Kendo Commision 3

Story by Antiken Furyiffer on SoFurry

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The third story for Kendo. Not the end just the next part.

Renay had been gone for about two weeks due to her job and Kendo was feeling a bit lonesome. He was sitting in his apartment as it rained talking on the phone with her.

"I miss you too Kendo but this project is really important." Renay said. "I'll be home in three days and we'll make up for it ok."

"Ok." Kendo sighed. "I'll have to just wait till then."

"Look if you are really feeling it go see Mom." Renay said. "You know she'd be glad to help your loneliness. Besides I don't want to want to see you all mopey when I get back."

"You're right that would get my mind off of you being gone, but just a little." Kendo said.

"You'll live." Renay chuckled. "Now i gotta get going I have a meeting in ten minutes, I love you Kendo."

"Love you too." Kendo said .



Renay hung up and Kendo pulled up Paula's number and called it.

"Hey Kendo, what's up." Paula said after a few short rings.

"Are you doing anything right now?"

"Not if you are asking" She said in a silky tone that sent a chill down his spine. "Why what's up."

"Feeling a bit lonely, want to go do something?"

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

"Maybe the Arboretum, we'd have it to ourselves with it being rainy today."

"That sounds fun, I haven't gone in ages." Paula said. "Bring that sports car of yours, your truck tends to leak when it's rainy like this."

"I fixed that leak."

"Maybe I want to ride in that car because It's nicer than mine." Paula giggled.

Kendo smiled. "Sure. I'll bring it."

The truck needed the brake pads changed on it and it wasn't too safe to drive currently, it was a project Kendo was going to do this weekend but the weather had better ideas. However if he got the car out, he could leave it at Paula's where it would be safe in her garage and then he could use the one at his apartment to fix his truck. Kendo grabbed his jacket and headed for the door.

He arrived at Paula's house and pulled up into her drive, he saw her waiting on the porch smoking a cigarette and put it out when she saw him pull up. She was wearing a black leather jacket over what looked like a black one piece skirt. He got out and opened the door for her and she got into the car.

"Thank you." she said as he hopped back in the car and kissing him on the cheek.

"Not a problem." Kendo said putting the car in reverse and watching the backup camera as he backed out.

Paula took out a breath spray from her purse and took a few puffs into her mouth to get rid of the cigarette taste.

"'I'm glad you called it's been pretty dull today this rain won't let up." She said caressing his thigh and kissing his cheek. "I was looking for a little excitement, I got the house cleaned and bills paid so I pretty much was out of things to do."

"I'm missing Renay so she suggested I give you a call." Kendo said. "When it downpours like this I don't get many calls for work."

"I"m always glad to spend time with you Kendo, whatever we do." Paula replied leaning back in the chair and getting comfortable as Kendo accelerated down the street. "Are you two getting along ok? I know Renay's job keeps her away a lot."

"Yeah we're fine, just trying to get everything together with the baby on the way is a bit of a challenge when she gets called away like this."

"Got a place found yet?"

"Not yet." Kendo growled. "We can find plenty of nicer bigger apartments but I want a house."

"I"ll see what I can do, I think the place next door to mine may be up for sale the neighbors have had trucks parked there off and on all week." She smiled. "If you don't having me nearby as a Neighbor i'd love to help you guys out that way I can see my grandbaby every day."

"I'd love that." Kendo said a bit relieved. "Renay had suggested it a few times but I didn't realise what a pain in the ass it would be trying to find a place."

"I'd be my pleasure." Paula said. "Besides I"ll get to baby sit during the day and then have the rest of the night to myself. It'll be great."


Paula nodded. "So when are we going to meet your family Kendo?"

"I'm working on it. I know Dad is available next week sometime." Kendo replied. "I'm still working on getting ahold of mom I'm going to try this weekend."

"Ok. Well I look forward to it." Paula smiled. "I do help you told them..."

"Yeah, Dad wasn't too thrilled. Mom is ecstatic about a grandchild."

"Do they know about us?"

"No, why would I bring that up?"

"Just wondering is all." Paula said. "Since we're talking about your parents can I ask you about something?"

"Shoot." Kendo said keeping his eyes on the road.

"I know I was your first and we've had a lot of fun since then." She said. "I've wondered have you ever played with your mother?"

"What you mean sleeping with her?" Kendo said a bit shocked.

"Why are you acting shocked, you've seen Renay and I together."

"Yeah but that.."

"Is what Kendo?" Paula said cutting off.

Kendo leaned back in the driver's seat. "No I haven't." He said.

"Would you if you had the chance?" Paula asked.

"I don't know if would, I really haven't thought about it ok?" Kendo said.

"Is she pretty?" Paula asked.


"So you never thought about her once that way when you were younger?"

Kendo blushed but it was hard not to be honest with Paula. "Well maybe a couple of times."

"Oh there's more to it than that."

"Ok.." Kendo relented. "I'll tell you but you gotta keep it a secret."

"I promise cross my heart." Paula said.

"Ok when I was 13 i found some pictures in a closet while I was looking for something one day. They were pictures of my mom, some pretty provocative ones my dad probably took." Kendo said keeping his eyes on the road. "So i took a few and went to my room, I was of age so I was curious and all that and well those pictures were the first naked woman I'd ever seen."

"So what'd you do?"

"What any horny 13 year old would do." Kendo said blushing. "The only problem was mom came by my room right when i shot my load."

"How'd that go over."

"She didn't say anything." Kendo said. "I was so embarrassed and terrified I'd get in trouble. So much i forgot there i was on my knees on my bed with my dick in my hand in front of her."

"What'd she say?"

"She was shocked at first but she didn't say anything." Kendo said. "I was so dead just expecting something to happen but she just gathered up the pictures, tossed me hand towel told me clean up and soak the towel before I put it in the wash and told me supper would be in twenty minutes."

"So... nothing came of it?"

Kendo flushed.

"Not exactly."

"How so."

"Well when dad was gone on Saturdays she'd run around in her bra and panties just to tease me. Or she'd just wear her robe like you do."

Paula chuckled. "What did you do?"

"I complained but she just said I'd already seen the rest of her what was the big deal. I think that was my punishment for what I did."

"Oh I think I like her already." Paula laughed. "So nothing came of it.'

"To be honest i got used to it." Kendo said. "But she never let me forget it."

"Could you?"

"No." Kendo blushed. "I'll admit it I couldn't ever get those pictures out of my mind."

"Curiosities a bitch." Paula laughed. "Ok i'm done picking on you i was just curious."

They arrived at the arboretum and Kendo was able to park close due to it being during the week and not being very busy. It looked like a cross between an art museum and a greenhouse. What Kendo liked about the pace was within there were several gymnasium sized sections each mimicking a different biome

They went inside and walked arm in arm into the building after purchasing tickets. Paula looked around approvingly. "Yeah they've definitely spruced this place up a bit since i was here."

"Well it got pretty run down." Kendo said. "But the public really stepped up and renewed interest in keeping it going. I'm surprised you haven't come back."

"I had my reasons." Paula said quietly. "Renay's father and I used to come here quite a few times."

"What was he like?" Kendo asked as they walked up to the desert biome and stepped through the door and into the dry heat of the area. The rooms floor was covered in sand that had tracks through some of the native animals and that lived inside it a path wound through the exhibit towards the next one and they started walking.

"A lot like you." Paula said fondly. "Except he was an Echidna, you both have the same blue eyes though. We met when we were kids and every summer we'd spend every day together playing, having adventures. He was four years older than me, but every year I got older and he got older and that childhood fondness eventually turned into desire." Paula stopped to read a sign near an exotic cactus plant. "The summer I turned 13 my parents wouldn't let us run around together unsupervised."

"Ouch, knowing you can't have gone over well."

"No, it didn't." Paula said as they stopped at the end of the path and kendo opened the door to go into the next Biome which was a jungle. "You have no idea how bad I wanted him." She smiled. "I bided my time and eventually an opportunity came my way. My parents had a 3 day cruise that they had prepared for and they arranged for a babysitter to watch me and my siblings. Little did they know that the baby sitter was his half-sister and she pretty much let me do whatever I wanted. So we both snuck off to a little spot on a tiny little island and did nothing but eat fish, fruit and make love for three days." She said smiling remembering the good memories. "After some drama, Renay came about."

"Wow you had her that young?" Kendo said.

"I did but he stayed with me and we got married." Paula said. "Ren was a good man he was going to be in his daughter's life and he didn't care how hard it was going to be being as young as we were raising a pup together." She smiled remembering as she looked around at the jungle plants and breathed in the smells. "He worked his tail off to get that house I have, we moved in and worked together to get it to look like that. It was a dump when we got it but together we turned it into a home." She looked up at a waterfall. "Follow me I want to show you something." she said looking around. They walked up what kendo saw was probably a small maintenance path behind the workings of the arboretums scenic effects, it was obscured by some jungle ferns and but Paula seemed to know exactly where to step and each step had a cobble stone that was slightly obscured by leaves and other debris. He followed her up the path to a small alcove behind the waterfall that appeared to hold an unused exit.

"This is an old way out." Paula explained. 'They change things all the time and this door only opens to the outside with an alarm. So we should be safe."

"Safe?" Kendo asked.

Paula turned and smiled and put her arms around her neck. "Yeah safe to get a little frisky."

Kendo smiled and they began to kiss as he pulled her close to him. After a brief moment she dropped to her knees and quickly undid his jeans and in a few moments she was deepthroating his cock. Kendo grasped her hair and began to gently fuck her mouth wich Paula always went crasy when he did that he felt her sucking him off even with more vigor and caressing his balls. After a bit she stood up and hiked her skirt up for him revealing she had nothing on under the skit. They kissed again and he pushed her up against one of the fake rocks. After lifting her up she wrapped her legs around him and he began to thrust.

They carried on like this for several minutes with Paula whimpering and loving the feel of him inside of her. Since they had started fucking a few months ago it had never taken much for her to cum with Kendo, they loved each other in their own way and that just made their couplings that much more intense and passionate. She didn't mind sharing him with her daughter and Renay didn't mind either and encouraged that they maintain their relationship.

Paula held on to him whimpering quietly as he thrust deeply into her pushing her into the rocks. She kissed him deeply dragging her fingers over his back

She felt Kendo's member grow hot insider her and start to twitch and it excited her she knew he was close.

"That's it baby, fill me," She gasped. "Give it all to me."

Kendo growled and she felt him ejaculate inside her after one last powerful thrust. She held onto him gasping loving the feel of his warmth inside her and kissing him deeply with one final thrust Kendo groaned and he felt his wolf seed feel her and she moaned loudly clasping him to her with her legs and arms as he pressed her against the wall. She kissed him deeply and ran her hands through his headfur as she enjoyed the feeling of his warmth inside her. They kissed passionately and just held each other.

"Thank you Kendo." Paula cooed kissing his ears. "That's enough for now let's save some for when we get home."

Kendo smiled and nodded and he let her slide back to the ground to which she dropped to her knees and immediately started cleaning off his cock with her tongue which always made him shudder.

"Nothing like a good quickie huh?" She smirked wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and then standing up and pulling her skirt back down. On the floor was a puddle of what he had ejaculated inside her. "Don't worry about that it'll be dried up before anyone notices." She chuckled.

"Or if they have a black light."

"Well if they are that bored more power to them." Paula said shrugging. "Lets go finish the rest of the tour and get something to eat.

They completed the walking tour, grabbed some lunch and spent the remaining bit of the day making love all over her house until they passed out in each others arms.

* * *

A few days later they pulled into the drive of a rather fancy mansion in the nicer part of town.

"This is the place?" Paula asked.

"Yeah." Kendo responded from the back seat as Paula and Renay looked on in astonishment.

"Ok, I think I'm starting to understand." Paula said. Apparently Kendo came from money but was determined to find his own way. It wasn't an issue for her, being wealthy herself, but he sure did a good job covering it up. She moved the car up the drive and pulled up to the large ornate doors. Kendo got out and opened their doors for them as they got out.

"This is pretty nice Kendo." Renay said grasping his arm after he opened the door for Paula to get out.

"Yeah but you'll see why I didn't stay." Kendo Grumbled.

"Did you have a fight with your father?" Paula asked.

"Just trust me you'll see." He said as they walked up to the door and rang the bell.

The door opened and a Vixen the same age as Kendo with red body fur, long full blonde head fur down to her back and she had apparently barely bothered dressing wearing a thong and what could barely be qualified as a shirt barely covering her breasts. Also slightly above her breast on her chest she had her fur dyed to white "Slut." in rather readable letters.

"Little Ken!!" She shrieked happily hugging him and purposely shoving his face into her breasts. "So good to see you!"

Kendo fought his way from her grasp flaring. "Hello Kimi." He growled. "Does dad know we're here."

"Yes, he's in the back. Come on in."

Renay glared at Kimi who just smirked and followed Kendo who hurriedly headed down the hall.

"Kind of ruins the mystery doesn't it?" Paula said smugly to Kimi.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing don't worry about it." Paula replied as she mused about Kendo's father having a fucktoy about the same age as Kendo.

"Who's that charming little minx?" Renay asked as Paula caught up to them.

"My Dad's girlfriend, I can't stand her."

"That's surprising most men would be all over that." Paula mused. "Did you..."

"No... ugh... Never." Kendo grumbled.

"Good boy." Both mother and daughter said in unison.

At the end of the corridor was a huge living room/atrium that looked out into the back yard there was a tall wolf that bore a passing resemblance to Kendo standing at the bar making drinks. He was wearing a long sleeved silk shirt and a black pair of slacks he seemed to be preparing some drinks and he heard the sound of the three approaching.

He turned to greet them and then hesitated them as he caught sight of Paula and Renay with his son. Paula was in tight fitting jeans and jean jacket with a halter top and he had to take a moment to drink it in. Kendo had already filled him in on the details of this visit but just from the way the two women carried themselves he could see why Kendo was so enamored with Reany.

"Afternoon everyone and welcome to my home, my staff with have lunch ready within the hour so can I get you some drinks or a snack." David said.

"I could use one. Can you make a martini?" Paula said.

"Of course, my name is David by the way you must be Paula and you Renay."

They both nodded. "And I must say you are both very lovely. I have heard a lot about both of you." David continued.

"I wish we could say likewise." Paula said ribbing Kendo as she waited for her drink she decided to take a seat at the bar.

"I can understand why upon meeting you." David said smiling turning to Renay. "And you are my son's bride to be?"

Renay smiled.

"So what do you do?"

"I am currently a system engineer at Yolanda Aeronautics." Renay replied.

David seemed impressed then internally amused. "Do you like the work?"

"Yes I do."

"Yolanda is not an easy company to get into." David mused. "You must be really good at what you do."

Renay blushed. "I like to think so."

David finished making Paula her drink and handed it to her He noticed Kendo was being quiet. He was pretty sure that Kendo was more than just being on edge with Kimi around. "Kendo, I would like to speak with Paula for a bit, would you mind showing Renay the grounds."

"Yeah sure dad." Kendo said suddenly tensing up seeing Kimi saunter into the room. He quickly headed for the glass door to the back with Renay in tone..

"Kimi." David said.

"Yes, baby." Kimi said breathlessly walking up to him.

David pulled out his wallet and extracted a few beers. "Can you go to the store and get some Dom Perignon for dinner?" "Sure..." Kimi smiled rubbing against him and eagerly watching the bills as he counted them. He handed them to her. "You can grab yourself something too if you want."

"Thanks! I'll be back in a little bit." Kimi said gleefully taking the money and scurrying away.

After she left. "So.... what's with Kendo and her?" Paula inquired.

David shook his head. "She's always making advances towards him and Kendo seems to think i'm oblivious to it."

"So you don't care?"

David shrugged. "Not really she's more of a companion then anything for me, this house gets pretty quiet and lonely sometimes. Kendo seems to think she's gold digging me but he can believe that little fantasy if he wants."

"I'm surprised you haven't knocked her up." Paula asked. "Kendo would probably be a little irked."

"Oh, I've got that little aspect covered." David smirked. "I just don't really discuss those matters with my son. If he wants to be mad about it he can be mad, if he wants to understand what's really going on he'll talk to me about it." David shrugged. "She gets what you could call a "vitamin" shot from a trusted friend who happens to be her doctor every month."

"Ahhh." Paula said knowingly. "But what if she finds out?" Paula inquired.

David shrugged. "I don't know it's never came up." He smiled. "She enjoys it either way."

Paula raised a brow at that statement.

"I am very wealthy, it's hard to find anyone who can like you for yourself, I think you of all people would understand that. I remember you, we met at a party in Zenako on the 40th floor of the Grand Emperor skyscraper, it was several years ago. You are Ms. Li of Lioren Tech aren't you?:"

"Yeah you got me." Paula said blushing after thinking back to it she did recall meeting a wolf a lot like him.

"It's hard to forget a face or a body like yours." David grinned. "If I remember we hit it off quite well and then duty called both of us."

"Yeah. That's partly why I called it quits." Paula said. "After all those years I wanted to enjoy life for once. I can understand where you are coming from with Kimi though."

David nodded.

"Your Son is the only person who has been pretty earnest with me and that's the most endearing thing about him." She said. "I like him a lot."

"I can tell." David said leaning on the counter. "I think it goes a little deeper than that."

Paula blushed. "A little." She said with a smile.

They both looked out the large glass window into the courtyard where they saw Kendo and Renay walking arm and arm talking amongst themselves, probably about their future, what to name the child, what their plans were now.

"A part of you doesn't like giving him up does it?" David asked.

Paula nodded and took a drink. "I'll live with it, he loves Renay now and I'm happy they are together. So Kimi is just a plaything?"

"Perhaps... Perhaps not I haven't made my mind up yet. Do I have too?" David smirked.

Paula giggled. "I suppose not."

"Youth has it's advantages but maturity has it's virtues." David said as they watched Kendo and renay disappear down a trail that led to the lake. A place Kimi would not go due to her terror of anything outside except a well kept beach. "I will say physically, I'm surprised he chose her over you. Not that Renay isn't beautiful but she can't hold a candle to your physique."

Paula shrugged. "So is that your round about round about way of complimenting my tits and ass?" David's brashness was starting to be a turn on for her. She liked how confident and sure he was of himself, and he was very handsome as well

"Well they are magnificent." David said grinning wolfishly.

Paula took another sip of her drink and traced her finger along the edge of the glass. "Back to business, of the kids. Kendo really adores Renay and I trust him as well. I wouldn't have let them get on this long If i didn't. You know she's with child."

"Yes." David replied. "At first I was a bit upset but, after Kendo told me everything I let it go. Accidents happen. Hell I wouldn't have my son if it wasn't for an absent minded moment of passion." He chuckled. "I just hope that this marriage works out better then his mother and I."

"I wouldn't worry about it." Paula said. "I trust Renay's judgement, she's had a few boyfriends and she's learned from each of them." She thought for a moment. "So why aren't you and Kendo's mother still together?"

"Honestly, nothing against her but I never got done sewing my wild oats as it were. I wanted to continue to play outside of marriage and she didn't appreciate it. What about you?"

"It's a sad story about Renay's father I don't like to talk about it." Paula said sadly.

They were both quiet for a moment in thought. David feeling a bit like a heel for asking because Paula's demeanor became saddened, and Paula feeling sad and wanting to get away from it with a potentially fun tryst ahead of her.

"So how long will Kimi be gone?" Paula asked downing her martini and finishing it.

"Probably forty minutes or so unless she dawdles." David said glancing at the clock.

Paula got out of her chair and hooked her arms around David's neck surprising him as she pressed her body into his and kissed him. David didn't balk but put his hands on her ass and gave it a squeeze finding it very firm. "I think we can think of something to do in that time, don't you?"

* * *

"Wow you really are upset at Kimi aren't you" Renay said letting go of Kendo's paw and flexing her own. "You are giving me a death grip."

"Sorry." Kendo said as they walked down the path.

"I'll live just relax a little." Renay said. "So where are we going?"

"There's a little cabin down by the lake. I figured you'd like to see it."

"Of course I would." Renay said hearing a rumble of thunder. "Is it close?"

"Yeah." "It looks like it might rain. Won't we be late to supper."

"Nah, dad says an hour he really means a couple of hours. It's just up around this bend."

They arrived at the small cabin, it was about the same size as the beach cabin they were both familiar with and they sat on the yard duvet under the porch of the cabin as it started raining. Renay snuggled up to him as the rain started to gently come down.

"You need to just relax lover." Renay said kissing at his ears. "We're here to introduce me to your family and have a good time." She said unbuttoning his trousers.

"Well that would definitely help." Kendo chuckled. "But won't we be missed?"

"Kendo, it's mother. I think your Father will be preoccupied. She was eyeing him up and down the moment we saw him."

Kendo burst out laughing, if it worked there was always a chance his father might lose his fascination with Kimmy.

"What's so funny?" Renay asked intrigued.

"Well no offence but I think Paula might give Kimmy a run for her money when it comes to my father."

* * *

Within a few hurried moments both Paula and David's clothes were all over the floor as hey kissed running their hands all over each other. David clutched Paula's ass cheeks and she threw his arms around his neck and hopped up and wrapped her legs around his lower back. Carrying her he walked over to the bar setting her down on it and then grabbed his member and with one action penetrated her. David was a little bit girthier then his son and she yelped in surprise feeling the tight fit. Paula yelped in surprise at his forwardness but she was already wet and her pussy put up very little resistance.

"A bit forward aren't we?" She winced.

"Shut up." He said grasping her neck to hold her against the bar and drive his cock into her rapidly.

Paula cried out as he felt him stretch her out his other hand squeezing her tit hard. "That all you got!" She sassed him she cried out feeling him stretch her out and despite herself she squirted howling loudly and arching her back.

David pulled out and then pulled her off the bar and then bent her over one of the bar stools before penetrating her again from behind and driving into her rapidly. Paula gritted her teeth she was starting to get a bit sore from the pounding but she knew his type, it would be over soon enough. She was a little disappointed she had hoped that Kendo's prowess had come from his father but she was mistaken, and due to his size and his rapid thrusts had quickly decreased the pleasure on her end. A lay was a lay but she couldn't help but feeling a bit let down as she felt his cock twitch and David shoved his cock deep into her causing her to moan and he filled her with his seed. He pulled out of her and leaned back against the bar catching his breath.

"Well that was... something." Paula said standing up wincing a bit.

"It's a fuck what more do you want?" David said grabbing his glass and taking a drink

"I was hoping for a little more but at least I got my answer." She said feeling his seed drip out of her and gathering up her clothes.

"Answer to what?" David asked.

"Who's better you or your son." she smirked. "Perhaps you should play more with people your own age."

David gave her a flat look. "Very funny." He said drolly.

"Where's a shower I'll freshen up. The kids should be back soon."

David pointed to a small bathroom off the bar. "Towels are in the cabinet." He said picking up his own clothes.

"Thanks." Paula said heading off to the bathroom and shut the door.

That had been rather disappointing, and as much as she enjoyed his size he just didn't know how to use it. He'd been fucking that little fuckslut so much all she knew about sex was just getting pounded and it showed in his performance. She hoped in the shower and turned it on. Oh well, it wouldn't work out their was a whole other world full of interesting playmates to be had, as well as Kendo.

David was a bit confused, she had squirted while they were fucking but now she was acting unsatisfied. Maybe she was just easy to get off, but still she let him fuck her he got what he wanted. His cell phone went off and he answered it.

"This is David."

"Hi Baby, I'm heading back I should be there soon." Kimi said over the phone.

"That's fine. Kendo and Renay aren't back yet, be careful on the freeway."

"I will babe." Kimi said. "Later." she said hanging up.

"Yeah." he said rolling his eyes and hanging up. Mentioning the young woman's name reminded her that he wanted to have a chat with her alone. He was leary of any woman that came around his son but if she was like her mother she was the real deal and in love with Kendo. Even though David wasn't the best at relationships himself he wanted the best for his son, and didn't want him making the mistakes he did.

* * *

Renay clutched Kendo's head to her breasts as he came inside her and she moaned and kissed his ears. "All better baby?" She said panting.

She was facing him straddling him as he sat on the bench. Her body all a quiver as he ran his hands up and down her back.

"Yes Much better, Love you Renay."

"I love you too Kendo." She said kissing him deeply

Kendo nodded and kissed her breasts. "We probably better head back."

"You just relax ok Kendo." Renay said rocking her hips back and forth loving the feel of his cum inside her. "Think of this if you start getting annoyed."

"It will be hard not to. We should probably clean up, there's a little shower in the cabin."

"Ok. I won't need long." She said sliding off of him and heading inside.

Kendo picked up their clothes and followed her in and joined her.

* * *

After a hurried run back up the path Renay and Kendo got back to the house. Kendo had found an umbrella in the cabin and used it to help them get back without getting too soaked. The food was already ready and Paula was standing on the porch smoking a cigarette.

"You to have fun down there?" She asked.

"Yes." Kendo smirked.

"Well..." She said stubbing her cigarette out on the railing. "At least someone did, dinner is ready. We were just waiting for you to get back."

* * *

Dinner was a bit awkward.

They mostly ate quietly. David seemed a bit miffed about something Kendo and Renay seemed a little tense. Paula was just a mask and Kimi was oblivious to anything that had occurred in her absence. Kendo was sat between Kimi and Renay almost the same distance from his father and Paula around the table.

"So." David said coughing to break the silence. "Have you two picked out a place you would like to have the ceremony."

"Yeah." Kendo replied. "There's a nature park we like to go to frequently and they do allow weddings. We've already looked into it."

"Good. I'll be glad to cover the expenses."

"You will?" Kendo said.

"Of course." David replied.

"That's very kind of you." Paula said.

"He's my son." David replied. "Just promise me you don't make it a recurring thing. I'll cover the first one but any others are on you."

"Dad!" Kendo said flustered and Renay squeezed his leg reassuringly under the table.

Kendo thought he saw Kimi shoot david a look but he wasn't sure.

"A wedding outside that sounds so beautiful." Kimi chimed in.

"Wait till you see the place we have picked out." Renay said trying to keep things moving along.

"I look forward to it." David said taking a drink. "What about guests."

"We don't have too many." Kendo said taking a breath. "I'd like mom to be there."

"No." David said flatly.

"Why?!" Kendo growled.

"Because I'm paying for it and I said no!" David said locking eyes with his son.

"She's my mother she has as much right to be there as you do!"

"Not if I'm paying for it!"

Paula looked like she was about to jump across the table at David when Kimi finally spoke up.

"DAVID! That's enough!" Kimi snapped at him. "If he wants his mom there let her be there it's not like you have to talk to her!"

David looked at her more shocked than anyone else for this sudden outburst.. "It's his wedding, let him have whomever he wants there. Grow the fuck up." Kimi growled.

"Fine." David resigned sitting back. "Whatever she can come if you insist on it." He said grudgingly. "But you had better not ask for any favors for awhile." "Sure, whatever, thank you dad."

David grunted and slouched back in his chair.

Kendo gave Kimi a look of thanks and she nodded going back to eating. "Do you have a day set?" She asked.

"The first friday of september." Renay responded.

"It was the earliest we could set the reservation." Paula added being a bit more kinder to Kimi finding a little bit more respect for her and taking a rather large gulp of wine and refilling her glass still a bit peeved at David.

The rest of the dinner was filled with idle chat till they were finished.

With the last of the dishes cleaned off the table David scooted his chair in and said. "Renay may I have a word with you in my study before we all retire for the night."

"Sure." Renay said.

"Kendo could you show Paula the ladies rooms."

"Sure." Kendo replied.

* * *

They headed up stairs.

"Kendo, i'd like to see your room." Paula said running her finger up and down his arm.

"Really why?"

"Why not?"

Kendo shrugged and they reached the top of the stairs and headed down the balcony to the door that was his room, he opened it.

"So this is my Room," Kendo said as Paula stepped inside.

Paula shut the door behind her not noticing it didn't latch, and looked around the room it was rather tidy, contained various books, totes a desk and everything was neat and tidy. There was a door that appeared to lead to a balcony outside the window.

"It's nice." She said walking around and walking up to the large window looking out into the drive, the storm had really picked up and her car was just being drenched. She cracked open the window and just breathed in the scents from outside.

"Thanks." Kendo said sitting on the bed, sighing heavily and laying back on the bed.

Paula walked over to him swaying her hips and leaned forward placing her arms on the bed. "Kendo.."


"I came here hoping I'd get a good fuck and your dad really disappointed me." She started to crawl over him. Her hair and spines drooping over him. "And here we are in your room."

Kendo breathed in her scent and ran his hands up her thighs. "So what happened?"

Paula kissed him her tongue running along his and then down his chest before sitting up straddling him and pulling her top off and tossing it to the floor. She tossed her hair as her breasts fell free. "He's all cock, no passion." She said unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans.

Kendo smirked and then sat up and grabbed one her tits in his hands and began to suck on her nipple. Paula moaned and ran her hands up and down his back. He then rolled her over onto her back and was kissing her all over.

"Oh Kendo...." Paula sighed twitching at each kiss.

He kissed down her stomach running his hands over each her breasts, back down her stomach and too her jeans where he stopped and pulled off her jeans. After tossing them to the floor, he quickly undressed and then went down on her.

Soon Paula was quietly moaning and writhing as his tongue lashed her clit she wrapped her legs around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair and across his ears. Kendo ran his hands over her breasts and gently tweaked her nipples.

It didn't take long for Kendo to get her to cum. She moaned loudly and arched her back as a shudder ran through her whole body.

"Come here lover... lay on your back." She said scooting up the bed. Kendo did as told and she straddled him again. She leaned down and kissed him again and he ran his hands down her back and along her ass squeezing it.

Paula sucked in a breath and sat back up and turned around. "Sit up..." she said. "This is for you because you are so special to me."

He did as told and she rolled off and turned around so that her butt faced him. Facing away and on her knees she guided herself onto his cock and even though she was tender from earlier she still loved the feel of his tip sliding between her labia. She lowered herself carefully down and placed her hands on his legs and turned to look back at him as she slowly began to grind whimpering slightly.

Kendo reached forward and grasped her by her tits and let her control the motion. The bed creaked as she gently rode him and Kendo loved her little whimpers and moans.

"Nnngh Kendo.... " She gasped as she felt him run his hands around her waist giving gentle squeezes as she rocked her hips back and forth. "I love your cock nngh."

Kendo tweaked her nipples and pulled her back. Paula yelped in pleasure and readjusted herself so she was now laying on top of him with her back to him. He started to kiss her neck and slowly thrust as one han made it's way down her body and started rubbing her clit. Paula moaned loudly and reached back to run her hands through his head fur and grind her hips again. "Yes baby.. Fuck me...." She squirmed and arched her back as he increased his pace. "Make me cum OOHHhhhh"

Kendo grasped and stroked her throat. "Squirt for me." He said driving his shaft into her. Paula cried out and he felt her shudder as she soaked his cock and his sheets before gasping and moaning still grinding on his cock.

He then grabbed her around her stomach and on motion rolled on top of her with her underneath him. Kendo then began to thrust into her again and Paula moaned into the mattress and clawed at the sheets.. "Ohhhh fucccck ohhhh."

* * *

Kimi had made her way up stairs realizing she'd forgotten to set the bedding out in the guest rooms. She was pretty furious at David and the distraction helped keep her mind off it. She noticed that Kendo's door was shut, he must have gone into his room. She grabbed the sheets and pillows from the servants closet and went to Paula and Renays room and set them out. As she finished up she walked back towards the stairs when she heard a moan from Kendo's room. Curious she slunk up to the door seeing it had worked its way open. She peaked in and saw Kendo naked crouched over Paula who had her face buried in the pillow and her ass in the air and she was moaning loudly as Kendo drove his cock deep into her.

Kimi grinned to herself. So Kendo was even more ambitious than his father he was in bed with both mother and daughter and Kimi had to admit that was pretty hot. She'd always found Kendo attractive and she stood there just drinking the sight of his naked body as he fucked Paula. She had a good view where she was so she just stood where she was and slipped her paw down under her thong and began to play with herself as she watched.

Kendo was really giving it to her and Paula was just moaning loudly and writhing underneath him.

"Unnn I'm going to cum!" Kendo cried.

"Fill me baby give it all to me!!" Paula said between gasps.

Kendo cried out and Paula pressed herself against him feeling his seed spill into her. She moaned as he collapsed on top of her and his cock slipped out with a pop as he rolled off her.

Kimi saw the load of cum that spilled out of Paula's slit and was amazed what a heavy cummer Kendo was. Watching the whole thing was a huge turn on and she felt herself twitch as she diddled herself.

Paula sat up and wrapped her hand around his cock and began to slowly work it. "Renay give you are a little release earlier?"

"Yeah.." Kendo said laying back and enjoying the sensation.

"Good." Paula said. "I told you just relax we'll take care of you."

Kendo grunted in gratitude and Paula slid around on the sheets and started to lick his cock and balls. As she did her eyes made contact with Kimi's whom she saw looking in through the crack in the door. It was only a few intense moments that their eyes locked and paula gave her a "your next" look and then made a sly smile and winked at her and then began to deep throat Kendo.

Kimi quietly gasped but she didn't move, she's been caught and Paula hadn't said anything, infact Paula seemed to be enjoying the fact she was being watched. Even more it that eye contact was intense and it unnerved her a little but only made it more hotter..

* * *

Renay sat on the couch with a soda water. She felt nervous around her Kendo's father, he was fairly large for a wolf and she felt tiny around David.

He sat across from here in a large leather chair and leaned back.

"I apologize for my behavior earlier, it's just there is some bad blood between Kendo's mother and I."

Renay nodded. "It's ok."

"So, what do you do."

"I'm a project manager at my job. We're working on developing a new type of Jet Engine that could revolutionize the aerospace industry."

David seemed a bit shocked but then smiled. "What did you go to school for Renay."

"Aerospace engineering." She smiled. "I was a nerdy kid, never grew out of it."

"I'm impressed." David smiled. "You aren't what I expected."

"What do you mean?"

"I know who your mother is, I just figured you might be a spoiled rich kid."

"She didn't raise me to be that way." Renay said. "Mom taught me that if you were going to get anywhere in life you have to find something you like doing and forge your own path."

A smile crept across his muzzle and then faded. "What about the pregnancy?"

Renay blushed and she looked down at the ground. "That was unexpected."

"Is that so?"

"I ... forgot to take my pill the night it happened." Renay said. "After the fight Kendo got into a fight with my ex and everything I forgot to take it." She looked up. "Honestly it was a mistake on my part I'll own up to it. Now I have to figure out how to work this all in with everything else going on in my life."

"You don't regret it either?"

"I do, but only because it's going to make my work life a bit harder." Renay said. "What's done is done."

David thought for a bit and looked her over. "Fair enough, You're part of the family now I may as well accept it." He said setting his glass down. "It's going to make things that much harder for both of you."

"I know." Renay said. "But I don't want Kendo missing out on his dreams either."

That seemed to make David relax a bit. He chuckled. "He still wanting that damn restaurant?"

Renay smiled and nodded.

David laughed. "I don't envy either of you for trying to accomplish all this and be parents, however, like you said, what's done is done." He took a deep breath. "You are hardly what I expected upon first sight I will say that I'm impressed my son picked a fetching intelligent young woman to be his mate. Mistakes are mistakes, we all make them. It's all how we deal with the consequences of them."

Renay nodded and sipped her drink feeling a little bit relaxed now.

"I wouldn't worry to much, if you need anything for the baby I'll be glad to help. I"m hoping for a grandson."

"Thanks." Renay smiled. "It's still too early to tell yet."

David nodded. "I may have my issues with Kendo's mother but, he is my son and we may have our differing opinions on her, I still care about him and I want him to do well in life." He stood up and stretched. "Well it's been a long evening I'm ready to retire. It's been nice talking to you Renay I look forward to more chats in the future."

Renay nodded and smiled a bit relieved, David was a bit bigger than Kendo and way more intimidating, he wasn't the easiest to be comfortable around. David disappeared into a back door in the study which his room must have been behind and Renay made her way up the stairs.

As she got the top she saw Kimi coming towards her. "Excuse me do you know where Kendo is?" She asked.

"Yeah." Kimi blushed. 'Third door on the right." She said as she passed. "Have a good night!" she said as she hustled down the stairs.

Renay smirked, she was smart enough to figure out what had gone on, Kendo and her mother had been playing and someone had been watching. She walked over to Kendo's door and gently opened it seeing them both sitting up naked in the bed.

"So how did it go?" Kendo asked.

Renay began to take her clothes off. "It went fine, I could use some release after that your dad is scary one on one."

"He wasn't an asshole was he?" Paula asked.

"No." Renay said letting her hair down. "Just more concerned than anything, he said he'd help us with the baby as much as he could. He wants you to have your dream Kendo."

Kendo seemed a bit taken aback but nodded.

Renay walked over to him and then lay on top of him as he lay back. "Ok enough talk, it's my turn again." She smiled kissing him.

"You two have fun, I think I'm going to step out for a little bit." Paula said standing up and pulling out one of Kendo's t-shirts from a dresser and slipping it on. "You kids have fun!"

They waved at her half heartedly as they began to roll on the bed and Paula stepped out into the hallway.

Paula was on a mission to find their little peeping tom, it didn't take too much to find her, she was in the kitchen pouring herself a drink. Kimi didn't hear Paula as she approached from the side.

"So did you enjoy watching Kendo and I.' Paula cooed at her.

Kimi reacted with a start and turned to face her.

"Well um I didn't mean to butt.." "You did." Paula said getting closer. "Who did you enjoy watching more?"

Kimi blushed as Paula pinned her against the counter and breathed in her scent. Kimi shuddered as she did this and whimpered.

"I liked watching you. You are so beautiful." Kimi whimpered.

"You did a good thing for Kendo today." Paula said nipping at her neck. "I want to thank you for that." Paula suddenly reached up for her thong and whipped it off her. "You ever been with a woman Kimi?"

"No..." She whimpered as she felt Paula caress her thighs.

"Well you are about to." Paula smirked as she parted her thighs and going down on her.

Kimi cried out quietly as she felt Paula's tongue caressed her clit but she didn't resist. It didn't take long before Paula had her grinding into her face and not soon after that Kimi orgasamed clutching onto Paulas head.

Paula stood up and pulled Kimi to her feet who was in a daze and smiled wickedly. "You liked that didn't you?" Kimi nodded and trembled.

Paula helped her off the counter and led her to the living room. "Well then, there's more where that came from."

Upstairs Kendo and Renay made passionate love until they fell asleep in each others arms.

David sat in his room brooding and drinking waiting for Kimi to come in unawares of what was going on, she didn't come to bed till after he fell asleep.

Continued next story.