Twokinds Smut: Clovis' Inferno, Chapter 2. Descent

Story by Mandag_Morgen on SoFurry

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#2 of Clovis' Inferno

Part two of "Clovis Can't Take The Heat"

Poor Clovis. Things don't look quite as rosy from the other side of the mirror, do they?

I'm usually against creating my own characters to insert into fanfics, but I really wanted Clovis to have some female confidant/consort/servant. None of the pre-existing girls really made sense, so I made up my own. I didn't create a name for her, and her background is not really all too relevant, other than that she used to work in a brothel far, far away from Llwynderw.

Clovis' Inferno Written by _ Mandag _ _ Twokinds _, and all the characters from it are _ © Thomas Fischbach _

Part 2: Descent

The door opened, and the snow-wolf stepped in timidly. When Clovis had bought her, she had based her pick halfway on looks, and halfway on desolation; The girl was beautiful, sure enough, but more importantly, Clovis had found her in a brothel in a remote village on the outskirts of Pinehill, a hundred miles to the north of the forest-wolf lands, and had bought her for an absurd amount of gold, mostly to ensure that the lips of the brothel's owners would remain sealed. The maid had no nearby home to go to, and would have nothing to gain by outing the prince. She scanned the halfbreed with a frown. "You look like shit, master." She had never been one to suger-coat things, a trait Clovis had found oddly refreshing, surrounded as she was by henchmen and lackeys who would kiss her ass to no end in the hopes of getting in on her vast fortune. "And so what if I do? This is my room, and I'm the only one who has access to it. Also, why the hell are you here? I'm ahh-... Busy." She replied crassly. Being seen in such a vulnerable state riled her up quite a bit; This was no proper form for someone who claimed themselves to be royalty. "I know you don't care, you never do. But you hired me to tend to your needs, and that's just what I'm trying to do here. I have a feeling you need help, even though you won't admit it to someone like me." The girl paused, and gave a condescending look to Clovis' legs. The prince looked down and realized the wetness from her groin had seeped down between her thighs, and was clearly visible from where the snow wolf stood. "I don't need help from you, girl," She waved dismissively. "I need only time, and my own thoughts. I hired you to wash my clothes, serve me beer, and warm my bed, like a good consort should. Don't you go thinking you can just... burst into my room and... -haah- I..." She had to stop, breathless again. The inferno in her chest felt like it was consuming more oxygen than she could force past her tightly wound bindings, and the edges of her vision had started to close in. "Master, are you sure you're alright?" The amount of genuine worry in the maid's voice, mixed with a smidgen of sarcasm, was almost enough to make Clovis cry out in embarrased frustration. And she would have screamed "I said I don't NEED your help, now get OUT!", had she any air in her lungs at all. "Look, at least let me help you out with those chest bindings before you choke, alright? That looks painful." Clovis took a moment to think, but it didn't take long to reach a conclusion; She would actually prefer swallowing her tattered pride over passing out in her own bed. "Ohkay... Get... Come here..." She puffed, before falling back onto the bed once again, letting her tail fall; No need to be prudish at this point. The snow wolf came up to her, and examined her chest area. "Oh wow, you're all blue, poor thing. First off, you need a lesson in how to tie your chest bindings; They're way too tight. Roll over on your stomach, please." The prince complied, begrudgingly. She didn't quite like the maid's tone, but at the same time she felt like she had no other option than to listen. After all, the girl had eight and a half years more experience with being a woman. "How do you even breathe with this on? I've only tried bindings once, for a customer with peculiar tastes." She mused as she started undoing Clovis' crude bandages. "Felt like I was gonna black out any second. Really don't understand why you don't just wear a bra or something. Or use one of those fancy illusion spells of yours." "Spells can be unreliable" The halfbreed huffed, and tugged at the bandages. "I could lose my focus, or... someone could cast a dispelling curse on me. Besides, there are some people who can see right through them for some re -ah!" She gasped as the bindings came loose, and fresh, cool air flowed to her sweat-damp breasts. The bandages had been crushing her for so long that she had forgotten how good it felt to go bare-chested, and she drew a couple of refreshed breaths, feeling the cold air flowing down her throat like water. As much as she despised her womanly chest area, she couldn't help but give her now freely hanging breasts a firm squeeze and ruffle the fur a little; Getting them out of the choking confines had given her more relief than she had felt in weeks, and they were tingling and itching slightly. She laid there with her behind in the air for a while, and heard the maid maneuver up behind her. "Okay, now lift it." she said. "What?" Clovis felt the daydream flash through her mind again, still vivid. What could the maid possibly earn from looking at her butt? The snow wolf sighed. "Lift. Your tail. Women in estrus are often prone to infections and other genital complications, so I sould pr-"

"Whoa, Back off!" She cut her off sharply, and swung her tail. "You were to help me with my bindings, and nothing else. If I wanted assistance with my- uh..." She groped for words. "...My predicament, then I'd go see a doctor. Now get out. When I said I didn't need your services, I meant it." She rolled over onto her back again. "Why are you still here? Don't you have ale to serve downstairs?" She didn't quite like how the young wolf eyed her. Something in the stare seemed way too knowledgeable, like she knew things that Clovis didn't. But she did turn around, and started for the door at a somewhat mockingly slow pace. "Okay, I guess I'll go. But, uh..." "What." "I just... I really hope you weren't using your fingers. You might end up hurting yourself that way." It took a moment for Clovis to realize what she was talking about, but when she did she could feel blood rushing to her face. "I didn't... I'd never... I mean, what are you talking about?" "Oh please, I thought people said you were good at lying." The maid's voice was dripping with sarcasm now. "Let's do the math here; It's high season for heat. You sit in a room surrounded by sexy, muscular men. Then suddenly, after getting into intimate contact with another fox, you-" "I'm a wolf!" "Whatever, doesn't matter. After making out with his brain or something, you 'suddenly' have to "take care of an important matter", and you rush up to your room. And when I come up here to ask you what's wrong, I find you panting on the bed, wet as a used dishrag, complaining that your chest bindings are too tight. I may only have been in heat three times myself, but I definitely know that feeling. You hired me specifically to help take care of your personal needs, and I know what you're going through right now better than you probably do yourself. So could you please ease up a little, and let me give you some advice?" She crossed her arms, waiting for a response.

But Clovis didn't really have one. What the young maid had described was like an exact reflection of what she herself had just gone through, and she finally had an idea of what she must have looked like to the others in the tavern. She fell into a distressed train of thought; If the maid could see through her so easily, then what about the men? How many of them were on the right track to figuring out her secret? It hadn't taken Carver more than a single conversation to notice she was masking her scent, and he was half unconscious from the mind reading to boot. Or worse, did they already know, and were just biding their time to use the information as leverage to overthrow her? The more she thought about it, the more hopeless everything looked. And as if that wasn't enough, her groin had started aching hungrily again, demanding she get back to what she was doing before the young wolf had entered. "...Master Clovis? May I?" The prince covered her face and groaned, feeling her eyes starting to sting. Was she really going to cry? She had been through much more dire situations before, so why did everything suddenly seem so horribly complex now? "Uurgh. Alright, fine. Please... Please help me." She hated how meek her voice sounded. Hated it, hated how apathetic and lost she felt, the antithesis of how she had been before the transformation. Apathy and confusion were traits of weak-willed women, the likes of which she had looked down upon and used for her entire life. "Okay. I'll help you out. But first, you gotta let me take a look down there. See if everything's in order." "I-I really don't know if I want to trust you with my...eurgh. My... feminine parts."

"Oh, would you rather get examined by someone else, like that skeevy fox guy you keep harassing? I'm sure he'd love to see you like this." Some part of Clovis wanted to burst out with "Yes I would, right here on the bed," and she had to swallow hard to stop herself from saying it. "Ah... fine. Just... Don't touch anything." she muttered instead, spreading her legs and letting her tail fall. "It's... very sensitive." The maid moved in closer, and Clovis had to shudder as she felt her fingers sift through the bushy nether-fur. She could hear a faint whistle from the maid when she found what she was looking for; "Wow, you're really pretty down here as well... It's flaring and winking at me. I'm guessing you've been in heat for quite a while, right? This is some prime stuff, un-opened wares."

Clovis felt her cheeks grow warm and her whiskers bristle with shame. "Will you... stop appraising me like I'm a goddamn luxury prostitute, and actually he-aaaAHN!" the moan escaped her chest without asking for consent, as the young maid started prodding her oversensitive labia, running her fingers up and down the edge of the slit in a professional manner, like a doctor. "Hm. Being able to smell you would help me determine for sure, but I'm not seeing any signs of sickness or infection, which is good. In fact..." The prince bit down on her finger and whined as the wolf poked her clit, pushing it into her flesh. "...It's the healthiest pussy I've ever seen. Shame you've decided against putting it to use though, as it's clearly just begging for it. It's pretty swollen, and it opens wide at the lightest touch. I really can't fault you for getting distracted when you're in such severe heat; I didn't have it nearly as bad last time, and I folded after only two days, jumping onto the first guy I found. Can't imagine what it must be like to have it this bad for half a week, without any kind of reprieve..."

The girl paused, and looked up at Clovis. "So as I was saying, you didn't use your fingers, did you? That's, like, rule number three of estrus, after 'Drink plenty of water' and 'Stay away from booze." Clovis had to take a moment to regain her breath after the examination. Her head was spinning from pleasure and alcohol. "I... -hah- I don't think I followed any of those rules. What's wrong with my fingers?" The maid snickered. "Claws, you fool! They're not usually a problem, but if you get too excited, you may end up cutting yourself. Internal injuries like that are a pain." The Prince looked down at her hands. Of course. She really did feel like and idiot. There were just so many things she'd never even considered. "Oh, and rule number one and two." The maid continued. "As you've probably realized, you'll be hemorrhaging water, by way of sweating, and..." She motioned towards the prince's moist groin. "...Excessive lubrication."

The maid stepped back and looked at her, taking in the half-wolf's situation. "...You look like you've been out in the desert for weeks. When was even the last time you slept?" Clovis tried to think back, but gave up; the last week or so was just a haze of frustrations, lust and not-entirely-unwanted dreams. "I don't... I can't." she puffed miserably. "I'm tired, but I can't sleep; I'm hungry, but I don't want food; I'm so very thirsty, but not for water... Whenever I doze off, I have these... dreams. And when I wake up, I'm soaked in sweat and... Whatever this is." She touched her bush gently and rubbed her fingers together, leaving a string of clear goo between them. "I feel ill, like I have a severe fever that I can't get rid of. My entire lower belly burns like hell, and it feels like my body is trying to... do things, without my will. I- I can't..." She felt her breath choke up halfway up her throat, and her chest was a painful knot. And though she really tried her damndest to stay stoic, she could feel tears forming in her eyes. The burning between her legs was reaching new heights, and had started to spread up her belly, towards her sternum. "I just want to... I wanna run away! I don't want these visions, or the fever, or the lust. I want to escape from this stupid, cursed body, but I can't... aarghh-" The half-wolf tried her best to hold back the tears glazing across her eyes. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd cried. "It wasn't something men did" she had thought to herself back then, "Crying is for women and weak idiots."

She could feel the maid watching her, with what looked like a mix of confusion and... empathy? "...What are you looking at?" she muttered, voice cracking. "I just... It's weird. What you're going through is pretty much exactly the same as what happened to me during my first estrus. Like looking into a mirror to the past... Only you're, what, three... four years older than me?" She paused, and sat down on the bed next to the distressed prince. "I know my relationship with you is supposed to be strictly professional. You never even asked my name, and told me that 'Maid' and 'Servant' would do plenty for someone of such low status... But I just can't stand to see anyone get wrecked by estrus-induced mood swings like I did when I passed eight. Even though I can't say I like your business practices, and find you to be an incurable asshat most of the time..." She looked at the prince's ruffled, sweaty and lightly trembling body. "I... I actually want to help you, as a person." Her eyes met Clovis', and for the first time she could remember, the halfbreed felt herself shrink under someone else's gaze. "Will you let me? Heat can be hell, and the more you fight it, the more it hurts. I can help take some of the edge off, to stop you from becoming a flinching mess of cock-hungry instincts." Had she been asked this yesterday, The prince would probably had slapped the maid and told her to go scrub the floor in her suite, or some other appropriate punishment for implying that she was too weak to help herself. But now, as she lay there on the bed, her entire body ablaze with an intense craving for physical relief, holding back tears she didn't know the reason for crying, she realized that she truly WAS too weak. That if left alone, she would probably collapse in a sobbing mess on the bed, and pass out until one of the wolves found her, And then... She shuddered. She REALLY did not want to think about what would happen if any of the guild-members or other ruffians found her like this. Being seen by the maid was already embarrasing enough, but the others... She swallowed her increasingly tattered pride once again "Yes. Help... Help me. Please. Take the edge off, I don't care how you do it. I can't stand this anymore." The maid smiled, and Clovis felt like she wanted to sink into the ground and disappear forever. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it? All you had to was ask." She rose from the bed. "Oh, and I may not be a doctor, but I DO know exactly what you need. I used to work in a brothel, so I know all about estrus, and the troubles that come with it. You see, Estrus, when put simply, is basically just nature making sure you reproduce. It does this in two ways; One is by making you smell absolutely delicious, so all the males in a mile's radius knows you're ready to, uh... 'become a mother'..." She took a couple whiffs. "All I can smell here is myself, so I guess you found a way around that one with magic. -And number two is by making you WANT to reproduce, in any way possible. Symptoms may include: Heat fever, reduced constitution, lewd thoughts and/or urges, wet daydreams, wet nightmares, being wet in general, extreme mood swings, abdominal burning, and most importantly: Craving for males of all kind, regardless of whether you actually like them as people. Not only that, but if you somehow resist these urges and thoughts, then the symptoms will only get worse until you give in to them. I'm sure you must be in a lot of pain right now; I remember feeling the burn pretty bad myself last spring."

As the maid spoke, Clovis felt her attention slip a little by little, diverted by the burning need between her legs, and after a few moments of shut-eyed trembling, she cut her off angrily. "Alright, I get it! Being in heat makes you receptive to dick; I know this already, e-everyone does! But I can't..." She tried to gather herself enough to even form proper sentences. "If I go down there, and let anyone... ngh- have their way_with me, I would take a risk I simply cannot afford. If word comes out about my... current state, then they would -hah- throw me head first out of the guild. And at worst, they would..._hff-" The daydream flashed through her head again, and she winced as a shock of excitement came rushing from deep within her. She really didn't want to consider any of these outcomes. So then why would her body act up like this whenever she as much as thought about them? The maid held back a snicker. "Well. I was getting to that. Though your body, and probably mind wants it, you don't actually need_a man in order to take the edge off." She held up her hand, showcasing three smooth fingers. "You know what I said about claws? Well, as a former consort who would take customers of both sexes, I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Tired and distracted as she was, Clovis couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "...You de-clawed yourself?!" The concept of a keidran without claws was more pathetic than anything Clovis could imagine; It was like saying goodbye to your most basic line of self-defense. "Well, not exactly de-clawed. But I trim them till they're basically gone. Helps me work out some stress, since you won't let the guys in the tavern... _rent me." "I bought you for myself," She replied. "For a ludicrous amount of gold, might I add. Don't want any diseases on my_bed-warmer_." "Bed-warmer, huh? Is that what I am now?" The girl sounded a little offended. "But you're right, that's what I do. Only thing I'm naturally good at. Prostitution is actually rather easy; All you need to do is take the payment, let the guy drag you to the nearest room, and let him pound you senseless. If you manage to sway multiple guys at once, you'll be rich. Gangbangs are both fun and highly rewarding." Clovis tried her best to form a quick, snarky reply, but what came out instead was something between a short moan and a whimper as another jolt of expectant pleasure wracked her body, and her mind once again sent her to the tavern below. Down to a room full of tall, hung wolves, warmth and cocks. Faintly she felt her own hand tracing itself down between her legs again, but the maid grabbed her wrist and stopped her, clicking her tongue. "Tsk... hey, not with those little razors!" She mused smugly. "Here, let me..." She deftly moved her fingers down the half-fox's lower belly, towards her crotch. "Don't... -haah- What are you doing?" She huffed. "Just giving you a helping hand. If you're so deep into heat that a single lewd suggestion makes you helplessly molest yourself in front of others, then you've clearly gone too long without any form of relief. I can imagine what's in your head right now, even though I don't have your mind-reading skills; Men, musk and bulging red knots... We've all been there, trust me. Just lean back, and let me help you. You can imagine that my finger is something else if you want."

Clovis tried to protest, but her voice was cut short by a red hot moan, as the wolf's experienced fingers found their way through her undergrowth and landed directly on her clit. And after a few seconds, she came to understand that the pleasure she had felt from touching herself was only a fraction of what she could get from someone else. The girl whistled. "Wow, you're really burning up down there." She pressed slightly harder, knocking a cry of constrained pleasure from Clovis' throat. "...And that's just on the outside. Let's see here..." Some part of Clovis, deep inside the back of her mind told her to protest. Told her that this was a breach of privacy more severe than anything she should allow. Told her that she was being molested, that she should throw the maid to the other side of the room, that she should run as far away from this whole blasted situation as her legs would take her. But that part of her was locked away behind a hundred layers of feverish heat and hormones, so all she could muster in form of protest was a weak yelp. ...A yelp followed by a stifled scream, when the servant girl laid her hand flat across her open slit, and curled her middle finger inwards, into her flaring pussy.

When thinking back to it, Clovis couldn't quite put the sensation that followed into words. But if she were to try, she would've compared it with taking the lid off a boiling pot, and letting the steam blast her in the face; Her body heating up so fast and hard that it actually felt cold for a second, making her shiver. The maid said something, but she couldn't hear it; Blood was rushing through her ears now, blocking every other noise behind an intense static, like a roaring fire. She arced her back and spread her legs further, pushing herself down onto the girl's fingers. She must've taken the hint, the halfbreed concluded, because a second later her digit dug in even deeper, and the prince could only grab onto the sheets and try to breathe normally in between her own helpless moans. The thunderous roar in her ears eventually gave way for a steady thumping as the maid gently worked her finger in and out between her fleshy lips, and she could finally start to make out what the girl was saying, through her own shamefully high-pitched outbursts. "...Like sticking my finger into a wet furnace." She commented, her voice steady, but with a new undertone that Clovis couldn't quite place, dazed as she was. "Your lips spread so easily to let me in, but once I- ergh..." She pulled her finger out slowly, only to stick it back in even deeper than before, her index and ring fingers now also pressing against the halfbreed's labia. Clovis had to bite her tongue to stop herself from shrieking. "...Once I get it in there, it's like you... clamp down, somehow. I actually have trouble pulling back out." The maid puffed, and after a short moment of consideration, stuffed her index finger in as well. This time resistance was futile, and the prince couldn't stifle the scream that escaped her now heaving chest; It was short and high, more like a squeak, really. But she still clasped her hand across her mouth, shocked. The servant giggled. "Oh, you poor thing. I've never. Seen. Anyone. This. Desperate. Before. Not. Even. Myself." She punctuated every word with another thrust, each one a little more intense than the one before. At this point, Clovis had resigned herself to the fact that she had next to no control of her own muscles, her hips gyrating in tandem with the maid's hand, bearing down whenever her fingers pulled out, and jolting up when she pushed them in. So when she discovered that her own hand had started sneaking upwards to her left breast, she felt little surprise. The fluff on her chest was bristling intensely in all directions, but she still found her way through easily as she ruffled across her fuzzy chest, and after only half a second of fumbling she could feel her fingers butting into something hard inside the soft fur. Though her eyes were closed in ecstacy, she could somehow feel the maid eyeing her as she started rubbing her finger across the nipple in a circular pattern.

The girl spoke up again, but Clovis didn't listen. She had thrown her head back onto the soft mattress and closed her eyes, ears lowered. Her servant had found a spot inside her sensitive walls where even the slightest touch made her cry out uncontrollably, and had taken to exploiting this, putting great pressure on it with rhythmic pumps of her hand, every single push rewarded with a constrained moan through the prince's teeth. But Clovis couldn't hear her own outbursts. The moment she had shut her eyes, her mind had taken her down to the tavern again, and all sounds and sensations from the real world were drowned out. All that remained was the feeling that stemmed from her own most private parts; a sense of fullness and relief, entirely unlike anything she had felt before.

Slowly, the world materialized around her. The hard surface at her back; She was lying on a wooden table, legs in the air. The smell of a male wolf came second; It had been so normal and trivial to her before, as she had lived with it every day. Then came the sound; A wet, rhythmic slapping, in tandem with the jolts of pleasure shooting up through her heaving frame. With the slaps came the hushed, low-pitched grunts of a large wolf from somewhere in front of her, working away between her legs. She wasn't surprised when she felt his strong hands grab her waist, holding her in place as he pounded away. Something about this experience would've seemed deeply wrong and obscene to Clovis, had she experienced it prior to her transformation. She had always been the one on top, always the one in control of the other. But now, as the tables had finally flipped on her, the loss of control was almost a welcome gift, and she let the wolf stab her as deep as he wanted, and watched her legs kick helplessly every time his knot impacted with her aching lips. Soon her shamefully fox-like cries became impossible to hold back, and she let them roll from her throat, one by one as the pressure inside her neared its boiling point. But with her increasingly loud moans came a strange smell. It was quite different from the raw and exciting scent of the wolf between her legs. It was more intense, a sweet and invasive rancor, mixed with regular sweat, oddly familiar. With a shock, Clovis realized that what she smelled was her own body; It had been so long since the last time, and it was warped by the unmistakable pheromones of high heat, but there was still no doubt that it came from her.

Somewhere in the back of her lust-addled mind, a thousand tiny alarms had started blaring; If her scent masking charm had gone off, then that must mean she was too unfocused to keep up the most simple spells. What could that mean for her other enchantments? Had her lock spell for the door slipped off too? What about the sound-stopping enchantment for her room? And the numerous protective incantations she had to prevent backstabbing, poisoning and other assassination methods? The prince suddenly felt more vulnerable than ever before, and the thrusts from the huge canine only drove the feeling of helplessness home even harder. But as she tried to call out, tried to tear herself away from her own fantasies and scream at the maid to stop, the words seemed to twist themselves and change somewhere between her brain and her tongue. "Ha-harder! Don't... stop!" The halfbreed clasped her hand over her mouth and bit down onto her finger as the thrusts complied and intensified, trying desperately to regain any sense of control, but to no avail; even her own mind seemed to have set itself against her, and snatched away her last line of defense, her very voice. And deep inside, some part of her enjoyed it. Enjoyed the fact that she couldn't stop this, that she had absolutely no power anymore, that her body was being used for the pleasure of someone else. The orgasm hit her without warning, and it felt like her entire body exploded, with her womb as the epicenter. Even though she never heard herself scream, she felt the air rush through her lungs and her vocal cords tremble as her back tightened in an arc and her legs folded themselves around the other wolf. It was a release more wild and unbridled than anything she had come close to before, and it lasted for a good half minute. Then everything went dark.

After a few seconds she realized that she must've blacked out for a short while; The maid was now lying on top of her, with a mixed expression of concern and arousal coating her face. "You -hah- okay there, Clovis? I think you went out for a second..." The prince took a moment or two to regain herself; She was still panting breathlessly, the aftershocks of her climax still running sporadically through her body. Her pulse was still thumping like she had run for a mile. But something had changed. She was just noticing it now, and it became gradually more clear as her pulse slowed; The burning need in her lower sternum had faded, And with it the veil that had been coating her mind. Her thoughts were no longer a jumbled mess of carnal need and lust, and she could actually think clearly. She looked down at herself. At her trembling furcoat. At her left hand, still clutching and groping her own breast. At her nipples, poking out from under the matted fur, red and slightly swollen. And she was overcome by a sudden and massive wave of shame, as she realized what she'd just done.

"...Master Clovis? Is everything alright?" The maid puffed, still panting slightly. Clovis looked at her. The girl was straddling her hips, with one hand on her master's chest, and the other groping her own. She could feel the wetness from the wolf's crotch drip onto her own belly; She was clearly turned on by this as well. "I...I..." She stammered. The sight of the young, beautiful and aroused servant would once had sent the prince into a salacious frenzy. But now, as her mind had started to clear, all she could feel was a numbing indifference to the girl, and maybe a little disgust at having her so close. And she realized with a sort of dull sadness that she had never felt any attraction to the servant in particular, and that all she had ever craved was for someone to satisfy her needs. "Guh... Can you... Get off me? Now." Her voice was a bit colder than she had intended, but what did it really matter? She had never treated her subordinates all that well, why should she start now? The maid looked like someone had slapped her in the face. "W-what? Was it something I did? I'm sorry if I went too deep, but you really seemed like you were into i-" "I said get. Off. Me!" Clovis snapped. Any trace of the burning pleasure was now gone, and all she could feel was disdain. Disdain for what she had been reduced to. Regret over the things she had said. Shame over what she had wanted and imagined. She was an upstanding leader of a mage's guild, but for the last ten minutes or so she had been nothing but a slavering heap of instincts. The feeling of the maid's fingers inside her lingered, but now it filled her only with nausea, rather than lust.

The maid complied, confused. She rose from the bed and stepped back, leaving Clovis on the bed. "I'm so sorry, boss. I-I don't... Are you hurt? I got a little carried away..." "I'm fine!" The prince replied in a tone implying that she was anything but fine and sat up, clutching her tail. What the hell was she doing? She had duties, responsibilities. She had a business to run, deals to uphold. This new body was a hindrance, but yet here she was, indulging in pointless and degrading activities that not only dragged her self-esteem through the mud, but directly endangered the keeping of her most dangerous secret. A cold gust blew from the open window, and she shuddered. She could actually feel the cold now, through her damp fur. "This is unsustainable," she mumbled. "What?" The maid eyed her with confused eyes. "I can't go on like this." She continued as she got up from the bed, despite her still trembling legs almost collapsing under her. With her head clear, she started pacing back and forth unsteadily. It was clear to her now that she couldn't stay in this area where so many people knew her. Her mind could turn on her at any time, suggesting, maybe even commanding her to do things that would unveil her secret. And if that were to happen in front of anyone in her guild, then... She still wouldn't like to think about that possibility. It would mean the end of her guild. Or at least the end of her involvment in it. She had to get away. As far away from this place as possible. A single teleport would probably do. She just had to tie up some loose ends first. She took a whiff of the air, and almost gagged; The scent of her own estrus was completely overpowering everything else as it filled her nose. The smell of rain, dust and aroused wolf took a backseat to her own stench. She fumbled with the mana crystals on her arm, and started casting the regular protective spells; Scent-masking. Knife-stopping. Poison-filtering. The maid watched her without a word, eyes glassed over. "Alright, that oughta do it..." She murmured as she finished her spellcasting. "Oughta... Do what?" The girl asked, nervous now. "Just taking some precautions. I'll be heading out in a moment." She opened a drawer, and snagged a fresh pair of briefs, her old ones thoroughly soaked. "...You'll be...? Okay, hold on! Stop!" The girl burst out, her voice cracking a little. Clovis turned to her. "What? You're just my servant. You've helped me out with a... personal problem, as a good servant should. But you're not really inclined to anything more than your regular pay. And you certainly have no business asking me about my future plans. I like to keep those close to my chest." The girl looked at her incredulously; "Close to your... You mean the chest that you were so happily fondling just mere minutes ago? And by 'Helping you out with a personal problem', you mean fingering you until you screamed so loud the whole inn would've heard it, because you were too horny to do it yourself without almost clawing up your vulva?" Clovis groaned. This was getting annoying. Just thinking about the things she'd said was making her wince with embarrasment. "Don't... mention this. To anyone. I will know if you do." Good. She had recovered some of her imposing voice, it wasn't as meek anymore. "I no longer require your services. On most days I would just... -remove- you at this point, but..." She paused, hesitant. Was she growing soft? "But I feel like you've done a serviceable job, attending to my... needs." She focused a bit of mana and opened a fist-sized portal. She pulled out a small purse and threw it to the maid. She almost dropped it in surprise. "Wh-What's... What?" "Payment. Fifty gold pieces. They may call me the prince of Greed, but I do reward those who serve me well. And now..." She focused again. Gods, magic was so easy when her mind wasn't chained in obtrusive fantasies. The portal she opened this time was much bigger, enough so that she could walk through it if she wanted to. The room was instantly blasted by freezing air, and little wafts of snow flew in through the opening. On the other side she could see a snowy landscape and the warm lights from a village shimmering in the distance. She heard the maid gasp. "That's... Pinehill. I recognize those lights even from here!" "Your home, correct?" Clovis was getting impatient; She could feel her sternum twitch again, and she didn't know how long it would take for the urges to come back. "So go along now. Shush. You've done a decent job these last few months, but I have more... pressing things to take care of than tearful farewells." She waved her off. The servant clutched the pouch of coins, looking completely lost. "But... You..." Clovis could see tears forming in her eyes. "You're just gonna send me home like this? After everything we've done together? You've let me run the tavern, and kept the guys off me, and I thought I would try and help you with your estrus issues. As a..." She paused. "As a favor. Like a... friend." The prince sneered. "Oh, so that's how it is. We're "friends" now. Do you know who you're talking to, girl?" She took a step towards the maid, and watched her retreat. "I don't have "friends". I have subordinates. Servants, henchmen and slaves. I am the top of the pecking order, and you are at the bottom. I hired you because I knew someone of your low ilk would never give away my secret, simply because no one would believe you. I use and manipulate people, and when I don't need them anymore, I discard them. The only reason I'm sending you back instead of killing you is because you've done a good job, and I'm in a good mood. The latter can change rather quickly. So get moving." The girl opened and closed her mouth a few times, speechless. It took her a couple seconds to speak. But when she did, her voice was cold, if a little shaky. "Fine, then. If that is what you truly wish." She turned to the portal. A waft of icy cold air swept her hair back. "There is so much I wanted to share with you. You're going to learn exactly how your body works, one way or another, and I would be a good teacher." Her stern voice was betrayed by a weak trembling. She really was just a foolish girl, Clovis thought. She sighed. "Yes, yes, and I'm cruel and inconsiderate. I've heard this many times from various different people. Now scram." The maid took a couple steps, from the warm and comfortable room and into the dark winter night. Standing heel-deep in snow, she turned around one last time, shivering. "Th-there's just one last thing I want you to know. I d-don't know why I'm still so insistant on helping you, but..." "Go ahead." Clovis muttered. "But make it quick." Despite the freezing winds invading her room, she could feel the heat starting to rise in her again. The sooner she could be done with this charade, the better. "I-if you really don't want me around..." The girl stammered, teeth clattering, "Then you should f-find someone else to..." She groped for words. " help keep you in check. Someone you trust completely. Your body will be a mess of hormones and emotions for a while, and you might end up doing things y-you might regret. A lot. I had my elder sister look after me the first time. You s-should ask a real friend to l-look after you, so you don't... So no one takes advantage of you." The word "friend" struck somewhere deep inside Clovis. "A friend, huh? You still don't know where you are. "Friends" don't exist here. Only backstabbers, deceivers and bootlickers. I can't trust anyone but myself. And that is more than enough." She took one last look at the young woman's face, and hesitated. Maybe... maybe she could... No. "Goodbye." she said flatly, and closed the portal.

At the exact moment the magical gateway disappeared, Clovis felt the sting of need in her abdomen once again. The feeling was so sudden and intense she had to buckle over a little bit, clutching her groin. Gods, this was getting annoying. She'd wasted way too much time on the stupid young girl. She still had a few things to set straight. Well, one thing. "Three hundred bloody gold pieces..." she mumbled as she opened the small portal again. Such an easy spell took next to no mana for a mage as experienced as her. "...And a mana rod. What a waste of time and... urgh!" She groaned as another pulse of white-hot longing shot through her lower sternum, and she knew that no tongue or finger would be able to reach deep enough this time. The sensation wasn't directly unpleasant, but more irritant and distracting. The prince hobbled over to the bed where she had left her coat and un-soiled pair of briefs. Some of the estrus-scent still lingered in the room, but most had been blown out by the distant winds from the portal. She slipped on the mis-fitted underwear, and winced as the fabric came in touch with her sensitive underside, already slick with fresh juices. Trembling, she put on the robe. Despite being covered by a dozen defensive charms, she felt more vulnerable than ever before. She had control over her own mind for now, but who knew how long that would last... With a strained huff she forced herself to put one foot in front of the other until she reached the door. The objective was painfully simple; Bring the gold and mana rod to Carver, pretend that everything was normal, and then get as far away from The Wet Dog Inn, Llwynderw, and probably the whole thrice-damn wolf-lands until her heat-problems sorted themselves out. Easy. All she had to do was walk down a few steps, say hello to the stupid goddamn fox, drop the reward and hurry out into the streets. Simple. She opened the door.

It wasn't until she stepped out into the corridor that she realized how cold her room had been. Cooled by the open window and recently the portal to the maid's hometown, her domicile had practically been a freezer. Perfectly cold for a half-fox in heat, warmed as she was by the fire inside her. But the dusty halls of The Inn were around normal room temperature, and thus sweltering to the poor guild-master. Moreover, the warmth that overwhelmed her as she stepped onto the dusty carpets did not come from magical heating, but from the bodies gathered several floors beneath her. And with the heat came the smell. The smell of a dozen tall, muscled wolves drinking, laughing and making merry. She'd never noticed how thick it was just a few weeks prior, but now it felt like her nose was oversensitive to the aroma, and it filled her nostrils and mouth and brought with it another jump in heart rate. "God... Damn... un-washed pieces of... Hrah-" She moaned throatily and took another shaky step. Her foot-pads were already slippery, and she almost fell twice on her descent down the first flight of stairs. The warmth grew more intense for each pace, and it felt to the prince like she was lowering herself into the belly of some massive beast. As she reached the base of the third floor she had to take a break, her breath coming out through her muzzle in short hot puffs. She absently felt the claws on her left hand dig into the wooden rail, and the ones on her right pricking into her palm as she curled them tight. The guild master could hardly feel any part of herself anymore, save for the area between her legs; it was burning and pulsing with an aching desire, and it grew a little bit with eachy shaky step she took. "Just... two more floors... and then a short... talk... then you can... then..." She mumbled. She had no idea what she would do or where she would even go after leaving the inn, and her mind was getting hazier every second. "Fast... faster... Get it over with..." With another mental push, she forced herself to take the next step down the staircase. Not only were her thoughts generally clouded, but they were also invaded by perverse and arousing concepts once again; Just a few meters below her there was a room full of men capable of releasing her from this torment. She knew them well. She knew they would be more than happy to jump on her if she revealed herself. After all, she had been just like them. The words of the maid resounded: "you might end up doing things you might regret." The prince groaned. Maybe sending her home had been bad idea. She knew full well where she would end up should she give in to the increasingly powerful suggestions. There was still some part of her with a lick of common sense, it was just shoved into a corner of her head and blocked by a dozen layers of hormones and lust. As her paws hit the carpets on the second floor corridor, she had to stop once more, sweating under the heavy cloak. It just hit her that she hadn't bothered to put on any chest bindings, and that she was practically naked under the grey garb, save for her thin briefs. And as she stood there panting, her mind wandered once again to the tavern just a single floor below her, and the men within it. Chances were that none of them wore much under their outer clothes either, not in this warmth. Her thoughts wandered further, and the prince soon found herself fantasizing about wolven cocks again, glistening red in her mind just as vividly as before. She grit her teeth and growled. "No... Get... a goddamn grip... Stupid... Bitch..." It suddenly hit her what she looked like, doubled over and grimacing in the middle of the corridor. Clumsily, she slipped into an alcove for a quick time-out. Looking down at her body, the halfbreed realized what a sorry state she was in. She couldn't feel her face at all, nor the area from her shoulders to her abdomen. All that occupied those spots was a feverish warmth, pushing out sweat she didn't even know she had. She slipped her right hand out of the sleeve in the coat and into the interior to examine herself.

Tracing a finger down her stomach, Clovis noticed how her fur was bristling despite the warmth nearly consuming her. She fumbled with one of her breasts, and wasn't really surprised to feel a swollen nipple poking out past her fur. She couldn't help but gasp as she brushed against it. This time she didn't hesitate to stuff her hand into her already saturated underwear to get a feel for the state of her bits, and moaned fervently when her fingerpad landed on the aching labia. She clasped her free hand across her mouth in surprise. The cry had caught her off guard. Trembling, she tried casting a Silence spell. Nothing. She cursed and tried again, scraping together what was left of her consciousness into her mana bracelet. Her fingers sparkled, crackled and poofed, but she could still hear her own uneven breath and rushing heartbeat. "D-Damn unreliable... grrr-" She growled and bit down on her hand; If magic couldn't be trusted to keep her silent, then she could always do it the old fashioned way. With her mouth stuffed full of fur and pawpad, she continued the examination of her lady-parts, fumbling along the edges of her most feminine bits. Even now she could feel it opening and closing a little like a silent, toothless mouth; It trembled and gaped wider as she prodded it cautiously. For a moment she stopped, realizing that she was about to molest herself without any magic to hide behind, with only a narrow corner keeping her from the view of anyone who might pass by.

It didn't take more than half a second of consideration before she jammed two of her fingers into the hungry opening. Her body was almost in complete control over her mind now, not the other way around. The prince bit down even harder to turn her loud moan into a suppressed huff; The sensation was even more intense than it had been a few minutes ago, and her legs almost buckled as she convulsed and trembled. The prince spread her legs, raised her tail, and pressed her rear against the wall. Gods, it felt good to dig into herself like this, to not worry about anything but her own needs.

She shut her eyes and tried to envison the tavern again, like she had a short while ago. And sure enough, the scents of alcohol, food and aroused male keidran were all there, just like before. But this time she failed to visualize anything. It felt like someone had put a blindfold on her. She tried to speak, but her mouth was bound as well, and all that came out was a muffled and desperate whimper. It took her a couple seconds to realize that the hand massaging her from behind was no longer her own; The fingers rubbing at the sweet spot inside her were much too thick and strong. "How's that feel, little foxie?" A man's voice came from behind her, along with a deep jab from the fingers. "Mhhhf, nhhh!" She huffed in response, pushing herself backwards onto his hand; The fingers didn't quite go deep enough. "Ooohoho! She wants it!" the voice mused, and the scent of cock grew in her nose. "Is there something else you want, little vixen? You seem a little... un-satisfied."

All she could do was give a short whine, feeling a drop of saliva fall past her lips as she struggled with the restraints. "Could it be... This?" The prince jumped a little as a warm, hard object made contact with her snout. A quick sniff helped her identify what it was, and she gave another muffled gasp. Deperately she tried to lick it, but her tongue was blocked by the foreign object in her mouth. She whimpered once again in frustration. "Hah, that's what I thought. Absolutely desperate." The hand fingering her went a little deeper, and now another one grabbed her tail and yanked it upwards, forcing another short puff from her throat; Her entire system was shivering with anticipation, and she wanted to scream at them, command them to go at her, hard and deep. She felt another hard and lightly throbbing cock grind up right between her cheeks, its shaft resting onto her begging slit. "Now say "please", little princess" the voice mused smugly as the fingers retracted from her privates, leaving her bits empty and hungry. "Pmmfh! Nhhh!" She hissed through the constraints, almost in tears; The need for relief had manifested itself as a physical pain in her groin, and the intense smell of their arousal was driving her mad. "That's good enough." The she heard from behind, and she felt the tip of his member angle downwards and into her groin. And finally, finally she could feel it enter her, pushing its way past the shivering labia and onwards to her very core. Never before in her life had Clovis felt anything like this. The sound that came up from her chest was something between a moan and a high-pitched whine, and it rung through her ears despite the gag in her mouth.

The huge wolf behind her thrust down harder, and she couldn't stop herself from shutting her jaws down, paralyzed by the intensity of it all. Without thinking, she bit down hard...

...Down onto her own hand. The pain came immediately, and for a moment she was adrift somewhere between the hot wet daydream and the real world, almost toppling onto the floor as she realized no one was holding her up by the tail; She was still keeping her wide-legged stance with her butt pushing against the wall, propped up inside a barely out-of-view alcove on the second floor. It took her ten full seconds of confused blinking and heavy breathing to realize she had dozed off again, and that the indulgant scenario had only been a fantasy, vivid as it was. The guild master moaned in frustration as she took a look at her hand; The bite marks were deep and red, and blood seeped from two holes where her fangs had pierced the skin. It was also soaked in her own slobber, both her pawpad and her fur. But as she moved her fingers, she could conclude that at least none of her bones were broken. Her other hand was still lodged right between her legs, frozen in the middle of massaging her clit. She gave one prying rub, and had to clasp her damaged hand over her mouth to hold back a high-pitched whine; Her parts were more sensitive than ever before, and she felt like she was getting dangerously close to another orgasm. Just half a minute or so would... Shaken as she was, she tried to consider her options. Touching herself in any way would cause her to helplessly cry out her pleasure without constraint at this point, that much was clear. She couldn't concentrate at all, not as long as her body was enwreathed with estrus like this; Her mind kept wandering to places she didn't want it to go. Making too much noise might draw attention, and she definitely didn't want that right now. Lastly, staying in this spot was unsustainable. Anyone who walked by could probably hear her muffled panting and decide to investigate. Almost crying with frustration, Clovis realized she had to stop. It felt so good, but she really, really couldn't risk anyone finding out. What she had to do now was focus on hobbling down that last flight of stairs, throwing the money and mana rod at Carver, and getting out of the tavern. After that she could find some abandoned alleyway to slouch down in and finish her business. Groaning with suppressed need, she languidly pulled her hand out of her briefs; The whole area was soaked through now, and she was pretty sure she could feel some of the juices trickling down her inner thigh. She probably needed a shower as well, she thought. She stepped out of the alcove and into the hallway again. The stairwell laid before her, and her legs almost buckled at the thought of going down there; Every single person down in that room was a man. Any one or two of them could so easily help her live out the fantasies she had imagined so vividly just mere seconds ago. All she would need to do was ask... She stopped, and almost had to slap her own face. "No!" she hissed out loud. "I will NOT! I can't! If they find out, I'll... They'll... ngh-" Her self-pep-talk turned into a sniffle. Was this the level she had stooped to? Did she really have to actively struggle NOT to fantasize about men, cocks and sex every five seconds? What had happened to her self-confidence and pride? Had the dragon taken that too, or had she lost it herself? Clovis grit her teeth, and tried to push it all back until this was over. No, this was not the time to worry about those things. She was NOT the kind of person to break down crying whenever she faced hardships. She was an archmage, a guildmaster and a goddamn prince, and nothing could change that. And with that thought in her head, she strode down the stairs as best she could on her weak legs.

The dripping wet prince locked her eyes at her own feet as she hobbled down the steps. She did not look at any of the other wolves. She breathed through her mouth to dodge the smell of their masculine physique. She tried, with varying degrees of success, to block out the thoughts of how slick and sweaty their bodies had to be in this temperature. Tensing herself, she tip-toed down the last few steps onto the floor in the far back of the tavern. Carver sat in the exact spot she had left him, still slumped lifelessly over the table with his head resting next to a half-empty bowl of soup, his tongue comically flopped out of his mouth. Clovis could see his torso rising and sinking with every slow breath. She considered taking a seat, but decided against it; pressing her sensitive underside against the hard bench wouldn't be a good idea right now. Instead she stood back and watched him for a while, and fought the urge to peer at the others in the tavern. "Carver... Wake up." She muttered eventually, her voice hoarse and low. "Mhngg... Five minutssh, mum..." She heard him mumble, his face halfway covered by orange locks of hair. "Whaddya mean I... fzzhh gotta finda mate? I'm hnnhly nine... cuuuth me some slackh..." "Wake up, you cretin. Please..." She repeated, a bit higher this time. She really didn't have the fortitude for this. The fox shifted a little, letting his hair fall to the side. "Nhooo, not herhh..." He kept mumbling. "She's takennnhhsome short guy she fnnnhhd washed up on th beach... hrnkkhh" "Carver, wake the fuck up, you dimwit!" She burst out and shook his shoulder. His fur was warm, and still moist from the rain. Finally, the assassin startled and opened his eyes. He pulled his tongue in, blinked a couple times and looked around. "Whuh. Where am- what-" He sat up straight and looked at Clovis before shying away. "O-oh! Hey, boss. Y-you're back already. Must've dozed off, sorry." She tried faking a condescending sigh, but her breath got stuck somewhere halfway up her throat, and she ended up just standing there, gasping. She somehow hadn't noticed until now, but Carver's clothes were slung over the back of the bench, and he was sitting there without a single garb on his body, completely naked. He raised an eyebrow, nervously. "What. Something wrong with my face?" After a second or so, she regained her breath. "Why... Why are you naked?" she stuttered. The fox leant back, and Clovis got an all-too-clear view of his sheath, nestled down there between his legs. "Hey now, pretty sure we've both seen each other naked before; we're Keidran. And I gotta say, it feels good to shed that cloak and just go in fur again. Humans are way too obsessed with their..." He trailed off. "...What's that look supposed to mean?" For the first time in her life, The Prince of Greed was left speechless. If there was ever a thing she could always fall back to, it was her speech skills. Never before had she failed to talk her way out of a situation. Until now. She stood there for a full five seconds of worldess mouthing and stammering, watching his expression go from confused to inquisitive. She tried so damn hard to tear her eyes away from his groin, but her body simply refused to comply. Instead she was left to gaze at the ridge of his sheath, following it down from the small slit, down its modest length and all the way to the top of his fuzzy balls, hidden halfway between his slender thighs. With a massive mental effort, she shut her eyes hard, and placed a hand on her face in a feeble effort to look unfazed. "Put... put your..." She huffed. "Put your cloak... back on. We're gonna be... be... heading out." She clenched her jaws as she heard him reply. She couldn't handle this. "Out... Outside?! Man, are you insane? My whiskers have barely started thawing! It's pissin' down out there. Can't we stay in here, please? I know you hate me, but isn't this a bit..." She removed her hand and opened her eyes. This time she managed to look him directly in the face without veering off to any other part of his body. "...Now. Come." Was all she managed before whirling around, setting her course for the exit at the far side of the room. Behind her she heard Carver give a trembling groan, followed by the rustling of a wet cloak. Once again she lowered her gaze to the floor, and watched only her own wet feet; The scentless lubricant had crept all the way down her legs and was now coating her footpads in a slippery film. She hoped no one noticed her moist footprints as she maneuvered past the others.

As she put her hand on the doorknob, her mind lurched. She was about to leave behind her a room full of huge, buff and probably well-endowed keidran. She knew full and well that this was a good thing, but her body seemed to disagree with her; The instinct to let go of the handle and throw herself into the arms of the nearest man was tearing her mind apart, and for a full second she stood as if glued to the floor. She lowered her ears and felt her tail wag as she took a few heavy breaths through her nose; It was so simple. All she had to do was turn around and tear her robe off. She could worry about the consequences later, right? Right now, she needed... She needed... "No, we are NOT doing this!" she sputtered through clenched teeth, and threw the door open. This would be the last leg of her efforts. She had almost no strength left to fight her mind. The cold rain greeted her like an old friend.

Twokinds Smut: Clovis' Inferno, Chapter 3. Cold

_Clovis' Inferno Written by_ _ **Mandag** _ _ **Twokinds** __, and all the characters from it are_ _ **© Thomas Fischbach** _ _Part 3: Cold_ The guild master stumbled out into the night, and was greeted by the cold scents of rain, mud and...

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Twokinds Smut: Clovis' Inferno, Chapter 1. The Wet Dog Inn

_Clovis' Inferno Written by_ _ **Mandag** _ _ **Twokinds** __, and all the characters from it are_ _ **© Thomas Fischbach** _ _Part 1: The Wet Dog Inn_ Autumn had come to the town of Llwynderw. The lush green foliage that surrounded the keidran...

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