New bitch in the pack- Chapter 2

Story by FurryGunns on SoFurry

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#2 of New Bitch in the Pack

Waking up still female, Sammie gets a visitor at her home, an unfamiliar face with a familiar smell and voice.

Sammie couldn't believe what she was looking at in the mirror, it all felt like some bizarre dream to her, getting attacked by werewolves in the woods and being made into one of their pack. More than that, she was made their bitch, and even though the moon was gone, the changes to her gender remained the same.

She was still human, mostly, some of her features remaining the same. The color of her skin and eyes, her hair was still somewhat curly and long, but it reached well past her shoulders now. Yet there were undeniable changes to her body that had made her already slender frame more feminine. Wide hips, more pronounced and shapely ass cheeks, and, of course, breasts, at least D cups, if the bra she had was any indication.

However, not all was as expected. Four extra rows of nipples lined her stomach, starting beneath the first pair of breasts. Between her legs was also nothing resembling a woman's folds, but something more bestial - puffy, triangular bitch lips. Worse still, they felt so sensitive and needy, pulsing, red and wet. It was like she was in heat, eager for her pack to arrive and take her again like they had last night.

But those could be hidden, it was the rest of her body that was more challenging. Sammie couldn't go to work like this, they expected Samuel, not this woman, and no one would believe her. Even if they did, did she want them to? She didn't want to become some experiment to be probed and dissected.

Her self-examination was cut short, however, her new, sharper senses catching something approaching her apartment door. She stood still, head tilted towards the door, hearing the foot falls of boots on the ground. She questioned if it was a coincidence, only to hear the feet stop at the door, the shifting of clothes soon followed by a knock. She quickly put on a robe, which would cover most of her body, clearing her throat, trying to get some roughness in it.

Walking up to look through the peephole, she furrowed her brow and stepped back, unfamiliar with the face. Yet... something caught her attention, a smell, faint but clear. She knew it, from the night before. She wasn't sure how any of them found her, but she decided she needed answers.

"Come on Sammie, open up, I know you're there, and I know you know it's your alpha. I can hear you on the otherside of the door, and I can smell your dripping cun-" the voice said.

Sammie swiftly opening the door and tugging him inside before he could finish the word. Jasper stumbled through, offering no resistance, a coy smirk spread on his lips and a bag in his hand. He wasn't entirely what she expected. He had a body like a lumberjack, but he wore an impeccably tailored dark gray suit. His hair well kept and face cleanly shaven, as though he'd just come from a barber. And damn handsome too, broad jaw, cleft chin, tanned skin. In short, he looked less werewolf, and more.. Bruce Wayne.

"You happy to see your alpha, bitch?" he asked with a coy smirk.

Truth was, she was, but she wasn't about to admit it. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?" she said, deflecting his question.

He looked around, taking a seat on her couch, leaning back as though it were his own, legs spread wide. "I'm here to check up on my pack's newest member, and as for how I found you..." He lifted a hand tapping a single finger to his nose. "As sharp as a bloodhound's. I know your scent better than you know the back of your hand." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wallet, tossing it on the floor. "That doesn't hurt either. I got the rest of the stuff from your backpack too if you want it."

Sammie held her robe closed and walked over, carefully bending at the knees to pick it up, giving the contents a quick check before tossing it on the table. "Great, you've checked on me. I'm alive and well, now can you leave?"

Jasper's expression went from coy to dead serious, arms crossing over his, rather broad, chest. "That's no way to talk to your alpha bitch. Moon might not be full, but that doesn't mean I can't put you in your place," he said, a growl starting to develop in his throat. She noticed the thick hair on his arms growing thicker, new pinpricks of hair starting to grow, upper lip lifting as his omnivorous teeth began to grow into sharp canines. "Do I need to remind you were you belong?"

Her eyes looked to the window, the sun still high in the sky, back at him as his already large frame began to grow heavier and larger, clothes straining at the seams. She lowered her head and shook it. "No sir, I'm just... this is all very hard to get used to."

He sighed, relaxing back on the couch, spreading his arms wide along the back, the transformation receding back to his more human shape. "Understandable, but you have to realize there's a hierarchy now. I'm at the top, the rest of the pack is beneath me, and you? You're at the bottom. I don't want any lip from you unless it's both of them on my cock, am I understood?"

Sammie should have been upset by his words, but his tone, his very presence was so domineering it sent shivers through her body. She nodded and cross her arms underneath her breasts, wrapping the robe tighter around her. "Yes sir, I understand."

Jasper smiled and nodded. "Good girl. Now, I'm guessing you're having a bit of a crisis now, aren't you?" He drew an arm from the back of the couch, gently patting his lap with his hand. "Come here, sit down on your alpha's lap and talk to me. You're our pack's only bitch, but we've all been through changes of our own, and I'm here to help you with them."

Sammie swallowed and walked over to the couch, eyeing his lap for a moment, vividly remembering the previous night's events. Goosebumps formed over her body, her thighs squeezing together and rubbing against one another before she sat down. "Are you sure you can help? Unless you know how to change me back into a man I'm not sure there's a whole lot you can do to help me with this crisis."

He raised a brow and drew an arm around her shoulders to draw her closer to him. "I don't know if there's a way to change you back, but do you really want to?" he asked, fingers delicately sliding the hair off her shoulder, followed shortly by the shoulder of her robe being pulled down. "You're part of something bigger than just yourself now, and there's no changing that, not any longer. You're a werewolf, from now until you die, but I can help you control it."

His touch was electric, her body feeling more heated as he exposed her body, breasts heaving before him as his hands explored her body. She didn't want him to stop, but she should have, she just felt like putty in his hands, each touch over her olive skin making her stomach tingle and folds feel wet. Inch by inch, he took off her robe, leaving her bare as she sat in his lap, hands roaming over her delicate curves and squeezing at her smooth, tender flesh. "Fuck... w-why can't I resist you?" she sputtered breathlessly, back arching her breasts into his hands.

"Because you're mine, and you love being my bitch," he whispered into her ear, drawing her over his lap so she was straddling him. His head turned and lips came to her neck, teeth growing sharp once more to tease at her skin. "I can still smell myself on you. You haven't showered, you like feeling like property, don't you?"

She slowly shook her head, jaw clenching as she tried resisting the animal urges welling up inside of her. "N-no, ah, I just... oh... fuck." She gripped at his shoulder, feeling animalistic desire spreading out through her body, nails growing into claws, fur sprouting from pores on her skin. She whined softly as her bones stretched and shifted, reforming into something more wild, feral. "H-how am I changing? I-I can't stop it."

"Don't, resisting will only make you lose control. Just breathe, slowly, in and out. Picture your body in your mind," he said, pulling the robe off of her body and discarding it on the other side of the couch.

She whimpered, teeth clenched tight as her muzzle grew before her, vertebrae popping as they elongated and stretched. "I... I can't. I-I don't know this new body. Aah, s-stop it. Please, help... m-" She growled out, claws starting to dig into his suit jacket.

Jasper growled, his hand going for her ass to grab her tail and give it a yank. "Stop, now," he commanded her in a deep voice, lupine teeth bore at her. "Picture yourself, however you want, in your head. Male, female it doesn't matter. Relax, let the transformation come if it does, but don't be afraid of the wolf. It's part of you now. It wants to be heard, listen to it. You can't fight it or beat it, only accept it and learn to live with it."

She whined, hips shifting as his tug of the tail ached the base of her spine. She tried remembering her old self, pictures of her body, but the more her body changed the more distant they seemed. She thought about her image in the mirror this morning, the person she saw, but even that felt hazy, her mind still struggling to accept that body as her own. So she relaxed, clench on Jasper's shoulder easing body continuing it's transformation as she leaned against him.

"Good girl. You're going to need to control that when you're not alone, but it's your second day. This is better than most pups do," he said, scratching behind her ear with one hand and petting down her spine with the other. Her tail wagged and she nuzzled into his cheek. He chuckled, even his tall stature eclipsed by her growing figure. "You're just a submissive little bitch, aren't you? Good, keep it up and we'll take good care of you. We already have a new job lined up for you, a new identity, even a new apartment near the pack. You'll have to make sacrifices, but we'll help it be an easy transmission, okay?"

Sammie nodded, distracted by his scent, tongue licking gently at his neck. She could still smell the wolf on him, the feral wolf bleeding through his prim, well kept image. She could even smell it through the cologne, a clear reminder of the night's events before as he took her like the bitch she is. It made the animal inside her hunger for more. She remembered the words Jasper just said about listening to the animal, giving into it, continuing to press herself against his body in her hungering lust.

"You want more, don't you?" Jasper asked, moving down from her ear to the scruff of her neck. He gripped it and pulled her head back, letting her yip in surprise. "Hungry bitch wants to fuck her alpha again, doesn't she? Well, not yet. Tonight. You're going to meet the rest of the pack out of fur, then you'll get all the cock you could want." He let go of her scruff and leaned back. "Now, calm yourself, I need you as a human before I take you out for the day."

Her head tilted to one side, ears flat against her head, as if she'd just been punished, but she gave a short nod. She lowered her head then looked back up, head canting to the other side. "H-how?"

Jasper let out a faint sigh and sat up straight, resting his hands on her hips. "Clear your mind of thought as best you can, give the wolf nothing to work with. Don't try to push it back, it'll just resist and grow stronger. You need clarity, calmness, with nothing to do the wolf will be bored and... there we go, that's a good girl," he said, the commanding tone of his words helping to give her a sense of calm.

She began to shrink, fur receding, muzzle returning to a more human mouth and nose, tail retreating back to the base of her skull. The wild nature of her body was gone, save for the extra set of nipples and the bitch's spade between her legs. Sammie looked down, and frowned, feeling the puffy folds press up against her tighs and touching at her extra teats. "Why don't those go away?" she asked in despair.

Jasper gave a shrug and pet his hands over her hips. "It's a quirk, certain parts of our bodies remain wolfed out. Mostly genitals, occasionally teeth, almost always our senses." He leaned back again, eyeing her naked body, hands roaming over her ass. "Besides, I think it's sexy on you."

Her face grew flush at the praise and she lowered her head. "T-thank you..." She found herself looking at his crotch, a question popping up in her head if his cock was as it was the other night, before shaking the thought from her head and looking back up. "We... we have somewhere to be, don't we?"

Jasper grinned wide, prying apart her ass cheeks, hands massaging each fleshy cushion, goose bumps rising all over her body. He leaned in and brought his lips to her neck, head turning away to expose her skin before he pulled back and let go of her ass. He leaned over the side of the couch and pulled a bag up, laying it in her lap. "We do, put this on, no questions and no playing around."

Sammie was startled by the sudden shift in tone, taking a few long moments for her mind to start processing words again after the sensuous touching over her bare body. She swallowed and straightened her posture, taking the bag and standing up from his lap. She could smell her own arousal, making her keenly aware that Jasper could smell it too. "I'll be back as quick as I can," she said after a moment to clear her mind.

He nodded his head and added, "Don't worry about underwear, you won't need them."

The flushness of blood spread over her face and she gave a shaky nod before retreating to her bedroom. She found a red, split leg, cocktail dress inside the bag alongside a pair of black stiletto heels. The dress itself was so thin that it still showed her naked body underneath it, yet the heels she found surprisingly easy to walk in; something she guessed was due to her new lupine senses. It was embarrassing to wear, but she couldn't think of disappointing Jasper for reasons beyond her explanation, and she did have to admit she looked unbelievably sexy in the tight dress.

As she came out of the bedroom his eyes lit up and he immediately stood up straight. "Holy fuck, you look amazing," he said in surprise. His head gave a nod towards her door. "Well, come on. We got a car waiting downstairs and the rest of the pack is probably waiting for us right now."

She nodded and walked towards the door, his arm wrapping around her back, much to her surprise and delight. Hand resting on her hip, he led her to the elevator and down to the car. Waiting for them was a black SUV, the rear windows so heavily tinted that she couldn't see inside, a man sitting in the driving seat with the engine idling. Jasper drew his hand free from her body and opened a car door for her, sliding in close next to her.

"Okay Eric, let's go," he said to the driver, draping his arm around her back, over her shoulder. He paused a moment as the car began to move and added. "Oh, yeah, by the way, Eric, you remember our new pack member, Sammie. Sammie, this is Eric, our pack's second newest member."

Sammie's face grew flush again, looking him in the eye through the rear view mirror, a wide grin on his lips. "Nice to see you again Sammie, hope you're not sore after last night," Eric said.

She broke eye contact and sheepishly shook her head, leaning towards Jasper to hide herself from her packmate's gaze. He simply chuckled and drew his arm around her, pulling her body close enough that their sides were touching. "So, I take it you're not excited to see the rest of our pack out of wolf mode."

Sammie glanced at him, then back at Eric, and shook her head. "Just not used to... this. They all saw me get..." She paused and swallowed down, tearing her gaze from Eric's face in the rear view mirror. "Fucked."

Jasper snorted out a chuckle and drew his hand down to her side. "It wouldn't be the first time we watched someone in the pack get fucked, and it sure as shit won't be the last, though you're probably the only one getting fucked going forward." His hand came to her ass, giving it a squeeze, her heart fluttering and folds clenching. "Though judging from the sound of your heart the thought of that excites you."

She bit her lower lip then muttered quietly, "It's not me, it's the wolf."

Jasper and Eric both laughed at that. "No, it's not, it's you, and everyone knows it," Jasper said, leaning in to kiss at her neck. He drew another hand down between her legs, sliding a digit up against her wet and swollen folds. She gasped, and spread her legs, hips shifting to push towards the finger. "But that's okay, we're going to take good care of those urges, keep you well sated. In fact, if you can be a good girl and control the wolf, I'll give you what you want during the car ride."

Sammie couldn't help herself, looking swiftly at Jasper, biting her lower lip hard enough to draw blood. She licked at her lip, cleaning up the blood as she considered. She could feel the wolf clawing at the back of her mind, begging for it, wanting to go wild and ride him like a cock hungry slut. His finger probed deeper into her folds, making her take a sharp breath, head nodding up and down.

"Good girl," he whispered to her, pulling his finger back and leaning back in his seat. She could see the crotch of his pants already tenting, eyes focused on his groin, seeing the red spire of his lupine dick emerging, just as large as it was when he was a wolf, yet more intimidating on their smaller frames. "Hop on, while you have the time."

She gave a sideways glance at Eric, a quiet whimper rising from her throat, but the temptation was making her skin feel warm and itchy. She knew she had to give in a little to avoid losing control to the wolf completely. She pulled the dress aside and pivoted, straddling over his lap once again. She hesitated, for the first time having the option to say no, but wanting so badly to take the initiative and ride him.

Sammie lined up the tip of his cock with her folds, the length large enough that, sitting on his lap, the tip nearly fit between her breasts. She wasn't sure it was possible to take it, yet she had to, pressing down slowly onto his cock. His hands came to rest on her hips, helping support her, but a sudden bump in the road made her lose her balance. She suddenly sank down, gasping loudly as the entire shaft slid into her with one swift motion. Her entire body shuddered, belly distending with the girth as the head pressed up firmly against the opening of her womb.

"Ah, that was... unlucky, wasn't it?" Jasper said, glaring at Eric as her held her close. His head turned and he gave her cheek a gentle kiss. "I'm sorry about that, are you okay?"

She groaned softly, hips rocking forwards as she grew accustomed to his length hilted deep inside her. She gave a weak head nod, shifting on his lap. "Yeah, just..." She winced and hissed through bore teeth. "a little tender is all. Ah... I'm good though."

He nodded and gripped at her hips. "Good. Our bodies are a little more sturdy than most, but that doesn't mean shit doesn't hurt."

She nodded and reached up, grabbing at his shoulders as she began to pull herself up and press back down. "Definitely hurt, but... ah, I'll be fine. Besides... hmm, I'm feeling much better now," she murmured, leaning into rest her head on his broad chest as she grew more eager in her movements, starting to ride his cock.

Jasper's fingers gripped at her hips tightly, eyes closing as he rumbled softly from the massaging clench of her silken walls. "God, you're eager. I fucking love it," he said with a bit of a growl.

She grew flush again, but didn't stop her motions. She pressed her brow more firmly against his shoulder as her breathing grew heavier, her hips rock and swayed, ass slowly rising and falling. Her pace grew faster, eager to get off, the wolf in the back of her mind eager to get filled again as the tip of his cock pounded against her tender, fertile cervix. Subdued moans rose from her throat, her sudden, swift motions downwards making the soft curves of her ass and breasts jiggle as her snug passage squeezed over his girth.

She started to pant, hands moving to his back, drawing their bodies close together as she bounced harder on his cock. Each drive down made his cock pierce deep into her walls, the tip forcing itself against the opening of her womb. Every time she felt his length sink in towards her uterus, she shuddered and gasped, the sensation a mixture of dull pain and pleasure. There was something oddly addictive about it that made her hunger to feel him deeper in her. She grew louder with each moan, more passionate as she bounced up and down on his cock.

"We're here," Eric said, looking back at them in the rear view mirror.

Jasper growled as Sammie drove herself down again, holding her hips firmly to her lap. "Fuck... alright, time to stop," he said, struggling to speak through her milking grip, knot threatening to tie her to him.

Sweat wetting her brow, Sammie bit her lower lip, rocking her hips into his groin. "But I'm... so close. Please, just a few-" she begged.

His brow furrowed and he growled again, louder, deeper. "Don't you dare second guess me bitch, or you'll be strung up tonight and left out in the backyard like a common animal you're acting like. Do you want that?"

She closed her eyes, still biting her lip, shaking her head. "N-no sir."

"Then, get, off, my, cock," he said in slow, clear terms.

She nodded and gripped at his shoulders once more, slowly pushing herself up and off of his member, wetness clinging to each inch of his length as it withdrew itself from her cleft. She whined quietly, teeth grinding together as her feminine lupine walls were left empty and wanting, even more swollen and achy than before.

Eric came around and opened the door, Jasper stepping out as Sammie fixed her dress. Disheveled, and sweating, she felt like the wolf was more ready than ever to be freed, but she held it under control, the knowledge that she probably didn't have long before they'd both get what she was aching for keeping the beast subdued.

So distracted with her desire, she barely realized they were in front of a modern, three-story tall apartment building. It looked relatively new, and modestly upscale. "Welcome to your new home. We'll have people over at your apartment to pack things up and bring them over here, but you shouldn't have to worry about it," Jasper said, leading her to the elevator. "We'll put you up on my floor, your room won't be as big as mine but-"

Sammie blinked repeatedly then shook her head, trying to clear the wolf's urges from her mind. "Wait, wait a second. Moving, here? I don't want to move, I like my apartment," she said in protest as Eric pressed the button for the top floor."

Jasper raised a brow and looked over to her. "Everyone in the pack lives here, and you're not going to be any exception. No one in your building is going to recognize you, just like no one at your work would recognize you. You'll live here, with us, and work with me as my secretary, this is non-negotiable."

She frowned, but nodded, understanding that he had a good point. She'd already gotten some suspicious stares going into her building, and she was trying to figure out how she was going to get to work looking as she did. She had her questions about being his secretary, after all, she had no experience in it, but she suspected it was just an excuse to keep her close as much as possible, something she didn't object to as much as she felt she should.

They arrived on the top floor, finding two rooms there. One modest looking apartment door, while the other seemed more important, with two wide doors leading into it. Eric opened one and then the other, allowing the two of them to pass through before he passed through himself and closed the doors behind them. "Sammie, the pack, pack, Sammie," Jasper said, offering a brief introduction, the remaining members of the pack similarly dressed to Jasper. "You know Eric, this is Ryan, Duke, Jason, Christopher, and my beta Bryce."

Sammie hesitated a moment before raising a hand and waving at them haltingly. While none were quite as built as Jasper was, they were all quite impressive in stature and build, and taller than Sammie's petite frame. She once again became acutely aware of how exposed she was, and yet it only made her heart race faster in a strange, unfamiliar excitement, particularly in the knowledge that all of them were eager, and perhaps even going to be fucking her tonight.

"Well, names exchanged, let's get to lunch," Jasper said, drawing her close to him. Goosebumps formed over her body, his touch making her legs weak, body hyper sensitive after getting so close to cumming in the car.

The apartment, which she surmised was Jasper's own, was surprisingly large, decorated in such a way that it was acutely clear it was something of a bachelor pad. In a way, it reminded Sammie of her own apartment, though hers was more sparsely decorated.

They were sat at a long table, her position next to Jasper across from his beta, Bryce, a man who had fucked her mouth the day prior. The lunch they had was primarily carnivorous in nature, steaks, chicken, pork, even lamb, bloody as can safely be. She hadn't felt particularly hungry, but upon seeing and smelling the range of meats before her, she found herself ravenous. She began to tear into the food, first with a knife and fork, then just the fork, teeth shifting to tear chunks of meat out of each piece with hungry fervor, her pack mates attacking their own meals as hungrily.

Sammie felt disgusting after finishing their 'lunch', but her stomach was satisfied in a way she'd never felt fulfilled by food before. "Enjoy your lunch?" Jasper asked, wiping a morsel off his mouth with his thumb and sucking the digit clean. He'd been using a knife and fork, while much of the other pack had been eating like Sammie had, or, in Bryce's case, was simply picking up the meat and tearing off chunks of it with their hands and teeth.

She nodded and leaned back in her seat, hand rubbing her stomach. "Yeah that was, fuck, it was delicious... and I feel like I could go for seconds," she admitted.

"Of course, that's what happens when you're eating for a litter," someone said in a whisper. Sammie's eyes opened wider and she looked around the table, trying to figure out who it was, the words quiet enough that she only heard anything because of her new sharper sense of hearing.

"Anyway, gentlemen, it's time for you to head over to our new packmate's home and pack up her things. Eric, you can stay after driving us here, and Bryce, I'll need you to help get Sammie up to speed with her new abilities. The faster she's moved in, the sooner we can celebrate our newest member, okay?" Jasper said, quickly interrupting any conversation that might crop up. He looked at her and smiled. "Would you like a tour around your new apartment? Or maybe I could show you around mine."

Sammie's mind returned to the car and how close she was to cumming, the sensation of her walls being so full it hurt. She had little doubt of the innuendo in his words, even imagining that Eric and Bryce were likely to be included. Yet she found herself relatively comfortable with the idea of having to handle them too. She nodded and rubbed at her left arm, glancing at Jasper, then Eric and Bryce, who both grinned predatorily. "Sure, I wouldn't mind a tour around your apartment I guess."

Jasper nodded and pushed his seat away from the table. "Good, let's all get started everyone. Make it quick, from the looks of it there isn't a lot to pack, so it shouldn't take more than a few hours," he said, walking around to Sammie's chair and helping it out.

There was some quiet grumbling from the others as they pushed out from the table and walked towards the elevator, but none objected their leader's command. She felt a little uncomfortable standing up from her seat with the other three still near, but as soon as the others had left, she felt a pair of hands grip her hips and tug her back. She gasped quietly and offered some weak resistance, looking back over her shoulder at Jasper, only to have her neck kissed on by his tender lips.

"You ready to finish up what we started in the car?" Jasper asked, hand sliding up her hip to her stomach as another hand dipped in between her thighs to tease at her folds.

She pushed back against his body, head turning more to expose her neck to him as her thighs squeezed around his hand. She was still so wet, swollen and needy, she couldn't resist his touch even if she wanted to. She gave a swift nod, adding, "Y-yes, so ready. Ah, please, no more teasing."

Jasper pulled his fingers free and stepped away from her, nearly causing her to fall back in her surprise. "Okay then, let's give you a tour of my bedroom. I'm sure you'll get very familiar with it over time," he said, being followed by his subordinates.

She rubbed at her arm and began to follow slowly after, feeling the wolf tug at the back of her mind, skin itching constantly as she barely contained the creature. She couldn't think, the excitement of being fucked again, by all three of them was too much to ignore. Her clothes, what little they were, felt stifling, so much so she wanted to tear off the dress with her bare hands.

To make matters worse, as Sammie walked through the bedroom door into the room the pair practically pounced on her, hands groping over her ass and breasts, tugging at the thin fabric of her dress. She couldn't help but moan loudly as their kisses left trails of wetness on her neck, teeth growing sharper as they nipped at her skin. She could feel the beast breaking through, feeble growls rising from her throat as she gave into their attentions.

"Take the dress off her, she's going feral on us," Jasper said, stepping closer, hands coming to her chin to draw into a kiss. Instincts were taking over, her tongue trying to push into his mouth to lap at his own tongue and in his maw. He pulled back and smiled as Eric and Bryce worked to unzip her dress. It slid off of her body, her frame bare and aching for more of their touch. "Go ahead, give into the wolf. You're safe here."

A sense of ease and calm flooded over her, her body relaxing into their hands as the itching over her skin grew dim and spread into a lush coat of soft fur. Her gasps and moans grew louder, soon turning to whining as her jaw and nose grew into a snout. She could feel the pop of vertebrae as her spine grew longer, tail jutting out from the the very end into a curled crescent. Her posture shifted, the stance of her legs shifting into a position that felt more akin to standing on her toes and the balls of her feet.

The others also changed as she did, faster than her in fact, seamlessly shifting from human into wolf as though they did it between blinks of her eyes. Their attentions to her body grew more wild and energetic, breasts being roughly gripped and squeezed, teeth nipping more harshly at her neck. Yet she relished every rough touch, their larger sizes making her feel tiny and owned.

Then she felt it, a claw from her alpha, rising up between her breasts to her chin, lifting her jaw up. Jasper drew his lips in close, coming in for a kiss, hand opening up to grip the back of her neck, drawing her forcefully to his lips. She moaned against his lips, her fur bristling with excited delight, ears pinned back as she became the center of their desires and attention. Yet as swiftly and forcefully as it started, it ended, pulling his lips back from hers. "Bed, now," he growled to her.

She pinned her ears back and nodded obediently, Eric and Bryce's hands lingering on her as she tried pulling away. She wanted to give into their attention, but the words of her alpha echoed in her ears. He sat down on the bed as she approached, his paws moving to her hips, drawing her into his lap. He was already hard, the spire of his cock standing tall as he drew her to it.

Eagerly, she positioned herself above the tapered tip and slowly impaled her dripping folds onto his shaft. Her hands gripped to his shoulders for support, quietly sighing in pleasure as his length filled her walls. She pushed herself down, sinking himself fully into her as she squeeze tightly around his shaft, belly bulging as the thick girth sunk deep towards her cervix. She pressed her brow against his thickly furred chest, feral teeth bore as she gripped tightly to his shoulders with her claws.

Jasper's hand stroked the back of her head, kissing just beneath her ear. "You're doing great, you ready for... hmm, more?" he whispered into her ear as a pair of hands came to her ass cheeks. First a teasing squeeze of both, followed by a swift swat to her rear, causing her to tighten up around him. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing Bryce behind her before looking back and offering a quiet nod. Jasper smiled and gave her another kiss on the lips. "That's my good girl."

Yet, with little preparation or warning beyond that, she felt the tip of Bryce's cock come to her ring. His cock spat pre-cum over her pucker, but beyond that she was given nothing else to prepare for his cock as he began to push in. She grit her teeth and squeezed tight to Eric's shoulders, growling loudly as the thick shaft forced its way deeper into her ass with little in the way of lubrication. She felt a slap to her ass cheek, followed by Bryce's command to, "Relax, or it'll hurt more."

Jasper threw his beta a glare, but said nothing, simply held her tighter as his cock split open her ass wider. It was quite unlike the night before, the consideration Jasper gave for her poor virginal ass before he pounded into her ass helped relax and lubricate her. Now, she simply had to bear the length, driving in without so much as even a spit on her tail hole. Some small blessing, Jasper's cock was such a thick spire that she still felt somewhat loose from the night before, but she knew this would ache more than that.

That wasn't to say she hated it, in fact, Sammie couldn't stop herself from moaning as the pair plunged into her ass and cunt together, the duo grinding against one another through the tight walls of her cunt and rectum. She whined with each tug and push, her hips rocking back and forth as she clung to Jasper's body, snout buried into his fur, breathing deep his masculine aroma. Her body jumped and shuddered with each thrust into her body from the two of them, yet as rough as Bryce was with her ass, she still basked in the pleasure of it, clenching harder around both of their cocks as he drove harshly into her ass.

"You're not done yet... hmm, you still hah...have to thank Eric," Jasper whispered into her ear as his hand stroked over her head.

Sammie's ears perked and she lifted her head, first to look at Jasper, then towards the cock being presented right next to her head. She glanced up and then back down at the cock, a shove into her ass making her gasp, promptly followed by the cock being shoved in her open muzzle. She shuddered, but began to suckle on the cock as though she were a pup to a teat, tongue licking at the underside of the shaft. Eric's hand came to her head, gripping gingerly and slowly sinking deeper into her mouth.

She struggled to think, a cock in every hole, being bounced up and down by the thrusts of the two strong wolves as the third's cock drove down to the back of her throat. The best she could do was manage her breathing without choking or gagging, but she wished it wouldn't stop. She kept her eyes on Eric, hands gripping to Jasper's fur as her hips bucked with each rough shove of the shaft into her ass. She could feel all of their pre-cum pooling in her, lubricating her openings, filling her stomach.

Once again, Bryce was the first to come to his peak, knot pounding up against her ass again and again. She winced and held tighter to Jasper's chest, coughing around the shaft in her mouth as the knot kept trying to spread her open and tie with her ass. He gave one final attempt, holding her hips tight as he pulled back and forced it forward with all of his strength, stars swimming in Sammie's eyes as it finally sank in. His balls shuddered and he jerked against her back, his mouth opening to bite onto her shoulder as he came.

"Are you... ah, fucking... you tied, didn't yuh-you?" Jasper growled out, eyes matching with Bryce's as a low growl of his own rumbled out in defiance. Jasper huffed and drew his brow to her free shoulder. "He'll be punished, just... try to enjoy yourself."

Cock in mouth, Sammie couldn't respond, but gave his fur a squeeze, head bobbing back and forth as Eric's grip kept a steady, but not threateningly forceful pressure on her head. She closed her eyes, lavishing her tongue over the length as she felt the flood of cum pour into her stomach and ass. Eric grunted and pushed, his own knot not far behind, but unlike the partner filling her stomach from the rear, he didn't try to sink it in her maw.

No, as the heavy balls kept swaying back and forward the knot simply throbbed against her nose until Eric grit his teeth and spilled his load. At first it poured right down her esophagus into her stomach, joining Bryce's as his potent load sprayed through her intestines, but slowly he pulled back. The streams of hot seed basted her tongue and filled her maw, cheeks puffing out before she swallowed down the load without question, feeding the hunger in her stomach. Each rising pulse of cum flowed right into her mouth, covering her tongue and soon spilled down, not a drop wasted from the corners of her lips or from him pulling out to mark her, simply filling her gullet with his salty, bitter essence.

Spent, Eric pulled away, Sammie gasping a quiet moan before swallowing down the last of his spent seed, licking her chops as she turned to her alpha. She rested her brow against his chest, hips rocking and bucking against his cock, feeling the tip pound against the opening of her womb. Jasper drew a hand to the back of her head, holding her against his chest as he took control, bouncing her more roughly up and down, her walls milking out groans and pre-cum that painted the tight, unyielding opening of her womb.

He sounded intent on breeding her, deep and forceful as his claws tickled the back of her head, trying to push past the barrier of her cervix into her uterus, but he was considerate. With one final tug down, he hilted himself in her, knot starting to swell as his hips rocked, grinding the tip of his cock against her tender recesses, slowly spreading her open wider and wider as it locked him inside her. She cried out, legs wrapping around his back as her own claws dug in, drawing small streams of blood as she felt the final lock that would keep every drop of his cum inside her.

The familiar rush of seed poured in, painting the walls of her love tunnel and spilling into her womb. Her entire body shuddered and she felt a strange instinct, a keen, loud howl rising from her throat as he filled and claimed her womb for a second time. The thought, for the first time, that he was breeding her filled her mind and fueled her desire, squeezing herself closer, erect nipples grinding up against his coarse fur as she felt bloated and full with his cum, filled from just about every opening with the three wolves' cum.

"You did good Sammie," Jasper said as she panted against his chest, stroking the back of her head. "And we'll take good care of you here. You're family to the pack now, from now until your last moon."

She weakly nodded, feeling oddly comforted by his words. She didn't have much family, none close enough to concern herself with keeping in touch anyway, and none of them would believe she was who she said she was. Sure, they would use her for sex, but the closer she got with each of the wolves the more she enjoyed the pleasures they brought her. It was a strange family, but it was her own, and soon it would grow even larger.