[Commission] Gatomon and the oasis debacle

Story by Mrachko on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissions

An anonymous commission featuring Gatomon from digimon and Boromon, an OC of the commissioner.

I hope you enjoy the story and remember that I am open for commissions!

The desert sun whipped the land with its unrelenting rays, beaming down on the vast, empty sandfields. A lone figure strode amidst the ever shifting sands, dragged and pulled by the infernal winds. Draped in a raggedy hood and cloak, the brave soul took short but confident steps, each one burning it's white feet a little bit more. When it reached the top of a dune, it pulled down it's cloak, revealing it to be a white and purple cat. Gatomon scanned the area, her eyes protected by a simply pair of goggles.

Her mission was simple. Patrol the area, make sure everything is in order and don't cause trouble. Simple in theory, yes, but, as with all things these days, the devil was in the details. She figured that there wouldn't be much trouble in a desert, but she hadn't accounted for the sheer vastness of it all. She didn't really consider how she would go about this in the long run.

She looked around, her eyes slightly closed behind her goggles - there was nothing but more orange mounds. She took a deep sigh and immediately started coughing, sand lodging it's way into her throat. She spat out all that she could and took out her flask of water to rinse the rest. She stopped herself just as she was about to spit the water out, figuring that maybe swallowing would be a better way to conserve resources.

Conserve resources. Those two words hadn't entered her mind in a long, long time. It was her first day on her patrol here, without a map or compass, or any means of navigation, she had to find shelter soon. She took a look at the sun and decided to follow its relative direction, being a good a guide as any. She slid down the dune, the sand burning and scratching her feet and she cursed herself for not getting a pair of shoes for the duration here.

Her steps became slower as the combined forces of the beaming sun and the howling wind gradually but effectively drained her of her stamina. She had already finished her first flask of water, leaving her with two more. Every time she would reach towards her second flask, she would stop herself, thinking that most likely she would need it later more than she needed it now.

Walking for what seemed like hours, she finally gave in and opened her second flask. The cool, refreshing water poured down her throat, invigorating her slightly. As she felt some of her straight regained, the flask dried out. Unsatisfied and wanting more, she quickly took out the third and final flask, again trying to quench her thirst. And again, when she reached a level of vastly bellow average nourishment, the water was gone. Holding the flask up in the air and hitting its bottom until the final drop fell on her torrid and crannied tongue just to give her one last inkling of relief, she left herself with no true means of further survival.

Realizing what just conspired, she threw the flask with what little anger she could muster to the ground and the sands immediately enveloped it. Now, broken free of her frenzied and almost hypnotic state, she stood unmoving, still thirty, still hot.

"Why did I do this?"

She pulled her hood up, trying to protect herself from the sun as much as she could and continued on. Her steps now staggering, she could barely keep herself up. It took some time, but finally the environment got the better of her. She fell down, face first in the sands, the winds slowly covering her body.

"Just...a little rest...that's all I need...."

Her words echoed in her ears as she slowly closed her eyes. Just for a few moments.

The wind changed it direction. And its touch. After being senselessly beaten for so long by the scolding wind, she recognized a slightly cooler sensation, managing to sneak its way beneath the sand and cloak and playfully ruffling up her fur. She slowly rose, her arms trembling, spitting sand and chewing what was left of it in her mouth. Her eyes beamed. In the distance, the far distance, almost at the horizon, she saw trees and water.

New energy overtook her, discarding her acceptance of death, she stood up and started running. Going on pure adrenaline and hope, she ran faster than she had ever had, no thought being able to catch her weary mind. Glimpses of inklings would sprout out here and there. Inklings like "mirage", "heaven", "dream". But none of them could stay still long enough for her to truly consider them. As far as she was concerned, she found a way out.

After running for half an hour straight, she reached her destination. Met by a welcoming cool breeze, she collapsed underneath coconut trees, providing all the shade she could ever want. Heavily panting, she grabbed one of the coconuts from the ground and, with the last bit of strength she could summon, smashed it. The nurturing juices spilled around her and she voraciously started drinking the milk from the make shift bowl. After finishing, still thirsty she managed to lick up what she could from the tree and even resorted to sucking on the wet patches of sand.

After a moment of clarity, she noticed that there were more coconuts laying around. She started giggling. And then chuckling. And finally she started laughing. She laughed so hard, for a few seconds she forgot to breathe. She broke a few more coconuts, drinking what she could and even spilling milk on her body to cool off, however little it did.

After her moment of hysteria finally ended. She smiled.

"This is my new home."

She turned around to thoroughly examined her surroundings. And it seemed like she had missed the most obvious of all her blessings. Her jaw dropped. Running forward, she undid her cloak and threw her goggles away. She took off her gloves and tail ring and jumped headfirst into a pool of water.

The cool liquid eased her burning skin, sticking her fur and lifting her spirits to newer heights. She swam underneath the water as much as she could and finally emerged, gasping for air. She started drinking. She had filled up on coconut milk, but the sensation of actual water entering her mouth made her ecstatic. She drank as much as she could, until her stomach inflated and she was truly satisfied.

For the next half hour she simply swam around her little pool, diving in and out and just laying in the water watching the sky.

Finally she got out of the water, grabbed and smashed a coconut open and laid on a rock, underneath a leaf, enjoying the simultaneous experience of being both in shade and sun. The sun wasn't all that bad really. As long as she had her pool and coconuts, she could get by. Tomorrow she would craft some tall flag or something along the lines so she could more easily find her new headquarters when she was out on patrol. What was she really supposed to be looking for? It was a desert. Nothing but sand and heat as far as the eye could see. She pushed herself up. Well, not exactly as far as the eye could see really.

She drank from her coconut, observing the oasis. The greenery was in no way sparse and was quite dense. Besides the coconut trees, there were small patches of grass here and there, some more rocks and a few bushes.

"Quite the sight for sore eyes." She smiled to herself as she drank her beverage

"I'll say..."

Gatomon jumped in surprise. She turned around and greeted by the smile of another digimon. Four arms, greenish skin, wild red hair, his eyes covered by a protective visor. Sitting on a rock a few meters away from, joyfully swinging his legs, he waved at her.

"Wha...who are you?"

The intruder scratched his chin, in mock thinking.

"Well, I guess introduction are in order here, yes. I... am Boromon - professional slave tamer and trader."

A chill went up Gatomon's spine. She quickly switched to a defensive stance, still positioned on her rock. Boromon let out a light laugh.

"No need for any of that. I really just want to have a little talk, that's all."

Gatomon didn't change her posture. She had a feeling where all of this was going.

"You see, I've made this place, something of a holiday home of mine, you know? A certain...home away from home. For when the hustle and bustle of societal living becomes a bit too much. Or when the wrong people come looking for me. I come here to relax, to think about life and so forth. And frankly, my dear..." his joyful tone turned cold. "...you are invading my personal space."

There were a few moments of silence, neither of them willing to act first. Finally Boromon broke the silence.

"I've been watching you for a while. Since you came here. And...I liked what saw." A long and pointy tongue emerged from his mouth and he licked his lips.

Although she didn't show it, Gatomon felt disturbed. Being watched for so long by someone like him. Her privacy breached. How did she not notice him earlier? Was it because of her moments of delirium? In the same vein that she didn't notice the pool when she got to the oasis.

"As I was saying" he continued. "I liked what I saw. A little small, but I believe that only adds to your cuteness." He let out a toothy grin, to which Gatomon didn't reply.

At this exact moment she was in no position to fight. She was unarmed, without her gloves and ring. The only real thing she could do was to let him talk, giving him a false sense of security. Throughout the conversation, she didn't break eye-contact with him, knowing full well, that the moment she started looking around for equipment, he would raise his guard and go in for an attack.

"Tell me something, have you ever been fucked?"

The question spun her mind. A quick flashback to her early days, when she was still under Myotismon, she would routinely get physically, psychology and especially sexually tortured, to be subdued under his command. The memory shook her. And Boromon noticed.

"You have, haven't you? No need to be ashamed, it's only natural. A cute little thing like you. Who wouldn't want a piece of you, am I right?" he laughed but she didn't respond. She clenched her fists harder, her claws starting to burrow into her skin. "I like those scars on your hands. You are into rough stuff, aren't you? Kinky. Me, personally, I prefer a bit of quick slamming, but it takes all kinds, doesn't it?"

He cackled, but Gatomon was left undeterred.

"So here's the thing. For coming into my little private abode, you let me fuck you raw all I like and maybe I just might let you go. What do you think?"

Boromon let the question sink in, as if he was expecting an actual answer. Gatomon had had enough.

"Interesting proposal. Might a suggest another one?"

Boromon waved his hand, motioning her to state her question. He was just toying around at this point.

"How about I break your jaw, all four of your arms and you kneecaps and maybe I'll try not to give you any compound fractures along the way?"

Boromon started chuckling. And his laugh slowly shifted to a bombastic one.

"Oh, girl..."his voice morphed into a menacing growl. "You really don't know who you are dealing with, do you?"

"Heh. Neither do you."

Gatomon jumped to the ground, ready to grab her gloves and ring. But there were nowhere to be found. She panicked and turned towards Boromon. He was grinning ear to ear.

"Maybe...I do..." he slowly lifted her equipment. "You see, Gatomon, you are quite famous. Everyone knows you! And, to be completely honest, I probably wouldn't stand a chance against you if you had these babies here." He waved her gloves around. "But now...I'm more than confident."

Boromon jumped from his rock and slowly started closing the distance. Although slightly panicked, Gatomon tried to sustain her cool and assumed a pose ready to attack. Boromon put her equipment in a satchel he had on his belt.

"Now, since you declined my generous offer...here what's going to happen. I'm going to beat you senseless, I'm going to rape you and then, I'm going to sell you off. Considering your height, I doubt anyone's gonna want you as a servant, but I know more than a few people who'd be happy to have you as a pleasure slave - short, cute, a bit feisty, but than can be beaten out of you. I can pawn off your stuff somewhere. Don't worry you'll get brand new bling for all your troubles. Just hope you get bought by someone who'll let you keep your limbs and eyes." He let out a laugh and proceeded to take out two daggers. "Now. I pride myself as somewhat of a good man. If you willfully come over here, I'll personally make sure none of the complete psychos get you."

Both of them stood still, waiting for the other to react. Finally, Boromon spoke up.

"Right then. We're doing this the hard way."

He leaped forward, slashing at Gatomon with his dagger, but, in the nick of time, she rolled underneath him. He turned around to try and slash her again, but again she was quicker and scratched his face. He staggered back and she tried scratching his abdomen, but he caught her tiny hand and threw her aside.

"You are good." He said, turning his knife in his hand, as she was regaining her footing. "Almost clawed out my eyes there." He tapped his visor mockingly.

She threw herself again at him, dodging his slashes left and right and each time she saw an opening, she attacked, but he always managed to dodge. Boromon's attacks were relentless. His multiple limbs gave him an advantage in their fight, as each time he'd slash at Gatomon, he'd use his free hand on the opposite side to try and punch her.

Finally, after a barrage of attacks, Gatomon tripped, but used this to her advantage, and managed to roll underneath Boromon, just as he was about to stab her. Realizing the positioned she was in, she used to moment of her enemy's disorientation, she pushed herself away, using Boromon's calve as leverage. She made sure her claws penetrate his skin as pushed herself.

Boromon collapsed on one leg from the unexpected strike. Not to lose her advantage, Gatomon grabbed a nearby rock and charged at Boromon. Aiming for his neck, Gatomon jumped, but her attack fell short, as Bormon grabbed her by the throat with one of his free arms, squeezing her by the side, making sure not to crush her larynx, Gatomon let the rock go and started scratching his hands, with what little strength remained, to no avail. Her kicks and scratches became weaker and her limbs finally fell limp. The world around her started turning black as inhaled what little air she could.

Boromon slammed her to the ground and released his grip. She started panting and he threw himself over her, pinning her down with his massive body, restraining her arms with his. She struggled to get free, but she could not muster enough strength. He leered over her.

"You know...you really can fight. I honestly wasn't expecting you to be such a hassle without your gloves and ring. You proved me wrong. Shouldn't have gone for the rock though. But I guess you were desperate."

Gatomon struggled and struggled, her tiny heart racing, her shoulders raising up and down and she shifted her weight from one side to another.

"You can stop that now. You'll just tire yourself out quicker. I want you to be awake for what's to come"

With his free hands, he grabbed Gatomon's body and slowly started examining it. She gasped as his fingers burrowed into her ribs and slid down towards her abdomen.

"My, my!" he spoke up surprised. "You are quite fit, aren't you! Can't feel an ounce of fat on you! Like one of those statues."

She started panting heavily as his hands slid further down and grabbed her hips.

"Does feel quite nice. It's alright, you can drop the act. I know you like it."

His hands started moving further down. Her heart skipped a beat. She started struggling more and more.

"No! Stop it!"she yelled out in vane.

His fingers slowly started caressing her pussy.

"I said stop it!" she yelled out in anger at the top of her voice.

"Why?" he laughed. "You are like a waterfall down there! I always knew battle chicks were all whores! Makes perfect sense, really. Tell me, did you just get wet or did it start during the fight! I bet it was during the fight! Be honest, if you had beaten me, you'd be sitting on top of me right now, right?"

She could barely hear him speak. Between her yells and curses and the sound of her own heartbeat pumping blood in her ears, she couldn't get a grip on her surroundings.

"Right then."

He let go of her body and started unbuckling his belt. She began screaming harder. Since her time with Myotismon, she hasn't let anyone touch her. Even if it was in a fully platonic way, she'd still cringe up and move away. Boromon pulled down his pants, revealing his erect cock. Gatomon's eyes grew wide.

"You like it?" Boromon asked before grabbing his member and jacking it.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Gatomon snarled at her oppressor.

He started caressing her pussy with his cock, to which she started squirming left and right. When he was done, he unceremoniously pushed himself inside her. For a few seconds, Gatomon forgot to breathe as she cried out in pain.

"Damn, girl! You're tight! Haven't had a good man in some time, have you?"

He started viciously pumping her as she cursed and lashed out at him, but her cries fell on deaf ears.

"Stop?" he asked. "Why would I...unf...want to stop...you feel so good...around my cock...unf...it's like you cunt was made for me."

He didn't miss a beat. His thrusts were equally timed and raised in frequency.

Gatomon had been raped before, but never like this. Myotismon would implement a certain psychological torment each time. He would tie her hook her to the ceiling and would gently enter her, telling her that she should be grateful. He would make her sit on a judas chair or tie her up, gag her and blindfold her after which her would whip her and then finger her, while telling her that it could be so much worse. This was purely physical. It wasn't done to teach her a lesson, or to subdue her wild spirit. It was purely done for Bormon's pleasure. Gatomon's mind was now blank with rage, each time she threatened or cursed, Boromon would laugh and slam inside her to quiet her down. To her this was nothing more than simply degrading.

Boromon grabbed Gatomon's face and pinned it down hard and grabbed her freed up arm with his lower hand. Gatomon didn't react. Her face soaked from sweat, her voice almost completely destroyed from screaming, pure anger in her eyes from which Boromon just couldn't look away, arousing him in a certain perverted way.

"A heads up! I'm...unf...about to cum!"

Just as Bormon said that, Gatomon's eyes shot open as she fell his semen fill her cervix. He pulled out, his cum leaking from her as she spasmed. Boromon moved up, so his knew would restrain Gatomon's arms, and put his fingers in her mouth, forcefully opening it. She tried to bite him, but her jaw could barely move. He started vigorously rubbing his cock and shot another load, aiming for her face and mouth.

"Whoo! Was it good for you, kitty?" he asked as he wiped his cum from his hand on her chest, as she gagged on his cum.

She violently coughed, her eyes closed, covered in semen, as Boromon enjoyed the view.

"You, kitty, are a thing of beauty, you know that?" he exhaled.

"Fuck you!" she snared back it him, barely opening one red eye.

"Tch." Boromon clicked with his tongue. "You should learn to take a compliment at times."

He licked his thumb a started roughly wiping the crust from her eyelid.

"There we go..." he announced and he drying his fingers one her large ears. "Huh...just noticed you've got really cute ears as well... Next time I just might cum in them!" he laughed.

"I'll slit your throat before you get the chance."

"Oh, Gatomon..."he gently caressed her cheek. "You can act tough all you like, but I know you liked it."

She spat at his visor. He slowly lifted his hand to clean the saliva and he smacked her across the face with the backside of his arm. She started laughing.

"Is that all you got, big man?" she glared at him with a devilish smile.

Behind his visor, his eye twitched. He knew that she was trying to get under his skin. And she was succeeding.

"You know, I can do so much worse..."he growled in a low, ominous voice.

"Pffft..."she stuck out her tongue, spraying saliva all around. "What else can you do? You've already beat and raped me! What ELSE can you really do, without damaging the goods?"

"Heh...cocky bitch..."

But he knew she had a point. From here on, she could only crawl on his nerves. He figured that she was trying to annoy him enough, thinking that at some point he'd make a mistake and she could free herself. He scratched his chin. She might be right.

"Right then...ready to go another round?"

"Can't get your rocks off enough, when you finally found yourself something real to fuck? Figured that four hands would be more than enough..."

He cut her off by shoving a handful of sand in her mouth. He watched her struggle and spit and curse with a delighted smile.

"I'll fucking end you!" she managed to shout out between spits.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll try. As you said earlier...there's not much that I can do to you anymore without lowering your price a significant amount. That being said..." he grabbed her tightly and turned her around, forcing her face into the sand "I should use you as much as I can."

"Pfft...pfft...fuckers like you don't even know how to treat a lady." She managed to stay after spitting out even more sand. "At the very least you can look me in the eyes whileFUCKINHELL!" she yelled out as Boromon stuck his thumb up her ass.

"Are you at a loss for words? Cat got your tongue?" he pushed his finger deeper in her.

"If you so much as THINK of sticking your dick in there, I'm gonnaFUCK!" she yelled out again as he pushed another thumb in her.

"You're gonna fuck?" he asked her mockingly. "I knew you liked it. Didn't take you for someone who was into anal, though."

"GGGHHH I'LL BREAK YOUR COCK OFF!" she creamed as he started stretching her cavity.

He didn't pay her any attention. He was already had, he took one of his fingers out, to which she unintentionally responded with a sigh of relief.

"Don't get too comfortable now, kitty." He spat in his hand and started jerking his cock. "The fun is just about to start."

He pushed himself inside of her. Both of them screamed, one in pleasure and one in pain. Again he started slowly and methodically thrusting, pinning her head down in the sand

"Damn...unf...your insides feel amazing...I have half a mind of keeping you for myself..."

"In...your case...I'm..sure its an entire mindARHHF!"

He slammed himself deeper to shut her up. He figured it would do the trick.

"As I was saying..." he continued to taunt her between grunts. "...unf...I could keep you for myself...fuck you every night...until sunbreak...I'm sure you'd eventually...start craving it...but...considering how much...I'm gonna get for you...I would rather...just use you here and now..."

Gatomon gritted her teeth, crushing sand as she did so.

"Just hope...that I don't..."she couldn't finish the sentence. Boromon again slammed himself in her, but she felt her voice starting to crack.

This hurt. More than the previous session. It was even more humiliating and degrading. Her honor, pride and self worth was slowly being chipped away by each thrust. She clenched her fists as his

"Gone quiet, Gatomon? Starting to enjoy this even more?" Boromon laughed

"Fffuck yyyou..."she made out between whimpers.

"What's the matter? You gonna cry?" he pushed her head even further and lower himself next to her ear. "This is nothing. I'm an outstanding fucking gentleman compared to the freaks at the auctions."

As his thrusts became more and more violent, he laid his entire body on her, to make sure she won't move. He grabbed her ass with one hand, pushed his other beneath her and grabbed her small breast underneath her fur. He slid his third arm underneath her, fingering her furiously and he slightly moved his final hand from the side of her skull, to her face, shoving two fingers in her mouth.

"You have a nice mouth, kitty." He whispered in her ear. "Wish I could fuck it, but if don't shove a bag of sand down your throat, you'll probably bite. And I don't really feel like fucking a sandhole."

Whimpers slowly became more audible. Boromon realized that in their little psychological back and forth, he finally had the upper hand.

"I know this fucked up bastard. He's really gonna like you. First he'll defang you with a pair of pliars...nothing to ease the pain. Then...he'll put a clasp around your head with...a ring on it...so you'll keep your mouth always open. You are gonna eat with it and sleep with on...then...whenever he feels like it, he's gonna shove his cock down your throat. He...likes it if they don't have a gag reflex...twisted fuck."

His speed increased.

"Then...there's this other freak...if he gets his hands on you...he's gonna break your legs...and he'll make sure they mend in....in an incorrect way...so you won't be able to get up...let alone run... and fuck you whenever he wants...then...he'll break your arms...so you won't be able to crawl...so you'll be like a little kitty ragdoll...a personal cocksleeve...finally...when he gets bored of you...this is the sick part...when he gets bored of you...he'll inject you with some weird shit...make your heart rase...adrenaline I think it is...and he'll...open you up...live surgery...while you are awake...the sick freak will fuck your organs in front of your eyes...he'll even cut off your eyelids...and anytime...you start losing consciousness...he'll inject that shit again...till you finally give in..."

His grip tighten around her.

"But...those are...relatively normal...relatively...is a key word...there is this one guy...even I'm scared of him...he'll do more or less the same things that the first one did...but worse...he'll cut off your arms and legs...defang you...deafen you...and tear out your eyes...he'll feed you with a tube...just enough so you won't die...he'll put hooks through your skin...and hang your from the ceiling...and then...just fuck you...whenever he likes..."

His speed increased. He shoved his mouth right in her ear and whispered.

"I just...want you to remember this...each time...one of those fuckers....rapes you...you have yourself to blame...if you just...let me fuck you...an hour ago when I...introduced myself...all of this....could have been avoided."

With those words he came, his cum covering her insides. She felt every last drop hit her walls, but she didn't say anything. She didn't murmur anything. She didn't move. She finally felt defeated.

He took out his dick and his semen oozed from her ass. Boromon got up, but Gatomon didn't move. She was tired, sore and bruised. She tried lifting herself up, but immediately fell to ground. Boromon sighed.

"Cheer the fuck up, why don't ya." He kicked her in the ribs and she curled up. "Those guys won't probably show up."

Boromon reached into his satchel and took out a collar and chains.

"Here you are. A present from me to you, for the wonderful afternoon you gave me." He let out a chuckle and strapped the collar to her neck and bound her arms and legs. "I said I was going to replace your bling, didn't eye."

The collar was extremely uncomfortable. Gatomon started scratching her, trying to get it off. As she started to scratch her, her skin around her neck started to burn.

"You feel it yet? The inside of the collar is made of some metal...or something...causes allergic reaction when it comes in contact with the skin. It's to make sure you know your place....would you stop that already? We got to get you clean."

As Gatomon unsuccessfully tried to take the collar off, Boromon grabbed her and dragged her to the pool. He repeatedly dunked her head into the water until he figured her face and mouth were clean enough. Still gasping for air, Gatomon was taken into Boromon's embraced as he jumped into the pool himself. The cool water felt good on her hot and bruised body. For just a moment, she could relax.

And then she cried out in pain as Boromon started furiously fingering and rubbing her pussy and asshole. After a while, he figured it was enough and he dragged her out of the pool and placed her on the rock she was relaxing on when they met. Although utterly exhausted and unable to move, Boromon sat on her chest, with his knees pining her arms to the rock. He violently shoved his fingers in her mouth and opened it wide. Sliding the tip of his fingers across both rows of teeth, determining if they were any good. Then he grabbed her ears and pulled him a bit, looking for any irregularities, infections or parasites. He opened her eyes wide. They were a beautiful shade of yellow.

"More beautiful than the summer sky." Boromon whispered, without Gaomon hearing him. Boromon noticed himself spending a bit too much time on her eyes and finally he inspected her hands. The scars on the back side of her hands were old. The wounds weren't infected. Just a cosmetic defect, as an auctioneer might say.

"Well, kitty, you seem well. It's a shame about your hands, but other than that, you'll fetch a nifty price."

"Fuck...you..."she managed to say in between deep pants, without really looking at Boromon.

"The attitude is something we should fix. Don't worry. The auction is in a few days. We have plenty of time."

He ran his thumb down her cheek again. This time she just winced back. Boromon smiled. He was winning.

"Right now" he pulled her chains, dragging her across the oasis.

She followed behind him obediently. He felt pretty proud of himself. Just an hour ago, she fought him head on and during her rape, she would curse and spit on him. But now. Now she was a model slave. Just silently following her master. And then he felt a sharp pain in his lower back.

Gatomon had thrown herself, elbow first, right in his spine. With what little strength she could muster, she ripped off his satchel from his belt and ran away from him rummaging through it. At the last moment, Boromon grabbed one of her chains and pulled, tripping her in the process. The contents of the satchel spilled around. Without wasting any time, she threw herself towards her ring, but Boromon pulled again, leaving her a hair's length away from her only means of escape.

He pulled her towards him as she tried to claw herself away, kicking and screaming. When she was close enough he tried pinning her to the ground, but she kept on kicking and scratching him. This wasn't going to work how he planned. He quickly grabbed her chain and ran towards the pool, dragging her along in the process. He pulled her in with him and dunked her head underneath the water. She flailed around as much as she could, but slowly her movements died down. The bubbles on the surface became fewer. He pulled her head out. She took a few deep breaths and was immediately dunked back down. Boromon repeated the process a few times, until he felt sure that she was tired out completely.

He dragged her barely living body on land again. This time, he took a rope from his equipment that still laid in the sand. He tied her hands and feet together and made sure she couldn't escape again.

"You know, for a moment, I almost thought of letting you go. Just for a moment. Now..."he didn't finish his sentence.

He made sure she was watching him. Boromon grabbed her gloves and ring and threw them in the pool. She started yelling and screaming and cursing. He let her have her moment. He looked around and found a long stick. He tore off all the leaves from it and placed the stick underneath the knot, making a make-shift handle. As he was doing that, Gatomon tried to bite his ankle a few times. He kicked her in the ribs again, but this time there was little effect. Boromon mashed the leaves of the stick in a ball and stuffed them in Gatomon's mouth, after which he tied her mouth to make she she wouldn't just spit them out.

He lifted the cat with his new handle and draped her over with her cloak.

"The price I would have gotten for your trinkets, isn't worth the trouble." He murmured leaving the oasis.

Gatomon rocked back and forth, trying to break herself free or, at the very least, make him lose his grip on the stick, but to no avail.

"Settle down, kitty. We've got a long road ahead of us. And we are gonna have so much fun along the way." He said as he walked, the noon sun beaming overhead and the sandy dunes ever shifting.