The new wolf chapter 4

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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#4 of the new wolf

New month, new chapter. I recently change my username, but I am still the same person.

please be honest with your opinion.

"Shit," Elliot yelled as the dirt blown back into his eyes.

He started to rub his eyes making it worse, "stop that." as I approach him, Elliot immediately got up and hit his head on the side mirror. "Ouch," Elliot then ran head first into another cars' bumper. "Um, Elliot," he then banged his shin on another cars' bumper. "Elliot calm down," Elliot ignored me again and ran into another car. "Okay enough," I grabbed Elliot and pinned him under me, I then put his arm in an arm lock. "Would you stop struggling for five seconds and listen to me Elliot?"


Shit, I was so close. Not only couldn't I see, the guy from this morning is on top of me and I can't move. "Elliot, stop struggling," the man on top of me said as he pulled back my arm.

"Who are you, where have you taken me?" I try to breath out but this guy was kind of heavy.

"Look I will explain, but first I need you to calm down." Easy for you to say, you're not pinned to the ground and have rocks trying to puncture you, "Millia can you get the water bottles from my car, it should be unlocked." Shit there's another person with him. I continue to struggle, but the only thing it did was tire me out.

Someone came close, "I got the water Chester, do you want to do it or should I do it?" What are they going to do to me?

"It doesn't really matter," What do they plan to do, "Elliot, I am going to get off you now. When I do, I don't want you to run got it."

I wanted to act defiant, but do i really have a chance? If it was just the guy himself i might get away, but two people at once was pushing it. "Fine, I promise I won't run away."

"Good," the guy got off my back, "now sit up and tilt your head back." I did as I was commanded, whatever they plan on doing, just make it quick. I felt force my eye open and some liquid being poured in.

"Ack," I moved my head without thinking, "what are you doing to me?"

"Flushing out your eye," a female voice with some accent said. "We don't want to damage your eye in any way." she held open my other eye and poured more water in it. She then pressed something soft on my face, "now to pick up some around the eye. There all done, does your eyes bother you still?" I opened my eyes, in front of me was some Mexican women with curly dark hair, "your eyes still seem irritated."

I felt another hand turn my head, this time the guy's, "yeah, we may just have to rinse them out more."

I pushed his hand away, glaring at them both, who are you people? Why did you kidnap me?"

The girl, Millia, spoke first, "I wouldn't say we kidnapped you exactly."

"Let me point out, that is BS, I know that is BS, you know it is BS, and if I take you to court, they will agree with me that is BS."

"Well, you technically weren't a person at the time, you were a wolf."


The guy looked at me, "look Elliot, we are aware you are a werewolf, and we want to help you."

"How can I be sure?"

"Well for one," he handed me some khaki pants and underwear, "here is your clothes from last night." I remember that I am not wearing pants and cover me dick, "don't be ashamed, it isn't something we haven't seen before."

"I wouldn't mind seeing less of it to be honest," Millia said under her breath, "now put them on and let's move, were already late."

"For my interrogation you mean," they both looked shocked, "I overheard you talking with some other people about 'recovery mission' that happen last night."

"So, it was you." the guy yelled. "I can't believe you would do something so stupid!"

"What are you yelling at me for?! You kidnapped me, of course I would run around randomly. I only ended their trying to get out of place."

"If you didn't run off like you did, I would have explained everything already."

"What is there to explain? You kidnapped me!"

"Look I keep telling you, I am here to help!" as he yelled at me, I winced. _He was so nice before, what changed? Before?_I pause. _I never met him before, right?_He calmed down, "look, I understand what you are going through. You're frightened, too many thoughts and questions going through your head. But I promise you, we are going to answer any questions you have if you just come with us." He stretched out his hand.

What choice do I have? "Okay," I grabbed his hand. He pulled me off the ground, "can I ask where I am then?"

"You are at camp Loupabri ," the guy answered. "During the summer, it's a simple camp like anywhere else in the country. But the rest of the year, this is the location where werewolves hang out during a full moon."

"Chester, we Still have a meeting to get to," Milla said as she messed with her phone.

My Phone! If these are my pants then my phone should be here. I patted my pockets. Nothing. Where is it? "If you're looking for your phone and car keys, they're back at the cabin." the man said, "oh right, my name is Chester Hunter. The girl is Milla Felix." Chester grabbed me hand and pulled me with him back into the camp. Doesn't look like he wants me to escape again.

As we pass through the campgrounds, I notice all the people moving around. Seeing all these people around made me curious. I ask, "Hey Is everyone here a werewolf too?"

"Not really," Milla said, "if you want a rough estimate, about one-third of the people here should be human."


"Our pack is quite large and not everyone can come during a full moon. But I can say one-third of the people in the pack is still human."

"But why, aren't werewolf packs this super-secret thing you actively keep small? That how it portrayed in media."

"Media gets lots of things wrong about us," Chester said, "though you aren't wrong. Lots of packs are smaller than ours. But we can explain later." Chester quicken his pace and I struggle to keep up. We approached a big house in the camp. Camp Counselors Center was written on the sign on the porch. I didn't get a chance to look at the interior as I get hustled through some rooms. "The Alpha's office is just ahead, so behave yourself." Like I would do that.

Chester pulled me through the doorway into an office. There were multiple chairs around, one of them filled with a boy, "what took you so long," he said, not bothering to look in our direction, his legs dangling over the arm.

"Look we'll fill you later," Milla said as she took a seat in one of the chairs, "where's the Alpha?"

"Bathroom," the boy said. He turned his head and saw me, "so your Elliot. You definitely look better then in that license photo."

"Uh, thanks," I said. I lean to Chester, "So he is?"

"Dillion Winster," he swung his legs in an exaggerated fashion as he got up from the chair, "Beta and technological genius of this pack."

"He's also one of the more annoying ones, "Millia said. Annoying? Annoying what?

"Less annoying than you. I'm just as important as you."

"Please, you haven't had the title for a year yet and you think you can boss me around."

"Cut it out!" Chester yelled, "Milla, Dillion is a Beta, regardless of how long he held the title. He has earned his place just as much as you have." Milla turned her head away from Chester. Dillion stuck his tongue out, "and Dillion," he stuck his tongue back in, "you don't need to try and prove yourself superior when someone pokes at you. Try, for once, to ignore Millia when she provokes you." both of them pouted in their respective chairs. I feel like I am missing something here.

The sound of the door opening stopped me from saying anything. "Sorry about that," a kind voice said. Did I hear it before? In the doorway was a man, a five o'clock shadow on his chin, wearing a long coat. However, my eyes quickly settle on the heavily pregnant woman leaning on him for support. "Just an everyday thing for supporting a pregnant wife." Both Dillon and Milla support the woman as she entered the woman. The guy eyes landed on me, "so you must be Elliot?"

"Yeah," would a handshake work? I stuck out my hand, "I take it you are the Alpha I heard about?"

"No, The Alpha would be me" the heavily pregnant woman said as she landed in the chair. "Milla do yourself a favor and just adopt a child when you start your family. I hate how much I had to depend on people just these past few days."

"I'll keep it in mind," Milla responded.

So, this pregnant woman is the leader of the pack? "Let me guess, you had the thought?"


"Something along 'the Alpha is a woman', right?"

"Well...something like that."

The woman groaned, "I am not in the mood to explain it. Oscar!"

"Yes," the man answered, "the Position of Alpha is passed through the generations, as long as you are a child of the last Alpha, you can inherit the position, regardless of gender. The media tends to make the Alpha a male only club, but most packs have at least one female alpha at some point or another. Is that satisfactory, Darling?"

"Yes, it is," Oscar walked up to the woman and give her a peck on the cheek. "let me be frank Elliot, I am not in the best of moods. I just want to get this over with, so it is in both of our interests that you are upfront and honest with us."

"Yes Ma'am." I stiffened up as she talked to me, either because I thought it might be the safer option, or because this woman terrified me.

"Good," she handed me a folder, "first I would like you look through this. This is filled with whatever we can find from the internet. Is this accurate?"

It had a sheet of paper, it had my age, gender, and some info on where I live, or where I lived a year ago, "No."

"I would be concerned if it was, we're two states away from where the address is from. Now we also came across something else while looking you up," she pulled a flyer out from somewhere, "Elliot Rice, it says here you are classified as a missing person." Shit! "Now, do you want me to guess what happened or do you want to tell us about yourself."

Shit! Shit! Shit! What am I going to do? I kept my head down and avoid eye contact. What am I going to do? I can't go back home. Should I just make up something believable and hope they buy it? Wait," why do you need that info? The reason I ran away from home is my own business."

"When we brought you here last night, I try to give you an examination," the man Oscar spoke up, "during that time you showed characteristics in line with a feral."


"Feral is a term we use here to describe a werewolf whose brains shuts down when as a wolf, "Dillion said.

"Not an exact explanation but close enough," Oscar lean on the desk, "when werewolves change, their brains with them. It would be too difficult to explain the mechanics behind it, but one thing we learn is over time is the werewolf remains in complete control of their actions, at least the natural born ones."

"The one who were changed through magic are a different story," Millia spoke up this time, "because they are not used to it, regular people just shut down when they transform, leaving their body with only basic instincts to run it. That is what we call Feral."

"While it is possible for a magical werewolf to keep conscience, it takes a fair bit of time for it to happen. At least for those in a Pack." Oscar scratched his chin, "based on what I saw last night, it is safe to say you haven't been a werewolf long. I'm guessing for at least a year; around the time you went missing."

"Now you see why we need to know." the Alpha leaned in her chair, "we can guess you left home after you found out you were a werewolf, what we want to know is how. How did you find out you were a werewolf? How did they change you into a werewolf? And the most important one: Why?"

I felt their eyes fell on me when the last word exits her mouth. "I don't know," I choked out.

"Elliot, do you remember what I said about being up front with me?" she said in a soft tone, but it felt wrong. "I thought I should remind you since it is clear you are trying to hide something from us."

"I'm not-"

The Alpha slammed her fist on the desk, "bullshit! You know! So you either tell us or we make you!"

I don't. I do. I don't want to, I do want to know. I don't what I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to. "I don't want to remember!"


Elliot started to shake uncontrollably. "Elliot, hey Elliot." he didn't respond, just kept rocking back and forth in the chair. "That's enough, I'm taking Elliot back to my cabin."

"Wait," the Alpha yelled.

"Hellena," Doc screamed, "you are going too far!"

We both left as they started to fight. As I pass through the camp, I receive a text. All Betas in the camp, please come to the counselor's offices for an important meeting. -Alpha

The new wolf chapter 5

I don't want to remember that night. I just shut my brain down and just followed Chester as he took me through the camp. I think he was trying to talk to me but i was too preoccupied keeping myself from falling apart. He took me into a cabin, I think...

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