Abbadon's Night In

Story by ColtonBunny on SoFurry

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Abbadon the snake wants to enjoy a lovely night in. He even orders a delicious fox as take out. Features consensual permanent oral vore, m/m sex, and reasonably graphic digestion. Sly belongs to his creator, Sly Fox Bandit on telegram. Please let me know what you think, I always love getting comments!

Abbadon yawned, readjusting his reading glasses with the tip of his tail as he glanced over at the clock. It was starting to get late, the sunset outside was shifting into dark orange as the light faded. He carefully placed his book down near his sofa before stretching, a slow and luxurious motion that required sliding his body through the hall to get enough space. He could hear and feel the joints in his spine cracking satisfyingly as he stretched, and he moaned with satisfaction at the muscles loosening after being still for so long. As he finished his long overdue stretch, he heard his stomach start to growl. Without the distraction of his book he realized how hungry he was, and with a frown checked the calendar hanging from his wall. The massive serpent didn't need to eat more than about once every other week, and as he looked he saw that the last picture put on his calendar had been 12 days ago. As he looked he could taste the faint memory of his last meal, a cute little fox he'd met. He smiled, licking his lips at the memory. He debated for a moment what to do about his hunger, he could go hunting at one of the various clubs that catered to his desires, find some cute little snack to satiate him, but Abbadon had never liked clubs and simply didn't have the energy to hunt tonight. He could go to a restaurant and order one of the waiters, that idea held a certain appeal. But then he remembered a flier that had been taped to his door the week before. He went and found it, taped to the inside of his door since he had no refrigerator. "Vore to Your Door" the flier proudly proclaimed, between pictures of grinning meals and above a phone number. Abbadon called the service and requested "Someone you think looks tasty. Surprise me," from the operator, who cheerily informed him to expect dinner to be there in 30 minutes or less. The snake curled back up with his book and waited.

About 20 minutes after he placed his order, Abbadon heard his door knock. He smiled, but patiently finished the chapter of his book before slowly setting it down again and slithering over to the door. He pushed his body against a button on the wall nearby and the door opened on it's own, revealing a fox in a button up shirt and dark slacks holding a bottle of wine and some sort of dessert. The fox looked up at him, openly gaping and flustered at the sight of the massive cerulean serpent that was his client. He cleared his throat a little before speaking up, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir, and may I just say I'm very happy to serve you this evening." After finishing his intro he put on a soft shy smile, as if trying to show that he was happy to be here.

"Apologies for the wait" Abbadon says politely as he looks the fox over. "Please please, come in. I didn't realize you would be bringing drinks and dessert." He shifted back a bit, making sure the fox had enough room to enter his home. "And I am very pleased to meet you as well" the snake smiles, tasting the air around the fox. His stomach growled audibly as he tasted him, his excitement, his arousal. "My you are very happy to meet me aren't you? Well please make yourself at home. I do prefer my meals unwrapped, if you don't mind of course. " Abbadon eyed the vulpine's clothes, spending a few extra seconds examining his crotch and ass as he circles around his meal slowly.

The fox blushed as the snake examined him. "Of course sir". He walked into the middle of the main room, taking his tie off and unbuttoning his shirt before slipping it off, letting the snake see his slightly chubby features before he leaned over and raised his tail, slipping his trousers and briefs down in front of the snake to give his predator a clear view of his ass before he turned around to reveal his plump balls and a sheath with a pink member just starting to poke out of it. He blushed again, "Like what you see?" he asked as he collected his clothes and placed them to the side.

"Oh very much" Abbadon said, the tip of his tail poking at the fox's belly a moment before he softly rubbed at it, sneaking up to his fluffy chest occasionally. He brought his head up to gently nuzzle at his meal's stomach while his tail slid gently around the fox's waist, feeling his soft cushioned ass. His touch shifted regularly between a tender lover's caress to a customer feeling meat. "You seem perfectly marbled, you smell absolutely delicious, and you taste..." he dragged his tongue against the fox's chest and belly, two long licks from navel to each nipple in turn, causing the fox to shudder and moan. "Simply marvelous." His voice had a satisfied air to it, almost smug as he felt his meal. The snakes coils slowly surrounded the fox, not enough to keep the fox from stepping over him but high enough to make it an obstacle. "Oh, forgive me. I often forget the courtesies when I'm famished. My name is Abbadon, and I will be eating you tonight." Abbadon breathed slowly, washing his hot breath over the fox's chest, belly, and finally his now firmly erect cock.

The fox's hands slid down across Abbadon's scaly head and down his neck, as far as he could reach, gently tugging the snakes head up until he was looking his meal in the eye. "My name is Sly sir, and I'll be your main course for tonight. I'm glad to hear you like the taste already, I've heard it's much better when you experience the full meal." Sly teased. "Though, I think I might be even better with a nice creamy sauce, don't you think?", Sly joked as he ground his member against Abbadon's coils playfully, shuffling his feet closer together inside the slowly tightening perimeter.

"Creamy sauce... Oh!" The snake perked up as he realized what the fox meant. "Now that you mention it, I think a nice cream sauce would go quite well with you." The coils shift and sway as Abbadon re-positions himself, and before long his slit just starting to open, was at belly level in front of the fox. Abbadon's shaft started poking out, a tapered organ with a slight curve towards his belly. "As it so happens I make my own cream sauce here at home. Why don't you get a taste?"

"I'll take more than a taste." Sly said teasingly as he slowly knelt down, allowing Abbadon to shape his coil based on his changing position as he wrapped his arms around as much of the snake's middle as possible and he licked along the member before moving his mouth over it. The fox lowered his head, taking in the snakes cock until it hit the back of his throat and the fox moaned. He moved back and forth a few times, getting a rhythm as he looks up at the snake. Abbadon was grinning down at him, but before long the snake closed his eyes and moaned unabashedly.

"Oh my you are good at that. Do they train all you little food boys to be good cocksuckers, or are you just a natural talent?" The snakes coils quivered slightly as he resisted the urge to force himself further into the fox's mouth.

"Well I am a fox sir. I guess you could call it natural talent" Sly said, pulling his head back a moment before licking along the underside of Abbadon's cock, his tongue slipping just inside his slit before dragging along all the way to his tip. "You're holding back on me sir. How about you make me choke on this big guy?" He asked teasingly before opening his maw wide and holding it just in front of Abbadon's cock, sticking his tongue out to lick at the tip teasingly.

"You may regret that..." Abbadon said before roughly pressing a coil against the back of Sly's head. An instant later his cock rammed into the fox's throat, making his neck visibly bulge out. He held it there for just a second before slowly pulling it out, then roughly shoved it back into his meal. Sly moaned loudly as his muzzle was being squished against the snakes crotch, and the fox could smell the dry scent of warm scales mixed with the subtle scent of his musk. The scent and taste overwhelmed his mind, taking away everything except the sensations of cock pushing into his open mouth. He barely even noticed when Abbadon's tail tip wrapped around his own cock and started gently milking him. The fox couldn't move his head, trapped between Abbadon's coils, and he felt his skull squeeze under the pressure every time Abbadon pushed into him. The snake sighed contentedly as he fucked the fox's face, looking down at him, watching himself pound his meal's mouth. "Such a cute little cocksucker you are my snack." Sly whined happily in response, swallowing and gagging around the cock to further stimulate his predator.

Abbadon groaned as he felt his cock start to pulse. His hips thrust forward a few more times, especially hard and deep, before he pulled out of the fox's throat and came, spraying his seed all over Sly's face and chest, relaxing his grip partially to coat the fox more and partially because he didn't want to strangle his meal. The fox eagerly gulped down whatever landed in his mouth, licking at his lips as well to swallow more of the sticky fluids surrounding him. "Delicious" he said teasingly, looking down and seeing his own cum splattered on the snakes coils in front of him. Feeling bold, the fox stood up and pulled Abbadon into a kiss.

The snake jolted away instinctively, looking over his prey in shock. After a moment however, he reconsidered and gently returned the kiss, pressing his tongue into the fox's mouth and then down into his throat, sending it even deeper than his cock had reached. He could taste the remnants of his seed on Sly's tongue as he gently pushed the fox deeper into the kiss with his coils. After a few moments he pulled back, his tongue sliding out of the fox's throat wetly. "Well Sly, I'd say you're properly seasoned now. Be a dear go grab that camera over there, on the shelf." The snake shifted his coils to lower the barrier around the fox, though Sly still had to take an extra large step to avoid Abbadon's massive coils.

"Want to save an image of your meal?" Sly said as he grabs the camera, an old Polaroid.

"Instagram is the ruin of us all." Abbadon joked, nodding his head towards the wall. There were about a dozen pictures on a calendar, spread throughout most of the year, above a shelf filled with photo albums. Each had a range of years written on it. "I always make sure to take a memento from each lovely meal I have. Some people keep skulls, I prefer photos. Much more appetizing. Snap a selfie and put it on today's date would you. Sly obliged, making a big smile and shaking the picture slightly as it developed. He pined it to the wall and climbed back into Abbadon's coils.

"Now, I should warn you Sly, my digestive processes are... slower than many prey seem to expect. You might last days inside me, unless I take measures to end your journey sooner."

"I think we both know that it's much better to have a meal slowly melt away in a stomach, I'll love spending every moment in there."

"Well the option remains open sweetie. Most prey beg for death before I'm through with them." The snake grinned evilly for a moment.

"I think I can handle anything your stomach can dish out, with respect Sir."

Abbadon nodded in acquiescence. "We shall see, and soon I think. I'm quite tempted to keep you around for a while. That was without a doubt the best blowjob I've had in years. But..." Abbadon's stomach growled loudly, demanding to be filled. "I think it's time to put you where you belong, don't you?"

"A sexy guy like you, I'm sure you can find another fox's muzzle to pound once I'm gone. If I'm lucky enough I'll still be alive to feel it." Sly teased as he ran his hand down Abbadon's scales again. "I'm ready if you are. Feet first, nice and slow?" Sly asks with a wide smirk on his muzzle.

"If that is what my prey wishes, I'm happy to oblige." Abbadon says with a smile. "Now be a good meal and feed yourself to me." The snake opens his mouth wide, giving the fox a good view of the back of his throat as he slithered into position, lying across the floor. His fangs extended for a few moments on reflex, dripping with venom and saliva, but he retracted them quickly.

Sly eagerly sat down in front of Abbadon, guiding his feet into the waiting maw of his predator. He pushed himself in further, his feet sliding easily into the serpents throat. He squirmed on reflex as Abbadon's throat pulsed around his feet, then pushed himself slowly in, moaning as he watched his body disappear inside the snakes waiting flesh. Abbadon's tongue was sliding over every inch of Sly's body before it made it into the throat, tickling the fox gently and spreading the saliva dripping from the maw around Sly's flesh, lubricating the meal for its journey while making Abbadon moan with pleasure at the taste. Before long Sly's ass was waiting at the entrance to what he knew was his final resting place, and he was forced to lie down.

The throat was tight around his legs and chest as he pushed himself in further, tighter when Abbadon gulped slightly on reflex. The snake was trying to allow his prey to set the pace, but his gurgling stomach and filled throat both screamed at him to swallow his meal, to eat. Sly's hands were shoving awkwardly against the floor behind him until finally, his shoulders were about to be pushed into Abbadon's throat. Sly squirmed and managed to slide his hands into the throat as well, slowly pushing his arms into place against his chest. The muscles lining the throat relaxed to allow him to move down, but quickly tightened once he was in place. "I think you need to finish it off" Sly said, squirming slightly.

Abbadon immediately took one large gulp, pulling the fox further into him. Now only the fox's head was in the snakes dim mouth. Sly looked down and saw the snakes throat tight against his chest, his arms pinned by the soft wet flesh. He tried to squirm but couldn't move at all beyond the entrance to the throat. He looked up and saw Abbadon's fangs tucked away in the top of his mouth, and then strained his neck to glance up, to see his last sight of the world outside Abbadon's body, the snakes home, the splatters of thick seed on the floor where just minutes ago Sly had cum while sucking the cock of the man he knew would devour him.

Abbadon's tongue curled around Sly's neck, then head, the long flexible muscle making sure to taste every inch of his meal. The very tip of his tongue tickled at Sly's closed mouth for a moment before the fox opened it, allowing the snakes tongue to slide into his mouth and give him a final kiss. Their tongues twined together as Abbadon tasted the inside of his meals maw. The fox couldn't say how long the kiss lasted, seconds, minutes, hours, but eventually it ended. Abbadon gently pulled back his tongue and swallowed again, sending Sly to a world of nothing but dark pulsing flesh that slowly but steadily dragged him closer to the snakes gut. Sly moaned as his head disappeared from the world, happy to finally fulfill his purpose and become nothing but food for his predator. He kissed the snakes flesh and squirmed gently as he slid down, hearing the snake moan with pleasure.

Abbadon slowly lifted his head and neck up, letting gravity assist Sly on his journey down the snakes long throat and into his gut. He panted slightly as his mouth became free to breathe again, then moaned again. "That's right sweetie, struggle and squirm for me. Even if you wanted you're not getting out or hurting me, don't worry about that. You're snake food now, though you always were weren't you?"

After a few minutes, Sly felt his feet enter a slightly less tight chamber of flesh. His body started sliding into the stomach, filled with a fluid that created a pleasant tingling sensation on anything it touched, which faded after a few seconds if he lifted part of himself out of it. It quickly coated his feet and legs as he slid into the waiting gut. Once his body was fully inside and the snake lay back down, the fluid lapped gently at his balls, never quite reaching his cock as it rested flaccidly on his belly. Ripples formed every time he or his predator moved.

The air inside the snakes gut was stale and slightly chemical in smell, a harsh scent that took Sly some time to get used to. A few moments after his head slid in, he heard the snakes throat above him expand and tighten, as Abbadon gulped down some fresh air for his meal.

The walls of the stomach pressed in around the fox in the dark, loose enough that he could move around but tight enough that every inch of his skin could feel Abbadon's embrace. He could feel the snakes pulse through the wet flesh, and every so often the same tingling his back and ass felt slid across his face or belly or cock as a bit more acid was excreted from the walls to digest him faster. He panted heavily, trying and failing to slow his breathing to accommodate for the lack of fresh air available to him beside the strong stench of stomach acid and previously digested prey. The walls tightened around him, attempting to snuff out what little resistance the meal may have left. He managed to guide his hand towards his crotch, hoping to have one last orgasm before he began to dissolve, but he was forced to patiently wait until his cock was ready.

"Well, little snack. Is your new home to your liking?" Sly half heard, half felt Abbadon ask. The fox's entire body vibrated with the snakes voice, and the pool of acid he was lying in churned slightly around him.

"It feels like it's where I belong. Don't forget about the wine by the way! I've heard it's a nice complement to the taste of fresh meat", he said as he squirmed around as much as he can, his plump body making splashes in the acid which only leads to covering him more in the lovely tingling juices. "I feel like I'm going to love every moment of this", Sly finally adds, moaning as the stomach gurgled in response to the squirming occupant.

"Well from experience little meal of mine, you'll love the first few hours. After that, the acid tends to start stinging more I'm afraid, and by day two most of my meals beg me to snuff them out. The option remains open to you, if you desire. Just let me know, I try to be an accommodating host." Abbadon slithers over to the wine, popping the cork and finding a glass to let it breathe. While he waits, he gulps down some more air. "Mmm, keep up that squirming little Sly. And please let me know when you're going to pleasure yourself. I think I'd like to join you." He took a sip of the wine and smacked his lips happily. His meal hadn't lied, this paired quite well with the aftertaste of fox.

"We'll see about that big guy, I'm sure if I have enough wine by day two it will be barely effect me. But for curiosities sake, how would you snuff me out? Lack of air?" Sly asked and continued to do as instructed, squirming around between periods of break until he felt the wine hit the top of his head. He looked up and opened his maw, trying to take some of the wine for himself as it fell on him.

"I could, if that's what you wanted. Usually, I just tighten my muscles like so..." The stomach suddenly constricted around the fox, tight enough to push the air out of his lungs. He could feel his ribs start to bend under the pressure, and the acids suddenly coated him from head to toe, making his entire body tingle. The pressure tightened slightly, sending panic through the fox, then relaxed, allowing him to gasp for breath. "But tighter. It's much faster, trust me. Just a big squeeze and everything stops." Abbadon gulped down some more air for his gasping meal. "Or I can simply hold that tightness for a couple of minutes, for faster air deprivation. Of course after that I'll crush you all the same, makes you digest faster once your body is broken." He dramk deeply from the wineglass.

Sly inhaled deeply and gulped in the fresh air, letting out a chuckle after he recovered. "Point taken. It's up to you, whether you want a slowly broken down fox that whines for his life or a nice crumpled body to break down in peace and quiet, the decision is all yours."

"Oh, quite the contrary my little snack. The choice is yours. As I said, I try to be an accommodating host, I'll leave it entirely up to you. If you tell me now that you want to digest slowly, I'll even ignore your future cries for me to crush your tiny body and end your suffering. I may turn on some music to tune them out, but I'll put up with your screams until they stop all on their own."

Sly realized he was rock hard at the thought of both options and let out a little moan as he shuddered. "On the topic of something fun, how about we rub one out now?", Sly asked as he bit his bottom lip with anticipation.

"Oh, you find talking about your fate fun?" Abbadon asked coyly. "Well as I said earlier, I intend to join you in pleasure again" The snake coiled up until his slit was near his mouth and started licking gently at it. "Please don't stop squirming though. It feels divine."

Sly obliged happily, humping against the serpents stomach walls as the snakes coils shifted around him, until Abbadon's slit was next to his own mouth. His thin tongue slipped out and lapped at his hidden member, slowly coaxing it back out into the open. It's not difficult with the lovely squirming in his stomach. He slurps messily around the organ as Sly thrusts against his stomach walls. He hears the fox cry out in pleasure and smiles to himself before refocusing on his own pleasure. After just a few minutes he cums, gulping his seed down greedily, suckling on his cock as it spurts into his throat. Only after the last drop oozes from the tip of his cock does he release his member with a satisfied sigh. Sly was greedily drinking the serpents cum as it slid into the belly with him, accidentally drinking some acid as well. It doesn't worry him, considering his upcoming fate. He could imagine it, that crushing feeling, the snakes strong muscles smothering him, breaking him. Or waiting for days as his body slowly dissolved around him, the exquisite agony of digestion. The acids were a pleasant tingling for now, but he knew that they would eat into his fragile body, pulling him apart, making him nothing but nutrient soup to be absorbed by Abbadon's body, giving him the energy he needed to seduce and devour whoever came next. He made a choice.

"I'm holding on to the end sir. I'm sure you'll love my panicked movements, my screams, but ignore them. I want to feel it all." Sly giggled as he moved around and squeezed. "I've always wondered what it would be like to break down slowly, let's consider this my final lesson. Plus, it means more time to pleasure you." Sly continued as he squirms against the tightening walls, flexing every muscle he could to make himself a nice firm meal.

Abbadon smiled to himself and slithered back up onto his couch, curling his body so the lump the fox made in his coils was at the top. He reached down and grabbed his book, resting it gently against the slightly squirming flesh covering his meal. "Just keep squirming then little cutie. Please, let me know if I can do anything for you while you digest." The snake opened the book and started reading, gently rubbing the bulge with the tip of his tail.

"Please Abbadon, you've already done enough. Rest now, and enjoy what's coming, I know I will!" Sly continued to squirm as requested. Abbadon laughed.

"You'll enjoy it for a while dear. But before long your skin will be stripped away. My acids will start to rip into your raw nerves. They'll seep into your lungs and dissolve you from the inside out, if they haven't started already. And you wont die then, not for hours and hours after that. But I do hope you last. Feeling my food stop squirming all on it's own, those final throes as someone dies within me, as they stop being a person and turn into just meat and bone..." the serpent shuddered, knocking his book to the floor. "Its better than sex. Better than that blowjob you gave me. And I get to feel it so infrequently. So please do try to hold out dear. I very much look forward to your natural end."

Sly coughed and nodding his head, as the noxious acid continued covering the fox inside and out. Hours passed, and Sly winced a few times at the sharp sensation of the skin corrosion and his hair falling out, sizzling in the acid as it disappeared caused him to flinch sharply a few times, to jerk away from the pain before he weakly laughed and went back to his usual squirming. He felt unnatural and vulnerable as his fur was singed off, the acid eating away at the poor fox's sheath and member as it's the most exposed flesh to break down It started to sting, to burn, and he whimpered slightly.

Abbadon belched loudly, and the air in his stomach grew thin. "Oh, excuse me" he said, wiping at his mouth with a handkerchief held in the tip of his tail. "Looks like your hair is falling off already. Are my acids stronger than usual today?" He stopped to listen to you for a few moments. "Oh they must be, you're in pain you poor dear. Can you still talk or is your throat starting to dissolve already?" He sucks down some fresh air for you, gently clenching his stomach as he finishes. "I'm going to go to bed soon don't worry I'm certain you'll last the night even at this rate. Don't worry dear I'll be with you at the end. I'll enjoying your final thrashing far too much to sleep anyway." He moans lightly after an especially violent thrash from you.

The fox could barely hear Abbadon anymore, couldn't tell when the snake had fallen asleep, the acid having worked it's way through the flesh of his ears and into eardrums of the fox. Yet he still fought against the process weakly, partly out of his dying wish to pleasure the snake but mainly out of his primal urge to fight for his life, whimpering pathetically while he still has a throat.

Hours later, Abbadon awoke to weak squirming and whining coming from his stomach. The fox had been pulled further into his stomach, the bulge almost invisible in the thickest part of the serpents body. He belched again, then gulped down some fresh air. Sly reacted to the feeling of the burp echoing around him, barely able to recognize that it was one of his favorite sounds. He gulps desperately, taking in the precious air and forcing out the most painful words he's ever said due to the acid coating his throat and mouth. "All....good....cutie." Even on the brink of death the fox still played the jester to hide the pain. He couldn't help but grimace when the words left his mouth, gasping loudly due to the pain and arching his back in the tight space. He curled himself up as much as he could in the tight confines, shuddering at the sudden cold feeling moving through him as he still squirmed and violently thrashed around at the worst moments, letting out muffled cries from within his fleshy tomb.

"That's it dear. Squirm and struggle. Fight for the life you've already lost." The serpent smiled in sadistic pleasure, enjoying the idea of Sly's pain almost as much as the sensations of his struggling. He would end it, if the fox had requested, but he wants him to suffer in his gut. "Shame you seem to be going so quickly. I'd love to have you around for a while, to prolong this feeling. But we're getting to the end now aren't we? Your time with me is almost done, so give it your all for me. Maybe you'll make me cum one more time before you're nothing but a thin layer of pudge added to my coils."

Sly could feel the vibration, but couldn't hear the words. He was barely recognizable as a creature now, he knew. He could tell that his time was coming to an end, the sensation of his tail and skin on his back completely gone. He couldn't tell, but in fact his tail was gone, the thin fleas having been totally submerged from the start of his digestion. He knew that soon he would be just be another layer of pudge as Abbadon had said but even now he wouldn't want to go out any other way.

Abbadon whispered to you as he burned, knowing the fox could no longer hear him but simply not caring. He shifted between almost loving coos of "Shh, she, it'll be over soon" and sadistic enjoyment and encouragement. "Oh come now surely you can squirm harder than that little meal. Struggle for me. Does it not hurt enough?"

Sly couldn't help but to whine and cry as the pain overwhelmed him, making his body incredibly stiff as he thrashed around, a futile instinctive move that only succeeded in making him scream from the pain of moving. His movements began to slow over the next hour or so, screams turning to sobs and violent movements slowly turning to shudders. Before noon, his struggles had stopped completely as the population of Abbadon's stomach returned to zero.

With his final thrashing, the serpent shuddered in bliss, his cock hard at attention. He cums not long after, drinking his seed again and letting it splatter down his throat to coat the still fox inside him. Though it's not really a fox anymore anymore. Nothing of Sly remains, there is just meat and bone melting away in Abbadon's stomach. Soon there wont even be that.

Abbadon stretches again, his spine cracking pleasantly as he does so. He yawns, ready to sleep off his meal now that its stopped struggling. He idly pats the small lump in him and went over to look at the new picture on the wall. Just a few hours ago Sly was so full of life. Now he was just meat. Abbadon smiled at the thought. He was going to have to eat more foxes, he decided. Though hopefully the next one will last a bit longer.