All Grown Up

Story by DaBlackStallion on SoFurry

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Steve comes home late after another date gone bad. He finds his daughter waiting up for him. She tries to cheer him up by watching a movie with him, like they did when she was younger. Steve agrees, and as they watch the movie, he can't help but think about how beautiful...and sexy his daughter has become.

1 A.M.

The grey-furred wolf put his phone back into his pocket. He quietly opened the door to his home, slipping off his shoes in the darkness as he loosened his tie. "Damn." The canine muttered to himself as he softly pushed the door behind him until he heard it click. He pulled his white, collared shirt out from his black slacks, untucking it as he looked up at the stairs. There were no lights on, which was good. It was far too late for her to be awake, and he didn't want her to see him like this.

He made his way through the main floor to the kitchen. The tall canine's heavy footsteps made the floor creak lightly as flipped on the lights to his kitchen. He stepped onto the white tiles and opened the fridge. He tried to be as quiet as possible as he knocked Tupperware containers into one another and shoved past clinking bottles before grabbing a cold, tall can of some much needed Heineken. Taking it out of the fridge, the canine walked over to the sink and cracked it open. He caught his reflection in the window and sighed.

"Still struggling, huh Steve." He muttered to himself as he took a swig, his voice low and booming. Staring into the window, he could see his gray face, his short, salt and pepper hair styled to the right and his defined jawline very noticeable through his thick fur. The wolf wasn't a bad looking guy, especially for someone in his early forties. He was six-foot-three and quite stacked. He was in decent shape. He went to the gym every day after he was finished at the office and it paid off. His arms were thick and bulging, his shoulders were broad and while he had a bit of a stomach, it was far from beer belly His chest looked like a barrel, with big, wide pecs and a muscle gut that made his torso seemed shape like a barrel. He thought he looked good, but clearly, it wasn't good enough to get them to try and meet her.

The older canine took another sip as he turned around to leave the kitchen when he saw her standing there. In the doorway was a beautiful, young, slender wolfess in a baggy shirt and shorts. She had silver fur, glistening, amethyst eyes and long, black hair that she currently had tied up in a ponytail. He couldn't believe she was sixteen now. It seemed like just yesterday she was tugging on his pants to go potty, barely up to his knees. Now, she was five-foot-seven and leading her volleyball team to state championships. "You should be in bed. Tomorrow's a school night." He told her.

"You know I can't sleep when you're not home." She replied.


"It didn't go well, did it." She said. The wolf couldn't be mad at her. She was just concerned for him. The wolf didn't even have to answer before he felt her arms around him. He hugged her back gently, brushing his fingers through her hair. "Those women are stupid. They have no idea what they're missing out on." She said, her words muffled as she kept her head pressed against his chest. She pulled away to look up at him, smiling at the wolf. "You know, if it's any consolation, all my friends totally think you're the 'hot dad', so it's only a matter of time before you find someone." She told him.

"Thanks, but unless they're about a decade or two older, it's not quite useful." Steve replied as he pat her on the back. He went to leave the kitchen when he heard her speak up again.

"Let's watch a movie."

"Katie, it's one in the morning. Don't you have practice tomorrow morning as well?" He asked.

"Well, if you don't wanna be the hot dad, you could totally be the cool dad if you stay up with me." She said as she hugged him from the side. "Come on. It'll be like old times."

As her father, Steve knew he should be sending his daughter to bed. However, he was in need of some major relaxation and restoration after that nightmare of a date, and watching a movie with his daughter seemed like the perfect solution. "Alright. Fine. Go put something on. I'm going to go get changed." Steve told her. She kissed him on the cheek and raced over to the den as he headed upstairs.

He had missed watching movies with his daughter. When her mother first left, Steve would take Katie to the movies to the theatre all the time to help Katie take her mind off of her mom. Truth be told, it helped him stop wracking his brain to understand how someone who he thought loved him could just leave without any warning. Just a note, a couple of empty drawers, and that was it. Not even a farewell to her daughter. It was despicable. He remembered how heartbroken Katie was, and how much pain he felt. When they sat down to watch a movie, it was like none of that existed. He could see her smile again and hear her laugh, which had been almost nonexistent when that cruel harpy walked out.

The older wolf tossed his clothes into the hamper, now sporting a white tank top and some ragged, loose, blue basketball shorts. The wolf walked into his bathroom and gave his face a quick wash, getting rid of the cologne he had put on earlier. It was his favourite scent, Armani Code, but right now, it was just the smell of failure. Once he was washed up and all changed, he headed back downstairs to the den.

His daughter was on their leather couch. She had her knees tucked to her chest, the remote in one hand and a pillow in the other. She had brought her father's beer and placed it on the glass coffee table in front of her.

"So, what'd you find?" The older male asked as he took a seat next to his daughter, stretching his arm along the top of the sofa as he grabbed his beer.

"They just put the latest Marvel movie up. That could be fun."

"Go ahead." Steve replied as the teen pressed select on the remote.

As the movie started, Katie cuddled up to her father, resting her head on his shoulder and holding the pillow against her chest. Steve placed his large hand on the back of her head, slowly running his fingers through her hair, which made her growl lightly. "So, what was her problem this time?" She asked.

"She had a weird laugh." Steve said.

"You said the same thing about the last one."

"The last one was too loud, like someone playing a tuba on a five-story trampoline." The older wolf said. "This one was really creepy. You remember that sitting witch we bought for Hallowe'en a few years ago?"

"Seriously?" She asked as she looked up at him, not thinking that someone's laugh could be as sinister and evil as that witch's.


"You made the right call then." Katie told him. She grabbed his arm and wrapped it around her waist as she rested her head against his broad chest. "You'll find someone soon, Dad. You're what us young folk call 'a catch'." She said as she smiled up at him. The wolf chuckled and gave his daughter a peck on top of her head.

It was all a lie. There had been nothing wrong with the last few women he had gone out with, and he had no shortage of dates, but it never went well. The night would always start off pleasantly. He'd get them to laugh, there'd be some light touching, a brush of the hands, maybe some footsies under the table. Then, everything would go downhill whenever he revealed he had a sixteen-year-old daughter. The women would always act oddly after he told them about Katie. Most women would be put off, while others seemed way too eager to be her new step mother.

His friends had told him that maybe he should wait a few dates before telling them about Katie, and while he contemplated that option just so he could stick his dick in something, he ultimately rejected that idea. Katie was the pride of his life. She was smart, beautiful, athletic, kind and funny. She wasn't something he wanted to hide. He cared for her more than anything in this world, and any woman he met needed to know that. If it came down to finding love or being proud of his daughter, he would always choose the latter, and if a woman couldn't understand that, she wasn't worth his time.

After about thirty minutes, both Steve and Katie were feeling a bit drowsy. They readjusted themselves. Steve grabbed the pillow from Katie and laid down on the couch, still facing the TV. Katie would lay down in front of him, her back against his chest as she rested her head against his thick, muscular arm. She had fallen asleep. He could hear her breathing gently, her chest rising and falling slowly. He gently rubbed her sides, much like he used to whenever she climbed into his bed when she was younger.

He looked down at her, still in disbelief. Being a parent was one of the most surreal experiences one could ever have. Sixteen years ago, she was no bigger than his forearm. She couldn't even walk or talk. It seemed like the other day he was teaching her how to write her name and how to tie her shoelaces. Now, she was cooking for him, driving herself to her volleyball practices. It all changed in what seemed like a blink of an eye.

As he continued to rub her sides, her baggy shirt would ride up a bit, allowing the wolf's fingers to accidentally brush up against the soft fur on her stomach. His cute, little girl had grown up to be a beautiful, young woman. She even smelled more mature, the teenaged wolfess smelling like a bed of freshly bloomed flowers mixed with a bit of honey. It reminded him of her mother, who always smelled of honey and sweet flowers. Without knowing it, his hand had snuck under her shirt and was caressing her navel. The wolfess would turn a bit in her sleep, letting out a soft murr as she gave her father better access to the front of her body.

One of the hardest things about raising Katie was trying to forget about that horrible woman when Katie was a spitting image of her. She had the same face, the same mesmerizing, purple eyes, the same know-it-all smile, the same lean body, the same way of speaking. It was impossible to escape her mother's genetics in her.

He couldn't be all that made about it. Her mother was a sexy, drop dead gorgeous wolfess. They had met in college at a party. She was a total bookworm and he was the jock. He heard her far before he laid eyes on her because she had gotten into an argument about why Doctor Doom was far more villainous than Magneto. He remembered the way her face scrunched up in stubborn denial and the way she'd cross her arms when invalidating every point her opponent offered. It was the same thing Katie did any time she tried to convince him that she "needed to go this party or her life would be over".

Steve would stop rubbing across her navel and instead begin to rub up and down her stomach lightly. He could feel her continue to wiggle in his embrace. The older canine took another whiff of his scent, memories of her mother starting to flood his mind. His body started to react, his manhood emerging from his sheath. He knew at that point he should have stopped what he was doing and carry Katie to bed...but he didn't.

Maybe it was all the alcohol he had drank tonight impairing his judgement. Maybe it was the months of pent up sexual energy. Maybe it was the years of lacking meaningful intimacy with a partner. Maybe it was a combination of all those things. Whatever it was, Steve didn't move away. Instead, he moved his paw up her body, resting just below her chest. He continued to rub it and caress it, making the young woman let out a content sigh. She involuntarily rubbed her rear up against his bulge, coaxing more of his cock to emerge.

"Fuck..." The wolf muttered. He tried to pull his hips away in some last ditch attempt to be moral, but he had nowhere to move. He was going to hell. He knew it. There was no salvaging the thoughts that were going through his head right now. All he could think about was touching his daughter and doing things that a father should never do to his child, but every time his mind yelled at him to stop, she'd wiggle that ass and brush up against his bulge some more, ridding himself of any thought beyond "that felt great".

He had already committed a great sin. Enjoying the way his daughter was involuntarily grinding against him was sick and wrong. He should be disgusted, and he was on some level, but the heat in his body was growing. He had already gone this far. He had already committed such a heinous act. Stopping now wouldn't make what he did any less atrocious, right? So...why stop?

The older canine slid his hand further up his daughter's shirt, finding one of her breasts. She was wearing no bra, which was often the case when she was at home. He held one of her breasts in his large paw. "God damn..." He grunted as he continued to hold her breast in his hand. His daughter was most definitely a woman. Unlike her mother, who was quite flat on both ends, Katie had a nice rack and a big, bubble butt. It was rare to find a woman who had breasts that fit just right in one of his palms.

He gave it a gentle squeeze at first, which made the wolfess twitch a bit. He continued to squeeze it, moving it in a small circle as his fingers dug into that soft flesh. "Mmm..." Katie moaned in her sleep. She arched her back and continued to wiggle in his grasp, grinding against his bulge even more. Her nipples quickly became erect, and Steve took full advantage of that. With the tip of his finger, he brushed against it, pushing up against it as he continued to grope at her chest.

The wolfess slowly opened her eyes, staring up at her father as her breasts were played with. Her lips were parted, the teen wolfess panting slightly from all the touching her father was doing to her. Steve looked down and gazed into those shimmering, amethyst eyes. He was worried that when she awoke, she would have a look of pure betrayal and pure hatred in her eyes. To his surprise, there was none of that. Instead, her face was flushed red under her silver fur and in her eyes was just a look of confusion. "D-Dad?" She muttered softly, not understanding what was going on.

Steve replied by leaning in and pressing his lips against his daughter's. The kiss was soft and tender. The older canine was terrified at first. She didn't kiss back, but she didn't pull away either. So, Steve continued to kiss her so gently, and shockingly enough, she started to kiss back. When she did, he pulled away, keeping his lips close to hers. She was panting a bit harder now as she looked up at him.

The young wolfess turned around so she could be face-to-face with her father. She placed her paws on his chest as she looked up at him. The confusion in her eyes had gone away. In it's place was fear, but not one of terror or horror. It was one of apprehension. They were treading some very dangerous grounds and she wasn't sure that if continuing with what they were doing was the best idea. Yet, she stroked his chest. She wanted to continue, she just needed some reassurance, some comfort knowing everything would be alright.

"I love you, baby girl." Steve whispered to his daughter. He had the look of fatherly love on his face, which was to say it was a mixture of unconditional love, gentle understanding and firm guidance.

"I love you too, Daddy." Katie replied. The older wolf smiled at his daughter before kissing her again. She wrapped her arms around him as their lips met. It only took seconds before Steve's tongue had found it's way into his daughter's mouth. They started off slow as Steve gauged how experienced his daughter was. For someone with her assets, he found her to be kind of clumsy with her tongue. It was clear she hadn't fooled around a lot, which made him proud. He could only imagine what she did to guys who approached her. He had raised her to be an Alpha female, and he was certain her confidence scared many men away.

The older wolf ran his tongue along Katie's, trying to get her to copy what he was doing. Like always, she was a quick learner. Soon, their tongues were moving back and forth from her mouth to his. Despite how hard he was, Steve didn't do much more than make out with his daughter for a while. They were exploring this new level of their relationship and he didn't want to rush it.

While they made out, Katie would moan and growl into the kiss. Her hands would roam his torso, firmly caressing his broad chest and thick arms. Steve imagined this was her first time with someone of his shape and size, and so he let her paws wander wherever they wanted. He loved they way they felt. They were so soft, but strong. She would squeeze his biceps, letting out a growl every time she felt just how strong he was.

Steve did the same as well, taking this time to discover his daughter's blossoming body. Of course, as her father, he knew her body well. He knew which spots were ticklish, which spots would make her jump and which spots he should never, ever touch. What he didn't know was which spots would make her moan, which spots would make her shiver, which spots would make her scream. That's what he wanted to find out.

His paws would slide under her shirt again and start at her back. He caressed the length of her back, pulling her as close to his body as possible. One paw would slide down to the small of her back, which made it arch into him. He caressed that spot, hearing her growl softly into the kiss. Moving just a few inches lower, his paw landed on her big, bubble butt. She winced slightly at the touch, and when he squeezed it, she broke the kiss to gasp. Katie looked at her father, her eyes lidding over in lust. Steve just smiled down at her, moving his other paw down to her ass.

He gripped it tightly with both paws, tugging on it gently. "Mmmm..." She moaned, her fingers tensing up on his shoulders. The older male continued playing with her ass, squeezing it and groping it, making Katie growl in sweet pleasure.

"You like that baby girl, don't ya." The wolf said. Katie just nodded as she pushed her ass out into her father's paws. Sneaking his hands under her baggy shirt, Steve pulled down his daughter's shorts, revealing her black panties and exposing her soft, plump ass. He dug his hands into it roughly, pulling up on it and spreading her cheeks apart. The older canine let out a snarl as he spanked her hard on her ass.

"Ah!" Katie cried out, wiggling her ass slightly, wanting more. Her father happily obliged, swinging his paw down hard onto her ass again. "Yes!"

"Fuck, that feels nice." Steve growled as he spanked her one more time, loving how loud of a clap his hand made when it landed on her ass. He started to get rougher with it, not relenting one bit as he groped and tugged it at in every direction.

Katie couldn't handle it. She was a puddle of pleasure, whining and moaning into the crook of her father's neck. She had never been with someone who handled her like this. Whenever she did do anything with a boy, they seemed to be paralyzed by the kiss or her hands on their body. They always touched her, but they were scared and lacked so much confidence, like they weren't sure if they should be touching her there. Not her father. He knew what he wanted and he was taking it. He was manhandling her and it was turning her on so much.

As he continued to play with her ass, he could feel how wet her panties were getting. It had been a while since he had been with a woman who could get so wet. He ran a couple of digits along her nethers, rubbing the wet spot, which made the teen wolfess' ass clench and her body shudder in his arms. He grabbed her panties and slid them down her legs. With the tip of his claw, he traced the lips of her snatch, slicking his claw with her nectar. "So wet for me..." Steve growled into his daughter's ear. Any doubts or disapproval he had about their actions were quickly disappearing. Seeing how horny his daughter was for him and smelling her arousal started to bring out that carnal side to him.

Twice more he ran his claw over her snatch before pushing the tip inside of her. "Mmfff...Daddy!" She cried out as she pressed up against him again. The older male slowly fingered her as he felt her lips against his own again. The two embraced each other once more, making out with one another. The older wolf continued to finger his daughter at a slow pace as she would begin to push back against his finger, pushing back against him every time he pushed inside of her.

"You're so tight." The older wolf growled as he pushed a second finger inside of her, making her gasp into the kiss. It had been a while since he had been with a woman this young and new to the realm of intimacy. He could feel her hands moving down his body, running over his stomach and over his crotch, cupping the bulge in his hand.

"You feel really big." She replied with a naughty look in her eyes. Steve felt his heart skip a beat. She had the same bedroom eyes as her mother, and all it ever took was that one look to get him going. He growled at her, playfully nipping at her chin before their lips met again. Their tongues wrestled and they swapped spit as their hands found their stations. Steve slipped a third finger inside of the wolfess and his other hand would focus on her ass and hips, caressing and squeezing them. Katie continued to rub and grope her father's bulge as the other paw snuck under his tank top to stroke his chest.

Steve pulled a hand back from her hips, reaching down to grab the waistband of his shorts. His hand was swatted away from the wolfess, who then broke the kiss. She smiled at him, licking her lips of his saliva before pulling away from him completely. The wolfess got off the couch, standing right in front of her father, her baggy shirt covering her nethers. She reached under and grabbed the bottom of her shirt, pulling it over her head to reveal her large breasts to her father, the D cups bouncing lightly as they were freed.

The older wolf sat up, removing his wife beater and revealing his brawny stature. He couldn't take his eyes off of his daughter. Cute face, big tits, slender waist and a dripping pussy. He eyed her intensely, his eyes narrowed on her figure, his cock throbbing in his shorts as he growled louder at her. It was the same predatory growl a canine might give another canine to get them to submit. Katie growled back, the edges of her lips turned up in a seductive smirk. Her tail wagged behind her as she got on her knees in front of her father.

Her paws ran up and down her father's legs. Leaning in, she pressed her nose up against his crotch, taking in a deep whiff of his musk as she licked his bulge. Steve reached down and gripped the back of her head, pushing her harder into his crotch. The wolfess let out low, pleased growls as she sucked on his clothed bulge, her senses starting to get overwhelmed by her father's scent and taste. Her fingers hooked into the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down his legs, her eyes widening as his cock was freed.

"Oh my god." Katie gasped in awe. Her father was hung. Way more hung than any other guy she had ever been with or even seen in the few pornos she had watched. His cock was long, resting against his muscle gut, pre-cum drooling down the tip that laid in the middle of his stomach. She gripped it with both paws, her fingers just barely able to wrap around its girth. His nuts were quite large as well, his sack resting against the edge of the sofa, each orb the size of a large plum.

Steve let out a slight howl as his daughter's lips wrapped around the head of his cock. He pushed down on the back of her head, forcing more of it into her mouth. "Mmm...there you go baby girl, suck Daddy's fat cock." The older wolf groaned. He kept the grip on her head loose for now, letting her go at her own pace. He had a lot to take and knew it took a while for most women to get used to it.

Katie was eager and horny. She shoved as much of it as she could into her mouth, not wanting to take it slow. The older wolf could feel his cock hitting the back of her throat over and over again. His daughter never gagged, which filled him with an odd sense of pride. Her mother constantly gagged on his cock despite how many times she sucked him off, but he didn't hear anything from Katie beyond a low, rumbling growl of pleasure.

She got just over half of his length inside of her mouth, unable to take the rest. The wolfess moved up, placing the base of his cock between her large breasts. Pushing her tits together, she jacked off the length of his cock she couldn't suck on with her breasts as she bobbed up and down. The pace was slow. Steve could tell that his daughter was going at this lazy pace not because she couldn't handle going faster, but because she seemed to genuinely love sucking his cock and wanted to do just that for as long as she could.

Moments passed as Steve let his daughter suck on his cock with no interference. The feeling of that warm mouth and those huge tits around his cock were amazing. "Good girl." Steve told her, petting her on her head as he saw those bedroom eyes flicker up at him again. It made him growl at her again. He had let her have it her way, letting her suck his cock at her own pace, but now it was his turn to take over.

Holding her head in place, the wolf began bucking upwards into her mouth. Katie's hands would fall onto his thighs, holding them tightly as Steve bucked harder and faster into her mouth. He slammed his big, thick cock into the back of her throat over and over again. The walls of the throat loosened up a bit after being battered by the wolf's massive manhood, allowing her to take more of his cock into her mouth. "God damn, baby girl." The wolf groaned, which was met by a loud, muffled moan from Katie. She couldn't get enough of the rough treatment, moaning and whimpering around her father's thick cock, greedily begging for more. One paw reached back to her wet pussy as she began fingering herself, her body so hot from getting her face fucked.

Steve didn't last very long at this new pace. He had been pent up for weeks and hadn't stuck his cock in anything for even longer. "Here it comes, baby girl." The older wolf warned. With a loud howl, the older wolf erupted inside of his daughter's mouth. To his surprise, she managed to swallow the first few loads, but eventually began to cough up, so the older canine pulled his cock out and shot the rest of his load all over her face and tits.

The teen wolfess panted heavily, her face and breasts matted with her father's cum. There was so much of it. The wolfess ran her fingers along her cheek, scooping up some of the jizz and rubbed it between her fingers. She seemed amazed by how thick it was. She wrapped her lips around her fingers, sucking them clean while groaning from how good her dad's cum tasted. Steve looked down at his daughter, watching her act like such a slut in front of him, and he enjoyed every second of it.

Before the older wolf could make the next move, Katie stood up and bent over the front of the couch, her ass just inches away from her father's face. He turned his head to look at his daughter, who was looking back at him with pure lust in her eyes. "I want you inside me so badly, Daddy." She panted as she hiked her tail up."Stretch my pussy with your big, fat cock, please." Steve felt like he should feel some sort of shame for raising a daughter with such a filthy mouth, but he didn't. In fact, he felt the opposite: pride. To know that his daughter could harness her seductiveness so easily with just a few choice words made him happy.

Steve responded by slapping her hard on her ass, making her cry out in pleasure. "You want Daddy's cock inside you that bad, huh?" He asked as he spanked her again, a red paw print starting to form on her ass. The wolfess didn't reply, but instead wiggled her ass, making it jiggle for him.

The older wolf smirked as he got up from the couch, only to take his position behind her. Both hands ran over that perfect ass, giving it a few more gropes, making his daughter whine and shiver. He crouched down behind her and pressed his lips right up against her soaked cunt. Spreading her cheeks apart, he began to run his tongue up and down her pussy, lapping up her nectar. "Fuck! Daddy!" She cried out, her claws digging into the top of the couch. Steve took his time eating her out, not just to give him time to get hard again, but also wanting to show off to her how skilled with his tongue he was. He could feel her wiggling against his face, trying to force his tongue deeper.

His cock was already fully erect, but he didn't pull away. He started to run his tongue from back to front, flicking the tip of his tongue against her clit, which made her knees buckle. "Oh god!" She cried out as her father continued to play with her clit. The wolfess was rolling her face against the top of the couch, laying it against the back of her hands, trying to deal with the waves of pleasure coursing through her.

Her solace finally came when the older wolf backed off, licking his lips of his daughter's nectar before taking his position behind her again. He rubbed his big, fat cock against her ass, slapping it against her bubble butt just to see it jiggle again. He then rubbed the tip up against her tail hole, teasing her. Her mother had never let him do anal before, and he assumed she wouldn't either, so when she looked back at him while biting her bottom lip, he was a bit surprised. "It really is true what they say about you millennials." He said with a smirk. They seemed to be much more sexually liberated than his generation, which was perfect.

Even though he wanted to try anal, he gripped his cock and lined it up with his daughter's cunt. The need to breed his baby girl far surpassed any other desire he had at this moment. He could feel her tense up as the head of his cock rubbed up against her lips. "Relax, baby girl." He told her as his free paw stroked her side. She buried her head in her arms again as she anxiously awaited her father to enter her.

The older wolf took his time, pushing the tip of his cock inside of her slowly. A loud, throaty growl escaped his lips as he penetrated his daughter. The wolfess would let out a howl of her own, her tongue already peeking past her lips as she started to pant. Steve began to thrust into her, only fucking her with the first couple of inches of his cock. She was incredibly tight, and truth be told, he was going slow for his own sake as well. He knew he'd blow his load way too fast if he pushed all the way inside of her right now.

"You're so big, Dad." Katie groaned. "Fuck..." She huffed. Steve continued to fuck her slowly, and once he felt Katie begin to wiggle against him or push back, he would push a few more inches in. It was a slow process, but after a few minutes, he had most of his cock inside of her. Her cunt had a vice-like grip on his cock. It was incredible. He kept the pace slow, his hips rocking in and out of her instead of thrusting, focusing on getting her to match his rhythm. It wasn't long before she was pushing back when he pushed forward, their bodies moving as one.

"Give me the rest of it, Dad." Katie told him. Steve obliged instantly. He bucked his hips forward, burying every inch of his thick, long cock inside of his daughter, which forced her tongue to push all the way out of her mouth. "Fuck!" She cried out. Knowing that the bliss was racking his daughter's body, Steve began to pick up the pace. He pulled all the way out and slammed every inch inside of her, his hips and nuts slapping against her ass and echoing throughout their house. "Fu--ahh!!" Katie cried out again as Steve began pumping into her at a faster rate.

The older wolf had a nice pace going, giving his daughter a proper fuck. She was much less active than she was before, no longer pushing back on him as much as she did when they were going slower. "So fucking tight, baby girl." Steve growled at her as he picked up the pace again, his hips seemingly moving on their own at this point. He rammed into her from behind, the couch inching backwards with each hard thrust. His claws dug into her hips, holding her in place and stopping her falling too far forward.

"Daddy..." She panted against the sofa. Each time she took a breath, it was cut short as a sudden moan escaped her lips.

The grizzled wolf didn't give his daughter any time to adjust as he fucked her faster and faster, his hips smashing into hers over and over again. His knot started to emerge, pressing up against her cunt with every thrust, threatening to push inside of her. Even he was starting to pant now, the pleasure building up inside of him. He started spanking her ass again, the other hand tugging her hips into every thrust. She was starting to push back against him again, rubbing up against his knot.

He slowed down for just a moment. With one big, hard thrust, he forced his knot into his little girl. "Fuckin' hell!" He cried out.

"Fuck yes!" Katie screamed in unison. She arched her back, prompting the older male to hunch down over her, pressing his broad frame into her back. He wrapped his arms around her body, holding her as close to him as possible as he bucked his hips frantically. He buried his head in her neck, taking in her scent and licking her. It didn't take long for Katie to turn her head and for their lips to meet yet again. They kissed passionately as Steve's hands moved to her breasts, squeezing them as he humped her as hard and fast as he could. She groaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms up and around her father's neck, pulling down on him, wanting him close.

The deepened embrace was enough to push Steve over the edge. He pulled away from the kiss and snarled loudly into her ears, making them pin back in submission. Then, he bit down hard on her shoulder, holding her in place as he flooded her pussy with his seed. She would howl as she came around his cock, squirting all over herself and the couch. The howl would turn into a long, drawn out moan as she felt her father pumping is cum inside of her cunt, which made her feel so good.

The older male released his grasp on her shoulder and licked at her wounds where he had bit her. He could feel his daughter breathing heavily underneath him, doing her best to recover after their intense fuck. He let go of her breasts and moved his hands to her sides, caressing her figure to help her come down from the adrenaline of their lust-filled lovemaking. He couldn't move very much in his position since he was still tied to her, but he knew she was feeling weak. He continued to lick at her shoulder and her neck affectionately.

"Can't believe I just came in my daughter." He whispered to her, the reality of their situation starting to set in now.

"I know." She replied, still huffing and puffing. "I don't...regret it." She said as he looked up at him. "Because I don't...want this our...last time." She added.

Steve gazed into Katie's shimmering eyes. They weren't lidded over in lust anymore. The words that left her mouth were genuine. He didn't want this to be his last time with her either. Part of him felt like fucking his daughter was wrong because it was taboo, but not once did it ever feel like it was the wrong thing to do. Not even now, as he held her.

His knot deflated enough for him to pull out of her, so he did. He sat down on the couch and pulled Katie into his lap so they were face-to-face. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she draped her arms around his neck. The exhaustion swept over her quickly, causing her to rest against his chest and her head in the crook of his shoulder. "I love you, Dad." She whispered, clearly tired.

"I love you too, baby girl." He whispered back. He could feel her body drift off into slumber as he stroked his fingers through her hair. He wasn't quite sure what his relationship with his daughter was now, and how they would define it. As he thought on it, why did he have to define it? He was happy to just be with his daughter and to show her how much he loved her every way he could. He wasn't in a rush to figure things out. He was happy to take it day by day with her and just enjoy every second he had with her.