Tales from Dragon Heaven - Birthday Bash

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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After Shawn spent so much time as an inflatable he finally gets to go to his birthday party! But it appears that Riven is not quite finished with Shawn's pool toy adventure and attempts to bring him further into the pool toy life.

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Shawn and Riven walked back to Dragon Heaven, the red and blue rubber dragon still shaking off the time he had spent as a pool toy in the care of the other. Though the black-scaled dragon had already mentioned that something was being prepared for him for his birthday he still kept him in the dark as to what. When they got to the club the sun was still up but Shawn could see a number of cars in the nearby parking lot that most of the patrons used when they came there. Something certainly was going on and Shawn had an inkling on what, but as they walked inside and got past the gate guardian it still surprised him when they jumped up and shouted surprise.

There were cheers and claps as Conrad and Mitch both came up to him and wished him a happy birthday. The number of other rubber dragons there was more than he imagined, the eastern dragon saying that they were more than happy to join in on celebrating one of their best slaves. He was led over to one of the tables where a rather large birthday cake had been provided, Pyre and Tundra standing on either side giving him a wink. "Make a wish birthday boy," Pyre commented as he and Tundra lit the candles for him.

"Why?" Shawn responded with a smirk. "I can't think of anything else that I could possibly want right now." He felt a number of hands on his shoulders and back as he blew out his candles, but the second that the last flame went out he let out a yelp as he was suddenly jerked backwards by his friends and brought towards the stage. With the strength of the two they lifted him off of his feet without trouble and they brought him up to the same poles that they had bound him to the first time, using a number of chains and straps in order to quickly immobilize him.

"Looks like the birthday boy is all ready to go," Conrad announced as he walked up towards the edge of the stage. "Why don't you all go ahead and give this guy his birthday spankings?" As the rubber dragon moved behind and Shawn felt a latex hand against his rear he realized that birthday spanking was going to be more of a grope. The red and blue creature let out a roar of pleasure as his rump was squeezed hard, Conrad kissing him on the neck and whispering a happy birthday before he left the stage and allowed the next one to come up.

There was quite the line that came up, some of them just content with a quick pat of the bum or a nuzzle while others would fully grope his restrained body as their synthetic scales rubbed against one another. Though it was clear some wanted more it was clear that this was only meant to be a tease and once the last person had gotten their fill of his body they let him down so that he could truly enjoy his birthday in a more relaxed fashion. Not only were his usual clan there and his handlers but a number of other patrons as well that he had gotten to know during his time. As he took a piece of cake and sat down at the table a number of people came up and wished him a happy birthday as well.

Once the more public party has started to wind down and the club started to wind up for the usual crowd of people Shawn was adjourned into a more private room. As soon as he walked in, he was given a drink and sat down with his roommates, his handlers, and Riven as well since he had been the one that distracted him in the first place. "Well you were certainly the belle of the ball," Mitch said with a grin as they settled into the comfortable chairs of the small room. "No one can say that you didn't make a splash here, a lot of patrons showed up to wish you a happy birthday."

"Considering the number of latex hands that groped me when you put me up there I can certainly imagine," Shawn replied with a grin as he sipped his beverage. "You guys are honestly the best, I had no idea you were planning all this for my first birthday at Dragon Heaven. I can't imagine how this day could get any better, thank you so much."

The group of rubber dragons continued to drink and celebrate with one another, talking and laughing as they talked with one another. To Shawn it was nice to just hang out with everyone, especially with his added duties as a slave to the club it made getting the entire gang together and not engaged in various other activities somewhat difficult. At this point it was just six rubber dragons hanging around and enjoying one another's company with a mixture of alcohol and food that included the cake that had been brought in from the main room after a number of others had a slice as well. Though they kept the entire evening rather tame having six lustful males in the same room led to a number of small indiscretions, including having Shawn sit on Tundra's lap with his cock buried deep inside his tailhole while Pyre stroked his underneath the table.

"Seems like only yesterday we were just a bunch of humans celebrating Shawn's last birthday at the bar," Conrad mused, taking a moment to let in a small breath of pleasure as their bronze-scaled counterpart sucked him off from underneath the table as well. "I have to say this is quite the upgrade. Did you ever see yourself celebrating a birthday as a rubber dragon club slave?"

"I have to say that this was not something that I envisioned," Shawn stated with a chuckle. "Nor did I think I would be having nearly as much fun with them as I have. I mean... ah... had you told me this was going to happen I wouldn't have believed.... Nnngh... you at all."

"Well at this point you've definitely become quite the fixture at The Aviary," Riven chimed in. "Sometimes it surprises me when I don't see you in a cage up there on your days off."

"The Aviary definitely feels like a second home to me," Shawn assured with a chuckle. "Other than my own den I couldn't think of a more comfortable place and sometimes I really miss being locked up there... which is another thing that I didn't think that I would ever say like that. Of course I also didn't think I would ride another guy while my friends all watched but that's happening right now too."

All of the rubber dragons laughed and Tundra gave a bit of a thrust up to prod Shawn's prostate and cause him to let out a small gasp. As the night continued on thought they all eventually had their fill and decided to part ways; Pyre and Tundra had a new dragon they were breaking in and Conrad and Mitch were going to see if Elijah was off of work yet in order to fill in for Shawn. That just left Riven as the birthday boy himself stood up and stretched, the pitch black rubber dragon telling him that he would be probably heading back to The Aviary in order to check on a few things even though it was his day off. As he was about to leave though Shawn quickly stopped him and asked if he could stick around for a little bit so he could ask him something. The other dragon gave Shawn a curious look but nodded and sat down on one of the couches as Shawn quickly did the same.

"You mentioned back when I was a guest at your house that you had those that had permanently turned themselves into pool toys?" Shawn asked, Riven's eyes suddenly gleaming slightly when he nodded. "How does that work exactly?"

"Same way that these suits do I imagine," Riven explained excitedly. "The suits that I put them in can hold them indefinitely and though I do make sure to take care of each and every one of them they can be left alone for long stretches of time without needing any outside intervention. They can also be deflated which allows for some semblance of movement for those within but other than that they remain their puffy, inflated selves for as long as they want. Why do you ask?"

Shawn felt himself blush slightly and felt slightly embarrassed about what he was about to say despite being with someone he knew and trusted. "I have to admit that I really, really enjoyed our time together while in that suit," he admitted as he grinned sheepishly. "Though I definitely don't want anything of a permanent nature I was wondering if perhaps there was a way that I could experience such a thing for a little longer? If I can't I completely understand, but I was really hoping that I could try it out for an extended duration since all your other pool toys seemed to be immensely enjoying themselves."

The two continued to talk about it for a while as they had another round of drinks while they hashed out the details of how they were going to do such a thing. While it wouldn't be the first time that Shawn had done an extended stay somewhere it normally had something to do with the club or was at most a week. When they had settled on the red and blue rubber dragon being inside a pool toy for a month they had to make sure that everything was settled with numerous people before they went out to do this. Not only did he have to make sure the club knew that they were going to be down a slave but also had to make sure that at the very least Mitch and Conrad were informed so that they didn't wonder. Eventually between the two of them they did manage to get everyone that they needed and it wasn't long before Shawn found himself back in Riven's car driving to his house.

This time Shawn was able to sit in the front seat instead of being a pool toy shoved in the back, though as he remembered being in that inflated form while getting transported caused a shiver to run down his entire body. Though he was a bit nervous at what they were calling his extended birthday present he knew that this was an experience he really wanted and was happy that Riven was more than willing to indulge him in such a thing on a somewhat temporary basis. He was practically bouncing in his seat as he couldn't wait to get that suit on him once more as they pulled up into Riven's driveway once more.

"Certainly different way that I've come to your place this time," Shawn joked, causing the black-scaled rubber dragon to smirk and stick out his tongue before unlocking the door and letting him inside. As they walked into the front door the house was surprisingly normal, seeing the area for the first time not as a pool toy since he had gotten stripped down while in the garage and put right into the car to go to his birthday. As they walked downstairs to a lower level Shawn could hear the sound of lapping water and knew that they were getting close to the pool that he had floated in less than a week ago.

"So I'm going to have you wait here for a few moments," Riven instructed as he brought him to a smaller recreation area. "I've got to get your suit ready since I wasn't really expecting to have you back. Shouldn't take too long, just go ahead and make yourself comfortable."

Shawn nodded and had a little walk around the rec area after Riven left, mostly staring at the panes of glass that made up one wall that was completely underwater. At first he thought it was some sort of feature but as he looked up towards where the surface would be he noticed a few things floating bout and realized that he was looking into Riven's pool. "This guy really has a fixation for pool toys..." Shawn said to himself as he just grinned and shook his head. "Can't really blame him though, about to spend a month as one myself."

The latex creature watched the other inflatables float around for a little before he decided to go back and see what he had for other forms of entertainment. When he went to the other side of the room his attention was turned to the rather large television that was on the other wall and upon examining the cabinets beneath it found a rather nice gaming system attached to it. He wondered if the pool toys would be able to watch the television under the water as he turned on the system and flipped through the games that he had in his library while imaging several of the inflatable creatures either releasing their air supply or struggling to get beneath the surface so they could watch. It caused him to chuckle to himself before he concentrated on the game that he had chosen.

It turned out that the rubber dragon didn't have to wait long until Riven got back, only reaching the end of level two before he saw the other male with a familiar-patterned suit in his hands. When Riven unfurled it and laid it out on the table however there was something immediately about it that caused him to pause. "Ah, I was wondering if you could tell that this wasn't the same orca suit I put you in before," Riven stated as he laid it out flat for Shawn to see. "This one is a little bit better for what we're planning to do, designed for longer term storage up to and including indefinitely."

"That does make sense," Shawn said as his fingers glided over this shiny material. "I'm guessing that there's going to be a difference in what I feel when I get it on?"

"That I'm going to leave as a surprise," Riven replied with a smirk as he opened the flaps and held up the suit so that Shawn could get in easier. The red and blue dragon slowly slid inside the suit and let the cool material slide up his already shiny legs, shuddering from the feel of rubber on rubber as he could also feel the internal and external compartments of the orca suit shifting. In that regard it seemed to be the same, which left him wondering just what sort of surprises were in store for him as Riven quickly shifted around him to help guide his tail into the space that his legs also occupied.

Shawn had to take a deep breath to try and avoid being aroused and making the suiting process even more difficult as he already felt the living material begin to tighten around him. Once they had gotten past his hips Riven reached in and tucked his slowly stiffening maleness into a specialized pouch on the internal layer. He huffed softly as heard the soft squeak of rubber that had driven him wild from before, knowing that it wouldn't be even close to the last time either. The two dragons pressed close to one another and their muzzles got close enough that they were only an inch apart from one another, but keeping it just tantalizingly apart from one another.

Just before Shawn could lean in and take the kiss he suddenly found Riven had disappeared, looking down to see him at the areas that had already been covered. As those smooth hands worked to make sure every crevice was perfectly sealed and that everything was in the right place he couldn't help but admire the dedication that Riven had to his craft. It was clear that the midnight-black dragon was extremely loving of the process for his pooltoys and since this was a longer-term deal, he was making sure everything was perfect. Shawn shuddered in delight as Riven slid up his thighs to his groin and spend a little longer than normal making sure that everything had a perfect fit.

Once Riven had made thoroughly sure that everything was secure he moved back up to where the suit had been resting against his abs. Once more the specialized suit continued to travel up his body Shawn could once more feel his desire escalate once more. Riven was in no rush to get Shawn suited up and the red and blue dragon could see that the other male was clearly enjoying himself with how much he was savoring the moment. Shawn was curious on how many he's done this too, remembering the number of inflatable creatures that were in the room he had previously stayed in as that slick rubber slid up to his neck.

"Now this suit has a special little feature that you're going to be introduced too right away," Riven explained as brought up the inner hood of the inflatable suit, showing off a tube connected to the mouth opening that had some sort of ball at the end of it. "We're going to go ahead and put this down your throat, which for you shouldn't be too hard given what I've seen you do on stage. The important thing to do is relax as it goes down since it's hollow the tube is easily squished if you attempt to swallow it and we don't want it to go down that far."

Shawn nodded and gave himself a few deep breaths to relax before he opened his maw to signal that he was ready to go. The second that the tip of the suit's tube mouth was guided to the back of his throat he felt his latex throat tingle for a few seconds before it went slightly numb. Though he could still feel the soft, pliable material wiggle its way down into him he found it easy to hold it open so allow it easier access. When it was about halfway in Riven plaed his hand on Shawn's throat to help guide it until the semi-solid ball rested against the place where he needed it to be. Once it was completely in Shawn's eyes widened slightly when Riven's fingers slid into the tube through the suit's opening and continued to make a few adjustments until he could move his mouth more freely again.

Once everything appeared to be where it should be Riven asked Shawn how he felt, and when Shawn attempted to respond his eyes widened in surprise when only a loud squeak came out. "You know that pool toys can't talk silly," Riven explained with a smirk as he started to stretch the inner rubber hood over Shawn's surprised look on his muzzle. "Pool toys can only squeak, and you're going to have such a great one now. But I digress, we need to get you finished up so your body matches that cute new noise you make."

As Shwan let out a small squeak the heavy rubber pushed its way over his skull and quickly enveloped him, shrouding his vision in darkness until the specialized lenses were manuvered over his eyes. When he was completely covered he could feel the material melt into itself, there was no need to pretend that there was any need for a zipper or other type of closure device. The second that the living rubber closed up Shawn gave a wiggle, still able to move somewhat in the deflated shell of the suit while he was guided to the nearby couch. Once he was carefully laid down Riven took the back off of the piece of furniture and turned it into a bench before going over to one of the cabinets and opening it to reeal an air hose.

Both males were practically shivering with anticipation as Riven took the gas mask and secured it to Shawn's head, the bound dragon once more feeling something push its way into his maw. As the gag inflated and sealed his mouth to make sure the air didn't go in the wrong way he could feel Riven fiddling with the nozzle that would fill in the space between the outer and inner layer of latex. Once the black rubber dragon was done with that he gave a small tug on the hoses to make sure they were properly sealed. The second everything was double checked Riven pressed one of the brass buttons that was on the hose as Shawn could hear the hissing of air as it began to fill his suit.

"I hope you don't mind," Riven said with a smirk as he positioned Shawn so that he was on his back, keeping the nozzle in place while he sat on top. "I lowered the flow of air into your new body considerably so that we could enjoy it a bit longer, there's nothing I love more than seeing those features of yours slowly disappear..."

All Shawn could do was let out another squeak as he felt those scaled thighs press against his sides while those deft fingers fished out his cock and gave it a few strokes to help it stiffen to its full length. It didn't take much, the arousal that Shawn experienced was palpable and it only increased as he felt the currents of air brush against the layer of rubber that coated his already synthetic body. When Riven was finished making sure he was ready Shawn gasped when the sensitive head of his cock was pressed against the waiting hole and was surprised when that came out as a loud squeak as well. He could tell that Riven knew he was surprised because he let out a laugh before groaning himself as the rubber covered member slid into his slick hole.

Shawn could feel his breathing quicken as he was assaulted by pleasure from two different sources, the first being the full body squeezing that was happening to him as the pool toy skin continued to fill while the other was the more concentrated pleasure that came from Riven's anal walls squeezing down on his sensitive flesh. He could definitely tell that the rate of inflation had been set far slower than in their previous encounter as Shawn watched his chest and arms puff out. Any possibility that he he might have been given an anthro pool toy suit was quickly disproven as he saw the singular finned tail of the orca begin to take form, the pressure beginning to squeeze down on his already tightly bound legs and tail that were encased within.

As the specialized suit continued the filling process Riven began to get more active, his fingers gripping the swelling rubber of his chest and kneading it so that the air rushed against his restrained body. Shawn begin to squeak loudly as Riven's hips slid up and down on his cock, at first powered just by his own legs rising up and down before he was able to bounce up and down on the ballooning groin of the other male. When the inflation got to the point where Shawn began to feel himself lift off he ground is when he felt another feature of the suit begin to kick in.

The second that the tightening latex began to seal into his limbs Shawn could feel it begin to writhe, the rubber coming alive as tendrils began to form along his rubber scales. Though he knew that they would likely make a reappearance from the last time that he wore such a suit it was still slightly surprising when he found them coiling along his legs and tail to bind them together even more. With the pressure of the air rising the slithering tentacles felt even more tantalizingly smooth as they made their way up towards his tailhole while others made their way up his restrained arms. Whatever little room the rubber dragon had to try and slide around the quickly constricting suit was becoming even less so as he felt his neck stiffen from the tentacles that wrapped completely around it.

"I can tell from the way your cock is throbbing inside of me that the living rubber has started to do its work," Riven teased as he pushed down hard on the inflating orca suit, stretching all the way down to where he could feel the nest of tendrils stimulating the dragon trapped within while raising them both us and causing that cock to slide deep inside him. "I had included them in the temporary suit that you wore the first time since I thought that you might enjoy them, normally those pool toys were only encased in rubber since they would be in them a short time. All of my permanent suits have that feature though to provide that extra boost of stimulation when they weren't being actively engaged."

Even though Shawn wanted to tell him how much he appreciated such a thing the only thing he could do was squeak as the rubber began to inflate even more around his face. The tendrils of latex in the inner suit curled around and wiggled around the gag that had been inserted as his draconic muzzle disappeared under the air and rubber of an orca snout. Unlike the other suit though Shawn's eyes widened when he felt the synthetic material around his mouth seal up completely with the gag still inside. The same happened to his tailhole, the passage that was there in the first suit seemed to be nonexistent as after a particularly deep push down Riven groped his backside and felt nothing there.

The squeaks of both Shawn's voice and rubber on rubber continued to intensify in the air until finally Riven came, his shiny seed splattering on the inflating pool toy's stomach. Even though Shawn came as well when those rubbery anal walls squeezed against him he didn't feel anything come out, which caused hm to let out a squeak of confusion before Riven explained to him that actual pool toys don't cum. Once Riven had caught his breath he slid off of the rubber pole of the other male and his body in general, both bodies once more shuddering as latex rubbed against latex. It was actually more sensitive than the last time he was in a pool toy suit, though with the tendrils and tentacles of the inner suit rubbing around his body even after his orgasm it was very hard to tell.

By this point Shawn's body had been mostly filled with air, the inner rubber suit around his draconic form as tight as any vac-rack he had been in as he floated there suspended within the pool toy. When it was clear that his body wasn't going to be used one of the larger tentacles had found their way pressing into his tailhole, forming into a rather sizable dildo that stretched him own and caused him to wiggle in pleasure. Before his rubber member could harden once more from the stimulation though the deep black dragon grabbed his groin and pushed it into the pool toy suit, causing Shawn to squeak as he maneuvered it into an area that he hadn't felt before. The second it was secured into place Riven took the rubber compartment and sealed it up with his fingers, leaving a completely smooth area that was unbroken as Riven grinned.

"I told you that this suit has a number of fun new features," Riven explained as Shawn let out a squeak when he found his cock unable to harden, instead remaining soft as the pleasurable energies backlashed back into his form that caused him to writhe. "I want all my pool toys to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible, which means none of those seams or slits that ruin the illusion. That also means no bulges from erections, though if you do happen to be erect when I tuck you away there's a compartment that will keep you hard for as long as you remain inside of it. Now enough of that, lets finish you off and get you ready to get into the pool!"

Though it was impossible for Shawn to see in his restrained state what the other rubber dragon was doing he had a guess, one that was confirmed when the steady stream of air suddenly intensified. Shawn squeaked once more as the partially inflated body grew far faster, his completely restrained arms wiggling the fins that they had been inserted into as the tentacles that wrapped around them tightened even more. He began to tilt slightly as the dorsal fin that had been pressed against his back suddenly started to fill out, and as his body continued to tilt Riven had

Once again Shawn was completely enveloped by the entity of the pool toy, what remained of his body trapped inside the inner layer was erased with the air bulging out the orca outer layer until only it could be seen. Like last time though he was able to see out of the eyes of the pool toy and saw Riven in front of him once again, releasing the hoses now that their job had been completed as Shawn wiggled in his fully inflated body.

"Looks like someone is getting very excited," Riven chuckled as he ran a hand down the smooth white rubber of the orca pool toy's chest that caused Shawn to wiggle even harder. "I bet you're so glad to be back into that suit of yours, you're practically trembling. Let me show you what your upgraded form is like before we hit the water..."

For this showcase all Riven had to do was turn Shawn onto his side, showing the pool toy orca look at himself. The second that Shawn saw himself he knew that he was in a different type of suit, the one looking like it had been formed out of a single solid piece of rubber. There were no holes for his tail, his maleness, or his mouth that could be seen and he saw a pair of hard rubber handles that jutted out from what would be his midsection. Once he was done looking at his outsides Riven grabbed him by his handles and brought him up to the mirror so that he could look within once more. There he was able see his body suspended inside, his draconic form suctioned in so completely that he could see every curve and crevice of his body where the multitude of rubber tendrils wasn't wiggling or writhing underneath.

Shawn continued to look at himself until he was suddenly ripped away from his own reflection, Riven once more taking his new pool toy and bringing him out of the recreation room. There was something wonderful about being held by the handles that were on the outside of the inflated rubber shell, making him wonder how the inner workings of the suit even managed to translate such a sensation to his scales. It felt like was actually being tugged on in a very pleasurable manner as he stared at the ceiling. Though Shawn had a guess on where they were going he wasn't exactly sure until he heard a door open and then the soft sound of water lapping against stone.

"I think you're going to enjoy this," Riven exclaimed as he deliberately made sure to keep Shawn at an upward angle. "This is a special little grotto that I keep for my permanent toys, and though you're technically not one of them I think that we can make a special exception for you. Just go ahead and enjoy yourself for a bit while I get changed into something a bit more proper for the occasion."

Once more Shawn suddenly found himself getting moved, except that this time it was being thrown over the rubber dragon's shoulder and forward. He sailed through the airs for a few seconds before bouncing on the surface of the water, and once he had finally stabilized he was able to look around the new area which caused him to let out a squeak of pure awe. Unlike the last pool he was in this one was decorated like something you would see out of a movie about an island lagoon, the sides of the room molded to look like stone while several waterfalls ran down it into a shimmering bright blue basin. It wasn't the only thing as he felt his inflated body begin to get pushed by the current into a series of rivers that flowed throughout the room as well.

This time Riven appeared to keep his changes a secret from the pool toy orca, though the dragon encased within figured that it would likely be something akin to the anthro pool toy shark that he had showed him the first time. After a few seconds though he found his thoughts floating away with the current that he was drifting on, a soft squeak of pleasure escaping his body as he continued to feel the cathartic sensation of the water flowing around his shiny outer orca skin. He was sure that had his groin not been contained in that pouch that prevented his erection he would have one. It almost felt like the water was on his actual skin instead of him being separated by a thick layer of air while he moved back into the main pool...

A shout from above caused Shawn to look up, or at least as best he could as he angled his sight to where the voice had come from. "Ever see a pool toy dive into the water?" Riven asked as he stood there next to where the main waterfall came off of the rocks and down into the pool. "I'd say hold on to something but I know that you can't, so get ready for this!"

As Riven gave one last pose Shawn couldn't help but marvel at what he saw. While Riven was still a black rubber dragon he was no longer just that, the light from the backdrop of the room shining on skin to show his shiny translucent nature. Though he was still anthro like before his features were exaggerated to give him a pool toy look, like he had been transformed into one instead of just wearing some sort of suit. He even had a pair of solid rubber handles on his hips that he had looped his fingers around, showing off his inflated body before he took a completely different stance. Though it was also hard to see from so high up it appeared that he had gained some aquatic features to his body as well, including a pair of arm fins, a finned tail, and ear fins as well.

It appeared that the black pool toy dragon still had some weight to him as he jumped off the edge of the pool and sailed down towards the water. The effect of the pool toy body hitting the water was unlike anything Shawn had ever seen before; there was the loud slap of rubber against water as his body sank about halfway down before his natural buoyancy stopped him, Shawn's orca form swelling up from the wave that it had caused as Riven seemed to almost bounce up in the air to the point he left the water entirely. Then a few seconds later the inflatable dragon once again settled on the surface, giving Shawn a coy grin with those rubber lips as he posed seductively while floating there with his latex frills completely on display.

Now that Riven was even closer to Shawn he could see the latex pool toy dragon even closer, though what he saw was even more mystifying than before. As Riven paddled towards him it appeared he had most, if not all, of his movement and possibly even more flexibility than before. Though the rubber was a bit opaque he couldn't see the dragon contained within, and though there were a number of possible ways to explain such an illusion It was still extremely unnerving to see what appeared to be a living dragon balloon coming up towards him. His body continued to bob up and down from the waves that had been caused by the strange dive he suddenly had a pair of dragon arms wrapped around his inflated form, squeezing tight and forcing the air into his head and tail and Riven gave him a strange kiss.

"So what do you think of my upgraded suit?" Riven asked, his mouth moving perfectly with his words even though it seemed rather unwieldy. "I figured if I was going to be the king of the pool toys I was going to have to look like one. Now that you are one of my loyal subjects I figured you should see your ruler in his true form, just as you have become yours."

Shawn couldn't help but squeak several times at the pool toy dragon, watching him continue to move and swim about like he was stretching about. The more he watched though the more it did seem that he had a bit of a shift of personality to him, while he had always been the calm, slightly domineering type there was an air of authority to him now that he couldn't help but notice. He didn't have too long to think about it though as Riven swam around his prone body and grabbed him by the handles, causing a rush of pleasure to cascade through his body as the tendrils of rubber translated the feelings to his own sides. Though he could feel the haze of lust begin to fog over his mind part of Shawn did wonder if Riven had a similar set of tentacles that caressed his body so he could maximize the feelings of touch...

There were several loud squeaks of their wet, rubbery bodies rubbing together to accompany the sounds that Shawn were making as Riven's weight caused him to sing down further into the water. The shifting of air against his internal form drove him crazy but with the restraining rubber and the tentacles the only thing he could do was wiggle in his internal shell while the inflatable dragon climbed on top of his body. With practiced ease Riven managed to get into a riding position on top of him and the orca pool toy could feel the other male playing around with something in the rubber near his backside with one hand while the other grabbed a handle that was further up his body.

Even though this was very similar to his first encounter with the amorous inflatable dragon it was clear that this situation was going to be far more intense, Riven providing far more of an immersive experience for the semi-permanent pool toy. Shawn could feel the current of the water beneath him begin to pick up as Riven positioned his groin right where Shawn's tailhole would be, and as they started to move towards the rivers in the room the trapped dragon let out a squeak when he felt the tip press inside his orca body. It took a second before he realized that unless the pool toy dragon had plunged himself inside so deep that the tip was tickling his tailhole, which he knew wasn't possible since he could feel where his knees were, this orca suit was being even more intricate on the level of sensation that the living rubber was translating to his body.

But Shawn didn't have too long to think about it, not only was Riven starting to push his thick member deeper into his inflated body but the water had begun to churn and swirl around them. While pool toy orca wasn't sure what why such a thing was happening, he did realize that it felt extremely good. Every time the waves crashed against his synthetic form it was like a massage across part of his body and the bigger the wave or the more it covered him the better it felt. Not only was the increased current making the water wash pleasurably around him but also causing Riven to bounce even more while riding on top of him, which was just as good as getting thrusted into as they swirled around a wide bend of the river back towards the lagoon pool.

"Now this is a ride!" Riven shouted as Shawn squeaked loudly, the languid river completely transformed into a rushing rapids. Shawn had no control over where they went, though with the way that he was bound he had no control over anything. Those flippers his arms were shoved into were unable to much more than wiggle and his legs did little more than bend at the knee and that merely served to push his tailhole up even higher into the inflated cock of the one above him.

The intensity of their sex and the river they floated on combined to give an experience that Shawn couldn't even quantify, feeling like a full-blown orgasm for the entirety of the time that he rode into the pool. Riven was the same and when the two of them finally crashed into wash of the river Shawn felt him get thrown clean off and suddenly left his hole empty. With their air-filled bodies they both went skittering across the surface of the water until they reached the middle of the small lake. They almost got to the waterfall before they finally stopped, Riven laughing and pushing on Shawn to cause him to drift more to the left.

"I'm guessing that you enjoyed yourself?" Riven asked, watching as the orca pool toy let out a loud squeak. "Glad to hear that... of course I know that you haven't really been able to express such pleasures with what I did to you, so why don't I help switch out that pouch of yours."

Shawn was unsure what Riven was talking about as he saw the dragon pool toy swim back over to him. As the two continued to drift towards the waterfall Shawn was turned around briefly by the waves that it was causing, and when he managed to circle back around again he saw that Riven had disappeared. Though there was nothing he could do to search he knew that given the span of the lagoon there was no way that the black rubber dragon could have swam to one of the shores in time and if he had gone through the waterfall to whatever laid beyond it was likely he would have heard the water hitting him. That only left one direction... but given the nature of their bodies there was no way that Riven could have done it...

That question was answered when Shawn felt something press against the bottom of the rubber orca shell that completely encased him. There was nothing that the restrained creature could do but wiggle his inflated body as the other pool toy came up from underneath him and pushed his fingers into the rubber. The seam that hadn't been there a few seconds ago quickly yielded to those digits and he felt them slide inside, their prize quickly within reach as his already stimulated groin practically jumped from the touch. The rubber tentacles that were wrapped around his body seemed to go into overdrive as he felt his still soft member get fished out of the pouch it was in and the second it did, he felt it stiffen immediately.

There was a loud, drawn out squeak from the orca pool toy as his erection felt harder than a steel beam. Those latex fingers continued to fondle him as they guided it towards something completely different, once more feeling rubber sliding against the sensitive synthetic flesh. When the other male was finished he felt it get sealed back up, only now instead of being permanently soft it was the other way around. Shawn was practically humping against the water as Riven suddenly emerged once more, water cascading off of his rubber body before dragging him further into the waterfall.

The already horny creature was brought further into the cascading water until he was on the other side, Riven pulling him in before once more wrapping his arms around him. The inside of the cave turned out to be rather well lit after they turned a corner and Shawn saw that he wasn't the only pool toy in the area either. There were a number of others there as well, all of them floating there and watching him. Riven explained to Shawn that some of his pool toys prefer being constantly in the water and this was the place he stored them.

"I know what you're thinking," Riven said as he continued to cuddle up to the orca pool toy. "That I'm going to leave you here at the mercy of the others but I'm wanting you all to myself right now. This is just going to be our chance to relax and have some time to one another."

True to his word Riven continued to merely lay on top of the pool toy orca and paddled him around, talking to him as Shawn squeaked in reply. Though the bound dragon within the sea creature knew that he was just the core of the toy he began to feel even more secure than before, like the suit that contained him was getting even tighter somehow. It reminded Shawn of when he was getting sealed permanently into his dragon suit, the feeling of that rubber skin bonding to him even more as he let out a squeak of pleasure. Though he desperately wanted to ask Riven if this was because he was in for a longer duration he knew he couldn't, after all pool toys were only allowed to speak...

Together the two spent some more time in the steamy room of the underwater cavern, Riven mixing them drinks and feeding them to the pool toy orca. At first Shawn was unsure of how the logistics of such a thing were going to work but he found that when the rubber pool toy dragon dipped his inflated beak into the liquid he was able to drink it. Riven also disabled the squeaker in his mouth for the time being and the second that Shawn was able to talk again they conversed with his experience so far. When they were finished with their beverages Riven decided to bring out Shawn once more to the lagoon to continue their talk while he floated on top of him.

"It's still a little hard to believe that you've done all this just for a love of pool toys," Shawn stated, his voice still slightly squeaky as Riven's stomach rubbed against his back. "I mean I'm one to talk, you've seen my place, but this all seems very surreal. Plus I can only imagine what it's like to have to maintain a harem of permanent pool toy creatures."

"Well when you do something you love," Riven replied as he took a webbed hand and slowly paddled them along, giving Shawn a low-level current of pleasure from the water running along his body as his still erect cock throbbed. "I had pool toys and inflatables of all sorts before I was introduced to Dragon Heaven, and when I was there they showed me that if I had a passion like this I should indulge in it fully. Of course it didn't hurt that they gave me so many tasty subjects to recruit from, though I'm sure the club doesn't like it when I poach people out of The Aviary they above all others understand what I'm doing here."

Shawn tried to nod before he remembered that he was a pool toy with no neck, the orca squeaking against the dragon's body. They floated for a while longer on the water before Riven finally said that it was time to move on, pushing both of them towards the edge of the lagoon before getting up and pulling the orca with him. Once more Shawn felt quite a bit of blissful pleasure from being pulled on by his handles as the pool toy was lifted up once more and brought out of the water. At this point he was almost used to be carried around in this fashion as he was taken from the lagoon room to a different area. When he tried to ask where they were going all he heard was a loud squeak and realized that he once more could only communicate as a pool toy.

After a few minutes Shawn was brought into a bedroom, this one comprised mostly of rubber just like his own. When he was put down on the bed he found another similarity as well, the latex sloshing underneath him as he was put onto it rather gently. Once Riven made sure that Shawn was comfortable he went over to one of the cabinets and took out a few bottles and other such things. Once he had gathered everything he needed the pool toy dragon came back and sat down, the bed waving up and down slightly as he put everything down on the floor.

"Now this is something that I don't do every day," Riven explained as he took one of the soft rags and dumped a bit of the liquid into it. "I know that you're not unused to getting shined up in The Aviary or for special occasions, but as a pool toy it's much more important to keep that natural luster. Trust me when I say that you'll quite thoroughly enjoyable as well."

All Shawn could do was squeak in reply as Riven maneuvered the orca pool toy around before taking the liquid-soaked rag and rubbing it against the rubber. There was a shudder from Shawn as Riven started right where his flippers were, which would have translated to his arms. As the black and white latex was being applied too though he felt like he had actually flippers, though just like when the rubber tentacles bound his arms he couldn't do much but give them a wiggle as Riven continued to polish them. It also didn't help that the erection that he had the entire time was still completely hard and had been ever since the pool toy dragon had fished it out to start.

As Riven continued to polish the rubber to a glossy shine there was a knock on the door, the orca looking over as best he could as he and Riven look over to see another male standing there. It took a few seconds for Shawn to realize where he had seen the anthro pool toy shark before, remembering that it was the suit that Riven had worn the first time he had gotten trapped in the restraining rubber he was in now. Did that mean that there was another person in there that wasn't an inflatable before, Shawn wondered, or was this a completely different pool toy that just happens to look like the one he was with before?

"Well come on in there," Riven said with a smirk as he motioned for the inflatable shark to come in before turning back to Shawn. "Shawn, I would like to introduce you to Fawkes. He's a fellow inflatable enthusiast like myself that tends to take more towards the dominant side. Naturally that means he's not one to find himself in a situation such as yours but when he heard that you were coming here he was more than willing to drop what he was doing to help you out."

Fawkes... though Shawn was trying to remember who in Dragon's Heaven was named Fawkes he couldn't think of anyone, which meant that it was possibly an outside source. Either way it was another pool toy male that was joining them as he slowly sauntered forward. The inflatable shark moved forward and took the orca by its head, Shawn feeling his fingers against his face. It was clear what he wanted and as he watched that silver groin gyrate in front of his face he could see multi-colored scales between the clear inner layer and semi-translucent silver layer. That meant that it was a rubber dragon in there, but at the moment it wasn't really his priority as that latex cock began to push into his pool toy body.

The sensation was surreal, even though he didn't think that the shark cock had managed to penetrate his air-filled painted on orca face it was like he had it in his muzzle. He thought that it might be a tentacle simulating it in his maw but from the sound of the moan coming from the other male it was clear he was enjoying himself too. At the same time he was still getting shined up from Riven, with a nearby mirror he saw that his synthetic orca skin gleamed in the light. This definitely wasn't like the suit that he had before, Shawn thought as he continued to feel that shark cock penetrate his maw, and it definitely not only looked better but felt better than before.

"Looks like someone is getting quite excited," Fawkes said with a chuckle as Shawn let out a squeak. "I'm guessing that you're teasing him with that little pouch of yours, so why don't we give him a flip so that you can shine up the bottom half of our new orca plaything?"

Riven nodded and together the two helped flip Shawn over, exposing the white underside of the orca pool toy. Though Shawn couldn't see it directly he looked in the reflection of the mirror that he could still see and noticed that even though he was completely erect, or at least felt that way, the area where his groin should be was a completely smooth expanse of shiny rubber. At first he thought that Riven would open the compartment in order to fish out his cock but when the cloth pressed against the smooth expanse the pleasure was so intense his entire body wiggled. It was like Riven was stroking his cock even though he knew that it was still contained, though the line between his body and the shell of the orca pool toy continued to get blurred.

Even with the rubber cock pushed into his muzzle Shawn realized that things he was feeling were far different than the first time. Before he was a restrained, completely tentacle wrapped rubber dragon inside an orca pool toy, now he felt like he actually was the pool toy. It was like there was nothing separating him from the outer synthetic skin of the inflatable, as though he had somehow become the air that had originally separated the inner and outer later. Of course it was rather hard to think with the intense lust that continued to build from Riven rubbing down his extremely sensitive groin area. Soon the pretense of getting shined up was lost as the pool toy dragon tossed aside the cloth and climbed once more on Shawn's body, rubbing his groin against pool toy and causing a cacophony of squeaks to be heard.

Shawn let out a muffled squeak of his own as Riven began to slide up and down his recently polished body, feeling that bulge press against his own body as he practically grinded against him while holding onto Fawkes for support. When the inflatable dragon took his feet and pressed them against his flippers Shawn's entire pool toy body jumped, feeling the pleasure of those latex feet pressed against the appendages like they were his own. Soon all three pool toy males were lost in the act, their bodies sliding over one another as all Shawn could do in his form was lay there while Riven humped back and forth and Fawkes continued to push into his muzzle.

Soon the pleasure became so intense that it threatened to overwhelm Shawn completely, letting out a long squeak as the throbbing from where his still erect cock would be melded into the rest of his already hazy form. He realized in that split second that this was what being a pool toy was truly about, feeling the air rush back and forth between the two amorous inflatables as they stimulated him. There was no need for a mouth or tailhole or even his maleness, everything about his body was one erogenous zone and these two knew exactly where to push and stroke to stimulate it. His peak came however when both Riven and Fawkes grabbed a set of his handles and pulled while they climaxed, which would have caused Shawn to scream if he had the capability as the profoundly intense rush of his orgasm came so hard he lost all semblance of self.

Though none of them came it was clear all three had finished, Fawkes finally removing his groin from Shawn's pool toy muzzle before falling to the side on the bed. The resulting weight caused Riven to slide off and nearly fall to the floor himself, though he seemed to see it coming far enough ahead of time to brace himself and hit another part of the latex sheets. That just left Shawn wiggling there slightly, his body frozen in a state of transcendent bliss as it seemed like an eternity before the cascade died down enough for him to be able to think clearly. Even when that was done he was still unable to move, though whether it was from the intense pool toy sex he had or from the fact he was fully integrated into the orca he wasn't sure.

"Feels like someone enjoyed themselves quite fully," Riven said with a pleasured sigh as Fawkes looked over Shawn and grinned. "While I think we could go again I wouldn't want to render our poor guest comatose, plus there's going to be plenty more time for that in the month. I'll let you rest here for the time being, who knows what would happen if I threw you in with the others after all that..."

Both dragon and shark came together and wrapped their arms around the orca pool toy, hearing the extremely long squeak that caused them both to giggle. Even though Shawn continued to tremble from the touch of the air-filled rubber of the other two it was more muted this time. Eventually the three seemed to fall into a state of sleep and though the pool toy orca couldn't close his eyes he found the darkness of sleep finding him anyway, hearing the soft rhythmic squeaks of rubber like the sounds of the ocean...

When both Fawkes and Riven found the completely sexually exhausted pool toy orca had fallen asleep Riven motioned for the other anthro pool toy to get up and follow him. The other nodded and together the two made their way down into the kitchen where the inflatable dragon poured them both a drink. "That's quite the suit that you have on him," Fawkes stated after he had taken a drink. "I know that those suits aren't cheap and have to be reset when you take someone out of them, pretty big expenditure for someone that's only going to be there for a month."

"I look at it more as an investment," Riven replied with a grin. "Truth is I want him for my own collection... and though before I didn't think this was the case he took to the life of an inflatable quite easily. You should see him in The Aviary too, this guy is a natural and would make the hallmark in my collection."

"Very devious of you," Fawkes commented with a smirk. "I thought Dragon Heaven frowned upon you stealing their slaves."

"It's not stealing if he requests it," Riven explained. "By the time I'm done with him this month he'll be begging to join my collection and I'll finally have the rubber orca pool toy I always wanted, until then we're going to be having so much fun together..."

Returning the Favor (2/2)

Once more Serathin found himself in the belly of the beast, or rather his friend Vyrnen, who had turned into a rubber creature and completely enveloped him, as he tried to stretch his limbs against the rubber prison only to find them completely...

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Returning the Favor (1/2)

Serathin whistled to himself as he went along with his work, walking down the streets of the city that he had just traveled too. This timeline was the one that he went to whenever he needed to get information on all things of the metaphysical since...

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Shiny When Wet (2/2)

About an hour later Klaine walked through another door of The Factory with Newlyn in tow behind him on the leash, except that the rubber dragon had some additional adornments after they had left the mirror room. Newlyn looked around with his head hung...

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