Heated Exchange

Story by katemarquet on SoFurry

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#1 of Anthros

Paying back a debt

And then some

Now with anthros!

After landing in Hong Kong from an eighteen hour flight, long time friends Matt and Steven decided to skip bed and head out into the streets The humidity had both of them dripping with sweat and already feeling tired but adrenaline was flowing and the smells and sounds of a new adventure were all around. They just had to stay out.

Neon lights abound in characters unrecognizable to either man but along with the puddles in the street from an afternoon storm and the busy foot traffic, drew them in. The aesthetic was part of the reason they chose the city for their spring break, whereas most college aged kids were in Mexico or prison in Mexico.

"I need to do some drinking and get some food in me, man," Steven said to Matt, giving his smaller friend a thumb on the back.

"Well I hope you like fish because that smell is pretty heavy in the air," Matt offered as they passed a building with at least ten different restaurants on separate floors, along with a masseuse and dojo.

They went into one on the ground level, ordered some noodles and plenty of drinks. With everything tax free and Steven's dad loaded, they were able to leave the place both full and decently tipsy.

"Where to next?" Matt asked, looking down either street and seeing a million distractions.

Matt was five foot five with short black hair, glasses, a small frame but wide shoulders. He had switched to shorts and a t-shirt in order to survive the humidity that was thick in the air. Dressed the same through nearer to 6' feet in height with a runner's build, brown hair and a short beard, he also had on a hat for his college.

Steven looked around and with a shrug of his shoulders, went right. Matt followed.

They wandered around Kowloon's streets, finding egg waffles for snacks and copious options for drinks as well. It was Matt's quick thinking that stopped Steven from falling into Hong Kong harbor when he was taking a selfie.

It was about then that they decided to get back to their hotel and crash for the evening. Checking their phones for directions, their addled minds had trouble distinguishing left and right and soon they had burned through their phone's battery's and were left on memory alone to get back.

"Does any of this look familiar?" Steven asked, scratching under his cap.

Matt tried to think. "Yeah but kinda, no. Like, I think I remember this but from a different direction?"

Befuddled, they continued their journey. Passing by some stores, they could see the time was nearing 1 AM. Not particularly late but it had been a long day that was now turning into a hot mess. Literally.

While walking down through a market they vaguely recalled, something caught the eye of Steven through the throngs of people. Down a narrow alleyway, among other signs, was one depicting a girl with a tail bending over and slapping herself. Underneath, in green neon and plain English, flashed "Hot, Hot Girls 4 You".

Grabbing Matt's wrist, Steven tugged his friend along down the alleyway.

"Woah, what's up? Let go, man," Matt protested, wrestling his arm free from Steven's slick grasp.

"Sorry," Steven apologized. He took a moment to catch his brief and instead just pointed down the alley.

At first Matt didn't see anything particularly interesting until the sign flashed and girl bent over. Not sure if this is what his friend meant, Matt asked, "What exactly is it?"

"You see the sign?" Steven replied.

"I see a lot of them."

"Yeah but only one in English," Steven specified.

Matt paused but nodded. "And?"

"Let's check it out." Steven was prone, especially when intoxicated, to make rash, often hormone driven, decisions. Matt was typically quite able to reel him in but with his own wheels oiled with numerous shots, there was a curiosity he couldn't deny.

"Okay but if it's lame we bail. I don't wanna get stuck in some weird situation or murdered, right?" he said about as sternly as anyone that would blow a .07 on a BAC could.

There were some people watching them as they went but just as soon as they passed by, they moved on. The smell of fish wasn't as prevalent here either.

When they reached the sign they found another, this one in both Chinese and English, on the door which read: "Madam Mirella's Menagerie and Bordello. All welcome."

Both men felt a tad disarmed by the quaintness of the sign and the iron bound wooden door that lay at the bottom of steps that led down from street level. They moved carefully down the stairs and were about to open the door when it flew open. Two men came out and stopped just short of colliding with Matt and Steven.

"Apologies," the one man, in a thick Chinese accent said while his companion, a sly looking man with two gold teeth, just eyed the two Americans up.

"No problem at all," Matt said, stepping out of the way.

As they passed, the gold tooth man bumped into Steven, nearly knocking him over.

"Hey man! Watch it!" Steven, drunk, blurted out at the man. He did turn to help Steven up.

"Many, many apologies," he said with a glib smile, his crooked remaining teeth showing.

Dusting himself off and suitably staring the man down, Steven was tugged inside by Matt who didn't want to get into a fight within hours of landing.

Thankfully the inside was such a departure from the exterior that both men felt transported to some sumptuous palace of an opulent Medici or Victorian pleasure house. Red velvet walls were also draped in sumptuous violet curtains tied with gold rope and tassels. Even the lighting was care of small chandeliers that hung every few feet. This was paired with a smell like evening in a warm strawberry field made it all the more bewitching.

They walked down the corridor and were steered right and through a shade of beads to a waiting room of sorts. It was empty of people but there were several red brushed leather chairs and couches. There were two minibars, some lamps, some magazines, and on the far wall, a receptionist's window.

Matt and Steven proceeded carefully, neither having visited a similar establishment before and having little idea of what protocol was required. There was one other door to the left of the receptionist's window. It appeared that they were alone until they could hear someone singing to themselves.

A moment later, an odd looking girl wandered into view in the reception desk. When she happened to glance up and see the two visitors, she squeaked from freight for a moment before gathering herself.

"Gentlemen! Sorry I didn't hear you come in. Together or separate?" she asked in a lovely, bubbly voice. The lighting around her wasn't the best so at a distance, they could only see the lithe frame of the girl with her head down in guest book.

"Uhhhh, together," Steven answered strongly, not exactly sure what he was agreeing to.

"Lovely, lovely! Mind coming closer you two? That way we can find the best match for either of you two cuties." The giggle she added at the end was the hook that drew both men in.

As they finally came up to the window, both were immediately taken aback by what they saw.

She was a blonde, five foot five, slim thing with foot long bunny ears on her head. They looked cute but when both men realized she lacked any human ears, and closer inspection of her face revealed a pink nose, whiskers and a rabbit's pronounced teeth. A short white fur covered every inch of would be skin while a black corset and short skirt finished the ensemble they could see.

"And the tail," she added, turning to reveal, just above a plump ass, a white tufted rabbit's tail.

"That's some makeup," Steven said breathlessly, pants starting to tent already.

"Makeup?" the rabbit receptionist questioned. "I'm an all natural bun, hun," she said with lips pursing up for a kiss.

"You serious?" Matt asked, his eyes scanning for some seam or giveaway for a costume but it was really quality work, he thought.

The rabbit woman presented her hand, dainty with some soft, pink pads on her palm. Steven felt it over, almost pulling back at how real it felt.

"Me any other girl here, or boy, would be a similar mix. Are you looking for something in English or Chinese? We have a few that can speak French, Spanish, Italian, and, uh," and she began to sort through papers she had while her teeth chattered.

"Uh, English works I guess?" Matt sputtered, unsure what they were getting themselves into.

Taking a blue sheet from a file which contained a list of names along with species.

"You can either pick one to share or one each. Your choice, boys." Her wink, with the added fluff of her cheeks, caused a flutter in Matt's heart.

Looking down the options, both men were more focused on species more than name. It was Steven who gave his pick first.

"Uhhh, Lion. Kara?" Steven asked carefully.

"Very good choice. She'll treat you wonderfully, I'm sure," the rabbit girl enticed. She then picked up her phone and said some quick words in Chinese. "And as for you?" she asked, her pupils painted a light blue.

Matt cleared his throat and asked, as gracefully as possible, "You wouldn't be available, would you?"

The question appeared to be one she had fielded before and likely more eloquently.

"Sorry, sport. I'm on desk duty but if you need a good parallel," the rabbit said, moving her finger down the names until stopping at the last one. "Sylvia, house mouse."

Unable to think of a reason why not, Matt nodded blankly, noticing the rabbit's bust now. While furry, it lost none of it's eye-grabbing appeal. The only thing that broke that was her putting the phone down. A second later the door near the window opened and a cervine woman with trotters, doe's ear's and nose in a slim fit costume waved for the two men to follow.

"Dude, how will we pay for this?" Matt whispered to his friend as they entered the perfumed hallway. The door closed on its own power.

"Dude, it'll be like $200. Don't worry, I got it," Steven, not wanting to ruin the moment, whispered back.

They went up a narrow staircase that led up two floors and then to a hallway in either direction with numerous doors.

"We're full on singles currently but as you two are having separate girls, you can try our double deluxe suite if you wish. Two king sized beds for either," she winked while already leading them to the white and gold gilded door.

"Sounds good, yeah," Steven agreed, not wanting to accidentally bump into Matt or his junk while trying out the queen of jungle. He just hoped the makeup on her was as good as the rabbit and the doe leading them around.

"Wonderful," the doe said with a clap. She opened the door and stepped in, removing a clipboard from the inside wall to fill out while the two men drank in the rather ostentatious decor of the room. The beds were massive, with plush comforters and sheets under the canopy of white curtains. The lush carpet, gold fixtures, dressers, mirrors, and two mini-bars made for an alluring coziness.

"I'll take left," Steven said, jumping into the bed and nearly bouncing himself off.

Matt walked more carefully to the right, only then noticing a single door in the back of the room that lacked any nob on this side.

"The girls will be in a moment. Feel free to relax and get to know the room, gentlemen. We don't bill hourly so no rush." With that, the doe excused herself with a shallow bow.

Either man looked at the other from across the room, sharing a mixture of excitement, arousal, and anxiety.

"Man, I hope this works out," Matt expressed while looking through the bed's nightstand.

Steven, meanwhile, was pouring two drinks at the mini-bar and was just about to present Matt with his own glass when they heard voices approaching in the hall.

"Here man. Some extra courage," Steven said, shoving the drink into his friend's hands. They toasted and threw back their heads to down the drink in one go, just as the door opened.

Her fur was tanned but lightly so it neared blonde and if the tail or whiskers weren't giveaway enough, the somewhat rounded ears sticking from her blonde hair meant this was Steven's lioness. She had an ample chest and frame with just enough curve to lead the eyes right into her own; a dusty brown.

Her tail curled up from behind, allowing her to rub it while approaching Steven. She was wearing little more than see-thru black lace bra and underwear so her pimp nipples hard to ignore.

"Hello, love," she said in a husky but still mostly feminine voice.

While his friend was being beset, Matt watched the second girl, about six inches shorter than the lioness, sneak in. With pronounced ears sticking out from her brunette curls, the mouse was no less enticing as her figure checked many of the same boxes the lioness did. Curvy, though with gray and white hair and a bigger bust to stomach ratio, with a longer, ropy tail that she kept elevated just above the ground. Wearing a black and green corset with matching thigh-highs and lingerie, Matt was melting before she even opened her mouth.

"Well aren't you adorable," surprisingly came out the mouse girl's mouth before Matt could manage a compliment.

He smiled. "Took the words out of my mouth."

She feigned a blush and got closer. "My name is Sylvia," the mouse girl introduced, getting to get knees in front of the bed where Matt was sitting. Those nimble fingers of hers were on his shorts quickly, tugging them down. "And what will be your name tonight?"

"Matt works," he replied as confidently as he could. When she went for his underwear and had them them off, her smile at the sight of his hard four inches relieved a lot of his work. Taking it in hand, she licked from back to tip, her ears wiggling at the end with delight.

Matt moaned and looked to Steven who had the lioness Kara on top of him, muzzle to mouth, licking and kissing at the other.

Both men were naked within ten minutes and their respective beast girls riding their cocks. Matt never knew that Steven was packing seven inches in his pants but the girl Kara loved, or acted like she did, it. Feeling the mouse's tail wrap around his leg while rubbing her ears, Sylvia stroked Matt's first load out with a laugh, promising him with a kiss that things weren't over yet.

Three hours passed with the girl's fur getting progressively more sticky, the noises louder, the smell more zoo-like, and the two men to feel utterly spent. When here was a knock at the door, neither had the energy to lift their head, let alone see to it. Kara, however, was up and there as if waiting for it.

The doe came in and handed either girl a sheet of paper to fill out while seeing to the two drained souls.

"So did you two gentlemen enjoy yourselves?" she asked kindly.

"Fuck yes," Steven declared with a tired pump of his fist in the air.

She then looked to Matt who nodded and said, "The best, I mean, just great. She's, like, wow," was how he left it, cheeks blushing.

Neither girl bothered to turn around to say goodbye as they handed off their papers before leaving, talking about taking showers already.

Both men lay naked, exhausted, as the doe tapped numbers into a calculator and hummed a tune. After a couple of minutes, she smiled and walked into the space between the two beds.

"So for either girl, each orgasm, the deluxe room, and incidentals the total for the evenings pleasures is eleven thousand, twenty. Since it's your first time, I'll even that out at eleven for you. Save that twenty," she winked.

The color drained from either man's face so by the time they looked at the other, it was like looking in a pallid mirror.

"Th-that much?" Matt stuttered.

"Most definitely. Did the math twice to be sure. Cash or credit works. No checks," she added. Her ears flicked involuntarily while she waited for the men to pay.

Realizing they were on the clock, both got to the end, pulled up their shorts, and moved to the back of the room to confer.

"Just a minute," Steven stalled while pulling Matt close. "Dude, I might be able to float that on my dad's card but he is going to murder me. Murder. Me," reiterated.

"What else can we do?" Matt asked him. He looked on the verge of a breakdown already.

Steven sighed and just figured he'd have to jump the hurdle with his dad later.

"Just a sec," Steven said as he dug a hand into his pocket. After turning up nothing, he tried to the other and then the back ones. Returning to his clothes, Steven tore through them with a growing frenzy until he was searching under the bed and on the nightstand.

"Is everything alright, sir?" the woman asked, hoof tapping with growing impatience.

At first he thought to blame the lioness but Steven doesn't even recall feeling his wallet then. It's then he remembers bumping into the man when entering the bordello and how close he had gotten.

"Shit," Steven cursed. "I think I might have been robbed."

Rather than compassion, the doe's expression turned to annoyance.

"Are you telling me you can't pay?" The irritation in her voice was grating.

"There was this guy who we bumped into, just when we came in. He must have taken it I swear. I can pay, totally. I just need-" but she held up her hand to stop him.

"It's fine. It's perfectly fine," the doe reassured, though her brow was still furrowed. "We do have other repayment plan options."

The tone of her voice didn't calm any nerves. Pulling out a phone, she mumbled some words into it and finished with a wide grin.

Steven began to speak up again, "I can still get the money I just-"

"This isn't the first time this has happened. The debt will get squared away before you leave, don't worry." The doe added a wicked grin that had both men gulping loudly.

They all waited in silence for a few minutes, the tension on the boy's side rising by the second. Matt was envisioning having his arms and legs broken while Steven assumed they were just dead. When they heard heavy footfalls in the hallway getting closer, both men's knees started to shake.

When the door behind them opened first, it was a shock, but nothing compared to who walked in.

Nearly as tall as Matt, with crisp white and rusty brown fur, was a fox man standing with a toothy grin on his snout. His ears were perked up and lower still, above a pair of a furry testicles, a red cocked was starting to emerge. His eyes were on Matt mostly, causing the man to back towards the wall in desperation. There was a tail wagging behind him as well.

The footsteps they had heard hadn't stopped. Instead, the main door opened and, after ducking its head, there entered a massive stallion man, with a long horse's snout, gray dappled hair and a pair of leathery black balls hanging nearer to his knees than his waist. He was built solidly, with muscles flexing as he moved and a long smile showing on his face.

His eyes were blue lagoons, fixed on Steven.

Next came a woman, human and half-Chinese, half-Canadian, who immediately began to size up either lad.

"I see potential, yeah. Give'em the shot and put'em on the roll," she said before exiting.

"Wait, please!" Steven shouted.

Each man was restrained by a bestial counterpart as the doe administered a shot at the base of their spines.

"Okay, boys, break'em," declared the doe as she took her exit and closed the doors.

Steven was spun around and pushed face forward onto to the bed while Matt was charged by the fox. Forced onto the bed on his back, Matt was unable to react when his cock was suddenly in the padded hand of the fox.

"Let's empty to you out," he said is a raspy and devious voice. He began to stroke at Matt, causing his toes to curl and shame to blush his face as he got closer to release.

Steven wasn't handled with as much care, as the stallion pulled back the man's arms and licked his thick fingers before rubbing them hard into Steven's taint. Moaning, Steven bit his lower lip while feeling himself go hard and cum into the sheets. His testicles were sore, and odder still, his taint was feeling uncomfortably empty.

"I bet you ain't wondering what's happening," the stallion, with a thundering voice, said down to the meek, sweaty framed man he commanded.

In truth, Steven's mind was more awash with sensations and feelings than anything concrete. Aside from the soreness that radiated from his balls and the numbness in his member, there were seemingly worms or worse in the lowest parts of his gut. This was soon met with a tightness of the skin of his ass and hips as both parts felt swollen and tender.

"I feel so, so," but Steven again felt the stallion rubbing his thick fingers against his taint and let out a loud, hot moan. Matt couldn't believe it, even as he saw it happening.

His friend's ass was beginning to taking on a feminine curve while at the base of his spine, something like a tail was starting to push out. All the while, Steven's face was more akin to a panting equine than struggling human victim. Encouraged, the stallion used his massive hands to massage the gathering flesh, fat, muscle, and, gradually growing fur.

That entire time, Matt had been milked of his cum, just like his friend, only the fox did the work himself. At one point, trying to pull away, Matt was caught around the neck and the fox's red cock shoved into his ass. As he cried out, crunching noises in his face culminated in it pushing out with his nose getting blacker, and wetter.

"You're not going anywhere. Neither of you are," Matt's fox capture said aloud.

"Please, I don't, ugh, it feels so hot!" Matt whined.

Steven was unable to speak a word as his tongue began to grow before the rest of his snout. Meanwhile, visible to Matt as he tried to look away from his own situation, Steven's cock was sticking out straight behind him now, just under a horse's tail that was growing in pulses. Once turned sideways, Stevens cock shriveled until Matt could see nothing but the enlarged hips of his friend.

Further down the legs and near the knees, taking on a tanned fur coloring, but lower still looked more equine as Steven's toes were merged almost entirely to a hoof on either foot. Whether unaware or indifferent, Steven was busy trying to wrap his mind around the feeling between his legs, or rather, the strange lack of.

When something massive flopped on his back, Steven shuddered.

Matt could see the stallion had dropped his massive member on the changing man as a way to gauge things. The girth and length made Matt worried for his friend's life, but only as much as one could while taking fox cock. He only pulled out when Matt's cock was left a pitiful nub and his testicles were emasculated.

The fox was quick to point this out, adding, "Have you even noticed your ears? The fur on your neck? The tail you're growing? Or how about this slit," and Matt was now the one moaning desperately. It took only one finger in the tight and newly formed hole for the former male to be left a shaking mess.

None of the changes that the fox had described to Matt had registered until that moment. Feeling his ears being tugged higher on his head while his tailbone ached. When legs or thighs would occasionally rub, a layer of fur was getting thicker and thicker with every passing moment could be felt.

"I wanna be a girl!" Matt protested in a steamy and somewhat sultry feminine voice. He couldn't even believe that had come out of his mouth.

Steven was now getting bigger, spine lengthening along with his torso, and his brown hair was starting to sprout longer blonde hairs that ran down a slightly longer neck, making a partial mane to compliment what was already happening.

From the waist down, either man was more closely related to an animal, with fur, hooves and paws, and tails-Matt's just starting to plume- aplenty. They were also female below as well, with equipment that was partially human and almost bestial; Steven's cunt, for example, had a dark leather look up through the asshole and tail.

"As you two can't pay, you'll stay. For how long depends on how much you commit to your role and just how popular you are. For the next few years at least," tittered the doe, "you'll be here, working like the whores you are."

Both victims reacted, with Matt clenching his teeth in shame as a canine muzzle forces itself forward out of his face. Meanwhile Steven, still bent over the bed, is feeling his chest get lifted by an inflating pair of breasts. He can feel his nipples hard against the bed sheets and he dug in thick fingers into the bed before moaning something into the comforter.

"What was that?" the Doe asked the stallion who reached down and lifted Steven up by his new mane. Matt could hardly believe the size of Steven's breasts as they were well in the range of the doe's or the mouse he had. This also when Matt noticed the tenderness of his own chest.

"D-d-don't make me say it," Steven, shaking, with a raspy but sweet tone, said. The stallion moved swiftly, a hand coming up under Steven's thinned midsection to squeeze one of his new breasts. "Fuck meEEEEEIGH!" Steven whinnied loudly as his snout started to grow in a series of progressively loudly pops.

Matt looked away and down, not wanting to see his once proud friend give in like that. His frame had become thinner in some places while an overall hourglass figure matched the curves now coming to his chest. He watched as, with every heated breath, there was more and more bounce to his nipples. This came with a stinging pain at the tip of his cock and led to him only noticing how long and curly his hair had gotten until the fox had a good handful of it.

Just like Steven, Matt's cock had inverted and disappeared into the folds of a puffed cunt.

Head jerked back, Matt had to quickly slide back to avoid pain. When he did so, his swollen vixen sex was impaled on the waiting red member of the fox. Matt let out a yip followed by grunts that progressively turned into girly squeaks.

This was also when, finally satisfied with Steven's growth, the stallion grabbed the hips of the once star swimmer and man about campus and lined himself up.

"Oh, OH!" Steven yelped, the sheer thickness of the horse's cock almost too much. This didn't stop the stallion from forcing in, with a wet noise accompanying the fevered penetration.

Matt, a solid wing man at one point, was now watching the last few whiskers sprout as a knot forms inside of her. Matt can't believe this is about to happen but as the fox cums, so does Matt.

On the other side of the room, the two are engaged in a far more violent struggle as the bed frame sounds ready to give way from the weight.

"Fuck me! Finish in me! Ruin me!" yelled the husky female voice that Steve now had. The stallion obliged, going as deep as possible and keeping the pace.

They were still going at it by the time the knot had shrunken enough for the fox to separate and kiss Matt's forehead.

"You'll be a great little addition," he said, giving Matt's cheek a slap.

"Oh most definitely," the doe agreed, having watched the coupling.

The musk and noise of the two horses going at it was getting to the point of climax. When it happened, the stallion bucked hard and as was guessed, the bed's legs snapped and the frame collapsed. Steven landed on thicker hands so was able to still stand while taking that first load and completing the transformation.

Both were now female and had cunts dripping to prove it.

The two remaining men in the room left together out the back door, bragging about their latest conquests. Meanwhile, Matt and Steven were read their last rites as men.

"You'll remain as females, and as your designated species, for as long as required to pay your debt. We'll keep track so no need to ask but it will be some time, years, before that happens." The doe spoke with the confidence that scared Matt. Looking down, he felt shame as the fox's seed leaked out of her. "So get ready for your new lives. Oh, and you're Stella and Mandy now. Stella, we have a man who wants a mare coming in soon."

Matt couldn't believe what was happening and even tugging at her furry, slim arm didn't hit home the fact that he wasn't who he used to be.

"He won't be as big," Stella said with a frown but still standing and walking to the doe.

"No, but he pays well. Just let your inner slut out," she said, loud enough for Matt to hear.

Now Stella, she obliged with a nod and saw herself out and was helped by the lioness who had earlier been a man for.

"It's easier to just accept it, Mandy," the doe said to the shivering vixen. "It'll feel better and in the end, this is probably for the best." She approached and knelt down on the bed. "Also, if you don't get up and get to your dorm now, I'm going to have twenty men run a train on you so you learn what it's like to be fucked."

Hopping off the bed, the vixen went to the door and there found the mouse girl from before.

"Aww, you turned out cute," she said to Mandy, giving the vixen's head a pet. "Follow me to your new home for life."