Mekid Chapter 3

Story by Vamoos on SoFurry


#5 of Stories


Soft eyes opened, coming to focus on the ceiling...sleepy, then curious. Finally they hardened and the little mousy face scowled and she rolled her eyes sitting up in bed.

"Damn it mom..." The girl reached for the top of the dresser beside the bed, pulling on the 'Furpocalypse' t-shirt and pulling the top drawer open. Her large ears flicking, she gave a saddened look over her shoulder at the bed as the thumping against her wall continued. "These walls are way too thin." Dropping to her knees, socks in hand she crawled part of the way under her bed. Wriggling a little she whispered softly to the form curled up on its side that immediately roused as she caressed his face.

"Mmph?" He blinked rapidly before smiling, "Hey."

"Hey yourself, rough night?" she ran her thumb across his lips and he kissed her palm nodding with eyes tightly closed. "I would have slept down here too if you'd said something."

"Already asleep," The broad chested young man sniffed already starting to crawl out of the space after her and sitting on the edge of the bed fetching his own cloths from a chair. "You deserve a bed--"

"I deserve YOUR bed." She didn't snap at him, but the way she forced the word made him cringe a little bit and rub the back of his head. The two had been put together by their parents, and he had to admit that she complemented him well. "Lets get some breakfast." She shook her head ruefully. He watched her, admiring the stripped thigh high socks and how they complemented her fur, dark black and purple on top of her creamy gray. "You see something you like?" she smirked tossing the one she hadn't put on yet at his head.

"Only when I look at you," he bantered back as he caught it, handing it to her and making her pout more than if he'd thrown it. She got aggravated when he didn't reciprocate, and it was his favorite way of teasing her... to simply not respond.

"Sounds like our folks are at it again." She pointed over her shoulder at the wall with her thumb with a frown as the thumping grew slower and more steady.

"Yours maybe." he shook his head, "Dad's louder than that, I think Donnie came home last night." Cecilia blushed at the mention of them being 'her' parents. She knew it to be true regardless of blood.

She was a troubled kid, doomed for failure. Sticky fingers, quick temper, and a mind for mischief meant she was inadoptable by system standards. Being half hare and mouse like her 'mum' meant she was automatically stereotyped, something she used to her advantage even today. People figured she'd be some bouncy flouncy dick sleeve without a thought in her head. People hadn't expect much of her....till her mom.

She could still here her mom's voice, ringing her ears almost as hard as that slap across the face had the night she'd gotten caught sneaking out...

"I'll let you be anything you want to be, as long as it's not what everyone is already expecting."

She was 14 when HE moved into this house. Her mother had roomed them together from day one, and she now knew the wisdom. Rizak...was not what everyone thought he was. He never laid a finger on her, he was afraid to. She'd been pawed by boys for years at that point. She'd never been held till the third night alone together. He refused her, REFUSED...HER,,,but he never let her go. Ceci smirked thinking of all the ways she'd teased him to hell and back. The number of nights he'd snuck out while she was sleeping naked, just to crash on the couch...oh she'd been mad. For nearly 3 and a half years she did this, though it was getting more and more tame. She'd in that amount of time grown to appreciate him as a friend. The guy was basically asexual, but incredibly affectionate. Having an older boy to talk to really made her come into her own, and with her mom almost constantly at work and her dad a non-entity it meant the majority of her time was spent with him. She tutored him on history, he tutored her on math. She made jokes about his multiplication skills, he poured cold water into her lap.

And thus it went until last year when she'd reached her majority. He'd baked her a cake, a fucking cake. Ceci shook her head ruefully as she watched that strong muscular back across the room pull on his white 'Mice-Crow Software' t-shirt. She turned to face her dresser, reaching for her boy-shorts when she felt a hand close around her little fluff ball of a tail. She wished she had a longer one like her mom and her sister, but Riz always said he loved her tail.

"Do you think we have time?" His voice was huskier than earlier, and she stood on her toes as he curled his fingers between her legs throught the crack of her ass, lifting her slightly.

"N-no..." she gasped out, her fingers digging in hard to her dresser as she leaned against it, "you won't stop at once, and you know it." She turned her face, and almost kissed him in a moment of weakness. It would be all over if she let him put that heat in her mouth. She tucked her chin to her chest as she felt his fingers leave, his body's warmth leave her back.

"Come home early tonight?" his breath tickled her neck as he kissed it. "I want to take my time."

"S-sure..." her voice was as shaky as her knees as she put a hand to her stomach calming herself. Her memory flashed back again to that birthday. She was a little hurt when he hadn't gotten her a present. Everyone else had. Syvlie got her a book on plants...whatever the hell that was for. Walter had gotten her an old antique knife. Something called a 'swickblade'? Her night got weird when her mom said she had to give her the present she had in the bathroom.

Two shots, a horse pill later she kissed her on the forehead and wished her good night. Rubbing her sore fucking ass and arm she walked into her bedroom and took in the sight of a very nervous Rizak. He walked straight up to her, kissed her on the lips, and carried her to bed while she finished cumming down both legs.

Looking over her shoulder she smiled as she watched him zip up his flat fronted jeans. Ekidna kept their junk internally. Only those who really knew them could see it, that little bulge just below the belly button that told her he was hard as a rock. Slipping her boy shorts up and reaching for the matching jean shorts she winced at how sensitive she stayed these days. Those fake heats he did could only last a couple of hours at the longest, but on a good weekend she could go into it up to 4 times. That made little Ceci a worn out little kitty.

"Lets go get the others..." She murmured as she reached out, lacing her fingers with her live in boyfriend happily letting him open the door.

Breakfast was a slow affair.

Every soul ate in quiet thought as the place began to clear of the morning array. Bacon and eggs, assorted vegetables, juices, and various other items disappeared with gusto. Nevermind the 4 older inhabitants of the house, the 6 individuals barely out of their teens made it a habit of packing food away like it was embarrassing to leave on the table.

Looking up from her sprinkle of scotch in coffee, Vanessa peeked around nervously at the life she'd built. Chai saw her gaze and nodded solemnly but subtly, Thoo doing the same. Donnie was at her side, and she felt him give her hip a squeeze followed by a slight butt pat. Ceclia looked over the moon munching away on strawberries crooked up under Rizak's armpit, occasionally feeding him one as he tried to eat his own breakfast with one hand.

Her daughter Sylvia was reading a book at the table....again. Sometimes she wondered about that girl. Still her hand was firmly intertwined with Phula's. Sylvia's sweater matched her glasses, and with no free hand the girl literally just leaned to one side, her face tilted without looking so the girl in the matching sweater could plug the spoon they were sharing into Sylvie's mouth before resting a head back on her shoulder so the two of them could keep reading together.

Walter was the only one who was looking at her, nervously. She tried not to laugh at his predicament but he'd brought it on himself. Tyzer sat in the center of his lap, trying his best to feed Wally food to which the other young man was not having it.

Of all of them, Walter had been the hardest placement. He swore he was "straight" even though Vanessa had herself received the reports of how he'd defended boys from being picked on, and having reported relationships with guys inside the state orphanages. Wally had been born scrawny as fuck, and a life of getting picked on didn't make him any bigger. It was when he realized strength could help him protect others that he got off his fluffy ass. The medical examiner file she'd gotten when she adopted him said he put on 100lbs between 15 and 16. Now fully grown he was a handsome little bouncy beefcake, and well past his maturity before the Ekidna ever came into their lives.

She'd eventually told him to just treat Tyzer like a brother, and that the poor guy was half his size so there was really no danger. Tyzer himself said he didn't even have 'junk' as Wally had put it, so if an accident happened it would be the bunny doing all the poking. Somehow the prospect of it being impossible to take it in the butt placated him, and for not the first time Vanessa cursed the public orphanage system for whatever might have happened to him when he was younger.

Two and a half weeks later she's woken up in the middle of the night to a horror movie scream. She and Chai met at the door as the most vicious fucking they'd ever heard rang out from the other side. The door was locked but after a few calls and some panicked gasps they got the short story. The rest would come in the morning. Everything was fine, he'd just started in the wrong hole by accident.

They'd grown curious Tyzer had said over morning cereal, and after a soft tender kiss Wally had literally become an animal. The initial shock had turned to bliss and eventually begging for mercy near dawn as Walter's stamina outpaced him. Vanessa was admittedly curious, though she'd never really thought of Walter in those ways back then. The young man even got a approving glance that day from Chai. Being able to fuck any kind of Mekid sore was an accomplishment. From that day on the two lads were inseparable, despite embarrassment. More than once Vanessa had to do a 180 walking into Walter's room unannounced. Thankfully any part of Wally that would be inappropriate for her to see was covered by his two hands....firmly gripping the back of Tyzer's head.

"Ahem." She cleared her throat as she tried to clear her mind of the image, drawing everyone's attention. "I have a meeting today. Depending on how it goes we'll be moving."

The bomb dropped, she watched and waited. Cecilia looked at her sharply, then squeaked and yanked her finger away from where Rizak had bitten it. Sylvia only nodded for about 3 to 4 seconds straight before looking up, closing her book so hard it clapped and echoed. Walter was so caught off guard he didn't even fight the grape being forced into his mouth by an oblivious Tyzer.

"Your mom and I have talked about this..." Donnie put on his best dad face, and it was one of his more charming traits. Vanessa held his hand under the table as he continued talking. "We think this is for the best, and it will give you kids a chance to finish your collegiate quals in only a year."

None of her kids were college. Orphans didn't get the state draft funding, so they either went general infantry or they became 'Civies'. Non-college Civilians had all the same rights, but qualified for no funding or benefits from the state ever. They'd been studying independently through correspondence ever since they were kids, but it was slow going doing volunteer work and passing verbal and written exams. Cecilia especially chaffed under direct supervision of strangers. Surprisingly it was Walter who spoke up first.

"What about them?" He said the words while wrapping the young man in his lap in a bear hug protectively, doing the double duty of leaving no question who 'them' was....and making Tyzer blush like a tomato and hide his face in the man behind him's bicep.

"We are coming too." Chai spoke up, nodding with a smile to Vanessa, "this is about us. We are starting a colony for Ekidna. Its on an island."

"We're moving to the beach?!" Ceclia spoke up grinning, "fuck. yeah!"

"This will be a job..." Vanessa rolled her eyes, but she couldn't keep the smile off her face at her daughter's exuberance. "we'll be only one collection of people on the ground. I am even supposedly getting an emissary." She huffed.

"An emissary?" Sylvia looked up curious from where she was staring at her hand in Phula's, her voice timid and small as she wetted her lips with her tongue. "Like a full human?"

"There are no full human's anymore honey." Vanessa took a deep breath, her youngest was a true romantic, and a lover of history and fantasy. The girl looked crestfallen, and she felt for her daughter. They both hated it when they forgot something simple.

"Your mother's are leading the exercise, the goal is to set up a country founded and run by the me--" Donnie faltered for a second, catching himself, "for Ekidna to go as more than refugees."

"Donnie." Chai smiled at him sweetly, "We don't hold the word against you darling. The government still has it on paperwork I fill out daily." She reached across the table patting his hand. The man shook his head putting his other on top of hers.

"Common isn't automatically right." He swallowed hard, "I still have a lot to....apologize for."

"If you're going to apologize for something." Thueban smirked, pulling Chagotha tighter to him as he leaned back, "how about the teeth marks?" Everyone pointedly ignored him and Donnie smirking at each other while Chai and Vanessa gave each other the 'sorry my husband is a moron' head bob.

"Dress professional," Vanessa gave her last order as she stood and began clearing the table, Rizak and Walter helping her.

The door to the stretched luxury car opened slowly, the man holding it open with one hand suspiciously in his breast pocket looking around before talking into the cuff of his suit jacket. One long leg, thin and smooth stepped to the concrete. There was no heel, it was.....a bleach white trainer, high topped.

The leg was bare to the knee thanks to a slit up the side of the bright red dress, cut flat across the breastbone to prevent anything remotely approaching cleavage from showing. This was good since the Caucasian lass had decent sized melons for her height. Barely as tall as the car she got out of, she smoothed her dress, paying extra attention to the ass of her dress before taking a single step. Clutched to her chest was a fairly large for her build purse, strap hanging low as she strode with purpose and nerves toward the group waiting just inside the glass entrance of the building. She only reached up to adjust the Pillbox on her head once, the off white clashing with the outfit honestly if not for the childish shoes.

"Welcome," a tall woman, long rabbit like ears hanging down her back and a full head of radiant tumbling crimson hair bowed slightly, "we're honored to have you." The girl took note of the mouse like tail that swished behind her curiously. The woman frowned, if only for a second before gesturing for them to continue deeper. Turning, she watched the soft creamy blue dress billow behind her slightly revealing the curve of the inside of her thighs every so often as she realized the thing was split like pants up to just above the knee.

"You're very tall for a Jerboa." The young girl spoke softly, clearly in the echoing hall, so even though it was meant to be a private comment nearly echoed across the stone floor. The bigger woman stopped, and the whole crowd with her.

Walter was terrified. This girl, supposedly their endorsement to proceed with this plan, was barely as old as he was. She stank of entitlement even if she didn't seem all that pompous. And now his mom was basically about to knock the fuck out of genetic royalty. You didn't assume anyone's "Plague Species" now a days anymore than gender. You asked, it wasn't taboo of course, unless you assumed and got it wrong by a fucking mile like this girl had done. Might as well have called her a crocodile!

"Actually," Vanessa answered sweetly, the honey in her words making the two girls she'd raised hug tighter to the arms of their partners almost imperceptibly, "My P.S. is a mix of Flemish Rabbit and Coypu, mixed with my heritage of west Africaas and northern Europa I was blessed with...altitude. I know this is odd.." she lifted her tail, showing it off as she stroked it like a creepy lady would a snake, "The rodentia genus is probably to blame, I have to shave down the fluff on the tip because it catches so much dust. It looks similar, but the average splice from a Jerboa rarely reaches more than 4'9, darling." She put her hands on her knees to lean down in the now curious if a bit startled young woman staring up at her with eyes almost as emerald as her own. "You're very brave, if a bit blunt....I like that."

The company let out a collective breath as they entered the conference room down the hall, the young girl peeking through every door to see bedrooms, a kitchen, a very large luxury bath and several living quarters. Pulling the large wooden door open, the big man who stayed at her side waited for everyone to enter. There was a bit of a startling as One of the girl's entourage tried to press pass him into the room.

"Your sovereignty ended at the door." Thoo looked down into the man's eyes, who now questioned his life choices, "as did your welcome, officer. The doctor has received the package, and accepted responsibility. I will see you out." The three individuals, now openly holding firearms looked at each other then back at the man who stood to his full height, the vein in his forearm pulsing as he held his open palm against the lead man's chest. His tense stare lasted another second before his eyes softened and he patted the shirt he'd ruffled. "They really didn't train you fellas to leave the domes, did they? Trust me, those pellet-chuckers aren't going to do shit against people out in the real world. Get yourselves a couple Cobrats, if you're gonna do missions out here. Talk to your contacts, they are a lot cheaper, and they actually work." The Rook took the man around the neck, for a second it looked like a headlock before he turned them and as one ushered them to the door. "You know what, I got a couple spare in my room. Off the books, you guys don't seem that bad. I can part with one or two."

Catrina, daughter of Catrina, daughter of Catrina sat in the office chair uncomfortably as everyone took their time getting into seats and shuffling about for sweets and fruits arrayed along the table. This was her one chance to prove herself, to her family and the world. So why was she the only one who seemed to be taking this seriously?!

"If we might begin--"

"In a moment." Vanessa, the woman who'd introduced herself as such once the doors closed held up a finger as she closed her eyes and bit into a strawberry. "God I'm gonna miss this."

"Mam," Catrina tried again, pushing through her fear of the woman to speak up regardless, "I really think we should press on, these snacks can wait."

"These snacks will be the last we have until we can produce our own."

The girl blinked, watching the woman slowly put down the plate she'd been balancing on her breasts and taking a deep breath. The two looked at each other for a count of 3 before Vanessa picked up the remote control sitting in front of her plate and stood. Smoothing out the front of her bright blue dress she waited for everyone else to put away their plate grumbling.

"So, lets get a few things out of the way, since we are going to be spending the next decade or so with each other." Vanessa saw the looks of cold acceptance and familiar warmth flow through the room from the various individuals. "Catrina here is our emissary, probably from some backwater--"

"Excuse me?" Catrina stood up, though the effect was highly muted in comparison of heights, "what gives you the right to say that?"

"The councils hated this project." Vanessa shrugged, "no one believed in it, no one funded it, no one wants anything to do with it. Until a rising chair on the council volunteered to back it....well, it's been dead in the water 3 years now. The only people who would take such a risk are those who have nothing to lose. That means a backwater dome with just enough resources to begin to earn respect. That also means that they'd put forth a sacrificial lamb to back it." Vanessa said the last part with a softness in her voice as she reached out, the girl flinching as she caressed the side of her face.

"I'm not...this isn't...." the girl was nearly tearing up at her frustration, "I am not a throwaway!"

"I never called you that darling," Vanessa sat back down, an action that seemed to compel Catrina to do the same. "I called you a sacrifice, something far more precious. You have a heavy mark, don't you?"

The other teens at the table looked at each other curiously, watching the girl nodded on the verge of tears. Vanessa reached out to caress her face again, this time reaching up to pull off the pillbox.

"Oh honey," Vanessa cooed as she reached up to the girls hair, "that's got to hurt, take it off." She stroked the strangled mass that had been clipped up tight under the hat. As the girl reached up and unclipped a few hair bands the mass tumbled free. Long blonde pigtails, reaching the small of her back, flowed free, after a bit of cajoling to unwind them from around the top of her head and the other feature that had been bound up. Two pristinely white mouse ears flicked and twitched, and you could tell by the girls expressions they'd fallen asleep being confined so long.

"Belted?" Vanessa asked the word nervously, and the girl's eyes went wide before nodding slowly, "come're." She gestured as the girl stood, and everyone watched and stared as the girl grew red under their gaze. A few tugs and several seconds of Vanessa biting her tongue in concentration and the girl gasped, arching her back. A long, smooth tail came into existence as she Vanessa continued to pull like she was undoing a corset, until finally a little fluff ball tip dangled between her ankles. "I would have guessed feline by the walk honestly. No wonder you knew what a Jerboa was."

Donnie leaned against the wall, sipping his drink as he watched everyone going over folders. The affair had been pretty tame since Catrina's 'unveiling'. It had been a masterful play by his wife, she did have a flair for the dramatic. 10 years....that number kept ringing in his head. That was a long time to do anything, let alone be trapped on an island trying to start a culture and a system of government.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He looked over and down at the girl standing next to him, the girl wore sweaters even in summer. How she was going to survive in a jungle landscape was mind-boggling to him. He took another long drink of his cup, then a deep breath after that.

"Just thinking about the future." He smiled, raising his arm as his youngest tucked under it, clutching tightly as she clung to him nervously. The two stood in comfortable silence watching everyone else move papers around, nodding and pointing. "Are you gonna be okay with this? Not a lot of books out in the sunshine." He teased, but softly as he rubbed her bicep in the hug.

"I have a tablet." She supplied softly, "in a waterproof bag. It has a solar charger and spare batteries." The response got a chuckle from her father as they faced each other fully embracing. He took a long smell of her hair as she did the same from his chest. They were the quiet souls of the group. The only one who came anywhere close as reserved was Walter.

"We should get back over there before they decide our future for us." Donnie grumbled smiling. He got a giggle for that and ruffled the girls hair as they began walking back to the group who was in the middle of discussing primitive water filtering.

"So tomorrow we're supposed to introduce Catrina to the way things are..."

Donnie watched Vanessa sat on the chair by the mirror, Chagotha brushing out her hair gently as the two woman leaned against each other. They turned looking over their shoulders at him laying on the bed and smiled.

"Yeah, you know how little we understood about especially freaked." the rabbit woman tossed a throw pillow from her seat over at him, watching him catch it with ease and tuck it under his head with both hands. "We already took the stock footage months ago, might as well you know?" She shrugged, and patting the hand Chai was leaving on her shoulder stood up and the two walked to the bed.

"S-so where is Thoo? It's been a couple hours since the meeting broke up, I d-didn't see him the whole time." Donnie eyes the woman who crawled into be around him nervously. Plotting was like breathing to these two, and while it wasn't unwelcome both at once was a little stressful if they planned something.

"One of the security team that brought Catrina was more adventurous than she seamed." Chai laughed, "she offered to pay for the Cobrats he gave them. She wasn't subtle, and he's been tending to her ever since."

"Poor girl, not even you all can take him for hours." Donnie raised his arms, and the girls rested cheeks to his chest as he wrapped them up. The two pulled the blankets over them all and nestled in.

"Oh that only took a few minutes." Chai giggled, "she even let him lock and took him full blast. She only took about half him deep though....poor girl nearly turned inside out in only a few minutes." tracing her finger across his chest she reached over and kissed a smirking Vanessa on the forehead. "Last I saw he moved her to the living room, the poor girl still can't walk without crying. She's dead asleep on his chest on the couch. No pants and not a care in the world, just airing out her pride and joy hoping it will close properly by morning."

"That's a little hot," Donnie chuckled, nuzzling each woman's head in turn, "not gonna lie. Though he did leave me hanging here. Theres no way I can take care of-- Honey," Donnie's face grew curious as the blanket started to shift underneath, "what are you doing?"

"Nothing...." she grinned not looking up at him as she continued to shift articles of clothing under the bed. "Chai...give me your tail." The girl beamed and blushed but nodded softly as the blankets continued to shift. "Just breathe Donnie, and this time don't yank out your damn knot..."

"Vam, baby wai--UH." Donnie went bug-eyed and his neck arched up as he watched the blankets fall away from his lap. There staring up at him was his wife's fist wrapped around the tip of her best friend's tail. The skin on the tip rolled back slightly to reveal a vibrant pink opening....that his rock hard cock was disappearing into in slow rhythmic pumps. "ffffuuuck thats--"

"HUGE." Chai gasped, clinging to him as she watched her unusual anatomy get used like a toy. Vanessa's methodical rhythm caused both bodies to tremble as her hand bottomed out the thrust with a wet smack before slowly trailing back up. Squeezing her grip, Vanessa continued to pump softly watching their faces with mischievous eyes. "S-slow down, you know I'm sensitive."

"You know you love it." Vanessa growled as she began to pump rapidly, leaning up to kiss the side of her husbands face as he arched off the bed groaning.

"Oh, tell me something dirty." He grinned with his eyes closed as his wife bit his button lip pulling on it before tucking her head into the crook of his neck. His wife chuckled, sucking on his pulse as her girlfriend did the same to his other side.

"You're balls deep in your wife's best friend..." she nipped his jaw line as she massaged his throbbing cock through the tail, stopping pumping for a second as they're eyes met. "and you still need a fantasy? How much of a pervert are--"


The two of them snapped to the voice, Donnie turning his head in time to lock lips with Chai as she rose up to cup his face in a long sensuous kiss. "Daddy slow're too big...daddy please..." she moaned in pitiful mewling tones as she went in for another kiss, and Vanessa watched Donnie's pupils shrink and grabbed the tail with both hands quickly.

"RRRRMMPH!" Donnie roared into her mouth as his back arched off the bed, his ass never touching the bed as he began humping the air. It was all Vanessa could do to hold on with both hands as he surged up in wet slurping slaps. After three or so heaving thrusts he actually did manage to pull it from her grip. Locked balls deep on his cock, the man humped the air attached to the woman now squealing in panic into his mouth.

"Well, that worked." The bunny woman quipped as she reached for the two heaving bodies next to her, rolling her husbands ball in his hands as he stared dazed at the ceiling. Knotted and stuck he looked absolutely content cuddling up to poor Chai. Part of her felt bad, part of her was smug. The tear streamed face, the contented half-dead smile. Poor Donnie's cock might as well have been a herd of bull elephants for how wrecked she looked. "I have a few more slides to prepare before morning...I'll let you to be for a bit."

"Are...." Donnie was still catching his breath, and looking up from the foot of the bed Vanessa could clearly see both her tail and his balls spastically jerking in time with their continued mutual orgasm, "you sure...honey...I can..." his eyes were hard, "I can still go..."

"No you can't." She reached out gently rubbing the top of his foot, "we both know it baby. It's okay, you just stay there and rest." She turned smirking, by morning his cock would be too tender to take a piss without tearing up. The two were adorable like that, and it was something she didn't do often but neither of them complained.

"Tomorrow." Her lover panted, and she turned to look over her shoulder as she took the last few steps to the door. "Thoo."

"If we can find the time--"

"Make. Time."

Looking over her shoulder she smiled at his firm expression. "Well....if you insist."