Mandated Vacation

Story by LazyAmp on SoFurry

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#1 of The Scrapers

A story I commissioned from my good friend ReynartWrites about my armless techie goat gal, Rommy. I recently had some ideas to reimagine her world, so I went back through and made some edits to reflect these. Please check out his work and consider commissioning his writing in the future!

Rommy is a Scraper, one of the many maintenance workers who ensure the towering megastructures she lives in will continue to function. After being kept away from her job due to a mandated vacation, she plans to bring a dark fantasy of hers to life and put herself up to strangers at a bar for public use.

CITIES of stone, metal and glass stood tall over the gleaming ocean, dozen of towers each rising kilometers into the air to pierce the clouds. These superstructures used to count over a thousand floors over a footprint of almost a square kilometer. Now their lowest levels were flooded by seawater, but the 'scrapes' survived the passing centuries after the last of the original tenants passed on. With unlimited power provided from deep geothermal taps and a highly efficient waste recycling system, these towers were now stable egalitarian societies for the bioengineered species who used to provide labor and service to the now absent owners. And so life continued on in this changed world, these massive spires linked to one another over the flooded earth.

By and large the upper half of the scrapes were free residential space, each block of floors a small community full of energy and life. Residents constantly interacted, sharing food and art and science while making improvements to the public spaces for the benefit of all. Around the center of the scrape contained the offices for the various civil services, the overseeing governments of each superstructure. It was here too that could be found access to transportation to other scrapes, the web of tram cars that ran regularly between them to ferry passengers and unique goods.

The lower half of floors, the sub-civil levels, contained a different sort of hum, that of the transfer equipment and industrial machinery that provided raw materials, food, and water for the residents above. But it was a comforting hum, and some preferred the more solitary life below, especially the committed Scrapers.

Most every resident was called upon to service the scrape at some point in their lives, but this was only a temporary mandated civil service. Some did take to the mechanical occupation, embracing the Scraper lifestyle of living below in the sub-civil floors, enjoying the freedom of the less trafficked spaces and building up workshops for themselves. They didn't mind the reminders of how the centuries had aged these monoliths; the bottom levels weren't exactly poorly maintained but certain areas showed the rust creeping in. It was worth it to not be bothered by your neighbors or the civil officers, and as long as you didn't mess with vital equipment you were free to take reuse the abundance of parts either through doing a little hunting of their own through yards full of broken machinery or trading with other similarly minded Scrapers. Anyone who dealt in the scrap of the scrape usually meant living surrounded by great masses of junk.

A workshop stood on one of the lowest levels, near the waterline, surrounded by old scrap and machinery that had begun to grow green and red with various lichen kissing the sides. That moss gave natural color to the otherwise industrial hues, since the workshop itself was planted firmly in the middle of a sector of the floor full of discarded metal. Plenty of that junk had been repurposed to build the workshop itself as evidenced by the mismatching plates and panels brought together to form its walls, torn and welded together from the various machines scattered about the floor. The entrance to the workshop was a large shutter held open while the sounds of progress and ingenuity could be heard coming from within.

From the depths of the workshop itself, the fizzing sound of soldering electronics echoed outward along with the occasional clang of metal on metal. Flashes of welding light interspersed the work few times before a groan could be heard followed a single, bleating curse. Inside, a beige-furred caprine wearing a sturdy power suit of rubbers and metal stood just before her workbench where a small cylindrical drone-like machine sat with a panel popped off to expose a mess of circuits and wires. She carelessly ran her prosthetic hand through her neon green hair, shoving it off to one side while her other robotic arm raised an impossibly thin tool to analyze the circuit pathways inside of her work. In their last service job this little serv-bit had fried the core inside of it that allowed it to communicate electronically with her mind through the horn-like antenna protruding from her skull. It would be not much better than scrap unless she repaired it but replacing the dozens of tiny components and transmitters without damaging anything required a precision that even her experience and robotic limbs was not certain to be able to handle without issue.

Rommy was used to working with both rough and delicate situations. As a scraper she dealt with and repaired micro-machinery even smaller than this with ease. Not since she was an apprentice a decade ago had the union complained about her work. Why... she had been certain at first that with her abilities she could save this serv-bit; after all, she had designed this model herself.

Slowly the goat poked around the wires, carefully checking for what she needed while prodding the tool in deeper and deeper before suddenly another sound like frying electricity popped along with visible arcs of electricity. Rommy swore again with a sharp bleat and pulled her hand back just in time for the electric pop to turn into a puff of black smoke coming out of the busted bit. How had so much charge been kept stored in that capacitor? The electric fizzing continued and she feared that the small device might blow up but instead, it only crackled one last time and continued to smoke without any further signs of danger. Once she was certain nothing was going to erupt, Rommy backed up and let herself fall back to rest on a well-worn futon, her robotic prosthetic arms falling limp at her sides now without commands. The other can-shaped serv-bits scurrying around on their spindly metallic legs came together on the workbench to pick up their fallen comrade and proudly carry them off to an open bin. It could be used later for replacement parts for any cosmetic damage on the others, or she could spend some social credits to print a new control board.

She felt frustration bubbling up, but it wasn't coming from losing the bit. Rather, now she had nothing else to do. Fixing the busted serv-bit had comprised the majority of her schedule for the day and it had been the only thing on her list of chores to do. The workshop was reorganized and (mostly) clean, and she had already made sure that the rest of her bits were functioning at peak capacity- or at least in a manner that didn't entail puffing black smoke and breaking down every few steps. If it were up to her, she'd be in the mechanical sectors working right now but that just wasn't possible today.

After all, this was supposed to be vacation.

The civil union had made it clear that she needed to take some mandatory vacation or else put her department in jeopardy. Some nonsense about breaks and time away from the job being important to the health of workers, and that she had too many postponements on her leave, whatever that meant. Either way, Rommy had attempted to occupy the time she would normally be out fixing things and picking up junk with personal projects of fixing things and picking up junk- but that just wasn't as satisfying when not working productively in the mechanical or recycling sectors. Those projects all consisted of fixing or improve her own machines and tools- but she couldn't do anything outside her own workshop, as she didn't want to be caught appearing to work by any other scraper, let alone one of the civil foremen. The last thing she needed was to be assigned more vacation time.

Without anything left to do, she raised a robotic prosthetic arm up to click a switch at the metal collar of her suit. The cushioning inside began to deflate, loosening around her, and the collar popped open to allow the goat woman to slide herself out, kicking the now limp suit off onto the floor. The suit made her look tubby with all the safety components and padding inside, but in fact her body was quite small and thin- and notably Rommy had no arms of her own, just stumps from a medical amputation from when she was young. It was an error in her bioengineering that had lead to a developmental nerve issue that forced their removal, but she had quickly picked up to her cyberneticly controlled prosthesis. Years later, a new treatment had opened up the opportunity to regrow her arms, but she had declined it. She had spent so long without them, it would have felt like losing a part of her identity. That, and she loved being able to tinker with her power suit to give her arms with the strength to put muscle happy meatheads to shame.

Now stripped to her undergarments, she squirmed, rolling this way and that on the futon, her long ears flopping across her face. It was so terribly boring consistently doing less than even a minimum day of what she considered work. Rommy preferred to be busy from wakeup until she threw herself into a hot shower near to night. Today was the third day of her two week long vacation and things weren't getting any more relaxing; if anything, the days were just becoming more stressful. Without her normal workflow, she was very unsure of herself. She supposed that she could do something that wasn't related to tinkering around with junk and various forms of metal and circuits, but... what would be any fun?

Out on the upper levels of the scrape, there were hobbies and luxuries and drugs to poke around with but those just didn't seem like her type of amusements. Not to mention she never had built up a large balance of so-creds, preferring to spend her wages on recycled materials and custom production runs which, for her more complex projects, really tore through her funds. Even if she did have the capital to spend, throwing it away on fine foods or designer drugs didn't have much appeal. Any times she had done so and enjoyed herself usually involved going out with her fellow scrapers, and she didn't think she could stand the reminders of work. She had been told a vacation was supposed to be a time to recharge, to sit back and relax to just enjoy the passing days but that just didn't mesh with her. What she found interesting and relaxing were things that stimulated her mind and she felt at home while messing around with circuit boards and other things. Sure it was a workaholic mentality but maybe that was just the way she was built.

She closed her eyes and bounced her hooves on the futon until a certain twinge of heat hit her in the chest. There... there was one idea that she had cooking around her head. It was a cheap thrill and a possibly dangerous one- not that her normal job was free of risk if you weren't careful. There was another way of diving into the depths of the scrape- or rather, into the depths of her fellow scrapers.

The fantasy of getting dolled up and ready to be used for public pleasure put a shiver down her spine. But it along with some related ideas were too dangerous. Not only did that level of debauchery require a whole lot of bravery on her part to even think of them, they also would have needed time which to prepare for which she never used to have. Most of her days, she was much too busy to even consider that type of thing and when she had a few she preferred to leave fantasies where they belonged inside of her head or with her collection of toys. Now that she had been stewing here for days she had little to do other than to generate new ways to pass the time that could not normally be put into action. She found herself slowly growing less apprehensive towards some more public depravity in particular. Maybe, just maybe, she could actually see herself dipping into it, allowing herself to turn a dark dream into reality.

At the same time, where would she even go through with this plan? Rommy would be more than mortified if a scraper she worked with caught wind of something so perverse. Heck, she didn't want anyone in the civil service learning either. She didn't trust that anywhere in this scrape was safe, no matter how big it was.

But this wasn't the only scrape out there.

At a thought, one of her bits came over to the futon. Its round eye glowed bright and started displaying a holographic terminal for her use. Rommy had an immaculate working record, and had even worked on some foreign service crews for special assignments. A request to visit any other Scrape, even for personal reasons, would certainly be approved. And she knew exactly where to look.

Behlt was probably the scrape in the worst engineering shape, through no real fault of the scrapers there. The bedrock far underneath was more unstable than its neighbors and had given the huge structure a 3.2° tilt. A working group of the civil services of many Scrapes had pooled together to shore up the issue and there was minimal danger of any further tilting, but the fault had caused many to emigrate away from the scrape- and those who stayed began to subvert the control of their civil services. It had ended up being an experiment in deregulatory principles and was now known for many illicit businesses that would not be allowed elsewhere.

At a few thoughts, Rommy switched her network connection into the system of Behlt. She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head checking through the public registry of businesses and storefronts in that scrape. After 10 minutes she closed her eyes and threw herself to her side. "This is haaaaard," she whined to herself.

The data coming over from Behlt was all jumbled and hurt her brain to follow, not set up at all like the records of her home. Rommy supposed it made sense, since half the businesses were trying to hide their more unscrupulous dealings away from their public network face. But the difficulty just made her more and more self conscious about what she was planning, that she was dumb to even think that she could do this in the first place. She didn't want to have to worry about it all, to plan so hard; she just wanted to lose herself in a lustful evening with other scrapers like her, out in a place where no one would know her face.

That was precisely the last bit of motivation she needed. She turned her attention back to the terminal, refactoring the search filters until she found what she wanted. Limiting the results to those below the civil floors of Behlt, she managed to come across a little hole in the wall place, a distillery which ran a storefront bar. It was perfect- a little more searching for info showed the type of clientele of the bar were other sublevel scrapers like her. She couldn't help herself growing further excited as she pulled more and more info. It was nearly too good, and she felt her confidence soar. She made sure to cross check the address several times just to be certain before saving it to her notes. Instead of stewing in boredom, she would be spending her time being stuffed by random strangers who had access to do whatever they wanted to her!

It took only a few minutes to push through the authorization for her transport and temporary visa for the foreign scrape. By then she had packed a large self-propelled case with all she needed and wanted for a week's stay over there- spare shoulder mounted prosthetic arms, four of her serv-bits, plenty of fresh laundry undergarments, some snacks, the works really. She quickly boarded an elevator up- then waited impatiently for the next tram departing her home to cable over for the first leg of the trip.

She hadn't been this excited in years as she sat on the near empty tram, squirming in the comfort of her freshly cleaned power suit. Over her network connection she secured cheap but safe accommodations at her destination- not on any floor near the bar she planned to target, but elevator travel didn't matter. Maybe she would regret this in the end but the lust and excitement rolling through now that she had set off refused to let her think about anything except that her vacation was about to finally be worth this wasted time.

It took the entire day to navigate the web of trams that connected her home scrape to Behlt, and all the while her emotions bulged up like a sealed bag taken to the low pressures found on the upper floors. Her own mind fluttered with anticipation of the possibilities about what could happen and she would regularly ping the map to see how much closer she was to Behlt, despite the routine intercom announcements. The goat's mental reverie was startled at one point by some banging on the otherwise empty tramcar, before realizing it was coming from her own trunk. She realized with a blush that her own emotions were slipping into the neural link she had with the bits that had come along. Inside her trunk, the machines were bouncing up and down and flashing a variety of colors to reflect her own excitement. At once she was thankful that no one was around to see this embarrassing outburst, before that was tempered by the realization she was about to do so much worse.

There was enough time on the multiple stopovers and connections to fully commit to what she was about to go through with, to overcome these lingering feelings of embarrassment and hesitation. To actually give herself up to a crowd of random people in order to satisfy her own fantasies revealed much about her, she knew that. There was a likely possibility of extremely unpleasantness, stress, even pain happening to her in this foreign place where she had no one to fall back on. For some reason that only seemed to make her heart beat faster.

When she finally arrived and passed through customs, she released and activated her four serv-bits. Three of them she kept close to following her through the unfamiliar territory to her temporary residence. The bits fed their camera feeds directly to her visual center, so she could always keep a watch on her back. With the reputation of the scrape for unsavory characters and a host of organized criminal connections, she couldn't be to careful- not until it was time to release herself.

She expected the tilt of the scrape to be more disorienting, but the residents had done well to adjust to the new normal. Stairs were used to level out long sections of the corridors and roads, while rooms and buildings had been adjusted back to straight. Even the elevator trains, now running up slanted shafts, had been modified to allow for flat standing platforms. But all this work outside the civil terminal floors had been done piecemeal, by tens of thousands of scrapers and unlicensed residents. It gave her surroundings quite a unique and, if she was honest, mildly uncomfortable vibe. She moved quickly past the scenery, and faster past the lingering glances of the strangers around her.

She reached her rented room and let out a sigh of relief. It was small, but she was short of stature herself so that didn't bother her. More importantly, it came with a private bathing room. She used it to wash the travel and lingering scrap smells off her short beige fur and condition the bright green hair she had half shaved and parted entirely to one side. Unfortunately, the water never got as scalding as she preferred. She distracted her anticipation as she prepared by checking the visual stream the last of her bits was taking, giving her a view of the storefront to her target bar.

She had sent it down ahead of her for some reconnaissance on the present state of the bar. She had general ideas, various postings about it, but it would be nice to know exactly who was down there when she entered herself. She couldn't be sure if it was entirely accurate since who knew who had entered before the bit arrived. She supposed if she had to that she could wait a full 24 hours, just to be certain- no, that wasn't an option, she was too excited to delay herself any longer. And then she caught a customer walking into the storefront- a brawny canine male still in his scraper's jumpsuit. He was exactly the type of clientele she wanted, a local who either that couldn't afford better places or didn't care to travel up to one of the infamous honeypots on the upper levels of Behlt. By his musculature and smooth, steady gait she knew he had been bio enhanced to better work with heavy loads in the industrial sectors. He was her type of people- though not just because of his social standing. Her loins stirred just conceiving of how large his privates would be, considering how the male was over twice her height. She hadn't quite realized before how much she wanted partners on the larger side. Of course larger species were exactly what could be expected in the bar, and exactly the types who would take full advantage of the opportunity Rommy was offering.

As she was finishing up preparing herself and slipping back into her powersuit, she watched through her bit as one customer stepped out of the bar, a rather rotund but still toned shark in a tight working wetsuit. A shame, she thought as the beauty walked away. She'd have loved to be pressed and dragged against his rough skin. More disappointingly, the male was followed by half a dozen others: canines, felines, an ox. By her count, there was only two other customer still left at the bar- she had expected the bar to stay open well past midnight. This was much earlier than she anticipated! But still, a bartender and two patrons would be a perfect starter to try out a bit of fun. She couldn't be too sure about how anyone would react to what she was going to do but she was already here and ready to make her fantasy a reality. And if this went well--she had a nearly a week of nights like this to follow. No way was she going to back down now, she thought as secured her suit, shivering as the plush lining squeezed her thin frame and hugged her crotch. Now ready, she bolted along with her remaining bits for the elevator station, thankful she had picked accommodations near a station which ran service to the sub-civil floors.

The girl tisked and clicked a hoof impatiently against the ground as the vertical train descended, growing peeved as she watched another broad shouldered feline exit the bar. Only one man left inside, along with the owner. Would she really have to wait until tomorrow to get the manhandling she desired? She shot a scowl at a passenger who had been eyeing one of her serv-bits. The little three flashed the fellow with a red light from their mono eye and aggressive posture. He backed off thankfully, dissuaded probably more from the bulky and we'll maintained powersuit she wore than the posturing of the bits. That was at least some relief. It would've left a bad taste in her night to get into an altercation and miss hitting the bar entirely.

Rommy nearly jumped off the train as the doors opened to her the destination floor. This sub floor wasn't nearly as low as where she had staked out her scrap house, but this was well outside of normal civil working hours. Few were at the station or on the streets, especially compared to the residential block above. The larger foundries and factory buildings were long dark and cold since Behlt tilted, the usable scrap taken by the brave and resourceful during that disaster. There were some repurposed buildings around the station the main thoroughfare which still had lights, some that mirrored her own scrap house, but their metal shutters were securely fashioned. She had her bits take pictures of the more interesting ones, to visit during more normal hours and see what they had collected. Those she passed on the street paid her little attention, which was exactly what she wanted- it probably helped that she was wearing her power suit, not looking much different than any other scraper, if a bit on the small side.

Rommy quickly approached her destination, one of the few businesses without a shutter down. It had been reclaimed near an obsolete water treatment plant- likely the source of the piping and tanks used for the new distillery. Quite shockingly to Rommy, and one of the things that had caught her interest, the building's siding was made from unpainted red bricks rather than cold metal or synthetics. A striking choice to use something so much less durable, but it certainly made the building stand out. It might even have not been up to code, but building regulations were less enforced here in Behlt. The owner must be committed to the place to have commissioned so many, or to have scavenged them from left behind demo of ancient tenant structures- historians said that masonry had been an appreciated aesthetic choice in the distant past.

Rommy stopped far back from the bar and the warm orange lighting that spilled out from its windows. She made sure that no one was watching and she even double checked before slipping into the alleyway between two other scrap houses nearby. No one would be coming by to a bar about to close though, and especially not a local hole like this. The fact it produced it's own alcohol was impressive, but the small batches produced here this wouldn't be able to scale to meet the demand of tourists looking for a crazy time out at risky Behlt. Sure, the alcohol was alcohol and it would get you drunk but there were better and more wild drinks laced with designer chemicals in places that weren't located on seedy sub-civil streets.

There had still been part of her that was extremely nervous about this proposition but seeing the building in person cleared up all her misgivings. The stonework, the warm light, the people inside; every part of it was inviting to the girl.

A few stacked boxes provided the perfect cover, despite this, Rommy kept on looking over toward the entrance to the alley to make sure that no one was looking while she began unpacking the last items she needed from a pocket- a red tag which she looped through a pierced hole in her ear, and a matching colored ball gag which she forced into her muzzle and held it tight with a black vinyl strap around the back of her head. She could feel her body shaking beneath the suit she wore as she reached for the metal ring at her collar to unlock the suit, letting it fall down around her hooves. Without the comforting weight of the suit supporting her, she began to moan a bit through the gag while she walked unsteadily across the dark street and towards the bar. She stood outside the shut door for some time as she steadied her breathing. No, there was no excuse at all except her own fears bubbling up from within. Her physical excitement now had grown too strong for that fear to grab her. All she had to do was shoulder the door open and take that first step and she would be in what she could only hope was going to be a sexual paradise.

The inside of the bar was a treat for the eyes as well. A wooden bar top- real, well polished wood!- touched the side of a large room that had been repurposed to be a drinking hole. There were stacked up kegs behind a bar with taps that provided ale that wasn't necessarily fresh but had been honestly made. There were several stools lined up in front of the bar where two customer sat. She thought a word of thanks that she had miscounted the number who had left. One male was a large ox whose sleeves were torn and the other was the canine she had watched walk in, almost as tall as the ox and just as bulky. Both of them had a mug of something golden and frothy in hand. Behind the counter stood an old rhino with leathery skin who looked like he could handle either of their jobs- or both at once! He turned to a sink as he started washing out the mugs that had just been emptied to notice the front door swinging shut. All three in the room looked over with raised brows.

Rommy stood shakily in front of the entrance into the bar feeling her heart racing but said nothing, or rather, she could say nothing. The goat had firmly gagged herself, and it barely moved when she tried to push it with her tongue. The tag hung off her ear spoke the message she wanted to clearly tell, reading, "Use me as you'd please- so long as you leave the gag on."

The caprine deviant stood on display for the patrons without her power suit. Rommy had no arms without it and the only things covering body were a set of synthetic latex bra, panties, and stockings that clung tight to her body. Well, her panties bulged oddly between her legs, pushed outward from a set of red silicone plugs she had inserted into her ass and vagina all the way back at her hotel room.

Knowing the types she was about to meet, she was smart to begin stretching well in advance.

Those eyes that stared at her seemed to do so without a shred of recognition of what she was doing. Maybe they were too tired from the day's work but it took a few seconds before the looks on their faces turned into wide-eyed stares. She couldn't be sure whether or not those stares were given in excitement, anger, confusion or a mixture of all those things. Rommy could only feel her own excitement growing while her depravity was being witnessed, her torso squirming back and forth from being so pent up.

For a moment, the three looked at one another, mumbling in voices too low and too far for her to hear but when they turned back at her, both the wolf and the oxen got up from their seats. The answer she had been waiting for appeared in the form of bulges pressing against the jumpsuits that each wore. She found herself wondering if those tents being pitched were at full size or if they would grow any larger than that before this night was done. Each step they took toward her made her chest thump a little bit harder until they were bearing down on her. Standing where they were, she could see that they were both well over twice her size in height and most certainly in width. Both of their bulges were just under her face at this point and she could see that they were both still slowly pressing out against the fabric of their jumpsuits confirming that she had more to contend with than she originally saw. While their attention was on her, she used the last fragments of her logical mind to tell her bits to hide in various corners of the bar and begin recording what she assumed was going to be a fantastic little event.

Both of them moved to get zippers down and clothing off while the rhino only watched from behind the bar, a mug in one hand and a cloth in the other to wipe with. Those eyes of his watched with a smoldering intensity that seemed almost somehow hungrier than the two men stripping in front of her.

When both men were finally fully disrobed, she could see their impressive cocks pressing into the cool air of the bar which made her shudder. The canine was the first one to step forward to grab her fuzzy chin, pulling her head left and right to inspect before licking his chops, "We can really just do whatever we want huh?" Before she could nod he squeezed onto her chin and brought one paw down to snap her shiny bra against her chest, leaving a little sting. "Nah, no need to answer. If you didn't want this then you'd be off somewhere else, wouldn't ya, slut?"

Her mind was racing with those claws so close. How easily that could slice through without any effort at all. Her skin would give little more resistance than that. Her eyes were wide and her body was shaking, she had no idea what to do with these two men staring her down like this, and yet, that was exactly the point. Rommy was entirely at their mercy and could say nothing and do nothing about it. Even as the wolf slapped his cock against her face to show off his girth, she could only stand there in her panties hoping that each creature would push it just a bit further.

The ox seemed a bit more slow about his advances, moving behind her with lumbering steps before he reached down to grab her rear. His digits slipped through the waist of her panties before pulling at them until they simply snapped, the tatters whapping into her fuzzy skin to leave red marks before falling off to the floor. She let out a muffled squeak as a strong hand grabbed hold of her waist and brought her up into the air. While the wolf had spent time taunting her, the ox was more interested in inspecting her, his digits moving to poke and prod her. One of his hands moved to take the plug out of her rear with little consideration for how hard he yanked. Again, Rommy had to fully surrender herself to these brutes and she couldn't help but enjoy it. Her heart was pounding against her chest while she felt digits poking around her twitching tailhole while the wolf sized her up with his paw pumping his own fat cock. She looked up to his looming face to see he was practically salivating. Rommy had used toys that were nearly as big as both of the men surrounding her but that was with her in control. Now, what choice did she have? She couldn't open her mouth any further past the gag to say anything at all. She didn't have her suit to give her strength or even arms to fight back with.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught a flash of silver, can shaped form of one of her serv-bits had snuck into the bar. She tried sending it a command before remembering she had set them to independent operation with a single task: to film and record this night for her. She closed her eyes and was treated to four different angles of the scene she found herself in. Even within her mind there was no escape for what she had entered herself into, nothing to do at all except give in and love it all.

The ox behind her had finished whatever his inspection was. He didn't bother putting his tongue on her either because he didn't care to or he was just too impatient. Both men seemed excited but at the same time weary as if they were almost spent for the day. That was alright to Rommy. All she was to them was a bit of relief that had been served up on a platter out of nowhere. Whatever lingering strength they held would be more than enough for the goat. There was something terribly wonderful about that and she held the feeling that it elicited to her heart while her body slowly descended. The tip of the ox's bovine cock pressed against the puckered ring of her rear and she shuddered as she felt the sudden push that begged her rear to spread apart. Rommy was glad to have lubed up the plugs beforehand. Even with that lube the head of that massive cock seemed to struggle to press inside of her. When the tip was in, the rest of that fat shaft soon followed.

Rommy's teeth bit down on the gag hard as more than half of the ox's member slammed up inside of her rear. It felt as if her stomach was bulging already even though she wasn't even certain if all of his cock was inside just yet. He kept on dragging her down and down like the sex toy she was while he grunted like a mad beast, while his girth pushed through her muscles to press against the plug still lodged in her cunt. Up and down her body was moved at a rapid pace that made her feel equal measures of pain and pleasure at the same time. It was such a shock to have such a large cock moving through her without holding back that she nearly found herself passing out from the constant pressure pounding at the back of her mind. The ox had seemed so slow and deliberate in his movements but now he was tearing her apart with barely a care in the world. There was a certain rush inside of her along with the cock grinding against her inner walls, a squealing passion that was screaming in her mind that all of this was fantastic. The constant pounding of the beast's cock inside of her, the way his hips moved to press against her rear with every single pull of her body down on his massive shaft, it was too good! She began to gush around the bright red plug in her cunt, itself vibrating with each thrust of the male.

When she thought that she would go mad from the unending heights of climax the ox dragged her down one last time and the bulging cock inside of her began to pour out a heated and thick liquid that clung to her inner walls and made her mind swim with the same type of warmth filling her. Every fresh twitch of his cock was another load poured out into her rear until her stomach was actually bulging from the amount being put in her. She had her eyes shut tight, before realizing from the objective view of her bits that the wolf was reaching for the plug remaining in her body, just before he yanked it out hard from her lips, splattering her fluids all over the floor while she hit a peak yet again.

The ox held in for a while, waiting for Rommy's heart to slow from its racing before pulling out slowly, her inner walls clinging onto his cock until he finally managed to get out of her now puffy asshole with a wet pop. He grunted toward the wolf and handed her off to the other beast in the room while he moved to get dressed and step out. There was no need to stand on ceremony or affection since all she was to these people was a toy and damn did that thought keep her high as the rush of orgasm died down ever so slowly.

The large wolf held her in two clawed paws, one at her waist and the other one at her neck. She gulped, shivering as the points pressed against her thin flesh. She expected him to ravage her just as the ox had, but he had his own intention. Already the canine seemed a bit more brazen by bringing the tip of his cock to her pussy rather than her rear. Pregnancy hadn't been a concern to Rommy, contraceptives being widely available but she felt so weak at this moment. What if she wasn't released to take a pill in time? The risk brought shivers down her spine. The goat watched from five different vantages, including her own. as the tip of that red canine cock pressed inside of her. Slowly, he began to drag her down while letting out a pleased hiss, his eyes closed as her insides stretched around his shaft. The twitching heat of his cock melded with the warmth of her freshly prepped pussy. Her nerves had already been rocked raw from the ass fucking so that now any movement brought jolts of pleasure to pulse from the spots where his cock ground against her inner walls.

Even with the cock inside of her cunt rather than her rear she could feel that it wasn't quite as big as the ox's cock. That didn't stop her from moaning around the gag in her mouth like the bitch she had made herself into. The male still stretched her like nothing else she had ever had inside of her. The only gripe in this intensity was that the wolf wasn't going even more wild on her. He passed her up and down gingerly as if she would break and without using all of his cock. It kept her just at the edge of another explosive orgasm. Her pallor was turning red from being pent back up so callously, and she whined out as much as she could.

Just when she felt her frustrations mounting to a breaking point the canine proved that she was only being far too impatient. Around her waist, the wolf's grip tightened. She looked down just as she was pulled all the way onto the wolf's massive shaft, her legs twitching and kicking in either direction as she grunted and let out muffled groans while his pointed tip ground at the back of her cunt. This was more like it! The wolf began using her just as the ox had but with more deliberate motions. He rolled his hips with every thrust to churn the goat's insides while both of his paws kept a steady grip on her to keep her held tight while he used her pussy. The tip of his cock slammed against her cervix, pressing around to find the center of that ring of muscle. He kept on slamming without concern and she could feel the pleasure mounting inside of her along with sparks of pain from being stretched so far. A sudden pressure pressed at her entrance making it harder for the wolf to get all the way inside. The wolf's bulbous knot had grown at the base of his member and now he stopped trying to yank her up and down to instead simply press and grind up against her in an attempt to slam that fat thing in her. Every push pressed on her sensitive insides causing her to squeal in delightful pain as she felt the pressure building and building until her climax came right as the knot stretched her wide. Her raw cunt had no rest as the tip of his shaft broke through the barrier of her cervix finally, forcing inside just as that twitching cock began to pulse and let out rope after rope of hot cum to paint her womb with his seed. Such a direct violation would surely impregnate her if she weren't quick about getting home; that risk made every tingle of his warmth inside of her sensitive core all the more exhilarating. The sheer fact that the wolf had knotted her at all made her tremble in a mixture of elation and fear that broke through the surface together causing her to shake violently.

When the torrent of cum pouring inside of her finally ended, the wolf did not wait for his knot to deflate. His grip at her waist squeezed firmly before he yanked hard causing her eyes to grow wide and a sharp bleat to sound off from her gag. She looked down just in time to see him yank again, her pussy stretching around that bulbous piece, the wolf snarling as he worked to get her off of his cock until she was finally off with a wet pop.

The wolf set her on her knees gingerly, watching that she wouldn't fall over immediately while her used body sunk, the girl only barely keeping her torso up, before grunting, "Thanks for that. Feel free to come back around again. I'll tell some of my pals about this." With that simple call to action, Rommy's ass fell into the puddle of cum left to leak out of her before shaking and falling over onto her side. The wolf grabbed his clothes and slipped them back on to leave, giving a usual farewell to the still silent bartender.

The girl tried her best to get up, shivering as she found nearly impossible to do so from the pleasure, sweat, and soreness all mixing together. When she looked up, the rhino bartender had stepped forward, finally speaking, "Need some help?"

That deep voice betrayed the kindness in it and she nodded, accepting him. She let him unfasten the ball gag from her mouth before he picked her up effortlessly in his arms. Along with some cheerful assistance from her bits, she led the rhino who carried her into the alley where she could get back into her power suit and get the clip off of her ear. She was shaky and weak but the suit gave all the support she needed to move. Now back to her old, able self she looked over to the large male that simply watched her with careful eyes, "Are you uh...Sure you don't wanna do anything, big guy?"

The rhino shrugged, "Not into what you were offerin' tonight. If y'want, call in advance and I can take you out on a date. Just the way I am."

Rommy looked down before looking back at the rhino. One of her bits paced back and forth just at the rhino's feet and she muttered, "Take this fella for now. We'll be able to keep in contact through it. Maybe we can arrange something a bit more official for this as well."

The rhino shrugged, "Sure."

With all that said, the rhino walked away, leaving her heart thumping wildly against her chest and her eyes wide with surprise. She asked herself if she had done any of that at all before the bits inundated her with clips from just minutes. Had that really been her own body moving so wildly like that? No, she had no control at all over herself, she had given that right to those two men. That was part of the exciting part to her, wasn't it? When she started packing away the toys she had come in with, brought out of the bar by her ever helpful bits, she kept on thinking that she would have more to do for her vacation if she established a relationship with that rhino but wasn't the entire point of this that no one knew who she was? And yet...The rhino didn't really know, did he? He only knew that she was some random pervert getting her sick kicks in and that seemed just fine to him. Maybe she would take him up on an offer of a date.

It would be a shame to let such fine hospitality go to waste.