Humbling the jocks chap 3

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#3 of Humbling the jocks

This is a little writing colab I am doing with Hermes12...

Humbling the jocks chap 3

As Donny closed and locked Brenda's bedroom, the young dragon felt a shudder of delight run through him. The young dragon had thought he'd have trouble there, this whole family was crazy. Brenda had just become his slave, and the others of her family enjoyed skipping out with each other. He had to use hypnotism to change the family, but was that doing it wrong? Or for that matter would it even work, he couldn't make folks do what they really didn't want to do. He walked over to the bed and sat down on it, as Brenda finished getting into her first swimsuit. It was a little hot number, one that revealed her butt and the sides of her hip was left bare. She covered her breasts with a top that was barely there, it nicely outlined her soft lush breasts. Donny couldn't help noticing those thick nipples, poking up under the sheer fabric in delightful ways.

"How do you like my swimsuit, Master?" Brenda asked in that rich honeyed tone, that she seemed to use only when talking to him.

Donny felt himself getting hard again, the swimsuit was very sexy to him. He felt his temperature rise as she pranced around in front of him, his male hood was quickly going from semi hard to full erection. "Very hot!" The young dragon admitted with a excited sneer, this was like some naughty dreams he use to have. "But save that one for the beach. What else do you have?" He asked curiously as the pretty mare smiled eagerly down at him, her eyed devouring the sight of his stiffening organ.

"I have one that could be your favorite, Master." She assured, taking out of the next swimsuit that was stacked neatly in one of her dresser drawers. She stripped off the one she was wearing slowly, so that it would be a hotter experience for her master. She then slipped into a swimsuit that had a zipper on the front, but left little to the imagination. It came in two pieces, one bottom and two pasties for the nipples. She carefully put the two pasties on her nipples and then put on the small bottoms. The bottoms barely covered her leaking camel toe.

"Oh boy, that one really is hot." Donny agreed, almost not believing it was legal for a girl to wear that kind of thing in public. "I could unzip you, and have sex with you all over again." He volunteered sounding a bit too eager, his voice breaking a little as he said it.

"Ammm... that would be wonderful, Master." The pretty mare said in a coy manner, as a faint smile played across her soft expressive lip's. "I'm sooooo lucky to have you around." Brenda giggled excitedly, as quickly as she'd gotten into that swimsuit... it seemed to take forever for her to strip it off. Finally, the lovely mare took out of her last swimsuit it was a c-string and the nerdy dragon gulped hard. Slowly she put on the c-string and then put on a equally tiny top, the c-string didn't cover much and barely left anything at all to the imagination. What's more, the c-string was as lacy as one could get, making it nearly see though. "How do you like this one, Master?" Brenda asked, prancing over so close to him that Donny could have stuck out his tongue and touch the lacy bottom.

"I like it very much." The young dragon admitted, even as his male organ showed just how much.

"Do you want me to wear it all the time?" Brenda asked teasingly, as she watched his male organ pulsing in time to the dragons rapidly beating heart.

"Yes..." The nerdy dragon admitted breathlessly, as he reached out resting both his hands on her wide sexy hip's. "Just so I can take it off of you." Gripping the tiny strings running around those hip's, Donny pulled them down slowly. Enjoying the feeling of her soft fur and hot flesh under his cool scaly hands, as he slowly stripped off her bikini bottoms. Letting them drop to the floor, Donny slipped his muzzle between her thigh's. Nuzzling that hot sex, while his hands wandered up her body to slide under her top. Grasping and squeezing those soft lush young breasts, as he tasted her leaking sex with his raspy serpent tongue.

"Ummmm that feels so good master." Brenda panted, gripping the modest horns on his scaly head for support as he spread her thigh's with his muzzle. Her sex tasted sweet and salty, and Donny could detect hints of his own coppery fluids from earlier. Like a lot of guys, he'd smelled and tasted his own cum just to see what it was like. So he knew what it was like, and truthfully he'd been expecting to taste a lot more or it. As much as he'd spurted into her, yet there seemed to be only trace amounts there now. Donny wondered if she had somehow cleaned up afterwards, but he couldn't see how as he had been the one in the bathroom. Licking all over the outer folds, before finally driving his tongue directly inside of her. Wiggling and twisting it deeper and deeper into her depths, even as Brenda panted and inhaled deeper and more excitedly. "Ohoo master... Ohooo... that feels soooooo good." She whinnied weakly grinding her soft velvety sex against his muzzle, even as he plunged his tongue still deeper inside of her. Understanding at last where his seed had gone, it was all deep in her womb drawn in by a kind of suction. He could feel it building around his tongue, as the pretty mare grown closer and closer to orgasm. She let out a high pitched squeal that big body trembling and bucking against his muzzle hard as a gush of sweet scented mare fluids escaped her. And then her big body sagged against him, and she was babbling her thanks as he lay her down on the bed.

"I'm going to fuck you again now pet." He informed the moaning mare, as his slender body slid between her strong equine thigh's. Donny paused for a moment over top of her, looking down at her lush naked form his eyes devouring the sight. And then he sank his hard ridged organ into her soaking wet depths, intense pleasure almost overwhelming him as his balls slapped against her taint. "Ahaha... I love the way you feel on my malehood, the way your body embraces me." The young dragon admitted, as his hip's drew back until only the very tip of his organ was touching her hot folds. And then he was driving back deep inside, Donny panted into Brenda's soft chest. Nibbling on her soft breasts, sucking on those sensitive nipples as he nailed her pussy nice and hard. He snorted in amusement in response to her whispered plea, and shoved a hand under her bouncy ass. Squeezing her butt as he buried his hard flesh inside her slick sex, his groin grinding her clit as his scaly body shook and rocked on top of her.


It was pretty late as Donny walked home from Brenda's house, and the slender eastern dragon had a whole lot to think about. Donny was almost home, only a few houses away when he heard his name called, lifting his head he looked around startled. Looking back over his shoulder... he was surprised to see Doug rump down the front steps of his house, and then come running after him. "Hey wait up..." The short rabbit called as he sprinted after the dragon, the look on his furry muzzle plainly inquisitive. "You said earlier that that you were going to tutor Brenda... and then when I called your phone your sister told me you had gone out."

Doug said as he race up to his friend, his little pink nose twitching comically for a second as he caught up. The little rabbit circling around his friend sniffing the air, even as his eyes widened more and more. Donny suddenly realizing that he positively reeked of mare sexual fluids, and sex sweat from what he and Brenda had gotten up to. "Oh my god... Oh my god oh my god oh my god." Doug chanted in shock as he hopped around and around the dragon excitedly, the look on his muzzle one of pure delight. "You did it... you fucked the prettiest most popular girl in school... Did you have to?" The excited little bunny wiggled his finger in a vaguely mystical way, that struck Donny as oddly humorous.

"Heh yes... well no... it turns out she's into it... That is she is kind of my rut slave now, but I checked first and she was interested in me. You can't really make anyone to something they really don't want to... I couldn't make Merlin have sex with a girl, because he's completely gay for you." Donny stammered in way of explanation, as Doug blushed brightly at that even while grinning sheepishly.

"So you were behind Merlin coming on to me."

"I only give him the courage to admit his feelings, like most bullies he's kind of a big coward at heart. Although I've been working on making him more courageous, and self confident which is why he approached you today." Donny confided to his friend, even as Doug's muzzle spread into a wide smile at the memory.

"Yeah but that's nothing... you just got into the pants of the prettiest most popular girl in school. That's... that's huge! You lost your virginity to the head cheer leader... dude that's massively cool." Doug gushed admiringly, as he and the dragon shared a smile.

"That's not all..." Donny snickered shyly, flashing his rabbit friend a kind of gloating drin. "I took her virginity as well..." He explained, as Doug's jaw dropped in shock it was plain the rabbit had figured Terry had gotten that years ago.

"What... what about Terry though?"

"Terry got blown or put it in her tail hole, but she wouldn't let him have her maidenhood." Donny explained slowly, as the short bunny began to excitedly hop in circles around him again. "Turns out she was saving it for the right guy, for a strong dominant willed guy who she could serve."

"Dude that is so wild... You sound totally different now." Doug noted with a grin, he was liking his friends new authoritative persona. Even the way the dragon stood seemed more self-assured, of course the sweet musky scents of sex coming from Donny were exciting the bunny. "So what was it like... what was she like?"

"Would you like to see what it was like?" Donny asked as his friend looked at him stunned, wondering just what he was talking about.

"What did you take a video?" Doug stammered, even as the slender eastern dragon shook his head no. "What you want to... to use your..." The nervous bunny wiggled his fingers again, making Donny smile. "You... you can do that?"

"I think so... let me try it... I promise not to hurt you in anyway." Donny assured, as Doug bounced back and forth from foot paw to foot paw in nervous indecision for a moment.

"Alright let's try it."

"Oh first look into my eyes and listen to the sound of my voice." The little rabbit proved to be to keyed up to put under easily, but Donny's mind had grown much stronger the more he had used his powers. At last he brought the full force of his mind to bare, slowly slipping into Doug's mind. Unsurprised to find that Doug's mind was nicely complex, holding his friend's gaze as he projected his memories of the resent events in Brenda's bedroom. Slowly replaying everything that happened, as Doug moaned and whimpered softly. Shuddering when Donny orgasmed, because not only was he seeing and hearing what had happened. But he was also feeling everything, from the intense heat of that equine body to the tearing release of her hymen. And even the surging rush of the dragon's semen spurting out of his urethra and deep inside of the pretty mare's squeezing sex.

"Oh my god... oh my god... that was incredible..." Suddenly a funny disgusted look swept across the smaller rabbits handsome muzzle. "Damn... I came in my pants." He admitted, moved around awkwardly as the gooey cream squished around in his underwear.

"Heh sorry... I didn't realize it was going to be that... involved." Donny snickered, realizing that he'd just given his best friend an orgasm... without actually intending to. Doug stagger off home after that, as all his questions had been answered completely. Which left Donny with the problem of sneaking in, which proved remarkably easy as his dad was asleep in front of the T.V. His mother called out a cheerful welcome from the living room where she was watching something she liked as his dad snoozed. The young dragon returned his mothers greeting, and then quickly hurried up stairs to take another shower. Quickly dumping his musky cloths into the hamper, Donny soaped up and as the water went from warm to hot. He then washed the scents of sex off of his scaly body, before toweling off quickly afterwards. The young dragon wrapped a towel around his waist and then stepped out into the hallway, heading down towards his bedroom. But before he'd gone more than a dozen steps, he saw Sandra standing in her open bedroom door.

"Taking two showers a night now?" She asked him arching one eye ridge at him, even as Donny froze in his tracks looking at her startled.

"Ammm yeah well I got all sweaty and sticky from the long walk..." Donny explained smoothly, proud of the fact that he'd came up with that explanation very quickly.

"Heh oh sure." It was plain from the tone in her voice, and the look on her scaly muzzle that she wasn't buying it. "You know I've been in the locker room with female equines..." His sister pointed out as she pushed past him, turning Donny watched her duck into the bath room. A second later she came back out, holding his undies up with two fingers. Donny could see Brenda's fragment juices shiny on the pouch of his soiled underwear, even as Sandra lifted them up and sniffed them. "Well... well... well... you really are full of surprises big brother, I'm impressed that you managed to get into Brenda's pants just for helping her with her homework." Swiftly Donny raced back down the hall snatching his underwear out of her hand, balling them up in his fist.

"It wasn't for helping her do her homework." Donny countered defensively, as his sister smirked at him as he struggled to keep his towel from falling down. "I'm her new boyfriend... she broke up with Terry in school today. And she really is very smart."

"Heh it wasn't her mind you were inside of." Sandra countered with a kind of naughty sneer, even as she wiped her finger tips off on her skirt. Donny half smiled as she said that, in point of fact he had been inside of her mind and well as her body. "So your her rebound boy toy... I understand Terry is huge. I hope she could feel you big brother."

"She felt me just fine... in fact she was a virgin before me." Donny couldn't help boasting, a pleased smile spreading across his muzzle.

"Did she tell you that?" Sandra asked with a scornful look on her own scaly muzzle, as Donny turned away from her.

"No I felt it for myself, I broke her hymen." The young dragon explained over his shoulder, as he walked away from his sister. Noting her look of shock at that, it was embarrassing for him to talk about but worth it. "Terry got her muzzle and tail hole, but I got her mare sex." He explained as he left his sister standing there stunned, and went into his bedroom closing the door.


The next morning Brenda walked over to catch the bus with Donny and Doug, since Terry wasn't dropping by to pick her up in his car and drive her anymore. The little rabbit stood close by, watching as the big mare stood there snuggling with his dragon friend. Along with Donny's younger sister, who watched the pair with a odd kind of interest. On the bus Brenda sat with Donny holding hand, and sharing a whispered conversation. All of which drew a lot of attention, from all the other high school age bus riders. Once at school things got even more awkward, as the slender dragon and pretty mare strolled down the hall. Terry watched them as they walked by him and a cluster of his muscle headed friends, he didn't do or say anything about it however. Once again it was Dean who seemed to be taking it worse, and as Brenda strolled off to her locker. The tall black stallion came over to the slender eastern dragon, shoving him up against the green painted block wall hard.

"Dude what do you think you're doing?" Dean demanded, beginning to fidget and rub at his crotch as he confronted Donny. "That Terry's girl dude... you best leave her alone."

"No they broke up." Donny countered, remembering the suggestions he's planted in Deans head the day before... when the jock horse had be abusing Doug. "She's my girlfriend now..."

"Don't say that you pencil necked geek." Dean snarled, swelling up ominously as he towered over the much smaller serpent as Donny starred into his eyes defiantly.

"She's mine... I claimed her last night." The sleek dragon sneer putting a bit too much innuendo into his words, which made the tall black stallion's eyes bulged out. Forgetting for the moment that while he'd made Dean see Doug as his friend, but had done nothing to make the horse see himself in the same light.

"Shut the fuck up!" Dean shouted punching Donny hard in the mouth, the slender dragon staggered back spitting blood. But it was Dean everyone was looking at, because at the same instant Donny said.

"Owww." The jock stallion clutched at his groin, which was growing damper and damper. Dark yellow urine running out of his pants cuff, and splattering loudly onto the shiny hall floor under his hooves. Everybody watching them beginning to point and laugh, as Dean stood there trying to clamp off the flow. But he couldn't until every last drop of pissed escaped, running down his legs humiliatingly.

"What the hell is this?" Brenda demanded as she ran back over, wrapping her arm around Donny's narrow shoulders. As a long string of bloody spit dangled out of his mouth, the mares muzzle looking concerned and then angry. "Dammit Dean what's your problem?" She demanded turning towards the big horse jock, and then noticed that he had pissed all over himself. She starred at the plainly mortified stallion, and then looked at her handsome dragon boyfriend. "Oh dear... you seem to have scared him so bad he's wet himself... the poor baby." Brenda taunted sneeringly, joining the others in laughing at the wild eyed jock. Still gripping his crotch, Dean turned and sprinted away from them and the laughing jeering crowd. "Pitiful coward... my boyfriend made him lose control of himself." Brenda giggled wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing Donny eagerly on his still bloody lip's. After sharing a long kiss, they walked off to their separate lockers. And then they had to go off to their different homeroom classes, Donny was talking softly with Doug. When his homeroom teacher Mr. Blankenship called his name, standing up Donny walked up to the front of the class.

"Mr. Reeves would like to talk to you in his office." The white furred old Orangutan, as the young dragon walked up to him. Donny looked surprised at that... he'd never been called to the principal's office before. But at least it hadn't been done over the loud speakers like it normally was, which saved the nerdy dragon a bit of shame.

"Ok Mr. Blankenship... I'll go straight there." picking up his books, even as Doug looked at him inquiringly. But the young dragon didn't have time to explain, quickly he hurried back down to the main entrance where the principal's office was located.

Mr. Reeves happened to be a lion, a heft European lion with a coppery red mane. His office looked official, with papers neatly stacked on top of nearby tables and file cabinets. However he had a clean desk with pens in their place, just behind the shiny brass name plate. He even had a flag in his office, although there was no wind to make it wave. His bookcase was stuffed with books on education, and he had a Masters degree in Education framed on the wall behind his chair. He would soon go for his doctorate in Education, which he was working towards. Donny sat down with Dean... who looked very embarrassed at having wet himself in front of most of the school.

Dean shivered in the cool air about him, there was still the odor of urine hanging around the jock. Mr. Reeves had recently asked him not to fight, and now he was going to give a talk to Donny Chen about what happened as well. Reeves looked authoritarian, after all he was the principal of this particular high school. He had to look the part, which the big feline predator managed easily. He would not tolerate fighting at his school, it caused disruption to the student who were there to learn.

Donny Chen entered the principal's office with just mild curiosity, he'd never really been in there before. He liked Mr. Blankenship and all his teachers, and because he was a very good student they generally liked him. It was a surprise to be called to the principal's office... after all, he was the victim it wasn't like he'd picked a fight.

"Ah, Mr. Chen, have a seat please." Mr. Reeves said in a deep rumbling voice, gesturing to the chair just beside of Dean. There were a few lions in school, many of them body builders. A small part of the lions in school were football players, mostly line backers who used they speed to short distances to tackle runners. But this wasn't the first time Donny saw Mr. Reeves, just the first time the dragon had been in his office. "So, Mr. Chen, did you and Mr. Payfrey here have a fight?"

"It was hardly a fight sir." Donny pointed out casually, even as he glanced over at Dean. "I got punched in the mouth and the result was all bloody. Dean slammed me against the lockers, and I made him wet himself." The big lion looked at the slender dragon and raised one eyebrow, it was plain the feline was confessed by that statement.

Dean had an embarrassed on his long narrow muzzle, as he returned the look at Donny to him. The big horse hated being embarrassed, especially in front of a real male like the principal. Mr. Reeves adjusted his glasses on his broad nose and cleared his throat at that.

"Oh I see. So you were causing disruption for no reason?" The big lion accused in his soft rumbling voice, Chen looked inquisitive and shocked. 'Disruption, in school?' The young dragon almost couldn't believe that, he'd not thrown any punches after all. "You both have detention after school in the study hall. I think an hour's worth would take the fight out of you. Now go back to class." Mr. Reeves ordered them calmly, standing up he walked around the desk putting a huge paw on their shoulders as he showed they to the door.


Detention... Donny never had detention before, he'd always been a model student. Here he was, in detention with Dean, both in the same study hall for an hour. Brenda was also in detention, sitting by Donny instead of by Dean. Brenda was there by her own choice, and it was plain Dean was jealous. The green eyed monster was in his eyes, in his nose, and written all over his muzzle. The green eyed monster made him angry instead of accepting, the black stallion was intensely loyal to Terry. But if Terry had indeed broken up with Brenda, it was him she should be dating not that geek dragon. And then for no reason, Dean started to day dream... to fantasize. He imagined Brenda and Donny together, and that what made the green eyed monster inside of him rear its ugly self.

Mr. Freedman who was ancient had to wobble off to the restroom, leaving the three of them alone. Dean looked over at Brenda, doing his best to ignore Donny who was going over his notes on history. "What are you doing with that geek?" The big black stallion asked her angrily, as Donny glanced up from his reading for a second. Their eye's met for a second and then the big jock looked away, knowing he couldn't meet that gaze for long.

"Annnyyything he wants me to do." The pretty mare taunted, wrapping her arms around the Dragon's slender shoulders possessively. As she watching the muscles in Deans jaws work, even as his teeth clenched.

"You're not serious." The big jock stallion snorted jumping up, his big hooves clattering on the hard floor. "Going from Terry to this..." Dean gestured at the slender dragon in disgust, as Donny slowly closed his notebook. "Talk about a come down..." Dean snorted coming around his desk as he talked, things were clearly escalating as Brenda and the stallion verbally sparred.

"Hah... there's only one way to go from Terry." Brenda spat in disgust, as she recalled all the nasty things her ex had admitted to doing. "And that's up... because not only is he a terrible guy, he's a pitiful lover." Standing up beside his girlfriend, the scrawny dragon muzzled against her whispering sweetly into her ear. Her eyes glazed over at once, and she slumped slightly against his side. Without looking back, because he knew Dean wouldn't willingly meet his gaze. Donny sent his mind into the big black stallion's head, reading the thought's and desires he found there. And he really couldn't blame Dean for lusting after the pretty mare, but she would never belong to him.

"You slut!" Dean sputtered in shock and horror at Brenda's words, even as the dragon began to speak to him in a calm mind numbing monotone.

"She's not a slut... in point of fact before me she was a virgin." Donny used his calming voice, to push his thoughts deeper into the horse mind. He'd been in there before so it wasn't very hard to do, once he was deep enough in. He peeked into Deans deep secrets, surprised to find very little there. He'd fondled and finger banged Brenda once, when she was too drunk to realize that he wasn't Terry. The dragon planted the images that he'd discovered in Brenda's fathers mind, Terry having sex with Tara... and rutting Jim in the tail hole while the older stallion was dressed in his wives frilly under things. He could feel Deans hero worship of Terry dissolving, and it sent a certain thrill through the dragon. Carefully he created a false image, this time it was Terry in the lingerie getting pounded up the tail hole. He almost decided to put himself in there, but then pictured Jerome the tiger. It felt more real because he'd seen the tiger doing it in real life to Cameron up on the roof... the best lies always had a bit of truth. A soft sob escaped the horse jock, and his respect for Terry totally vanished.

Turning around he walked over to the glassy eyed black stallion, noting as he did that Dean's crotch had grow damp once again. Donny walked right up to the big horse, looking deep into his eyes. "No more fighting... and no more pissing yourself." He knew the proud horse hated the humiliation, so he impressed on Deans mind that fighting and violence was the same as pissing his pants. "Ya know you're a really likeable guy, I like you and everyone else in school likes you." Next he reached into the horses mind looking around until he found Deans desires for Brenda, thinking about it for a long moment. He picked out a shy nerdy girl, who working on the school paper with him and Doug. A lean gray squirrel with thick glasses, and a huge bushy tail. Carefully he replaced Brenda with her within the horses mind, making sure that from that day one Dean would lust after her. Once he was finished he released Dean and Brenda's minds, and then thrust his scaly hand out to the big jock.

"I hope we can be friends." Donny said pleasantly, flashing the big jock a smile as Dean looked down at him. For half a second the dragon feared it hadn't work, and that the horse still hated him and lusted after Brenda.

"Yeah ok... no hard feelings." Dean snorted, taking the dragon's scaly hand and wringing it as he returned that smile. "I can't believe Terry was such a lousy fag for all this time, and the rest of us never knew about it." Donny smiled at Mr. Reeves who was looking in the window in the door, the big lion nodding as he watched the two of them shake hands.

"Well I'm sure some furs knew these things." Donny observed with a nod, thinking about all the things he was finding out about his bullies. In almost every case, there were other who knew and kept their secrets. "Why don't you come over and sit by Brenda and me, we can talk about things."

"I'd love to... but to be honest. I'd feel like a third wheel... you two look so cozy and happy together." Turning around Dean strolled back over to his desk and sat down, opening up his books and getting to work.

Donny and Brenda worked on their Trigonometry together, the study of angles was quite the thing on their minds since it was what had brought them together. Sometimes Donny would point out something, and then Brenda had the deeper insight. Trigonometry came easy to them as they worked on their homework together, their minds seemed to compliment each others. Spending an hour in detention (or DT) allowed them to get their homework done fairly easily. Donny wondered what would happen if they continued to be together like they had been the night before. 'Would there be a surprise on the way? No way, Donny was a dragon and Brenda was a horse. of course there had been stranger matches.' But he would often hope to use his hypnotic ability on her again, in fact he was wondering how deeper her interest in submission ran.

Dean never did have a reason to be jealous, now that he knew his quarterback Terry was a closet homosexual. He soon found that he was getting angry at the whole arrangement, wondering why should that common fairy be the most popular guy in school. Perhaps he should speak to the coach about Terry's extracurricular activities, and he would have Terry sitting on the bench during the game. That way Dean could get a chance to quarterback, he had a good arm everybody said so. After all, Terry was only a Roan stallion, but Dean was a Palfrey. Dean came from a long line of Knights during the medieval period, while Terry was a Roan, a nobody whose ancestors were plowing fields. Sure, Terry was a faster scrambler, but Dean had the muscle. Dean started to fantasize again about how he would be called Sir Dean, and everyone would have to bow to him. Dean wanted to be suave and debonair, and he was going to start with figuring out how Donny and Brenda got together. After all, Donny was an Eastern dragon -- surely he could help Dean put the charms on Candice Devon, who happened to be a western dragon fur or draconian. But before he set his eyes on that prize, since Candice came from a family with money, he would first practice being Donny's friend.

"Donny." The sleek stallion called from across the empty classroom, making the dragon lift his head. "Can you help me with Candice Devon?"

"The richest girl in school?" Donny asked arching a eye ridge, so his squirrel girl obsession hadn't taken. It was a reminder that his abilities had their limits, at least his work had gotten Deans interest in Brenda canceled out. "She's definitely a snob, her full name is quite a mouthful."

"I've decided to charm her." Dean announced in a overly proud manner, that made the dragon wonder if he's over done it telling the jock how likeable he was. Even as Dean dug out a bottle of cologne from his backpack and splashed some of it on himself. He smelled of a good kind of musk after that, instead of the rank urine from earlier. "After all, I come from a long line of Knights, according to my family history." The handsome black stallion announced thrusting his chest out proudly, which made Brenda roll her eyes.

"Maybe I can help you." Donny agreed discovering within himself the desire to use his newfound powers. "After DT is over." It was a promise, that he hoped he didn't later come to regret after all match matching was a tricky business. And he did want tp humiliate this stallion, he already did that and while there was a certain satisfaction in it the young dragon still had a conscience. But helping him unlock his charms, to charm his way into Candice's arms would not be much of a challenge. All he had to do was hypnotize the stallion, to help him bring out his inner Knight. Maybe someday, Dean would go back to England and be actually knighted.

Brenda was nuzzling Donny's slender neck, as they say there together so close. "When can we go, Donny?" The sexy mare purred into his ear, and he could read the desire in her voice. "I feel really needy right now." Brenda confessed in a husky whisper that never the less carried across the room to the stallion's ears. Dean felt disgusted after watching and then hearing that, his desire for the mare utterly gone. He didn't want sloppy seconds, not from Terry or the eastern dragon that was sickening. After all, he had some morals, and personally standards that his father had taught him.

With detention over Donny and Brenda were going to have to walk home, as they had missed the bus to take them there. Luckily Dean had a car, his father owned a local used car dealership. So like most of the jocks he had a car of his own, Donny had to borrow one of the family cars if he wanted to go out, not that he ever had of course. Until Brenda he'd never even had a girlfriend, just some friends who happened to be girls. Dean's car was one of the new chargers, so there was plenty of room in it. She showed it off to the dragon in the school parking lot, while Brenda went off to her locker to get a few thing.

"Yeah its super fast... its got a hemi." Dean bragged as Donny looked the sleek muscle car over, wondering just what a hemi was. "So about helping me charm Candice..." The sleek equine jock grunted, when his hemi comment didn't get the amazed reaction he'd been shooting for. Plainly the geeky dragon didn't understand how cool that was, and the jock didn't care to try and explain it.

"Oh yes about that..." Donny asked, looking up into the horses eyes even though he no longer really had to do it that way. Carefully he pushed into Deans head, reading the interest and confuse in the horses mind. So Dean was hoping to discover how Donny had charmed Brenda, he also read Deans disgust with him and the sexy mare. Just for fun, he planted a number of images of himself nailing the sexy mare on her own bed. "I've been thinking about that..." He assured in his flat monotone, that worked so well for implanting suggestions into other furs minds. "All you need to do is act more like the knights you're descended from... you know more noble, brave and wise. Defend the weak and helpless... like Doug and the other small furs. Not with violence but with your words, take matters to Mr. Reeves be a witness. You can be the kind of fur everyone will look up to... you can speak well I've seen that." Donny worked on bolstering the horses belief in his own speaking abilities, and to implant the idea of being the best furson he could be. As he read Deans mind, he come to understand that Dean was rebelling against his father's dishonesty.

Just then the dragon saw Brenda coming out of the school, so he quickly released the stallion's mind. Giving him s quick pep talk as the mare walked over to them, and then they all jumped into his car. And drove to Brenda's house, while the stallion dazzled them with sparkling conversation and friendly humor. By the time they arrived at Brenda's house, which they found oddly quite. Both Donny and Brenda found themselves liking Dean more than they ever had, and both happily bid their new friend a fond goodbye.

The pretty mare quickly dragged Donny inside, and up to her bedroom locking the door behind her. Smiling widely at him as he turned to look at her, the sexy equine stripping off her school clothes as she slowly moved towards him. Until she stood in front of him naked, the air in the room quickly filling with her aroused scent. "I want you inside of me sooooooo much." She admitted, as her big three fingered hands began to strip his clothing off, while leaning in to kiss him eagerly on the mouth.

As she was kissing him in full glory, the dragon let the sexy cheerleader undress him. He had wondered what might have happened, if he didn't dominate her at all. Would she still like him? Having nothing to worry about, he let his pants and his underwear slide down his person. the young dragon was already erect, and proceeded to move her over onto her bed where she lay prone and ready.

"You're so beautiful." Donny breathed as he thrust his cock into her while he returning her kisses, his ridged cock had rubbed against her g-spot. "Can you squirt a river, my pet?" The lusty dragon asked, as he watched her tremble on his pulsing cock. It was a simple enough question, making her squirt in orgasmic pleasure. He wanted to make sure she had a good orgasm this time, because he cared about her pleasure. He rubbed his ridged cock against her g-spot slowly, making sure he massaged her with his throbbing cock.

"I haven't had a squirting orgasm." Brenda admitted as she whimpered in ecstasy, as Donny drew his hip's back dragging his ridged organ out of her. She was enjoying what Donny's cock was doing to her, and he was glad to feel joy radiating from her. Brenda moaned, she liked having his cock deep inside her, loved the sensation of his organ moving within her. That was all she needed... all she wanted in the world was to be Donny Chen's slave, to be his sex slave. She felt his cock rub up against her in her special spot, and couldn't help moaning out breathlessly. "Oh yes master... use me... rut me... pleasure yourself within me."

"Yes... this is all about you, pet." Donny panted breathlessly, her sex certainly felt wondrous around his male organ. And Donny decided to try something that he'd never done before, he decided to try a bit of self hypnosis. Speaking to himself within his own mind, working to keep himself from orgasming to quickly. It took a lot of concentration, but he managed to bolster his staying power. This had two great advantages, first it let him pleasure Brenda longer and longer, but secondly it allowed him to experience the pleasure of her hot sex even more, The two of them bucking and moaning softly, as they shared the pleasure of each other's bodies.

Starting out in slow measured thrusts, which made Brenda moan softly and arch her back pushing up to meet him. Even as Donny buried his muzzle in her lush breasts, licking and nibbling on her stiff nipples. The taste of salty sweat and sweet equine musk delightful on his rough tongue, while her hot hands explored his scaly serpent body. Her warmth was delicious to him, and along with her growing moans of delight swept him on-wards. His hip's rolling as he picked up speed, that long tail wrapping itself around her legs.

"Ohoo ho ho ho." Brenda moaned out as her sex began to quiver around his cock, gripping and squeezing it in that delightful way equines do. A surge of pleasure ran though him, and the young dragon had to concentrate hard. This was about her pleasure not his, even if every second within her was absolute heaven for the young dragon at this point. "Ummm oho gods master..." Brenda squealed as she bucked and thrashed around under him, her hot sex drawing almost unbearably tight around his malehood. "Oh Master... OHO MASTER... OHOOO GODS YES." Her big body almost began to vibrate under him, and then Donny felt a gush of wetness rush down his throbbing organ. "WEEHEHEEE." The pretty mare whinnied out loudly, as her eyes lids fluttered in her head as a wave of multiple orgasms past though her. "UMMM MASTER UMMMM..." Her sudden explosion of wetness spurting on to his testicles, sent a second delightful stimulation through him. It overwhelmed his control, and the young dragon moaned out animalistically as his balls drew up and he spurted deep inside of her.

As the two of them shared a rush of release, Donny felt his mind slipping into hers. Feeling the pleasure his male organ was giving her, but also seeing deeper into her submissive desires. Discovering her fantasies of being tied up and ravaged, of being made to service her masters every desire. Even wanting to indulge in cos-play, being dressed up as a naughty maid or a super heroine and getting taken. He lay there on top of her reading these naughty fantasies, as they enjoyed the afterglow of the orgasms they both had. When she reached over and took something out from her bedside table, lifting it up she wrapped it around her neck. It was a black leather collar which had obviously been made from a belt, sparkling rind-stones spelled out. 'Donny's pet'"Do you like it master?"

"I like it very much." Donny admitted, feeling somewhat conflicted.... on one hand this display of desire to submit to him was pleasing. "Wouldn't you want me to collar you, though?" Collaring a slave or pet was something the Master had to do, to show their pet or slave was owned. Apparently, she had made one out of leather and rhinestones sometime in her spare time. It was more than he could have hoped for, and yet he felt slighted that she'd not let him make that move. Oh he would collar her with this, after all she was a slave he claimed some time ago.

It's a ceremony like marriage, only Donny didn't understand that they would be together like this. "Oh yes, please master." Brenda said breathlessly as she held up the collar for him to take and use to mark her as belonging to him. "Please collar me... Please own me."

The question was, did she understand the whole implications of being a slave? "Sit down on the floor before me and I'll collar you." Donny ordered sternly, as he held the collar in his scaly hands studying it in a detached manner. The nerdy dragon waited for her to kneel down in front of him and do as she was told with a smile on her muzzle. She did it, sitting down before her master, both naked and unashamed together. Then Donny buckled the rhinestone collar around her long slender equine neck, feeling a powerful rush of delight at her submission to him. He fastened it around neck, her so it would say Donny's pet clearly displayed so that Brenda would have no pretensions. This means that Brenda was owned, by him and only him for the foreseeable future. Donny often wondered how the whole class would react, including the horse jocks he'd be dealing with. Terry's muzzle sprang to mind, a look of shock and horror spread all over it as they strolled down the hall.

"Heh. Pet, would you like one more roll in the bed?" The horny young dragon asked, sensing what her answer would be before she even opened her mouth.

"Oh would I?" She moaned in delight, standing up and kissing him on the mouth again lustfully. It was hardly any time before they both cuddled together on her bed, he had her climb atop of him this time. Donny loved the closeness, but he wondered how many more jocks would try and humiliate them once they saw Brenda collared?


Things went fairly normally for the dragon over the next few days, he went home with Brenda every night and they made love. Things getting more and more intensely kinky in their master pet relationship, as he acquired more bondage gear and costumes. He explained his three to four hour absence from home to his mother, by claiming he was helping Brenda study for trig. Not that his mom completely believed that, but she knew that he was the age to start dating so didn't say anything. Terry's reaction to seeing Brenda wearing the collar was even more satisfying than he'd imagined, the big horse jock was livid. Especially after he heard through the grape vine, that the nerdy dragon had claimed what he had wanted... but could never get. Donny suddenly found himself to be popular, life was going wonderfully until three days later. Went he was finishing up in gym class and getting ready to go to his next class.

Donny was on his way out of the gym, walking along behind the gray painted bleachers. When he heard a muffled whimper... or maybe he sensed it, but he just knew someone was in pain nearby. Turning he slowly walked over to one of the older equipment room doors, although the door was closed he knew there were furs in the room. Touching a hand to the door he opened it a crack, inside the cluttered room was a tall Palomino stallion. It was Bruno the center on the basketball team, and one of the five jocks Donny had in his sights. His shorts were pooled around his hooves, and he had a junior donkey pinned to the wall in front of him. "Shut up you little slut... you know your loving it." Bruno snorted nastily, as he drove his massive cock in and out of the younger males spasming tail hole. Donny could read the donkey's pain and anguish, it was like black sun rays coming off of him. The dragon reached out with his mind, before he wouldn't have been able to read much without putting the donkey under. But right then the others thoughts and emotions were so intense, that they were rushing out of his head in a torrent.

The young donkey really was gay, but he really was being forced against his will as well. He'd been flattered at first, when the big handsome stallion had shown an interest in him. But when the big horse had got him alone, things had changed like night and day. He'd instantly became abusive and mean, forcing the younger male down over some mats. Holding a huge hand over his mouth as he stripped and then... Donny's body jerked and trembled as he experience the donkey boy's first rape. Tears began to roll down his scaly cheeks, as he tasted the trauma Bruno had inflicted on the younger male. The humiliation and self doubt, the personal blame that the young gay male had taken onto himself. It was wrong so very wrong, this young donkey didn't deserve any of that. Donny couldn't take it anymore, reaching into the others mind the dragon removed all those bad memories. All the pain anguish and shame, everything that had happened to the donkey. And leaving him in a trance, unknowing and unfeeling as Bruno pounded that huge horse cock in and out of him.

Bruno was thrusting hard and fast again, he'd be cumming soon that was pretty plain as well. And the emotions coming off the big stallion, were anything but painful and anguished. There was great enjoyment in his mind, sexual pleasure of course... but more than that power. Dark nasty desires of power and control, hunger to hurt others and enjoy their pain. It sickened the dragon, and made him understand for the first time what darkness lived in some furs. The big blonde stallion gripped the short gray donkey's hip's, pounding away brutally hard. Donny felt his anger seething up within him, as he observed the big jock stallion's pleasure growing swiftly. The more he saw of the big jocks past actions, the more Donny felt that he had to stop this right then.

Suddenly he discovered a memory of Cameron, the two jock stallions sharing a little deer boy. Donny vaguely remembered the stag, he'd been in their year, but had moved away last year. Now he understood why... the two big horse jocks had rather brutally raped him more than once. All because the young stag had been open about the fact that he was gay, and that made Bruno happy to target the soft deer boy. He'd begun targeting Cameron now that the big stallion had came out, not that the big full back minded much. Cameron was willingly putting out for any male that wanted his services, so Bruno didn't have to force him.

At that point the young dragon's anger boiled over, and he reached into Bruno's head. Wrestling with the horse's mind, those dark wicked thoughts making it hard for the dragon to take control. Yet the more he saw of Bruno's past actions, the more brutal he was willing to be with the big bully. Taking the big equine jocks mind in a powerful grip, he slowly and grimly twisted it into submission. Discovering as he did so that the stallion had a more masochist side than he had expected, it was surprising after seeing the way he'd treated so many others.

"You are under my control, Bruno." Said Donny, very slowly as he moved in closer to the big rutting stallion. Hypnotizing the big stallion wasn't very easy, but at last he had control of the horses mind. Bruno stopped abusing the helpless donkey and pulled out, releasing a huge spurt of jizz from his big, flared horse cock. Making the air in the small equipment room reek of salty male lust. It took a while, for him to fully hypnotize Bruno because of the darkness of the big jocks thoughts. It was a whole lot of anger, a lot of frustration, and a lot of hate. Hatred, he was full of it, hatred mostly at himself actually.

The poor donkey boy stood there whimpering and shaking, the trauma of being forced still effecting him. Even though slimy jizz was dripping from his own fat, semi hard donkey cock onto the floor at his hooves.

Bruno was still sneering, but his eyes were glazed over from the trance Donny had placed him in. "You are full of hate." Donny observed, noting the cruelty and sadism in the big jocks mind as well. "Who do you hate worse, the donkey boy or yourself?" The young dragon question, already sensing the answer but wanting to hear it from the horses own mouth.

"My-s-self." Bruno admitted stutteringly, his starring eyes still glazed over as his spoke mechanically.

That was it, Donny felt his own anger and loathing for the jock surge so that he didn't trust himself to go on farther. "You are to put on your clothes." Donny said through gritted teeth, wanting to hurt Bruno very badly in that moment. "And leave this donkey boy alone..." This was all very disquieting to the slender eastern dragon, as it stirred of dark feelings within him that he didn't know he had.

"Yes sir." Bruno answered robotically as he pulled on his athletic supporter and then his shorts and his tank top. His spent cock was still jutting out stiffly, and that bothered Donny a lot.

"Go to the showers and shower off... your cock is going to go soft and stay that way." He ordered, knowing that the suggestion would only last for a few days at the most. "Don't come back in here. When I snap my fingers, you will forget what just happened."

He snapped his fingers and Bruno's jerk up as if he'd just came out of a dream snapping coldly at the Donkey. "Thanks for nothing Queer." He snorted aggressively at the donkey boy, as he turned and left the room heading for the showers. The donkey boy was still under the dragon's power, reaching into his mind Donny eased the pain and shock trauma. Finding within himself a strong desire to help the other, and knowing that there was only one way of doing it.

"You are firm and strong." He reassured in his calm monotone voice, bolstering the young equines courage and inner strength. "You can say 'No' to Bruno the next time he comes for you. And you can tell the truth about him and what he has done to you, to the principal and the police. Bruno is a rapist... he raped you... he raped a stag named Jeff last year... if you don't stop him he'd rape someone else. But your strong... you can stand up... you can save the next furson."

"I- I- I can say 'No'... I can... can stop him... can save the next furson." The chubby donkey boy repeated, every word growing stronger and more self assured.

"When I snap my fingers, you will forget I was ever here. But you will remember what happened before, and you will stop Bruno from hurting more furs." Donny ordered intensely before he snapped his fingers and then the donkey collapsed in his arms, still shaking and sobbing softly.

"It's ok... it's going to be ok..." Donny reassured patting the younger donkey's shoulder, as he sobbed into the dragon's chest weakly for a moment longer."

"I... I'm sorry." The chubby little equine sniffled, as he looked up at the dragon who was a stranger to him. "It just so terrible... I feel sooo... he... he... raped me." The emotional donkey confessed, as Donny thought about going into his mind and easing the pain a bit more. He hated to see someone hurting so much, but he knew the donkey would need that pain for the fight ahead.

"You should tell someone... your parents or Mr. Reeves." The dragon advised as the shorter equine looked up at him, a kind of wide eye fear gripping him. "If you don't speak up... he might hurt someone else like he's hurt you." The slender dragon prompted, watching as a shiver ran down the donkey boy's spine. He stood up a little straight, his jaw set into a determined look.

"Your right I have to save them... I have to keep him from hurting anyone else. I have to be brave." The chubby donkey boy repeated, as Donny nodded his head in agreement.

"You can do it... I can feel the courage in you." The little donkey looked up at the dragon for a minute, and there was a kind of glimmer in his eyes.

"I... I can feel it too..." He whispered in sudden awe of the feelings welling up inside of him, he would take back the power from his abuser. "Thank you." He called as he trotted out the door, heading down to Mr. Reeves office.

"Your welcomed." Donny answered softly, as he watched the young Donkey leave the room. Following him out the dragon walked along the corridor behind the bleachers, thinking about what he had learned about Cameron. The big full back had been an accomplice in the rape of the stag boy, it all suddenly made sense. On his way out of the gym, he was passing right by the sports team doctors office...


Doctor Blaylock had retired from working at the hospital a few years back, he still had a private office across from the high school. But he also volunteered his time as the team doctor for all the sports teams, he was the most well respected doctor in town. The old Orangutan smiled softly as he spoke to the young dragon, who had stopped by his office in the school gym. "So young fella... what can I do for you today." The kindly older male ask as Donny say down on the examination table in front of the hefty primate.

"Could you look into my eyes please?" Donny asked as the heavy older male shuffled over to him, even as the dragon push into his mind.

"Certainly my boy... What seems to be the troub... the trouble..." The was a new experience for Donny, this mind was very complex and knowledgeable indeed. A kind of maze that was hard for him to master, they struggled for over ten minutes. But finally Donny was able to work his way into domination, still it left him very tired and weak. "Doctor... you know Cameron Palmer the full back on the football team."

"Yes I know him..." The old Orangutan admitted cheerfully, clearly he loved and supported the sports team.

"He's going to come in here sometime in the coming days and ask your help. You want to help him don't you?" Donny asked guilefully, playing on the doctors naturally desire to help and heal.

"Yes I want to help him..." Doc Blaylock admitted eagerly, it was plain that he really did care about his patients.

"Good you're going to do just that... he's going to ask you to fix him. And you're going to do it at once, no questions asked, no thinking about it because you want to help... you want what's best for him. Right?" The dragon manipulated expertly, as the smiling Orangutan nodded his head sagely.

"I want what's best for him... yes that is right I want to help him." Donny nodded his head, as the old doctor agreed to do what he wanted.

"Excellent... when I snap my fingers you're going to wake up, you'll not remember this talk but will intensely be wanting to help Cameron. Oh and there was some dust in my eye, but you washing it all out for me." 'Snap'

"There you go... all cleaned out. Is your eye feeling better now?" The old Orangutan asked kindly, as he looked at the young dragon with a soft smile.

"Yes sir thank you for helping me... I'd better go now I'm very late for class." Donny said happily jumping down off the exam table and picking his things up before head for the door.

"Your welcomed glad I could help."


Donny had gotten tired after hypnotizing Doctor Blaylock, it was the first time he'd felt a real strain from using his abilities. The Orangutan's mind was so full of knowledge it had exhausted the dragon, add that to the strength of that mind it was taxing. He hurried to class, which happened to be one of his favorites... history. Now Mr. Jones could not tolerate tardiness, which normally wasn't a problem for the dragon. As usually Donny was on time, but he was ten minutes late today. He'd got all of his books and all of his materials together, but the wizened buck deer had him stay outside. He was allowed to come inside five minutes later and take a back seat at the back of the room.

Fur world history was not very complex, but the dragon could understand it. It was just a long lecture, which he found very interesting. Donny wanted to go buy another costume, for his role-plays with his pet Brenda. Today, he was going to tutor his pet on world history, but he was visibly exhausted. Mr. Jones looked at him worried, normally the young dragon was the best student in class.

"Mr. Chen." The old buck said carefully, looking the slender serpent up and down slowly. "You look exhausted."

"I had a difficult run today in Gym class." Donny lied not very convincingly, and it was plain Mr. Jones wasn't buying it. "It wore me out." Donny was breathing very hard, and his eye lids were drooping more than a little.

"Do you need to see the school nurse?" Asked Mr. Jones not unkindly, he really did have a soft spot for the gifted student.

"No sir, I'll be fine... I just need to rest a little." Donny returned, as the old stag nodded his heavily antlered head curtly.

It was tempting to sleep in class, but he actually enjoyed the lectures on World History. So, Mr. Jones continued his lecture on the Lion Empire of antiquity, and its late golden age. Back when Lions were the kings of furs, and the world was moving out of feudalism. Of course they still were, but in this time of history, the present, the lions find themselves in the Congress rather than in other positions of power.


After the class was over, Donny found Brenda out in the hallway. She was wearing shorts and a tight polo shirt, the shorts were very short, more like running shorts. They were also made of Lycia, which meant they hugged her buxom form. "I don't have cheer-leading practice today, Donny." Brenda explained, which was nice since it gave them more time together. "So I'm all ready for my Trigonometry lesson today."

"Good, it's the weekend." Said Donny, who was excited that he had something to do on a Friday night now. "We can study late into the night."

One of Brenda's friends on the Cheer-leading squad was Monica Sanders, she was a lion, and like most lionesses she lacked a mane. "Hey Brenda, oh is this Donny?" She asked strolling up to them, looking the slender dragon over with a hungry look. "Good to meet you. I'm Monica, Brenda's second." The bubbly lioness introduced herself, laying a single big hot paw on the dragons forearm.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you." Donny replied as smoothly as he was able, it was still strange to have pretty popular females take notice of him. "Funny, Brenda never mentioned you, although I've seen you around." He admitted, Monica was one of the big five along with Brenda... they were the top click of females.

The lioness purred a little, as he greeted her and looked into her yellow eyes. "Is it alright if I study with you and Brenda tonight? Brenda mentioned you are a whiz with Trig."

The sleek dragon swallowed hard, looking sharply at Brenda for a long moment. Their trig studies these days, consisted mainly of Donny dressing the cute mare up and playing naughty games involving him taking sexual advantage of her. Brenda smiled at him softly which left the dragon confused, was she inviting her friend over for actual studying or a threesome? "Ummm... Ummm sure I don't see why not." Donny answered, trying to hide the sudden burst of sexual energy that was racing through him. "I am pretty good at it." His exhaustion was long forgotten as he considered what may or may not be happening, as a nasty little voice in the back of his mind snickered darkly . 'It'll happen if you want, you can make it happen with your powers.' He heard a snort over his shoulder, and noticed Terry for the first time. The big roan stallion was watching the three of them silently, a kind of sneering jealous look on his muzzle. "Deans been giving us rides over to Brenda's in his car... I've been over there every night." The slender dragon couldn't help bragging, as he slipped a arm around the big mares long neck. This only making the pet collar she always worn now more noticeable, he saw Terry's glare darken a bit as the words on the collar sparkled in the light. "I'm sure Dean wouldn't mind one more passenger."

"Oh cool thanks... that will save me the trouble of taking the bus over there." Monica said happily as she leaned in and gave them both a little hug, that made Donny's erection drip a little in his underwear. "I'll see you then." The lean, sexy lioness called as they split up in the hallway, each going to their lockers before head to the next class. Donny strolled down the hall towards where he needed to be, when he saw Cameron coming. Stepping over he caught the big horse and pulled him into a stairwell, looking into the smiling horses eyes. He pushed into the big jocks mind, sure enough he found the memories easily. Cameron and Bruno abusing the stag, taking turns in his tail hole or muzzle.

"Oh hey ya buddy you need somethi..." The grinning equine started to ask, but was cut off as the dragon growled.

"Sleep." Donny snapped putting the huge stallion under easily, Cameron had a very weak and simply mind. Compared to Doc Blaylock's mind Cameron's was a joke, and the dragon quickly found what he was looking for. A bit of good... a tiny whisper of a consciences it was nagging the big jock, and using his own desire for subservience to point him towards something. "You really should go ahead and do it... that way your desires wouldn't ever hurt anyone like that again. Just go to Doc Blaylock and asked him, you can trust him to help you out." Donny instructed, watching as Cameron's big body shuddered from the suggestion. Knowing that if the big horse didn't already have the desire, and that tiny bit of nagging consciences this would never work. "Tell him what you need done... and he'll do it."

"I can go to Doc Blaylock... I can tell him what I need and he'll do it." Cameron repeated, something Donny had come to understand was a sure sign the suggestion was taking.

"That's right and then you'll never hurt anyone like that again."

"That's right I'll never hurt anyone like that again."

"Good... now wake up and hurry off to class." The dragon commanded, watched Cameron glazed half closed eyes snap open, as the horse jock flashed him a big grin.

"Good to see ya buddy... but I need to go, don't wanta be late for class." Cameron called cheerfully as he ducked out of the stairway and trotted away, Donny was just about to go on his way. When Terry stepped into the stairway and pushed him back, the tall equine was looking at him darkly.

"Alright Chen... I don't know how you're doing it... but your taking advantage of Brenda." The statement was so ridiculous, the dragon just stood there starring at the equine for a long moment. And then burst out laughing, that made the big horse blush and then grab him by the collar angrily. "What the fuck are you laughing at?"

"Sez the guy who fucked her mother, and her father." Terry's eyes widen in shock and horror, as his nasty secrets were laid out there bare.

"Wha... what, did they tell you that?"

"They told me everything, of course." Donny lied, well it wasn't completely a lie their minds had told him without them knowing it. "You were taking advantage of Brenda and her drunken parents."

Terry didn't like that at once, secrets weren't supposed to be tossed around like that. Somehow, Donny was taking advantage of Brenda, and that pissed the horse off. The two were now together, and Terry didn't like it at all. Especially since Brenda was wearing that collar, something that she would never have done for him. 'Donny's Pet.' That made him even more livid, he's never been able to get into her panties. He didn't like that, so he just straight up and told the dragon. "You think this is a game? I know you're taking advantage of her. That collar . . . She's a good girl. You don't deserve her." The big stallion was trying to soft protective, but it was in reality possessiveness.

"Oh, and you deserve her?" Donny retorted back with all the disgust and venom he could muster thinking about what the jock had done. "You think you're the best male for her? You did her dad up the butt." The dragon so loudly it echoed up the stairwell and made the big roan stallion wince.

"Shut up, I'm warning you." Terry growled twisting his big hand in the dragon's collar, as they stood there nose to nose.

"Warning me with what?" Donny asked glancing down at the jock crotch, as if he was expecting the other male to try and rut him.

"A big, fat, knuckle sandwich!" Terry exclaimed, as he balled up his other hand into a massive fist. He was going to give Donny a real big punch, going to hurt him as much as he could. Especially for taking advantage of Brenda, which of course was highly ironic. But then in merely an instant, Donny was in the big jock mind. Terry's mind was full of jealousy, mostly against that collar she proudly wore. There was also a great deal of confusion and self doubt inside the horse jocks head. Terry still had feelings for Brenda, although they were all the wrong kind of feelings. Terry had feelings for her mom, and her dad, who was his first homosexual lay.

"You're not going to give me a knuckle sandwich." Donny ordered dispassionately, looking into Terry's feelings and thoughts. Terry relaxed his hand and dropped it to his side instantly, making the dragon smile widely. It was gratifying to have power, before the big jock had all the power now he had none. "Do you love Brenda?" The dragon asked plainly, reading the truth even before the horse spoke.

"No." Terry responded weakly, there was a surge of desire within his head.

"Who do you actually love?" Donny demanded, hoping maybe he could distract the jock with that instead of this obsession with Brenda.

"Myself." It was total honesty, and it shocked the dragon more than a little bit.

"Why do you date?" Donny asked, but felt the answer once again before the jock could answer.

"To have fun, that's it... it's fun to fuck." Terry admitted monotonously, as there was a surge of sexual excitement once again.

"Would you go out with Brenda again just for fun?" Donny asked then, watching as the jock struggled with his desires for a long moment.

"No." Terry answered at last, he didn't want her if the dragon was doing to her what he thought he was. "She's all yours."

Donny felt alright with this, because he was indeed doing exactly what Terry thought he was doing with her. He'd claimed Brenda as his sex pet and Terry knew and understood that. But why the feelings for Brenda? There was a time when Donny would be feeling Terry's dick, because Terry thought he was gay. Perhaps he could get Terry to stop bullying him? No he decided couldn't go there, it just wasn't something he wanted. The two would be at odds until he and Terry went off to college. He still wondered if Terry could go on a football scholarship, because the jock wasn't at all a sterling scholar.

"When I snap my fingers, you will come to." Donny ordered softly, suddenly wondering if he could get Terry interested in self sucking like he'd done to Cameron. "You will let go of me, and not even think of trying to hurt me." 'Snap.'

Terry dropped him, and let go of his twisted up collar as the dragon stepped back and smoothed his shirt out. "I still think you are taking advantage of Brenda." The big jock equine snorted, plainly still jealous of the dragon. "I don't care if she's your pet... You are driving down a dangerous road."

"Well we all have our opinions..." Donny grunted, feeling oddly happy at the thought of the big popular jock being jealous of him. It was a dismissal of Terry's arguments, mostly because he knew what was really behind the jocks words. "She's loving it however, and I'm going down her road just as long as she wants me there." The slender eastern dragon licked his scaly licks, smiling broadly as he thought about Brenda. It was needling Terry a great deal, that lewd smug look the leering lip licking.

"Fuck you." Terry snorted turning away from the dragon, even as Donny smirked gloatingly.

"No thanks... I'm not into that." The sneering dragon snickered, following the big horse out into the hall. Just in time to see two big police furs leading a hand cuffed Bruno down the hall, they paused as the trio walked by. The tall palomino had his head down, not looking at either of the as he past.

"What the fuck was that about?" Terry choked, as he and Donny saw Bruno's parents coming in the doors at the far end of the hall and rush up to their son.

"He's been raping other guys... not everyone is into rutting cross dressed cuckolds." Donny explained softly, as the older horses loudly questioned their son and the police officers about what was going on.

"Good gods..." Terry choked in shock, he'd hear something's about Bruno enjoying some queer boys. But rape was beyond the pale, in Terry's experience fags were more than happy to put out without being forced. Cameron was a good example, now that the big full back was out to most of the school the other jocks were always letting the fag pleasure them.


The office door that was half open, was slowly pushed open the rest of the way. Old Doc Blaylock looked up from the supply inventory he was doing, smiling as he saw the young stallion standing in the door way. "Hello Cameron... can I help you with something?" The old Orangutan asked, feeling a sudden certainty that he would be in just a few moments.

"Ammm... well I've been giving it a lot of thought." The young horse stammered nervously, a big smile on his long muzzle as he spoke. It was obvious that the horse was feeling happy, about at last coming to a life changing decision. "I need your help me..." Cameron wasn't sure what the doctors reaction was going to be, and so he was more than a bit nervous. "I need you to geld me." He blurted out as the older Orangutan smiled at him reassuringly, reaching over to pat the paper covered exam table.

"Of course... it's a simple procedure." The kindly older doctor assured, as the teenage stallion strolled over to the table. "Disrobe first, and then climb up on the table." The wizened Orangutan ordered, as he began to lay out the things he would need to make the jock stallion into a gelding. Stripping off his cargo shorts and underwear, Cameron slide up onto the crinkly paper. Spreading his thick thigh's as he did so, the smiling primate wheeled a small metal table over to the side of the table. "Pull your shirt up or take it off, either way I need it out of the way." Cameron shucked his shirt off and then lay back on the table, as Dr. Blaylock reached up and adjusted the overhead light on the horse's crotch. "Last chance... your sure this is what you need?" The older Orangutan asked, as he examined those big plums with one gloved hand. "Once their off I can't put them back on you know."

"Yes I know... make a gelding out of me please Doctor." Cameron asked softly, and then grunted as he felt the injection before he'd even finished speaking. In a few minutes his crotch had gone completely numb, and then he felt a odd tugging sensation in his guts. Glancing down he saw one of his naked, exposed testicles in the Orangutan's big gloved hands. As he watched that orb was tugged out away from his body, and then the scalpel flicked down against the exposed cords and tubes. Cameron inhaled sharply, as he watched the shiny stainless steel blade cut smoothly through those vital tubes and cords.

"Ahaha..." The young jock stallion moaned, as he watched that organ laid aside on the metal tray.