A Perfect Mating

Story by VulpineCorvid on SoFurry

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Mating season is about, and two foxes decide to have some fun.

It was that time of year. The time of year right before where animals of all kind come out after a harsh winter, but still have the cool breeze of the late winter. The time of year where the weather became more friendly yet provided privacy for those who did not sleep away the winter. Where they can get a jump start on preparing for the rest of the year. Most importantly though, was the time for mating.

It happened from the beginning of the year to the start of spring, causing foxes in particular to go look for the comfort and love of a mate. To be able to find and start a family, ensuring the next set of foxes to survive. To have someone to love and take care of, or be taken care of themselves, and to finally have someone to be with. Foxes all over looked forward to this time of year once they were old enough, and began their search for a mate as soon as the season started.

Of course, the real reason for this is much simpler to explain.

They were horny. Horny as fuck. All over male foxes were driven mad by their instinctive urge to find something to fuck. It was uncontrollable, and such a time could be frustrating for those who failed to find someone before the season ended. Some foxes took a more direct approach, finding a female and humping until they were satisfied, then leaving them to deal with the kits. Others preferred a more loving method of gaining their trust and ensuring to be there to protect their young until they were ready to live on their own. Either way it was obvious they all were searching mad for fox pussy.

A lone fox had been following a female for three days, careful to follow her exaggerated feminine scent, released due to heat. Males weren't the only ones driven mad after all. However, this one decided a more cautious approach, not wanting to scare her off. It was his first time to the whole mating thing, and he wanted to make sure he did it right.

It was late in the evening and the male grew tired. His legs started to ache from walking, but he knew the female was close from her scent. He had the chance to see her only once when he first saw her, and was awe stuck at the beauty of such a vixen. From a distance he could see her silky thick fur, shining jade eyes, and what he thought was the cutest snout a fox could have. Her whiskers were shorter than usual, but he didn't mind. To him she was a perfect choice.

He also got a glimpse of her from the back as she ran away, and it was perhaps even most beautiful than anything he had ever seen. Her butt was fluffy and huge, something he could nest his face in for hours, licking away at the prizes hidden under it all. Her fluffy cheeks wiggled and smacked gracefully against each other, looking ever so inviting being complimented by her floofy tail. The male knew he had to have that booty. For the last three days he fantasized about her, hoping he could perhaps be the lucky one to breed her.

Now it was almost time. He was deep in the forest by now, with only a sliver of light peeking through. Luckily foxes had excellent night vision, so it wasn't a big deal to him. It was quiet and lonely in the forest, as the two foxes were perhaps the only animals in it at that point.

Her smell became stronger than ever before, and before he knew it the fox saw a fuzzy shape in the distance, snuggled against a tree. There she was, snoozing off, completely unaware of his presence. Now was his chance, perhaps his only one, to fuck her hard. He closed his eyes, taking a deep long sniff, smelling what was definitely her. Cautiously, he tippawed forward. At that point the male was shaking slightly, excited from his find. He was finally about to do it.

He could hear her breathing lightly, from which he found cute. He wandered around her, circling to get a good view of her, and was even more stunned by her beauty. He spent a good minute just looking at her backside, hoping her tail would swish out of the way. During that time a small red tip was poking out under the male. His cock was inching its way out of its sheath. He didn't want to be rude though, so he decided he should wake her up before. Gently, he reached his paw out to nudge her.

Instantly before being touched the vixen jumped awake, wide eyed, staring directly at him. At first he thought he had blown it, but then her eyes gently dropped to a bedroom-eyed expression smirking lustfully. It was apparent she agreed, giving a soft grunt before walking up to the male, only, she wasn't looking at his face.

The vixen closed her eyes and sniffed the male with a few quick twitches of her nose, sensing his musky odor. She circled around him, stopping when she was behind, eyes locked on his half-grown cock. By this point the male was still, trusting her.

The female put her snout close to his backside and gave a good sniff, overwhelmed by his scent and made the male feel embarrassed. He didn't mind though, he never had done this stuff before, so it was all new to him. After all, sniffing was a common practice before mating. It was what had happened next that shocked him.

Without warning her tongue lapped his cock, teasing it as it grew even more so. Then, moving his cock with her mouth, she positioned it so she could take it inside her mouth easier. Her vulpine lips slid back and forth, carefully as she felt his strong, warm member inside her mouth, getting a strong musky taste as well. The male was enjoying it thoroughly, closing his eyes as he took the feeling in. Back and forth, back and forth. He went deep into her throat, feeling warmth and wetness that was intense. While she definitely had sharp teeth as all foxes do, she was careful not to make it ruin the experience.

The pressure inside the male's penis was becoming much to handle. Feeling the saliva all over his cock then, it easily hit the edge of her throat, causing her to gag slightly every time. The sounds of her were a major turn on for him, as it made him feel in power, making her take his impressive girth and length deep inside her mouth, as her lips tickled him. Without warning though, she stopped.

At this point the male was heavily panting, wanting more, his balls swollen majorly, dangling behind him. The female gave on teasing lick to them, making sure to let the sweat touch her tongue, before stepping away.

When the male turned around, it seemed the vixen already was prepared, butt facing him with her tail swishing teasingly back and forth, and he could see a slight pink glisten, giving away intense smell. It was his turn finally, as he walked slowly to her, now his tongue twitching in anticipation, thirsting for her pussy. Aggression started to come over him, fur standing up, and horniness to the max. He pushed her tail aside and dove in, furiously lapping her soft pink pussy, moaning as the taste of it ran all over his tongue. He attacked the prize like it was his prey, occasionally licking her clit, giving the female a loud gekker.

It was the best place in the world for the male, and he felt incredibly lucky to be behind the backside of the world's most beautiful vixen. However, as he lapped along her nethers, he felt force applied to his face, knocking him down. He was overpowered by the girl fox's booty, being dominated as she sat on his face, stuffing his face deep inside the soft folds. Fox moans and yelps were heard throughout the forest, increasing in volume as the intensity grew.

The female wiggled her butt back and forth, brushing softly against the males, face, cheeks against him. The delightfully soft pillows made him feel warm and cozy, and he gave her his all. The female's bouncing became more rapid, and her own pleasure was becoming too much. She wasn't done yet though.

As she bounced on his face, she sneakily slid down so her asshole was on his snout, quivering as she was near orgasm. The male was taken aback, and for a second didn't know what to do, but he soon gave in to the temping ring that he was gifted, giving off a different, but just as intense and lovable scent, he plunged into her booty. It turned out he enjoyed eating her ass even more so, thrusting his tongue in as if starving, touching her delicate and intimate parts. At this point his snout was halfway in her butt, taking in the new smells, taste, and moans.

She was remarkably clean, and had nothing but a feastable booty, her ring pulsing with each lick, giving her a new but lovable tickle. Even though the male wasn't being directly pleasured, he was taken over by the domination and taboo of rimming. Such a soft, sensitive, and often avoided area was now his, his to lick, which he did with joy. Two foxes, one on top of the other, with the bottom one's face buried deep inside her butt.

Her delicate butthole was squeezing in love, and before she knew it, she went over the edge. Right before the most intense part, she pushed down as hard as she could, shoving the male's snout deep into her soft butt. All that mattered to her then was the feeling down there, and wave after wave of ecstasy hit her, before dying down. She was gasping for air, overtaken by what she had just experienced. Her mind was mostly blank at that point, only focusing on recovering, giving the male a chance to strike back. He too was gasping for air, but for a different reason of course.

The male slid out of her delectable rear and pushed her off him. The vixen slumped over, her backside pointing up.

He knew it was time to finish, his cock pulsing as hard as it could go, threatening to explode even then, and he wasn't about to let it go to waste. With haste, the grabbed her butt, paw on each side, and pointed his cock toward her. He took in the moment, before pushing gently inside her pussy, with the wet insides slipping past his cock. He was halfway in before he was again taken over by instinct and became aggressive. He thrust will all his strength inside her, causing her to yelp loudly. She didn't protest though. In fact, she started pushing against his cock, as he started humping with increasing speed. The slapping echoed across the night, filling both with loving pleasure.

Vigorous humping. Yelping. Moaning. The male had not felt this intense before, and nearly blew his load then and there, but he was determined to show he could handle it. He nipped the vixen's ear, and biting down hard, continued to thrust. It was the picture-perfect image of mating, and their purpose. Joy, love, and lust were the feelings that they shared, and of course his knot slipping in and out of her pussy. Each push in and pull out added more and more to the feelings inside both.

The female's ear was now bleeding, which tricked into the male's mouth. He felt powerful. He had his girl right where he wanted, and was overpowering her to the fullest he could. Nothing could separate them, (almost literally as his knot was swelled inside her). The vixen loved the pain, and felt it only increased the intensity. She grinded against him, her floofy butt pressed against his thighs and her tail jumping about with movement.

The male was past his bursting point, and no matter what he did it couldn't stop the flow to his knot. His cock throbbed hard, dispensing into her pussy his sticky warm cum, finally fulfilling their purpose. The male's eyes closed hard as he felt the best feeling he'd ever felt, and soon he was done. His load was pumped deep into his mate.

He opened his eyes, looking at the cum leaking out of her pussy, some sticking to her fur, and then at her face. She was looking back, smiling and satisfied, and kissed him reaching back. Her ear was slightly punctured, but other than that she looked amazing. The two sighed and waited for the male's knot to release them. Fur sticky with cum, sweat, and god knows what else, the two mates cuddled together and went to sleep smelling musky, dreaming of their future kits.