Commission - The Mercenary

Story by Cynnamin on SoFurry

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#6 of Commissions

A story commissioned by Icowom involving her character and my own Iron Empress. It's a little mean at the start, which was a fun thing for me to write. Be warned that it does involve cockvore.

The siege had lasted for days. Mortars had stopped falling after the first day, once King Abioye had displayed a few villagers' corpses upon his mansion walls.

He had taken that, originally, as though the matter was settled and any further assaults on his home and the surrounding farmlands would not be accepted. A few token executions were performed in the villages to ensure this.

Or, they would have been. Shortly after his soldiers were dispatched, the chief of his private army had his head removed by a high-caliber bullet.

Though his passing had made things significantly more difficult, it was his death that had prompted Icowom's hiring. The king had known he wanted her from the moment he saw her recommendation. Once he had seen her in person, once he was forced to look up at her towering seven foot, six inch height, at her body stacked with muscle that rippled beneath her brown pelt, the contract followed shortly afterwards. She was good, very good, at what she did, and Abioye paid her handsomely with rough, uncut diamonds and thin shillings of gold.

And food. The good kind, young and fertile.

The massive, well-toned wolfdog smiled as she slid her hands down the snowy pelt of her stomach, grabbing hold of the fat slab of meat between her thighs. Her latest victim was gone, nothing more than a fat lump of sperm in her stretched, brown-furred gonads, and she smiled in satisfaction as she started working over her cockmeat.

Her employer had walked in on her jerking off multiple times, disgusted, but she didn't care to stop. She would finish, ruining the marble tile in her guest room, regardless of whether her was there or not. That he left her alone this morning likely meant that he had no need for her services.

She chuckled as she squeezed her undulating knot. It as a good thing she was on retainer, paid daily even when nothing happened, as it had for the past week. It let her savor the dull throb of pleasure that squirmed so deeply in her nutsack, the feeling of gallons of sperm waiting for release. Her balls nearly touched the floor as she strode forward to the series of wooden cages that were lined up along the far walls, each one with a woman in it selected for her pleasure.

Grabbing the first one, a thin girl with a nice pair of tits and a firm, toned ass, the bulky wolfdog forced her to kneel, to press bodily against the massive testicles that filled the space between her knees. Heavy and pendulous, they nonetheless tugged upwards at the feeling of flesh against her fur, her cock springing to attention as the primal beast inside her demanded to mate and breed and eventually consume.

Without fanfare or care, she pulled her hips back then thrust them forward, parting the woman's lips with the fat tip of her cock. She didn't stop as she forced herself forward, to fill that waiting mouth with the grapefruit-sized mass that was her knot while those engorged nuts slapped her victim's tits. Every pump made the woman choke back a moan, her entire form rippling as the wolfdog's fingers squeezed her skull, slamming rutting into that face as tears leaked down those cheeks. The tightness of that violated throat only served to increase her pleasure, to make the bitchbeast moan and grunt like an animal, to slap against that body like a feral beast in rut.

Again and again she hilted against that unwilling mouth, feeling the spasms of her choking form, of her suffocating lungs tighten so wonderfully around her cockmeat. Like a sleeve, her victim let out harsh spasm after spasm, milking the wolfdog's thick twelve inches until, at last, her nuts gave a wonderful tug against her groin. Sperm, hot and fresh, laced with the remains of her prey, distended the woman's throat as it traveled down Icowom's urethra, dumping with loud spurts and glorps as her gut was forced outward into a dome the uninformed would consider pregnant.

Bigger and bigger the woman grew, stretch marks forming on her flesh as her guts tried to contain it all. Ico gave a snarling smile as she watched, then ripped her cock free just before the breaking point, letting her prey cough, gasp, and sputter for air as the beast continued to stroke her cum and saliva splattered bitchmeat.

She was suprised, the woman had taken over half of the remains of her predecessor, and with a heady moan Ico let the rest cascade down upon her hair, her back, and her chest in great gouts. That her nut hit the woman like a battery, each wet slap of baseball-sized wads knocking her to the ground and leaving a welt, was of no concern to the beast. She only smiled as she emptied herself, as she felt her load grow thinner and the weight on her pelvis relent.

Unlike the worming creature inside her.

"Sorry sweetie, your time has come." She reached down, twirling the woman's hair around for a proper handhold, pulling her up to her knees, "I'm awful hungry."

She was a sobbing, broken thing, and to put her out of her misery would be Icowom's delight.

That was when a mortar hit the side of the mansion, blasting open a wall in the wolf-dog's room. She could barely snarl or blink as shrapnel sliced through the woman's hair, releasing her from the deathgrip, only growl in displeasure as chunks of stone bit into her canid side.

Though the blast knocked a hole in the wall, that she was across the room spared her from the unfortunate fate of being crushed or ground into salsa. It didn't even knock her to the ground, and the creature within her was easily pushing the chunks of stone and ceramic out of her skin, forcing the pebbles to clatter against the floor as the red welts on her flesh dried and faded.

Her prey remained on the ground, sobbing, undamaged and alive, as though something above had spared her from harm. That saving grace proved consistent as the door to the dog's home was slammed open, interrupting her meal even further. The voice that came from the soldier in the entryway was filled with fear and command in equal measure, "Mercenary! King Abioye demands your presence!"

Ico only rolled her eyes and waved the guard away. Nothing would stop her meal.

A gunshot cut through her thoughts, "Now, Mercenary. Abioye has given me permission to shoot you should you decline."

With a feral growl, the bitchbeast pointed to the woman, making her shriek and pull back into her cage. She would come back for her meal later. For now, she settled on pulling on her clothing and shrugging on her ballistic armor. The guard, in the meantime, locked the cage and scurried out the door, both fearful of Icowom's reprisal and confident that she would follow considering that Abioye's permission meant he would also refuse to pay for her services.

Though the denial of her meal infinitely soured her mood, it was enough to make her focus. There would be other people to consume today, and now that she was there, at the center of the attack, she could unleash herself upon her client's hunters.

She smiled at that thought as she checked her rifle and slammed home its magazine. Racking the first bullet as she entered the throne room, she dropped to one knee with her arm across her chest, as was customary for a mercenary that a king both needed and wanted to treat as worthless.

As she did, she was forced to wait for a scout to finish his report. Her canine ears listened closely to what he said, hanging on every word despite her stoic expression, fighting the urge to frown. His statements made sense, for the most part, though they were improbable.

Entire garrisons were overrun in the middle of the night, Soldiers had been found murdered and several of the buildings had been razed. Villagers captured shortly afterward claimed that they had seen soldiers in black armor and golden eyewear, but the abduction and interrogation had brought down more of the soldiers on the patrols in the early morning. The scout, himself, was a sole survivor from a six man team.

Another mortar struck the grounds as the soldier continued, interrupting him. He did not have a chance to continue as a soldier reported from the front door of the villa, "A woman is approaching, my king. She is alone."

The scout's face turned pale at the words. His composure disappeared, his statements devolving into a begging, pleading babble, "My king, we have to run. We have to hide!"

His hands sank into Abioye's shoulders as all decorum disappeared. Abioye, a short man, was unable to wrench his assailant away despite the muscles that rippled across his body. Only a gunshot was able to make the scout release, his corpse moldering on the floor as a bodyguard ran to assist his employer.

In the wake of the gunshot, the mortars stopped falling around the house. The silence that flooded the building was a heavy, nearly tangible thing, a blanket that that threatened to smother all those within the mansion. Then, from the front of the building, the sound of the structure's heavy wooden doors being knocked free and falling upon the soldiers stationed there rang out through the structure.

The few gunshots that could be heard were quickly silenced as all occupants of the throne room turned towards the entryway. Weapons rose, soldiers dropped to one knee and steadied their breathing as sweat beaded their brow. Only Ico remained standing, though her weapon was shouldered and she was readily moving towards one of the decorative flower pots near the entrance.

That alone kept her from being killed as a figure rounded the corner. Without hesitation, the soldiers in the room opened fire, aiming to cut the woman down as quickly as she had appeared. The bullets only caught air as she reacted with nearly superhuman speed, Ico's eyes tracking her as she shifted backwards on her heels, then dove to the side, a small weapon flashing in her hands, ejecting brass as arms, legs, and heads were removed in a painfully calculated sequence.

The strobes of light faltered and ceased, leaving only three living people within the throne room. Ico had yet to fire, and that fact along had saved her from decapitation, and had allowed her the pleasure of witnessing the creature that had stepped into the chamber.

She was short, but taller than Abioye, at a height that Ico put at five feet and eight inches. Ico herself towered over her, confident that she could overpower her in a fist-fight, at a staggering seven feet and six inches.

From her height, she was able to look down on the woman and take in her gratuitous form. Her hips were wide and soft, and her chest was massive and heavy. Her butt jiggled as she idly patted away a layer of dust that may have been purely imagined. She smelled like metal, plastic, and ivory, and every inch of her body seemed to be shrouded in those components, save for her golden face. The mild contempt that was expressed by the deep ridges in the metal flexed as though it were alive, as though the metal and plastic and bone were her own flesh, and as though the nipples upon her bare chest and the lips of her sex would prove most sensitive were the wolfdog to hold her down.

Every inch of her body ached to hold her down, in fact the worming creature inside the wolfdog's gut was thrilled at the difference in their stature and at the other portions of the meal set before her.

She paid no attention to the bitchbeast. With confidence she strode towards her goal, a single finger jabbing forward in accusation. Her eyes were locked with the king, her massive tree-trunk legs carrying her forward, "Abioye. Relinquish your throne and die."

Another footstep carried her to the edge of Icowom's reach. Her eyes were locked with the king, her body unprepared and unaware as the wolfdog leapt forward and committed her entire body to a left cross. There was no moment of preparation, no moment of calm, just an instinctive swing once the wolfdog saw an opportunity. The sucker punch collided with the side of her face, metal bending and denting as the woman was forced to the side, her entire body twisting with the strike.

Her staggered fall was stopped by a single foot sweeping out to stop her descent. Her head snapped up directly into the path of another swing, this time the blow knocking her to one knee. Caught like that, arms spread to balance herself, the woman only raised her badly mangled face in time to see Icowom thumb the safety on her rifle and press the muzzle against her forehead.

"Shoot her, mercenary, and be done with it." Abioye commanded from atop his throne. When Icowom gave no indication that she had heard his command, he added, "I will give you a bonus, as she has killed my best men."

The wolfdog's square muzzle twisted into a contemplative frown for only a moment, then her face split in a sadistic grin. Her left hand dropped from the barrel of her weapon and fumbled with her ballistic protection. A clasp released the ceramic codpiece, letting it fall to the floor with a dull thump a moment before her fingers pulled down her pants.

Her thick cock sprang to attention as the king shouted at her, her eyes locked with the cool, crystalline blue of the creature that she had downed, "Suck me off."

The woman's dented mask betrayed no emotion, though the rasping sigh that escaped her pating lips yielded frustration and disdain. Dropping her rifle and grabbing hold of that golden mask, the wolfdog snarled in vindictive glee as she pressed the tip of her cock to those open lips, then shoved her hips forward. The sudden growls that erupted from the woman's throat, the forceful way she tried to pull away, the tightness that squirmed around her dick only made Icowom even harder. Her dark brown ballsack slapped against the woman's chin as she squeezed her head, threatening to crush her skull as she violently thrust against her bucking muzzle.

Again and again she impacted the masked woman's face with her thrusts, forcing her wet mouth to tighten and those cheeks beneath the mask to bulge around her girth. The sounds of her gagging over that dogdick was followed by another harsh attempt to pull away, and an attempt to bite that bitchmeat buried in her maw. The beast inside her squirmed with glee as those teeth tried to penetrate her flesh, but only serverd to heighten the wolfdog's bliss.

Ico moaned as she lowered her hand to the other woman's throat, squeezing that tender neck as she pushed in all the way to the hilt once more. She groaned as her cock spasmed limply inside that tight tunnel, her gonads remaining empty since her morning release. The contractions of her prostate roused the beast inside her, the squirming and carnal need to devour aching within her loins.

The gurgle of her empty testicles refused to be overpowered by her moan. She wanted to feed. The beast in her guts needed a healthy meal, and the woman before her was positively overflowing with vitality.

She shuddered as she drew the tip of her dick back, making the woman wretch and cough as she turned her head to the side. Stands of saliva snapped in the air between her lips and that cock as she did so, the sensual view only interrupted by a complaint from the king upon his throne.

Rolling her eyes, Ico finally decided to end the tryst and finish the woman between her legs. Twisting that head back into position, she sank her fingers into the soft gold of the other woman's mask. That other hand on that neck squeezed harder, preventing the metallic woman from pulling away as she struggled with that faceplate. The horrible sound of tearing flesh filled the room, the woman on the floor sucked in a pained breath, and Ico chuckled as she decided to see her victim's face before she was devoured.

The faceplate fell to the floor with a clatter, and instantly Ico's sexual desire faded. The top half of a humanoid canine skull glared up at her, empty sockets locking her vision. Abioye screamed at the edge of Icowom's consciousness, his horror reverberating deep within Ico's core as the Beast went from hungry and demanding to telling her to run, to hide.

And yet the Wolfdog could not look away. By looking into her victim's open sockets she had lost her ability to move, to control the muscles in her arms and legs. And then she began to see the pinpricks of light that worked deep within those blank and empty spaces. A burning flame slowly rose within, consuming the shadows within the empty cavities, burning brighter as the flame began to spill outwards and radiate an unbearable light.

As though a sun had been born in her presence.

It fed the woman on her knees, that light pushing outward through her sockets, lances flashing through Icowom's body, passing hamlessly through her flesh while carving chunks of molten stone from the walls. Abioye screamed in the background as a shaft cut through his chest, reducing the flesh across his belly into a fine white ash. As he died, the creature chuckled, a haunting sound that made the wolfdog stumble backwards and search for her discarded rifle.

The woman rose as Ico did so, drawing the wolfdog's attention and distracting her from a sunlight-cut gouge behind her foot. She fall backwards and stared in awe as the woman towered over her, seeming to grow larger and larger. The only confirmation was her mask, which the woman delicately plucked from the ground with her metallic fingers, lowering a faceplate that was suddenly all-too-small for her skull into its proper place. The metal shifted and warped and grew, and the light faded as the mask sealed itself shut, the flawed surface bending fluidly as the woman smiled.

"My task is done, and yet you remain here." She chuckled as she lowered herself down, as she pressed her hands into the crushed and ruined floor and stared into Icowom's eyes. Both the bitch and the beast within her trembled, even as that collossal, ten foot tall woman's breasts fell over her stomach and legs. The warm puffs of air that escaped from her snout were those of a predator indulging in the scent of its prey, "I assume you know why."

Ico could only whimper, the beast inside her going silent as the woman closed her hands around the wolf-dog's neck. Easily, she pulled her from the ground as she stood, leaving the bitchbeast to plead for her life as she clung to those fingers and tried her best to tear them away.

She spoke no further, only allowed the woman in her hand to watch as a thick slab of synthetic flesh unfurled from her naked groin. Quivering, throbbing meat slowly plumpened and filled with desire as her golden face maintained its mild amusement, its thickness growing as a first, then a second testicle stretched the flesh over her pussy into a tight, gurgling sac.

Her bitchmeat was made of pure ebony, the fleshy mass pulsating with veins of teal as it drooled upon the floor tiles. She smiled, letting the mess pool into a sticky puddle as Icowom stared at it, only turning her attention downward, when that massive mountain of a woman slowly stroked her cock into hardness. Then, there was the tight, wet sensation that engulfed Icowom's feet. Ending at her ankles, she whimpered as she tried to pull her legs up and away, only to feel a soft contraction massage her toes.

Then the hand holding her released and gravity asserted itself upon her body, swinging her like a pendulum. She struggled to retain her bearings as she pinwheeled her arms in the air, only stopping when she finally grabbed hold of the larger woman's calves. As she steadied herself there was a surge of strength and tightness that spread across her legs, warm wetness tugging her upwards as the heat wormed its way to her knees.

Her whimpers filled the air as she realized what was happening, as she started to struggle and fight against the massive length of cockmeat slowly working its way towards her thighs. Her feet kicked at the walls that surrounded her, sinking into the pliable flesh and encouraging her to strike harder, to thrash against her confines as she pushed against the larger woman's legs.

The struggle only served to make that predatory flesh ripple, to squeeze over her as it pulled her in to her hips. The throbbing heat made her scream in frustration, her body starting to ache with numbness as another slow ripple of roiling flesh threatened to crush her bones. Her hands moved to the stretched, phallic tip that had claimed her body, pressing into the fleshy glans with purpose and desperation. Her reward was a thick glob of pungent, clear fluid, a mess of musk that spread across her body. Like slimy fingers, the globs of precum pushed through her fur, plastering it to her skin as it cut furrows between her breasts and down her back.

Another pull against the undulating meat that surrounded her caused it all to tighten. The creak of stretched and swollen flesh was punctuated by the loud slurp of escaping fluids, more preseed escaping that tip as she pressed against that cockhead in desperation. She cried out in frustration, feeling the pressure wash over her already-burning legs, that fleshy monster rippling as it suddenly surged along her body.

The glistening, stretched cumhole yawned just a bit wider, capturing Ico's protesting hands as the entryway slipped around her waist. A sudden, powerful squeeze along that fat cock forced out a stream of precum across the wolfdog's breasts and snout. The smell of virile male filled her head, making her squirm and wriggle even more, desperation settling into her bones as she started to buck and sway violently in an attempt to free herself.

Every motion was met with a satisfied sigh from the woman consuming her, the wolfdog's eyes finally pulling away from the cockmeat around her, travelling upwards until her vision rest between those massive, swaying tits. The woman that held her only smiled, the dent on her metallic face releasing a loud, hollow pop as the final sign of the canine's assault utterly disappeared.

Her sigh was, at once, sensual and tired, the massive woman's body slowly reclining across the floor, using the dead king's throne as no more than a headrest. Her hand wrapped around her dick and slowly eased it up, that fat meat continuing to suckle and throb around the massive woman's prey, the wolfdog slowly growing weary as those phallic glans pressed against the underside of her tits, pressing those massive mammaries up and against Icowom's chin.

Whimpering, she looked down t herself, at the bulge that she made in the woman's body. The curves of her form were visible through the distended flesh, every motion warping her fleshy prison as though it were nothing more than a meaty sleeping bag. Of course, doing so only made a fleshy bulb at the base of the cock swell closer to the size of a watermelon. Ico knew it was a knot meant to tie with a woman and keep her from getting away, but the pressure and fluid warmth that it applied to her feet, tightening the flesh that surrounded them, made her unconsciously quiver in joy.

She was terrified, her heart pounding in her head, but the scent of the massive woman was starting to affect her. She felt an eerie calm creep into her limbs and her mind, a dull acceptance coursing through her veins as the flesh around her constricted once more and the warmth around her toes surged upwards, pushing past her belly and between her tits. The creamy off-white color of semen clung to her pelt as it washed over her mammaries and face, as it spread over the massive woman's bitchmeat and pooled on her flesh.

The sight of that sticky, yet runny fluid made Icowom whimper in bliss, her face turning red as she wiggled her shoulders and started to drag her tongue across her breasts. The salty, yet heady taste made her moan and quiver in bliss. She had loved cumming all over herself, dousing herself in her own seed when she was bloated with prey, but the sensation of being covered by another made her entire body spasm with pangs of lust. Her own cock ground against her fleshy prison as the fluids continued to pump around and past her, the constant surging pressure overpowering her fears.

Her release added to the mess surging through the massive woman's dick, her miniscule donation evaporating within the flood.

Panting, no longer able to move or fight, Icowom's ears flattened against her head as she saw her predator's lips and eyes bend in a tender smile. Slowly the woman leaned forward, nearly twisting in half as she lowered herself down to see eye-to-eye with her prey.

Her lips were soft and tender as they kissed her. That velvety mouth warmed her insides as the tip of a tongue caressed her teeth. The touch silenced beast that had been writhing inside Icowom's body, leaving the wolf-dog feeling hollow and abandoned. And yet the mouth kissed her again, filling her slowly with a warmth that filled her lungs, then spread to her head. Her mind was filled with a buzz of pleasure and bliss, every thought shrouded with a bubbly happiness that seemed almost alien inside her mind.

Her breathing slowed, her eyes drooped. She relaxed every muscle in her body as the massive woman smiled at her, a single hand rising to hold that massive phallus while a finger gently rubbed her forehead and breasts.

Tenderly, Icowom nuzzled that probing digit, her heart fluttering and quivering as she did so. It ruffled her fur, twisting and teasing it back and forth while her right leg gently kicked at her prison in pleasure, like an animal being stroked by its owner.

When the finger came to rest upon her head, she felt her muzzle gently open in a tired smile. A moment later it pressed her down into the beast's urethra, a wet and slimy slurp filling her ears as cum pushed around and between her breasts, momentum and pressure pressing them around her face as she felt her entire body receive a slow, undulating massage.

Down she went, until her entire world was nothing more than the taste of semen, the musk of sex, and the sound of the massive woman's heartbeat.


Ico never expected to wake up.

When she did, there was a peculiar serenity to her mind, to her emotions. What had once been an endless, roiling ocean of hunger, anger, and hate had dissolved into a placid sea of warm acceptance. What still clung to her was no more than a whisper.

Her eyes opened slowly, the soft light of her surroundings easing her even deeper into her exhausted bliss. She was on the verge of falling asleep once more when a gentle pressure worked against her lips, rousing her slowly from the wonderful peace that nibbled at the back of her mind.

The faint smile of the gold-faced woman filled her vision, easing her just awake enough to grasp her surroundings. Her neck felt stiff as she slowly turned her head, taking in the roiling white pool that lay before her eyes, churning and bubbling with heat as it stretched from wall to wall. The few points of reference, pillars of ivory and ebony flesh that clung to the cavernous ceiling, gave Icowom the impression that she was staring at a lake or even an ocean within her predator's body.

The woman that had roused her was part of that ocean herself, her upper torso balanced on an almost serpentine pillar of off-white fluid, fluid that smelled of sex and virility, that made the wolf-dog whimper and wriggle as a damp heat coiled in her loins.

As she struggled to move, she realized that the walls had claimed her arms and legs, the ivory and ebony flesh undulating slowly around her limbs. She fought harder, clenching her fingers, squeezing the walls as she tried to lift her legs. The woman before her stifled a gentle moan as she leaned forward, those strong arms wrapping around Icowom's head and covering her face with those soft, wobbling tits.

She whimpered lowly as she nuzzled into them, as she took slow and delicate breaths. Her desire to struggle disappeared, and with a weakened moan she lifted her face to slowly lick at the golden woman's neck.

"There we go, are you comfortable?" The woman asked with a smile. When Icowom nodded, the female smiled and pooled the massive tendril of semen under herself like a chair, "Good, I'm glad. It's been a while since I've last done this, so I was worried."

"Done this?" The wolfdog squirmed again, only to stop as the woman's hand gently rest on her shoulder. In a fit of lethargy, the fleshbound woman looked at the hand for a moment, then slowly lowered her head to feel it against her cheek as well, "What did you do?"

"I pulled the thing from you." That hand gentle curled against the wolfdog's cheek as she spoke. Her fingers slowly toyed with the fur on her face, stroking her softly like one would a lover, "You've had it for quite a long time, longer than most iterations. How do you feel?"

"Tired," Icowom said simply. Her eyes closed at that moment, her vision swimming. When the world stopped its slow revolution, she was aware that time had passed, but not how much.

A gentle kiss against her forehead made a weak smile tug at the corners of her mouth. She was aware she had been speaking, and her throat felt hoarse. Witha bit of thought she realized she had been speaking about her past, about what had made her consume so many people. The hand on her cheek had not moved, despite how much she said she loved to consume, to devour, "What did you want to be, before the accident?"

Her mind flickered with thoughts of the clouds and the sky, "I wanted to fly."

Another soft kiss made Icowom whimper. Her tail squirmed in the walls that surrounded her, body quivering as the golden woman moved down to kiss her captive's lips, "And the thing that was inside you? Do you want it back?"

The whimpers flowing from her throat stopped as the wolfdog's ears wilted. Pressing flat, like she was feeling an old and painful injury, she lifted her eyes to that calm and tender face, "Please? I miss it. I feel so empty."

The woman nodded gently and reached towards a wall. The flesh there split, easing out a writhing mass of tendrils. Pitch black, they glistened with a layer of fluid that clung to its surface, that kept those squirming tendrils from simply diving into the woman's flesh and devouring her alive. The woman spoke to it as it tried to lash out at her, as it tried to kill and claim her, but her expression never shifted.

As the mass was brought towards Ico's bound form she felt it anger and its indignation well inside her. And she felt its desires well within it, roiling hunger spreading through her limbs.

It would consume the golden woman from the inside, once its canine host was melted and gone.

The shock was apparent on Icowom's face, and tears dribbled from her eyes. She realized why she couldn't feel, why she felt numb and tired. The mass of tendrils had carved a hollow out of her heart and mind, not only her flesh. She was terrified of its return, but she wanted to feel something, anything more than the dull sheen that had spread over her senses.

That was the moment when the creature in the woman's hand made a lunge for its host. Its tentacles snapped in the air in front of the wolfdog's face. A sudden squeeze made it shriek less than an inch from Ico's mouth, the writhing bundle turning back and futilely trying to pry open its captor's hand.

The rush of voices, once silent, boiled within Icowom's head, spurring on her hatred,forcing her lips into a snarl as she fought against the walls around her.

But that woman did not react to the motions. The golden face twisted with disdain as she spoke, "I thought you would have learned to calm down. I suppose a punishment is in order."

The roiling voice inside Icowom's head snarled in displeasure, undulated with wrath. And then, as though a switch had been flicked, the voices shut out and became a whisper. In the silence, the wolf-dog knew that the writhing creature had not been harmed, but it had been struck in a fashion that the woman could barely comprehend. The ivory fluid that coated the black knot of tentacles tained its fleshy surface, white veins coming to the fore of that dark and sinister flesh.

Instinctive fear radiated from the writhing beast and told Icowom what had happened. What was once a part of something massive and overbearing had been sliced free of its progenitor. In so doing, it was now prey to that larger whole, unrecognizeable and worthy only of being consumed.

The tendrils fell flat, vibrating as the first vestiges of a fearful response took hold. The hand that held it drew close, and the timid mass prodded at Icowom's lips, easing itself inside her mouth before squirming into her throat. The holes it had created in her body were still open, and within them it fled, cowering even within her body, no longer treating it as a tool, but rather a refuge and a prison.

"I expect great things from you." The golden woman said gently. Though her hands stroked the wolfdog's ears, the sensation of being caressed was meant for the beast she harbored.

The question that came next was intended for the girl that listened, "What was your dream, Icowom? What did you want to be?"

"I wanted to fly." The words fell from Icowom's mouth without a second thought. Her hands clenched as the thing inside her crawled into its familiar cavities and curled up around her spine. "I wanted to see the world from on high."

That admission was all it took for the woman to smile. Her hands tenderly cupped Icowom's ears and rubbed into the tender space between the base and the wolfdog's skull. All resistance melted, leaving her trembling and shuddering as the walls of flesh that bound her in place constricted and pulsed, massaging her body from toe to fingertip to shoulders to hips.

"That's the first time you've ever told me," The woman whispered. Her body pressed forward, those massive breasts pressing into Icowom's own sizeable pair. Her lips, soft and tender despite their metallic form, were warm and pliant to the touch. The wolfdog found her chasing the feeling of them, leaning forward into that kiss as bliss spread through her limbs.

There was no fear left in her body, only blissful acceptance, and at that moment she felt a soft tug on her skin, a gentle pinprick of pressure on her arms and legs that spread a heat up and down her body. Shuddering as sweat pooled on her brow, she looked at the woman that held her and whimpered in confusion, only for another kiss to put her at ease, and exhalation of warmth filling her lungs with wonderful and plentiful heat.

Her eyes closed as the crawling sensation covered her fingers, spreading through her bones. Soft little pops were audible over the gurgling churn of the fluid that surrounded her, the strange sensations within her body telling her that her hands were breaking and reforming, that her body was being molded like clay.

At that realization, the flesh around her pulled away and the woman in front of her perfectly melded with the ocean of white. A moment later Icowom became lost in the pungent, sticky ocean, the mess of fluid squirming against her flesh, working around her body like a thousand tendrils, kneading over her tits and her hips as she was dragged deeper beneath the surface. The taste of salty, sticky semen flowed across her lips, stretching her stomach as she swallowed out of instinct, as she felt her lungs fill with the golden woman's essence as she tried to breathe.

She sank, lower and lower, feeling her body stretch as she descended, feeling the forgotten ache of bones pulling against one another, thickening and lengthening. Her skin suffered similarly, toughening as millions of sperm pressed against her flesh.

Her body ached as she felt hardened places push through her flesh, as she felt kevlar form beneath the surface of her body before quickly pressing through her skin. The muscles in her spine twitched as something pressed outwards from between her shoulderblades, hardened panels that she could pivot and swirl in the musky ocean that consumed her.

And yet her lungs did not burn, her head did not swim. Icowom simply relaxed, her soft and furry body descending into the depths as the dull throb of a larger heartbeat filled her ears.

Icowom smiled as she stared at her reflection. She raised her sleek, furless black arms over her head, smiling as the smooth plane detailed every curve and contour of her ebony body. Without a single patch of fur on her body, she could admire the wonderful, amazonian tone that her three-story form possessed, her massive size doing nothing to keep her from remaining airborne. Her engines glowed blue as she burned across the surface of the water, the fluid kicking up into a perfect pair of seafoam crescents in her wake.

Though there was nothing save for the mothership to tell her how far she had ranged, a warning sounded in her head to turn back, that she was reaching the limit of her patrol path. So she lifted from the water and corkscrewed in the air, her ebony body glistening with sweat as she arced high and pivoted on her heel like a dancer, the thrill of flight coursing through her veins as she tilted back down towards the water and surged forward.

She shuddered as she cut the turn closer to the surface than she had been previously. Her hands remained spread at her sides as her legs clenched together, her body going rigid as her nipples dragged great furrows in the salty ocean. The tip of her dick spilled from its sheathe, spurred into arousal by the wonderful sensations coursing through her body, adding a third point of contact between her body and the water.

Her shoulder muscles worked and her plane wings fluttered as the drag forced her to compensate, as her ebony pharaoh hound body was forced to rise higher, lest she slam into the water. As she did so, as she forced herself to rise, her speed slowed and her thighs loosened enough for her massive testes to swing from their cusp. The sensation of her ballsack slapping against the water's edge made a yelp escape from her lips, a yelp that quickly descended into a moan of bliss as the ache of her swollen nutsack coursed up and down her spine.

The pet inside her had been allowed to feed, but its appetite was diminished. She no longer devoured and spilled her prey as soon as she was able, instead her body accommodated them, took them into her own form and held onto them, leaving her ballsack aching, swollen, and massive enough that she was forced to tuck them behind her knees to keep them from harm.

The slap of her testes against the surface was enough to remind her that she needed to fill her empress with her load, that the souls within her testes were begging for release into her care.

Her long tail flapped in the air as she used it like a rudder, arcing to the side as she lined up with the massive ship on the horizon, the entire vessel larger than any mountain chain. Her entire body tingled as she approached, her mind filling with the knowledge that she was loved and welcome, that she would be allowed to touch her mother's surface once more.

The engine within her core flared as its vents twisted, as she righted herself and started her descent. Her heart raced as she dipped towards the ground, as she fluttered her legs and squirmed her hips, no longer a majestic bird of prey but a chick learning to land without smashing upon the ground.

Not that the Empress made her suffer for her failures. She would alway be there for her, her massive form coalescing into a pair of breasts for her to land within if she ever was about to harm herself.

Today, however, such a step was unnecessary. The golden-faced empress, the same woman that had taken her from Abioye's employ, simply watched as her child glittered in the sunlight, her ebony body descending unsteadily, but within the limits of her control. Hovering feet from the ship's tarmac, she whimpered as she tried to touch down, but only forced herself to rise as she became too afraid to completely cut her engines.

A hand tenderly embraced her own, her mother's fingers giving hers a gentle squeeze. With a weak, tender tug, the airborne woman was eased back onto the flat plane, and her mind relaxed enough for instinct to cool her jets, "I'm so proud of you."

The words were enough to make Icowom whimper, her ears flattening against her head. She instinctively pressed in against her mother and lover, blushing as her small tail squirmed and wiggled of its own accord. That blush grew deeper as she pressed into the soft curves of the Empress's body, her form painfully aware that her nipples were perky and pronounced, and that her cock was proudly throbbing at attention.

The woman with the golden face was too dignified to look down at such lewd displays, however the almost painful gurgle of roiling sperm within the aeropup's ballsack finally drew her attention. She chuckled as she slipped a hand down and between her daughter's legs, cupping a fat, healthy nut and giving its undulating surface a squeeze that made the red highlights of Icowom's body glow. Her words only made the lines across her belly, arms, legs, and back shine even brighter, "I've been forcing you to hold onto your prey for a month now. How does it feel to finally be in control?"

The aeropup moaned as she remembered the twenty faces of her prey, the dissidents spread across so many worlds, captured and used to sate her libido. That she could still feel them, their lives, their essence churning inside her frothy, roiling nut was something new, and something that she cherished as her hips rose to meet her mother's hand, "Warm. Nice. Heavy."

"I think it's time for your reward then. Do you want to be a part of me? Forever?" The woman asked the dark canine, her voice tender and careful.

The canine nodded, enthusiastically bouncing on her heels as she pressed her swollen sac deeper into those fingers, as her loins threatened to spill their contents into the Empress's palm. But the golden woman pulled back, smiling as her cock slipped from her body, as her balls filled the space between her plush thighs. She eased her body forward once the changes had settled, allowing the big fat balls of her lover to press into her own, allowing the tip of their dicks to touch, to slowly apply more pressure against one another.

Wet and wonderful, that cumhole opened for Icowom's own member, spreading for her thick meat was she pressed herself forward. In a matter of moments she was buried to the knot in that golden woman's own dickflesh, every surging ripple of that meat urging the aeropup to hump against her loins. Their sacs ground together, ebony and ivory fighting for dominance as hands squeezed and squirmed, as those fingers fondled every inch of pliant flesh the two women had to offer.

It took a moment for Icowom to realize what was happening, to understand what her Empress intended. The sudden, powerful tug on her cock was the first hint of what was to happen, while the second powerful undulation made her back arch in bliss. She was being milked, and with every wonderful undulation of that teal-tainted bitchmeat she was introduced to another spasm of bliss.

Crooning, crying out in happiness, the aeropup's womanly hips pressing inwards, her waspish waist squirming as she begged for more. And more was what she received, a sensual tug rippling through her loins as her ballsack was forcefully squeezed, as the pressure of that larger cock pulled on her insides and forced the first sweet, thick strings of cum to pour through her loins. The sound of the sticky fluid flowing through her prostate and her cumvein made the woman melt, made her quiver and scream in delight.

Her gonads, swollen with weeks of unspent cum, were forcibly emptied into her Empress's own sac, the loud gulps of her consumed discharged forcing Icowom to her knees. The golden woman only watched her descent, her dick stretching and following the aeropup as her dark body collapsed upon the floor, as her back touched the tarmac. The loud thump of her impact reminded her that she was no longer a mere six foot tall woman, that she had grown to be three stories, and her mother was far larger than she could ever imagine.

Her nuts ached as the last vestiges of her load were pulled from her body, as the last drops of her burden were pulled from her loins. Her testes felt like raisins in her hands, her cock popping free and slapping limply, wetly against her washboard abdomen.

Her Empress only chuckled, giving her own dick a soft and satisfied stroke along its belly. She smiled, twenty more soils gurgling within her testicles, the bloated mass of her stolen weight filling the space between her ankles. Any normal woman would have collapsed under the pleasure of such a meal, and yet she had not, only seeing fit to pull a throne from the tarmac and sit upon it, one foot reaching out to gently stroke her daughter's shaft between her toes.

But the relief from such a burden was not the empress's reward. Instead, it was the small cloneof herself that emerged between icowom's thighs, that held its arms out as the massive empress's foot teased that cock up, then back down, its limp form held still for the smaller version to press her muzzle against Icowom's phallic tip.

There was no time for thought or for hesitation. Only enough for the sleek ebony aeropup to draw in a ragged breath, to brace herself as that smaller snout forced itself into her urethra. Her entire body convulsed as the small woman pushed herself headlong into her bigger lover, as that plump, womanly shape twisted and squirmed, dragging herself into that meat inch by plodding inch.

The aeropup was whimpering like a slut as her hips rose and fell, as her dry insides tried to convulse. As ravaged as she was, she could neither force the invader out nor pull her in, her muscles failing her as that woman's tits bloated her frenum and that waspish waist caught against her glans.

The moan that poured her lips was an unearthly blend of pleasure and desperation, her prostate rippling inside her as she suffered dry orgasm after orgasm, as her body screamed for a release that had come again and again and again.

Finally those legs disappeared inside her cock, that smaller clone of the Empress outlined perflectly within the synthetic canine's cockmeat. Hugging every inch of her body, the small empress undulated as she crawled deeper, as she forced that limp cock to writhe with her motions and activate every pleasure nerve within Icowom's body one at a time.

The tortured pup had to be held by the larger Empress, their fingers intertwining as Icowom gasped for breath Iike a woman giving birth. Her insides spread as those small hands finally found the verge of her prostate, forcefully pulling herself inside as the blood finally rushed to fill the panting bitchbeast's rod. Her arousal was painfully blissful, that turgid length knowing that something was inside her, squirming and writhing deep in her her core despite that fact thatr she had been forced to empty every last bit of herself a moment before.

Her cock spasmed as it tried to force the smaller empress out, as her insides kneaded and crushed her body, working over it with such force that a lesser being would have been turned to a fine paste. And yet those limbs pulled at her insides, pushing deeper, pushing further inside her channels.

Her entire form was no more than a cavern to be explored, and as that wonderful torturous occupant continued to spelunk the woman on the tarmac screamed in joy. She felt her deferens distend, conforming perfectly to the woman's every contour, her body finally gathering enough fluids to allow her cockhead to dripple a line of clear, infertile emission.

And then there was the drop, the sudden weight into her right nut that bloated it with a painful weight, that made her hips lunge skyward and bounce her passenger like she was in a sling. She cried out her Empress's name as she spasmed, as her back arched and her shoulders and heels dug into the layer of asphalt beneath her, as her ramrod dick tried to unite with the sky above.

She collapsed a moment later, a panting mess, her right nut aching as hands and feet massaged her walls and made her whimper like a newborn pup.

But the empress wasn't done. As that body started to melt inside her sac a tendril blossomed from the deck, a thick work of ebony and ivory sliding into her urethra, forcing itself through the pathway of lubricant that her body had so desperately forced itself to produce. Deeper and deeper it coiled, heedless of her screams of joy, of her animalistic cries and howls, detaching from the ship as her cock swallowed it down like a noodle, the weight pooling and congealing within her other, empty nut.

She screamed as the heat spread through her a moment later, thousands of hands and feet caressing her insides. Those hands that held her own were the only thing that kept her sane, the Empress's blessing changing her insides, granting her virility and fertility, the donated flesh pouring through the channels that her pet would use and invading her pussy, her womb.

Icowom realized that every inch of her body was no longer her own, every inch of her belonged to her Empress. Vitality poured into her limbs, into her heart, making it jackhammer in her chest as the golden woman cupped her chin and forced their lips together into a kiss.

The tongue of her master slid into her maw, forcing her cheeks to bulge with its mass before moving on to her throat. Her neck bulged as it worked deeper and thickened, as it left layers of saliva over her esophagus and inside her stomach. Roiling around inside her as her eyes closed and her body gave its weak, instinctual spasms of protest, spasms that quickly died as her heart relaxed and her breath returned to a deep and sedate state when the tongue pulled its way free from her body.

Her toes curled as she looked into her Empress's eyes, as the gentle blue and red of her mismatched irises met her own, then closed, their foreheads coming to rest together.

She was sated, and the tendrils inside her were shackled and chained, the foreign flesh mingling to make the beast tame.

"My beautiful Shock," The Empress sighed in pleasure. Her soft words caressed the canine's ears, stirring the desire inside her, the calm and powerful ache, the desire to breed and multiply that would not replace her consumption, but would make her enjoy every time that someone slipped inside her ballsack.

"My Empress?" She replied, her question unspoken as her left hand gently released its grip. Those fingers wandered down and cupped her fattened, bloated ballsack, testing the weight, the girth of her enhanced nethers, feeling the painful ache and desire to make children fill her mind.

Her hand lifted from her own body and cupped one of the golden woman's breasts a moment later. She weighted that heavenly tit carefully, playing with the flesh as the empress drew her against it, as the empress welcomed her against the two hearts that pounded deep inside her chest.

The Empress smiled as the milk began to dribble from her nip.