The Wolf in the Room

Story by Volatus on SoFurry

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A psychopath experiences his first day with his newly captured victim. Things don't bode well for the abducted wolf, who is trapped in the cruel man's basement.

Words: 3133

"Help! HELP! HEEEELP! IS SOMEONE HERE? Please, anyone, help me! HEEEEELP!"

Oh, those delightful hysterical screams behind that heavy metal door in my basement. He has been there for the whole night, and likely didn't get any sleep, considering the raspiness in his voice. It's about time that I introduce myself to him. One last puff at my cigar before I unlocked the door and entered.

Amid the huge basement room, cuffed to a metal table, he lay. The 18-year-old grey-furred wolf, which I abducted yesterday night after he went home from his birthday party. Big blue eyes, slender form, sizeable balls and cock, perky nipples and thick, sleek fur, in short, a true beauty, but trapped in a grim place. Nude and vulnerable with no means to cover himself, he looked at me with his big terrified eyes.

"Help, please help me! Who are you? Are you responsible for this? Let me out! NOW! Please?"

"Sh-sh-sh boy. I know this has to be confusing for you. And I'm not going to tell you pretty lies or beat around the bush. When you were about to go home from your party, I drugged you and abducted you."

"What? Why? No, fuck, just let me go, please. Let me go, I promise I don't tell anyone, just let me go. I'm so afraid, please please let me go!"

"I know this is frightening. But I have to apologize. I'm not going to let you go." certainly not the answer he wanted, but then, he probably didn't really expect to get a positive response.

"The police will come and fuck you up! You do know that, right? Just let me go now, and I promise I won't go to the police! Please! What do you even want from me? My parents aren't rich!"

"I'm not interested in money, and I assure you I did not leave any usable leads for the police. No, I simply want you. You and your screams. You as my new little pain toy."

"W-what? Are you freaking sick? I-i don't believe you! Go fuck yourself, Sicko! I'm not your toy, fuck you. Let me go NOW!" his rant and insults continued. So I fetched a nearby chair and sat down beside him, and began to caringly stroke his cheek with my big thumb while smiling down at him and occasionally giving him a reassuring nod. Most of them have this little outburst, after learning what their future has in store for them. It's a reaction born from their fear. Not that it changes anything.

"What the fuck are you doing. Take your hand away! Fuck you! What is this, your now going to rape me or what? Sicko? Rape and kill me? You'll not get away with that!" His breathing became heavier, and his voice began to crack.

"Shhhh don't worry boy. No one is going to rape you. I promise! After all..." a burst of short hearty laughter escaped me "... how do you think my elephant cock would fit into you? So no, don't worry about being raped, I promise you'll stay a virgin. But I'm going to kill you."

His eye widened with shock and fear. "What... nonono... Fuck! Just let me go, man. You are crazy! You're a crazy psycho! J-j-just let me go, and I'll tell no one, I promise!"

"Shhhh, calm, sh-sh-sh. Don't worry about that yet. I'm not going to kill you right away. I'll snuff you when you turn 30, and not one day earlier or later." I still kept stroking his head lovingly.

"I don't wanna die! Not now and not when I'm 30, FUCK. You crazy man. Just let me go! I don't want this!"

"Hush, of course, you don't want this. Who wants to die with 30? And even worse, who wants to know that just the day after they turned 18? I know it's a terrible fate. But one has to bear it, and you're the unfortunate one. Believe me, when I tell you that I feel genuinely sorry for you, and I'm fully aware that you do not deserve any of this."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Just let me go then. Like what is wrong with you? Fuck!" his voice began to become more shrill.

"I'm a sick fuck, you realized that already. I am what I am. I have the urge to torture and kill people. Especially young males; like you. You're the unfortunate one. It's terribly unfair, I know. But that is the way it is."

"No, just please, no! And what torture? How insane are you? Please." he outright cried by now, while I kept stroking his face and holding his hand.

"With torture, I mean, inflicting more pain to you than you can imagine or bear. I assure you, when you turn 30 you'll be happy that it is finally going to end."

"Please just let me go! I do whatever you want! Please just don't...."

"Sh-sh-sh. It's ok. Beg and curse as much as you want, you have all the right to do so. It won't change anything, but I understand you. It's brutal to face such a fate. I wouldn't know how to take it myself. But I think you're aware that I simply can't let you go, even if I'd want to. That aside, I'd need a replacement for you. And could you really live with the knowledge that someone else suffers in your place? I don't think so. See it that way, by being here, you save someone else's life. Isn't that an encouraging thought?" I smiled, proud of my excellent and valid arguments, as well as to give some sympathy to that poor wolf, that has to suffer and die for my madness.

His voice fully broke, since he cried like a baby now: "Your insane, your completely insane. How... Why... I can't... why.... Why me... please... someone... just... someone help me... that can't be real... people like you can't exist... this... not a movie... like... what... you think you the... guy from some horror movie?... fuck... just..."

"Rarely watch movies, to be honest, do you have any good recommendations? Oh, never mind, you probably don't want to chat about that now. But I assure you I exist, and this situation is real. It's just improbable to meet one of us Sicko's."

To unmistakably burn his new reality into his brain, I took the remainder of my cigar and pressed the hot stump onto the middle of his chest. A minor foreboding of what his future will hold. A nice round spot of fur and skin got melted away, in the middle of his chest, and left a red mark. Considering that the cigar was manufactured for elephant's and other big guys like me, the burned spot appeared quite sizable, on a guy that measured about half my size.


"Hurts doesn't it? That's just a small foretaste of what to come. But for now, I have a few errands to do, but I should be back in the evening, then your first session will begin." With that, I stood up and reached for the door.

"Session? What do you mean? Fuck! It hurts."

"Well, torture session, of course, what did you think?"

Poor confused wolf, but then you can't be ready for such a turn of events in your life. Tonight is going to be great. When they are tortured the first time, their screams are always the sweetest. Albeit, until then, time will drag on. However, there are errands and phone calls to be done to keep me busy for the time being.

Later, with all my chores and shopping done, the clock still refused to show a later time than four pm. That's still too early, and as much as I craved to go down and begin, I promised him I'll be back in the evening, not the afternoon. Going now would mean I lied. I'm not a liar. A few more hours needed to be burned. Sitting down on my big couch and starting up the PC, I opened the folder with the videos of my last subject, a male cheetah, who died recently, at the age of thirty. Some of the old videos will be fun to watch to get in the right mood for my new guest.

The video showed one of the cheetah's last torture sessions before passing away. At this time, his eye had become dull and empty, while the other one was just a scar, burned out by a cigar a long time ago. An utterly broken creature. His whole unwashed body was strewn with brand marks. Although he still screamed as his balls got crushed, between bare feet and the concrete floor. Since his retirement approached, his health didn't seem to matter too much anymore. His testicles simply got smashed to mush. Yet he didn't pass out from that. He had built an impressive pain tolerance during the twelve years of torture he had to endure. Now I watched the elephant keeping the cheetah in a choke-hold, while he cut him with his knife. The cheetah screamed as the blade slashed all over his body again and again. Not deep enough to kill him, of course, his day of death was not today. Causing pain was the knife's sole purpose. Then, after 20 minutes, the finale started. Bleeding all over, the cheetah's shaking form lay curled up on the floor while covering his previously crushed balls with his hands. But the torture did not end here. Now the elephant hoisted up a huge jute sack, filled with salt, and let it shower all over the poor cheetah. Enough to completely cover him under a white mountain. Though even now, the cruel Pachyderme didn't stop, he kneeled down and began to rub the salt into the cheetah's fur, ensuring that every single one of the hundred cuts was saturated with salt. All the while, the poor cheetah shrieked, until even he had to give up and passed out.

After skimming through more of the old footage, the time to properly introduce myself to my new subject finally approached. First, I had to dress up appropriately, but then my steps guided me downstairs. Before entering, though, I eyed myself up in the mirror. A huge muscular elephant in its late forties. Unless earlier, when fully suited up, I now only wore a jockstrap and a dark green rubber apron. Further worth mentioning was the usual cigar in my mouth. When finally pressing down the doorknob, a nervously shaking wolf awaited me inside. Judging by the redness of his eyes, he did spend most of the past hours with crying; understandably. Such a pretty boy; such a poor guy. But I have to do, what needs to be done, I can't resist, he has to suffer; he has to die - eventually.

"Please, can't we talk about this? Please, I really don't want this. I'm scared. Please, just let me go, I beg you, let me go. Please, please, please, please, please."

"Shhhh, boy. I know. It's hard. Shhhh, be calm, you're a good boy."

"God, fuck, please, just please, you can't be that insane, please, just let me go."

"Shush. Now, open your mouth, it's time for your medicine."

"Medicine? What you're talking about, freak" his voice bore a very worrying tone by now, and he subsequently pressed his lips tightly together.

"Nothing bad, Trevor. Nothing to worry about. Just a Viagra, I need your rod hard for this, and something tells me you're not in the mood. Now open, or I force it open, your choice."

Most surprisingly, he opened his mouth voluntarily. Just a little bit, but enough to slip my thumb in and put the pill deep enough into his mouth, so he was forced to swallow it. I pet his forehead while cold sweat ran down his face. His fear stimulated me. He just cried, as he apparently already began to accept his fate?

"So, Trevor, it takes a few moments for the pill to do its magic, anything you wanna talk about?"

"Huh, wait... wait, h-how do you actually know my name?"

"By doing my job well. I observe my subjects thoroughly before I catch them. Did you never notice the black van that followed you around?"

"H-how long did..."

"About three weeks." Longer than my usual observation time, but for a boy, I intended to keep for twelve years, it seemed wise to extend the time frame a little bit. After all, for such a long term commitment, you want to be absolutely certain to have the right subject.

"I-is there really nothing I can do, I mean that you let me go. Please."

"No, nothing, Trevor. You will die in this very room."

Hysteria and panic arose once again in him, as his shrill shrieks of fear, anger, and denial ravaged the room, mixed with the clanking noise of his shackles hammering onto the metal table as he tried to free himself.

"It's ok, Trevor. Let it all out. I know this is all so unfair. Shhh, yeah, let it all out." expectedly my soothing voice did not, well, soothe him, despite that my words were truly genuine.

"You fucking creep, you psychopathic monster... you sick fuck... how... w-why?" His voice cracked as he cried and screamed like a baby.

"Shh, it's fine, you're right. I'm a monster. Don't worry about insulting me. You have all the right to do so, Trevor. Swear as much as you want if it helps you."


My soothing really seemed to miss the spot. But it was the only thing I could do to help him right now, so I continued: "It's fine, let it aaaaall out. You're doing great, Trevor."

"JUST-SHUT-UP, god, please just shut up. No torture can be worse than you fucking creep with your fucking played concern."

"It's not played, Trevor. I genuinely feel for you."

"Then let me fucking go, are you dumb? Like what the fuck?"

"But I can't. I'm a monster, I have to do what I need to do. Ah, whatever, I see your meat stick is ready. Very good. What a beautiful cock. You know, you're a very pretty wolf, Trevor." He only cried and whimpered in response.

First, I had to get rid of my cigar, so I stubbed it out on the wolfs shoulder. Leaving another red burned spot on his body. He expectedly screamed out due to the sudden pain. Further, a few more restraints were necessary. For what is about to occur, his midsection needed to be immobilized. A belt around his waist, as well as two more around his thighs, securely fixated to the table should do the trick. Lastly, a small leather strap tied around the base of his cock, right below his now fully engorged knot, should prevent him from going soft too soon. Then I protruded a small box from the front pocket of my apron. The mundane dressmaker pins it contained may not seem exciting at first, but one would be surprised what devious torture device those trivial items can be turned into. I grabbed one and aimed it at poor Trevor's knot.

"Wait, no, not that, you're not going to do that. You're kidding, right? You're kidding? Please, no no no no no."

"Sorry, Trevor"

And with that, I slowly pressed the needle into his knot. Centimeter for Centimeter it disappeared into his flesh until only the round ball at the top was visible. The remaining 5 centimeters [2 inches] were buried deep into Trevor's most delicate and vulnerable knot. His screams filled the room. The deeper the needle had gone, the louder he had gotten. Tears ran down his cute face once more. After waiting for a few seconds, I slowly pulled the needle out, but not entirely and just for a few moments before it did get pushed in again, and out, and in, and out. I repeated this a while longer until finally, the needle remained fully buried. It took Trevor a few moments to realize that I had stopped. Eventually, his screams died down, and only his heavy breathing and sobbing filled the silence of the basement.

"Such a good boy, you're doing great, Trevor, I'm so proud of you."

"Fuck you, pull it out, pull it out, please I beg you pull it out. It hurts so much, please pleeeease!"

"Sorry, Trevor, can't do." And then, I simply grabbed the next needle and aimed. His eyes widened with fear.

"Wait, no No NO NO NO! Not another one, no, please no. Please mercy, I do whatever you want, please have mercy. I can't take that, please. Please. Please. Please."

"Shhh, all good, you're a brave boy, you can take it. Ready now."

His screams once more filled the room. Even louder than before but to no avail as the second needle as well mercilessly drilled his sensitive knot. When I fetched the third needle, his begging was almost inaudibly drowned by his crying and sobbing.

I talked to him, in an attempt to distract him from his agony: "Isn't it funny Trevor? How strong of sensations fear and pain are? You're nude in a room with a stranger, in fact, now even showing an erection, but since the beginning, you weren't worried about how shameful of a situation that is, all thanks to your fear. I always find it funny how that works. Don't you agree, Trevor?" He seemed to barely notice me talking to him.

While the minutes passed by, the count of needles in Trevor's knot steadily increased. "You're doing so well, Trevor. You're such a good wolf." I used my trunk to caress his cheek while saying this. At the same time, though, the tenth needle broke the skin and flesh of his penis.

Twenty minutes later, Trevor appeared to be quite dazed, and his body began to shake and spasm uncontrollably. His screams only hoarse rasping sounds by now. And not too long after, maybe five more needles, he finally passed out. Poor boy, he doesn't deserve such a fate. But then, who does? No one, so it might be as well him. I unbuckled the belt below his knot so that his cock could finally go soft again. The needles, it ended up being 25, remained. They will cause pain and discomfort for the years to come, no reason to remove them ever.

"Good night, Trevor." and with that, I left the unconscious body its peace. Tomorrow will be another long day for him. In fact, there will be only long days for him now. Poor Trevor.