Commission: Down in the Ring Chapter 2

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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#2 of Down in the Ring

The continuation of our Battle Royale fuckfest with Ihna and Hunter making a surprise tag team!

All around the ring, people had settled into a quiet buzz. Their eyes were glued to the stage where two fighters simply stood there rather than battling it out. In a wild turn of events, Ihna had been about to be defeated but was saved in the nick of time by the kangaroo combatant Hunter. Both of them had signed some sort of accord to work together in this battle royale. There weren't any rules against it and sudden changes in the story were often encouraged to promote engagement but now the people were stuck watching a ring where two wrestlers were doing nothing but cooling their heels. At the same time, it didn't seem to bother the crowd so much as it seemed to hook them in. The tension was nearly palpable. Everyone could see that Ihna was breathing heavily, her eyes were closed and she was leaning against one of the turnbuckles in order to try and get herself back in the game. She had gone through every other seed fighting and knocking people out as the first person to be put in the battle. Now, now it seemed like there was hope for her. Even the people that had been hoping for her defeat watched with muffled curiosity and hunger to see the battle continue. Everyone was waiting for the sound of the bell to call in the next fighter.

Inside of the ring, Ihna was still huffing even though the bell was about to come up. She tried to push herself off of it to get ready to fight but Hunter stretched out a hand and muttered, "Yer still not doing well, right? If you can't even get yourself off of that turnbuckle without issues then you'll just be getting in my way, so take a load off for the next fight and let me work my magic. If I get knocked out then you'll be the one who owes me one, got it?"

Ihna looked up and saw that the kangaroo was grinning. There was something particularly warming about his manner but she still wanted to reach up and smack him for belittling one, even still, she went along with it and huffed, "Whatever, I'll suck your dick or something if you get knocked out and that'll be enough."

The kangaroo snorted and looked out toward the catwalk that led to the lockers. Both of their gazes were locked on that location now, unable to really look away as they waited for their next opponent to come on out. Anticipation and tension had settled into the crowd but it had also infected the ring. Ihna really couldn't do anything to help her friend out and if he got knocked out because of her weakness then she would feel like a true fool. When the bell rang, Ihna tried to push herself off of the turnbuckle again only to lean back against it and sigh while the music started and the crowd began to cheer again. The battle was going to resume whether she was able to stand or not.

Down from the catwalk came the next opponent and damn it had to be him. One of the biggest faces in the entire group came trotting down with his arms pumping up in the air calling for the crowd to roar like lions and they all did. Yazan was a golden-furred figure standing tall with a red cape being torn off to throw into the crowd while his tight red shorts showed a bulge that warned anyone that he was about to pound them into submission. He had grace, he had power and he had the endurance to spare. He was a tough opponent to fight by yourself and he had won plenty of championships on his own merits. When he saw that Ihna and Hunter were not fighting he only laughed from where he was approaching, continuing on down until he got to the ring. He didn't pick a spot to enter, no, he came in from the front and hopped on in before flicking his eyes toward the two and grinning. This was a wrestler full of confidence and Ihna could barely do anything to help Hunter out. This was going to be bad.

Of course, Yazan was not one to come in with his mouth shut and he reached over the ropes to ask for the mic. The ref who was still a bit dizzy from being knocked into the rails handed it off and Yazan rose to his full height to call out, "Here we have a noble warrior protecting someone who was given a rotten lot! Look at him and cheer! Look at her standing and cheer! I am here to defeat them both but I will tell you now that I have no intent to break someone who is so weakened! Let her rest and I will come for her in due time but for now, Hunter, it is just you and I!"

Hunter caught the mic with one hand as it was thrown to him before bringing it up. Ihna could see the irritation on his face. The kangaroo was the sort to fight it out rather than speak and yet, here he was part of the act. When he finally spoke, he did so with a snort, "Mighty noble of yourself neighbor but if Ihna wants to join in on our scrap then that's fine. Fer now I'll be the one bringing down the king by myself."

Even the people were surprised by the haughty nature of Hunter's words. They gaped as he tossed the mic back at the lion and Yazan chuckled, "Well, well, let's see if you can take my throne then."

Handing the mic back to the ref, Yazan opened his arms out in a wide stance as he started to approach Hunter step by step. What a mistake that had been. Hunter darted forward and spun into a quick kick that nearly took the lion's head off. Yazan had narrowly avoided it by planting his ass to the ring and staring up with wide eyes as Hunter hopped forward to stomp the ground. Yazan rolled away and composed himself, standing and narrowing his eyes, the king taking this challenge seriously now. Ihna wasn't so sure if that was a good thing.

Yazan kept his wide stance but lowered it just a bit as he approached Hunter yet again. The kangaroo stepped in and paused before throwing out a sharp kick to the gut. For a moment, the lion's face contorted and he breathed in deep just as he clutched onto Hunter's leg. Ihna's partner cursed as he yanked his leg back only just managing to avoid being grabbed thanks to the odd angle. When Yazan rose, everyone could see the deep mark on his exposed abdomen but all he did was slap it and take his position again. There was no doubt that the lion had felt the blow. Everyone could see the pain on his face, everyone could see the strained breath he had needed to take in order to compose himself and yet, there he stood without a doubt ready for more, composed and hungry to strike at the right moment. Hunter himself was not fully shaken and yet, was not as quick to attack as he now knew the plan. Grab him, force him down, break him. Hunter was no grappler and someone who could endure his powerful blows just to grab him was more than dangerous.

The two fighters continued on a slow journey around one another now. They both had narrowed eyes and set mouths as they felt each other out. Hunter was the first to move again, stepping closer to bring out a low kick against the lion's ankle. Yazan winced and sucked in a breath just as Hunter popped back and then in again with a kick against the other ankle. The second kick Yazan tried to grab but just barely missed. Hunter couldn't afford to get predictable, couldn't afford to slow himself down and even Ihna truly wondered if this was part of the act or not. She could see both combatants genuinely trying to get one another.

Hunter's kicks were dangerous and quick, striking at the lower parts of the lion's body while occasionally going for the head. Yazan attempted to grab all but the most dangerous of kicks to his vital parts. There was only so far endurance could take you with a kick to the right part rattling something that would knock him flat on his rear for good. At the same time, Yazan's predictions were getting better. His arms were getting closer to wrapping around the other's legs and occasionally, the lion darted forward to charge the kangaroo. During these charges, Hunter danced around, trying his best to land blows while moving away from the lion's assault.

Ihna swore that the lion was holding himself back. She had seen him moving faster in previous matches and that first kick couldn't have possibly hurt him that badly. Her own eyes narrowed as she kept on watching the battle, her breath slowly coming back to her along with her body steadily responding to her commands just a bit more. Soon enough, she would be able to join in this battle before it got any worse.

It turned out that the worst happened sooner than she could have expected. The lion's advances were picking up speed in irregular manners that the kangaroo could not have anticipated. Hunter grimaced and pulled his leg away as the lion dipped into the kick rather than holding his ground. Yazan and Hunter were face to face, just a few inches from one another and this was exactly where the lion wanted the little kickboxer. To his credit, Hunter ducked forward and through the lion's defenses to slip around and behind him before trailing back. Yazan actually turned and snarled in genuine frustration that caught everyone including Ihna by surprise.

Both warriors stared at one another with a certain regard for how dangerous the other was. They approached one another again just as the bell rang, both pausing. Out from the catwalk came a maned wolf in auburn and black fur wearing only long silver gloves that ran the length of his arm. Everyone in the crowd cheered for another combatant to join the battle. Jamil twisted and turned his way down the catwalk, kissing toward the crowd with a big grin on his face. When he hopped into the ring, he looked right at Hunter perhaps expecting to make a tag team with the king but as he turned toward Yazan to open his mouth, Ihna came rushing in and headbutt the fool right in the gut. Jamil reared back and coughed, body shaking from the blow while he held himself against the ropes.

Both Ihna and Hunter wandered back against the ropes to regroup, Ihna huffing, "I'm back in this, so you better not lose to that lion there."

Hunter grunted quietly, "Think he's got my number...But I can distract him long enough for you to take out the weak one. If he knocks me out, I'm done for. If he tries to take my ass then we've got no problems and I can hold out."

It was a dire admission of defeat and Ihna only accepted it with a nod rather than insulting his pride by saying anything encouraging. She took her stance just as Jamil and Yazan stood side by side, all four wrestlers separating to different parts of the ring to prepare for their battles. Yazan and Hunter stood there staring at one another both of them ready to fight it out even if it meant changing the fate of the ring. Jamil and Ihna did the same but Ihna was confident that she had this one in the bag. All she had to do was knock him down and ride him out.

Ihna's battle began with a bounce. She darted forward to strike the maned wolf in the same way she had done before but this time, Jamil was prepared. He slipped out of the way easily enough and darted away when she came spinning back after bouncing on the ropes. She could hear the sounds of a struggle nearby but could not spare a moment to look away. The maned wolf slipped forward to try and grab her, his arms catching nothing but air as she hopped up on his head and kicked off to bounce away. Grapplers were always a troublesome sort but Ihna was their number one enemy. There weren't many that could grab her mid-flight and if she was even paying attention she could slip out of most grasps before they locked her in place. She could see the irritation in her opponent's eyes when she landed and she could see the heat building up. Patience was one of Yazan's most frightening features as a grappler but it seemed that Jamil had nothing of the sort.

With a small smile, the boar reached down to grab her already torn suit and yank the rest of it off. She was standing there fully nude and both of her paws came down to push at either side of her mound before tugging back to reveal her cunt to the crowd and to the man before her, tongue sticking out as the silent statement kissed the air, "There's no way you can handle me."

A brush of red showed through the fur of the maned wolf's cheeks before his lips raised in a nasty little snarl that showed all of his fangs. Ihna couldn't help but laugh as he lunged forward only for Ihna to dip and dart away with a chuckle. Her form glistened in the light thanks to the sweat dotting her form, her body a shining spark in constant motion as Jamil continued trying to grab her. The boar's movements were slight little hops meant to get her just out of the way using the least amount of energy while Jamil overextended himself in his attempts to grab her. There were a few times where he nearly stumbled and fell. Aiding Ihna in her attempts was the fact that the crowd was laughing. There were people in the audience covering their mouths, people who were trying their hardest not to laugh only to burst out in near tears while they watched Jamil get humiliated.

Jamil let a howl of frustration out into the air before he slammed the mat and charged Ihna one last time straight into the turnbuckle. He managed to move at the last second to ease the impact against his shoulder rather than his head but the maned wolf still winced. As he turned, chest rising and falling rapidly from ragged breath, he choked out as his stomach was struck by a powerful flying headbutt delivered by Ihna. His back hit the turnbuckle and Ihna bounced over him and onto his shoulders where she had her fist in the air. She wrapped her sweaty thighs around his neck, one paw grabbing the fur of his head as she pushed off from the turnbuckle and slammed him on down. The light on his collar was still showing that he wasn't knocked out but the crowd was cheering as they saw Ihna preparing for the finishing move.

With a grin, Ihna pushed Jamil onto his back and crawled onto his lap. She grabbed his sheath and worked his cock out until the thick canine shaft was exposed to the air. Her rear was already lubed and had been stretched before so all she needed to do was stand on his thighs, lift her tail and edge the tip of that thing inside of her ass before she slammed down all the way. Ihna winced as she did so, paw on her belly as she steadied herself. She had nearly cum just from doing that but she remembered her endurance training and began to pump up and down to squeeze around his cock. The maned wolf himself was gnashing his fangs, eyes shut tight as he kept his hips glued to the mat but could do nothing as he had been so thoroughly weakened from all of his own movements and Ihna's final slam.

Down and down the boar's hips moved to grind the canine's cock against her ass. She was surprised to find that his knot was already swelling, the bulbous muscle kissing her sweaty rump with every thrust. If she got knotted, then she risked being stuck in a bad place. At the same time, it would get him off faster. It would make it more difficult for him to ignore his instincts to breed! Ihna's own desire to be knotted was getting the best of her as well, her pussy dripping with arousal that slid down and around to the shaft busting into her rear.

Giving into hunger and desire in the guise of practicality, she slammed her hips down one last time and brought his knot into her rear with a pop. She slapped her ass and spread it so that the maned wolf could see when he looked down their feral connection, her words coming out husky and full of hunger, "Come on big boy, cum for me and go out with a bang instead of a whimper. Fill me up you little punk!"

Ihna was sure that she didn't need to say a single thing but he reached down suddenly and grabbed her hips, dragging his own up as he snarled and the display on his collar flashed a burning red. A heated liquid in thick ropes began to pour out in her deepest point. Her eyes grew wide as she felt each twitch of his cock accompany a gush of more of that thick seed that made her abdomen stretch just a bit. Ihna threw her head back and cursed while she felt over her bulging stomach, her expression curled into pleasure and triumph mixing together.

That triumph was short-lived as her body was let go and yet, she could not move. Ihna blinked and tugged up trying to force herself off but she was literally tied to the damn passed out mutt beneath her. She started to breathe out and bring her hips up, dragging them in an attempt to force his knot out of her ass but it was still too much to handle. Ihna cursed quietly and looked to check on Hunter only to see that the worst was happening right now.

Hunter's leg had finally been caught in a firm hold. The lion was grinning from ear to ear and yet, huffing at the same time. He drew the kangaroo in and slammed him to the mat with an arm against the neck. The crowd collectively winced as Hunter was dragged back up into the air by the neck only to be slammed down with enough force to bounce Jamil and Ihna. The lights at Hunter's collar were buzzing bright as his neck was held by the king in one large paw, arm curled around one of the kangaroo's legs while the other leg was pinned down by a knee. Everyone could see Hunter's struggle, his own hands coming up to grab the wrist of the lion choking him out but it was too late. Both of Hunter's arms came down to his side and his eyes shut, the loose collar burning bright to show everyone that he had been knocked out.

Panic shot through Ihna. Not only had her friend lost because of her own lust, she was most likely next if she could not get off of this damn mutt but instead of going right after Ihna, Yazan tore through what Hunter was wearing and shredded his own shorts to let his cock out in the air. It was thicker than she had been expecting and longer as well with barbs speckling the length. He took a bottle of lube from the ref who tossed it over the ropes and poured it all out onto his shaft and onto the defeated kangaroo's ass.

Slowly, he started to poke and prod that thing in and once the tip was inside, no more mercy was shown. He started slamming Hunter's ass with reckless abandon, both of his paws gripping the kangaroo's limp body while the crowd cheered on the showboating. Dear gods, that would be her if she didn't hurry the hell up and get off that stupid knot! Every smack of hips on thighs sent a shudder up her spine as she started to roll her own hips and tug them up to desperately try and get herself off of the mane wolf's knot.

Ihna barely heard the ring of the bell as her hips kept on moving desperately to try and get herself off of that still thick knot. She kept on moving despite the fact that she could feel herself inching closer and closer to orgasm until finally with a messy pop she pulled herself free, cum spilling out of her gaped rear. Panting, unsure of what to expect, she got herself up just in time to see a large white-furred bear leap into the ring. She wore a blue bodysuit and her eyes were like frozen raindrops. Big Bierga charged, roaring like a wild beast as she slammed right into Yazan. The lion was caught off guard, his eyes growing wide as he was thrust out of the ring and into the crowd with his cock out. When she did that, she turned to the crowd and snarled letting them see her fangs and how dangerous she was, at the same time, she eased the kangaroo out of the ring into the helpful arms of the referee before the medics carted him off.

Big Bierga turned around looking as if she were ready to pounce but the bell rang again. Both Ihna and the newcomer blinked, standing up straight and looking around. They hadn't expected the bell to ring so soon but everyone was suddenly very quiet. The crowd didn't say anything except for a few murmurs of confusion amongst themselves. Oddly enough, the bell started to ring again and again until everyone turned to the catwalk and saw that their demise had come. A huge naga by the name of Hextor slithered down the catwalk while throwing a bell he had been hitting off into the crowd. His scales were a pattern of purple and red with grey spotting throughout and he wore nothing but a black cowl that covered a portion of his chest. Everyone erupted in a roar of mixed boos and cheers. He ignored them all while focusing those serpentine eyes on the ring.

Ihna looked up and Bierga and called up, "Truce?"

Bierga raised a brow and looked down before looking back at the massive naga and she snorted, "You think I need your help taking that little thing on?"

The boar crossed her arms, "I think we're both gonna get fucked senseless by the bastard who has won more championships than you or I combined and is coming in fresh. I think he's going to bite you to keep you stunned or coil around you to make it so you can't even move and all that strength of yours, all that bluster isn't gonna matter."

Bierga growled but slowed down and breathed out, nodding before muttering, "You have yourself a deal. We'll fight it out ourselves with my ass on your face afterward little punk."

Ihna could accept that deal and yet, their accord was struck too late. Hextor entered the ring through the ropes, darting forward before Ihna noticed. The back of his hand slammed into her and she was sent flying. She would have been sent right out of the ring if it hadn't been for the fact that she struck the ropes. Both her arms and legs wrapped around the rope to keep herself from going over them and for once, she didn't want to bounce.

The strike had knocked something loose in her head and her vision was blurry as she tried to recover from it. When her eyes focused, her body wasn't quite ready to move but she could see that Hextor had coiled around Big Bierga and the crowd was chanting for a double dicking. When she tried to get off the ropes, all she could do was fall over. Damnit! Did he really hit her that hard?!

Big Bierna was up to fight the final seed of the match by herself. The villain by all accounts faced her with an edge of a smile, both clawed hands coming up as if to ask her to make the first move. There wasn't any hesitation as the polar bear darted forward with her fist in the air prepared to pound into the naga but he avoided the blow without any trouble and curled around toward her back with a laugh. She turned and swung and again he curled toward her back. Bierna kept on swinging and Ihna could see the trap being set in motion. Hextor left portions of his long snake tail behind with every movement and by the third rotation, his lower body was surrounding Bierna. When she finally noticed, the polar bear tried to hop away but the coils tightened hard enough to make the crowd wince.

Those taught coils rose along her body while the naga drew his fist back before digging it into her gut. She tried to take a swing back but he avoided it while using her like a punching bag. Strike after strike against her sides and gut kept melting her down until she needed to bring her arms in to try and defend herself. It was at this point that he moved his body so that he was behind her, a claw coming down the front of her body to tear through her suit while his coils loosened just enough that he could expose her. She tried to bring an elbow back but he brought his arm around her own and her neck, squeezing hard enough to make it difficult to breathe while he hefted her up with a surprising amount of strength.

While she was lifted up into the air, her puffy cunt was exposed to the crowd and the naga's coils moved around her legs to shift and spread them further apart as his twin cocks sprouted from the point where his torso met his lower half. Her eyes grew wide and she tried to struggle further and further but could do nothing as those long cocks pushed against her cunt and ass. Her puckered hole had not yet been exposed so it took a bit of pushing until both tips were prodding inside of her rear and pussy. The sound of her suit ripping could be heard as he slammed inside, every inch of his cocks burying themselves inside of both of her holes at the same time causing her to howl out in agony and pleasure.

Her body was used as a sex sleeve despite the fact that she was an imposing ursine figure. Up and down she was dragged, her tongue hanging out already and her body trembling while everyone could see how hard she was trying to hold herself back. Hextor was grinning, his cocks bulging inside of her against her abdomen to show just how thoroughly he was pounding into her. Ihna tried to push herself up as she saw the collar beeping and turning a brighter shade of amber and then red. Surely the bear couldn't be this weak to a pounding, could she?

It turned out, she was. Hextor didn't need to do much to get her to cum but even as the beeping told everyone that she had given up, the naga squeezed on her arm and neck harder while pounding in faster the beeping at the bear's collar telling everyone that she was about to pass out as well. No one dared to interrupt what was happening and plenty of people in the crowd had their clothes shifted to get their rocks off while Big Bierna was being ruined in front of them. Ihna finally got herself onto her knees, her head aching something fierce while she watched the rest of the event happen.

Hextor kept on pounding inside of her, Bierna struggling now not to be choked out while her insides were being pounded relentlessly. It didn't seem like there would be any relief for her in the near future. The large bear that had been so haughty, so confident now faced total and utter humiliation. Hextor did not even need to use both of his arms to keep her steady, one claw moving to tear apart the rest of her costume to expose her rising and falling body. Slowly, her struggling began to cease, her toes and fingers closing in before splaying out as she gasped a raspy and pathetic moan that everyone in the arena could hear. Her final humiliation was the fact that she came again before passing out, the naga chuckling as he held his prize against his body, slowly rutting her without ever considering that there was another wrestler in the ring.

Ihna found herself on her feet, her body trembling from the event she had just seen. A mixture of arousal and fury rose inside of her as her vision fully cleared. She could see every little bit of that mug ignoring her. He looked so damn proud of himself for beating the bear. Bierga was lying in his arms without a motion, his hold on her neck only occasionally loosening. That could be her, it could be much worse if she didn't run away but what type of face would she be if she didn't go after idiots like this? She was the damn hero of this ring and she would either triumph or get knocked up trying.