" Harmond asked, "How long was I asleep?"

Zroc took a deep breath and took one of Harmond's paws in his hand.

"Well, it was mummy rot, and it was really bad," the Kobold replied, "We thought we were going to have to cut off the arm, or worse, bring a bag of sand all the way back to the high temple at Al-Sharjah and pray we got all of you."

Harmond looked down at his lap and pulled the other paw out from under his blankets. The vessels in his arm were black from the elbow down. He whined, his eyes widening as he tried and failed to move his fingers. The Kobold took his other hand and squeezed both of Harmond's paws. Harmond breathed a sigh of relief, at least he was able to feel that.

"We got lucky," Zroc continued, "There was a religious caravan passing through. They stopped it from spreading further and have been treating you ever since. We're back in Nizaharaq, in the brothel."

"What god do I need to thank?" Harmond asked, "And how would I go about doing that?"

"Shahaada," The Kobold smirked, "Hopefully they just let you hook up with whoever you want. At least it wasn't an evil god. Trust me, blood sacrifices can take a lot out of you."

Harmond blushed. Shahaada was a local goddess of love, health, and fertility. All the peoples within and surrounding the Great Salt Desert worshipped her. His stomach churned with nervousness. He hoped his payment would be limited to the first two domains, because he was in no way prepared to knock someone up. Harmond shook off the worry with a whine, it was time to change the subject.

"Okay," the Golden Retriever sighed, "Where's Ennrion?"

Zroc chuckled.

"Leading an army to clear out those buildings one by one," the Kobold replied, "He reported back to our employer and told him what you two had found. They along with some of the neighboring tribes are doubling our pay to deal with this new problem. Angry mummies aren't good for anyone."

"Ennrion's off fighting the undead?" Harmond asked, "Shouldn't you be with him?"

Zroc nervously looked away and shook his head.

"Not this time kid," He replied, "We haven't really spoke since you got cursed. I wasn't very kind to him after the fact. In fact I've hardly left your side since we got back to Nizaharaq. Someone needed to take care of your wounds when the priests were busy. I'm practically a cleric now. They gave me a pendant and everything."

The Kobold growled and glared out the window.

"I do suppose I'll have to apologize to him when he gets back," Zroc continued, "But I still can't believe he wasn't watching out for you."

He lowered his head with a sigh.

"I should have been there," The Kobold squeezed Harmond's paws, "I should have been there to protect you."

Harmond blushed and gave the Kobold a kiss on the cheek. While he was busy pining over Ennrion he didn't really notice all Zroc had done for him. Every fight the three had been in, Zroc stayed by the Golden Retriever's side and watched his back. Ennrion may have gotten the credit for keeping Harmond safe, but Zroc had done all of the heavy lifting. He thought back to the tomb and smiled as he remembered he and Ennrion's last conversation.

"He offered you know, before the mummies," Harmond began, "He said he was interested in fooling around with me."

Zroc recoiled, almost as if Harmond had slapped him. He collected himself with a deep breath, and let a shaky, dishonest smile cross his face.

"Oh really," He chuckled, "And what did you say to that."

Harmond kissed the Kobold on the cheek again.

"I said I needed to talk to you first," Harmond wrapped his arms around the shorter male and hugged him tight, "I didn't want to ruin what we had. You know, if we had something."

Zroc smiled and hugged the Golden Retriever back. He buried his head into the golden-furred male's chest.

"Oh we've got something kid," Zroc chuckled and squeezed the younger male tight, "I've been thinking about you some kind of way for a long time now."

Harmond lay back against the pillow and smirked down at the Kobold. Zroc looked up at him, rolling off of the Dog's chest and laying beside him. His scaled hand rubbed over Harmond's chest, fingers curling in the thick golden fur there.

"How long is a long time?" Harmond asked, "Because you did a pretty piss-poor job in letting me know."

Zroc thought for a moment, his scarred muzzle moving down to kiss over the Golden Retriever's chest.

"Probably from the very second Ennrion brought you in to meet us," Zroc replied, "You were just so innocent."

He chuckled.

"Just so cute," Zroc began, "I know I told you I liked Dogs, and you were just my type."

Harmond let out a little laugh.

"Really?" Harmond smirked, "Cause I seem to remember it a little differently. I think I told you good morning. And you replied, and I quote, to "shove that happy-go-lucky bullshit under my tail."

Zroc shrugged.

"I was hungover," He smirked, "And I don't know if you noticed, but I'm kind of an asshole."

Harmond licked his lips and looked into the Kobold's eyes. Zroc smirked and shifted his position to straddle the Dog's chest. He sat taller than Harmond now, his tail tip twitching idly as he looked down at his mate.

"I suppose you're my asshole now," Harmond chuckled and blushed as Zroc closed the rest of the distance, "Don't you dare change."

"You've really got to work on your lovey-dovey talk," The Kobold replied, his breath teasing the Dog's tender lips, "Everyone already has an asshole, there's no point in having two."

"Shut up," Harmond smirked and licked the Kobold's lips teasingly, "Be sweet with me. I missed you. I was so scared I'd never see you again."

Zroc leaned in and kissed his mate on the lips, a low whine escaping them as the pair locked lips. They kept it soft and gentle, not daring to do more than tease with their tongues. The door opened slowly behind them, making Zroc turn and snarl in shock. It was the priestess and a half-dozen of her followers from the caravan. They were nude, their bodies already painted in magic symbols. The black-scaled Kobold blushed and lay back beside his mate, his hand squeezing the Golden Retriever's paw tightly.

"Oh good," the priestess, a naked Cheetah began, "I'm happy to see that Shahaada has blessed you, Zroc."

Zroc nodded.

"I think he's doing really well Sitora," Zroc replied, "Now all we need to do is get that arm fully healed and he'll be good as new."

The Cheetah smiled at Zroc and put a paw on his shoulder. He smiled and kissed Sitora's free hand, looking up at her with adoration in his eyes. They must have gotten close while the canine was afflicted by the curse. Her eyes moved to Harmond's, making the Golden Retriever blush and squirm in his bed. He'd never been this close to a naked woman.

"Your lover here was very instrumental in your recovery," She began, "On top of nursing you at your bedside. He made nightly offerings to our goddess Shahaada."

Zroc smirked and looked at Harmond with a shrug.

"What can I say?" Zroc chuckled, "I'm a better lover than a healer. I guess they balanced out in the end."

Harmond blushed and looked over the predominantly female followers. Some of them barely managed to stifle knowing giggles. How many of them had accepted an "offering" from the Kobold? Ennrion was right about one thing, Zroc was not the monogamous type.

"For the goddess Shahaada to fully heal you," Sitora began, "It is your turn to provide her with an offering. Now, if this were any other month, we would just ask Zroc here to do the honors."

She looked over her congregation with a chuckle.

"However, this is the holy month, the month of the great conception of our world, and all the beings that inhabit it," She continued, "This month, our goddess requires the most powerful force two mortal beings can muster. Creation of life."

Harmond whined. He had just barely learned his way around the male body. He knew it wouldn't be difficult, but he didn't want to be bad at it. What if the goddess Shahaada revoked her blessing because the Golden Retriever couldn't do the deed well enough?

"You mean you want me to," He blushed hard, "With a girl?"

Zroc squeezed the Dog's shoulder.

"I'll be right here beside you," The Kobold replied, "I can help you through it any way you need."

"We have a Canine devotee who would be perfect for you," The Cheetah began, "We will prepare the room, and leave Zroc to prepare you. Then, you will submit your offering to the goddess. Once it is done, Zroc and Hadiya will finish your healing."

Harmond blushed hard.

"What if it doesn't work?" The Dog blushed, "Not your goddess of course, but you know, my uh thing."

The Cheetah smirked and laughed, causing her followers to erupt in laughter as well. Zroc chuckled and rubbed over the Golden Retriever's paw.

"That's what I'm here for," Zroc replied, "Trust me. Hadiya's great. You probably won't even need me."

Harmond sighed and nodded. With that the naked furs in his room started to light candles and prepare a dozen scented oils. The room smelled amazing, like the lushest garden a mere mortal like Harmond could imagine. The Golden Retriever looked over some of them, his loins already starting to stir at the sight of so many attractive naked bodies. He breathed deep and closed his eyes as Zroc's hand moved between his legs. He was already ready.


3 hours later


Zroc pulled up the paint brush from Harmond's navel with a smirk. The full sigil of Shahaada had been painstakingly painted onto his naked fur. To the Golden Retriever, it looked like nothing more than a series of random scribbles and circles. It felt powerful, however, and made his wound tingle with a divine warmth. Any doubts in his mind faded away as that warmth surged through his body. He had never felt such divine presence before, and he had been a devout worshipper of the gods since he was a boy. Zroc was bearing a similar, but less ornate sigil as well as a silver pendant, inlaid with pink and white diamonds. Harmond looked over at him as he put the brush and the red paint away.

"So," He began, "Do you know how this is going to go down?"

Zroc rolled his eyes.

"We're both going to fuck a pretty girl," the Kobold smirked, "You're going to knock her up, and once we're finished, we'll dunk your arm in anointed water. Simple as that. If all goes well, we may not even have to do that."

He shot the Dog a wink and kissed him softly on the cheek.

"Don't stress about this," Zroc continued, "Just enjoy it."

Harmond blushed as Zroc moved to the door. His eyes watched the Kobold's tail, paying particular attention to the already swollen cock slit. Zroc's tip was almost peeking out, the shape of it visible from Harmond's angle. The pair had been teasing each other all evening. Harmond felt like one good pump of his hips would end everything. His ears picked up the sound of a procession of footsteps. It was time. The smell was the first thing that Harmond noticed. Strong, sweet, and divine. He had smelled a female in heat, but this was ten times better. A fur could get drunk off of this scent.

Zroc held open the door and stood aside, his eyes widening as he saw Hadiya enter the room. The Golden Jackal was the most beautiful creature that Harmond had ever seen. Her eyes were bright orange and glowing, like the embers of a campfire on a dark desert night. Her body was trim, almost athletic, with two perky breasts and a modestly curved rump. The sigil on her chest was just as ornate as the Golden Retriever's, but painted in white on her tan fur. She stepped forward and the Golden Retriever's jaw dropped. She moved as elegantly as a swan, her hips swaying slightly with each motion. His cock immediately hardened.

"My my, aren't we eager," She smirked and knelt on the bed beside the Golden Retriever, her legs curling under her rump, "And I heard a rumor that you would be a shy one."

The Golden Retriever tensed and moaned as her paw reached out and stroked his cock, slow from tip to base. Pre-cum dripped down her slender fingers and his shaft, making Harmond gasp and whine.

"I didn't know what to expect," Harmond shivered and moaned as her paw continued to slowly stroke him, "I was just nervous."

"Nervous?" She cooed, her other paw moving down to gently roll his golden furred balls between her slender fingers, "Don't be nervous. We're both going to enjoy this. Trust me."

As Harmond moaned and bucked his hips weekly into the beautiful female's paws, Zroc stepped forward and got onto the bed behind the Jackal. His hands rubbed over her sides, his fingers moving up to caress and grope her breasts.

"And what about me?" He asked with a grin against her ear, "I get to have some fun too right?"

"I know your idea of fun," She chuckled, her lips parting to let out a moan as the Kobold's sharp teeth moved down to tease her neck, "Some would call it unnatural."

The Kobold growled against her neck, his paws moving lower to tease her thighs. His fingers probed into them, making her huff and spread them as he lowered his hips behind her. Harmond watched with a blush and sat up to attention, his eyes wide as his lover teased the beautiful canine in front of him. She let out a giggle as one of Zroc's hands moved back to her rump, sliding over it before sliding his hard cock between her legs.

"Your goddess seems to like how, unnatural, I am," He chuckled, "Love comes in many forms. Pleasure can be found in all sorts of places. You would think she'd appreciate experimentation by her devoted."

His fingers dug into her hips, holding her tight as he started to work his cock between her thighs. Zroc's hand moved forward, teasing the top of Hadiya's soft, already wet mound. He spread it, one of his fingers rolling against her clit with a dirty chuckle.

"Oh no," She huffed and moaned, rolling up into the stimulation, "You know better my little friend."

Zroc murred and humped forward a few times, slicking her tan-furred thighs with pre.

"I know," He huffed, "I'm just giving Harmond a show. Do you like what you see love?"

He nodded and licked his lips. The Dog sat up, he was too weak to really get up and make love to her, but he could at least try to participate. Hadiya moaned and pulled away from the amorous Kobold, her eyes focused on Harmond's. Zroc chuckled and sat back on the mattress, his paw slowly working over his hard cock.

"Be still," She began, "Let me take care of you."

Hadiya straddled the Golden Retriever's lap, capturing his hard and drooling cock between their hot bodies. He blushed and looked up at her, his paws starting to roam over her body. She noticed his hesitant movements, and put both of his paws on her breasts. Harmond moaned and rolled them in his hands, his fingertips teasing the other canine's sensitive nipples as he groped over Hadiya's breasts.

"S-so," Harmond gulped, "You're okay with this whole thing right. You aren't just doing this because you have to?"

She nodded.

"It's an honor to bear an offering to Shahaada," She replied, "And an honor to share in pleasure with you Harmond."

Zroc reached over to the table beside the bed and put a dollop of scented lubricant on his hand. His paw moved low, between the Jackal's perky butt cheeks, and rubbed the dollop in under her tail. Hadiya huffed and wrapped her arms around Harmond, her hips shifting up and grinding his cock against her folds. Zroc took another handful and stroked it over his cock, his lust filled eyes sizing up the Jackal's tight tailhole.

"If it's such an honor," the Kobold chuckled, "Why don't the two of you get to breeding? That paint on your chest is still awfully intact. I want to see some pink"

Hadiya bit her lip and lined herself up with Harmond's cock, her hips lifting away from the Kobold lubing up her tight tailhole. The two Canine's looked into each other's eyes before the Jackal lowered herself down on the Golden Retriever's hard and dripping cock. He moaned, loudly, his paws immediately moving down to Hadiya's hips to grip her tightly. She chuckled and moaned as well, not stopping her downward motion until her lips kissed the beginnings of the Golden Retriever's knot.

She leaned down, her lips capturing Harmond's in a sloppy kiss. The Golden kissed back as best as he could, but could barely function as the warm tightness around his cock totally flooded his senses. His hips slowly rolled, his fatigue and illness keeping him from rutting like a normal inexperienced Canine would. Zroc chuckled and mounted up behind the Jackal, his motions pressing her tighter against the Golden Retriever's chest. He took an exploratory finger and pressed it in to Hadiya's tight rump, letting out a chuckle as it practically sucked it in.

"For someone who thinks this is so unnatural," The Kobold chuckled as he replaced that finger with the wedged tip of his cock, "You seem to be quite accustomed to it."

He rolled his hips forward, slowly penetrating the Jackal with a low moan. Hadiya shivered on top of Harmond, her eyes closing as the slow motions of both males within her made her nerves tingle from head to toe. Zroc started to thrust, nice and slow, his eyes closing as he made love to the Jackal's tail hole. His hands moved to Harmond's paws, clutching them tight as the Kobold started to build a rhythm. Hadiya looked down at the Golden Retriever with a smirk and started to roll her hips in time with the Kobold's thrusts. Each backward motion of the Kobold's hips slid a couple inches of Harmond's out, while each forward motion drove her to slap her hips back against his growing knot.

The three furs moaned and panted against one another, a chorus of slaps and lewd squelches arising from their loins. As the tempo built, the candles in the room started to burn brighter and brighter. Zroc smirked and moved his hands away from Harmond's. The young Dog didn't even notice, all he could do was let his tongue loll out as his hips met with Hadiya's again and again. Zroc's hands went back to the Jackal's breasts, a lewd chuckle leaving his lips as he stood up behind the Jackal and re-entered her.

"I look forward to meeting you," He huffed as he kissed and nibbled over Hadiya's ears," Shahaada."

He started to thrust harder and faster, dominating the rhythm of the lovemaking with his savage thrusts. Both canines howled out in unison, but Hadiya's grew even louder. Her eyes grew brighter, and seemed to almost dance with a holy flame. Her hips followed suit with Zroc's, bearing down on Harmond's knot with ferocious speed and power. Harmond cried out and fell back, his lust finally putting some power behind his thrusts. His toes curled and his eyes rolled back in his head as his knot tortuously worked its way into her tight pussy.

Both canines tensed up as the Golden Retriever's fat knot finally locked the two of them together. Harmond cried out in pleasure, his whole body tensing as his orgasm finally came. Rope after rope of fertile canine seed painted Hadiya's insides. Any fears that the Golden Retriever had of the process not working were assuaded instantly. Hadiya followed suit, her inner walls clenching on the Dog's cock as her own orgasm hit. Harmond shivered and moaned as even more heat surrounded his tender flesh.

The Jackal let out a loud howl, her eyes shining bright. The smeared sigil on her chest glowed as well. One by one, each candle in the room flared and extinguished, until the only lights in the room came from the painted sigil on of the lovers' chests. Zroc kept up his savage pace, his lips kissing and suckling over the Jackal's neck. His hips slapped into Hadiya's rump with each thrust, his own knot teasing her entrance. The glowing Jackal leaned back into the thrusts, tugging on Harmond's still ejaculating cock, and locked lips with Zroc. He moaned into her muzzle, his tongue moving into it with raw, sexual need.

Tendrils of light came out from Hadiya's sigil and burrowed themselves into both males. Harmond's injured arm started to glow, the last vestiges of the mummy rot burning out in holy fire. Zroc's eyes glowed with a glorious emerald sheen. It brightened as his knot forced its way into the Jackal's tight ass. The whole inn started to shake with each of the Kobold's now divinely augmented thrusts. He roared, filling the ceiling of the room with radioactive green colored fire as he filled Hadiya's waiting and willing rump. With that, the sigils stopped glowing and the candles immediately relit. The canopy of the bed however, was gone. It's remnants fell to the floor in bright shiny embers around the lovers.

Hadiya fell forward onto Harmond's chest, taking the smaller, exhausted Kobold down with her. Smoke wafted from his chest, the sigil now permanently branded on his scaly skin. Clearly the goddess had liked Zroc's portion of the offering. Harmond's now healed arm moved up to Zroc's face, caressing his exhausted lover's muzzle with soft, gentle touches. Tears welled in his eyes.

"Thank you," He said softly into Hadiya's ear, "Thank you so much."

The trio panted for breath on the bed. Hadiya murred between both males, her eyes closing as both of them held her tightly. More footsteps, these more urgent than before, ran to the door. Ennrion and the high priestess burst in, their eyes wide. The Dragonborn looked as if he had just returned from war. Harmond looked at him with a whine. The battle-sickness was visible from here. They had clearly won, but at a great cost.

"What in the Nine Hells happened?" The Priestess asked, "Did you know what you did?"

Zroc chuckled breathlessly from the top of the furpile on the bed.

"We fixed Harmond," He murred, "He's all better."

"Not that!" Ennrion practically hissed, "Every torch and candle in the entire town flared up. You almost burned the whole place to the ground."

The Kobold smirked and let his paws roam over Hadiya's waist. He ground forward with his hips, making both furs underneath him pant and whine in pleasure.

"What can I say?" Zroc licked his lips, "Your goddess likes it up the ass."

Both visitors were speechless. Zroc let out another laugh and pressed himself closer to both of the furs beneath him. Harmond finally managed to catch the Dragonborn's eyes and smiled. Ennrion looked over the pile, let out a little chuckle, and smiled back.