Rumbling Butt(on) Mash

Story by Skyhigh on SoFurry

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"Whew! That was close. I'm getting good." Button Mash was on the couch, playing a quick game, as he normally does. While his character died a couple times before now, he managed to get better. He was a little too into the game to notice a grey colt coming over, a pegasus named Rumble. "Nice work, dude," he said, "I didn't think you'd make it that far." "You laugh," Button scoffed, "But I learn from this game. I gain experience." Rumble just grinned. "Fair enough," he chucked, "You mind scooting over, some? My hooves are killing me."

Button moved over for Rumble to sit next to him, and he kept on playing. After only a minute, Rumble leaned to the left just a little. What came next was quite the shocker for the gamer colt *Pblrrrrt!* A rather nasty sound blasted right out of Rumble's rump. Button caught the sound almost instantly. "Was that you?" he laughed. "Hey, we all do it," Rumble smirked, "I remember you've cut the cheese yourself, every now and then." Button blushed, chuckling sheepishly. "Just so you know," Rumble warned, "I got plenty more." Then, he lifted his leg. *Pfffrrrt~!* Button couldn't help but giggle. "Dude, that totally reeks," he said. "Oh. trust me," Rumble said, "You haven't smelled me yet."

Before he knew it, Button had his face in contact with Rumble's butt. Luckily, he was quick enough to press the pause button on his controller at the moment. "I'm gonna need you to sniff now," Rumble told him, "since you're down there." Button complied, and started sniffing. Without all the gas Rumble had, his butt was already pretty musky. Button didn't mind all that much, since Rumble has quite the booty; nice and round, slightly thick, yet firm. *Pbloooorrrpt!* Rumble kept on farting, to the slight delight of Button. "That sounded so wet," Button said, coughing a little. The grey pegasus colt just laughed. "Well, they call me 'Rumble' for a reason," he joked. He started leaning his tush from side to side, smothering his stench on his butt-slave's face. "You be good," he teased, "and I might give you a taste of what I ate."

*Pfsssh-blrrrarrrpt~* "Ugh! That stinks so bad..." Button gagged, and yet it somehow turned him on. He couldn't help but enjoy the smell. "Oh, don't sound so prudish," Rumble teased, "Deep down, you enjoy my toots. Can't you just admit your admiration for my stinky butt?" Still smothering his butt on Button's muzzle, he patiently awaited a response. Finally, Button spoke up. "Okay, okay!" he laughed, "I admit it, your farts are sexy." "Well, that wasn't so hard at all," Rumble chuckled, "Let's not tell your mom about this, okay?" "Eh, I don't think she'd mind either way," said Button Mash, "Good thing I paused my game before you sat on my face." He went back to his game, and Rumble decided to take his leave. "Oh, hey, Rumble?" Button asked as his friend was at the door, "Think we can do that again sometime?"