The coliseum (Players)

Story by Simon Tracer on SoFurry

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It's called "Gem battle" and it's all you hope it would be. You don't get all the powers that you saw in the war, but that comes later. In the online game you get only parts of Mega gems each. So you want to go all out and get home game. You get to use elements, invisibility, but not time or portals in the online game. You fight each other in different phases of your progress. At first you play it in some dumb-ass low-res 2D version, but if you finish that you move on to the good 2D one. And it's still not really worth your time unless you keep going and then you end up in the 3D web game.

But all that time is like a drop in the players rank. You still have to win most of the time to get the real game. I'll be clear. Anyone can buy the home game for their Master-con, but unless you win it online you don't get the codes and new data to unlock the full home game. Must people used to just get the home version and never play the web game, until word got out about how freaking awesome it is. In the home game you still don't have all the powers and the controls could have been done better, but after the update, which by the way, cannot be hacked, you get a rush just thinking about it. In the home game you play as only one of over 20 guys with the weakest powers you can think of. Water, fire, and Ice are all you get to choose from. But in the first update you get all of them. Sure you still get water fire and ice, but you also get explosives, oil (not so great), Faze (Most anyone chooses it), Data analyses (More than you expect), cloning for animal cells, cloning for plant cells (neither are worth the time), wind, lasers and reflection, ENERGY (the big listed one), time control (less used than you'd think), Portals, and projectiles. All that and you still have the same controls.

So, you play this one and it's beyond most, beneath some, and others just like it. But you still aren't at the full out game. Finish the updated with the basic controls and RAM sends you the VR pack. Another un-hack-able feature that makes you think twice about getting that other company's game. You're in a 3D world and it's in high-res. If you face one way you move there. But when you battle you get to command lots of things all at once.

And if you finish that you get sent the gyro-fit gear. Now you can fly, run, and wave your arms and legs without thinking about running into anything. And it's at your home. The VR for this gear is intense. You go through mazes and literally can pick up things you find. It's like your there, but you have to get out and eat and stuff. Duh!

That's the most of it. I mean, I can tell you more detail, but then you'd just make me give you mine, but that doesn't work either. RAM made it state of the art of the next shit load of generations. Look at what happen next though in that "warriors" column. It gets better.

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