Three dogs

Story by maxsasha on SoFurry

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#1 of beast

Once upon a time there were three (not so little) dogs that lived in the woods south of a small farming town. They had little to do with the humans of the town, generally only seeing them during hunting season. I somehow had the misfortune of getting to live in this town for the summer one year. Since I wasn't part of the town I seemed to have a lot of time on my hands. I used this time to read and walk through the woods. One day as I was walking through the woods I heard what sounded like a dogfight. Being the ever curious zoo I had to find out where these sounds were coming from. I climbed to the top of a ridge, and there in a small clearing in the valley I saw three large shepherd-looking dogs. They weren't fighting, they were playing catch with something. One of them would toss it high in the air and the other two would fight to catch it. I leaned up against a tree so I could just watch them in their play. Pretty soon they quit playing and looked up in my direction (I was upwind of them). Since they appeared to know I was there I figured I might as well just go on down there to see how friendly they were. When I got to the clearing I sat back on my feet and put my hands onmy knees to let them approach me if they would. One of them did come over and slowly sniffed closer and closer until we actually touched noses. The other two had laid down during this time, now they got up and came over as well (just not so slowly). The first one butted against my shoulder, so I leaned forward, got on my hands and knees, and started to walk around them (as they did to me). We exchanged sniffs (and a few gentle nips) for a while when one of them went over and got their "toy" and tossed it over to me. Not being one to pass up an invitation like this I quickly picked it up with my teeth and tossed it to one of the others. (this is when I found out that the toy was a mole they had killed earlier). We continued to play for a while (my aim improving a little) then it was time to lay down in the shade and rest. As we were laying there I started to idly scratch two heads at once, one on each side. I was a little surprised at the reactions I got. They both leaned "heavy" into me, pinning me where I was, while the third one looked on. Since they didn't seem to want me to stop I continued scratching. Slowly working my way down their heads to the necks and then the shoulders. By now my arms and hands were getting tired so the scratching slowed down to mainly just some petting and stroking along the sides and backs. Once I started petting them they both kept leaning into me harder and harder. Since I was between them I couldn't go anywhere and they eventually wound up rolling onto their sides with their backs firmly against my hips and legs (I wasn't going to leave anyway).

Shortly I stopped petting them and just rested my hands on their massive chests (they had to weigh at least 130 lb. each). They didn't like this to much and they both whined at me (in stereo too). I quickly gathered that the whining was to get me to continue petting. I guess they didn't get pet to often, none of them had collars, and it felt like they never had. So, being the soft touch for dogs that I am, I continued petting them. I just closed my eyes, leaned back against the tree, and kind of put the body on auto-pilot for a while. They continued to roll over while I was petting them until I was petting their underbellies (and these very nice, full sheaths as well). The auto-pilot sent a message to the brain to wake up and pay attention. By this time I had two handfuls of very excited dog cock. It was very strange that neither one of them has humping at all, but I could tell they were fully engrossed in what my hands were doing to them. They were both laying there, eyes closed, mouths just slightly open and a little bit of tongue out the side. Meanwhile I was stroking these two absolutely gorgeous cocks. About 7 inches long (before the knot) and large enough to fit in my hand comfortably. The knot (still small) was just a little larger than a golf ball. And a prodigious amount of precum (which was the only lubricant I had, or needed) I slowly bent over one and gently licked his cock from base to tip, spending a little extra time at the tip. Then I bent over the other one and did the same for him. This was all they needed since almost immediately both cocks swelled up in my hands and started to squirt cum up to their chins. The knots swelled to about the size of lemons (a lot smaller than I thought was normal). The third dog now came into play as it reached down and licked one of his brothers clean. Not to be outdone I bent over and started to lick the other one clean. His cum had a very pleasant taste, kind of nutty with a little salt. After the cleaning was done the third dog walked around in front of me and started to lick my hands. He worked his way up my arms and got to my neck. He opened his mouth and gently put his mouth around my neck, if he was in a bad mood I'd have been in trouble since he could have bitten half my neck out right then. He backed off a little and started to sniff, and nip at my shoes and pants. I kicked my shoes off, and I tried to take my pants off, but the two others hadn't moved yet so all I could do was to undo my zipper and pull them down just a small amount. Now if you've never had your feet licked by a large dog (especially when two others were "holding" you down) I highly recommend it .I am normally a little ticklish, but this didn't tickle at all. In fact it made me even more excited than before and I started to slowly hump up and down a little. This didn't go unnoticed and he soon abandoned my feet and stuck his snout into my crotch, sniffing deeply. I could tell he liked the smell when he tried to burrow his snout further into my pants. Soon he reached the source of the smell and started to lick madly at my straining cock. considering how excited I already was it didn't take long for me to succumb to his demanding tongue He lapped up as much of this as he could and then looked up at me, tongue lolling off to one side of his hanging lower jaw. A string of my own cum hanging from his lower lip. He licked me right across my face, letting me taste myself a little.

He then stepped forward and actually walked up me until he was standing on my shoulders. When he did this I suddenly found myself face to face with what was the larger of the three dogs. Not to much larger, but his cock was slightly bigger around than those of his brothers, and his knot was already the size of a small orange. It was obvious to me what he wanted so I quickly leaned a little forward and took his cock fully into my mouth. His taste was slightly metallic, but creamy smooth. His cock filled my mouth completely, just reaching the top of my throat. I sucked and swirled my tongue a little, but he decided that he was going to face fuck me. He never thrust too far (thank goodness) but he thrust fast and hard. since My hands were free I reached out and found two other dog cocks hard and waiting. I was jacking off two dogs who were "holding" me down to be face-fucked by a third! They must have been watching their brother because I could feel all three cocks start to swell at the same time, then my mouth was filled with hot dog cum. I managed to swallow most of it, but some did dribble off. I felt the other two dogs squirting at the same time (I think they were actually synchronized, but I wasn't thinking to straight at the time). I even felt some twitches coming from my own balls as they released some cum as well. The older brother (as thought of him now) pulled out of my mouth. I saw his knot was the size of a large orange now, and his cock looked beautiful. He stepped back down from my shoulders and back in front of me. Now the other two got up and all three of them started to lick my face and hands. I went ahead and closed my pants and got up to get my shoes to go home. This was enough sensation to keep me jacking off most of the summer. As I bent over to pick up my shoes one of them knocked me down. I looked to see which one of them did it, but they were all playing innocent. I reached down again and once again I was knocked over. I knew they weren't innocent also knew that I could probably stay around for a while longer. This time I bent over and watched behind me. When I saw one of them leaping at me I turned around and caught him in mid-air. "thud" He still knocked me over, but I knew which one did it. We wrestled for a while longer. Then it started to get dark so I decided that I should really get home. but when I tried to leave the clearing the way I had come in they got in front of me and started to growl at me a little. Not like they were angry, just like they thought I was being stupid. I asked them what they wanted(kind of silly I know, but I do talk with dogs). It kind of surprised me when they all walked out across the clearing to the other side. Then they stopped and looked back at me with tails wagging. This looked like an invitation to me, the people I was staying with would probably figure that I met someone (well, kind of) so I went ahead and walked over to them. They led me through the woods to a small wash that was partially filled with brush. They just lowered down and crawled under the brush, so I got down and wormed my way behind them. When I got to the other side of the brush there was a small clearing set into a small box canyon. There was a small stream off to the side and a cave near the end. All three of the dogs were taking a drink so I joined them. Then I followed them up to the entrance to the cave, after the three of them entered the cave I followed. The cave was a den about 15 foot across and at least 10 foot wide, with the floor covered with what looked like straw (it was kind of dark). It looked like they wanted me to sleep with them since they were starting to curl up on the floor. Since it was a warm night I decided to go ahead and sleep nude, I normally do anyway so why not here? I picked out a spot on the floor next to one of them and laid down. Now I should mention that I am a chronic and incurable snugger. If there is anything in bed with me I will snuggle with it. If it is alive and warm I snuggle even tighter. I was dreaming of going out with someone with a fur coat. She was warm and flowing, but she gave real sloppy kisses. Then she told me that she had a boyfriend, but he liked threesomes and would I like to join them?(even in my dreams today!!) Of course I accepted. We got back to their place, got her boyfriend, got naked and started to grope. Pretty soon I felt a cock poking me in the butt. I gently spread my legs around the girl in front of me to allow better access. The cock continued to press around my ass, leaving what felt like a lot of precum. He started to grab around my waist and thrust a little more forcefully. I repositioned my ass to help, and he sunk into me in one stroke. He grabbed me more tightly, scratching me with his nails. He started to piston in and out. I could feel his hairy chest pressed against my back, his hot breath on my neck, his drooling tongue on my cheek. His drooling tongue on my cheek?? Something is wrong with this. I'm not in some hot babe's apartment, I'm in a den in the woods. This isn't some boyfriend pumping away in my ass, its one of the dogs. My legs are wrapped around one of the other dogs, so are my arms. The dog behind me starts to pump a little harder. I am slowly sliding my cock through the fur of the dog in front of me, even the coarse fur made slick with precum .All of a sudden I feel a bulge in the cock hit, and enter my ass. WOW!! Then just as suddenly it passed back out again. The next stroke I was still to shocked for it to enter, but it did try. On the next stroke I relaxed and it popped in, hit the magic spot, and slid back out again. Oh, but I could learn to really love this. Now on each stroke this knot (must be one of the smaller dogs) passed into me, stroked my prostate, then backout. I started to cum one the fourth or fifth stroke, be he wasn't done. He also had a real good grip on me so I wasn't about to change anything. I now know what multi orgasmic feels like. after a while (seemed like forever) I started to have trouble catching my breath, but at about that time he started to swell up (which didn't slow me down a bit) and sunk in for one last time and started to shoot his cum deep into me. This wave of orgasm was too much and I passed out. I wasn't out long since he was still tied with me when I woke up. Just the fact that his knot was still rubbing my prostrate nearly sent me over the edge again. At this time I realized where my hands were. I just lowered them a little and found a large canine cock, already hard but not extended yet. With a sudden plop the cock came free of my ass. I got up (mainly so the dog could get up) and in the process I leaned on the cock in hand.This got a slight whine from its owner. So I bent down to give it a kiss.I hadn't noticed (until right about now) that the third dog was also awake.He apparently took my position as an invitation, and he accepted. He at least had the courtesy to lick me a couple of times, but I didn't know it was a different dog. When he jumped up and landed on my back I figured this might be the third dog. When I felt a rock hard cock spearing at my ass, I knew it must be. I adjusted my arms a little and though, Why not? With a little target realignment from me he soon found and entered my ass. With all the dog cum there he slid in all the way on the first stroke. Even his knot penetrated. I'm very glad that my legs don't have any joints between the knees (on the ground) and the waist (being held up by a dog) or I would have collapsed right then and there. This time I actually managed to control my breathing (must of been the position)and I didn't pass out.

Since he was fresh I knew this would last a while. As a direct result of my near collapse I had my face firmly in the chest of the last dog. I also had a penis rubbing at the back of my ear. With a great amount of effort I turned my head over and took the end of his cock in my mouth. Mainly I moaned and whimpered on his cock while his brother stroked and massaged my prostrate like its never been done before. I did some licking in between waves when I was aware there was a cock in my mouth. Finally the dog in my ass swelled up, plunged in deep,and started to shoot his cum right in there with the rest. The cock fell out of my mouth as I arched backward with the sudden flood of sensation. Orgasm doesn't sound like a big enough work for this. Eventually his knot shrunk enough for him to pull out. When I had arched backward I had come off of the one dog left, the big brother. He had gotten up and he was now behind me, sniffing at his brothers' work. He apparently approved since he started to lap up some of the excess juices that were flowing out. I knew three things; he was going to want to fuck me, I wanted him to fuck me, he would try to tie with me (and he was larger). But at this time numbers 1 and 2 outweighed number 3 to the point of not thinking about it. I braced my knees firmly, crossed my forearms and rested my head on them. He didn't just jump up like his brothers, he stood up onto my butt, then walked forward. He did drop his legs to either side and grasp me. I un did my arms enough to reach back and grab his bright red cock, and aim it for him. As soon as the tip got in he paused, then he thrust his length in with a slower stroke, but nothing was going to stop it. I felt the knot bump against my sphincter, but he didn't push with it. He started to stroke in and out with a more measured pace than the other two. I was starting to climb that wonderful stairway yet again. His strokes picked up speed, and it felt like depth to. I was starting to rise up on my arms. All of their own accord to since my brain was far to busy to deal with this balancing act. As I reached the edge I felt a tongue on me cock. I looked over and there was a dog reaching out his tongue for another swipe. This time I felt another on the other side, sure enough, there's a dog over here too. I reared back my head, closed my eyes and howled. When I did this I felt a sharp pain and I knew that big brother had managed to tie with me. NOW this was just barely thought of in the passing moment. As he did this he triggered a climax, this was one that all the others had been building to. As I was cumming from the ass fucking, I was also cumming from the tongue job I was getting. Even when my balls were to shriveled to contain anymore cum, these dogs wouldn't stop. Since I was still firmly tied with this orange size thing firmly up my ass all I could do was hang there and take it. I must have passed out since the next thing I remember is waking up with one dog curled up in front of me. Me curled around him. And another dog curled behind me. I thought to myself "did I just dream that" But my legs were quivering and my ass felt just a little sore. Nope, this actually happened to me. Maybe this summer wouldn't be so bad after all.