Aviramon's Horny Update

Story by Miklazteles on SoFurry

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#3 of Aviramon

A tiny lemon fan-fic story about Aviramon, my Digimon OC. She belongs to a main fanfic called Digimon Hacknet in Wattpad. So if you want to know more about her, check my Wattpad User Page "DigiMiklazteles"

PD: The story is in spanish because its my mother language. This short one-shot was translated by DeepL

Hacknet is the network that interconnects the Real World and the Digital World, and is also home to special Digimon called "Born of Hacknet". These Digimon exist under a single purpose: to serve humans. Conceived as advanced computer tools, they are capable of performing all the computer tasks you can think of, yet they think and experience emotions like any other digital being. Aviramon was no exception, she was a Digimon Antivirus with the appearance of a rabbit, blue and white fur and provided with a gray guard harness and thick gloves on her front legs. A greenish and luminous cross stood out on her forehead, a symbol that all Antiviruses possessed. Her eyes were tinged with a vivacious rose, they were focused on a special screen.

"How tender love is," she sighed.

A romantic film was broadcast on its platform, and the love scene between two humans held her captivated. The soundtrack flooded her ears, full of passion and lust.

"No... we can't be together, Ichigo. It's forbidden," said the half-naked woman, keeping her distance from her lover.

"I don't care if it's forbidden. I love you, Sakura, and I will always love you" replied the man returning towards her and taking her by the waist.

"Aww. And now... the kiss" Aviramon had seen the same movie over and over again, it was one of her favorites, and Sora had it stored on her laptop specifically for her.

Aviramon's imagination went beyond that, closing her eyes and pretending to kiss her forbidden love. She recreated the image of Junketmon and extended her tongue, sitting on her knees with her legs extended to the sides.

"Mmmm..." Such was her wish that she dropped a line of saliva on the platform, and upon noticing it she opened her eyes and covered her mouth, full of shame. Q-What am I doing. Junketmon and I can't like each other. He's a Malware and I'm an Antivirus.

"Tonight you will be mine, Sakura," said the man in the film as he carried his lover to bed and moved his hands over her breasts, massaging them gently.

"Aah... Ichigo..."

Aviramon half opened her mouth and approached the screen. Now that I thought about it, she was very different from any human female. The Digimon were designed to resemble the masculine and feminine, but they were unable to feel sexual pleasure, and had no erogenous zones either. She felt her chest finding small lumps beneath her crippled coat, but there were no nipples that were bristling with excitement.

-Why don't I...? -She cut herself before she could finish the prayer, the film was getting more and more interesting. Now the man began to touch her in the crotch, causing the woman to moan with pleasure. "I should..."

Aviramon did the same, took off her right glove and rubbed between her legs, but there was no way she could even pant, as she had no vagina. The Digimon sighed and showed discouragement. For a moment she thought she wasn't programmed to feel and transmit love, and that made her very sad.

"It's not fair..." cried. "I also want to..."

"Want what?"

"Aaaa!" Aviramon closed the film with a sweep of her right leg, and sat down again correctly, pretending composure in front of the new window. It was the webcam of Sora Tanaka, her human partner. "He-hello, Sora, hehe... How was your shower?"

The girl was in a towel, just out of the bathroom. She had caught her with her hands in the mass when she put on the D-hack, an earphone device with which she could listen to her voice and give her orders.

"Good. Mmm, it's that movie again? You've seen it hundreds of times."

"Yeah, well... it's my favorite," she admitted blushing. "You know I like love in all its forms."

"Yes, I know, but it's an adult film," said Sora as she sat at the desk.

Aviramon smiled shyly and then came up with an idea.

"Sora, can I see you naked?"

"Eh...? Why?" -The human took shelter with her arms, surprised by the request of her Digimon.

"I... I'm curious." Aviramon touched each other's legs, she knew that showing off their intimate parts was not something humans liked to do, at least not with any of them. "We're friends, aren't we?"

"But it's the first time you've asked me for something like that, Aviramon." Sora had the windows of her room closed and nobody was home either. "Ok. You know, we're both girls so it won't be a problem, but don't tell anyone, not even Proxymon."

"Y-yes! I won't tell anyone, it'll be our secret!" The rabbit nodded with shiny eyes.

The redhead took a deep breath, got up and focused the webcam so that it could be seen from her head to her thighs. Then she took off her towel and put it on the bed. Aviramon was amazed at her beauty, her human companion wore a slender adolescent body. Her breasts were medium and her hips wide. After two minutes of inspection, Sora began to feel uncomfortable because of so much silence.

"Amm, what do you think?" she asked shyly.

"You're beautiful, Sora! With such a body, I'm not surprised Yoshi doesn't notice you, huh?" said Aviramon in a rogue tone.

"Hey, be careful what you say. Yoshi has never seen me naked," she replied as she hugged herself, blushing like a tomato. "Besides, I don't think he's interested in me either. He doesn't even have the courage to look at me.

"Oh... But you have nothing to be ashamed of, Sora. You were programmed with a great body." Aviramon turned her back and scratched her left arm. "I have never Digievolved and I suppose I will never see changes in my appearance. I wish I had bigger breasts and that secret port all females have in the crotch."

Sora arched her eyebrows, it was rare the way her Digimon referred to the vagina. Of course she was unhappy, so she thought of a way to please her.

"Mmm, can you change the configuration of a Hacknet Born?" she asked as she returned to the chair without putting on the towel.

Aviramon sat down and watched the actions of her user, she was checking her installation directory, which made her blush, but when it came to Sora, she felt no shame whatsoever.

"Theoretically yes, but it is difficult to unravel the programming of a Digicore. Only someone with great knowledge about Digimon and computers could do it."

"I see... If I make a change without experience, it could cause you serious harm. I'm sorry, Aviramon, I can't risk hurting you."

Aviramon was instantly disillusioned, even if it was a simple fantasy. Sora was not very dedicated to computer science, in fact, her work as Hacker of Aexghi was the one that introduced her to that vast world and she still didn't know many things. That's when she came up with a crazy idea. Maybe Sora couldn't fulfill her wish, but she knew who could.

Her human companion used to keep her laptop turned on at all times in case of an emergency, but she went on suspension when she went to bed. Only then Aviramon was really alone. She took a deep breath and started pushing several holographic buttons with his paws. Her accurate gaze showed decision, but also fear, fear that she would make a serious mistake. She transferred her files to MaverickDropZoneServer, the private server of Takeshi Korinosenshi, one of the most remarkable figures of the 22nd century. His knowledge of the Digiworld and Digimon was impressive. In addition, he enjoyed unlimited resources thanks to the recent success of his videogame Execute. The blond was resting on his desk chair when Farahmon notified him:

"Mr. Korinosenshi! Sora Tanaka just sent us her Digimon!" she exclaimed with her gaze fixed on a holographic screen. Farahmon was a fairy-dragon female Digimon. Her skin was a paled green color, and her butterfly wings has amazing shiny blue and purple colors.

Takeshi opened one of her eyes and looked at her seriously.

"It's strange that he's doing it at this hour. Let's receive her and give me an image."

"Right away, sir."

Takeshi got up and headed for the center of the office, where a giant screen appeared. It showed Aviramon on the front page, she was inside a secure container inside the Maverick server, but there was no connection to Sora's webcam. The young man assumed she had come alone.

"Good night, Aviramon. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" he asked politely.

"Good night, Mr. Korinosenshi. Forgive me for interrupting. You see... I'd like to ask you something. A personal favor" she shyly expressed, lowering her gaze.

"Mmm? Do you need help with any Entropy cases?"

It was common for Entropy to be synonymous with trouble, but Aviramon brought another kind of request. She armed himself with courage and released her emotions.

"I want you to help me be a real female!"

The office was filled with silence. Farahmon blinked several times, perplexed at her request, yet Takeshi had another face. She arched her eyebrows and drew a small smile.

"A real female."

"Yes... I... I have investigated on the Internet that the females have a secret port between their legs. I know that living beings connect with each other to express their love, and I want to do the same." There was nowhere to hide, Digimon took the opportunity to lie down and show her crotch before the camera. "It's here... I want you to set me up a secret port right here" she blushed.

Takeshi blushed and moved away from the screen. It was uncomfortable for a Digimon to point to his crotch with no desire to be perverted. Amid so much waiting for an answer, Aviramon imagined he wouldn't have time to help her. She knew that Takeshi was a busy man and focused on his work, so it was difficult to find a space in his schedule. The blond man tilted his head and put one hand to his chin.

"Digimon are programmed to look feminine or masculine, but lack of reproductive organs and erogenous zones. I didn't know you were interested in having a vagina."

"It's very embarrassing for me to give myself in this way... Normally to the Hacknet Born Antivirus type we must remain pure, but the truth is that I think a lot about... You know... perverted things."

"I see..."

"I'm willing to grant you administrator permission over me. I'll do whatever it takes!"

Another moment of silence set the tone, Takeshi looked in his window for a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass, sitting on the corner of his desk. He held the glass delicately, watching the image of Aviramon through the reddish liquid.

"Women are complicated. I have never done such an experiment. Are you sure you want to take the risk?"

Aviramon nodded, she would give anything to experience the love that humans profess. Then Takeshi took up the challenge and asked for administrator permission. The blue rabbit accepted and then her eyes became cloudy and collapsed on the ground, going into hibernation. Farahmon swallowed strongly as she saw her fall, hibernation for the Hacknet Born was a state similar to death, where all its functions were temporarily stopped. It was necessary to execute it in order to make changes in its programming.

"How long do you think it will take?" asked Farahmon curiously.

"It may take me all night, but this is a unique opportunity to find out how far my knowledge goes. Farahmon, prepare my tools and transport Aviramon.exe to the Lab" ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

During that time of work Aviramon did not experience any dream during hibernation, the Hacknet Born did not dream either, she was literally dead, but deep down she knew that once she woke up, she would be a real female. Takeshi had full access to the Aviramon archives, so he was able to unravel some secrets about digital life. With his own hands he designed a scheme of the "secret port" that would install him, and then programmed all the necessary functions to emulate sexual pleasure. After 5 intense hours of programming, Takeshi executed the program and the eyes of the blue rabbit opened again.

-"Initializing Aviramon.exe Ver1.2"

"Uh...? I feel... different," she muttered quietly. She tried to stand up, but noticed that she was grabbed by all four legs in a starry position. She raised her head as best she could and looked at herself. It was no big deal, because the white coat covering the top of her chest looked bigger than normal and prevented her from seeing. "My chest feels heavy... Mr. Korinosenshi?"

"You're awake now, Aviramon. I want to tell you that the installation of the HornyMod was a complete success." His voice came from everywhere.

"HornyMod?" Aviramon arched her eyebrows.

"The name doesn't convince me at all either, it will be subject to change in future versions. But for now I'd like to do some additional tests, just to make sure your new attributes work properly."

Several digital sounds were heard around it, causing fear in the Digimon.

"What kind of tests?"

Takeshi typed some commands on his laptop, activating some semitransparent blue tentacles. Aviramon was nervous to see them, her first instinct was to force her ties, but the blonde calmed her down.

"Don't worry, these tentacles won't hurt you, they're designed to encourage stimulation."

Aviramon gave up her attempts and blinked several times. She would have preferred to find out the functionality of her new body for herself, but felt that Takeshi would want the test data as payment for the favor.

"Stimulation... I guess it sounds interesting. Do it" she nodded.

The viscous tentacles meandered over her abdomen until they reached the base of her new, round, small breasts just below her crippled coat. Aviramon's eyes were opened, she hit herself and exhaled the air without warning. The tentacles were very close to his extension cable by which she connected to the navigation terminals. Under normal circumstances she would feel nothing, but now she felt a slight tingling that made her laugh.

"Hehehe, how strange..."

A new tentacle joined the action, this time heading towards her crotch to test her new vagina. She rubbed the top of her vulva as if they were licked, causing Aviramon to tremble.

"Aaa... What is that...?" She began to gasp.

"You're getting excited," said Takeshi. "All you're feeling now is the result of the tentacles rubbing against your body."

"Initializing lubrication algorithm. Vaginal lubrication at 5%" reported Farahmon, who carefully monitored the reactions of HornyMod.

"Aaah... I feel strange... I feel warm inside... For some reason I want more of this." Aviramon muttered with her eyes closed, letting herself be carried away by the sensation.

As Takeshi had said, the tentacles went further and proceeded to suck the nipples out of her breasts. Unlike real mammals, Aviramon could not produce milk, but that did not prevent the sensation from being less. The tentacle in the crotch stopped massaging and began to slowly enter her cavity.

"Aaaaaaah! It's connecting to my secret port!" Two hearts formed in the pupils of the Digimon. She couldn't believe what was experiencing.

"Vaginal lubrication at 40%." Informed Farahmon excited for the test.

"While you're excited, your nipples will harden and your vagina will begin to lubricate itself to encourage penetration" explained Takeshi.

"Aaaah... I see... Aaaahh... Unbelievable... Aaahh."

Aviramon was ecstatic, she pulled out her tongue and her eyes went up as a sign of extreme pleasure. The viscous tentacle went in and out at a constant rate, causing the Digimon's breathing to accelerate. Already in that state the ties were not necessary, so Takeshi deactivated them.

"I want more! Stronger! Aaaah!" The blue rabbit stood up and lifted its legs in a much more comfortable position, seeing how she was penetrated. "It's... going further and further... Aaah... This is incredible, I don't... have words to... express this feeling... Keep stimulating my secret port, Mr. Korinosenshi..."

Farahmon and Takeshi watched the experiment from the comfort of the office. As they saw it from a laptop screen, it was an act similar to viewing pornography, only designed by him. Other screens showed Aviramon's data stream, and HornyMod's behavior.

"Everything's going great. I think it's time to raise the level. Let's test your endurance."

"M-my... endurance...?"

"Activating protocol of subjugation and domination"

The tentacles changed their work and began to beat her everywhere. Aviramon screamed, falling to the ground face down.

"Aaah...! Mr. Takeshi, I think... aaagh, you're being very rude!" she warned as she was constantly whipped.

The tentacles grabbed her by her four legs and lifted her up to the point of separating her by half a meter from the ground. At that time another tentacle suddenly entered through her vagina, while another forced its way through the rectum.

"Not there, not...! Hyaaaaahhh!" She shrieked as she felt another of her holes being profaned. As if that wasn't enough, a third tentacle took advantage of the scream and snuck into her mouth. "Mm-hmm!"

Her eyes opened like plates, making her difficult to breathe. Three of her holes were penetrated simultaneously, an indescribable pleasant sensation.

"I can't think clearly, my mind is filled with pleasure."

Aviramon was at the mercy of the tentacles, allowing her new bodily fluids to be involuntarily released. She was so much that she formed a small puddle under her legs. Without warning, the extensions were disconnected from their orifices and the Digimon yielded, soiling its blue and white coat with its own viscosities. Her legs trembled and she was unable to crawl without slipping.

"Aaah... Good heavens. I feel profaned. My mind is blank" she said weakly. Her panting was profuse and her eyes were narrowed with fatigue.

"I regret the rudeness. You came in less than 10 minutes, probably because it was your first sexual experience" Takeshi said. "I can't let you go without executing a cleaning protocol first."

Aviramon didn't complain, she was a mess, her vagina and anus were completely dilated and throbbing, full of fluids. The blonde typed a few commands and debugged all the "garbage files" released in the process, leaving her in perfect condition. Thanks to this, Digimon regained her energies and was able to get up, seeing herself as if nothing had happened. However, the updates in her body were still present. She touched her new bust beneath her fur, and then checked the state of her vagina, slightly protected by a layer of fine white hair. Now she felt more feminine than ever, and that made her very happy.

"Do I look all right?" she asked, making a sensual pose in front of the screen that gave Korinosenshi's image.

"You look great!" Farahmon said, piercing herself in front of the laptop camera.

"Great. It's time to go back to my IP address, Sora would worry about me if she doesn't see me installed on her laptop before she wakes up. Could you send me back, Mr. Korinosenshi?" she asked nicely.

"Of course. It has been a pleasure helping you. I'll provide you with the commands for the HornyMod. You can deactivate it whenever you want in case... You know."

"Now that I think about it, to see myself like this during my missions would be very flashy and a waste of RAM memory. Thanks for the suggestion." Aviramon sketched a shy gesture and closed her eyes.

"It was a pleasure, Aviramon. Initiating transfer."

The Digimon faded into data particles and was sent back to Sora Tanaka's laptop. Fortunately she was still sleeping, so her little adventure with Takeshi Korinosenshi went unnoticed. Aviramon used her intimate time to play with her breasts for a while, while reviewing the HornyMod's list of commands. She could change the size of her breasts at will, and even stimulate her secret port by creating "virtual toys". The blue rabbit's perverted imagination expanded her horizons, smiling and eager to practice the new commands with her user, and thus show her all her love.