And Then There Were Animals

Story by sorfa on SoFurry

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And suddenly they were Animals. There was no reason for it, no way to anticipate its happening. One day parts of the population changed into bigger anthropomorphized animal versions of themselves. People panicked, as you can expect. Testing was called for but nothing could be found for what made it happen or any way to reverse it. Or if there were answers they were hidden away from the world. At least that's what doomsayers would write all about on their blogs. But either way here we are. A world with humans and those no longer human.

The panic and fear eventually died down when people realized that hey, they're the same people they were, not mindless animals. Only difference is their size and strength have gone up. Occasionally in the news you hear a few stories about someone changing suddenly in the time since the instance, but those don't pop up often. It's become the norm. Which makes it not weird to be roomed up with one now.

The university doesn't give details about what animal they are or anything like that, feeling it best for that individual to reveal themselves when they choose to. Which is a royally flawed system if you ask me. Why not tell someone in advance that hey you're gonna room with a lion, or a wolf, or what have you? Clearly they won't be able to hide that little detail once you see them in person. But whatever, I already ranted about this when I got my admission to the university and the name of my to-be roommate. Don't get me wrong I'm used to the animal thing by this point but I would like to know, if for nothing other than knowing what I'm walking into other than that his name is Richard.

The university tried its best to accomodate to the Animal population of students but in regards to the dorm room situation it's a little complicated. The current rooms fit 2 humans comfortably enough. With the Animal students they did look at turning the double rooms into single Animal student rooms but that would limit student living by a lot. Instead they made changes: working on building new residences with more space while maintaining the double rooms for 1 human and 1 Animal but at a cheaper cost due to the space in the rooms. Some complained but for me, the cheaper option is easily more appealing when you have to pay for school yourself.

Finally arrived at the school by late afternoon. A long goodbye to my family before I boarded the plane, then trying to find my way around the new city, needless to say the trip took longer than I expected it to. From what I could see as I walked along with my duffle bag most of the other students had arrived long before me. They were walking around, passing different balls or frisbees to each other, looking excited and nervous for the year to officially start. You could feel it like a buzz in the air. It was a bit intoxicating. Following the signs for the men's dorm I was greeted by a wolf in an official looking shirt with a clipboard.

"Hey, you have the look of someone new. Welcome to Garnet Hills University. I'm Peter, one of the RA's here in the men's dorm." I shook his hand and introduced myself. "Tomas Tomas Tomas... Ah there you are. You're up in room 307. Your roommate Richard is already moved in. When you go through those doors hang a left and follow it down to the stairs." I thanked him and set off to find my room.

It was actually really easy to find which was nice. The staff had put up a ton of signs listing where to go and all that.. Friends back home had told me horror stories that they heard from a friends friends brother about people getting lost in University never being found. Given this experience, those stories are definitely not based on real world events. Whatever. On my way along I passed by humans and Animals alike who all made brief pleasantries with me as I walked by. They seemed quite nice and were I not hauling my bag they probably would have stopped me to chat longer. I had a good feeling about things when I reached my room. The door was shut but I could hear sounds from inside which meant Richard must be in. As I turned the handle and opened the door I heard a loud neigh, and as I took a step into the room I was struck in the face, chest, arms, repeatedly by something warm and wet. I had my eyes closed but I was pretty sure I knew what just happened. My nose was hit by a musky smell. After about a minute or so it stopped and I could hear heavy breathing.

"Ha... ha- oh crap. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... I was just so... umm..." the deep voice tapered off as he looked at my face and I looked back at him, or so I assume since my eyes were still closed.

"You must be Richard. I think before we formally introduce ourselves I'll grab a shower. Could you help find the washrooms, I still can't see."

He agreed and led me by my back to the washrooms where they had the showers. I could hear guys whistling and clapping Richard probably on the back as we passed. I realized when we got there that I had dropped my bag and didn't have a towel. I mentioned it to Richard and he reassured me that I could use his towel to dry off and make it back to the room without having to be naked. He hung it on the shower hook and turned on the tap before leaving the shower area. I quickly stripped down and jumped in to begin washing off.

When I got back to the room in a towel with my clothes in a pile I found Richard wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt sitting at the desk on one side of the room. Not sure if he knew I was back since he didn't seem to react when I came inside. He was a horse type of Animal, I would assume a clydesdale given just how big he is. He was covered in a chestnut colour of fur. The room itself looked like your typical university dorm room: desk and chair, dresser, closet and bed. The bed however was larger than what you would typically be given, and there was also only the one. They needed a bed size to accommodate the growth of the Animals since they became taller but that would have limited room space, ergo one bed to share. It was spelled out in the dorm descriptions. Also was part of why they made the rooms cheaper. I crouched down to go through my duffle bag and pull out some clean clothes. Richard turned in his chair looking rather abashed.

"So that was certainly a way to introduce ourselves. Heh. Can we start over with introductions when you get your clothes on?" he asked me.

"Sure" I said back, muffled as I put my head through the shirt. "I'm Tomas. Long day, long trip, but happy to have arrived finally. What's your major? I'm taking English."

"Nice meeting you, I'm Richard as you said. I'm taking Psychology, though might look into double majoring if there's time."

We continued to talk about different topics while I finished getting dressed. His family lives a lot closer to the school than mine but still far enough that he needs to be in residence, one older brother, and of his family he's the only Animal. His stomach started to rumble though and he suggested we head to the cafeteria to grab some food and I happily agreed. I hadn't been able to tell while he was sitting down but he was much taller than I am. At 6 feet I only came up to around his shoulders. The cafeteria had a great atmosphere, seeing everyone mingling and interacting with one another. Also the food was really good and not too pricey either. Not a bad start to the school year all in all.

Time passed and we were back in our room, I was sorting through my clothes and putting them away while Richard was browsing through different sites on the web. I could feel myself nodding off so I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into the big bed which was surprisingly comfortable for a dorm room. Richard said he would be getting ready in a little while, snapping off the light. Dozing off I could hear him shuffling around before he too climbed into the big bed. Ready for tomorrow I felt sleep take me.

As I began to stir the first thing I took note of was Richard's even breathing behind me. As my mind became more active I then quickly noted the big horse cock thrusting between my thighs. It was too dark to see it but I could feel it and damn he was big, probably over a foot long and so thick I wouldn't be able to get a hand around it. I don't know whether he went to sleep clothed or naked, but even clothed there's no way this thing would have been contained in those shorts he had on. The Animal change had caused an increase in their libido as well so I wasn't surprised that he would be humping in his sleep. Checking the time I opted to slip out of the bed carefully, trying to avoid waking him up, then grabbed my towel and headed to the showers. This early I figured nobody else would be in there.

That turned out to not be true as I could hear two muffled voices in the shower room when I walked in. I didn't think anything of it as I walked in to find an unexpected sight: Peter the wolf RA I had met outside the building was standing there humping a human guy who I hadn't met, big red wolf cock rubbing between the guys ass cheeks, the guy moaning. Both of them were facing the wall away from me. With his wolf senses Peter probably knew I was there but it didn't seem like the other guy did. Matter of fact the wolf turned his head and winked at me before leaning down and speaking loudly enough that I could hear into the guys ear.

"You want this wolf cock boy?" the guy nodded eagerly. "Then you better ask for it, then we're gonna put on a show for our guest here." When he heard that the guy tensed up and spun around away from Peter to look at me, looking worried.

"N-no I can't be seen like..." he walked past Peter before realizing his hard cock was very evident, choosing to cover it with his hands. Peter turned to face me and the guy, showing off the full length of his cock. Not as big as Richard but red and pointed like one would expect on a canine. He sighed to himself.

"You can leave if you want Greg, just know you won't ever have another chance at this wolf cock you want so bad." Greg stopped and actually whimpered when Peter said that. Slowly he knelt to the shower floor and got on his hands and knees, presenting his ass to Peter who let out a low growl of approval. "That's right Greg, you need this alpha cock in you" Peter said lustily as he knelt behind Greg and started to jab his cock at the human's hole. "Want me to breed you and knot your ass? Tell me what you want pup."

Greg let out a groan at Peter's words, his cock twitching between his legs. "I... I want your cock Peter."

I took that as my opportunity to strip down and turn on the shower for myself. Not sure how long I had been standing there watching them getting busy. I could feel my own cock twitching and hardening from the musk that Peter was emanating. That was another component of the Animal change, they had a musk that drew in everyone. Didn't matter who. I had my back turned away from their acts on the shower floor but could hear Greg starting to moan, knowing that he was now getting fucked. As I lathered soap and shampoo on my body I could hear Greg's moans and Peter's grunts getting faster and louder. I even caught myself at one point leaning against the shower wall with my ass out facing their direction, making small moans myself as part of me imagined that it was I taking that wolf's cock. I looked over my shoulder and caught Peter staring at me, or more specifically at my ass, as he pounded away at the human under him.

"Yea I'm gonna knot you boy. You gonna take this hot alpha load. Mmm this ass is great, definitely gonna hit you up again after this. Brace yourself." I watched as Peter howled as he pushed his big knot into Greg's ass, who groaned loudly at the intrusion and began to cum on the floor. I could tell from Peter's body that he was cumming too inside the human. I clenched my hands as I felt my own orgasm almost overtake me watching those two. I chose to use that moment to turn off the water and leave the shower space but not before I heard Peter's comment. "Shit, we're stuck like this now till my knot deflates. Hope you're comfortable there pup."

When I returned to my own room I was greeted to the sight of my roommates horse ass as he was humping the bed with his massive cock. Stepping into the room I was hit again by Animal musk that got my cock harder than in the shower. I felt myself let out a moan at the sight of his large low hanging balls swinging with each of his thrusts. Richard heard me, slowed down, and turned his head to see me, letting out a chuckle at his human roommate hard while watching him.

"Hey Tomas, looking at something you like?" I felt myself nod without thinking which made Richard laugh. "Yea sorry buddy just couldn't help it. Clydesdales are horny fuckers apparently, but arguably they have the biggest cocks." With that he turned slightly so I could see all of his cock. I was shocked. I knew it was big from this morning but even that wasn't enough preparation for this. The sight of it with the musk in the air made my cock twitch and start to leak on our floor. Dark with the kind of flared head you would expect of a horse cock, and a large medial ring part way down the shaft, I nearly swooned. Richard laughed again at my reaction and beckoned me over to him. "Alright buddy, get under here. Could use some help here anyway."

I happily climbed onto the bed under his large body with him getting his cock between my thighs. As soon as it was in place he started to hump away at me, letting out nickers of approval at the sensations. I moaned at the feeling as well, loving having his large cock squeezed between my thighs, but it also made me crave it in my hole all the more. I'd never thought about getting fucked before this, even with my prior encounters with Animals before now but I couldn't deny how badly I wanted it. I scooted myself forward on the bed under Richard enough that his cock head could slip out from between my thighs and then grabbed that thick horse meat and pushed it against my ass. I heard him grunt at the feeling of his flared head on my hole; the sensation made me shiver with anticipation.

"Oh fuck buddy you're horny for this cock. Ngh that's it. I can feel you stretching for me. Probably never been fucked given howwwww fuck... how tight you are. It's a good thing our Animal cum is such a strong lube. Ugh yes that's it" he groaned as his flared cock head finally popped into my hole with no pain. "Not a virgin anymore, this cherry is mine, and now I'm gonna fuck you so good."

My head was spinning, pinned under my stud of a roommate with his massive cock sliding in my ass. I was gripping the sheets, my nose full of his scent. I wanted nothing more than for him to fill me with that load that was building in his balls and hated that my small human body couldn't take more than about half his cock. Richard's pace began to increase and I knew that he was getting close. Letting out a moan I clenched my hole as my own climax overtook me. His cock began to throb as he then let out a loud cry as his cock started firing into my hole, filling me up. I looked down and could visibly see my stomach swelling from his load, belly full of his horse cum. He was panting hard, lowering some of his weight onto my back, wrapping one of his big arms around me and pulling me close for a hug. His cock was still hard as he started to fuck me again.