Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 18

Story by Lupine Catastrophe on SoFurry

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#22 of Crossroads (Zack)


This story is a companion of ragewolver's Crossroads. Don't forget to check out his chapter for Charlie's side of the story!

"Tristan? It's okay, I'm here."

Zack lifted a sobbing Tristan out of bed and let him wrap his small arms around him in a hug. He wasn't sure what had caused the younger jackal to burst out crying at six in the morning. Having rushed into Tristan's room at the commotion, Zack did his best to comfort his brother.

"It was terrible," Tristan cried into his shoulder. "I thought you were gone."

"I haven't gone anywhere," Zack whispered, squeezing him tighter. "I'm right here. It was just a dream."

"You and Charlie had a fight," sniffled Tristan. "Then you got sad and you ran away! You were gone!"

Zack only patted Tristan's back as he had seen his parents do when his brother was younger. "It's okay. I'm not going anywhere; you know I'd never let something like that happen."

Tristan swallowed his sobs and breathed gently. "It was scary."

"Life is full of scary things," Zack replied softly. The phrase had come naturally without much forethought. "But you know what isn't scary?"


Zack pulled away and grinned. "Breakfast."

He urged Tristan out of bed and led him downstairs where the rest of the family waited. Geoff and Karen in particular watched in concern. "Is everything alright?"

"He's fine. Just had a bad dream," Zack explained as he came in. He poured Tristan a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table. "Nothing to worry about."

"Good," Karen replied while putting together Tristan's lunch. "I would have checked myself, but you beat me to it."

"All good," Zack responded distractedly. He ate his own cereal while staring off into space.

"You okay, Zack?" Geoff asked in concern.

"Mhmm," Zack rumbled. He mind was still preoccupied with the implications of Tristan's dream, but they didn't need to know that.

"Okay, just making sure. So, I was thinking," Geoff announced, much to Zack's relief. "Maybe we should all go do something this weekend. We haven't been out as a family in a while."

"Like what?" Tristan chirped. It appeared he had gotten over his nightmare rather quickly.

"Well, that depends," Geoff replied with a kind smile. "Where would you like to go?"

"Ooh, let's go swimming!"

"Not so loud," Seth complained, briefly looking up from his phone. "It's like six in the morning. And I don't like swimming."

"Where would you like to go then?" Geoff turned the question on Seth. "We want to find something everyone will enjoy. I heard the new mini golf course on Gorsuch Street just opened up. Maybe we could go try it out?"

"I don't like golf."

"Then what you would like?" Geoff pressed.

Seth shrugged. "Paintball?"

"I don't think anyone else here likes paintball," Karen commented from the kitchen. "And Tristan isn't old enough."

Seth shrugged again and went back to texting.

"Is there anyone else you would suggest?" Geoff inquired again. He wasn't letting him off the hook just yet.

"Not really," Seth mumbled without taking his eyes off the screen. "I'm supposed to go to Raymond's anyway, so I can't go."

"Well, you'll have to skip Raymond's this weekend then," remarked Karen. "The idea is to enjoy something together as a family."

"But -"

"No buts," Karen interrupted sternly. "You're part of this family, so you'll be going. You can skip hanging out with friends for one day."

"How come Zack never goes out with friends?" Tristan asked.

"Because he hasn't got any," Seth muttered wryly.

"Seth!" Both parents exclaimed.

Zack scowled and kicked his brother underneath the table. Seth yelped and kicked him back.

"Both of you stop," Karen ordered. "If you two don't start getting along soon, there will be repercussions."

"Doesn't matter. I'm done." Zack grimly stood up and stalked away.


The jackal ignored his father's call and went back upstairs to his room. He slumped on the bed and grit his teeth. Seth never failed to get on his nerves. He briefly glanced up at the wall, where he had hung his "Paradise Painting," as he liked to call it. There on the canvas he stood, surrounded by a few strangers but having a good time. It didn't matter who they were. They were friends.

Seth's words came back to him and he fought back a growl. Grabbing his phone, Zack decided to kill some time by texting his boyfriend until it was time to leave.


"...and then I tried telling him a joke about how ketchup was a vegetable, and he just stared at me like I was crazy. Dads, right?"

"Uh huh." Zack barely registered what Charlie was saying as they waited beside the wolf's locker. Tucking some books underneath an arm, Zack gazed past his boyfriend at a gaggle of girls hanging out a few meters away. They hadn't noticed him watching, thankfully; he didn't want them to get the wrong idea. But he still couldn't help but stare longingly as they laughed together at some joke he couldn't hear.

"Are you even listening to me? Zack?" A paw waved in front of Zack's face and he blinked. He looked down to find Charlie watching him with a slightly annoyed expression.

"Sorry, what?"

"Are you okay?" Charlie asked with concern. "You've been kind of spaced out all morning."

"I'm fine," Zack stated flatly. Charlie must have noticed the change of tone because he appeared dejected. Feeling guilty, he laid an appreciative paw on his shoulder. "Really, I'm okay."

"If you're sure." Charlie returned to his locker and began searching for something.

While the wolf was preoccupied, Zack thought about his answer. The issue was going to eat him alive if he didn't bring it up with someone, and Charlie was the only person with which he felt comfortable doing so. Perhaps he should talk about it.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Shoot," Charlie said distractedly. That annoyed undertone was still there.

"Do much do I...sorry," Zack apologized. He wasn't sure how to phrase this question. "Do you think I'm friendly?"

Charlie paused in consideration, hesitating. "You're friendly to me," he answered blandly.

"And how about other people?"

Charlie sighed and dragged a paw down his face. "No offense, but no. You're not exactly the most...cheery person around."

That was what he had been afraid of. "I see," Zack replied dejectedly.

"But why does it matter?" Charlie continued in an upbeat tone that was clearly fake. "I mean, I know why it matters, but why does it matter to you? You never seemed to care until now."

"I've always cared. It's just never been brought up until recently." Seeing Charlie's confusion, Zack continued. "Someone said something, okay? It's not a big deal, but it just got me thinking." It wasn't quite the truth, but it would do.

The wolf's expression darkened. "It wasn't Junior, was it?"

"What? No," Zack replied in surprise. "Haven't even thought about him in a while actually."

"Good, just making sure," said Charlie. "But isn't he the reason you have your reputation? The entire school is afraid of you because of what you did to him."

Zack let his shoulders slump and glanced down. "Yeah, and that's not going to change."

"Not if you don't do anything about it." The words made Zack look up again. Charlie was dead serious. "If you want people to like you, then you need to open up more. And that means no scaring them away when they try to be friendly towards you. Remember Jamie?"

"That was different. He was being annoying," Zack retorted. "And I am open. I won you over, didn't I?"

"Only because I wouldn't leave you alone," Charlie amended. "I had to badger you for weeks just to get you to train me. That doesn't quite count."

"But I am open," Zack repeated. He was, wasn't he? Surely Charlie himself was proof of that. "I just don't get along with most people."

"And why is that?" Charlie challenged.

"Because most people are too fucking stupid to be decent friends," snapped Zack.

"And there's your problem. You're too judgmental of everyone you meet," Charlie insisted. "Heck, you even called me a bitch the first time we met."

"Sorry about that," Zack said lamely.

"Not the point. Just give people a chance and open up to them. You might be surprised." The bell rang signaling the start of class. "I'll see you at gym. Hey!" Before he could move away, Zack had lurched forward to give him a quick smooch on the cheek.

"One for the road," Zack quipped smugly.

Charlie scoffed good-naturedly and continued off to class. Zack chuckled and went on his way as well, taking the wolf's advice into consideration. Perhaps it was time to really try and make some friends.


"So, uh...everyone here? Good. We're gonna start the...the fitness tests on Monday so we'll just - *cough* - practice for it."

...what the fuck?

It was clear something was wrong with the coach today. Salt had greeted them halfheartedly and proceeded to talk to them in rather low, almost incoherent mumble. His eyes appeared drooped and unfocused, making Zack wonder for a moment whether the coach fully knew they were even there.

"Coach, you okay?" Fortunately, another student was bold enough to ask about it.

The coach flapped a paw. "Yeah doggy, I'm fine."

Again...what the fuck?

"So, the fitness tests. I think we'll work on the mile," Coach Salt continued. "Yeah, that'll do..." The words were once more muttered under his breath. Was he even speaking to them anymore? "So if y'all are ready, let's go on out to the...the track."

Salt led the way with a noticeably wobbly gait. Zack and the rest of the students followed him outside with caution. The coach had been sick all week after all. Perhaps he was still sick. And tired. And...disoriented?

Zack waited for Charlie to catch up. The wolf looked uneasy. "Come on, Charlie. We gotta do the mile."

"Zack, something's not right," Charlie whispered. "What's up with Coach Salt?"

Recalling their previous conversation, he reconsidered his thoughts about the coach. It wouldn't be fair to judge him outright. Trying to appear as nonchalant, he shrugged. "He might still be sick. Come on, we don't wanna get in trouble."

"Zack, I'm serious!" Charlie hissed. "What if he's drunk?"

There it was. The possibility he had been trying to ignore. "He's been sick all week. It makes sense if he's a little out of it."

"He might've been hungover!" Charlie suggested. "I mean, what's in his water bottle? What if it's liquor?"

"What if it's water?" Zack snapped, surprising even himself. "Why are you so convinced he's drunk?"

"Why are you so convinced he isn't?" Charlie countered.

You're the one who told me not to judge! Can't you see how hard you're making this? "Where's the proof?"

Charlie's ears folded back. "So you don't believe me?"

Zack realized he was being harsh and willed himself to calm down. "Charlie, you know I trust you, but I don't see how he could be drunk and none of us would notice."

Charlie frowned and didn't answer. Zack worried that this might draw a rift between the two of them, but he was glad that the wolf had dropped the subject for now. While he was worried for the coach, there was no need to be overthinking things.

They followed the class out to the field. Salt stopped at the edge of the track and turned to address them. Only then did Zack notice that he held not one, but two clipboards in his paws. "Alright, let's line up at the start!"

Zack obeyed without second thought and joined the rest of the students at the starting line. He looked around to find Charlie but didn't immediately see him.

"Hold up, Argent. You wanna be my assistant today? I'll give you full marks."

Zack found him over by the side of the track. Salt had stopped Charlie before he could join the rest of the class and handed him a clipboard.

"Oh...okay," Charlie replied uneasily.

"Just help me keep track of everyone's time," the coach instructed. The burly husky held up a stopwatch. "I'll be keeping track too."

"R-right. Okay," stammered Charlie. He glanced over at Zack with a pleading look.

Zack gave him a shrug and averted his eyes to stare ahead. He honestly wasn't sure why Charlie was so nervous about the coach.

"On your marks!" Salt projected, his voice cracking briefly with a cough. After he recovered, he started the countdown. " Start!"

Zack began an easy jog that he knew he could maintain for the entirety of the mile. He allowed Charlie and the coach to slip out of his mind as he fell into the rhythm of the run. Here he didn't have to think or worry about such things.


Unfortunately, the peace wouldn't last.

"Charlie, seriously? I thought we went over this already."

"Zack, I'm being serious!" Charlie exclaimed as they headed to lunch. "I could smell it on his breath! I could smell it in his water bottle! I promise you, he's probably in his office drunk. Or passed out at his desk. Or knocking back shots."

"Or he's putting grades into his computer," Zack growled, unable to hold it back this time. "You're being paranoid. I mean, honestly, you could really get him fired for spreading rumors like that!"

Charlie scoffed and said nothing as they entered the cafeteria. They got their lunches in silence and sat at their usual spot. Jamie, Brandon, and Lonny scooted away from Zack as he sat down, but he was too irritated to care.

"So, how's it going?" Lonny was the one to break the silence.

When Zack simple continued eating, Charlie answered. "It's going fine. Just...having a bit of an argument."

"A lover's spat?" Jamie teased.

"No, it's not a spat."

"So, you guys still in love?" Brandon wondered.

"Madly." Zack grumbled. He took an angry bite out of his apple.

Charlie must have noticed his sarcastic tone because he rolled his eyes. "So, what's new with you guys? Got any plans for this weekend?"

That was when Zack decided to tune them out. Truth be told, he never really cared what they had to say. He once again remembered what Charlie had said this morning about giving people a chance. Nah, fuck it. He was too frustrated with the wolf to care right now.

Instead, his mind wandered back to Seth's insult that morning. Where would he even find friends in the first place? He wasn't sure he knew anyone else he liked, let alone shared his interests. Come to think of it, Junior and he had shared almost no interests; they had been different in almost every way. It was no wonder they hadn't gotten along.

Charlie was speaking again. "Zack and I were going to collaborate on a piece. We were going to go over some ideas this weekend. I saw some stuff online that gave me some really good ideas. I just...need to..." He checked his pocket and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Zack wondered. "Charlie?"

"My phone's gone." Charlie said regretfully. "I had some stuff saved on my phone that I wanted to show you but..." He grabbed his bag and started to dump its contents out onto the table.

Zack reached out and stopped him. He didn't want a big mess on their lunch table. Instead, he pulled out his own phone and called Charlie's number. There was only silence, no ringtone. "Did you have it when you left the house today?" He inquired.

"Yes, because my mom texted me during homeroom," said Charlie.

"Maybe you left it in the locker room," Zack suggested.

"Well no, because it would've been in my pants pocket in my locker."

"So, maybe it fell out," deducted Zack. "Just go check."

The wolf shrank in his seat, shifting nervously. "I'll go get it after school."

Seriously, this again? "Charlie, just go get it," Zack said exasperatedly. When Charlie grimaced, he added bitterly, "Or I could if it bothers you so much."

Charlie looked even more nervous, almost scared. "I'll go get it," he sighed shakily and got up.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Zack offered with a hint of sarcasm.

Charlie seemed to actually consider it before shaking his head. "No, I'll be fine. In and out like a drive thru. Be right back."

They watched him leave and disappear around the corner. Lonny turned around and asked confusedly, "What's up with him? Is he okay?"

Zack shook his head. "He's fine." Seriously, what was his problem?

Zack ate his lunch in silence while he waited for his boyfriend to come back. Five minutes passed. Ten, and he still hadn't come back. What was taking him so long? Was he that afraid of the coach? He didn't understand why Charlie was that worried about it. Even if the coach was drunk, there was nothing to worry about.

His encounter with Salt at the grocery store came floating back to the forefront of his mind.

"I'm a horny drunk, you know that."


Zack finished his apple and stood from the table.

"Where are you going?" Jamie piped up, pausing his conversation. "Was it something I said?"

"Don't worry about it," Zack replied shortly as moved away. He left the cafeteria and headed toward the gymnasium. He was sure Charlie was okay, but a nagging feeling told him to check up on him. Just in case.

Just in case what? Zack pushed away the offending thought and continued on his way. He entered the locker room and looked around for Charlie. The room was silent and empty. The wolf was nowhere in sight.


There was no answer. Where could he have gone to? Maybe he had found his phone after all and had left from a different route. That was unlikely; there was only one entrance to the locker room, and Zack would have spotted him leaving. Strange.

Confused, Zack turned to leave -


The shout came from the coach's office, accompanied by a loud thud. That was Charlie's voice. Alarmed, Zack raced over to the door. Indeed, there was light coming from underneath. Charlie was in there, and something had seriously spooked him.

"HELP!" Came his boyfriend's terrified scream again.

"Charlie?!" Heart pounding, Zack thrust the door open and burst into the room. His eyes fell on the spectacle before him and he nearly froze.

Coach Salt was hovering over a struggling Charlie on the floor, the wolf helpless against the husky's bulk. The sound of tearing fabric was heard as the coach ripped through the wolf's shirt. The poor wolf was trapped on his back, tears streaming down his face as the coach had his way.

Zack was moving even before he realized it. He grabbed Salt by the shoulders and with surprising strength, yanked him away from his boyfriend. Zack grasped the first thing his paw found, a dark whiskey bottle off the desk, and swung. Before the coach could react, the bottle struck his head and he fell.

Zack stared at the unconscious coach and realized he was shaking. The shock still hadn't let him when he turned his gaze to the crying wolf on the floor.

"Charlie, are you okay?" He managed to stammer. "Did he hurt you?"

Charlie stood, his face wet with tears and chest heaving in a panic. " He was going to...Z-Zack..."

Zack instantly pulled him into a hug, rubbing the wolf's back. "Shh, it's okay." He held the wolf while he cried into his shoulder. "It's okay. I'm here."