Heat of the Night

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#107 of Commissions

Wondering what led to this picture? https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31391629/

Wonder no more! Here we have a leopard coming home after a long day to a big, sexy fireside dino who would love nothing more than to rut all those troubles away. How can a kitty resist?

Contains: M/M sex including oral, anal, rimming, knotting, plenty of cum, loads of sweat and musk, and generally a good, affectionate time.

Some days, Mahiri just wanted to collapse. It was that sort of sludgy part of Spring, the time of year where everything was muddy and muggy and he was never quite sure how to dress. His body seemed to oscillate wildly between warm and cold all day long, leaving him removing and replacing various layers of clothing, sweating or shivering, and generally not sleeping near as well as a cat like him required. He'd gone into work at the spa that day without his usual extensive rest, and it left him groggy and even a little grumpy from the start. A series of particularly demanding clients in a row just drained him further, leaving him all but stumbling home in the dark, pushing his way through the front door with a lumbering gait as the very last remnants of winter clung to his spotty fur. The scene he walked in on made the whole day seem worth it.

He straightened up at the sight of his reptilian roommate seated comfortably in the armchair, seeming to be waiting for him when he arrived home. That would explain the nudity. Viktor was a handsome raptor who looked excellent in a suit and tie, but he looked even better bare to his sleek black scales. His dark red stripes were as vibrant as a black widow's, and they really stood out with the reflection of the crackling fire making them glisten. His eyes were a matching tone, gleaming out like smouldering rubies in the low, soothing light. It was plenty warm in there, instantly banishing the damp night chill clinging to the leopard's fur, the scent of firewood mixing in with that deeply enticing aroma that always surrounded Viktor. It was subtle, but he could feel it, working into his senses, pheromones bringing out those needy thoughts, making him think maybe he wasn't so tired after all. The well-muscled dinosaur set aside a pulpy detective novel to instead cast a hot, crimson-eyed look at the cat, that shining glare full of casual lust.

"Good evening, feline friend." The raptor was playing up his own accent a little. Mahiri could tell, and he knew he was doing it just to entice him further. "I hear you have been having an unpleasant day?"

A little smile appeared on the leopard's face, slowly replacing the drooping, fatigued expression that he brought in with him. He tipped his head to the side.

"And just how would you know that?"

Viktor slowly stroked at his own chin with a claw, crossing one of thick, naked thighs over the other.

"I have my sources. And I am not at liberty to reveal them."

Mahiri giggled gently. "You love saying that."

A grin flashed bright behind the raptor's fingers. "Permit me my indulgence. Just this once."

"Oh, indulge all you like," Mahiri assured, his eyes dancing up and down the dinosaur's naked body. "Is there any particular reason for your sexy fireside reading tonight?"

Rather than answer directly, Viktor held his hand out for the leopard, a simple invitation that the cat happily took. Mahiri wasn't moving with his usual grace, heavily collapsing into the nude dino's lap, pressing right up against his scaly form and feeling the warmth upon his hide. Dinosaurs weren't like other reptiles, at least in his limited experience. They were warm. The fire was hardly necessary, though having it crackling away while he snuggled up close to the welcome raptor. He felt those strong arms around his chest in a moment, pulling him a little closer, curved red claws running through Mahiri's fur like the finest comb. There was danger just being near the dinosaur. He was a towering, powerful, dangerous predator, in theory. But all the leopard could feel was he leaned his head against Viktor's chest, listening to the slow and steady beating of his heart, was deeply contented, protected, and peaceful. The raptor would take care of him.

Viktor just made that more abundantly clear as he leaned in and nibbled on the cat's ear. His teeth were an impressive set, deadly sharp, yet he applied them with such care as he pressed them into the leopard's tender skin. His voice was a rumble, a sensation that ran right through Mahiri's entire body, rattling him in the most pleasant of ways.

"All day long, spent helping and attending, and never a moment where you are the one being pampered. Doesn't that seem unfair to you, Mahiri?"

Before the cat could answer, Viktor ran his tongue along his cheek, bringing a happy little mewl from the happy feline.

"Well, I mean, I don't hate my job or anything, it was just ..."

"Shhh." He placed a talon on the cat's lips. It might have looked threatening to an outsider, but Mahiri trusted his precision. "I wasn't looking for an answer. I simply want you to agree. Don't you think you deserve a little special treatment for yourself, for once?"

"You don't have to do anything for me, Vik-"

Finally, the raptor dropped his seductive act and instead just chuckled.

"Ah, Mahiri. You don't need to worry. I am being far from selfless right now." He leaned in, pressing up so close to the leopard's lifted ear that the cat could feel the ticklish touch of his lips moving to form those soft yet slightly growled words. "I've been thinking about you all day. Touching. Stroking. Edging. There's nothing I want more in the world right than to make you purr, exactly as you deserve."

It took a while for Mahiri to respond at all. His cheeks were blazing hot to the point the rest of his body felt cold. His tail twitched, and right on cue, there came those distinct, motorcycle-like rumbles, rattling happily through the leopard's entire body, leaving him potently vibrating as he pressed a little closer to his dark-scaled friend. His voice came out as a soft murmur, almost drowned out by his own inner noise as he gave a flustered babble.

"You know, leopards don't actually purr, it's more of a pleasant growl I've kind of trained myself to do subconsciously do whenever I'm feeling good. But I mean, I guess, for simplicity's sake you might as well call it-"

The raptor gently interrupted him, placing a strong hand on his shoulder and squeezing. His look was straight-lipped and intense, making it hard to tell if that was just a reflection or if there was really a fire burning there in his eyes.

"Who told you this? How dare they! I refuse to accept this. The next time someone makes such a presumptuous claim, you look them square in the eye, and you tell them, no. I shall purr if I wish to, for I am a beautiful cat who can do anything he desires."

Mahiri was clenching his jaw with the effort not to lose it, but looking at Viktor's deadly-serious expression, he couldn't help but slip into a grin. The raptor returned it, and then they were cracking up together, having a good, friendly laugh that ended in some cuddling and squeezing all around.

"You're hot when you are all serious like that."

"And you are hot in general. Come here, leopard. I am going to spoil you."

Mahiri always thought Viktor could have been a fine masseuse with hands like those. It wasn't just the strength, it was the precision, and the keen sense for exactly where someone was most sensitive. In a moment, the leopard felt as if he were melting, sinking down into the pleasant sensation of being so perfectly groped. The raptor went right for his ass. Even in his clothing, that light, smooth work outfit, he felt everything. There was the sensation of fingertips, and claws as well, digging right into his thick booty, leaving him mewling out loud as Viktor felt up his girly butt, rubbing and massaging right into all the most sensitive muscles until he was flopping forward, his tongue slipping from his mouth, his forehead resting on the dino's shoulder while he rumbled mightily and let out some long, deep moans.

"Ohhhh, that feels good ..."

"I know this."

There was strength in that grip, but also tender care. It would have been easy for him to simply rip the clothes right off the leopard's body in a flash of claw and tattered shreds, but he wasn't in that sort of mood. For the moment. Instead, he worked to gently strip the cat from his bottoms, running his fingers around the exposed curve of that spotty rear, taking a generous handful once those cheeks were completely bare. He brought Mahiri's pants to his ankles, and simply tossed them away, working his way right back up from calves, to thighs, to ass, kneading the cat as if trying to tenderize him. It was all bringing such immediate relief, such soothing calm as the tension slipped right from those muscles, until he was all but sliding right down Viktor's body, liquefying on the spot with an extended sigh.

He didn't put up any sort of resistance, nor did he help much when the raptor lifted his arms over his head and finished the job of stripping him completely naked. The leopard remained sprawled there a while, getting his back stroked and scratched, his purrs resonating out of him like a constant, enduring crack of thunder. His cock was unsheathed, pressing out to slide along the dinosaur's thigh, grinding lightly on those scales while he lingered there, wriggling and twitching, hardly able to keep himself still. With his face up against Viktor's chest, mashed against that burly chest, he was starting to feel the first traces of the reptile's sweat upon his fur. That raptor wasn't built like other creatures. His body was unusual in all manner of ways, and that faint coating of perspiration was one of his many unique features Mahiri delighted in. The blazing fire certainly wasn't cooling them off any, either.

With that sweat came such a pleasant musk Mahiri could hardly remain still. He needed more. As much as it would have felt good to remain passive and simply let the raptor tend to him, he couldn't help but cave to his own wants. Pressing his muzzle right in, he slipped his nose beneath one of Viktor's arms, getting nice and snug in one of his warm pits where the sweat was starting to really flow. That was the source of that deliciously silky, pheromone-packed punch in the senses he craved. He pushed as deeply as he could get, smothering himself in scales, and took a long, deep huff until his mind was blank, following it up with a slurp that was just as generous, basting his own palette in that sweltering saurian flavour.

Viktor had a solid grip on him, but the leopard was too slippery for him. Or maybe he simply allowed it. Either way, Mahiri was sliding right down from the dino's lap, leaving the chair and landing his knees on the floor. That put him right on muzzle level with that great big set of balls the raptor was bearing, and he couldn't help but shove his face in them. He felt Viktor's fingers running through his hair, claws massaging at his scalp while he kissed those big fat raptor nuts, sucking the scent right off them, dragging his tongue so firmly against the scales that even the big strong dinosaur had to give a little grunt of pleasure. Viktor's cock was still well-concealed in the slit just above that pair, one that was parting with a massive schlick, leaking lubricating fluid that ensured his dark red cock was glistening with a slippery coating by the time it was pushing out against Mahiri's forehead.

He couldn't help but breathe of the dinosaur's scent a little longer, worshipping his taste, swimming in his warmth. The nearby fire might as well have been hell itself for how hot he was soon feeling, his fur growing matted, wet with the heat. He gave that raptor dick a long, through slurp, playing over every little ridge, every stimulating detail. It felt good enough just grinding against his tongue, massaging right back while he slathered it from base to tip, finally wrapping his lips there for a while just to give a few wet sucks. The noise was tremendous, a room-filling schlurp as he drank those juices right from the shaft, swallowing down pre and slit-lube alike while he overwhelmed his senses with that exotic taste, left drooling and drunkenly rumbling by the time the raptor hefted him back up into his lap.

"Now, Mahiri. I am supposed to be treating you."

"I know. But that was a treat for me too. I ... needed it. You taste so good, Viktor ..."

The raptor didn't answer right away. Instead, he leaned in close, puffing his hot breath upon the leopard's face, sticking his dark red tongue right between his teeth to slowly stroke along the leopard's face. Then he dipped down, slurping beneath his chin, running the narrow tip right up against his throat. Mahiri naturally tilted his head back to allow access, his rumbles running right up to the dino's tongue. Then Viktor gave a little bite, nothing too intimidating, softly applying those fangs to the cat's tender flesh, and withdrew, speaking in his most dangerously seductive voice, growling through his teeth.

"So do you."

It was enough to make the cat shudder, a smile appearing on his face that was quickly covered up as the raptor locked him into a forceful kiss. He intertwined his fingers with the cat's, pressing his claws into the back of the kitty's paws, holding him, overpowering him, letting the leopard shake a little as he playfully tried to break free of that unnatural strength. It was no use, and that felt good. That had him filling out, harder, wetter, twitching as he pressed his shaft against the raptor's own, sucking down the reptilian tongue pressing right into his mouth until he was swallowing it. He let Viktor suck upon his face, licking at those curved fangs, carefully admiring their deadly points while he drank in that sloppy smooch, their bodies only growing warmer by the moment as the fire roared and sparked nearby.

Mahiri could feel the heat clinging to him, making him just a little more slippery and he rubbed and humped against those shining scales. Salty drops were rolling down Viktor's hide, leaving him reflective, glossy, worth grinding against until the cat had a thick, damp coat soaked deep with their shared, mingling perspiration. The leopard was already moaning. The sound came muffled by that overwhelming kiss, the deep embrace of muzzles remaining locked together as if part of one another. For the briefest moment he saw a glimpse of the back of the raptor's throat, their faces shoved so closely together Mahiri was all but inside the dinosaur. Then he was back out, dripping, purring, projecting those delightful rumbles with such force he could barely keep his back straight. Part of him simply wanted to slump over, to simply collapse and submit entirely to the dinosaur, but Viktor held him steady as he kept up his thorough groping.

The sensation of curved claws running through Mahiri's hair, tugging those crimson locks out to their full length, left him with those crackling tingles in his scalp. Then Viktor down to his shoulders, squeezing into the overworked muscles there. A professional masseuse like the leopard had needed extensive training to be able to rub like that, pressing right into the exact nerves to produce a soothing feeling that ran all the way to his fingertips. The raptor could do it with ease. He kept Mahiri from keeling over as he held him firmly in place, before slowly allowing him to ease back onto the nearby footrest. So this was why he owned an ottoman. That odd little piece of furniture was the perfect place to sprawl out, legs dangling over the side as he gazed up at the raptor looming tall above him, looking down with ruby-red eyes that reflected an inner passion, a blazing need he could see hungering there within Viktor. Or maybe that was just the reflection of the fire again. It was intense, either way.

"As I said. I have been thinking about you, Mahiri. There are so many things I want to do to your soft, spotted body. All you need to do is relax, and let me take you."

Mahiri was already panting doggishly, letting his tongue hang over his lower lip. He wasn't ashamed to say his was drooling a little already. Anyone would have, just looking at all that muscley dino standing there, throbbing, growling, faintly biting his own lip, showing those fearsome fangs as he radiated desire. All he could do was nod.

"Good." Viktor leaned down, running his claws along the leopard's rumbling chest, pleasantly scratching. "Think of it as a massage. There is nothing you need to do for me but receive what I have to give. Close your eyes, if you like. I will make sure you get what you need."

He wasn't going to stop looking at the raptor while he could still see straight, but there soon wasn't much to see. Viktor took him by the shoulders and turned him over, letting him splay out flat on his belly while those deft hands ran down his sides and his hips. Every touch gave him a little electric tingle, finding all those little pressure points and working into them until it wasn't just relieving his tension. Every little rub, no matter how small, was pure pleasure, stroking him to orgasm without even needing to touch that pink kitty cock thumping there against his belly. But the touches were just getting all the more intimate as the raptor moved, finding purchase on the cat's hips while he kneaded his thumbs right into the cushy curve of that spotted booty.

Mahiri was already moaning. The sound rolled through his whole body as he writhed in serpentine fashion. That was all just from some buttrubs alone. He was really squirming when Viktor lowered himself down, breathing hotly on the kitty's backside as he firmly grasped the base of Mahiri's tail. Such force was unnecessary, but it brought such desperate little whimpers out of him when he got his tail yanked straight up, exposing him to the dino's whims. He half expected to just be pounced and mounted right that very moment, but instead he was feeling that hot breath coming closer, closer, until he felt the startling heat of the raptor pushed his tongue right up against that snug rim between his cheeks, slurping the kitty's backside until he was slathering him up in his spit, pressing firmer, deeper, eating out that thick butt until the cat was growling.

There was so many noises a feline could male, especially a big one like a leopard. They ranged from piercing, shrill yowls all the way down to truly resonant rumbles that were all bass. He was cycling through near every single one of them as the raptor so generously ate his ass, penetrating him with licks and pressing in and out with a succulent schluck. Viktor kept a persistent rrrrr going while he pleasured that loud cat, milking out those mewls, those mrows, those delicious throaty noises as Mahiri sawed and even snarled, just a little. His whole body was rocking back and forth, humping at the cushion beneath him, projecting those sounds out at full force while that strong dino tongue pleasure him to the point of spurting. It looked, even sounded like he was cumming, but that wet rimjob was simply getting him preing to the point it was gushing all over his belly, soaking deeply into his sweaty fur as he let his head flop right to the ground in his bliss.

His cock remained hard as ever, but the rest of him was flopped, helpless, easily hefted up to dangle in the raptor's grip as Viktor finally drew back and took him by the hips. That let him lift that ass up and plant his dick right between those rosetted cheeks, letting Mahiri fold in half while he humped at him, smearing his pre and lubricating fluids all over that spit-shined hole. That got a good reaction out of the seemingly boneless cat, making him stiffen and arch his back as he dangled there, kept aloft as if he didn't weigh a thing while the dino thrust between his cheeks. There was no need to even touch his cock. Mahiri was throbbing plenty, but he longed for nothing but the feeling of Viktor's dick balls-deep beneath his tail, his whole body aching with the thundering need that kept him twitching, wiggling, yet barely able to control any of his muscles while he got thumped with that engorged shaft.

He probably looked quite silly, dangling there all loosely, flailing his hands through the air, but he hardly cared. Viktor lowered him down enough for him to plant his hands and knees, and in a moment he was assuming the most submissive, needy feline position, doing his best impression of a leopardess in the deepest, most aching of heats. He stretched his spine right out, arching as he lowered his head, then brought it back up to tilt it back, looking like a cat waking from a nap. His hips swayed back and forth, rotating, bouncing that juicy booty of his while he lashed his tail about. It could have knocked the pictures off the wall if he was just a little closer, but instead it just whapped against the dino's arms as the raptor moved in closer, firmer, grinding his oozing tip up towards that well-eaten rim, finally starting to spread the leopard open when he found his clenching mark.

Then Mahiri was whimpering so desperately he sounded frightened. His lips were quivering and his whole body was rattling on the spot while he got his insides slowly stuffed with inch after inch of slick and stimulating raptor dick. Viktor was no deeper than halfway buried in his butt before the leopard was tightening up, rapidly contracting around that shaft, feeling its textured details digging into his sensitive insides, rubbing right up against his prostate, helping thicken up the juices spurting from his own tip. He curled his toes right up, dug his claws into the cushion, and simply held on, seizing up every single part of his body for a moment just to fight down the urge to climax right in that moment. He didn't have to. Surely a cat like him could have easily recovered from one single release, but breathing it in, holding it within him gave him a dangerously tantalizing feeling of pent up need shooting through his veins. His balls were tighter, even feeling heavier, and his whole body was flexing with that mounting want, edging close yet never slipping over the wet precipice. It was only going to be better the longer he waited.

His knees buckled beneath the raptor's weight when he felt Viktor coming down on his back. Two strong arms went around his chest, holding just tight enough to keep him in place without suffocating him, and those fangs came down upon his shoulder. The dinosaur bit hard enough to hurt in the slightest, a little shock to rouse him from his intoxicated state. Viktor lowered himself into a taut, raptor-like crouch, getting snug as he sank every single lubricated inch of dino dick deep into the leopard's backside, giving the kitty's sack a little smack with his own sweat-coated pair of plump nuts. They bounced with every twitch running through his length, his teeth remaining firmly pressed against the leopard's skin while he held himself as deeply as he could go. A little bulge began to form in the very base of his cock while he slowly rubbed circles in the deepest reaches of the leopard's insides, something much like a canine's juicy knot slowly forming while the warm cat flexed upon his ridges, even the slightest movement bringing more of those happy, musical mews from his parted lips. When he wasn't just grunting and moaning in the sluttiest ways he knew how, anyway.

"Nnnghhh... heehee" came his little groans and shaky giggles, his body trembling, his arms shaking, barely able to support him.

Viktor just kept him up, squeezing around his fluffy chest a little tighter, taking a great big handful of the kitty's relatively strong pectoral to take the burden off Mahiri's weakening arms. Only his fingers were touching the little footrest, his body suspended by that strength, impaled by that dark red dick, the white fur of his belly expanding with the undulating outline of the raptor meat buried beneath his tail. The growls in his left ear only enhanced every feeling, that little hint of danger coming in those resonating rumbles that rivalled his own. Raptors could make plenty of noise too, and Viktor demonstrated that when he slowly pulled back, making the kitty yelp and whimper like a bitch in contrast to those breathy grunts exploding from the raptor, a throaty rrrngh that was worthy of a titan.

"Rrrrr ... NGH!"

Viktor punctuated his first thrust with an aggressive growl that puffed sweltering hot breath all over the leopard's neck. His cock schlicked forth until his balls spanked up against the kitty's butt. He let that first stroke linger for a while, the impact rattling through the leopard's whole body, leaving him jiggling a little where he was especially thick. Then he started properly fucking that wide-hipped girly cat, pulling his weight back only to throw it forward again with another of those spine-tingling snarls. The leopard's voice seemed to get higher with every stroke, dropping all pretense of being a big cat, a ferocious leopard. He was just a kitty in the raptor's arms, getting his belly bulged with dino dick, his booty smacked by a sweaty pair of black-scaled nuts again and again. Faster and faster, leaving them both puffing out so hotly steam was escaping their mouths. The leopard slumped lower and lower, finding himself pinned and squeezed, his back sliding back and forth against those firm scales while he got rutted to oblivion.

A squelching mess had the juices of their mating running down the back of his soft, spotty thighs. It splatted with every little stroke, sending all those musky fluids flinging clear across the room. The fire hissed when some of their shared sweat made it all the way to those flames, adding a smoky scent to go with the enticing aroma of horny cat and dinosaur. Mahiri swore the blaze was growing somehow hotter. Maybe the whole room was on fire by then. He wouldn't have known with his eyes clenched shut like that, and it certainly would have explained his overheated state, soaking in his own sweat, getting big drops of raptor-scented perspiration raining down upon his back. It was in his fur, his hair, marking him down with the musk of the feral dinosaur fucking him mindless right there in the middle of the living room.

Steam rose from their blazing hot bodies as Viktor seized even greater control of the moment. Mahiri felt his cheek pressed against the cushion below, his ass up high in the air as the raptor bent him over. One firm palm pressed to the back of his head, keeping him where he was, while he dug his fingers deep into those shiny locks, yanking on the cat's hair with one hand while another clutched at his tail. Just how he liked it. That gave him the perfect leverage to plunge his entire cock back and forth, slamming it forward with brutal precision, hitting the kitty right in his sensitive little boi button. It was enough to leave the cat's drenched face with a glazed expression, his eyes blank and empty, barely seeing, a little watery. And his lips started drawing back to show his teeth, his tongue hanging out while he slipped into that broad, dumb smile that came when he was getting everything he needed.

He was almost silent for a time, but when he felt that growing knot thump inside of him, stretching him out further than he was already, he couldn't help but scream. It was hardly even a cat sound. He was simply yelling, all but breaking the sound barrier with his high-pitched wail of broken bliss. All it took was a little extra pressure, a little more girth pressing at his tender places while the raptor fucked him stupid. They were both close. They had to be. Mahiri had nothing left to give, only taking, helplessly enduring the constant pounding that grew to a machine-like pace, grinding over his button while he screeched those embarrassing sounds. The raptor's knot was growing thicker, broader, harder, making every thrust require a little more effort that he was more than happy to give. He wedged that extra plump bulb right up into the cat, shaking his whole body, testing the integrity of the decorative footrest while he pounded the soaked and drooling leopard over it. The sound of straining furniture mixed in with the juicy thud of sopping wet balls against plump feline butt, the cat falling into brainless mewling and more of those tiny giggles while the pleasure eradicated his sense of self just a little.

There was absolutely no resisting it when it came time to cum. Viktor demanded it, pressing right up against that most sensitive spot, forcing the kitty to cream himself right that very moment. Mahiri was almost too broken to properly respond, but he was giving those alley-cat wails in a moment, his body jolting as if he'd just been defibrillated before launching into a series of manic, uncontrolled thrusts against the soaked cushion beneath him. He wasn't even doing that on purpose. His body had simply seized control of itself from him. Or, more accurately, Viktor was in control, dominating him and making him cum exactly when he wanted to. Mahiri tensed, drooled, shook, and finally he found his voice again, getting into the deepest reaches so he could open wide and bellow out a roar while his balls squeezed up and he shot his load all over himself in a torrent of musky cream that puddled out beneath, gushed from his bulging cock, spurting right up beneath his chin and overflowing over the sides of that cute little ottoman, turning it into a fountain for that steaming hot kitty seed.

Viktor pet his teeth right against the tender scruff of the leopard's neck, that touch alone enough to leave Mahiri shivering. That was before he properly bit, clamping down on him in that mighty mating bite, keeping him still as the cat's body flooded with endorphins and concentrated bliss. He was in heaven as he laid there beneath the growling raptor, getting his body filled up with dino cum while Viktor rutted his way right through orgasm. That meant splashing the mess right back out, making them and their surroundings even wetter, painting the living room down in the musky splatters of whatever couldn't be contained inside the kitty's belly. He made sure to lift Mahiri's hips up, giving room for his expanding tummy while it sagged right down with a slosh, jiggling and stretching, rounding out to a nicely pregnant shape as if he'd been bred by that potent seed. With how much of it had been pumped inside him in an instant, shot forth from that gut-bulging raptor dick, locked inside by the girthy presence of that knot-like base, it was almost a believable thought.

The room was spinning, their bodies steaming and sweating while the lingering pleasure of the moment flowed through their veins. Viktor never collapsed, content to hold the leopard in place, stroking him here and there. His knot was still engorged, still stuck inside Mahiri, but he wasn't content to simply wait for it to soften. Instead, he gave a little snarl, gnashing his teeth right by Mahiri's ear, making the kitty flinch and purr at the same time, and pulled back. One tug didn't get him anywhere, but a second was stretching out that creamed hole a little, and a third had him wrenching back with a creamy POP, staggering just a moment before straightening and grabbing hold of his fat shaft to milk out a few more spurts all over those pretty spots. He connected them with strands of raptor cum, painting an elaborate pattern of white streaks all over the cat until he was as striped as a tiger. The rivers ran freely down that ruined feline, Mahiri's limbs limply hanging over the edges of the footrest, laying in a puddle of cum, sweat, spit, and whatever else they'd worked up in the process of their courtship. Viktor finally slowed himself, returning a free hand to his chin to stroke as he contemplated the work of art he'd turned that spotty body into. And Mahiri, he simply rumbled, disjointedly, finding himself unable to sustain the sound that normally came automatically.

"Whether or not that has cured all that ails you today, I must say, Mahiri," Viktor mused as he stood tall above the cum-filled cat. "You do look gorgeous like this."

"Mwahhh..." came the leopard's dazed groan.

Viktor chuckled. "Oh, no need to speak. You've done quite enough for me already. Such a treat you are, every time I'm beneath your tail, bringing those beautiful noises from your mouth."

He leaned in and kissed the leopard on the cheek, before carefully hauling him up from where he was sprawled. Mahiri was a ragdoll, a stuffed animal in the raptor's grasp, hanging limply as if unconscious. His faint groaning while his belly sloshed and bounced about said he was still awake, if only barely. Viktor brought him back to the same chair he'd been reclining in, placing that bloated kitty on his lap, running his fingers through his hair while they dripped and glistened together. When his arms alone weren't enough to properly hold and comfort such a cute cat, he used his tail too, curling that thick appendage around until he could wrap it about the leopard's thighs and waist, holding him like a coiling python, if not as tightly.

The musk was high in the room, the heat finally fading as the last coals crackled and cooled nearby, leaving the two of them shrouded in darkness while they cuddled. The dinosaur played with the leopard's hair, stroked along his cheek, and generally made sure he felt safe and comfortable while Mahiri's eyes slowly closed. There was nothing else he needed to do that night. Everything he ever needed had been fulfilled right there, with him bent over, getting used as a toy by the raptor. Viktor was an expert in making him feel good, and all he wanted to do in those moments was fall asleep in the dino's lap, knowing he was safe from everything that could both him. Though maybe sleep was too gentle a word for it, given he was just flopping down and passing out in moments, splayed over Viktor's thighs, ensuring the raptor couldn't go anywhere for a while without fear of waking him up.

He was content to touch and stroke the sodden kitty, squeezing him in the serpent's grip of his tail, sweat finally slowing as the heat subsided. His eyes glowed bright in the dark, reflecting the faint moonlight through the window. He could see perfectly fine. A raptor like him was a predator, a machine, a deadly, prehistoric beast perfected in the labs to ensure he was as dangerous as possible. And there he was, with a sleeping cat purring in his lap, being ever so careful with his claws to ensure the fond scratches he was giving the unconscious leopard wouldn't disturb his slumber in the slightest. Knowing Mahiri, that was going to be a long rest, but he was a patient dinosaur. And while no thanks were needed for something which most definitely had not been a one-sided favour, if that silly cat got it in his head that he needed to show his thanks somehow, as he probably would, Viktor was just going to have to find some way of letting him. He already had, oh, a dozen ideas or so.